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International Journal of

Environmental Research
and Public Health

Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Promoting
Athletic Performance and Related Factors among Athletes:
A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized
Controlled Trial
Yan Wang 1 , Si-Man Lei 1, * and Jingjing Fan 2

1 Faculty of Education, University of Macau, Taipa, Macau SAR 999078, China

2 Department of Physical Education, Shanghai Sports University, Shanghai 200438, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]

Abstract: In recent years, mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) have been widely applied in
competition sports with respect to athletic performance and mental health promotion, whereas
evidence of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has not been well summarized. Therefore, this study
aimed to systematically review and meta-analyze the existing evidence on the effects of MBIs on
improving athletic performance, mindfulness level, mindfulness-related psychological components
(e.g., acceptance, self-compassion, flow), and mental health (e.g., burnout, stress, psychological well-
being) among athletes. Following the PRISMA guidelines, a literature search was implemented on
five electronic databases (Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, and ScienceDirect) and relevant
review papers. The article selection, risk of bias assessment, and data extraction were performed
by two investigators independently. The standardized mean difference (SMD) was calculated to
evaluate the effects of interventions using the random effect model. Among the 1897 original hits,
thirty-two eligible RCT studies were included in the systematic review, of which seven were involved
in the meta-analysis. The results showed that MBIs were effective in promoting athletes’ athletic
Citation: Wang, Y.; Lei, S.-M.; Fan, J. performances (by narrative synthesis), mindfulness-level (n = 3; SMD = 0.50, 95% CI = [0.17, 0.83];
Effects of Mindfulness-Based I2 = 45%, p = 0.16), and mindfulness-related psychological components (n = 5; SMD = 0.81, 95%
Interventions on Promoting Athletic CI = [0.53, 1.10], I2 = 77%, p =0.001), while no significant intervention effects were found on the
Performance and Related Factors mental health of athletes (n = 4; SMD = −0.03, 95% CI = [−0.35, 0.29], I2 = 89%, p < 0.001). Our
among Athletes: A Systematic
findings preliminarily support the potential effectiveness of MBIs, whereas more high-quality RCTs
Review and Meta-Analysis of
were needed in the future.
Randomized Controlled Trial. Int. J.
Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20,
Keywords: mindfulness; athletic performance; athletes; randomized controlled trial; psychological
2038. https://doi.org/10.3390/
components; mental health

Academic Editor: Dexing Zhang

Received: 26 November 2022

Revised: 16 January 2023
1. Introduction
Accepted: 18 January 2023 In competitive sports, pursuing optimal athletic performance is the ultimate goal
Published: 22 January 2023 for athletes [1]. During past decades, sport psychologists have developed diverse psy-
chological training approaches, endeavoring to help athletes promote their competitive
performance [2]. As a traditional stream of psychological training, cognitive behavioral
therapies (CBTs) have been widely applied and shown effectiveness in the promotion
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
of athletic performance among athletes [3]. CBT emphasizes the self-control of internal
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
states through the training of psychological skills, with a view of improving motor perfor-
This article is an open access article
mance [3,4]. However, an increasing group of evidence has shown that negative effects
distributed under the terms and
might be caused by controlling, eliminating, or suppressing athletes’ internal states [5].
conditions of the Creative Commons
Some studies have also indicated that goal-oriented behaviors might be replaced by exces-
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
sive cognitive activities [5].

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20032038 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/ijerph
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 2 of 16

To address the limitations of traditional CBTs, mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs)

have raised increasing concerns, which have shown a great potential for promoting ath-
letes’ competitive performances as an alternative of traditional psychological training
approaches [6]. The term of mindfulness is derived from Eastern Zen [7], which is defined
as non-judgmental, conscious, purposeful focus, understanding, and acceptance of the
things around one in the present moment [8]. In contrast to the traditional behavioral
therapies, mindfulness emphasized that individuals should be aware of and experience
the internal and external thoughts and feelings without any judgments [9]. In the sports
domain, mindfulness has been used to cultivate athletes’ abilities to accept and realize, to
inspire athletes to effectively control their attention and improve their body perception
ability [8–10]. Mindfulness underlines the process from perceiving to experiencing the
constant changes of current things and one’s own emotions without the inhibition and
control of undesirable responses in order to remove the emotional state of pervious worries,
avoid performance failure under pressure, and adjust the mental state of athletes [11].
Mindfulness provides a potential not only to improve performance but also to decrease the
risks of mental health problems [11].
With increasing understandings of the mechanisms of mindfulness with different
outcomes, a series of mindfulness training approaches have been developed, such as
Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) training, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduc-
tion (MBSR) training, and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) [12–15]. Mind-
fulness has shown to be positively associated with a wide range of indicators among
athletes, including greater athletic performance, better mindfulness, and related psycho-
logical components (e.g., acceptance, flow, and psychological flexibility) and lower risks
of mental health problems (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout) [9,11–15]. Two
previous review and meta-analysis studies compiling evidence from diverse types of
studies (e.g., RCT, case study, and observational) provided preliminary support for the
effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) on improving athletes’ sports
performance [9,12,16]. Furthermore, previous review papers have also examined the ef-
fects of MBIs on the mindfulness-related psychological components (i.e., flow) and mental
health among specific athlete samples (e.g., elite athletes and long-distance runners) [17–19].
However, none of previous review studies focused only on the evidence from RCTs (the
rigorous study design), which may be due to the limited numbers of studies. In addition,
the above review studies did not provide a comprehensive overview of the effectiveness
of MBIs on a wide range of outcomes (i.e., performance, psychological components, and
mental health) targeting all types of athletes (e.g., elite, collegiate, and retired).
Therefore, the present study aimed to systemically review and meta-analyze existing
RCT evidence on the effects of MBIs in improving athletic performance, mindfulness, and
mindfulness-related psychological components and mental health among athletes. It is ex-
pected that the research findings may contribute to future mindfulness research, interventions,
and policymaking, with the aim of promoting sport performance and health among athletes.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Search Strategy and Study Selection
The current systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted following the Pre-
ferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines
(Supplementary Materials); the review protocol has been prospectively registered on PROS-
PERO (CRD42022299940). Based on a predefined literature search strategy, the following
five electronic databases were searched using Boolean logic’s multi-filed search format with
no limit to the date range: Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest, and ScienceDirect.
In addition, the reference lists of relevant review papers were also checked. We combined
three groups of keywords in the search: (1) mindfulness; (2) sport* OR athlete* OR player* OR
athletic* OR exercise* OR training; and (3) performance OR achievement. The literature search
was limited to human participants and the publication language was limited to English.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 3 of 16

Following the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Study design

(PICOS) principles, the study selection criteria included:
Population: any types of athletes without limits to the demographics and sports levels (e.g.,
collegiate, recreational/amateur, professional, elite, retired, or handicapped) were included.
Intervention: any types of mindfulness-based interventions (MBI) without limits to the
training types and components (e.g., traditional Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment
intervention, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction intervention, mindfulness-based yoga,
or mindfulness-based cognitive therapy), frequency, and duration were included.
Comparison: any control conditions without mindfulness components (e.g., non-
treatment control, waiting-list control, and active control using CBT) were eligible.
Outcome: objectively or subjectively measured athletic performance was the primary
outcome and secondary outcomes included the mindfulness level, mindfulness-related psy-
chological components (e.g., acceptance, self-compassion, psychological flexibility, flow, and
ruminative response) and mental health indicators (e.g., anxiety, stress, and depression).
Study design: due to the large number of studies found in the literature search after
protocol submission, we decided to limit our analysis to randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) as this type of study provided the highest standard of evidence. All the RCT designs
were included, while quasi-experimental, observational, and case studies were excluded.
In addition, book chapters, editorial letters, commentaries, conference proceedings,
qualitative articles, and review articles were not eligible for inclusion.
All the initially searched articles were exported into the Mendeley to remove the dupli-
cations. Two investigators (W.Y. and F.J.J.) independently screened the titles and abstracts
of all the remaining articles, where all clearly irrelevant articles were deleted. Afterwards,
the full texts of all the identified articles were checked for eligibility by two investigators
independently according to the aforementioned inclusion criteria. During the review process,
any disagreements were addressed by consensus or by involving a third investigator (SML).

2.2. Data Extraction

A standardized form was used to extract data from the full texts of eligible articles by
one investigator (WY). A second investigator (FJJ) checked the accuracy of the data extrac-
tion. All the information including authors, publication year, study design, participants,
sample size, mean age, intervention duration, frequency, measures, and main findings were
extracted to the Excel sheet for the following narrative synthesis and meta-analysis.

2.3. Risk of Bias Assessment

The study quality of included studies was evaluated using the Cochrane risk-of-
bias tool in Review Manager software (RevMan, version 5.4, Cochrane Collaboration,
Oxford, UK). Seven aspects of biases, including random sequence generation (selection
bias), concealment of allocation sequence (selection bias), blinding of participants and
personnel (performance bias), blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias), incomplete
outcome data (attrition bias), selective outcome reporting (reporting bias), and others,
were assessed. The overall quality of the study was categorized as low risk (“low risk”
in all aspects), unclear risk (at least one aspect with “some concerns of biases”), and high
risk (at least one aspect with “high risk” or several aspects with “some concerns”). The
study quality was evaluated by two investigators (W.Y. and F.J.J.) independently and any
discrepancies were resolved by consensus or confirmation of a third investigator (SML).

2.4. Statistical Analysis

The meta-analyses were implemented using RevMan 5.4 (Cochrane Collaboration,
Oxford, UK) if at least three studies presented the same exposure with adequate information
for the effect size estimates [20–22]. The standardized mean difference (SMD) with 95%
confidence intervals (CI) was extracted from the pre- and post-intervention. For studies
that reported other effect sizes (e.g., odds ratio and Cohen’s f 2 ), the SMDs were calculated
using a conversion spreadsheet [22,23]. Pooled effect sizes were estimated using a random
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 4 of 16

effects model and were presented in forest plots. The heterogeneity was assessed using the
I2 , with I2 values of 25%, 50%, and 75% indicating low, medium, and high heterogeneity,
respectively [24]. The publication bias was evaluated using funnel plots and Egger’s
regression tests [25,26]. The subgroup analyses were implemented on study quality and
demographics in case the number of included samples is no less than 10 [22,27,28]. The
statistical significance level was set as p < 0.05 for effect sizes estimation and p < 0.10 for
heterogeneity and publication bias assessments [27,28].

3. Results
3.1. Study Characteristics
Figure 1 shows the PRISMA flow diagram. Initially, we retrieved 3072 records from
the databases search and identified an additional five articles from other sources. After the
duplicates were removed, 1897 articles were screened by two investigators at the title and
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, level andREVIEW
x FOR PEER the full texts of 66 potential articles were assessed. Finally,
5 of 18 we included
32 articles after removing ineligible articles.

Figure 1. flow
Figure 1. PRISMA PRISMA flow
chart chart
was wasto
used used to identify
identify of the
of the include
include studies.
The feature coding results show that the studies included in this review came from a
wide range of countries and territories: seven studies reported data from Iran; five from
the USA; three each from Switzerland, Brazil, and Sweden; two each from Portugal, India,
Australia, China, and Germany; and one from Norway.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 5 of 16

The feature coding results show that the studies included in this review came from a
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, x FOR
wide PEER
range of REVIEW
countries and territories: seven studies reported data from Iran; five6 from of 18
the USA; three each from Switzerland, Brazil, and Sweden; two each from Portugal, India,
Australia, China, and Germany; and one from Norway.
The characteristics
characteristics of of studies
studies included
included in in this
this review
review areare presented
presented in in Table
Table 1. All
1. All
these 32 studies were RCT studies. A total sample of 1788 athletes from a
these 32 studies were RCT studies. A total sample of 1788 athletes from a variety of sportsvariety of sports
withan anaverage
averageage ageofof
Theathletes were
athletes wereinvolved
involved in basketball,
in basket-
football, shooting,
ball, football, volleyball,
shooting, wushu,
volleyball, cycling,
wushu, tracktrack
cycling, and field, and other
and field, sports.
and other There
sports. was
range of athletic
a range experience
of athletic from from
experience amateur to elite
amateur tointernational athletes,
elite international with most
athletes, with
studies including
most studies athletes
including competing
athletes at university
competing level or
at university higher.
level All the
or higher. Allincluded trails
the included
trails were published after 2009, ranging from 2010 to 2022. The average intervention was
published after 2009, ranging from 2010 to 2022. The average intervention period pe-
6.3 weeks
riod was 6.3andweeks
the intervention training period
and the intervention trainingwasperiod
different pro-The
intervention programs mainly
grams. The intervention programsinclude
mainlyMAC, MBCT,
include MAC, MBSR,
MBCT, brief mindfulness
MBSR, training,
brief mindfulness
and otherand
training, mindfulness-based intervention
other mindfulness-based types.
intervention types.
For the risk of bias assessment, 71% of the included
For the risk of bias assessment, 71% of the included studies studies had
had aa low
low risk
risk of
of bias,
while six studies (29%) were rated as a high risk of bias. Most studies
while six studies (29%) were rated as a high risk of bias. Most studies showed a high risk showed a high
risk of bias
of bias withwith respect
respect to allocation
to the the allocation concealment
concealment (22%),
(22%), blinding
blinding of participants
of participants and per-and
sonnel (29%), incomplete outcome data (29%), and selective reporting (19%) (Figure 2). 2).
(29%), incomplete outcome data (29%), and selective reporting (19%) (Figure

2. Risk2.
ofRisk of bias assessment
bias assessment for thestudies.
for the included included studies.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 6 of 16

Table 1. Characteristics of included studies (n = 32).

Study Study Design Population (n) Age (Mean ± SD) Duration/Frequency Measures Findings
Male recreational A 15 min mindfulness intervention appears to have some effects
Wolch et al.
RCT basketball players 21.22 ± 2.01 yrs. Two sessions CSAI-2R, TMS, MAAS on participants first basketball free-throw shot and state anxiety
(2021) [29]
(n = 32) when performing under pressure.
Experienced male
Shaabani et al. SAS-2, DISE, DSS, PANAS, CHIME, A brief mindfulness intervention mitigates the effects of ego
RCT basketball players 28.6 ± 4.0 yrs. Two sessions
(2019) [30] BSCS, EDMC, TMS depletion in a basketball free-throw task.
(n = 72)
The women’s basketball
team of both Iran and Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment-based approach is an
Dehghani et al. 23.44 ± 0.49 yrs.;
RCT Tehran University of Eight sessions SPQ, AAQ, SCAT effective intervention to increase athletic performance and reduce
(2018) [31] 22.34 ± 0.34 yrs.
Medical Sciences experiential avoidance and sports anxiety in athletes.
(n = 31)
Women’s basketball
players from an NCAA
Gross et al. Division III university CCAPS-62, AAQ-II, SPQ, WAI-S, The MAC is an effective intervention for the mental health and
RCT Nil 7 weeks
(2018) [13] athletic department in the DERS, MAAS, MC-C sport performance needs of female collegiate athletes.
northeastern United States
(n = 22)
MAC approach is a more effective intervention compared to the
Josefsson et al. Competitive elite athletes PST condition in reducing emotion regulation difficulties, as well
RCT 20.9 ± 4.17 yrs. 7 weeks AMQ, DERS
(2019) [32] (n = 69) as enhancing sport-relevant mindfulness skills and perceived
athletic training performance in elite sport.
Elite athletes from 23 Trait mindfulness is related to fewer performance worries and
Röthlin et al. CHIME, CAI-T, Self-generated
RCT different sports 23.68 ± 6.12 yrs. Nil prevents the remaining worries from influencing athletes’
(2016) [33] three-item measure
(n = 133) behavior, thereby helping them to perform better.
MMT may decrease PCS and will enhance PS. It is concluded that
John et al. Male elite level shooters Measure of shooting accuracy or
RCT 29.5 ± 4.3 yrs. 4 weeks 4 weeks of MMT has an effect on HPA-Axis by decreasing the level
(2011) [34] (n = 96) shooting score
of SC as a reliable physiological marker of PCS.
Kachanathu et al. Male elite level shooters
RCT 29.5 ± 4 yrs. 4 weeks Measure of shooting accuracy MMT may decrease PCS and therefore enhance SP.
(2013) [35] (n = 110)
DASS-21, SWLS, FFMQ, AAQ-II, Significant increases in flow, trait mindfulness, satisfaction with
Glass et al. University athletes
RCT 19.32 ± 1.25 yrs. 6 weeks DFS-2, SAS, Mindfulness practice life, and self-rated sport performance, along with reductions
(2019) [36] (n = 52)
summary, SRF, CRF in worry.
Elite, sub-elite, and CAI-S, TOQS, TOPS, FFMQ-SF,
Röthlin et al. Both PST and MBI are expected to help improve functional
RCT recreational athletes Nil 5 weeks AMQ, SEC-27, AAQ-II, EQ, DSS,
(2016) [33] behavior in athletes.
(n = 108) ANT, TEOSQ, RSC, SCS, and BSI-18
Mindfulness-based intervention might be associated with a
Mehrsafar et al. Elite Wushu athletes
RCT 25.4 ± 2.4 yrs. 8 weeks CSAI-2R and MAAS diminished physiological and psychological stress responses
(2019) [37] (n = 26)
to competition.
Carraça et al. Elite soccer athletes AAQ-II, FFMQ, DFS-2, SCS, WBSI, MBSoccerP can be effective in enhancing elite soccer performance,
RCT 25.79 ± 3.3 yrs. 8 weeks
(2019) [38] (n = 57) BSI, Athlete’s—FAIP-A self-compassion, psychological flexibility, mindfulness, and flow.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 7 of 16

Table 1. Cont.

Study Study Design Population (n) Age (Mean ± SD) Duration/Frequency Measures Findings
Mindfulness-Based Soccer Program (MBSoccerP) is effective in
Carraça et al. Elite soccer athletes AAQ-II, FFMQ, DFS-2, SCS, WBSI, increasing the attributes of mindfulness, self-compassion, and
RCT 25.79 ± 3.3 yrs. 8 weeks
(2019) [39] (n = 57) BSI, Athlete’s—FAIP-A psychological flexibility and in terms that mediate the
dispositional flow and peak performance on elite soccer players.
Mindful Sport Performance
Mozafari Zadeh Amateur soccer players 24.15 (24.86 ± 4.68) Mindfulness training shows promise in preventing injury and
RCT Seven sessions 7-point Likert scale (individual and
et al. (2019) [40] (n = 44) (23.77 ± 1.95) yrs. improving performance.
team performance) and
injury occurrence and severity
Both forms of mental training led to improvements in
Röthlin et al. Athletes from four sports FFMQ-SF, TOPS, AAQ-II, SEC-27,
RCT 24.43 ± 5.15 yrs. 4 weeks performance-relevant psychological factors, especially concerning
(2020) [41] (n = 95) TOQS, EQ, and ASOAF6
the handling of emotions and attention control.
Scott-Hamilton Cyclists 39.81 (38.96 ± 12.4; Mindfulness-based interventions tailored to specific athletic
RCT 8 weeks DFS-2, SAS-2, FFMQ, SASS
et al. (2016) [42] (n = 47) 40.65 ± 10.88) yrs. pursuits can be effective in facilitating flow experiences.
Mindfulness meditation does not improve attentional control or
Baltar et al. Elite football players
RCT 23.6 ± 1.4 yrs. 12 weeks ACS, KIMSs-Short mindfulness skills; however, it prevents those variables from
(2018) [43] (n = 40)
showing decreases among elite football players.
Brief mindfulness training could significantly improve athletes
University athletes 19.7 (19.9 ± 0.7;
Liu et al. (2021) [44] RCT Once FFMQ, DFS-2, and RISC flow and resilience; resilience partly mediated the effects of brief
(n = 60) 19.5 ± 0.8) yrs.
mindfulness training on flow.
MBSR intervention has the potential to reduce symptoms of stress,
Norouzi et al. Retired football players
RCT 34.05 ± 1.72 yrs. 8 weeks PSS, BAI, MADRS, RSPWB anxiety, and depression and to increase their psychological
(2020) [45] (n = 40)
Total Quality Recovery scale,
Elite female
Coimbra et al. Mental Fatigue Visual Analog Scale, The mindfulness intervention effectively attenuated the mental
RCT volleyball athletes <18 yrs. 2 weeks
(2021) [46] Physical Fatigue fatigue caused by competition in volleyball athletes.
(n = 30)
Visual Analog Scale
Athletes from a University Mindfulness training appears to be an appropriate method to help
Aherne et al.
RCT High Performance Centre 21.00 ± 1.68 yrs. 6 weeks DFS-2, CAMS-R athletes to achieve a flow state and, therefore, seems likely to be an
(2011) [47]
(n = 13) effective performance enhancement strategy as well.
Students in sport science
Jekauc et al. of Humboldt
RCT 23.4 ± 4.1 yrs. 8 weeks MAAS BATL is an effective strategy to increase mindfulness in athletes.
(2016) [48] University Berlin
(n = 46)
Norwegian junior athletes Significant effects from the mindfulness intervention on athlete
Moen et al.
RCT in sports 18 yrs. 12 weeks MAAS, PSS-14, ABQ, ASQ burnout. There were no significant effects found on perceived
(2015) [49]
(n = 77) stress or perceived performance in school and sports.
PSQI, Rating Perceived Exertion
Scale, PSAS, Five-item
The brief mindfulness induction may be an effective approach for
University athletes Chinese-translated State Version of
Li et al. (2018) [50] RCT 21.16 ± 1.79 yrs. Once decreasing pre-sleep arousal and improving sleep quality after
(n = 63) the Mindful Attention Awareness
night training among athletes.
Scale, Sleep and Health Research
Laboratory’s Sleep Diary
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 8 of 16

Table 1. Cont.

Study Study Design Population (n) Age (Mean ± SD) Duration/Frequency Measures Findings
Male amateur basketball These findings may have implications on sport mindfulness
Ajilchi et al. Mindful Sport Performance
RCT players 22–24 yrs. 6 weeks training in increasing the MT and emotional intelligence
(2019) [51] Questionnaire, MT, SEIS
(n = 30) of athletes.
Samadi et al. The practice of psychological skills, especially mindfulness, can be
RCT Male shooters (n = 24) 17–22 yrs. 6 weeks Cortisol with ELISA method
(2021) [52] used to reduce pre-competition stress.
Pain intensity,
Female recreational Knee Symptoms and Function,
Bagheri et al. runners with Global Rating of Change Scale, Mindfulness practice can be an effective adjunct to exercise
RCT 28.3 ± 7.08 yrs. 8 weeks
(2021) [53] patellofemoral Pain Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia, Pain therapy in the rehabilitation of PFP in recreational female runners.
(n = 30) Catastrophizing Scale, and Coping
Strategies Questionnaire
Ivarsson et al. Junior elite soccer players Applying mindfulness exercises in athletes daily training to help
RCT 16.97 ± 0.79 yrs. 7 weeks Nil
(2015) [54] (n = 41) lower injury risk.
While the active control condition improved dimensions of
Female athletes at national
Mohebi et al. mindfulness, self-compassion, and grit among female adult
RCT competition level 22.22 ± 2.40 yrs. 7 weeks MIS, SCS-SF, and SG-S
(2021) [55] athletes, improvements were much stronger in the Mindfulness
(n = 40)
Acceptance Commitment condition.
The results of this study indicate that the Berlin Mindfulness-Based
Pupils of a German elite
Kittler et al. Training for Athletes (BATL) improved both sustained and
RCT sports school 12.23 ± 0.50 yrs. 6 weeks FAIR-2
(2022) [56] selective attention in young athletes and that more training in the
(n = 137)
same amount of time resulted in higher scores in the assessment.
Significant effects on both objective performance outcomes (goals,
Junior elite ice hockey Coach Ratings,
Lundgren et al. assists, and taken shots) and blinded coach ratings of players
RCT players 18.09 ± 0.88 yrs. 4 weeks Version of the
(2022) [57] performance, focus, and commitment to their development in
(n = 34) credibility questionnaire
favor of the ACT group.
The 24 collegiate athletes who completed post-test measures
Members of an NCAA showed significant improvements in sport anxiety and reported
SDFS-2, CDFS-2, DASS-21, SAS-2,
Hut et al. Division III Track and greater sport enjoyment and less influence of negative internal
RCT 19.52 yrs. 6 weeks PHLMS, MIS, DERS-SF, BEAQ, SRF,
(2021) [58] Field team states on current sport performance; the MSPE group reported
(n = 32) greater improvements in satisfaction with sport performance
compared to PST.
Note. RCT = randomized controlled trial; SD = standard deviation; MAC = Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment; PST = psychological skill training; MMT = mindfulness meditation
therapy; PCS = Pre-Competition Stress; PS = Performance of Shooting; HPA: Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal; SC = Salivary Cortisol; MBI = mindfulness-based intervention;
MBSR = mindfulness-based stress reduction; MSPE = mindful sport performance enhancement; CSAI-2R = Competitive Sport Anxiety Inventory-II Revised; TMS = Toronto
Mindfulness Scale; MAAS = Mindful Attention Awareness Scale; SAS-2 = Sport Anxiety Scale-2; DISE = Daily Inventory of Stressful Events; DSS = Depletion Sensitivity Scale;
CHIME = Comprehensive Inventory of Mindfulness Experiences; BSCS = Brief Self-Control Scale; EDMC = Ego-Depletion Manipulation Check; CAI-T = Competition Anxiety Inventory
Trait; DASS-21 = Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scales-21; SWLS = Satisfaction with Life Scale; FFMQ = Five-Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire; AAQ-II = Acceptance and Action
Questionnaire-II; DFS-2 = Dispositional Flow Scale; CRF = Coach’s Rating Form; SRF = Sport Rating Form; TOPS = Test of Performance Strategies; SEC-27 = Self-Assessment of
Emotional Competencies; TOQS = Thought Occurrence Questionnaire for Sport; EQ = Experience Questionnaire; ASOAF= Action orientation after failure and state orientation after
failure; DFS-2 = Dispositional Flow Scale-2; SASS = Sport Attribution Style Scale; PSS = Perceived Stress Scale; MADRS = Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale; RSPWB = Ryff
Scales of Psychological Well-Being; PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; PSAS = Pre-sleep Arousal Scale; FAIR-2 = Frankfurt Attention Inventory-2; SDFS = Short Dispositional Flow
Scale; CDFS-2 = Core Dispositional Flow Scale-2; PHLMS = Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale; DERS-SF = Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale-Short Form; BEAQ = Brief Experiential
Avoidance Questionnaire; and PEQ = Program Evaluation Questionnaire.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 9 of 16

3.2. Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Athletic Performance among Athletes

Consistent results were observed in the included studies, showing significant improve-
ments in sport performance following MBIs. Specifically, a randomized controlled trial [29]
examined the effects of a 15 min mindfulness intervention on basketball players’ athletic
performance under pressure. The results showed that 15 min mindfulness intervention was
effective in promoting participants’ first free-throw performance under a stressful setting
compared to the control condition. In another study [30], the results found that partici-
pants in the intervention group (n = 18) receiving a 15 min mindfulness treatment had a
small-to-moderate increase (Cohen’s d = 0.48) in free-throw performance compared with
the control group (n = 18). Another RCT study [31] which examined the effectiveness of
an eight-session MAC method on improving performance and sports competition anxiety
in athletes found that MAC was effective in improving athletic performance compared to
the control group. An American research group investigated the effectiveness of the MAC
approach compared to traditional psychological skills training (PST) for mental health and
sport performance [13]. The results indicated that the MAC group outperformed the PST
group on the outcomes. There was also a significant within-group effect, where the MAC
participants experienced significant increases in sport performance from pre-intervention
to post-intervention (p = 0.04). In another study [32], compared with the PST group (n = 33),
the MAC group (n = 36) reported higher levels of training performance (β = −0.10, 95%
CI = [−0.14, −0.08] among elite athletes. In addition, a pilot study of MBSoccerP [39]
explored the potential role of mindfulness and other psychological factors on flow and elite
performance in soccer athletes. The results showed that after receiving eight 1.5–2 h weekly
sessions of MBSoccerP, mindfulness mediated the peak performance of elite soccer players.
In a Swiss study [33], researchers tested elite athletes (n = 133) from twenty-three different
sports and the results indicated that the trait mindfulness was related to fewer performance
worries and prevented the remaining worries from influencing athletes’ behavior, thereby
helping them to perform better. As for the two studies of MMT, one of them estimated the
effect of MMT on shooting performance in elite shooters (n = 96) and was assessed using a
pre-and-post-test approach [34]. Compared to the control, the results of the experimental
group showed that MMT intervention decreased pre-competition stress and enhanced
shooting performance. Another one also examined the effect of MMT on 110 shooters [35].
The duration of intervention lasted for 4 weeks and the results indicated that MMT en-
hanced sports performance (p < 0.001) compared to the control group. In another study
of fifty-two university athletes, the participants who received a six-week mindful sport
performance enhancement (MSPE) intervention (90 min each week) significantly increased
the self-rated sport performance compared to the control condition [36]. In a Portuguese
study of twenty-eight elite soccer athletes [38], the results indicated that MBSoccerP was
effective in enhancing elite soccer athletes’ performance compared to the control group. In
addition, one study used the ACT method to intervene on 34 junior elite ice hockey players
and found that ACT had significant effects on both objective performance outcomes (goals,
assists, and taken shots) and blinded coach ratings of players performance in comparison
with the control condition [57]. Another study with 24 collegiate students found that
after the MBI, the participants reported greater sport enjoyment, less negative internal
states of current sport performance, and greater improvements in satisfaction with sport
performance compared to the PST group [58].

3.3. Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Mindfulness among Athletes

The use of MBIs has yielded significant improvements in mindfulness levels in most
studies. For example, two studies of MBSoccerP found that mindfulness intervention
was effective in improving the mindfulness level of Portuguese football players [38,39].
One study of BATL found that the MBI was effective in increasing mindfulness in ath-
letes [48]. A Switzerland research group investigated the effectiveness of the MI approach
and traditional psychological skills training (PST) in promoting functional athletic behavior
in athletes [33]. Elite athletes from 23 different sports were selected (n = 133) and the
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 18

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023,A

2038 research group investigated the effectiveness of the MI approach and tra-
10 of 16
ditional psychological skills training (PST) in promoting functional athletic behavior in
athletes [33]. Elite athletes from 23 different sports were selected (n = 133) and the results
indicated that thethat
results indicated MItheapproach could could
MI approach effectively improve
effectively the mindfulness
improve the mindfulnesslevel level
of ath-of
letes. In aInstudy
athletes. a studyof of
athletes, the
interventiongroup groupwhowhoreceived
seven-session MAC MACintervention
interventionhad had significantly
significantly higher
higher post-test
post-test mindfulness
mindfulness scoresscores
than pre-test scores. The study also found that increased mindfulness
pre-test scores. The study also found that increased mindfulness levels were associated levels were associ-
ated with reduced
with both both reduced
injury injury and enhanced
and enhanced performance
performance [40]. In [40]. In another
another study ofstudy of 30
30 amateur
basketball basketball
players in players in Iran,
Iran, the resultthe result
found found
that that the experimental
the experimental group (ngroup
=15) had(n =15)
had significant
nificant higher mindfulness
higher mindfulness scores
scores than thethan the group
control control(pgroup (p[51].
< 0.05) < 0.05) [51]. In addi-
In addition, in a
studyinofa eight-week
study of eight-week MBSR, researchers
MBSR, researchers found that found that athletes’
athletes’ paindecreased
pain levels levels decreased
as their
as of mindfulness
their increased,
level of mindfulness suggesting
increased, that mindfulness
suggesting practice could
that mindfulness practicebe could
an effective
be an
adjunct to exercise therapy [53]. Additionally, applying mindfulness exercises
effective adjunct to exercise therapy [53]. Additionally, applying mindfulness exercises in in athletes’
daily training
athletes’ daily could notcould
training only increase
not onlytheir mindfulness
increase levels but levels
their mindfulness also decrease
but alsothe risk of
the risk[54].
of injury [54].
Three studies
includedininthethe meta-analysis
meta-analysis and anda significant moderate
a significant moderateeffect size
was was
size yielded (d = 0.50,
yielded 95% 95%
(d = 0.50, CI =CI[0.17,
= [0.17, p = 0.003).
0.83],0.83], There
p = 0.003). waswas
There a from low low
a from to moderate
to mod-
erate among
heterogeneity the included
among studies
the included (I2 = 45%,
studies p = 0.16).
(I² = 45%, (Figure
p = 0.16). 3). 3).

Figure 3.
3. Pooled
Pooled effect
effect sizes
sizes of
of mindfulness-based
mindfulness-based interventions on mindfulness
interventions on mindfulness among
among athletes.

3.4. Effects of Mindfulness-Based

Mindfulness-Based Interventions
Interventionson onMindfulness-Related
among Athletes
Components among Athletes
For mindfulness-related
For mindfulness-related psychological
Portuguesestudy, study, researchers
found that MBSoccerP was effective in increasing the attributes
ers found that MBSoccerP was effective in increasing the attributes of compassion, of compassion, psycho-
logical flexibility, and in which terms that mediates dispositional flow
chological flexibility, and in which terms that mediates dispositional flow on elite soccer on elite soccer
players [39].
players [39]. MSPE
MSPEwas wasevident
increase flow
satisfactionwith life life
with [38].[38].
based intervention might be associated with diminished psychological stress responses
ness-based intervention might be associated with diminished psychological stress re-
to competition [37]. In one study of twenty-eight elite soccer athletes, an 8-week MB-
sponses to competition [37]. In one study of twenty-eight elite soccer athletes, an 8-week
SoccerP intervention found that the intervention was effective in enhancing participants’
MBSoccerP intervention found that the intervention was effective in enhancing partici-
self-compassion, psychological flexibility, and flow [39]. Thirty-two of them improved the
pants’ self-compassion, psychological flexibility, and flow [39]. Thirty-two of them im-
performance-relevant psychological factors, especially concerning the handing of emotions
proved the performance-relevant psychological factors, especially concerning the hand-
and attention control [41]. In Australia, researchers found that MBI tailored to specific
ing of emotions and attention control [41]. In Australia, researchers found that MBI tai-
athletic pursuits was effective in facilitating flow experiences [42]. A study of 40 elite
lored to specific athletic pursuits was effective in facilitating flow experiences [42]. A
football players found that the mindfulness meditation sustained the levels of mindfulness
study of 40 elite football players found that the mindfulness meditation sustained the lev-
skills and attentional control, whereas the control reported decreases in these outcomes
els of mindfulness skills and attentional control, whereas the control reported decreases
during the period of four months [43]. In another MAC intervention, athletes reported
in these outcomes during the period of four months [43]. In another MAC intervention,
that brief mindfulness training could significantly improve athletes flow and resilience
and thatreported
resiliencethat briefmediated
partly mindfulness training
the effect couldmindfulness
of brief significantlytraining
improveflow athletes
thermore, one study showed that 6-week mindfulness training was effective in training
resilience and that resilience partly mediated the effect of brief mindfulness helping
flow [44].achieve
athletes Furthermore,
a flow one
[47]. showed
In China, that
indicated that training
reducing waspre-sleep
in helping
arousal andathletes
promotingachieve a flowquality
the sleep state [47]. In China,
of athletes afterone study
night indicated
training may that reducing
be influenced
pre-sleep arousal and promoting the sleep quality of athletes after
by brief mindfulness induction [50]. Of the last two studies, one of them found that night training mayMAC be
influenced by brief mindfulness induction [50]. Of the last two studies,
improved dimensions of self-compassion and grit among female adult athletes [55]. An- one of them found
otherMAC improved that
one suggested dimensions of self-compassion
BATL improved and grit
both sustained andamong
selectivefemale adultinathletes
attention young
[55]. Another one suggested that BATL improved both sustained
athletes and that more training in the same amount of time resulted in higher scoresand selective attention
in the
in young athletes
assessment [56]. and that more training in the same amount of time resulted in higher
scores in the
Five assessment
studies [56].
were included in the meta-analysis, showing a large effect size of mind-
fulness interventions on the psychological components of athletes (d = 0.81, 95% CI = [0.53,
1.10], p < 0.001). There was high heterogeneity among included studies (I2 = 77%, p = 0.001)
(Figure 4).
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 18

Five studies were included in the meta-analysis, showing a large effect size of mind-
fulness Five studies wereonincluded
interventions in the meta-analysis,
the psychological componentsshowing a large
of athletes effect95%
(d = 0.81, sizeCI
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 11 of 16
1.10], p <interventions
0.001). Thereon
psychological components
heterogeneity of athletes
among included (d = 0.81,
studies 95% CI
(I² = 77%, p ==0.001)
1.10], p <4).
(Figure 0.001). There was high heterogeneity among included studies (I² = 77%, p = 0.001)
(Figure 4).

Figure 4.
4. Pooled effect sizes
Pooled effect sizesof
interventionsonon mindfulness-related
mindfulness-related psycholog-
ical 4. Pooled among
components effect sizes of mindfulness-based interventions on mindfulness-related psycholog-
components among athletes.
ical components among athletes.
3.5. Effects
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Mental Health Indicators among Athletes
3.5. Effects
studies examined Interventions
theeffects onMBI
onon Health Indicators
promotingathletes’among Athletes
athletes’ health.
mental A
A studyEleven
of NCAA studies
of NCAA examined
women’s the effects
basketball in USA of
in MBIfound
USA on promoting
that the
found thatMAC
was an
MAC mental
was an health.
effective A
study offor
vention NCAA the women’s
the mental
of female ofinfemale
USA found
collegiatecollegiatethat athletes
athletes the MAC
[13]. A [13].wasAan
study effective
retired inter-
vention in
players for the mental
Iran in Iran
found health
that MBSRofthat
femaleMBSR collegiate
intervention hasathletes
intervention has[13].
the potential the A tostudy
increase football
their psycho- their
logical in Iranwell-being
psychological found[45].that MBSR
RCT Astudy
RCT intervention
foundfound thathas thevolleyball
elite potential
elite volleyballto increase
athletes whotheir
athletes who
MBI MBI well-being
significantly [45].reduced
reducedA RCT theirstudy
mental found
mental that elitecaused
fatigue caused volleyball athletes who
by competition
by competition received
compared to theto
control significantly
group group reduced
[46].[46]. their mental
A Norwegian
A Norwegian study studyfatigue
foundfound caused
that that
the the by mindfulness
mindfulness comparedwas
intervention towas
control in
fective group [46]. A athletes’
improving Norwegian
athletes’burnout study [49].
burnout found
aaUSA the mindfulness
USA study, 16
study, intervention
16 recreational was ef-
fective in showed
improvingsignificant reductions
athletes’ burnout in anxiety
[49]. In after
a USA a brief
showed significant reductions in anxiety after a brief mindfulness interventionstudy,mindfulness
16 intervention
recreational basketball[29].
[29]. study
Another from
study USA
from USAfound that
found thata brief mindfulness
in aanxiety intervention
after a briefintervention
brief mindfulness mitigated
mindfulnessmitigated the effects
intervention the
of ego
effects depletion
Another study
of ego depletion in afrom
inUSA free-throw
a basketball that a task
free-throw taskIn[30].
mindfulness Iran,Inone study
one suggested
Iran, studymitigated that
suggested thea
that a intervention
effects of egointervention
MAC was effective
depletion inwas in decreasing
a basketball
effective athlete’s
in decreasing task experiential avoidance
[30]. Inexperiential
athlete’s Iran, one study and exercise
avoidance and
that a MAC
exercise [31].
anxiety Another
intervention study
[31]. Another wasusing
study the MAC showed
in decreasing
using the MAC showed that thethat
athlete’s MAC theapproach
experientialMACavoidance was a more
approach and
exercise intervention
anxiety [31]. condition
Another study in reducing
using the emotion
MAC regulation
a more effective intervention condition in reducing emotion regulation difficulties, as well that difficulties,
the MAC as
approach well wasas
a more
as enhancing sport-relevant
effective sport-relevant mindfulness
intervention condition
mindfulness skills and
in reducing perceived
skills and emotion athletic
perceived training
athletic performance
training perfor-as well
as elite
mance sport
in elite[32].
sportTwo [32].studies
sport-relevant of MMT
studies of MMTinskills
India found
both found that the
athletic training
the was
was in
effective decreasing
in eliteinsport decreasingpre-competition
[32]. Two studies of MMT
pre-competition stress [34,35].
in India
stress In
[34,35]. addition,
bothIn found
addition,one study
thatone the studyfound
intervention that
that couldcould
was effective
MSPE significantly
in decreasing reduce
significantly worryworry
reduce [36]. In Brazil,
[36]. In after
Brazil, eight
In gun
after and
eight one pistol
gun study
and shooters
could intervention,
significantly the results
reduce showed
worry that
[36]. mindfulness
shooters underwent MBI intervention, the results showed that mindfulness was effective Brazil, afterwas effective
eight gun inandreducing
in reducing underwent stress [52].
MBI intervention,
pre-competition stress [52].the results showed that mindfulness was effective
Four studies
in reducing were included
pre-competition stress in the meta-analysis (Figure 5), which showed that
Four studies were included in [52].
the meta-analysis (Figure 5), which showed that there
thereFourwas studies
no significant effect of MBI on mental health among athletes (d = −that 0.03,there
was no significantwere effectincluded
of MBI in onthe meta-analysis
mental health among (Figure 5), which
athletes (d = showed
-0.03, 95% CI = [-
2 =
CI =
was no[ − 0.35, 0.29],
significant p = 0.85). There was high heterogeneity among the studies (I 89%,
0.35, 0.29], p = 0.85).effect
Thereofwas MBI high on heterogeneity
mental health among amongthe athletes
studies (d (I²
= -0.03,
= 89%,95% CI = [-
p < 0.001).
< 0.001).
0.29], p = 0.85). There was high heterogeneity among the studies (I² = 89%, p < 0.001).

Figure 5. Pooled effect sizes of mindfulness-based interventions on mental health indicators among
Figure 5.
5. Pooled
Figure Pooledeffect sizes
effect of mindfulness-based
sizes interventions
of mindfulness-based on mental
interventions health health
on mental indicators among
among athletes.
3.6. Publication Bias Assessment, Subgroup Analysis, and Sensitivity Tests
3.6. Publication Bias Assessment, Subgroup Analysis, and Sensitivity Tests
Tests that there was no
The results of the funnel plots and Egger’s regression tests showed
The results
evidence of thea funnel
supporting plotspublication
significant and Egger’s regression
bias testsstudies
of included showed p >there
(all wasthe
0.1). For no
evidence supporting a significant publication
publication bias
bias of
of included
included studies
studies (all
(all p
p >
> 0.1).
subgroup analysis, as there was no adequate number of studies (i.e., n < 10) to be included, For the
subgroup analysis,
analysis, as
as there
there was
was no adequate
adequate number
number ofof studies
studies (i.e.,
(i.e., n < 10)
10) toto be
be included,
a further subgroup analysis for the potential moderators was not available. In addition, a
sensitivity test was conducted by excluding the studies with a high risk of bias. The results
were consistent with primary analyses that included all the studies.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 12 of 16

4. Discussion
This is the first study that systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed the RCT ev-
idence regarding the effectiveness of MBIs on athletic performance, mindfulness levels,
mindfulness-related psychological components, and mental health outcomes among ath-
letes. Thirty-two eligible studies were included in the narrative synthesis, of which nineteen
were included in the quantitative analysis. Narratively, the MBIs were effective in promot-
ing athletes’ sports performance. The results of the meta-analysis found that MBIs showed
effectiveness on improving the mindfulness and mindfulness-based psychological compo-
nents, yet no significant effects were found for mental health outcomes among athletes.
For athletic performance, from the narrative synthesis, we found that all the included
studies indicated a significant improvement in the performance indicators after receiving
the MBI. Our finding is consistent with the previous review papers supporting for the
effectiveness of MBIs on athletes’ sport performance [9,12]. However, due to the limited
evidence and considerable variety in the outcome measures, a quantitative synthesis is
not available. More studies using an RCT design to examine the effects of using MBIs in
athletes’ sports performance are needed in the future.
For mindfulness levels, in accordance with previous evidence [59,60], our study found
that MBIs could significantly improve the athletes’ mindfulness levels. For the mindfulness-
related psychological components (e.g., acceptance, flow, psychological flexibility, and
ruminative response), we found a significant effect of MBIs on improving these indicators,
which is in line with previous evidence among different types of athletes and general
populations [10,61,62]. During the games, it is easy for athletes to experience negative
emotions, such as nervousness and worries [63,64]. On game day, players may experience
dissatisfaction with their performance, negative thinking, reality avoidance, and immersion
in unpleasant emotions due to off-court circumstances, such as the unfavorable response
of the crowd or losing points [65,66]. Mindfulness may play a crucial role in addressing
these problems for athletes. Our research findings preliminarily supported the effects of
MBIs on improving these mindfulness-related psychological components, implying that,
in future practice, MBI could be applied in relevant sports domains to achieve specific
training targets (e.g., enhancement of emotion control, prevention of performance failure
under pressure, and improvement of flow and commitment).
For the mental health outcomes, our findings were inconsistent with the previous evi-
dence that showed that MBIs were effective in improving mental health symptoms [19,62].
The potential reasons for the discrepancy may be multifaceted. For example, our review
targeted all types of athletes, while previous studies focused on the elite athletes or general
populations. Another reason MBIs may have not demonstrated improvements in mental
health symptoms of athletes is because the athletes in the studies that were selected for
our review are not clinical populations. It may have been that athletes’ mental health
symptoms were already low; therefore, changes in mental health outcomes may have been
inconsequential. In addition, we only included studies using an RCT design, while the
previous evidence did not limit the study types for qualitative and quantitative syntheses.
Although, in our narrative analysis, most studies supported a significant effect of MBI
on athletes’ mental health indicators, the meta-analysis results did not yield a significant
effect size. Considering the limited number of studies in the analysis as well as the high
heterogeneity, we are not able to provide convincing evidence on the MBI intervention
effects on improving the mental health outcomes among athletes, which to some extent
emphasize the importance and requirements of more high quality RCTs on this domain.
Several limitations of this review should be noted. First, despite our efforts to imple-
ment a thorough literature search in the limited databases, we might omit some studies
due to the settings of search strategies (e.g., only limited to English language). Moreover,
due to the limited number of studies, we were not able to conduct a subgroup analysis to
further identify the moderators (e.g., participants characteristics, MBI types, and outcome
measures) that could explain the high degree of heterogeneity. The small number of studies
could also result in the cautious interpretation of the research findings. In addition, we did
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2023, 20, 2038 13 of 16

not examine the potential mediators in the MBI programs due to the lack of relevant data
such that a further understanding of the underlying mechanisms could not be identified.
Despite these limitations, our research findings add values to future research and
interventions on MBIs among athletes. Our findings suggest that MBIs may be a potentially
effective approach for improving athletes’ sport performance; however, more strict empiri-
cal studies (e.g., RCT and cluster-RCT) should be undertaken to further identify the effec-
tiveness of MBIs and its dose–response effect with athletic performance. Furthermore, MBIs
had moderate-to-large effect sizes on enhancing athletes’ mindfulness and mindfulness-
related psychological components (e.g., flow, acceptance, and self-compassion), implying
that future studies could use MBIs to achieve specific training targets (e.g., enhancement of
emotional control and improvement of flow and commitment). In addition, our findings
could not provide convincing quantitative evidence for the effectiveness of MBIs on athletes’
mental health outcomes due to the limited number of included studies. More RCT studies
focusing on the mental health aspects among athletes are warranted in the future.

5. Conclusions
In conclusion, our systematic review and meta-analysis provided preliminary support
for the effectiveness of MBIs in promoting athletic performance, mindfulness level, and
mindfulness-related psychological components among athletes. The research findings also
suggest that more high-quality studies using a rigorous empirical design (e.g., RCT) are
warranted in the future, especially with respect to the mental health domains of athletes.

Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://
www.mdpi.com/article/10.3390/ijerph20032038/s1. Table S1: PRISMA 2020 Checklist.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, Y.W. and S.-M.L.; methodology, Y.W. and S.-M.L.; soft-
ware, Y.W.; validation, J.F. and S.-M.L.; formal analysis, Y.W.; investigation, Y.W. and J.F.; resources,
Y.W. and J.F.; data curation, Y.W.; writing—original draft preparation, Y.W.; writing—review and
editing, S.-M.L.; visualization, Y.W.; supervision, S.-M.L.; project administration, S.-M.L. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Data is available by contacting the corresponding or first authors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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