On Soft Supra Compactness in Supra Soft Topological Spaces: A. M. Abd El-Latif

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On Soft Supra Compactness in Supra Soft Topological

A. M. Abd El-latif
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Arts and Science, Northern Border University, Rafha, KSA.
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University, Roxy, 11341, Cairo, Egypt.
E-mail: [email protected], Alaa [email protected]

In this paper we introduce anew form of soft supra compact spaces namely, soft supra compact
spaces, soft supra closed spaces, soft supra lindelöf spaces and soft supra generalized compact-
ness. Furthermore, we study its several properties and characterizations in detail. Also, the
invariance of these kinds of soft supra compact spaces under some types of soft mapping and
their hereditary properties are also investigated.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 54A05. 54A40, 54D20, 06D72

Keywords. Soft supra compactness, Soft supra lindelöf spaces, Soft supra generalized compactness, Soft functions.

1 Introduction
In real life situation, the problems in economics, engineering, social sciences, medical science etc.
do not always involve crisp data. So, we cannot successfully use the traditional classical methods
because of various types of uncertainties present in these problems. To overcome these uncertainties,
some kinds of theories were given like theory of fuzzy set, intuitionistic fuzzy set, rough set, bipolar
fuzzy set, i.e. which we can use as mathematical tools for dealings with uncertainties. But, all these
theories have their inherent difficulties. Molodtsov [15] initiated the concept of soft set theory as a
new mathematical tool for dealing with uncertainties which are free from the above difficulties. The
notions of supra soft topological space were first introduced by El-Sheikh et al. [9], which extended
in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
The purpose of this paper, is to introduce some types of soft compactness to supra soft topo-
logical spaces. Furthermore, several of their topological properties are investigated. The behavior
of these concepts under various types of soft mappings has obtained.

2 Preliminaries
In this section, we present the basic definitions and results of (supra) soft set theory which will be
needed in this paper. For more detail see [6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 17].
Definition 2.1. [16] Let τ be a collection of soft sets over a universe X with a fixed set of parameters
E, then τ ⊆ SS(X)E is called a soft topology on X if
(1) X̃, ϕ̃ ∈ τ , where ϕ̃(e) = ϕ and X̃(e) = X, ∀e ∈ E,
(2) the union of any number of soft sets in τ belongs to τ ,
(3) the intersection of any two soft sets in τ belongs to τ .

Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 11(1) (2018), pp. 169–178.

Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences.
Received by the editors: 10 April 2017.
Accepted for publication: 10 January 2018.
170 A. M. Abd El-latif

The triplet (X, τ, E) is called a soft topological space over X. A soft set (F, E) over X is said to
be closed soft set in X, if its relative complement is an open soft set. We denote the set of all open
soft sets over X by OS(X, τ, E), or OS(X) and the set of all closed soft sets by CS(X).
Definition 2.2. [16] Let (X, τ, E) be a soft topological space and Y be a non null subset of X.
Then, Ỹ denotes the soft set (Y, E) over X for which Ỹ (e) = Y ∀e ∈ E.
Definition 2.3. [16] Let (X, τ, E) be a soft topological space, (F, E) ∈ SS(X)E and Y be a non
null subset of X. Then, the sub soft set of (F, E) over Y denoted by (FY , E), is defined as follows:
FY (e) = Y ∩ F (e) ∀e ∈ E.
˜ (F, E).
In other words (FY , E) = Ỹ ∩
Definition 2.4. [16] Let (X, τ, E) be a soft topological space and Y be a non null subset of X.
τY = {(FY , E) : (F, E) ∈ τ }
is called the soft relative topology on Y and (Y, τY , E) is called a soft subspace of (X, τ, E).
Definition 2.5. [7] Let SS(X)E and SS(Y )K be families of soft sets on X and Y respectively,
u : X → Y and p : E → K be mappings. Let fpu : SS(X)E → SS(Y )K be a mapping. Then;
(1) If (F, E) ∈ SS(X)E . Then, the image of (F, E) under fpu , written as fpu (F, E) = (fpu (F ), p(E)),
is a soft set in
 SS(Y )K such that,
∪e∈p− 1(k)∩E u(F (e)), p−1 (k) ∩ E 6= ϕ,
fpu (F )(k) =
ϕ, otherwise.
for all k ∈ K.
(2) If (G, K) ∈ SS(Y )K . Then, the inverse image of (G, K) under fpu , written as fpu (G, K) =
−1 −1
(fpu (G), p (K)), is soft set in SS(X)E such that,
−1 u (G(p(E))), p(E) ∈ K,
fpu (G)(e) =
ϕ, otherwise.
for all e ∈ E.
The soft function fpu is called surjective (resp. injective) if p and u are surjective (resp. injective).
Definition 2.6. [8] A family Ψ = {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} of soft sets is said to be a soft cover of a soft set
(F, E), if (F, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λ (Ui , E). It is called open soft cover, if each member of Ψ is an open soft set.
A subcover of Ψ is a subfamily of Ψ that is also a soft cover.

Definition 2.7. [18] A family Ψ of soft sets has the soft finite intersection property (SFIP), if the
intersection of the members of each finite subfamily of Ψ is nonempty set.
Definition 2.8. [8] A soft topological space (X, τ, E) is called soft compact, if each open soft cover
of X̃ has a finite subcover.
Definition 2.9. [17] A soft topological space (X, τ, E) is called soft lindelöf, if each open soft cover
of X̃ has a countable subcover.
On Soft Supra Compactness in Supra Soft Topological Spaces 171

Definition 2.10. [9] Let τ be a collection of soft sets over a universe X with a fixed set of
parameters E, then µ ⊆ SS(X)E is called supra soft topology on X if
(1) X̃, ϕ̃ ∈ µ,
(2) the union of any number of soft sets in µ belongs to µ.
The triplet (X, µ, E) is called supra soft topological space (or supra soft spaces) over X.
Definition 2.11. [9] Let (X, τ, E) be a soft topological space and (X, µ, E) be a supra soft topo-
logical space. We say that, µ is a supra soft topology associated with τ if τ ⊂ µ.
Definition 2.12. [9] Let (X, µ, E) be a supra soft topological space over X, then the members of
µ are said to be supra open soft sets in X. We denote the set of all supra open soft sets over X
by supra-OS(X, µ, E), or when there can be no confusion by supra-OS(X) and the set of all supra
closed soft sets by supra-CS(X, µ, E), or supra-CS(X).
Definition 2.13. [9] Let (X, µ, E) be a supra soft topological space over X and (F, E) ∈ SS(X)E .
Then, the supra soft interior of (G, E), denoted by ints (G, E) is the soft union of all supra open
soft subsets of (G, E) i.e
ints (G, E) = ∪ ˜
˜ {(H, E) : (H, E) is supra open sof t set and (H, E)⊆(G, E)}.
Definition 2.14. [9] Let (X, µ, E) be a supra soft topological space over X and (F, E) ∈ SS(X)E .
Then, the supra soft closure of (F, E), denoted by cls (F, E) is the soft intersection of all supra
closed super soft sets of (F, E) i.e
cls (F, E) = ∩ ˜
˜ {(H, E) : (H, E) is supra closed sof t set and (F, E)⊆(H, E)}.
Definition 2.15. [2, 9] Let (X, τ, E) and (Y, σ, K) be soft topological spaces, µ and ν be associated
supra soft topologies with τ and σ, respectively. The soft function fpu : SS(X)E → SS(Y )K is
1. Supra continuous soft function if fpu (G, K) ∈ µ ∀ (G, K) ∈ σ.
2. Supra open soft if fpu (F, E) ∈ µ for each (F, E) ∈ τ .
3. Supra irresolute soft if fpu (G, K) ∈ µ for each (G, K) ∈ ν.
4. Supra irresolute open soft if fpu (F, E) ∈ ν for each (F, E) ∈ µ.
Definition 2.16. [13] A soft set (F, E) is called soft supra generalized closed set (soft supra g-
closed) in a supra soft topological space (X, µ, E) if cls (F, E)⊆(G, ˜
E) whenever (F, E)⊆(G, E) and
(G, E) is supra open soft in X. Also, it is called soft supra g-open set (soft supra g-open) if its
relative complement (F c̃ , E) is soft supra g-closed.

3 Soft Supra Compactness

In this section, we generalize the soft compact spaces [8] and soft lindelöf spaces [12, 17] to supra
soft topological spaces [9] and investigate their properties in detail.
Definition 3.1. A family Ψ = {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} of soft sets is said to be a supra open soft cover, if
each member of Ψ is supra open soft set.
172 A. M. Abd El-latif

Definition 3.2. A soft subset (F, E) of the space (X, µ, E) is said to be soft supra compact (resp.
soft supra lindelöf), if every supra open soft cover {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} of (F, E) has a finite (resp.
countable) subfamily Λo of Λ such that
(F, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Ui , E).

The space (X, µ, E) is said to be soft supra compact if X̃ is soft supra compact as a soft subset.
Proposition 3.3. If X is finite (resp. countable), then (X, µ, E) is soft supra compact (resp. soft
supra lindelöf) for any supra soft topology µ on X.
Proof. Obvious. q.e.d.

Definition 3.4. Let (X, µ, E) be a supra soft topological space and Y be a non null subset of X.
µY = {(FY , E) : (F, E) ∈ µ}
is called the supra soft relative topology on Y and (Y, µY , E) is called a supra soft subspace of
(X, µ, E).
Theorem 3.5. Every supra closed soft subspace of a soft supra compact space is soft supra com-
Proof. Let (A, E) be a supra closed soft subspace of soft supra compact space (X, µ, E) and
{(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} be a supra open soft cover of (A, E). Then, {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ}∪ ˜ (Ac̃ , E) is a supra
open soft cover of X̃ and for X̃ is soft supra compact, there exists a finite subcover {(Ui , E) :
i∈Λo }∪˜ (Ac̃ , E) for X̃. Now, [{(Ui , E) : i∈Λo }∪
˜ (Ac̃ , E)] − (Ac̃ , E) is a finite subcover of {(Ui , E) :
i∈Λ} for (A, E). So, (A, E) is soft supra compact. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.6. Every supra closed soft subspace of a soft supra lindelöf space is soft supra lindelöf.

Proof. It is similar to the proof of the above theorem. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.7. A supra soft topological space (X, µ, E) is soft supra compact if and only if each
family of supra closed soft sets in X̃ with the SFIP has a nonempty intersection.
Proof. Let {(Fi , E) : i∈Λ} be a family of supra closed soft sets with the SFIP and ∩ ˜ i∈Λ (Fi , E)=ϕ̃.
Then, ∪˜ i∈Λ (Fi , E)c̃ =X̃. Hence, the family {(Fi , E)c̃ : i∈Λ} forms a supra open soft cover of X̃.
Since (X, µ, E) is soft supra compact space. Then, there exists a finite subfamily Λo of Λ which
also covers X̃. i.e., ∪ ˜ i∈Λo (Fi , E)c̃ =X̃. Consequently, ∩
˜ i∈Λo (Fi , E)=ϕ̃, which is a contradiction. On
the other hand, if (X, µ, E) is not soft supra compact space, then there exists a supra closed soft
cover {(Fi , E) : i∈Λ} of X̃ such that for every finite subfamily Λo of Λ we have ∪ ˜ i∈Λo (Fi , E)6= X̃.
Hence, ∩˜ i∈Λo (Fi , E)c̃ 6= ϕ̃, and so {(Fi , E)c̃ : i∈Λ} has the SFIP. By hypothesis, ∩ ˜ i∈Λ (Fi , E)c̃ 6= ϕ̃.
Hence, ∪˜ i∈Λ (Fi , E)6= X̃, which is a contradiction. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.8. A supra soft topological space (X, µ, E) is soft supra compact if and only if every
˜ {cls (F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ}6= ϕ̃.
family Ψ of supra soft sets with SFIP, ∩
On Soft Supra Compactness in Supra Soft Topological Spaces 173

Proof. Necessity: Suppose that there exists a family Ψ of supra soft sets with the SFIP such that
˜ {cls (F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ}=ϕ̃. Hence, ∪
∩ ˜ {(cls (F, E))c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψ}=X̃. Consequently, {(cls (F, E))c̃ :
(F, E)∈Ψ} is a supra open soft cover of X̃ and for (X, µ, E) is soft supra compact space, there
exists a finite soft subcover Ψo of Ψ such that, ∪ ˜ {(cls (F, E))c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψo }=X̃. This implies that,
˜ {(F, E)c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψo }=X̃, and so ∩
∪ ˜ {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψo }=ϕ̃, which is a contradiction. Hence,
˜ {cls (F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ}6=ϕ̃.

Sufficient: Assume that (X, µ, E) is not soft supra compact space. Then, there exists a family
Υ of supra open soft sets covering X̃ without a finite soft subcover. So, for every finite subfamily
Υo of Υ we have ∪ ˜ {(F, E)c̃ : (F, E)∈Υo }6= ϕ̃, and therefore
˜ {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Υo }6= X̃. Hence, ∩
{(F, E)c̃ : (F, E)∈Υo } is a family of supra soft sets with SFIP. Now, ∪ ˜ {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Υ}=X̃,
and hence ∩ ˜ {(F, E)c̃ : (F, E)∈Υ}=ϕ̃. It follows that, ∩
˜ {(cls (F, E))c̃ : (F, E)∈Υ}=ϕ̃, which is a
contradiction. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.9. In a supra soft topological space (X, µ, E), if (F, E) is soft supra compact and
(K, E) is supra open soft set contained in (F, E). Then, ((F, E) − (K, E)) is soft supra compact
Proof. Let {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} be a supra open soft cover of ((F, E) − (K, E)). Then, ((F, E) −
(K, E))⊆ ˜
˜ i∈Λ (Ui , E). Since (K, E)⊆(F, E) and (K, E) is supra open soft,
(F, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λ (Ui , E)∪
˜ (K, E).

Since (F, E) is soft supra compact, there exists a finite subfamily Λo of Λ such that
(F, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Ui , E)∪
˜ (K, E).

Therefore, ((F, E) − (K, E))⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Ui , E)∩ ˜∪
˜ (K c̃ , E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Ui , E), and hence (F, E) − (K, E) is a
soft supra compact.

Theorem 3.10. The finite (resp. countable) soft union of soft supra compact (resp. soft supra
lindelöf) sets is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf).
Proof. We will show the case when (F, E) and (H, E) are two soft supra compact sets, the other
case is similar. Assume that {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} is a supra open soft cover of (F, E)∪ ˜ (H, E). Then,
{(Ui , E) : i ∈ Λ} is a supra open soft cover of (F, E) and (H, E). Since (F, E) and (H, E) are soft
supra compact, there exist finite subfamilies Λo and Λ1 of Λ such that (F, E)⊆ ˜∪
˜ ir∈Λo (Uir , E) and
(H, E)⊆∪˜ ˜ ij∈Λ1 (Uij , E). Hence, (F, E)∪ ˜
˜ (H, E)⊆(∪
˜ ir∈Λo (Uir , E))∪
˜ (∪
˜ ij∈Λ1 (Uij , E)). It follows that,

(F, E)∪ ˜∪
˜ (H, E)⊆ ˜ ir∈Λo ,ij∈Λ1 [(Uir , E)∪ ˜∪
˜ (Uij , E)]⊆ ˜ i∈Λ (Ui , E).

˜ (H, E) is soft supra compact.

Thus, (F, E)∪

Theorem 3.11. Let (A, E) be a soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf) subset of supra soft
˜ (B, E) is
topological space (X, µ, E) and (B, E) be a supra closed soft subset of X̃. Then, (A, E)∩
soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf).
174 A. M. Abd El-latif

Proof. We will show the case when (A, E) is soft supra compact subset of X̃, the other case is
similar. Suppose that (G, E) = {(Gi , E) : i∈Λ} is a supra open soft cover of (A, E)∩ ˜ (B, E). Then,
˜ c̃
(O, E) = {(Gi , E) : i ∈ Λ}∪(B , E) is a supra open soft cover of (A, E). But, (A, E) is soft
supra compact. So, there exists a finite subfamily Λo of Λ such that (A, E)⊆ ˜∪ ˜ (B c , E).
˜ i∈Λo (Gi , E)∪
˜ (B, E)⊆
Hence, (A, E)∩ ˜∪
˜ i∈Λo (Gi , E)∩ ˜∪
˜ (B, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Gi , E). Therefore, (A, E)∩ ˜ (B, E) is soft supra

Theorem 3.12. Every supra soft subspace of a supra soft topological space (X, µ, E) is soft supra
compact if and only if every supra open soft subspace of X̃ is soft supra compact.

Proof. For the necessity, it is obvious. Conversely, let (Y, µY , E) be a supra open soft subspace
of supra soft topological space (X, µ, E) and {(Uα , E) : α∈Λ} be a supra open soft cover of Ỹ .
Assume that (V, E) = ∪ ˜ α∈Λ (Uα , E). Hence (V, E) is supra open soft subspace of X̃. By hypothesis,
(V, E) is soft supra compact. So, {(Uα , E) : α ∈ Λo , Λo is f inite} is a finite subcover of (V, E). It
is follows, (V, E)⊆ ˜
˜ α∈Λo (Uα , E) and hence (Y, E)⊆(V, E)⊆˜∪˜ α∈Λo (Uα , E). Therefore, (Y, µY , E) is
soft supra compact.

Theorem 3.13. Every supra soft subspace of a supra soft topological space (X, µ, E) is soft supra
lindelöf if and only if every supra open soft subspace of X̃ is soft supra lindelöf.
Proof. It similar to the proof of Theorem 3.12. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.14. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E) −→ (X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra soft continuous surjective function. If (X1 , τ1 , E) is soft supra compact, then (X2 , τ2 , K) is
soft compact.
Proof. Let {(Ui , K) : i∈Λ} be a τ2 -open soft cover of X̃2 . Since fpu is supra soft continuous function,
{fpu ((Ui , K)) : i∈Λ} is a µ-supra open soft cover of X̃1 and for X̃1 is soft supra compact, there
exists a finite subfamily Λo of Λ such that {fpu ((Ui , K)) : i∈Λo } also forms a µ-supra open soft
cover of X̃1 . Since fpu is surjective, {fpu (fpu ((Ui , K))) : i∈Λo } = {(Ui , K) : i∈Λo } forms a finite
τ2 -open soft cover of X̃2 . The proof is completed.

Theorem 3.15. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra soft continuous surjective function. If (X1 , τ1 , E) is soft supra lindelöf, then (X2 , τ2 , K) is
soft lindelöf.
Proof. Similar to the proof of the above theorem. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.16. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra open soft injective function. If (G, K) is soft supra compact subset of X̃2 , then fpu (G, K)
is soft compact in X̃1 .
On Soft Supra Compactness in Supra Soft Topological Spaces 175

Proof. Let {(Hi , E) : i∈Λ} be a τ1 -open soft cover of fpu (G, K). Then,
˜ pu (fpu ˜ pu (∪
˜ i∈Λ (Hi , E)) = ∪
˜ i∈Λ fpu (Hi , E)),
(G, K)⊆f (G, K))⊆f

where fpu is supra open soft injective function. Since (G, K) is soft supra compact in X̃2 , there
exists a finite subfamily Λo of Λ such that (G, K)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo fpu (Hi , E). Therefore,
−1 −1 ˜
˜ pu −1
˜ i∈Λo fpu ˜ i∈Λo (Hi , E).
fpu (G, K)⊆f (∪i∈Λo fpu (Hi , E)) = ∪ (fpu (Hi , E)) = ∪

This completes the proof. q.e.d.

Theorem 3.17. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra open soft injective function. If (G, K) is soft supra lindelöf subset of X̃2 , then fpu (G, K)
is soft lindelöf in X̃1 .
Proof. Similar to the proof of the above theorem. q.e.d.

The proof of the following theorems are straightforward and thus omitted.

Theorem 3.18. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra irresolute soft function. If (Z, E) is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf) subset of
X̃2 , then fpu (Z, K) is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf) in X̃1 .
Theorem 3.19. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra irresolute soft surjective function. If X̃2 is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf) ,
then so X̃1 .

Theorem 3.20. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra irresolute open soft injective function. If (F, E) is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra
lindelöf) subset of X̃1 , then fpu (F, E) is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf) in X̃2 .
Theorem 3.21. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be a
supra irresolute open soft surjective function. If X1 is soft supra compact (resp. soft supra lindelöf),
then so X2 .

4 Soft Supra Closed Spaces

In this section, we introduce and study the concepts of soft supra closed spaces and soft supra
generalized compact spaces.
Definition 4.1. A soft subset (F, E) of the space (X, µ, E) is said to be soft supra closed, if every
supra open soft cover {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} of (F, E) has a finite subfamily Λo of Λ such that
(F, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo cls (Ui , E).
176 A. M. Abd El-latif

The space (X, µ, E) is said to be soft supra closed if X̃ is soft supra closed as a soft subset.
Remark 4.2. Every soft supra compact space is soft supra closed space, but the converse is not

Theorem 4.3. A soft supra topological space (X, µ, E) is soft supra closed if and only if every
˜ {cls (F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ}6= ϕ̃.
family Ψ of supra soft sets with SFIP, ∩
Proof. Necessity: Let Ψ be a family of supra soft sets with the SFIP such that ∩ ˜ {cls (F, E) :
(F, E)∈Ψ}=ϕ̃. Hence, ∪ ˜ {(cls (F, E))c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψ}=X̃. Consequently, {(cls (F, E))c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψ} =
{(G, E) : (G, E)∈Ψ} is a supra open soft cover of X̃ and for (X, µ, E) is soft supra closed space,
there exists a finite soft subcover Ψo of Ψ such that, ∪ ˜ {cls (cls (F, E))c̃ : (F, E) ∈ Ψo } = X̃, and so
˜ {[cls (cls (F, E))c̃ ]c̃ : (F, E) ∈ Ψo }= ∩
∩ ˜ {(G, E) : (G, E) ∈ Ψo } = ϕ̃, which is a contradiction. Hence,
˜ {cls (F, E) : (F, E) ∈ Ψ} =
∩ 6 ϕ̃.

Sufficient: Let {(cls (G, E))c̃ : (G, E)∈Ψ} = {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ} be a supra open soft cover of
X̃ such that for every finite collection {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψo }, we have ∪ ˜ {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψo }6= X̃.
Hence, ∩ ˜ {(F, E)c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψo }6= ϕ̃, so ∩˜ {cls (G, E) : (G, E)∈Ψo }6= ϕ̃. Therefore, {cls (G, E) :
(G, E)∈Ψo } is a family of supra soft sets with SFIP in X̃. Also, for {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ} is supra
open soft cover of X̃, then X̃ = ∪˜ {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ} and so ∩ ˜ {(F, E)c̃ : (F, E)∈Ψ} = ∩ ˜ {cls (G, E) :
(G, E)∈Ψ} = ϕ̃, which is a contradiction. It follows, every supra open soft cover {(F, E) : (F, E)∈Ψ}
of X̃ has a finite collection {(F, E) : (F, E) ∈ Ψo } such that X̃ = ∪˜ (F,E)∈Ψo cls (F, E). Therefore, X̃
is soft supra closed space.

Theorem 4.4. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be
a supra irresolute soft surjective function. If X̃1 is soft supra closed space, then so X̃2 .
Proof. Let {(Bi , K) : i∈Λ} be a ν-supra open soft cover of X̃2 . Since fpu is supra irresolute soft
function, {fpu (Bi , K) : i∈Λ} is µ-supra open soft cover of X̃1 . By hypothesis, there exists a finite
˜ i∈Λo cls (fpu
subfamily Λo of Λ such that ∪ (Bi , K)) = X̃1 . Since fpu is surjective, fpu (X̃1 ) = X̃2 =
˜ i∈Λo cl s
fpu [∪
(fpu (Bi , K))]⊆˜∪ −1
˜ i∈Λo cls (fpu (fpu (Bi , K))) = ∪ ˜ i∈Λo cls (Bi , K)]. Therefore, X̃2 is soft supra closed
space. q.e.d.

Definition 4.5. A family Ψ = {(Ui , E) : i∈Λ} of soft sets is said to be a supra generalized open
soft cover (supra g-open soft cover, for short), if each member of Ψ is soft supra g-open set.

Definition 4.6. A soft subset (F, E) of the space (X, µ, E) is said to be soft supra generalized
compact , if every supra g-open soft cover {(Vi , E) : i∈Λ} of (F, E) has a finite subfamily Λo of Λ
such that
(F, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Vi , E).

The space (X, µ, E) is said to be soft supra generalized compact if X̃ is soft supra generalized
compact as a soft subset.
On Soft Supra Compactness in Supra Soft Topological Spaces 177

Theorem 4.7. Every supra g-closed soft subspace of a soft supra generalized compact space is soft
supra generalized compact.
Proof. Let (G, E) be a supra g-closed soft subspace of soft supra generalized compact space (X, µ, E)
and {(Vi , E) : i∈Λ} be a supra g-open soft cover of X̃. Then, {(Vi , E) : i∈Λ}∪ ˜ (Gc̃ , E) is a finite
subfamily Λo of Λ such that X̃ = ∪ ˜ i∈Λo (Vi , E)∪ ˜∪
˜ (Gc̃ , E). Hence, (G, E)⊆ ˜ i∈Λo (Vi , E). Therefore,
(G, E) is soft supra generalized compact. q.e.d.

Definition 4.8. Let (X, τ, E) and (Y, σ, K) be soft topological spaces, µ and ν be associated supra
soft topologies with τ and σ, respectively. The soft function fpu : SS(X)E → SS(Y )K is called
supra soft generalized continuous function if the preimage of every ν-supra generalized open soft
set under fpu is µ−supra generalized open soft.
Theorem 4.9. Let (X1 , τ1 , E) and (X2 , τ2 , K) be two soft topological spaces and µ and ν be
associated supra soft topologies with τ1 and τ2 , respectively. Let fpu :(X1 , τ1 , E)−→(X2 , τ2 , K) be a
supra soft generalized continuous surjective function. If X1 is soft supra generalized compact, then
so X2 .

Proof. Let {(Hi , K) : i∈Λ} be a ν-supra g-open soft cover of X̃2 . Since fpu is supra soft generalized
continuous function, {fpu ((Hi , K)) : i∈Λ} is a µ-supra g-open soft cover of X̃1 and for X̃1 is
soft supra generalized compact, there exists a finite subfamily Λo of Λ such that {fpu ((Hi , K))
: i∈Λo } also forms a µ-supra g-open soft cover of X̃1 . Since fpu is surjective, {fpu (fpu ((Hi , K)))
: i∈Λo } = {(Hi , K): i∈Λo } is a finite ν-supra g-open soft cover of X̃2 . Therefore, X2 is soft supra
generalized compact. q.e.d.

5 Conclusion
It is an interesting exercise to work on soft supra compact spaces and soft supra closed spaces.
Therefore, a new class of supra generalized open soft sets in supra soft topological spaces as a
generalization of soft compact spaces, called soft supra compact spaces, is introduced and studied.
In future, the generalization of these concepts by using the soft ideal notions [11] and some types
of supra open soft sets [9] will be introduced and the future research will be undertaken in this

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