PC Module 1 Lesson 2

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No. of hours: 3

Mode of delivery Synchronous and Asynchronous

1. Explain the importance of communication principles.

Learning objectives 2. Discuss each principle using a chart.
3. Critique a communication situation.


Tasks/ Activities ONLINE TOOL/S Tasks/ Activities ONLINE TOOL/S

Pretest/ Brain
(Perform the task Official LMS Interactive Official LMS
provided in this Jamboard Discussion/ Chat Box
module.) Google Slide Sharing FB Messenger
KWL Chart
Google Jamboard Blog Loom
Brain Booster or Google Slides Presentations Google Meet
Activity 1 First Blog Activity Zoom
(Link/s will be given Feedbacking/ (Meeting link will be
by your teacher) Critiquing sent to your LMS or
Google Classroom)
Second Blog Blogger.com Presentation of Google Meet
Brain Booster Outputs
Activity Zoom
Activity 2
(Link/s will be given (Meeting link will be
by your teacher) Critiquing sent to your LMS or
Google Classroom)

(Link will be given by
Evaluation Google Forms
your teacher)
Submission of
Please check/ visit your LMS or Google Classroom for the announcement on the
submission of your outputs. You may also reach your teacher through contact
number ___________________.
Note: The online tools and resources for synchronous and asynchronous tasks to be used shall depend on the agreement between the teacher
and students. The online platforms above are only suggested. Teachers are given the liberty to choose tools which best suit the learning
environment and resource-capacities of the learners without setting aside the competencies expected for the course.
Study the terms below then write your initial answers in the KWL chart.

Trustworthiness Active Listening Non-judgemental

No Assumptions Authenticity Value Difference

WHAT I KNOW (Your teacher will inform
KNOW you when to answer this


Active Listening


No Assumptions


Value Difference

Visit your digital learning platform to read updates when to go online and what tool will be
used for the synchronous discussion of this activity.
Communication is fundamental to all relationships. Poor communication is the most
frequently cited cause of discontent within organizations and it would be reasonable to expect
that most employers are seeking to appoint people with good communication skills.

1. Trustworthiness

Effective relationships are built on trust and with respect to communication, trust that
both parties are applying the same principles. Without a sense of trust, it may be difficult to
really engage in meaningful communication.

2. Active Listening

Active listening means being focused entirely on the person speaking, and not interrupting
or starting to fashion your own response before someone has finished his/her sentence.

3. Non-judgemental
Judging others is not a good basis for building relationships. It is very easy to say that we
should be non-judgemental, but an extremely difficult principle to live by. It is so easy to judge;
we do it all the time. As human beings we seem to be programmed to judge other people.
What is meant by being judgemental? Put simply, it means that the person who is judging
another thinks that “I’m right, you’re wrong”. “I’m better than you are” or “you’re better than
me” and “my ideas are better than your ideas” are other examples of passing judgement.

4. Value Difference
Value the different contributions that people you interact with bring to your relationships.
Their opinions may be different but not better or worse. If you can create a trusting
environment, whereby people know that their contributions will be valued, they are not being
judged, people are respectfully listening to them and appreciating their input, that what they
say remains confidential and that they are being listened to fully, you create an environment
for active engagement and fruitful relationships.

5. No Assumptions

People can interpret words they hear in a way that was not intended by the person who
said them. If someone says one thing and another takes those words to mean something
completely different, communication has not occurred. There has simply been an exchange of
words without comprehension. This happens when we assume that we understand what is
meant without checking things out. It is important to clarify what someone means, rather than
make assumptions that you have understood what they are trying to convey.

6. Authenticity
Be truthful in your communications. We communicate in a number of ways, not just by the
words we use. How we say things and movement of the body all have a bearing on the
message that is conveyed to the listener or observer. Research tells us that words actually have
the least impact on our communication (around 7%). The manner in which we say things –
tone, speed, etc. (music 38%) and our body language (dance – 55%) are far more important in
conveying our message.

In conclusion, these basic communication principles will help to ensure that we have
heard and been heard without misinterpretation.
General Direction:

Visit our digital learning platform for the instructions

on the online tools to be used and the mode and
deadline of submission of your activities.

Activity 1

Rank the principles of communication from most to least important according to what you
have understood from the lesson then write your explanation why you say so. Use the chart

Activity 2
Observe one communication situation (at home, from videos via internet or live stream or
whichever is applicable) and list down the principles of communication present. Write a critique
paper in 2-3 paragraphs following the guide questions below.

Guide Questions:
1. What are the principles present in the situation?
2. Discuss each principle and its importance in achieving an effective communication.

Write your critique here.


(Your title)




 Visit our digital learning platform for your evaluation.

 Read articles about communication ethics. Be ready to share your output to the class
next session.


For Writing Activity

Content - 40%
Organization - 30%
Relevance to the topic - 20%
Mechanics - 10%
Total 100%


Bradburry, B. (2011). Principles for Effective Communication. Retrieved on August 10, 2020
from http://hallandsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Principles-for-Effective-

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