Impact of Physiotherapy On Patients With Advanced Lung Cancer

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Review Series: Palliative Care for Lung Disease

Chronic Respiratory Disease

10(4) 223–232
Impact of physiotherapy on patients ª The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permission:
with advanced lung cancer DOI: 10.1177/1479972313508965

Sevgi Ozalevli

Patients with lung cancer have high mortality and high morbidity. Lung cancer-related symptoms and problems
such as dyspnea, fatigue, pain, and cachexia that begin in the early phase later result in poor physical functioning,
psychosocial, and quality of life status. In addition, advancing age is associated with significant comorbidity.
These patients may benefit from multidisciplinary therapy to reduce the perceived severity of dyspnea and fati-
gue and increase physical functioning and quality of life. Based on management of symptoms and problems such
as dyspnea, physical inactivity, cancer-related fatigue, respiratory secretions, pain, and anxiety–depression of
these patients, it is thought that physiotherapy techniques can be used on advanced lung cancer patients fol-
lowing a comprehensive evaluation. However, well-designed, prospective, and randomized-controlled trials
are needed to prove the efficacy of physiotherapy and pulmonary rehabilitation in general for patients with
advanced lung cancer.

Advanced lung cancer, physiotherapy, exercise, dyspnea, fatigue, anxiety

Introduction 73% of male and 53% of female patients with lung can-
cer.6 It is obvious that when COPD accompanies the dis-
Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer. It is
ease, the systemic effects of COPD (peripheral muscle
responsible for more cancer-related deaths than the total
dysfunction, osteoporosis, loss of nonfat body mass,
of the other common cancers such as breast, prostate,
anxiety, and depression) will intensify the symptoms
and colorectal cancer.1 Patients with lung cancer have
and problems of lung cancer.7
a high mortality as well as high morbidity. In most of
The value of rehabilitation has been described in
the patients, cancer-related symptoms are seen. These
the context of thoracic surgery including lung resec-
patients confront problems such as dyspnea, fatigue,
tions, volume reduction surgery, and lung transplanta-
pain, and cachexia especially in the late phase. These
tion.5,8 However, in relation to patients with advanced
symptoms and problems that begin in the early
lung cancer, there have been only a limited number of
phase compromise compliance with treatment causing
studies that explore the effectiveness of pulmonary
poor physical functional condition accompanied by
rehabilitation. The adaptation and implementation of
psychosocial disorders and briefly negatively affect the
pulmonary rehabilitation is thought to be possible and
quality of life of patients with advanced lung cancer who
effective.2,6,7,9–12 In this article, only the physiother-
have limited life expectancy.2,3
apy aspects of pulmonary rehabilitation applied to
Pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapies
lung cancer will be discussed.
focus on increasing physical function and improving
quality of life.4 Pulmonary rehabilitation decreases
respiratory symptoms and improves functional exercise
capacity and increases quality of life, especially in chro- Dokuz Eylul University, School of Physical Therapy and Re-
nic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).5 Patients habilitation, Izmir, Turkey
with lung cancer, like COPD, frequently suffer from
Corresponding author:
symptoms such as dyspnea, fatigue, deconditioning, Sevgi Ozalevli, Dokuz Eylul University, School of Physical Therapy
exercise intolerance, malnutrition, impaired life status, and Rehabilitation, Izmir 35340, Turkey.
and quality. It has been found that COPD is present in Email: [email protected]
224 Chronic Respiratory Disease 10(4)

Dyspnea fan may decreasing dyspnea even among advanced

Dyspnea is one of the most distressing symptoms in lung cancer patients.26–28
advanced lung cancer, and treatment of this symptom Acupuncture may be an alternative approach to
may be difficult and complex.3 Although the severity reduce breathlessness, but the data are limited and
of dyspnea in lung cancer varies according to the dis- mixed.28,29
ease’s stage and progress, it has been suggested that A number of studies have shown that the pursed lip
78% of the patients with advanced lung cancer have breathing technique is particularly helpful in reducing
dyspnea.13 Once diagnosed with lung cancer fatigue, or settling dyspnea.20,25,30,31 Other studies on breath-
pain, anorexia, coughing, and insomnia are the most ing training has observed that when breathing training
frequent problems. In the later phase, dyspnea, pain, is applied to patients (panic management, pursed lip
noisy breathing, and psychological stress frequently breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing), their
cause problems.14,15 It has been determined that dys- respiratory rate dyspnea decreases dramatically and
pnea is seen in every stage of lung cancer and is asso- their functional capacities improve.21,28,31,32
ciated with patients’ quality of life.16–18 Dyspnea in At present there is no information about the appli-
cancer patients is caused by associated conditions and cation and effects of inspiratory muscle training on
diseases such as the cancer itself, the treatment, COPD, lung cancer patients with chronic pulmonary disease.
cardiac failure, anxiety, and the patient’s behavioral When the advantages and benefits of this technique
responses to other symptoms of the disease.19 are considered, it is assumed that it can be used with
Nonpharmacological approaches are preferred to an exercise program on advanced lung cancer
pharmacological ones such as opioids or anxiolytic patients.33 Inspiratory resistive training was used only
medication, which is used to reduce dyspnea caused in one study on a pulmonary rehabilitation program
by respiratory depression.20 There are a variety of for nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients who
methods and strategies to reduce dyspnea among had undergone lung resection, but the effects of the
COPD patients that are proved to be effective.14,21 application alone are not stated.34
Educating the patient and his or her family about arran- It has been stated that lung cancer patients employ
ging the humidity and temperature of the patient’s an avoidance of activity strategy so as to prevent dys-
room, preventing noise, and creating a relaxing envi- pnea and this situation causes a sedentary lifestyle and
ronment with music are useful suggestions.14,21,22 deconditioning.35 Therefore, it would be useful to
Anxiety, depression, and other psychological fac- inform the patients about energy conservation tech-
tors occur frequently in patients with advanced lung niques in order to increase their physical condi-
disease and influence breathlessness.22 Therefore, tion.20,36 Recommending portable oxygen support
breathing control and relaxation therapy may be ben- and/or assistive tools for walking (walkers, wheel-
eficial for both the individual and the family.23,24 It chairs, rollators, etc.) when necessary and giving the
has been shown that a forward leaning position is a patients breathing control training during activities are
particularly effective strategy to reduce dyspnea. For- other assistive strategies for reducing dyspnea.23,37 It
ward leaning is associated with a significant reduction has been found that pursed lip breathing taught during
in electromyographic activity of the scalenes and walking activity reduces the severity of dyspnea in
sternomastoid muscle, an increase in transdiaphrag- COPD patients and increases the walking distance.38
matic pressure and inspiratory mouth pressure, and
significant improvement in thoracoabdominal move-
ments. This position has been shown to improve dia- Physical inactivity
phragmatic function and hence improves all chest Particularly in the advanced stage, the lung cancer
movements and decreases accessory muscle recruit- patients’ physical abilities reduce due to the symp-
ment and dyspnea.25 toms of the illness and problems caused by the treat-
It has been shown that fanning cold air on the nose, ment.39 It has been determined before that the
mouth, and chin reduces dyspnea perception. It has physical activity level is relevant to the quality of
been thought that cold air circulation changes life.4,15,17,39
patients’ dyspnea perception by stimulating extrathor- It is thought that in these patients skeletal muscle
acic mechanoreceptors on the face or within the nasal dysfunction arises from skeletal myopathy (due to use
passages.26 The usage of a small, portable, and cheap of oral corticosteroids), deconditioning (from physical
Ozalevli 225

inactivity), and high levels of systemic inflammation feasible for patients undergoing chemotherapy. For
(from underlying disease and therapy).40 For these rea- this reason, improving low intensity and more
sons, exercise training should be applied in every stage appropriate programs, especially for patients with
of the disease. It has been proved that exercise training advanced lung cancer who are undergoing chemother-
frequently applied in pre- and postoperative periods apy, is necessary. There is no information about
decreases the symptoms of lung cancer patients and home-based exercise training for these patients. How-
improves exercise capacity and quality of life.41,42 But, ever, it has been proved that home-based exercise
generally there is no clear information about the content programs are feasible and improve functional status
of exercise programs that should be applied in advanced and quality of life in patients with breast cancer and
lung cancer patients. When skeletal muscle influence on reduce cardiac dysfunction.2,52,53
patients is suggested, resistance exercises should also be A few studies have described the effectiveness of
applied. It is thought that the combination of aerobic and exercise in patients with advanced lung cancer.8
resistance training may be the most effective form of Spruit et al.54 researched the multidisciplinary inpati-
exercise training to optimally augment peak oxygen ent rehabilitation program’s effects in NSCLC
consumption in patients with lung cancer. It is believed patients with comorbidity such as COPD, arterial
that the suggested comprehensive program will improve hypertension, and transient ischemic attack. Exercise
oxidative capacity, additionally increase muscle training consisted of daily cycle ergometry, treadmill
strength and endurance, reduce fatigue, and improve walking, weight training, and gymnastics. The
exercise tolerance.43,44 It is determined that aerobic and impairment of pulmonary function was unchanged,
resistance exercise with exercise training frequently while significant improvements were found in the
used with breast cancer patients increase their cardio- 6-minute walking distance and peak cycling power
pulmonary capacity and quality of life, reduce fatigue, output.54 Jones et al.55 applied an aerobic exercise
improve physical functional levels, and cure psycholo- program to 19 lung cancer patients (I–III B NSCLC).
gical problems (resulting in regular sleep patterns, gen- Significant improvements in quality of life, exercise
eral well-being, self-confidence, energy, and so on).45 performance, and fatigue severity of patients were
Although there are differences in intensity and fre- reported.55 Cesario et al.34 applied a multidisciplinary
quency in exercise training studies, it should be noted inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation program to 25
that exercise applied in cancer patients should not cause NSCLC patients who had undergone lung resection.
over fatigue and should be programmed individually It was found that walking distance was significantly
according to patients’ tolerance.10,11,43–47 In accordance improved despite there being no change in pulmonary
with this purpose, it is thought that interval exercise function.34 Ozalevli et al.11 enrolled 18 patients with
programs may be more suitable and beneficial for lung stage IIIA–B and IV advanced lung cancer who did
cancer patients instead of continuous exercise.47 It has not have surgical indications and received intense
been identified that interval exercise programs that can chemotherapy and radiotherapy in an inpatient chest
be applied even in severe COPD patients improve the physiotherapy program. Although there was no
quality of life and are safe and beneficial.48 Moreover, change in pulmonary function at the end of the pro-
it has been found that one-legged exercise training, gram, a significant decrease in severity of fatigue and
which is a new exercise strategy used in severe dyspnea was perceived by patients, and a significant
COPD patients, causes lower ventilatory stress than increase in their quality of life and exercise capacity
conventional bipedal cycling and also increases aerobic was determined.11 Riesenberg and Lübbe56 applied
capacity much more.49 Also, this exercise strategy is an aerobic exercise program to 45 multimorbid lung
appropriate especially for advanced lung cancer cancer patients who had undergone surgery and/or
patients. There is a need for more research into this radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. It determined that
subject. after increased work performance by bicycle ergome-
Although some research shows that multidimen- try and a 6-minute walk test (functional status), heart
sional exercise programs are suitable for patients with rate at rest was reduced, quality of life was improved,
lung cancer, exercise adherence is considerably low and fatigue was reduced.56 Temel et al.50 enrolled 25
(19–44%).50,51 Even though supervised outpatient patients with advanced lung cancer (advanced
exercise programs are preferred for patients with NSCLC, stage IIIB with pleural or pericardial effu-
comorbid disease and poor health, community-based sions or stage IV), who were receiving chemotherapy,
programs are thought to be more acceptable and more in an aerobic and strength-training exercise program.
226 Chronic Respiratory Disease 10(4)

Authors have stated that this program is applicable in cancer. Pulmonary rehabilitation is suggested as a fea-
patients with advanced lung cancer.50 sible and safe therapeutic treatment in patients with
Interestingly, it is observed in the studies that cycle lung cancer.8 However, there is not much literature
ergometer is preferred over treadmill walking. Exer- about the effectiveness and content of pulmonary
cise intensity can be arranged more accurately and rehabilitation in patients with advanced lung cancer.
monitoring of patients is easier. Besides, the cycle Well-designed, further research is needed to expand
ergometer is a more appropriate exercise device than the role of pulmonary rehabilitation and special exer-
the treadmill because most of the patients with lung cise programs in patients with advanced lung cancer.
cancer are old and probably suffer from balance prob-
lems.43 There is not enough information about exer-
cise and physiotherapy approaches for patients with Cancer-related fatigue
advanced lung cancer, especially during chemother- One of the most common and distressing effects of
apy. But it has been said that to protect physical per- cancer is fatigue. Cancer-related fatigue is defined
formance, despite chemotherapy-related over fatigue as ‘‘an unusual persistent subjective sense of tired-
and exhaustion, aerobic exercises can be appropriate ness’’ arising directly and/or indirectly from cancer
and effective in this period.57,58 It has been stated or its treatment.53 This symptom occurs from the ear-
through research that aerobic exercise, massage, liest stages of the disease and affects patients nega-
relaxation, and body awareness training in advanced tively.64 A study defined that 57% of the patients
lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy espe- with stage 1A-1B NSCLC have fatigue according to
cially decrease fatigue symptoms and help to cope Brief Fatigue Inventory. It has been stated that the
with symptoms.2,57 Generally in this period, doing high level of fatigue despite the early stage of disease
exercises in rhythmic contraction without increasing causes the impaired functional status of the patients.65
fatigue and low rhythm with relaxation in the applied It has been found that physical functioning of
aerobic exercise programs is suggested.58 patients with advanced lung carcinoma decreased due
In patients with advanced lung cancer, mobiliza- to fatigue. The fatigue was not caused by weight loss
tion, with or without oxygen, of patients who suffer and anemia but was related to psychological factors.66
particularly from severe deconditioning is useful. It In a study conducted in ambulatory patients with
is stated that applied passive or active assistive exer- advanced lung cancer, stage lllA–B, IV suffered from
cises used for preventing muscular atrophy can be 81.5% fatigue and accompanying 74.5% dyspnea and
beneficial for severe lung cancer patients who cannot 65% pain symptoms. It was found that approximately
do active muscle contraction effectively. In these one-third of patients with fatigue had limited daily life
cases, it has been shown that neuromuscular electrical activities such as walking due to fatigue, which also
stimulation (NMES) is also effective.59 Several inves- affected the emotional state of the patients in a nega-
tigators have shown that NMES intervention is well tive way.15
tolerated and effective alone or in combination with As well as resulting from the cancer itself, there
exercise, results in improvements in strength, muscle can be many reasons for cancer-related fatigue such
mass, exercise capacity, and sense of dyspnea during as anemia, medications, changes in metabolism,
daily living activities in patients with very severe infection, dehydration, loss of strength and muscle
COPD, chronic heart failure, and mechanically venti- coordination, decline in physical condition, emotional
lated intensive care unit patients who experience intol- distress, trouble sleeping, inactivity, pain, poor nutri-
erable symptoms during or after active training due to tion, and other comorbidities or medical conditions in
the progression of their underlying disease.12,22,60,61 addition to cancer.67 Cancer-related fatigue is a com-
It has been suggested that applying the NMES as a plex problem with physical and psychosocial influ-
home-based NMES program maintains and improves ences. Thus, the therapies and strategies to be used
quadriceps femoris muscle strength in patients with to reduce fatigue must be considered in a multidirec-
lung cancer.62,63 Randomized-controlled trials are tional and comprehensive manner.
needed to study the efficacy and safety of NMES for To combat cancer-related fatigue, the stage of the dis-
severely disabled lung cancer patients. ease, treatment regimes, age factor, fatigue-aggravating
A small number of studies have shown that pul- dyspnea, pain, vomiting and such problems, the severity
monary rehabilitation reduces perioperative risks and of these problems, and the quality of life of the individ-
improves functional capacity in patients with lung ual must be assessed comprehensively. Based on this
Ozalevli 227

assessment, exercise training, diet therapy, sleep ther- suffer from more severe cough with bronchial
apy, cognitive therapy, and pharmacological therapy secretion.75
can be individually adjusted and applied to reduce Cough in patients with lung cancer results from pul-
cancer-related fatigue.68 monary pathology (upper and lower respiratory infec-
Nonpharmacological interventions for fatigue con- tion, COPD, asthma or pulmonary edema, etc.),
sist of education, counseling, and support groups for gastroesophageal reflux disease, aspiration, and some
stress reduction and energy conservation, nutrition, drugs (angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor and
and exercise. It is believed that exercise changes the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, etc.).14 Chronic
negative neuromuscular influence caused by the dis- and severe cough increases the cancer pain of patients
ease. Thus, fatigue can be reduced with regular exer- with lung cancer, causes sleep deficit, dyspnea, and
cise. It has been shown in patients with COPD that fatigue or increases their severity and causes anxi-
exercise training for at least 4 weeks, with or without ety.14,75 Even though in lung cancer, cough is helped
education and/or psychological support, leads to a with medication, it has been stated that hydration, gen-
clinically significant reduction in fatigue, as well as tle suctioning, postural drainage, chest physiotherapy,
improving dyspnea, emotional function and patients’ and external oscillation applications can be useful for
sense of control.69 There is some evidence to support patients with lung cancer, underlying COPD and
the use of exercise for cancer-related fatigue, although bronchiectasis who have poor cough reflex to maintain
the role of exercise for patients with lung cancer specif- bronchial hygiene.5,7,9,14,23,25,61 Unfortunately, there
ically has not been examined. Exercise would likely are no studies in this area. Since the risk of metastasis
provide a benefit to this patient population, although is high in patients with advanced lung cancer, it is sen-
additional data are needed to support this.12,57,67,70,71 sible to avoid the percussive applications on the chest
Chemotherapy-induced fatigue leads to physical wall (percussion, vibration, etc.).76 Although there is
discomfort and exhaustion, leading to reduced activ- no related evidence, interpretation can be made for
ity levels and avoidance of physical effort.2 Despite patients with lung cancer based on the application of
this symptom, it has been found that aerobic exercise the techniques that maintain bronchial hygiene in risky
training applied in the chemotherapy period reduces and complex diseases. For example, thoracic expan-
psychological stress and perceived fatigue severity.57 sion exercise and breathing control may be helpful to
Moreover, moderate walking training as a home pro- assist in mobilizing secretions up the bronchial tree.
gram decreases fatigue.53 Exercise programs to Forced expiratory technique and coughing can be used
reduce fatigue may not be appropriate for advanced to help the patient mobilize secretions. Forced expira-
lung disease, but it is assumed that fatigue can be tory technique consists of one or two huffs combined
reduced by addressing the symptoms of dyspnea, with breathing control. This technique can be used in
depression, and insomnia related to fatigue.72,73 In any position according to the individual’s require-
addition, understanding the underlying mechanisms ments, and studies have shown that there is no effect
for energy loss and gain, as well as the relationship on hypoxemia. Besides, it has been stated that these
between the right amount and type of activity and techniques were used and proved effective in the acute
sleep, are important and can lead to more effective exacerbation periods of patients with COPD.76,77 In
therapy programs. It is known that training in energy addition to this, flutter, a device that is simple, easy
conservation techniques reduces fatigue and improves to use, and self-applicable, increases sputum removal
functional capacities, thereby maintaining symptom during treatment and diminishes total and peripheral
control.9,28,68,74 Energy conservation strategies can airway resistance in hypersecretive patients.78
also be used for patients with advanced lung cancer.

Cough and respiratory secretions It has been observed that 56% of patients with
advanced COPD and cancer patients suffer from dis-
Cough and excess secretions are a common and dis-
tressing pain.13 Moreover, it has been found that 28%
tressing symptom in patients with lung cancer. Both
of lung cancer patients have severe pain.79 Causes of
symptoms are seen particularly in patients in the late
pain in COPD include subcostal pain due to diaphrag-
stages of lung cancer at an approximate rate of 40%.
matic and intercostal muscle fatigue, rib fractures
Lung cancer patients with underlying COPD can
related to coughing and/or corticosteroid-induced
228 Chronic Respiratory Disease 10(4)

osteoporosis, and pleural inflammation caused by reduces anxiety, dyspnea, and heart and respiratory
infection.20 In patients with lung cancer, pain may rate, especially in patients with COPD.25,59,84 It is
be caused by tumor invasion into soft tissues, nerves acknowledged that this technique and teaching other
or bone, either at primary site or from metastasis.12 relaxation methods and positions are advantageous
What is more, it is obvious that pain related to inactiv- and simple for COPD patients in that they require
ity that develops as a result of dyspnea and fatigue no devices and allow the patients self-control of
will further reduce the quality of life of advanced lung symptoms.25 However, it has been found that these
cancer patients, most of whom also have COPD. applications are not effective in reducing anxiety and
Pain reduction strategies used on patients with depression in advanced lung cancer patients.87 They
COPD can also be used on patients with lung cancer. must be taught to the patients, practised, and adapted
It has been stated that biofeedback and breathing tech- specifically to each individual at the earliest stage
niques can be effective in reducing the pain of cancer possible when there are no respiratory problems
patients generally.12 In particular, transcutaneous and/or the severity of the problem is at its lowest so
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) may be helpful. that these approaches used for reducing symptoms
It has been shown that TENS reduces the pain related and problems may prove effective.20,87
with lung resection.60,80 Ozalevli at al.11 reported that Besides, it has been shown that depression and
77.8% of 18 advanced lung cancer patients who they anxiety reduce the physical activity level of an indi-
monitored with an inpatient physiotherapy program vidual, and exercise cures these symptoms.88 Exercis-
suffered from pain, especially in the waist–hip and ing reduces anxiety and depression, perceived
thorax regions. It was found that with the application dyspnea severities and fatigue, and increases quality
of TENS (conventional TENS: 80 Hz, using square of life, especially in older COPD patients.12,89,90 The
wave 100 microseconds pulses), the pain and its effect of exercise on depression and anxiety is, on the
severity was reduced significantly, while the analge- other hand, unknown in advanced lung cancer
sic intake of the patients did not change. This study patients. Although the symptoms of fatigue, pain, and
has shown that TENS can be safely used for the reduc- dyspnea of 171 advanced lung cancer patients at an
tion of pain and is effective on patients with advanced age average of 63 were defined as low severity (1 to
lung cancer.11 Massage can be a safe and effective 3 on a 0–10 numerical scale), these symptoms proved
application in palliation of symptoms and mood that significantly effective in their daily life activities,
occur in patients with advanced cancer.81 It has been walking, working, and moods. Moreover, it has been
found that massage therapy (6 therapies every 2 detected that the dyspnea perception of patients is
weeks) significantly reduces the severity of the pain affected by their psychological state as well as by
and improves the mood of patients with advanced symptoms such as pain and coughing. It has been
lung cancer.82 thought that, in these patients, reducing depression
and anxiety decreases the severity of dyspnea and the
negative effect of dyspnea on daily activities.15
Anxiety and depression Briefly, curing symptoms like dyspnea, pain, and
It has been shown that, particularly in patients with coughing that cause and are increased by psychologi-
advanced COPD, depression and anxiety increase cal stress, especially in advanced lung cancer patients,
the perceived dyspnea severity and associated with will reduce the negative influence of the disease in its
the poor physical, social and quality of life of early stages. Or, the appropriate psychological sup-
patients.72,83 Similar to COPD, patients with lung port given, starting at the early stage of the disease,
cancer can also experience psychological morbidities will definitely contribute to the treatment of patients.
like depression and anxiety. It has been stated that the Comprehensive research is required on this topic.
most frequently used methods to reduce anxiety and
depression are cognitive behavioral therapy and pro-
gressive muscular relaxation applications.20,53,66,84,85 Conclusion
Methods include progressive muscular relaxation Since the life span of even metastatic lung cancer
with systematic tensing and relaxing of all muscle patients is increasing, the need for satisfactory and
groups, visualization and guided imagery, self hypno- effective applications to enhance the functional status
sis, and distraction by music 20,28,86 It has been proved and life quality of lung cancer patients from the earli-
that the progressive muscular relaxation technique est stage is necessary.
Ozalevli 229

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