Christmas Traditions

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The Christmas tree star symbolizes the 'Star of Bethlehem'.

It is the star that guided the three wise men to baby Jesus. It
also symbolizes hope for humanity. In the story, it signifies
the birth and kingship – which turned out to be an
undefinable hope for society.

Christmas trees are said to be one of the l

most popular house decors during the
Christmas holiday. The idea of the
Christmas tree is believed to have been
brought to the Philippines in 1886 by
Jose Rizal after traveling Europe and the
United States of America. The For most Filipinos, it begins on the first day of
Christmas tree, however, did not gain September, the beginning of the “ber months”, and
much popularity in the country until the could last until the Feast of the Santo Niño on the
Americans came in the 1900s. third Sunday of January. As soon as the ber months
start, many Filipino household decorate their houses
with traditional Parol and Christmas lights. The word
parol is derived from the Spanish word farol, which
It is widely known that the Philippines holds the means "lantern" or "light," it seems only apt for the
longest Christmas celebration in the world. Roman parol to have evolved into what it is now. The parol
catholic church begins the celebration during the 16 th we know today boasts intricate geometric patterns,
of December, which is the first night of “Simbang equipped with dancing lights that make the intricacy
Gabi”. Simbang Gabi is famous for its Spanish name, all the more impressive. It is also said that the
Misa de Gallo, or "Mass of the Rooster.'' Many people lanterns were brought along the procession of patron
wake up early so they can attend the four o’clock saints as people walked from barrio to barrio.
dawn mass. Most churches are decorated with colorful
lights and beautiful Parol lanterns to welcome the

Christmas villages are popular tourist destination during

Christmas holiday here in the Philippines. It is a miniature village
that is surrounded by Christmas lights, parols and other
Christmas decoration. Many people visit such place during the
holiday to take pictures, where you can feel the spirit of

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