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IoTVirtual Mirror Report

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A Project Report :

“IoT Virtual Mirror ”





Name Enrollment no.

1. Manali Machindra Ghule 2016200090
2. Shravani Umesh Kumbhar 2016200111
3. Shravani Sandip Girhe 2016200120
4. Mrunal Changdev Wakadkar 2116200141

Under Guidance of:

Mrs. S.U. Puri


JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Polytechnic,
Tathawade, Pune-33
JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering Polytechnic,
Tathawade, Pune-33

Name Enrollment no.

1. Manali Machindra Ghule 2016200090
2. Shravani Umesh Kumbhar 2016200111
3. Shravani Sandip Girhe 2016200120
4. Mrunal Changdev Wakadkar 2116200141

Has worked on a “ IoT Virtual Mirror ”. This is a bonafide work carried out by them under
the supervision of Mrs. S. U.Puri and it is approved for the partial fulfilment of the
requirement of MSBTE, Mumbai for the award of the Diploma (Computer Engineering).

Prof. S. U. Puri Prof. V.T.Thakare Prof. V.T.Thakare

(Project Guide) (Project Co-Ordinator) (H.O.D Computer)

Prof. S. S. Gaikwad


Internal Examiner External Examiner


Institute’s Vision and Mission Statements:

To satisfy the aspirations of youth force, who want to lead the nation towards prosperity
through techno economic development.

To provide, nurture and maintain an environment of high academic excellence, research and
entrepreneurship for all aspiring students, which will prepare them to face global challenges
maintaining high ethical and moral standards.

Department’s Vision and Mission Statements:

To impart value based technical education for developing competent computer engineers,
fulfilling expectations of industry and society.

M1: To provide sound theoretical and practical knowledge.
M2: To improvise self-awareness and ethical values among students along with technical
proficiency. M3: To promote awareness about life-long learning and problem-solving among
M4: To train students for the ever-changing field of computer technology through the Industry

Program Educational Objectives (PEO’s):

PEO1: Provide socially responsible, environment friendly solutions to Computer Engineering

related broad based problems adapting professional ethics.
PEO2: Adapt state-of-the-art Computer engineering broad-based technologies to work in multi-
disciplinary work environments.
PEO3: Solve broad-based problems individually and as a team member communicating
effectively in the world of work.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO’s - For ‘I’ Scheme as given by MSBTE):

PSO 1: Computer Software and Hardware Usage: Use state-of-the-art technologies for
operation and application of computer software and hardware.
PSO 2: Computer Engineering Maintenance: Maintain computer engineering related software
and hardware systems.

It is great pleasure for me to acknowledge the assistance and contribution of

number of individuals who helped me in developing “ IoT Virtual Mirror”.

First and foremost, I wish to record my gratitude and thanks to Mrs. S. U.

Puri(Project Coordinator) for his enthusiastic guidance and help in successful
completion of Project work. I express my thanks to Prof. Mrs. S. S. Gaikwad
(Principal) and Mrs. V.T.Thakare (Head of Computer Department) for their
valuable guidance. I am also thankful to other teachers and non-teaching staff of
Computer Engineering Department and Library for their co-operation and help.


Manali Machindra Ghule

Shravani Umesh Kumbhar

Shravani Sandip Girhe

Mrunal Changdev Wakadkar


Augmented reality is the technology that expands our physical world, adding layers of
digital information onto it. Augmented reality adds digital element to live view by using
cameras or sensors. The main aim of this work is to develop virtual trial room using
augmented reality which allows user to try on virtual clothes. Kinect sensor is used to
calculate the effective distance between the sensor and the user who is standing in front
of it. Based on this distance we can analyze how the clothes will look on user. This
application improves present augmented based posing and gives full view of 3D image
rather than 2D image.
A lot of shoppers have encountered a problem that trying clothes in clothing stores is
usually a time consuming activity especially during peak hours such as weekends, it
might not even be possible to try-on clothes in such cases as online shopping. Also Due
to security reasons there is limitation on number of garments that can be taken for trial at
a time (3). Also some times the shoppers are unable to show the customers the new stock
that is supposed to arrive in coming few days. To overcome these problems we aim to
develop a virtual trial room using augmented reality. In this proposed application a sensor
named Kinect is used for the overall analysis of the user's body measurements with the
help of sensor information and his positioning coordinates. (5) Following components
will be required to design the system.

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

Content Page Number
1 Synopsis
1.1 Brief Description
1.2 Aim of The Project
1.3 Actual Methodology Followed

2 Introduction 10 - 11
2.1 Project Plan 11
2.2 Project Scope 11

3 Review Of Literature 12 - 16

3.1 Literature survey 13

4 Proposed System 17 - 21

4.1 Proposed System 18

4.2 Different Modules in Project 18
4.2.1 Registration 19
4.2.2 Login 19
4.2.3 Subject 19
4.2.4 Chapter 19
4.2.5 Video 19
4.2.6 Profile 19
4.2.7 Become Instructor 19
4.2.8 Upload Video 20
4.2.9 Upload File 20
4.2.10 History 20
4.2.11 Analytics 20
4.2.12 Manage Users 20
4.2.13 Manage Videos 20
4.2.14 Manage Files 20
4.2.15 Manage Syllabus 21
4.2.16 Manage Requests 21
4.2.17 Logout 21

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5 Hardware Requirement 22 - 23

6 Software Requirement 24 - 53

7 System Testing 54 - 55

7.1 Unit Testing

7.2 Integration Testing
7.3 User Acceptance Testing
7.4 User Training
8 Diagrams 56 – 65

8.1 Architecture 57
8.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0. 59
8.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1. 60
8.4 Use Case Diagram. 61
8.6 Class Diagram. 63

9 Experimentation 66 – 71

9.1 Test Plan

9.2 Test Pass OR Fail Criteria
9.3 Test Entry OR Exit Criteria
9.4 Testing Type
10 Result 72 - 87

10.1 Resulted Output

11 Conclusion 88 - 89

12 Future Scope 90 - 91

13 Bibliography 92 - 93

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1.1 Brief Description :
In our Virtual trial room software the user can change his dress virtually using
virtual clothes. The user has to stand in front of the Kinect sensor. The Kinect
scans the human body from the environment using the skeleton tracking
algorithm. The monitor which is connected with the Kinect sensor and the system
processor displays the user and also the list of dresses which can be worn
virtually. Live video streaming of the environment is scanned by the Kinect and
displayed in the monitor. The monitor also displays the list of dresses which can
be worn by the user. The user when selects the dress the dress is selected and it is
worn by the user virtually. The dress is super imposed over the user by scanning
the skeleton joints of the user. The dress fitted moves according to the movement
of the user standing in front of the Kinect sensor

1.2 Aim of The Project :

The main objective of this project is to a virtual fitting room is the digital
version of an in-store dressing room, where customers can try on a product
virtually to visualize how it may look on their bodies, and evaluate features such
as color, pattern, and style before purchasing.

1.3 Actual Methodology Followed:

Procedures that we followed during the completion of micro-project are:

Firstly, a discussion was held with the group members on the topic IoT Virtual
The topic was divided into several modules and each and every group member
was assigned one of them.
A thorough research on the “IoT Virtual Mirror” was specified to the group
members which include all the key concepts related to it.
All of them get perfectly arranged into the specified format and all the
errors/mistakes committed resolved.

Finally, the copy was submitted to the concerned course coordinator.

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Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

Our website is a free and informative. For accessing the website, one must have
the link and visit it. After that, the home page will appear which contains the
basic knowledge of our website. The home page will have the tab pane for the
user to visit other pages such as: About Us, Contact Us, and New Feature.

2.1 Project Plan:

The first activity in Website project planning is the determination of

Website Scope. The second Website planning task is problem
formulation. The scope of the project is limited to the intranet for time
being it is not deployable on any handheld devices

2.2 Project Scope:

 Ask Question.
 The e-commerce web application is developed for the end user of an e-
commerce site to get the right product for the user.
 Manage Solutions (View Solutions)
 Virtual roomView By User Point

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

Literature Review

3.1 Literature Survey

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

Many of the existing systems have variable perceptions in the area of
Augmented Reality which made possible the implementation of Trial Room
concept virtual. Few such E Commerce sites like Lens-kart, Abo, Snatcher, have
developed applications based on virtual reality. One of those ideas is the Virtual
Trial Room which displays the user in desired attire. But, none of the current
applications provide the three dimensional dynamic imaging. In order to
improve on this area we are proposing a new system called the “3D Virtual
Trial Room” Augmented Reality is direct and indirect view of real world
elements that area augmented on computer software. Augmented Reality
considers real and virtual elements. It mainly adds the software information and
refines the users view to actual environment. This work is an implementation to
develop Virtual trial Room application using AR which allows a user to try on
different colour of clothes. Most of the early applications attempted to do this
by overlying a static image of clothing over an image of the user captured by a
camera or any digital camera. But, like any other idea, the virtual trial room
involved from very basic solutions to more advanced solutions which were
more in sync with actual reality. This is the motivation behind any AR
application. This work presents an image processing design flow for Virtual
Trial Room applications, targeting personal computers.

Existing Systems:

In journal [1] “Human Friendly Interface Design for Virtual Fitting Room
Applications on Android Based Mobile Devices” is completely gives idea about
the virtual fitting of garments over user. The application targets both mobile and
computers. The proposed implementation is uses three-stage algorithms, they
are- Face detection, Augmented Reality using marker and super imposing of
cloths over the human image. This application can be used in any devices with a
fine camera. In order to obtain the body shape several techniques are being used
they are:1) Filtering with threshold [1], canny edge detection, K-means, and 2)
Motion detection or skeleton detection wherein multiple frames were analyzed
for any movement

.[2] For face detection, Haar algorithm is being used, it uses digital image
features for object recognition Open CV is being added for rectangular features
as well as improvements to make the algorithms faster for hardware
implementation. An augmented reality marker is used to display (superimpose)
the cloths over the users’ image.

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

[3] The main objective to obtain a real time, platform independent application.
Users are able to select sizes from XS to XL and choose between different
cameras on the device to implement the VFR. In addition, the algorithm can
track and scale the clothing according to user’s position and movement. The
application needs each marker for each garments and the dress only super
impose on the user, it only shows the 2D image. It’s impossible to protect the
markers. Count of markers increases with the count of dress. Storing and using
of large number of marker is difficult.

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

Proposed System

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

4.1 Proposed System:

 User can select the product based on the image provided by the user

 User can try and view how he/she look.

 User can order the product by adding to the cart

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

Hardware Requirement

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 1

5.1 Hardware Requirements

A hardware compatibility is a list of computer hardware (typically including many

types of peripheral devices) that is compatible with a particular operating system or
device management software. In today's world, there is a vast amount of computer
hardware in circulation, and many operating systems too.

All the hardware requirements mentioned below are minimum requirements.

For better experience, higher the system specifications, better the experience.

• Processor - Core 2 DUO and Above

• RAM - Min 1GB
• Hard Disk - Min 30 GB
• LAN Cable - 4 (Depending upon number of machine

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Software Requirement

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6.1 Software Requirements

A software requirement is a description of a software system to be developed. It lays

out functional and non-functional requirements, and may include a set of use cases that
describe user interactions that the software must provide.
 Operating System: Windows or Linux or Any
 Technology: Java 8
 Database: MySQL 5.5
 Eclipse Indigo IDE

Software used: -

Technologies used:
• It’s stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.
• HTML is used to define structure of Web Page.
• HTML is used for Creating the Web Pages.
• HTML is not a case sensitive language.
• HTML is a tag-based language.
HTML Tags:
1) <a> Tag
The <a> tag defines a hyperlink. The href attribute specifies the URL of the page
the link goes Example:
<a href="https://www.w3schools.com">Visit page</a>

2) <body> Tag
The <body> tag defines a body of html document.

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<body>This is body of html document</body>
3) <button> Tag
The <button> tag defines a button.
<button>Click it</button>

4) <div> Tag
The <div> tag defines a Division section.
<div>this is div tag</div>

5) <footer> Tag
The <footer> tag defines a footer of the page behave like section div.
<footer>This is a footer of the page </footer>

6) <form> Tag
The <form> tag defines a form that is used for getting some data from user using their
input fields.
Example: <form>
<input type="text">

<input type="text">
<input type="submit">
7) <head> Tag
The <head> tag used to set the a resources that requires for the web page. It can
contains external and internal resources as well Example:
<head><title>Home | welcome</title ></head>

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8) <header> Tag
The <header> tag defines a header of the html document , it behave like div or section.
<header>this is header tag</header>

9) <html> Tag
The <html> tag defines a hole document as html and it can contains a lot of tags and
<head><title>Home | welcome</title ></head>
<body>This is body of html document</body>

10) <li> Tag

The <li> tag defines a list element.
<li>this is the first element of the list</li>

11) <p> Tag

The <p> tag defines a paragraph and it can contain a lot of text.
<p>Visit W3Schools</p>

12) <script> Tag

The <script> tag tell the browser this is a script section and it contains scripts for the
<script type="javascript/text"> document.console.log(“hello world!!”);

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13) <section> Tag
The <section> tag defines a section of the page, it behave like div tag.
Example: <section>This is a section</section >
14)<select> Tag
The <select> tag defines a dropdown list it can contains multiple options.
<select><option>this is option-1 </option></select>

15) <span> Tag

The <span> tag used to highlight something in the text or paragraph and it also behave
like div.
<p> my name is <span> sandip</span></p>
16) <table> Tag
The <table> tag defines a table structure it can contains multiple columns and rows.
<td> defines a table structure</td>
<td> defines a table structure</td>
17) <tr> Tag
The <a> tag defines a table row.
<td> defines a table structure</td>
<td> defines a table structure</td>

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 23

18)<td> Tag
The <td> tag defines a table row data, we can say that column data.
<td> defines a table structure</td>
<td> defines a table structure</td>

19) <ul> Tag

The <ul> tag defines a list.
<li>this is the first element of the list</li>

20) <video> Tag

The <video> tag can run the video source file such as mp4, webpeg, hd Example:
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ogg"> Your
browser does not support the video tag.

21) <h2> Tag

The <h2> tag defines the small heading of the page it font size 28px.
<h2>Visit W3Schools</h2>

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22)<label> Tag
The <label> tag defines a label for the input tag.
<label for="name">Name</a><input type="text">
23) <input> Tag
The <input> tag defines used to take input data from end users.
<input type="text">

24) <link> Tag

The <link> tag defines a link external and internal resource files like css js or
other framework.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

25) <meta> Tag

The <meta> tag defines a the brain of the page and it contains charset, language,
favicon or much more in that we can add in it.
<meta charset="utf-8 ">Visit W3Schools</a>

26) <option> Tag

The <option> tag defines a options item for select , this is dropdown list items.
<select><option>this is option-1 </option></select>

27) <textarea> Tag

The <textarea> tag used to get input data from end user and it act like input tag,
have columns and rows

<textarea cols="15" rows="15" ></textarea>

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28) <th> Tag
The <th> tag defines a table row data heading.
<th> name</td>
<th> roll no</td>

29) <title > Tag

The <a> tag defines a tab title of the document. Example:
<head><title>Home | welcome</title ></head>

2. Cascading style sheets (CSS):

 CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
 CSS is used for designing web Pages.
 CSS makes web page more attractive.
 CSS code can be used multiple times.

CSS properties/attributes:
1. color: ;
The color property is used to set the color of the text.
Example: color: blue;

2. width: ;
The width property is used to set the width of the element.
Example: width: 100px;

3. height: ;
The height property is used to set the height of the element.

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Example: height: 100px;

4. margin: ;
The margin property is used to set the margin of the element.
margin: 10px 10px 10px 10px;

5. align-content: ;
The align-content property is used to set alignment of the text.
align-content: Centre;

6. align-items: ;
The align-items property is used to set alignment of the child elements.
align-items: Centre;

7. animation: ;
The animation property is used to set the animation name, duration, type and speed of the
Example: animation: fadeout 2s 2s ease-in;
8. appearance: ;

The appearance property is used to apply platform-specific styling to an element that

doesn’t have it by default, to remove platform-specific styling to an element that does
have it by default

appearance: none;

Jspm’s Rscoe Poly, Tathawade 27

9. backface-visibility: ;
The backface-visibility property defines whether or not the back face of an element
should be visible when facing the user.
backface-visibility: hidden;

10. background: ;
The background property is used to set the backgrounds as image or color of the element.
background: blue;

11. background-blend-mode: ;
The background-blend-mode property is used to blending mode of each background
layer (color and/or image).
Example: background-blend-mode: lighten;

12. background-clip: ;
The background-clip property defines how far the background (color or image) should
extend within an element.
background-clip: padding-box;
13. background-color: ;
The color property is used to set the color of the text.
Example: color: blue;

14. background-image: ;
The background property is used to set the background image of the element. Example:
background-image: url(/images/deo.png);

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15. background-position: ;
The background property is used to set the background position of image of elements.
background: 100px 50px;

16. background-repeat: ;
The background property is used to set the background image repetition or stop the
repetition of element. Example:
background-repeat: no-repeat;

17. background-size: ;
The background-size property is used to set the background image size of the element.
background-size: 100% 100%;

18. border: ;
The border property is used to set the border of the element.
border: 1px solid blue;

19. border-bottom: ;
The color property is used to set the color of the text.
Example: color: blue;

20. border-collapse: ;
The border-collapse property sets whether table borders should collapse into a single
border or be separated as in standard HTML.
border-collapse: collapse;

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21. border-radius: ;
The border-radius property is used to set the border-radius of the elements.
border-radius: 5px;

22. bottom: ;
The bottom property affects the vertical position of a positioned element.
This property has no effect on non-positioned elements.
bottom: 100px;

23. box-shadow: ;
The box-shadow property is used to set the shadow of the element.
box-shadow: 1px 2px 4px green;
24. clear: ;
The clear property specifies on which sides of an element floating elements are not
allowed to float.
clear: left;

25. cursor: ;
The cursor property specifies the mouse cursor to be displayed when pointing over an
cursor: pointer;

26. display: ;
The display property specifies the display behavior (the type of rendering box) of an
Example: display: none;

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27. flex-direction: ;
The flex-direction property specifies the direction of the flexible items Example:
flex-direction: row-reverse;

28. flex-wrap: ;
The flex-wrap property specifies whether the flexible items should wrap or not.

flex-wrap: wrap;

29. float: ;
The float property specifies how an element should float.
float: right;

30. font-family: ;
The font-family property specifies the font for an element.
font-family: arial, sans-serif;

31. font-size: ;
The font-size property sets the size of a font.
font-size: 12px;

32. font-stretch: ;
The font-stretch property allows you to make text narrower (condensed) or wider
font-stretch: expanded;

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33. font-style: ;
The font-style property specifies the font style for a text.
font-style: italic;

34. font-weight: ;
The font-weight property sets how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed
font-weight: 100;
35. gap: ;
The gap property defines the size of the gap between the rows and columns.
Example: gap: 10px;

36. grid-template-columns: ;
The grid-template-columns property specifies the number (and the widths) of columns in
a grid layout.
grid-template-columns: auto auto;

37. grid-template-rows: ;
The grid-template-rows property specifies the number (and the heights) of the rows in a
grid layout.
Example: grid-template-rows: auto auto;

38. justify-content: ;
The justify-content property is used to set the element to horizontal alignment.
justify-content: Centre;

39. left: ;
The left property affects the horizontal position of a positioned element.

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This property has no effect on non-positioned elements Example:
left: 100px;

40. letter-spacing: ;
The letter-spacing property is used to set the spacing between letter that present in the
letter-spacing: 5px;

41. line-height: ;
The line-height property is used to set the height of the sentence.
line-height: 40px;

42. list-style: ;
The list-style property is used to set the style for the list.
list-style: bullet;

43. max-height: ;
The max-height property defines the maximum height of an element..
max-height: 100px;

44. max-width: ;
The max-width property defines the maximum width of an element.
max-width: 100px;

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45. -moz-appearance: ;
The appearance property is used to apply platform-specific styling to an element that
doesn’t have it by default, to remove platform-specific styling to an element that does
have it by default with mozila support moz-appearance: none;

46. -moz-border-radius: ;
The border-radius property is used to set the border-radius of the elements with mozila
moz-border-radius: 45px;

47. -ms-transform: ;
The -ms-transform property applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. This
property allows you to rotate, scale, move, skew, etc., elements. Example:
ms-transform: translateX(50px);

48. -o-border-radius: ;
The -o-border-radius property is used to set the border-radius of the elements with opera
o-border-radius: 5px;

49. -o-transform: ;
The -o-transform property applies a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. This property
allows you to rotate, scale, move, skew, etc., elements with opera browser support.
o-transform: blue; 50. -o-transition:
The -o-transition property the transition effect is for elements with opera supports.
o-transition: 1s;

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51. outline:
The outline property is used to set the outline to elements.
Example: outline: none;

52. overflow:
The overflow property is used to set the handle elements overflow.
overflow: hidden;

53. overflow-x:
The overflow-x property is used to set the handle the horizontal overflow of the
overflow-x: hidden;

54. overflow-y:
The overflow-x property is used to set the handle the vertical overflow of the
elements Example:
overflow-y: hidden;

55. padding:
The padding property is used to an element's padding is the space between its
content and its border.
Example:padding: 1px;

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System Testing

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7.1 System Testing:

System testing is the stage of implementation, which is aimed at ensuring that the
system works accurately and efficiently before live operation commences.
Testing is the process of executing the program with the intent of finding errors
and missing operations and also a complete verification to determine whether the
objectives are met and the user requirements are satisfied. The ultimate aim is
quality assurance. Tests are carried out and the results are compared with the
expected document. In the case of erroneous results, debugging is done. Using
detailed testing strategies, a test plan is carried out on each module.

7.2 Unit Testing:

The Software units in a system are modules and routines that are assembled and
integrated to perform a specific function. Unit testing focuses first on modules,
independently of one another, to locate errors. This enables, to detect errors in
coding and logic that are contained within each module. This testing includes
entering data and ascertaining if the value matches to the type and size supported
by java. The various controls are tested to ensure that each performs its action as

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7.3 Integration Testing:

Data can be lost across any interface, one module can have an adverse effect
on another, sub functions when combined, may not produce the desired
major functions. Integration testing is a systematic testing to discover errors
associated within the interface. The objective is to take unit tested modules
and build a program structure. All the modules are combined and tested as a
whole. Here the Server module and Client module options are integrated and
tested. This testing provides the assurance that the application is well
integrated functional unit with smooth transition of data.

7.4 User Acceptance Testing:

User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system.
The system under consideration is tested for the user acceptance by
constantly keeping in touch with the system users at time of developing and
making changes whenever required.

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The Architecture Diagram consists of many components like the user interface, a
login-screen, an in-app store, the database, etc. To manage these components,
architecture diagram is made, so that we can logically define the relationships and
manner of interactions between all of these components for a Web application.

The Architecture Diagram showing how everything fits together

The following diagram shows, Web application architecture diagram. It is

basically divided into two parts:
1. Front-end
2. Back-end

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CONVERTED substraction,blob
FRAME detection,calculation of
ng matrices


Fig : Architecture Diagram

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8.2 Use Case Diagram:

A use case diagram is a dynamic or behaviour diagram in UML. Use case

diagrams model the functionality of a system using actors and use cases. Use
cases are a set of actions, services, and functions that the system needs to perform.
In this context, a "system" is something being developed or operated, such as a
web site. The "actors" are people or entities operating under defined roles within
the system

Fig. Use Case Diagram.

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Fig. Sequence Diagram


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8.4 Class Diagram:

A class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language is a type of static structure

diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their
attributes, operations, and the relationships among objects.

The standard class diagram is composed of three sections:

Upper section: Contains the name of the class. This section is always required,
whether you are talking about the classifier or an object.
Middle section: Contains the attributes of the class. Use this section to describe
the qualities of the class. This is only required when describing a specific instance
of a class.
Bottom section: Includes class operations (methods). Displayed in list format, each operation
takes up its own line. The operations describe how a class interacts with data.

Fig.: Class Diagram

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9.1 Test Plan:
Testing is a set of tasks that are preplanned and conducted systematically, which
assures working of individual modules as desired or planned. Software testing is one
of the key elements in software projects that are often referred to as verification and

9.2 Test Pass OR Fail Criteria:

When actual and expected results are same then test will be passed. When actual and
expected results are different then test will be failed.

9.3 Test Entry OR Exit Criteria:

Describe the entry and exit criteria used to start testing and determine when to stop

Entry Criteria
As soon as have requirement we can start testing.

Exit Criteria
When bug rate falls below certain level, we can stop testing.

9.4 Testing Type:

1. Functional Testing
2. Black Box Testing
3. White Box Testing
4. GUI Testing
5. Integration Testing.

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 With the help of this system, the ecommerce platform can successfully increase
the sales and also improve customer experience.

 It will give customers a better choice of options which are based on their own
personal adjustments, like tailor-made shopping experience

 .The system can work for any type of platform which requires an individualistic-
approach to the user experience.
 We can develop an android app for our project.

 Payment feature can also be added

 Tracking live orders can be added.

References/ Bibliography
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International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science and
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