Ezzeldin 2016
Ezzeldin 2016
Ezzeldin 2016
Abstract: Using boundary elements in reinforced masonry (RM) walls allows closed ties to be used and multiple layers of vertical bars to be
accommodated, thus providing a confining reinforcement cage. This enhances the overall performance of the RM wall relative to conven-
tional RM wall with rectangular cross sections, which typically have a single-leg horizontal reinforcement and a single layer of vertical
reinforcement. In addition, with the expected shift of design code developers’ focus from the component-level to the system-level assessment
of seismic force resisting systems (SFRS), there is a need to experimentally quantify the system-level performance of RM buildings. To
address this, an experimental asymmetrical two-story reduced-scale RM shear wall building with boundary elements, referred to as “Building
IV,” was tested to failure under reversed cyclic loading that simulates seismic demands. Building IV was designed to have the same lateral
resistance as a previously tested RM shear wall building with conventional rectangular configuration (without boundary elements), referred to
as “Building III,” to allow for direct comparison. Therefore, after a brief summary of the experimental program, the focus of this paper is to
compare the damage sequence and the load-displacement hysteretic behavior between the two buildings. The results show that higher levels
of ductility accompanied by relatively smaller strength degradation were achieved during the test of Building IV compared to that of Building
III. This study enlarges the database of system-level experimental results in an effort to facilitate the adoption of RM shear walls
with boundary elements as a SFRS category within the next editions of the American and the Canadian masonry design standards.
DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001790. © 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Boundary elements; Reinforced masonry; Shear wall; System-level; Wall confinement; Concrete and masonry
structures; Seismic loading.
buildings. However, very limited experimental studies have been and the load-displacement hysteretic behavior between Building III
conducted on RM walls at the system level (Abrams 1986; Seible and Building IV. Finally, the twist response is evaluated through
et al. 1993, 1994; Tomaževič and Weiss 1994; Zonta et al. 2001; quantitative comparison between Buildings III and IV by compar-
Cohen et al. 2004; Stavridis et al. 2011; Heerema et al. 2015; ing the twist angles of the two buildings corresponding to different
Ashour et al. 2016), when compared to those on individual RM drift levels throughout the tests.
components (Priestley 1976; Brunner 1994; Ibrahim and Sutter
1999; Voon and Ingham 2006; Shedid et al. 2008, 2010; Banting
and El-Dakhakhni 2012; Ahmadi et al. 2014; Siyam et al. 2015).
Experimental Program
Many researchers argued that there are some system-level aspects
(e.g., slabs’ in-plane and out-of-plane stiffness) that cannot be
evaluated or assessed through component-level studies. For exam- Building Layout and Wall Design Criteria
ple, Ashour et al. (2016) reported that slab flexural coupling was an The experimental program was designed to evaluate the system-
important system-level aspect that affected the overall RM building level performance of a two-story one-third scale RM building with
performance. This included the building stiffness, lateral resistance boundary elements, shown in Fig. 1(a) from the south direction and
capacity, and trend of stiffness degradation, which in turn would in Fig. 1(b) from the east direction. The building was composed of
significantly change the overall building response under seismic four shear walls with boundary elements aligned along the loading
loading. direction, and four other orthogonal conventional rectangular shear
All the experimental studies to date have been performed for walls. The overall height of the building was 2,160 mm, comprised
conventional rectangular RM wall systems, whereas RM wall
of two floors, each 1,000 mm in height, corresponding to 3,000 mm
systems with boundary elements are a newly proposed structural
in full scale, with two 80-mm thick reinforced concrete (RC) floor
system. The Masonry Standards Joint Committee (MSJC 2013)
slabs/diaphragms, each 2,400 × 2,400 mm in plan. The building
has not yet established requirements for longitudinal and transverse
was fixed to the laboratory structural floor using 16 prestressed an-
reinforcement of RM walls with boundary elements, and has rec-
chors through a square RC foundation (3,000 × 3,000 mm) that
ommended in the commentary to Clause that more testing
was 250 mm thick.
is needed to facilitate the development of prescriptive design
The individual walls in Building IV were designed to have the
requirements (MSJC 2013). As such, no experimental investigation
same lateral resistance as those within Building III to allow for di-
is reported to date for RM wall systems with boundary elements.
rect comparison. Therefore, both buildings had almost the same
The current study represents a part of a larger research program
that was initiated at McMaster university. This multiphase research strength eccentricity, and thus no additional torsional effects were
program is thought to facilitate a better understanding of the considered during the design of the walls. The confinement tech-
system-level seismic response of RM shear walls buildings without nique used in this paper was similar to that adopted in Shedid et al.
and with boundary elements. Phase I was reported by Siyam et al. (2010), in which two standard blocks were used to form the boun-
(2015), where that experimental program was focused on the flexu- dary elements with a single bar in each block cell. This technique
ral response of six reduced-scale two-story fully grouted RM shear was chosen because it can be easily adopted using conventional
walls under a displacement-controlled quasi-static cyclic fully RM construction materials and technique. The main difference
reversed loading. This test program was designed to assess the between the two buildings is that the conventional shear walls
component-level performance of RM walls with different configu- (W1III , W2III , W5III , and W8III ) along the direction of loading
rations and aspect ratios. Phase II was focused on testing identical in Building III were replaced by shear walls with confined boun-
walls to those studied in Phase I, but within a scaled two-story dary elements (W1IV , W2IV , W5IV , and W8IV ) in Building IV, as
asymmetrical RM shear wall building (Heerema et al. 2015). In shown in Figs. 2(a and b). The wall configuration in plan was origi-
Phase II, the level of coupling between walls during the test was nally selected during Phase II in order to produce an eccentricity
minimized in order to isolate and quantify the torsional response between the building floor center of mass, CM , and the building
of the building. This was done by detailing the building with hinge center of rigidity, CR , at the roof level, so as to engage the torsional
lines within the two floor slabs, in order to prevent coupling and to response of the building under lateral loads (Heerema et al. 2015).
facilitate in-plane diaphragm rotation and subsequent building Therefore, Wall W8IV was placed on the west side of the building
twist. In Phase III, the building reported by Ashour et al. (2016), and the two Walls W1IV and W2IV were placed on the east side
referred to as “Building III” hereafter, was identical to that studied of the building in addition to Wall W5III along the north-south
in Phase II, but without the slab hinge lines in order to investigate direction, as shown in Fig. 2(c). The four orthogonal walls, Walls
the effects of wall coupling on the building and wall response. All W3IV and W4IV , located on the south side, and Walls W6IV and
walls in Phases I, II, and III had conventional unconfined cross W7IV , located on the north side, were placed identically to those
sections. in Building III to enhance the building’s torsional response.
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(a) (b)
Fig. 1. Building IV configuration (images by authors): (a) three-dimensional (3D) view from south direction; (b) 3D view from east direction
Flexural strength predictions were carried out by using cross- 1.0: 0.04: 3.9: 0.85 (portland cement: lime: dry sand: water)
sectional analysis (Priestley and Elder 1982; Shedid et al. 2010). was used to achieve a slump of 250 mm. The average grout com-
For the yield strength, Qy , a linear strain profile, with a yield strain pressive strength was 19.7 MPa (COV ¼ 15.7%) based on testing
of the outermost steel reinforcement set to 0.0025, was used. The 30 grout cylinders complying with ASTM CI019-08 (ASTM
ultimate masonry strain was taken as 0.003, as specified by CSA 2008a) and CSA A179-14 (CSA 2014d). Twenty-four fully grouted
S304-14 (CSA 2014c), when calculating the wall ultimate flexural masonry prisms that were four blocks high by one block
capacity, Qu . The shear strength, V u , was also calculated following long (264.0 mm high × 126.6 mm long × 63.3 mm thick) were
CSA S304-14 (CSA 2014c) within the plastic hinge region, where constructed and grouted during each construction stage. These
the Canadian code accounts for 50% reduction in masonry shear prisms were later tested in accordance with CSA S304-14 (CSA
strength. The sliding strength, V s , was also calculated at the 2014c), and the specified masonry strength, f m0 , and average com-
foundation level following CSA S304-14 (CSA 2014c). Table 1 pressive strength for the prisms, f av , were 11.1 MPa and 17.0 MPa,
summarizes the RM wall dimensions, vertical and horizontal respectively (COV ¼ 21.1%). These values were multiplied by a
reinforcement details, and aspect ratios for all walls within Building correction factor of 0.95 to account for the height-to-thickness ratio
IV, whereas Table 2 shows the yield strengths, ultimate flexural of the prisms, as specified in CSA S304-14 (CSA 2014c).
strengths, shear strengths, and sliding strengths for the same walls. Tension tests were carried out, according to CSA G30.18-09
To meet the design criterion, the walls in Building IV had a range of (CSA 2014b), on the scaled reinforcement bars D7 (used as vertical
vertical reinforcement ratios that ranged from 0.40 to 0.60%, which wall reinforcement), D4 (used in the slabs), and W1.7 (used as hori-
represented approximately 90% of the amount used in the walls for zontal wall reinforcement) to determine their yield and ultimate
Building III. strengths. The average yield strength of the D7 bars (45 mm2 ) was
457 MPa (COV ¼ 6.5%), whereas the average yield strengths of
Material Properties and Construction the D4 bars (26 mm2 ) and W1.7 bars (11 mm2 ) were 487 MPa
A one-third scale version of the standard two-cell 190-mm hollow (COV ¼ 3.5%) and 675 MPa (COV ¼ 12.2%), respectively.
concrete masonry unit (190 × 190 × 390 mm) commonly used in All of the building walls were constructed by an experienced
North America was used for the building’s wall construction. The mason in a running bond pattern with face shell mortar bedding
reduced-scale concrete blocks were 130 mm in length, 63 mm in following common North American practice. The webs of the ma-
width, and 63 mm in height. Samples of the one-third–scale blocks sonry units were saw cut to a depth of 10 mm to generate notches to
were randomly selected and tested in accordance with ASTM accommodate the horizontal wall reinforcement. This construction
C140-08 (ASTM 2008b) and CSA A165-14 (CSA 2014a) using detail ensured full grout encasement of the horizontal reinforce-
hard capping, and the average compressive strengths for the blocks, ment along the entire length of all of the walls and throughout their
based on net area of 4,320 mm2 , were 21.1 MPa [coefficient of courses.
variation ðCOVÞ ¼ 13.7%] and 20.2 MPa (COV ¼ 12.5%), for The boundary elements at the wall ends (W1IV , W2IV , W5IV ,
the stretcher and half units, respectively. Wall construction was and W8IV ) were 130 mm in the walls’ in-plane and out-of-plane
conducted using approximately 3-mm thick mortar joints to resem- directions. These dimensions were based on using two reduced-
ble the scaled version of the common 10-mm joints in full-scale scale concrete blocks to form the boundary elements. As can be
masonry construction. Type S mortar was used in wall construction seen in Fig. 2(d), four vertical reinforcement bars were placed
with proportions of portland cement: lime: dry sand: water of 1.0: in two layers and confined with steel reinforcement stirrups in
0.2: 3.5: 0.85, and having an average flow of 124%. Forty-eight every course through the thickened wall ends. Stirrups were made
mortar cubes, six taken from each batch during construction, were with W1.7 bars and located at the same level as the horizontal
tested in compression according to CSA A179-14 (CSA 2014d) reinforcement of the walls for ease of construction. As such, stir-
and resulted in an average compressive strength of 23.3 MPa rups had a spacing that ranged from 8.3ϕv in Walls W5IV and W8IV
(COV ¼ 8.7%). Premixed fine grout with weight proportions to 11.2ϕv in Walls W1IV and W2IV , where ϕv is the vertical
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430 465 810 465 430
(negative) W1IV
Horizontal Reinforcement
Vertical Reinforcement
Horizontal Reinforcement
430 465 810 465 430
Fig. 2. Building configuration: (a) 3D view for 1st story (Building III); (b) 3D view for 1st story (Building IV); (c) typical plan (Building IV)
(all dimensions are in millimeters); (d) wall with boundary elements; (e) rectangular wall
reinforcement bar diameter in each wall. This was considered (Shedid et al. 2010; Banting 2013; El Ezz et al. 2015). Conversely,
acceptable based on the range of stirrup spacings that have been the horizontal reinforcement in the rectangular orthogonal walls
identified by previous researchers as enhancing the maximum (W3IV , W4IV , W6IV , and W7IV ) formed 180° hooks around the
strength, ultimate strain, and gradual strain softening behavior outermost vertical reinforcement, with a 150-mm return leg that
extended to the third-last cell to provide an adequate development first and second floor slabs to simulate the seismic inertial forces,
length, as shown in Fig. 2(e). Horizontal reinforcement was placed this would not only have complicated the test setup and loading
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in every course in the first story and in every other course in the control, but it also would not have facilitated direct comparison
second story of the structure in all walls. between Building III and Building IV, which is one of the main
The construction started by first installing the formwork for the objectives of this study. The building rotation is permitted by
square RC foundation with a thickness of 250 mm and placing the two swivel ends of the main actuator, which was supported
the lower and upper reinforcement mesh. To avoid lap splices, on a reaction steel frame as shown in Fig. 3. The effect of the main
the wall’s vertical bars were tied under the bottom reinforcement actuator on the slab out-of-plane rotation was minimized by using
mesh of the RC foundation and extended over the full building a secondary vertical actuator to support the weight of the main load-
height (3,000 mm). Following the foundation pouring, the next step ing actuator. To ensure that the building slab was always under
was the construction and grouting of the first seven courses (15 compression (bearing) when loading in either the push or the pull
courses per story) of all walls of the first story. The remaining eight direction through the test, the actuator was attached to a stiff steel
courses of all walls were then constructed and fully grouted. Once loading beam on the north side of the building (Beam A), shown in
all walls in the first story were completed, a temporary formwork Fig. 3, which transferred the push lateral load when loading was in
for the RC slab of the first story was set in place, and a reinforce- the positive direction. In addition, four high-strength steel rods at-
ment mesh consisting of a D4 bar every 150 mm was installed. The tached to another stiff steel beam (Beam B) on the south side of the
same steps were followed during the construction of the second building were used to transfer the pull lateral load from the actuator
story walls and the roof floor. when loading was in the negative direction. Although these steel
rods induced in-plane axial load on the second floor slab through-
out the test, the same loading system was used for this test as in
Test Setup, Instrumentation, and Loading Protocol
Phase III to allow for a direct comparison between both building
The lateral cyclic displacement was applied at the second floor slab responses.
using a hydraulic actuator, with a maximum capacity of 500 kN and Fig. 4 shows the typical external and internal instrumentation
a maximum cyclic stroke of 250 mm in both directions. Although it used in the test setup to monitor the in-plane and out-of-plane wall
would have been desirable to apply this lateral displacement at the displacements and strains during the test. The individual walls were
Self-reacting frame
Main actuator
500 kN, +/- 250 mm Actuator swivel end
4 High-strength
steel rods
first floor slab E
W4IV actuator
Reinforced concrete
16 Steel anchors
Fig. 3. Test setup, building loading technique, and fixation to the structural laboratory floor
S40 S41 started by performing only one cycle at each displacement level
V30 V31 up to Cycle 5, followed by repeating each cycle twice starting from
S30 S31V20 V21 Cycle 6 in order to capture any degradation in stiffness and/or
S20 S21 V10 V11 V100 strength at the same displacement level.
S10 S11
S22 S23
Experimental Results
Fig. 4. Typical wall instrumentation
Load Displacement and Hysteretic Behavior
One of the objectives during the test program design stage was that
4 Building III and Building IV would have approximately the same
lateral load capacity. This was an important design criterion to
Drift ratio at the building’s CM (%)
Building IV
Lateral load Q (kN)
Building III
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Roof drift ratio (δ) at the building's CM (%)
were 500 MPa versus 457 MPa (∼10%) for Building III and loading direction. At later stages of loading (from 0.90% drift),
Building IV, respectively. the orthogonal walls of both buildings started to experience diago-
Fig. 6 also shows that the overall ultimate strength of Building nal shear cracks that might be attributed to the engagement of these
IV, QuIV , is approximately 55% higher than the summation of the walls to provide torsional resistance, especially after the vertical
ultimate strength values of the walls aligned along the loading di- steel yielding in the walls that were aligned along the loading di-
rection (i.e., W1IV , W2IV , W5IV , and W8IV ), as shown in Table 2. rection. The main test observations, failure modes, and extent of
This indicates that these walls were no longer responding as ideal damage associated with the walls aligned along the loading direc-
cantilevers as originally designed. This is mainly attributed to the tion (Walls W1, W2, W5, and W8) during seven key cycles are
influence of the diaphragm coupling on the system-level behavior, presented in Table 3. This section compares the behavior of those
which restrained the wall in-plane rotations at the diaphragm levels walls in both buildings.
and therefore increased the overall lateral load capacity of Building Table 3 indicates that both buildings showed similar superficial
IV. Similar observations were reported for Building III by Ashour cracks during Cycle 1 (0.10%). In addition, neither Building III nor
and El-Dakhakhni (2016). Building IV showed shear cracks in any of the walls by the end of
As can be seen in Fig. 6, the hysteretic loops for both buildings this cycle. However, the first shear crack was observed by the end
showed an almost symmetrical loading response in both directions, of Cycle 2 (0.15%) in the first story of Building IV. As shown in
with thin loops indicating an essentially elastic response at initial Table 3, both buildings reached the yield strain of the outermost
stages of loading (up to 0.25%) and wider loops indicating more bars in both ends of Walls W1, W2, and W5 at the same drift de-
significant energy dissipation associated with the inelastic response mand (0.25%) according to the strain gauge measurements. Table 3
at high drift-ratio levels (up to 2.5%). The two buildings had very also shows that the displacement demands within Cycle 10 (1.50%)
similar performance up to reaching the ultimate strength (at 0.9%). resulted in buckling and fracturing of Building III wall end bars. As
Beyond 0.9% drift, both buildings started to exhibit a combined such, Building III reached the failure criterion (degradation to less
stiffness and strength degradation. However, Building IV (with than 80% of strength) at this drift level. However, the boundary
boundary elements) attained higher energy dissipation and less elements prevented the vertical wall reinforcement from fracturing,
strength degradation, as shown in Fig. 6 and discussed in more and also delayed crushing of the grout core, allowing Building IV
detail subsequently. to maintain a lateral resistance within 85% of its maximum ultimate
strength, QuIV , at the same drift level. Later, by the end of Cycle 12
(1.90%), the outermost reinforcement bars of Building IV walls
Damage Sequence and Failure Modes
fractured, and the web crushed in the first story of Wall W5IV ,
The test results, including failure modes and extent of building reducing Building IV’s strength to 72% of QuIV .
damage, are presented in this section. In total, 21 fully reversed At the end of Cycle 14 (2.20%), Building III experienced com-
loading cycles were applied to the building up to failure. For both plete face shell and grout spalling within the toes of Walls W1III ,
buildings at the early loading stages (up to 0.60% drift), the W2III , W5III , and W8III , followed by buckling of the outermost
orthogonal walls W6 and W7 showed horizontal bed-joint cracks reinforcement bars and their eventual fracture, as shown in
along the wall length throughout the first and second stories during Figs. 7(a–d). As such, Building III experienced degradation to ap-
loading in the positive direction, and similar cracks were also ob- proximately 40% of its ultimate strength at 2.20% drift level. Walls
served in Walls W3 and W4 during loading in the negative direc- W1IV , W2IV , and W8IV were able to maintain approximately 60%
tion. These cracks indicated that the orthogonal walls may have of the overall lateral capacity of Building IV at the same drift level,
been acting as tension members for the walls aligned along the despite the evidence of extensive web crushing in the first story of
(g) (h)
Fig. 7. Cracks at 2.2% drift ratio at building CM of Building III and Building IV; (a) W1III (reprinted from Ashour et al. 2016, © ASCE); (b) W2III
(reprinted from Ashour et al. 2016, © ASCE); (c) W5III (reprinted from Ashour et al. 2016, © ASCE); (d) W8III (reprinted from Ashour et al. 2016,
© ASCE); (e) W5IV ; (f) W1IV ; (g) W2IV ; (h) W8IV
Wall W5IV , as shown in Fig. 7(e). This web crushing might be element walls is clear. For example, Building III (without boundary
attributed to out-of-plane buckling instability of the vertical bars elements) reached 50% strength degradation at approximately 1.92
due to the absence of the ties at the web relative to those at the and 2.05% drift ratios during loading in the positive and negative
boundary elements (Maier and Thürlimann 1985), or to the double directions, respectively (Ashour et al. 2016). Conversely, Building
curvature demand on this wall as a result of the rigid slab (Ashour IV (with boundary elements) delayed 50% strength degradation to
et al. 2016). Moreover, the boundary element confinement pre- drift ratios of 2.55% in the positive direction and 2.70% in the neg-
vented the two bars near the web from fracturing, so the face shells ative direction. The small difference in the response between the
of these walls were not completely spalled off in both wall ends as push and the pull direction (less than 10% in either direction) might
they had been in Building III, as shown in Figs. 7(f–h). However, possibly be attributed to minor variability in material, workman-
under increased displacement demands, these walls experienced ship, and cumulative damage due to the cyclic loading, which is to
crushing of the toes and complete spalling of the face shells, which be expected for such complex system.
was accompanied by sliding until the end of the test.
Displacement Ductility
Effect of Boundary Elements on the Building
Response Displacement ductility quantification is key to comparing the RM
walls’ inelastic deformation capacities. In this paper, the idealized
displacement ductility, μepΔ0.8u , is defined as the ratio between the
Lateral Load Capacity and Displacement displacement associated with a degradation to 80% of the ultimate
Characteristics strength and the effective yield displacement of an equivalent
The envelopes of normalized load-drift ratio relationships for elastic-perfectly-plastic system that has the same energy under the
Building III and Building IV are presented in Fig. 8. The enhance- idealized load-displacement curve as under the actual curve up to
ment in displacement capabilities achieved by the boundary 80% strength degradation (Tomaževič 1998). The initial stiffness
Displacement ductility
(+ve) (-ve) Building III
Fig. 9. Idealized displacement ductility capacities of Building III and
-0.4 Building IV Building IV following Approach 1
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Building III
-0.8 boundary elements in Building IV were constructed with the same
prescriptive detailing requirements as were adopted by Shedid et al.
-1.0 (2010), the enhancement in the system-level performance of
-4.0 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Building IV is not as great as the enhancement in component-level
Roof drift ratio (δ) at the building's CM (%)
performance that was reported by Shedid et al. (2010). This is attrib-
Fig. 8. Normalized lateral resistance envelopes versus roof drift ratio of uted in part to the fact that Building IV had walls with different aspect
Building III and Building IV ratios, ranging from 1.4 to 3.6. In addition, the building twist effects
amplified the demand variations in the displacement, and thus the
ductility, of the different wall components within the building
for individual walls can be calculated as the secant stiffness at the throughout the loading history. Therefore, the full ductility capacities
onset of yielding, taken as when the first major crack is observed. of the walls were not mobilized. Thus, although the
However, in the case of a building composed of different walls, this system-level building ductility capacity was influenced by the
procedure is more complex. Therefore, the variation of the stiffness component-level wall ductility, the ductility capacities were not
along the ascending branch of the envelope of the building’s inelas- the same. This difference between component- and system-level duc-
tic load-displacement relationship was adopted to study the system- tility is expected for a building where all walls do not reach their
level ductility. Specifically, the point at which significant variation ductility capacity simultaneously (Heerema et al. 2015). This indi-
in stiffness was first recorded was considered to represent the yield cates the importance of the system-level studies conducted in this
point or the major crack point of the building as suggested by paper because there will always be variations in component-
Tomaževič (1998). The stiffness of both buildings varied signifi- level performance compared to the corresponding system-level
cantly at two loading points along the ascending branch. These performance.
two points were by the end of Cycle 3 and Cycle 4, at which the
stiffness of both buildings was approximately 76 and 69%, respec-
Effective Stiffness Degradation
tively, of the corresponding values evaluated during the previous
loading cycle. As such, two approaches were chosen in this paper The elastic or equivalent cracked stiffness is normally used to es-
to define the point of major crack. Approach 1 considered timate the fundamental period of a structure for force-based design.
Cycle 3, whereas Cycle 4 was used in Approach 2. Approach 1 and However, an effective secant stiffness, determined from the load-
Approach 2 were used to calculate the idealized displacement duc- displacement response of the inelastic structure at the target design
tility, μep1 ep2
Δ0.8u and μΔ0.8u , respectively. In addition, idealized displace-
level of top displacement, has also been used for displacement-
ment ductility values corresponding to 50% strength degradation, based design (Priestley et al. 2007). Therefore, to assess the stiff-
Δ0.5u , were also calculated for both buildings in order to facilitate
ness degradation of the two buildings as the displacement increases,
comparison, and the results of the two approaches are summarized in the effective secant stiffness was calculated in both directions of
Table 4 and shown in Fig. 9 for Approach 1 only. As can be seen in loading as the ratio between the lateral resistance and the corre-
Fig. 9 and Table 4, increases of 20 and 40% in μep ep
Δ0.8u and μΔ0.5u , sponding top lateral building displacement (ASCE 2014). Fig. 10
respectively, were achieved by Building IV with respect to Building presents the variation of the effective secant stiffness, in both load-
III, regardless of the approach that was used. This indicates the ing directions, with respect to the top drift levels for both buildings.
effect of boundary elements in increasing the inelastic deformation As can be seen from Fig. 10, the initial stiffness of the two build-
capacity of Building IV when compared to that of Building III, ings is almost the same, where the difference is less than 5% in
thereby increasing the energy dissipation and leading to enhanced either positive or negative direction. This is mainly attributed to
overall seismic performance. Although the shear walls with the lower reinforcement ratio used in the boundary element walls
60 30,000
40 20,000
Building IV
20 10,000
Building III
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0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
-3.5 -2.5 -1.5 -0.5 0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5
Roof drift ratio (δ) at the building's CM (%)
Roof drift ratio (δ) at the building's CM (%)
Fig. 10. Variation of effective secant stiffness versus roof drift ratio of Fig. 11. Energy dissipation versus roof drift ratio of Building III and
Building III and Building IV Building IV
to maintain the same capacities of their rectangular cross section higher for Building IV, respectively, than those for Building III. The
counterparts, and also to the significant reduction in the compres- results clearly show that significantly more energy dissipation is to
sion zone depth leading to a lower cracked stiffness (Shedid et al. be expected from RM buildings with boundary elements compared
2010). When a force-based design approach is adopted, the seismic with those without, resulting in reduced seismic demands due to the
elastic design force for a building is based on the elastic stiffness of increased damping after yield.
the lateral load–resisting elements. As such, having nearly the same The hysteretic damping is quantified through an equivalent vis-
stiffness for both buildings, and thus nearly the same fundamental cous damping ratio, ζ eq , which is based on an equal area approach
period, implies that their elastic seismic forces should also be that represents the same amount of energy loss per loading cycle.
nearly the same. However, buildings with boundary elements could The equivalent viscous damping ratio facilitates comparison
potentially be designed for a reduced lateral force because of their between both buildings in terms of the cumulative damage that ini-
higher displacement ductility (Miranda and Bertero 1994). tiated under cyclic loading (Priestley et al. 1996; Hose and Seible
1999; Chopra 2007; Priestley et al. 2007). The relationship between
the dissipated energy, Ed , the strain energy, Es , and the equivalent
Energy Dissipation and Hysteretic Damping viscous damping ratio, ξ eq , is given in Eq. (1):
Energy dissipation through hysteretic damping, Ed , is an important Ed
aspect in seismic design because it reduces the amplitude of the ζ eq ¼ ð1Þ
seismic response and, therefore, reduces the ductility and strength
demands of the structure. In addition, FEMA P440A (FEMA 2009) Fig. 12 summarizes the cumulative equivalent viscous damping,
highlighted the importance of the hysteretic energy demand im- at different drift levels for both buildings, based on similar calcu-
posed on the system at different performance levels, whereas hys- lations to those described by Shedid et al. (2009). Specifically, the
teretic models that incorporate stiffness and strength degradation equivalent viscous damping for each loading cycle was added to
(e.g., Park et al. 1987; Mostaghel 1999; Sivaselvan and Reinhorn calculate the total equivalent viscous damping up to each drift level,
2000; Ibarra et al. 2005) typically specify the reduction in stiffness as an indication of the cumulative energy dissipation. The figure
and strength as a function of the total energy dissipation. Moreover, shows a similar overall trend for both buildings, but Building
ASCE 41-13 (ASCE 2014) recommends more investigation to IV with boundary elements had values of 15% on average higher
determine the seismic performance characteristics of structural than Building III. This indicates that RM buildings with boundary
systems until the Collapse Prevention performance level. As such, elements can be expected to experience higher levels of damping
reporting the seismic parameters, including the energy dissipation, after yielding than buildings with conventional RM walls with rec-
at the postpeak stage (even for more than 50% strength degrada- tangular cross sections, thereby reducing the seismic demand.
tion) would be beneficial to provide guidelines about the seismic
design of such new systems. The energy dissipation, Ed , in this
paper is represented as the area enclosed by the load-displacement Building Twist Response
curve passing through the envelope values, as suggested by Hose Building III and Building IV each had four walls aligned with the
and Seible (1999). loading direction, placed asymmetrically to result in an eccentricity
Fig. 11 shows the energy dissipation with respect to the roof between the center of rigidity, CR , and the center of mass, CM , at
drift levels for both buildings. The figure illustrates that the energy the roof level. This eccentricity was approximately 20 and 15% of
dissipation was low for both buildings during the loading stages the building width for Buildings III and IV, respectively, evaluated
before significant inelastic deformation in the masonry and based on elastic analysis. In addition, both buildings contained four
reinforcement took place. The energy dissipation at the onset of other orthogonal walls placed symmetrically around the building
reinforcement bar yielding, Ey , was very similar for both buildings. floor center of mass, CM , to enhance the torsional response by en-
At higher drift levels, the energy dissipation increased significantly gaging at higher building twist levels to provide torsional resis-
compared to early stages of loading. The figure shows that the en- tance, especially after yielding within the walls located along the
ergy dissipation values at 2.20 and 3.50% drift were 17 and 25% main direction of loading. However, Fig. 13 shows that the twist
Increase in torsional resistance
Building rotation θ (Degree)
θ III due to boundary elements
at 1% drift
Q u I I I
(+ve) (-ve)
1.0 Building III 1.04 -0.85
Building IV 0.49 -0.46
θ IV
Building’s twist θ (Degree)
Building twist θ (Degree)
θ IV 1.0
Increase in torsional resistance
due to boundary elements
θ III -1.0
Building IV
Building III -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0
Roof drift ratio at the building's CM (%)
-1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Roof drift ratio (δ) at the building's CM (%)
Fig. 13. Building’s twist angle calculated at the roof level versus the roof drift ratio of Building III and Building IV
0.0 degradation;
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0
Roof drift ratio at the building's CM (%)
Δ0.5u = idealized displacement ductility at 50% strength
Fig. 14. Twist angle of Building III to that of Building IV calculated at ζ eq = equivalent viscous damping;
the roof level versus the roof drift ratio at the center of mass ρh1 = horizontal steel reinforcement ratio in the first story;
ρh2 = horizontal steel reinforcement ratio in the second story;
ρv = vertical steel reinforcement ratio;
ϕh = horizontal reinforcement nominal bar diameter;
and therefore their elastic seismic design forces should also be
nearly the same, when force-based design approach is adopted. ϕv = vertical reinforcement nominal bar diameter;
The results also showed that Building IV dissipated more energy δ= roof drift ratio at building center of mass;
than Building III: the energy dissipated by Building IV was 17 and θIII = twist angle of Building III; and
25% higher than that by Building III at 2.20 and 3.50% drift levels, θIV = twist angle of Building IV.
respectively. This is expected to lead to reduced seismic demands
on buildings with boundary elements.
Reinforced masonry shear walls with boundary elements can be References
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