Final CHN Reviewer
Final CHN Reviewer
Final CHN Reviewer
Neonatal Tetanus is one of the public health concerns that • The process by which vaccines are introduced
we need to address among newborns. To protect them from into the body. VACCINES are administered to
deadly disease, tetanus toxoid immunization is important induce immunity thereby causing the recipient’s
from pregnant women and child-bearing age women. immune system to react to the vaccines that
produce antibodies to fight the diseases.
Both mother and child are protected against tetanus and
neonatal tetanus. A series of 2 doses of Tetanus Toxoid
Vaccination must be received by a woman one month
before delivery to protect baby from neonatal tetanus.
And the 3 booster dose shots to complete the 5 doses
following the recommended schedule provides full
protection for both mother and child. The mother is then
called as a “Fully Immunized Mother” (FIM).
W. MAN-DISEASE AGENT-ENVIRONMENT TRIAD/ 1. HOST – any organism that harbors and provides nourishment
PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES for another organism. (or to a parasite that depends on it for its
Man, by manipulating his environment, is able to prevent 2. AGENT:
contracting disease by blocking disease agents from the intrinsic property of microorganisms to survive and
entering his body; thus, the disease agents are unable to multiply in the environment to produce disease
attack his body. Causative agent is the infectious agent or its toxic
component that is transmitted from the source of
infection to the susceptible body.
THREE PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES IN THE MAN-DISEASE- It is the organism that does the infecting such as a virus
ENVIRONMENT TRIAD: or a parasite
1st strategy is exemplified by the people’s use of food the cause, source, or vehicle by which infectious
safety practices such as the use of safe water for drinking organisms are transmitted.
and cooking; handwashing before cooking and eating; 3.. ENVIRONMENT:
washing vegetables properly during preparation and the sum total of all external conditions and influences
storing cooked food at the right temperature. These food that affect the development of an organism which can
safety practices will prevent people from contracting be biological, social, and physical.
infectious diseases through ingesting contaminated food the environment affects both the agent and the host. It
and water. is the place and correct conditions for the agent to come
The 2nd strategy for preventing the production of together with the host and infect it.
disease agents is shown by the treatment of wastewater
coming from domestic and industrial sources prior to Z. NATIONAL EPIDEMIC SENTINEL SURVEILLANCE
release in the environment, particularly in the rivers. This SYSTEM
strategy is specified in RA 9275 “Clean Water Act of 2004” The National Epidemic Sentinel Surveillance System (NESSS)
which took effect on May 6, 2004, and it aimed to abate and its Role
and control water pollution from land-based sources. hospital-based information system that monitors the
The 3rd strategy for increasing a person’s resistance to occurrence of infectious diseases with outbreak potential.
infectious diseases is clearly demonstrated in the various
maternal and child health programs of EPI and Nutrition.
It also serves as a supplemental information system of the
1. to provide early warning on the occurrence of
2. To provide program managers, policymakers, and
public administrators, with rapid, accurate, and timely
information so that inventive and control measures can
be instituted.
The NESSS Data shows:
Trends of cases across time
Demographic characteristics of cases
Estimates of case fatality ratio
Clustering of cases in a geographical area
Information to formulate a hypothesis for disease causation
Diseases Under Surveillance (NESSS)
Laboratory Diagnosed:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Typhoid Fever
Clinically Diagnosed
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Meningococcal Disease
Neonatal Tetanus
Non-Neonatal Tetanus
Acute Flaccid Paralysis (Poliomyelitis)
Under Surveillance System:
Acute flaccid paralysis
Maternal and neonatal status
paralytic shellfish poisoning
Fireworks related injury
Scope for Level 2 Revalida in CHN