92 TowardstheDevelopmentofaMobileApplicationinMovementCompetencyTrainingGroundedontheUser-CenteredDesignModelTheCaseofaStateUniversityinthePhilippines

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Towards the Development of a Mobile Application in Movement Competency

Training Grounded on the User-Centered Design Model: The Case of a State
University in the Philippines

Article  in  International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM) · February 2022

DOI: 10.3991/ijim.v16i03.26447


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6 authors, including:

Julius Ceazar G. Tolentino John Paul P. Miranda

Don Honorio Ventura State University Don Honorio Ventura State University


Rodel B. Punzalan
Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University


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Actor-Network Theory Approach Using M-Learning Technologies in the Public Senior High School as Pedagogy View project

Research Productivity in the Human Movement Sciences in the Philippines: A Descriptive Bibliometric and Social Network Analysis View project

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Paper—Towards the Development of a Mobile Application in Movement Competency Training…

Towards the Development of a Mobile Application

in Movement Competency Training Grounded
on the User-Centered Design Model: The Case
of a State University in the Philippines

Julius Ceazar G. Tolentino(*), John Paul P. Miranda, Rodel B. Punzalan,

Jomari C. Manalang, Lovely Kate S. Hermogenes, Jayson T. Mallari
Don Honorio Ventura State University, Pampanga, Philippines
[email protected]

Abstract—The corona-virus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic has caused

extreme disruption in the delivery of instruction in many educational institutions
all over the world. However, this circumstance may not only be a challenge but
also an opportunity to foster learning through exploration of various technologies
that can be developed, more specifically in a course characterized with a strong
skills-based orientation such as physical education (PE). Therefore, the aim set
in this study was to develop a mobile application for Movement Competency
Training (MCT) grounded on the User-Centered Design Model. This descrip-
tive mixed-method research started with a preliminary needs assessment analysis
which was participated by 121 Filipino students enrolled in the MCT course and
ten (10) PE teachers. Results revealed the skills that require a higher degree of
proficiency such as non-locomotor skills, locomotor, and mobility skills. Also,
the majority of the respondents are mobile phone users which justified the adop-
tion of mobile instruction and the development of an application for MCT. More-
over, indicated in this research was the preference of the intended users in terms
of design and interface that led to the development of the mobile application and
had specified the requirements based on the users’ needs. The initial assessment
of the developed application indicated a highly acceptable level of functional
suitability, usability, and portability by the student-respondents. A field testing of
the application may be recommended to determine its effectiveness in mastering
the skills in MCT independently.

Keywords—mobile application, user-centered design, physical education,

movement competency training, flexible learning

1 Introduction

To provide solutions to schools and university closures, in March 2020, the United
Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization [1] called the attention of all
higher education officials around the world to facilitate the development of emergency
responses and partake in the establishment of strategies to provide alternatives in sus-
taining the delivery of quality education despite global closures due to the threat of the

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coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic. While lockdowns are enforced globally,

countries have been administering remote education programs in exploring alternative
ways to provide continuous education using technologies even before and during the
pandemic [2]–[5]. In higher education settings, for one, universities were encouraged
to employ online learning which is based on three educational modalities, such as syn-
chronous, asynchronous, and hybrid learning environments [3]. Moreover, in the Mid-
dle East and North Africa (MENA), about 28% of the countries from this region used
TV and radio, while almost 40% implemented online education, and 22% utilized both
online and broadcasting media as their option [5].
The existence of different mobile applications in different fields of education makes
information processing quicker. Through this, lessons can be visualized in real-time
on the students’ mobile devices [6], [7], but employing this at large may still require a
considerable degree of scientific evidence to foster motivation in learning [8]. Accord-
ing to Zhu and Dragon [9], using mobile technology for physical education might not
be effective in improving the students’ physical activity level in just a short duration of
time, especially when it has no direct physical activity prompt. With that, teachers and
students should allot extensive time to properly integrate mobile technologies.
Despite all the pressing challenges that the pandemic has brought about, the edu-
cation sector must remain timely and relevant. They are expected to surpass all these
hurdles through the development of alternative learning modalities to provide learn-
ing continuity [10]. Teachers and learners must work collaboratively and provide each
other a great understanding to bring harmony in adopting these new flexible learning
modalities like online and distance education.

1.1 Mobile learning

Mobile learning, also known as M-learning, is an educational content that is devel-

oped on mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and anything—from podcasts to
full e-Learning courses. Crompton and Burke [11] stated that most of the adults in this
generation own more than one mobile device. The huge demography of mobile device
owners is between 18–29 years old which is also the typical age of college students.
Furthermore, Shyshkanova et al. [12] claimed that students were motivated to use
mobile applications in education. Mobile applications made the learning process more
dynamic, natural, and psychologically comfortable for the students as they enhance
students’ motivation to be engaged in lifelong learning.
According to Sattarov and Khaitova [13], the use of mobile learning platforms may
be a feasible option for university students. There are now more opportunities for for-
mal and informal learning within and without the classroom. We already have access
to so much information at any time and from everywhere. In addition to that, mobile
technologies can transform education if they are planned and implemented in a way
that is important to the social and cultural context of learning. However, mobile tech-
nology’s use, application, and design in the global educational environment face tech-
nical and sociocultural challenges [14]. Faculty members in higher education should
think about how mobile learning will help them extend their learning outside the class-
room [11]. The evolution of technology-mediated teaching and learning has progressed
to mobile technologies. It not only efficiently communicates with people in infor-
mation-driven communities, but it also allows for spontaneous, social, informal, and

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situated learning [15]. Ligi and Raja [16] stated that researchers, teachers, and corpora-
tions developing educational systems and teaching resources have also shown interest
in this emerging m-learning technology. M-Learning facilitates a modern training and
learning mechanism to improve students’ learning and school experience. Moreover,
students can do more through their learning process by using mobile devices and wire-
less technologies in modern learning environments. In addition, the mobile learning
experience can provide students with new learning experiences, enhancing their ability
to study at any time and in any place.
With that, the new learning opportunities offered by mobile devices would motivate
students. Although the literature indicates positive implications of mobile learning in
the teaching and learning process, little is written on developmental studies that consid-
ered critical topics from the perspective of students in the revitalized tertiary physical
education program in the Philippines. Moreover, it would be interesting to consider a
user-centered approach in the development of a mobile application that could be rel-
evant to a flexible learning modality within the context of the pandemic and beyond.
Therefore, this study proposed a user-centered mobile application in movement com-
petency training to assist students in learning and applying movement skills under a
flexible learning environment.

1.2 Conceptual framework

The User-Centered Design (UCD) as seen in Figure 1 is a design approach that col-
lectively gathers information about innovation from future users for the development of
the innovation [17], [18]. The UCD is being endorsed internationally as a best practice.
The UCD processes are applied in ISO documents, ISO 13407, and ISO TR 18529 [19].
According to the survey conducted by Vredenburg et al. [20], it has been seen that UCD
effectiveness measurements are lacking, but some common characteristics of an ideal
UCD process were not commonly found to be used in some practices, such as involving
the user experience throughout the development process, evaluation of the user’s sat-
isfaction, and lastly, the most important, considering the totality of user’s experience.

Fig. 1. The user-centered model [17], [18]

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1.3 Research questions

The study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the most important skills in preparatory MCT?

2. What are the technology profiles of the respondents?
3. What are the requirements needed for the development and usage of mobile applica-
tions in the context of the respondents?
4. What mobile application may be developed based on the results of the needs assess-
ment analysis?
5. What is the assessment of the intended users toward the developed mobile applica-
tion in terms of its functional suitability, usability, and portability?

2 Method

A descriptive mixed-method research design was followed in this study. For the
quantitative strand, a preliminary needs assessment analysis (NAA) in the form of
a survey was developed based on the literature and the needs of the learners. Needs
assessment analysis is vital to extract the bases of the content and context of the edu-
cational product [21]. The survey contained the skills as identified in a preparatory
MCT course offered to year one physical education major students by a certain state
university in the Philippines. The survey assessed the perceived movement competency
level of the respondents. For example, if a specific skill is included in the beginning
MCT, then it will be included in the content of the developed mobile application. The
survey also asked for the respondents’ profile; status of technology integration; extent
of the availability and accessibility to mobile devices; and their initial perception of
the use of mobile applications for PE courses in a distance learning modality. Inputs
from the survey shall justify the appropriateness and feasibility of developing mobile
applications for learning fundamental movement skills in PE. In terms of the possible
elements (e.g., pictures, sounds, text content) and interface (i.e., look and feel) of the
application, a series of interviews was conducted with both PE faculty members and
students. This qualitative strand of the study was implemented virtually during the strict
implementation of community quarantines in the Philippines. Ten (10) faculty mem-
bers participated in the interview, and 121 students took part in the initial survey. After
the development of the mobile application based on the initial findings from the survey,
a follow-up survey was conducted. Convenience sampling was used to determine the
respondents for the initial assessment of the developed mobile application. An email
was sent to the students previously enrolled in the MCT course as identified by the state
university containing the invitation to participate, the developed application, and the
assessment form. A total of 44 respondents participated and submitted their assessment
on whether the developed application was acceptable in its current form. The applica-
tion was assessed through the following criteria: suitability, usability, and portability.

2.1 Ethical considerations

In conducting this study, the researchers adhered to various ethical considerations.

The data gathering procedures followed the Belmont Report [22] and the Philippine

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Data Privacy Act of 2012. The report generally considers the three (3) basic princi-
ples of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice concerning the ethics of research
involving human participants.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Beginning MCT skills (identify need)

Based on the preparatory course for MCT, there are three (3) fundamental movement
skills: non-locomotor, locomotor, and mobility. According to the interview with the
faculty, the three fundamental skills are further subdivided into different competencies
as listed in Table 1. Preliminary needs assessment analysis showed that beginning sub-
skill with utmost importance for a non-locomotor skill contains five (5) skills, four (4)
for locomotor, and five (5) for mobility.
Although most of the student-respondents perceived themselves as highly competent
to the subskills of the three (3) fundamental movements of the MCT course, a con­
siderable minority still view themselves as incompetent (IC) to moderately competent
(MC). The said skills were confirmed by their PE teachers during unstructured confir-
matory interviews as significant content of the preparatory course as these lay the foun-
dation for proficient execution of other forms of physical activities such as exercise,
sports, and dances. These were further considered as the initial content of the developed
mobile application to particularly assist the minority of the students who are about to
develop a higher degree of proficiency across these skills.

Table 1. Respondents’ skills in MCT

HC + C (%) MC + IC (%) Explanation (M)
Non-Locomotor Skills
Bracing the core 92 (76%) 29 (24%) Competent (2.84)
Dead bug series 100 (83%) 21 (17%) Highly competent (3.16)
Rolling 91 (75%) 30 (25%) Competent (2.98)
Squat series 115 (95%) 6 (5%) Highly competent (3.50)
Plank series 101 (83%) 20 (17%) Highly competent (3.27)
Locomotor Skills
Crawl and creep 88 (73%) 33 (27%) Competent (2.88)
Jumping and landing 101 (83%) 20 (17%) Highly competent (3.24)
Linear movement (hop, skip, leap or 104 (86%) 17 (14%) Highly competent (3.26)
bound, leap, jog, run, and backpedal)
Lateral movement (slide, crossover, 94 (78%) 27 (22%) Highly competent (3.09)
Mobility Skills
Ankle 103 (85%) 18 (15%) Highly competent (3.17)
Hip 111 (92%) 10 (8%) Highly competent (3.27)
T-spine 87 (72%) 34 (28%) Competent (2.88)
Vertical pull and push 87 (72%) 34 (28%) Competent (2.94)
Lifting and throwing 96 (79%) 25 (21%) Highly competent (3.05)
Notes: HC – Highly Competent, C – Competent, MC – Moderately Competent, IC – Incompetent.

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3.2 Respondents’ technology profile (specify context of use)

Out of 121 respondents, 72% of them mentioned that their teachers have already
integrated technology (e.g., PowerPoint, learning management system, Google Drive,
etc.) into their courses (n = 87). Although, 60% of respondents also mentioned that
no specific learning application was utilized in their classes to enhance learning in PE
(n = 73). Despite this, the majority of them believed that a mobile application can be
useful in the teaching and learning process of PE courses (n = 103).
Most of the respondents owned smartphones (n = 113, 93%) and the majority of them
ran on the Android operating system (OS) (n = 105, 87%). Few of them also owned
laptops (n = 42, 35%), desktop computers (n = 12, 10%), and tablets (n = 4, 3%). Most
of them mentioned that they have used smartphones for their learning (n = 100, 83%),
and it is their most preferred device for learning (n = 87, 72%). Since most of them
owned smartphones as compared to other devices, this finding is consistent with that
of Miranda et al. [23] and GMA News Online [24]. When the respondents were asked
about their preference on using their smartphones for a mobile learning application for
MCT, more than half of them believed that doing such will help them, including their
teachers, to further enhance the teaching and learning process (n = 66, 55%). These
findings affirm that the utilization of smartphones for both learning and teaching among
Filipino students was common [25]. Furthermore, the usage of smartphones was per-
ceived to be useful in different aspects not only in the teaching and learning process but
also in other daily activities [25], [26].
When asked about their preference in terms of the design elements and interface of
a mobile application for MCT, the respondents specifically mentioned that it should
have simple navigation (n = 96, 79%) and should use offline video-based content
(n = 97, 80%). They specifically made mention the importance of the availability of
offline video-based content as most of the respondents cannot connect to the internet
just to stream them online. They further mentioned that during face-to-face classes, the
availability of internet access in the university is very limited—a common problem
experienced by most students in the country [27]. Another reason for this was the inad-
equate internet infrastructure which affects both the speed and cost in the Philippines

3.3 Development and usage of mobile applications for MCT

(specify requirements)

Since most of the respondents owned and have used their smartphones for learning, the
application ran on Android OS. It was developed using C# programming language and
Unity environment—a cross-platform engine for developing games and applications. The
content of the application was specifically made to demonstrate the identified MCT skills.
Each content (i.e., text information, videos, and knowledge assessment) was validated
and meticulously checked by faculty members before their addition to the application.

3.4 The MCT mobile application (produce design solution)

Figure 2 shows that the application, after startup, asks for the name of the user before
proceeding to the homepage. The home page consists of three main parts: Lesson,

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Training Exercise, and Settings. The Lesson part of the system when clicked (as seen
in Figure 3), shows the three identified skills (i.e., non-locomotor, locomotor, and
mobility). The training exercise includes a premade standard sequence of exercises and
options for arrangement and customization (Figure 4).

Fig. 2. Welcome and homepage screen

The Lesson part of the application specifically includes standard instructions that can
be followed by a user. The functionality is a must-have within the application according
to both faculty and students. During the interview, the faculty respondents believed that
if each step was specifically worded and visualized at the same time, it can help them
in teaching a specific skill. They further mentioned that this feature is needed due to
the faculty-student ratio of MCT courses. At the same time, the students will be able to
review and practice each step at a slower pace. Sound settings, as well as information
about the learning outcome of each skill as well as PAR-Q+ assessment, reside in the
Settings section.

Fig. 3. Lesson selection and skill tutorial

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On the other hand, a user can decide whether to choose a standard practice regimen
to master a specific fundamental MCT (i.e., non-locomotor, locomotor, movement) or
customize which specific skills to learn first. As seen in Figure 4, the customization
also includes the option to change the practice duration of each skill. The application
also provides the user the option to arrange the skills per training exercise (maximum
of 5 customizations). This feature was added as faculty respondents mentioned that
some students tend to master a specific skill before others. Some skills also take time to
master and sometimes it also depends on each student. At the end of each skill practice,
the application will ask the user to personally rate themselves on how difficult each
skill using a 5-point scale from easy to difficult. This feature was added so that the user
may review what skills they previously found easy or difficult which they can use when
deciding on what to practice again or during customization.

Fig. 4. Training exercise and customization

3.5 Initial assessment of the MCT mobile application (evaluate design)

The initial assessment of 44 respondents (21 males and 23 females) indicates that
the application was functionally suitable (M = 4.70), usable (M = 4.61), and portable
(M = 4.53) in their learning context (Table 2). Specifically, in terms of the functional
suitability of the application in MCT, respondents believed that the application helps
them to learn (M = 4.70) and perform MCT skills properly (M = 4.66) and appropriately
(M = 4.75). For its usability, the application was considered user-friendly (M = 4.70),
has a neat interface (M = 4.45), and provides better visualization of the actual move-
ment needed to perform each skill (M = 4.68). Furthermore, the respondents made men-
tion that the application was easy to install (M = 4.39), can run anytime and anywhere
using an android smartphone (M = 4.68), and does not require heavy device resources
(M = 4.64). When asked if they would consider the developed application as a better
alternative in learning the MCT skills in general, most of them strongly agreed to the
idea (M = 4.45).
When the assessment scores of the respondents were compared based on their sex
group using a t-test, the overall functional suitability of the application showed that the
respondents have statistically significant differences when grouped according to their

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sexes (t(42) = –3.28, p = 0.03). In particular, the males (M = 4.88) have evaluated the
application slightly higher than their female peers (M = 4.51). Also, there is no statis-
tically significant difference in terms of the usability and portability of the application
based on the scores of the respondents between males and females.

Table 2. Summary of respondents’ assessment to the MCT application

Criteria M Explanation
Functional suitability 4.70 Highly acceptable
Usability 4.61 Highly acceptable
Portability 4.53 Highly acceptable
Notes: 4.51–5.0 (Highly Acceptable); 3.51–4.50 (Moderately Acceptable); 2.51–3.50 (Acceptable);
1.51–2.50 (Slightly Acceptable); 1.0–1.51 (Not Acceptable).

4 Conclusion

Several considerations were identified before the development of the MCT appli-
cation. Initial findings showed that there are 14 most important skills for preparatory
MCT. It showed that despite the high number of respondents who perceived themselves
as either competent or highly competent, a considerable number of students still believe
that they are not competent enough to perform the fundamentals skills in MCT. For this
reason, an application was developed to help current and future students to acquire a
higher level of competency in preparatory MCT.
Another consideration is that most of the respondents said that smartphones are their
most available device at the moment. They preferred to use it for their learning despite
some of them having the option to opt for other devices—making the main reason why
the MCT application was specifically created for smartphones with Android OS. The
respondents also highlighted that they want an application that is simple yet easy to
navigate as well as having the capability of previewing step-by-step procedures of skill
without the need to access the internet. The ability to customize the training exercise
within the application was also added to further enhance the teaching and learning
process for MCT. Initial assessment of the developed application showed that the appli-
cation is highly acceptable in terms of the three criteria: functional suitability, usability,
and portability.

5 Future works

Since the developed MCT application was not fully evaluated due to existing move-
ment restrictions placed all over the Philippines caused by the COVID-19 pandemic,
field testing accompanied by user-acceptance testing to its intended users is warranted
when face-to-face sessions are allowed. The field testing will better validate the applica-
bility to learn the MCT skills in both distance learning and classroom setting. For future
works, the inclusion of other PE courses which require strict step-by-step procedures
where proper visualization can greatly help should be added within the application.

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Making the application automatically recommend the skills and time to practice a spe-
cific or series of skills is also worth pursuing. Future studies may replicate the process
mentioned in this study to develop similar applications for other courses.

6 Acknowledgment

The authors are indebted to the respondents of the study and the Don Honorio Ven-
tura State University for funding and extending support to this endeavor.

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8 Authors

Julius Ceazar G. Tolentino is the chairperson of the Department of Physical

Education and the concurrent coordinator of the Research Management Unit of the
College of Education at the Don Honorio Ventura State University, Bacolor, Pampanga,
Philippines. Educational technology, physical education, and cultural studies are the
areas of interest in his research works.
John Paul P. Miranda is a faculty member at Don Honorio Ventura State University
(DHVSU) Mexico Campus—College of Computing Studies. His publications are in
data science, data mining, computer science/IT education, and software development.
Rodel B. Punzalan, Jomari C. Manalang, Lovely Kate S. Hermogenes, and
Jayson T. Mallari are pre-service teachers in the Department of Physical Education
of the College of Education at the Don Honorio Ventura State University, Bacolor,
Pampanga, Philippines.

Article submitted 2021-08-23. Resubmitted 2021-11-29. Final acceptance 2021-12-06. Final version
published as submitted by the authors.

iJIM ‒ Vol. 16, No. 03, 2022 103

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