Power Homes Unlimited Corp

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Power Homes Unlimited Corp. vs SEC (GR No.

164182, 26 February 2008)

G.R. No. 164182 February 26, 2008


FACTS: Petitioner is a domestic corporation duly registered with Public Respondent

SEC, and is engaged in the transaction of promoting, acquiring, managing, leasing,
obtaining options on, development, and improvement of real estate properties for
subdivision and allied purposes, and in the purchase, sale and/or exchange of said
subdivision and properties through network marketing. Public Respondent SEC acted
on the letters of Respondent Noel Manero and a certain Romulo Munsayac, Jr.

Manero alleged that in a seminar he attended, Petitioner claimed that it sells properties
that were inexistent and without any broker’s license. Munsayac on the other hand,
inquired whether Petitioner’s business is legitimate or not.

After investigation, Public Respondent SEC found out that Petitioner is engaged in the
sale or offer for sale or distribution of investment contracts, which are considered
securities under Sec. 3.1 (b) of Republic Act (R.A.) No. 8799 (The Securities Regulation
Code), but failed to register them in violation of Sec. 8.1 of the same Act,Public
Respondent SEC issued a Cease and Desist Order against Petitioner.

Petitioner filed this petition for review after the Court of Appeals denied its petition for
lack of merit and affirmed in toto Public Respondent’s Cease and Desist Order.

1. Whether Public Respondent SEC followed due process in the issuance of the
assailed Cease and Desist Order;
2. Whether Petitioner’s business constitutes an investment contract which should be
registered with Public Respondent SEC before its sale or offer for sale or distribution to
the public.


1. YES. The Court held that Petitioner was not denied of due process. The records
reveal that Public Respondent SEC properly examined petitioner’s business operations
when it (1) called into conference three of petitioners incorporators, (2) requested
information from the incorporators regarding the nature of petitioners business
operations, (3) asked them to submit documents pertinent thereto, and (4) visited
petitioners business premises and gathered information thereat. All these were done
before the CDO was issued by the Public Respondent SEC.
2. The Court ruled that Petitioner’s business constitutes an investment contract, thus,
should be registered with Public Respondent SEC before its sale or offer for sale of
distribution to the public. To determine whether a transaction falls within the scope of an
investment contract, the Court made use of the Howey Test which provides that an
investment contract requires a transaction, contract, or scheme whereby a person: (1)
makes an investment of money, (2) in a common enterprise, (3) with the expectation of
profits, (4) to be derived solely from the efforts of others.

Ciiting SEC v. Glenn W. Turner Enterprises, Inc. et al., the Court therefore ruled that the
business operation or the scheme of Petitioner constitutes an investment contract that is
a security under R.A. No. 8799. Thus, it must be registered with Public Respondent
SEC before its sale or offer for sale or distribution to the public. As petitioner failed to
register the same, its offering to the public was rightfully enjoined by Public Respondent
SEC. The CDO was proper even without a finding of fraud.

As an investment contract that is security under R.A. No. 8799, it must be registered
with public respondent SEC, otherwise the SEC cannot protect the investing public from
fraudulent securities. The strict regulation of securities is founded on the premise that
the capital markets depend on the investing public’s level of confidence in the system.


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