CP164 ExamNotes

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Our stacks, queues, and priority queues have been implemented with the Python list that allows us to access individual elements with an index value. However,
these data structures can also be built upon linked data elements rather than indexed data elements. We can add and delete these linked data elements as required
and so replicate the methods of the array-based data structures. We will also discover that implementing non-linear data structures, such as trees, is actually easier
to do with a linked structure than with an array-based structure.
Linked data structures are based upon nodes. A node typically consists of two parts:
 1. a data part, which may contain any kind of value
 2. at least one pointer, or link, part, which links to another node
A data structure is built by linking together a series of these nodes. How they are linked together determines the type of data
structure that is built. We will look at a linked Stack data structure in order to understand such a structure is built.
 A node contains a single value and a link to the next node.
The _Stack_Node Class
A stack node is very simple: it needs only a _value attribute and a _next attribute. A node is created only when there is a value to add to the stack. There is no use
for an empty node. The _Stack_Node constructor takes care of that. Other than the constructor, the _Stack_Node class needs no methods as the Stack class takes
care of manipulating the nodes. Thus the _Stack_Node class code is very simple:

Note that the name of the _Stack_Node class is prefixed with an

underscore (_). This means that the entire class is private. Its definition
must be included in the same source code file as
the Stack class. _Stack_Node should never be referenced by
an import statement because nothing other than Stack should ever
access it.

The stack initialization is simple: the private attribute _top points to the

first _Stack_Node in the stack. Because the stack is empty, it contains
no _Stack_Node objects, thus _top is set to None. The real work comes in pushing
a node onto or popping a node from a stack.

push creates a new _Stack_Node object and adds a value to it.

The _next link of the _Stack_Node object is set to point to the 'old' top
of the stack, which in this case is None - there was no node already
stored in the stack. The 'new' top of the stack is set to point to this new
node. This is analogous to updating a sum variable by incrementing its
previous value with sum = sum + n, which we have done many times.

Note that there are no special cases to consider when pushing a new
value onto the stack. The new node always becomes the top node
whether the stack is empty or not.

Popping an item from a linked stack means extracting the value from the top
node then removing that node. The stack's _top pointer must now point to the
next node in the stack. This is easy: get the current top node's link to its next
node by referring to its _next attribute, then making that node the new top.
This is the reverse of push.

Is there a special case for when the last node is removed? No.
The _top attribute is set to the value of the _next attribute of the last node in
the stack, which is None, and the stack becomes empty again.
You were asked to write two different ways to combine two stacks into one. One version required a function that used the ADT methods to combine the stacks.
Because the ADT methods look identical from the outside for both the array-based and linked implementations of the stack, that version could use the linked
stack representation without change - you would simply import the linked implementation of the stack rather than the array-based implementation.

The second approach involved extending the ADT by adding an method the worked at the class level to combine two stacks into one. Although the method
signatures (the def lines of the methods) are identical, the implementation details of the two stacks are radically different. However, the general algorithm is not.
It requires looping through the two input stacks moving data to the target stack until one or the other of the input stacks is exhausted. Then the algorithm loops
through one of the remaining input stacks (if any) moving data to the target stack until the remaining input stack is exhausted:
The key difference between the two approaches is that in the array-based approach the actual node data is moved around. In the linked version it
is the the node connections that are changed and the data is left where it is.

How, then, do we move nodes? What does this look like?

The _move_top above contains:

temp = source._top
source._top = source._top._next temp._next = self._top
self._top = temp


Note that the reference to target is generic - in

our actual code we use self as the target stack.

Moving the top of one stack to another is 3

equivalent to popping the top of pop of one
stack and pushing it onto, except that the
value in the stack node is not extracted; it
is not even referred to. Moving nodes is
takes less work than manipulating data -
we're really just changing some integer addresses.

While moving a stack top, both temp._next and source._top refer to the same node. Remember

that we can have multiple references to an object.
The order in which these lines are executed is key to moving a node correctly. We must make sure that at all times the node we are moving has a reference, and that the next
nodes are referenced as well. Without the temp variable we would lose access to one of these nodes.

Once the top is moved, we no longer care what happens to temp. In the combine algorithm, it is used repeatedly to move nodes, and when the method ends, it disappears,
leaving the combined stack behind.


The _Queue_Node Class
Other than its name, the _Queue_Node class looks the same as _Stack_Node class.
The Queue Class
A linked Queue is initialized with:
The queue initialization is simple:
the private attribute _front points to the first _Queue_Node in the queue, the
private attribute _rear points to the last _Queue_Node in the queue, and the
private attribute _size keeps track of the number of nodes in the queue.
insert creates a new _Queue_Node object and adds a value to it. The _next link
of the new node is always set to point to None, as there are no nodes following
it. The old rear node is set to point to the new rear node, and the _rear pointer is
updated accordingly. The front pointer is changed only if the queue is empty.
When adding a node to a queue, the node is added at the rear of the queue.
When a second node is added to the rear of the queue, the next node pointer of
the existing rear has to be updated, and then the rear pointer must be moved to
point to the new rear node. The front of the queue remains unchanged. (When the method ends, the temporary pointer named node is thrown away. So long as
some other permanent pointer - rear in this case - references the new node, we can safely throw away the temporary pointer.)
Adding the third and subsequent nodes to the queue looks the same as adding a second node. Clearly, then, adding a node to an empty queue is a special case.
Removing a node from a linked queue means extracting the value from the front node then removing that node from the queue. The queue's front pointer must
now point to the next node in the queue. This is easy: get the current front node's link to its next node by referring to its next node attribute, then make that node
the new front. The queue size must be explicitly updated as well.
Thus the front of the queue can be updated until the queue is empty. Consider, however: the insert method had a special case when the queue was empty. Is there
a special case for insert method when the last node is removed? – YES!!
A Simple Linked Queue
~ Inserting from rear, and removing from front 
We often need to traverse, or walk through, a linked structure. To print the contents of a linked structure, for example, we start at the top, or the front, as
appropriate, and we visit every node until there are no nodes left to visit. We may also want to traverse a linked structure in order to find a node, to count nodes,
or to insert a node in the proper place in a sorted list. (Note that we can traverse a linked structure using either iteration or recursion. 
Queue Print
Printing the contents of a linked structure is the simplest version of traversing a linked structure. In this example we will traverse the contents of a linked queue.
We first have to decide which end of the queue to start from. If we start from the rear of the queue we won't get far, simply because the rear node does not link to
any other node - we have nowhere to go. The front node links to the next node, which in turn links to the next node, and so on. Clearly, this is where to start.
(With the stack we must start from the top node as there is no other way into the linked structure.)
We want to make sure that we do not change the linked structure in any way, so we must leave the front and rear pointers alone. We can, however, set a
temporary pointer to point to the front node, and change that temporary pointer as we go. 
In the following example, current is the name given to the temporary pointer that is used to traverse the linked queue. At each step in the traversal, the printer
method prints the contents of the current node, then moves onto the next node by referencing the current node's next node pointer. When current is None, the end
of the queue has been found. The actual code is quite simple:

Priority Queue Insert

The linked priority queue stores its values in priority order. Thus, inserting a value into a
linked priority queue requires that we create a new node for the value at the correct position
in the linked structure. To insert a new node, then, we must connect that new node with two
other nodes - the preceding node, and the node that follows.
In traversing the priority queue we will be looking for a node containing a value that has a
lower priority than the value we wish to insert. (Higher priority values are to the front of the
priority queue, lower priority values towards the end.) The print traversal example above
can probably help us find the node with a lower priority value, but it won't help us keep
track of the previous node - once current has visited a node and printed its contents, it moves
on and forgets about where it has been. Clearly we need a second temporary node to keep
track of the node immediately preceding current.

Once the proper location has been found, you can then create the new node (you can't
create it before you know what its _next should be), and adjust the pointer on the
previous node to point to it, and the new node is now inserted into the proper place in
the sorted list:

The key to understanding this process is to understand that without keeping track of
the node before the location of the new node (i.e. previous), you will lose the
connections between the nodes.


These side-by-side code examples compare array-based code (on the left/top) against
linked code (on the right/bottom) to demonstrate that despite the differences in
details, the algorithms are often very similar. The details are, of course, absolutely
key, so you have to clearly understand those differences, but the algorithms are often
- not always, but often - the same.
Printing Contents of a Linked Structure
Printing the contents of a linked List from front to rear is very simple. Loop
through the nodes, following the links to the next node until None is reached:
def print_i(self): --- Framed pic before
The algorithm is simple, and one we shall see again and again when processing linked structures: assign a current variable to the top of the stack and move
through the stack node by node, updating current to the next node until it reaches the end of the links, i.e. when _next is None.
What if we want to print the contents of the List from rear to front? (Call the method print_r.) Then we have a problem. The links go only one way:
Looping through the linked List from rear to front cannot be done simply. Because the nodes used are singly-linked, each node can point to only one other node.
For inserting and removing purposes, that node has to be the next node in the data structure. The node has no way to get back to its parent node. How, then, can
we print the contents of this List from rear to front?

Recursion with Auxiliary Functions

In simple recursion a function calls itself, such as in the following function that reverses a string:

In this example the function string_reverse works directly with a simple data structure, in this case a string. The function calls itself directly and passes the same
data type to its subcall. Problems arise, however, with more complex data structures such as Lists. The actual data is stored within a more complex structure.
Unfortunately, this outer 'layer' of the data structure is not amenable to being used recursively because, unlike the strings and lists of our previous examples, it is
made up of layers of elements. Our linked version of a List has this structure:
We wish to work recursively with the _front portion of the List definition - the part where the nodes begin - not the entire List.
Our recursive solution would look something like this:

This function works by recursively moving through the List node by node until it reaches the last
node. Only then, after the last recursive call has finished, does the function execute
its print statement as the recursive calls finish.
The problem is that the call to some_func requires a node as a parameter. However, the call
to print_r has no parameters other than self. Adding a node parameter to print_r at the top level violates the ADT and means that the function so written would
not work with a different implementation of the ADT. The array-based version of print_r doesn't require extra parameters.
The solution is to use an auxiliary function that works with the node portion of the List only. Although we can claim that print_r is recursive, the actual recursion
is done in its auxiliary function. This is print_r itself:

Note that print_r has no extra nodes and does not recursively call itself. Instead, it calls a private
auxiliary function. This function is passed the front of the node list rather than the entire List.
This auxiliary function works directly with the node data:

This function makes a recursive call to itself, and with each call passes a link to the next node in
the list of nodes. (Note that printing from front to rear could also easily be done recursively by
moving the print line up so that the printing is done before the recursive call.)

Note that auxiliary recursive functions generally have more parameters and/or different parameters
than the base function that calls them. If you write an auxiliary function that uses the same number
and type of parameters as the base function that calls it, then you probably don't need the auxiliary
function (or you wrote it incorrectly).


A binary tree is a non-linear data structure. A binary tree is either the empty tree or a node that has left and right subtrees that are binary trees. (This is a recursive definition.)
A binary search tree (BST) is a special form of a binary tree. Its properties are:
 - a BST is a binary tree
 - every node in a BST has a key value
 - for each node N, the keys in the left subtree of N are less than the key of N, and the keys in the right subtree of N are greater than the key of N
 - keys are unique
Although BSTs can be implemented with an array, it is generally easier conceptually to implement them with a linked structure. Each node in the linked structure
contains two links, left and right, which point to the left and right subtrees of any given node. The node also contains the height of the node's subtree.
 Note that the empty left and right pointers actually point to None.

The _BST_Node Class
Each BST node is only slightly more complex than a singly linked node. Instead of a next node pointer, each
node contains a copy of the value it stores, pointers to its left and right children, if any, and the height of its
subtree. (The height of any subtree is defined as the maximum height of its children, plus one.)

The BST Class
The BST class constructor is very simple, containing only a root node that is initialized to None and a node count. 
Searching a BST
Searching a BST can be done either recursively or iteratively.
To understand how to search a BST we have to understand how nodes are order in the tree. As noted above:
~ for each node N, the keys in the left subtree of N are less than the key of N, and the keys in the right subtree of N are
greater than the key of N
This means that each time we look at a node, if the value in the node does not match the key value we must look to
either the left or right children of the node. The direction chosen depends on the comparison between the current node
value and the key. The algorithm is:
 - Get the root node.
 - If there is no node, the search fails.
 - Search the tree: compare the node value to the key:
 If the key and node value match, the search ends successfully.
 If the key < the node value, search the left subtree of the node.
 If the key > the node value, search the right subtree of the node.
Remember that we can treat each node as the root of its own tree. The following diagram shows the route through
the tree taken to search for the value 8:
The iterative algorithm for the search works nicely because we can treat the path through the BST as a singly-linked list. We never have to search both the left
and right subtrees - the choice of the next subtree to search is determined strictly by the comparison of a node value to the search key.

What is the time complexity of this algorithm? The hint is to note that after each value-key comparison, potentially half of the remaining tree can be ignored. The
key word here, however, is potentially. In a well-balanced BST where each level is filled with nodes before the next level has nodes attached, the search method
looks like a binary search, and requires O(log n) time on average.

Binary Search Insertion

Inserting Into a BST

To insert into a BST we perform some of the same steps that we do when searching for a
key in the tree. However, nodes are always inserted as leaves, i.e. at the bottom of the tree
below an existing node, never in the middle of the tree. The important thing to understand,
then, is how to find the correct position of the new value within the existing tree: following
the search rules will always get us to the proper location within the tree. Once we arrive
there we create a new node that becomes the root of a new subtree within the BST.
In the following example we wish to insert the value 13 into the BST. The value 13 ends up in
a node that is the right child of the node containing the value 12:
It should be clear that the shape of a BST is
determined by the insertion order of the values in the
tree. A nicely balanced
tree requires that some thought be put into the order in which items are inserted into the tree. We will examine this in lab.

The last consideration to take into account is what to do with duplicate values? At first we will work with trees that do not
allow duplicates. Duplicate values are simply ignored. We still have to search the tree to determine if there is a duplicate,
but if we find one in the tree we can stop searching and exit the insertion method. There are a number of approaches to
working with trees that allow duplicates, and we will examine some of them later.

Why Recursion?
At first glance, it seems that an iterative algorithm would perform a node insertion quite nicely. It would look a great deal like the retrieve algorithm, except that
it would fail if a duplicate value were found, and add a node to the bottom of the tree if no duplicate existed. However, note that the heights of the nodes
containing 12 and 15 are incremented by one to take into account the fact that their maximum subtree heights have increased by one with the addition of the new
node. These heights cannot be updated from the top down, since the lower nodes must have their heights updated before their parent nodes. The iterative insertion
algorithm, which works from the top down, does not lend itself to an easy solution for this.
- A recursive solution allows us to update a tree both from the top down and the bottom up. We can find the location of the new node on the way down the tree,
and update the node heights on the way back up the tree. The insertion code involves the following three methods:
_update_height is a private _BST_Node method that simply takes the maximum height of its two
child nodes and adds one to it to get its new height. It does not return a value as it is updating its
own private _height attribute.

insert is a public BST method that takes a value as a parameter and attempts to insert that value
into its proper place in
the BST. If it succeeds, it
returns True,
and False otherwise. inse
rt does not do much
work as its only job is to
call a private auxiliary
method that does the
actual work. The
auxiliary method is required because it requires two parameters, a node and a value,
rather than the single parameter required by insert. The auxiliary method also returns a
node as well as the insertion success flag. This node updates the root node of each
Because insert_aux is recursive it allows work to be performed on the way down the tree
as well as back up the tree. On the way down the tree the method searches for the proper
place to insert the new node. This search has two base cases: the first when it
reaches None, and is therefore at the bottom of the tree and ready to insert a new node;
and the second when it finds a node that already contains the value to insert, and therefore
the insertion fails. The two general cases simply move further down the tree, either to the
left or right depending on the value being inserted.
On the way back up the tree insert_aux updates the height of each node that it has already
traversed all the way back to the root node. Because it is performing these height updates
from the bottom up, the updated heights will correctly reflect the addition of the new
node at the bottom of the tree. Note that only the nodes traversed on the way down the
tree can possible be affected by these new heights - the nodes on the bypassed halves of
the tree and subtrees remain unchanged.
Binary Search Tree Deletion
Inserting nodes into a BST is fairly straightforward. Deleting a node from a BST is not.
Deleting a node may cause major shifts in the positions of the rest of the elements in the
tree. We will look at deleting nodes from various positions in the tree and how that affects
the structure of the tree. Starting with the BST:
If we wish to delete the node containing the value 18, it is fairly straightforward.
First, we have to find the node to delete, keeping track of its parent in much the same way that we kept track of the previous node when removing
a value from a singly-linked list. Note, however, we have to keep track of whether we are removing the parent node's left or right child.

There are three types of BST node deletion:

 - Deleting a node with no children
 - Deleting a node with one child
 - Deleting a node with two children
Deleting a Node with No Children
This is the simplest form of node deletion. Once the node is found and its value extracted, then the parent's left or right pointer (as appropriate) is set to None. In
the following example the node containing the value 18 is deleted from the BST:
The key to successfully deleting this node, as with deleting any node, is keeping track of the parent to be deleted. In
this case it is sufficient to set the right pointer of the node containing the value 15 to None.
Deleting a Node with One Child
Deleting a node with one child is not much more difficult than deleting a node with no children. Whether the child is to the
left or right, or whether the child has children of its own doesn't matter. The child node simply takes the place of the node
being removed. The deleted node's parent's left or right pointer (as appropriate) is updated to point to its grandchild. In the
following example the node containing 15 is removed from the BST:
The node containing 12 is moved up to take the place of the deleted node. Again, as with
other linked structures we have looked at, we do not move the data, we only change the node pointers.
Deleting a Node with Two Children
The rule for deleting a node with is simple, though the implementation is not: replace the deleted node with the node containing
the maximum value in its left subtree. The reason for this rule is simple: the maximum value in the left subtree is, by definition,
larger than all of the other values to the left of the deleted node. The maximum value in the left subtree of the deleted node is also
smaller than all of the values in the right subtree of the deleted node. It has to be - it is to the left of the deleted node after all. This
means that when this node takes the place of the deleted node, the BST retains its key property: all values in the left subtree are
smaller than the root of the subtree, and all values in the right subtree are larger than the root of the subtree.

Finding the maximum value in the left subtree is simple. We move to the left child of the node to be deleted, then keep moving to the right of that child until
there are no nodes left, i.e. we reach a node that has no right child. This is the node that we will use to replace the deleted node.

In our sample tree, if we remove the root node with the value 11, it will be replaced by the node containing the value 9. We would find this node by moving to
the 7 node (the left child of 11), then moving to the right until we reach None. The 9 node is to the right of the 7 node, and the 9 node has no right child, so it
must be the node with the maximum value of the left subtree of the 11 node. All of the nodes above 9 may have to have their heights adjusted appropriately.

When the 9 node takes the place of the 11 node as the new root it is clear that the BST retains its key property: 9 is larger than
any value in its left subtree and smaller than any value in its right subtree.

The only difficulty is that the 9 node has a child: the 8 node. However, removing the 9 node is no different than removing a
node with a single child - the child node moves up to take the place of its parent. In this case the right pointer of the 7 node
must now point to the 8 node, while the 9 node must change its left and right pointers to point to the 7 and 12 nodes
respectively. (If the 9 node had no children, it would be even easier to move it.)

As in our other examples, the parent of the removed node must have its left or right pointer (as appropriate) updated to
point to the new node. In this particular case the node being removed is the root node, so there is no parent to update.

Binary Search Tree Traversal

Traversing an Entire BST
We have seen that insertion, retrieval, and deletion - whether iterative or recursive - follows a single path through a BST. This is because all of these methods are
in essence performing a search for a single node, the node that is to be inserted, retrieved, or deleted, and every node in a tree has a unique place in that specific
tree. But what if we need to visit every node in the tree? Traversing a singly-linked list is straightforward, but how do we to this with nodes that have two non-
linear children?
The answer is to use tree recursion. (See Types of Recursion). The general algorithm is very simple:
 - Attempt to visit a node. If the node is not None:
 - Perform whatever needs to be done at the node.
 - Visit the node's left child
 - Visit the node's right child
 - Alternately: Perform whatever needs to be done at the node.
Imagine that the BST _count attribute is not available, and we wish to count the number of nodes in the following tree:
We'll define a method called count to perform the node count. Because we are going to use recursion, we'll need an
auxiliary function, which we'll call _count_aux to perform the actual counting. Both methods are fruitful because
clearly we have to return a count value. The count method is:
The traversal requires an auxiliary method because the top-level method call does not allow access to the internal node
structure of a BST. The code is:

The method is very simple and follows the algorithm noted above:
check to see if the node exists, and if it does count that node (1 +), and
then call the recursive method on the left (self._count_aux(node._left)) and right (self._count_aux(node._right))
Inorder, Preorder, Postorder, Levelorder Traversals
In the example above of the count method, the order in which the tree nodes are traversed makes no difference.
We could walk through the tree by recursing through the right children rather than the left children first, and the
resulting count would be the same. However, there are some traversal orders that give us information about the
data stored in the tree, or tell us something about the order in which data was stored in the tree.
Inorder Traversal
Inorder traversal allows us to walk through the tree and access node data in order - by that we mean we can either print or extract (i.e. copy the data to an array)
the data in value order. For our sample tree, and inorder traversal would give us the data back in the following order:
6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18
In short, we are retrieving the tree data in order, thus the name of the traversal. This makes BSTs extremely powerful in terms of doing things like sorting data.
 Attempt to visit a node. If the node is not None:
 - Visit the node's left child
 - Print or extract the data.
 - Visit the node's right child
Preorder Traversal
 Attempt to visit a node. If the node is not None:
 - Print or extract the data.
 - Visit the node's left child
 - Visit the node's right child
Thus the data in our sample tree would be printed or extracted in preorder as:
11, 7, 6, 9, 8, 15, 12, 18
Preorder is useful in that if we insert data into a BST in preorder, we will produce a tree with a structure identical to that of the tree that we extracted the data
from. Try it with the preorder data above: you should end up with a tree that looks the same as the tree at the top of these notes.
Postorder Traversal
Postorder moves the data processing to the end:
 Attempt to visit a node. If the node is not None:
 - Visit the node's left child
 - Visit the node's right child
 - Print or extract the data.
Thus the data in our sample tree would be printed or extracted in postorder as:
6, 8, 9, 7, 12, 18, 15, 11
Levelorder Traversal
A levelorder traversal returns data according to the level that the data occupies in the tree. Like preorder, inserting data into the tree in levelorder should
reproduce the tree. It also helps you visualize the tree. The algorithm is:
 If the root node is not None:
 Create a queue for nodes. Add the root node to this queue.
 As long as the queue is not empty:
 - Remove the front node from the queue.
 - Extract / print the data in the extracted node
 - If not None, add node's left child to the rear of the queue
 - If not None, add node's right child to the rear of the queue
Thus the data in our sample tree would be printed or extracted in levelorder as:
11, 7, 15, 6, 9, 12, 18, 8
Analysis of Insertion Sort
Worst Case: In the worst case every element in the sorted part of the array must be moved to the right. If A[i] were the current key to be inserted, then
values A[0], A[1], ... A[i-1] must be moved and A[i] compared to all of them.
Since i comparisons are needed to insert the key value in A[i] into its proper
place, the total number of comparisons is 1+2+...+n-1 = n(n-1)/2 <= n2: thus
Insertion Sort is O(n2) in the worst case.
 Average Case: is also O(n2).
Tree Sort
The Main Idea: let a BST do the work. Simply insert the keys into a BST then
do an inorder traversal of the tree to get the sorted elements back.
Analysis of Tree Sort
 Worst Case: O(n2). (Under what circumstances?)
 Average Case: O(n log n).
Selection Sort
The Main Idea: treat the unsorted array as it if were a priority queue. If we always move the item of highest priority remaining amongst the unsorted elements to
the front by swapping it with the element that is originally there, then the items end up sorted. Example:
Analysis of Selection Sort
The analysis is similar to that of the Insertion Sort, including the calculation of the number of comparisons necessary to complete
the sort.
So far we have been looking at the number of comparisons as a good indicator of an algorithm's complexity. However, there are
other tasks that require CPU time. For example, the Selection Sort requires O(n2) comparisons and O(n)swaps. (It is still
an O(n2) algorithm because the n2 term dominates.) How many swaps does Bubble Sort require in the worst case?

Quick Sort
The Main Idea: divide and conquer, but do so by picking a pivot value, where one subarray consists of values smaller than the pivot, and the other subarray
consists of values larger than the pivot.
Quick Sort is the "fastest" known sorting method based upon key comparisons. In actual trials it beats the other methods discussed.
Implementation of Quick Sort
 - Partition the array A[m..n] into two (possibly empty) subarrays A[m...q-1] and A[q+1...n}. Each value in the left array must be smaller than the value in A[q],
and each value in the right array must be larger than the value in A[q].
 - Sort these left and right subarrays by recursive calls to Quick Sort.
 - Choose one element in the array as a pivot. This may be the first, last, middle, or some other arbitrary element. (We use the middle index in our sample code.)
 - Define two indexes i and j that start at either end of the array (excluding the pivot location).
 - Move i through the array to the right and j through the array to the left, swapping A[i] and A[j] if they are out of position with respect to the pivot value.
 - At the end, swap A[i+1] with the pivot. Once positioned, pivot elements never move.
Quick Sort Analysis
Quick sort is, on average, an O(n log n) algorithm. In its worst case it is O(n2), though this is rare.
Notes - Types of Recursion
When considering how to write a recursive algorithm, it is useful to know some basic different approaches to recursion.
Fruitful Recursion
Fruitful recursion simply uses a function that returns one or more values. This is nothing new to us - we have written many functions that return something. In the
context of recursion, however, this means that the recursion relies on the fact that each call returns a value that will be used in the recursion.
We will demonstrate this approach by reversing the contents of a list. This algorithm solves the problem by starting at the ends of the list, swapping the values at
the ends, then working inwards with the next pair of values until the middle of the list is reached and there are no values left to swap. As part of these examples
we will use a swap function to 'swap' two elements of a list:
def swap(data, i, j): temp = data[i] data[i] = data[j] data[j] = temp return
In this example, we reverse the contents of a Python list by changing slices of the list:
def rev_list_f(data): n = len(data) if n > 1: swap(data, 0, n-1) data[1:n - 1] = rev_list_f(data[1:n - 1]) return data
Sample call:
>>> x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> x = rev_list_f(x) >>> print(x) [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
rev_list_f first determines whether or not there are enough elements to swap - a list must have at least two elements in it to
perform a swap. It then updates the interior of the list (i.e. everything except the end values) with the result of the recursive call.
An ever smaller list is passed to the recursive call, guaranteeing that eventually the base case will be reached. Because the
function returns a value it is a fruitful function, and because the function is fruitful the result of the function must be used or the
changes to the list are lost.
The following diagram shows how the fruitful recursion is handled:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
children. Note that Tree Recursion may either be fruitful or in-place.

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