Media Statement Regarding Irving Perez

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Statement Regarding Investigation of Irving Perez

May 17, 2023

On the afternoon of May 15, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) informed Wayside
Leadership that Irving Perez, a Pre-K teacher at Wayside: REAL Learning Academy, was under
investigation. While DPS would not provide any specifics as to the nature of the investigation,
we were informed by DPS that the investigation did not involve any Wayside scholars or anyone
else associated with the school, and that there was not a threat toward any of our scholars. We
pressed DPS for more details, as Mr. Perez was on duty and actively working. As more details
could not be provided, Wayside Leadership made the decision to immediately escort the staff
member off campus and to place him on administrative leave as our primary interest is always
the safety of our scholars.

Late evening on May 16, DPS informed Wayside Leadership they had made an offsite arrest of
Mr. Perez related to possession of child pornography. Mr. Perez is charged with a third-degree
felony, which relates to victims ages 14 and older. As the criminal investigation did not originate
at or directly involve Wayside Schools, we have no further information at this time. However,
Wayside wants our community to know that we will have additional counseling support available
at Wayside: REAL Learning Academy for the next two weeks if there are any scholars, parents
or staff who need to talk.

While we have no reason to believe any scholars were in any danger, if you know someone that
may have been harmed, please contact DPS Special Agent Stephen Haehnel at 512-997-4100
and let him know you are a Wayside family. We will continue to work with DPS to the extent they
require our assistance. Please know that we take every safety situation very seriously.

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