Ospe Answers Biochem

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Biochemidhy: OSPE

Nomal fashing blood
glucoce level: 7o -I10 maldL
Posk prandtal plasna alueose level:
2. Chamiaal mehods A O-loluidline method
b. Folin- Wu's metod

ymatie melhods :
a Hexokinase method
bGlucose oriclase- leroxtdase Mehod

Chemieal Method : No Specific, tima consurnina

knzymalie Meltboo : lt shouts lineany or cTo L
Glucose Concernt akon

4 Sodtun ourmde acs a an

mki-8'ycolyie agevt and

preven aueoyetbnhbng enzyme Enolase, So

that &a gucos conent Yemauns unhanged for 2-3 dags.

Stalion 2
Total cholesnol: 15D-200 mal4
Taly edas 4-165 mgldl
HDL- choleshol 20-6o mg
LDL- cholectaol60- 150 mg
. Olkacenmfugaten, Coleumn ehom alogphy, Gel Hechophoesie.
pd all the conanlsaliod
Post andeal
ashmaon f
3 a blood ha al lke LDL Value,
o lids tn
Station 3

lastma blood sugar, Randup Blood Sugar

HbAle Glyeosyated H.


anage: Gives fasler vesull, capillany blood ean be collecled
Disacvantage: 1t aivec slightly hgher result than actual.

alueoce Benediol's Test

Kelone Bodes-RoItols tect

ahion 5
lbumin, Globulin, Hibzinoqen, Paotnombin
2. Mullkple Myeloma
Nephooke ncwone: and nlobulin albumt, prol.ai
Chvonie echion: m a r albumi

0lobalins .
V t D defeioney
popathpoidisho, gpepaahyzvidisn
Fanconi's Sndome
Hgpohos phalëm1ie Rickeß
2 Seum Ino ganie phosphous. 2:5 4:9 MEq]L.
3. Painciple iske and subavvou method.
In this melld Seun proleans are precaptatad tichlovoacetie
acid. The ofein -Ree flhte reafe i
olybdic aid
1eaganto fon phosphormobedaTa. 1 is reducad b-amim
2naph t- sulfonte acid (AnsA) to pm molybedenum blue,
inens fWhoa colouy is a
oinovanic phoephate
S4ahien 1
.Cavdlae 'hoponins 18-24 h
Crearine Kinasa : 1- 24 hs
Laetate Dehydoganate : 24-4
2 goalebi

SHahon 8,o (Communiceatsn SlD

Staien 9 ldenficakion Spotor

a Colbtimeler
Prorineiple based on Bear- Lamberte law. Panuplef photomeb)
Estmalion of bleod alucoe level : Glucose oncdase peoridase
Eshimaon blood Urea: Dam meo d
Low Sensitivi
Colourless Compownde Canot be analyad.
Neds elaivelygher amoumb f sample

. Lic te deqree t which a efaove medium retes

hansmited a of a
Itesprelaten slalen (
Seam Total B1kaabio o-2 13 aL
2 Seum Unc Aetd 2.6 7 2
mg jal
3. Seum Tal oolestiol- 20-200 mad
4 Seu lanine lzntamnase 5-45 0L
5: Seao Sodium 135 145 mea|L

ocedure Statuin (2

Benxidine Tes est for Blood

Take 2-3 dhopt f benzdne solo in tst
Add 2-3 chops of c g e n peroide soln
Add 12 dops of i s miature *o 2ml unne

blue colour i oed Wich s

Cbsevaluon: f a or
minuS ad changes t
stable only for afew f blood i
it indioates the Pre

he aven Sample

hocedure Staton )

Tes for Caleun

ake 3 mlf unne sample
Add Inl of % aoce atid
Add 3ml f poltasiun oxaale Sp\uiuor.
t indians t
nEpreratoin: fsel whu Ppt is med,
preSenee oftalcuin nhich is Pecpuad as

Calcuin oxalata.
Yooblem Solving Statdn
Cone f blood glucose
OD of tesk -odofLlank Cone o Std o0
oD f st- OD blank . of est
0-21- 0.00
02 0 00 0.01
0 : 2 2 x 100 2 8 5 x toD mg|at

28:5 maa

Cone of Saum total poeans
OD of test - oD of b lank Conc-of std* dotad vol o tewm
OD of St- oD of blank vo: of Sample

0.21-0 00 x 6* 10D
0-98- D.00 lo00

021» 6
5.195 la

Crical Case Stalioo

Paobable cngonosis RIeKETS.

Btochermlcal Iveshgakoh Bona di'sovder due to deseelive mineralicaon

'Sow caleuin and inoganle phocphate ie decvnased

Sawo altalne pho4phata le is inetoased
Caleiol decvased.

Cause Bone dtsordar due

deseot in cal uuo and phexphowe
melaloltm, Secondy vtamin D dafcien
Sueckon 11
Reduaing Cubsuncas BenedioBs Test
Kefone Bocies- Rolerak Test
Ble salls- Hay Test
Proteins-Heat Coagulalion est

ueshon 16
Van- Gierkek Diseacealuse- 6- phozphalz
ompes DiceaseLuco sewnal
3. Mc Ale's Dicease- Musele phoaphoylasa
4 Hers Dicease - Liver phosphoylase

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