Final Clerical Officer Customs Booklet 2255804

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Candidate Information Booklet

Clerical Officer Customs Opportunities 2022

(Shift Work)

Office of the Revenue Commissioners

Competition I.D: 2255804

Closing Date for Applications

Thursday, 10th March 2022 at 3pm

The Public Appointments Service (PAS) is committed to a policy of equal

opportunity. The Public Appointments Service will run this competition in
compliance with the Code of Practice for ‘Appointment to positions in the Civil
Service and Public Service’ prepared by the Commission for Public Service
Appointments (CPSA) - available on

Helpdesk Email Address: [email protected]

Clerical Officer Customs Opportunities 2022


Revenue is the Irish Tax and Customs administration and is a large, decentralised
organisation with c. 7,000 staff and offices in all parts of the country. Its mission is ’To serve
the community by fairly and efficiently collecting taxes and duties and implementing customs

Revenue supports compliance for 3.2 million employments, 0.2 million employers, 1 million
businesses, 0.3 million VAT traders and 1.4 million property owners; and in 2021, collected
total gross receipts of c.€97 billion. Revenue is also responsible for trade facilitation and
frontier control.

The Role

Successful candidates will be involved in facilitating imports and exports through ports,
airports, and mail centres. You may also be involved in profiling and intelligence gathering;
detecting smuggling; and investigating tax and duty evasion. You will be part of a busy team
and will undertake a wide range of duties, with each day bringing new challenges.

This role requires attendance on site on a 24/7 rostered basis for which a shift
premium is payable. Rosters will include night shifts and weekends. It is an exciting and
challenging role in a strong team environment and requires a high level of flexibility,
resilience, and commitment; and the ability to work effectively under pressure. The work is
varied and often physically demanding, with a broad range of indoor and outdoor duties
carried out at Revenue and other premises. You will be involved in a range of trade
facilitation and/or enforcement duties that may include, but are not limited to the following:

• Liaising with customs clearance agents, express carriers and the general public.

• Carrying out documentary checks as a result of EU or national profiles, discharging

the declaration on Revenue systems and carrying out physical examinations of
consignments at Revenue premises, or at agents’ premises.

• Liaising with other Government Departments and Agencies including, for example,
the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) and the Health Services
Executive (HSE).

• Detection and investigation of suspected Customs and Revenue offences involving a

broad range of liaison, enforcement, investigative and intelligence-gathering support

• Participation in operations aimed at tackling fraud and combating shadow economy


Please note that the above list is not exhaustive and is not intended to be a
comprehensive list of all duties that the successful candidate will be required to

Vacancies may arise in Athlone, Dublin, Portarlington and Rosslare.

Assignment to the Custom’s role, working shift hours, will normally be for a period of five
years. Upon completion of the 5-year contract, officers assigned from this competition will be
assigned to an appropriate non-allowanced, non- shift working, position in the geographical
location to which they were assigned from this competition.

The work is varied, personally rewarding, and challenging. It requires good communication
skills, dedication, commitment, and flexibility. Comprehensive training will be provided to
support the specialist knowledge and expertise required for the role. The ideal candidate
should have all the attributes required of a Customs Clerical Officer including drive and
commitment to personal development and to public service values. An applicant must
demonstrate, by reference to specific achievements, that they possess the skills and
knowledge required for the role of Clerical Officer in Customs including:

• Team Work.

• Information Management/ Processing.

• Delivery of Results.

• Customer Service & Communication Skills.

• Drive & Commitment.

• Specialist Knowledge; Expertise & Self-Development.

Successful officers will display sound judgement in pressurised situations, good interpersonal
skills, IT skills, flexibility, integrity and the capacity to work effectively as part of a team, which
will normally be led by an Executive Officer.

Health & Safety

Clerical Officers must comply with the duties of employees as defined under the Safety, Health
and Welfare at Work Act 2005.
Clerical Officers must comply in full with all safety, health and welfare directions, policies and
instructions issued by the Office of the Revenue Commissioners either centrally or by their
line manager. Officers are required to disclose any relevant matters during the contract
period which could potentially risk the health and safety of the officer or which might damage
the candidate’s own or Revenue’s reputation.

Special Equipment and Facilities provided in connection with the Duties

Officers may be required to wear a uniform. Special equipment, as required, will be provided
to carry out the various duties. All staff are provided with the necessary training including
health and safety training and the necessary personal protective clothing for the tasks to be
carried out. Familiarity with the equipment and procedures is not necessary as training is
provided. Personal protective clothing must be worn as directed.

Entry Requirements and Eligibility

On the closing date of 10th March 2022 candidates must have:

a) have the requisite knowledge, skills and competencies to carry out the role;

b) be capable and competent of fulfilling the role to a high standard;

c) have a good general level of education;

d) be at least 17 years of age;

e) A full valid manual driving licence (minimum class B) is essential for this role, i.e.,
successful applicants must have successfully completed the ‘Novice’ period by the
date of the job offer.

f) fulfil Citizenship, Health & Character, Garda Vetting & Security Clearance and
Reference Check requirements;

g) ensure that they meet the criteria regarding Public & Civil Service Redundancy/Ill
Health Retirement Schemes (CLICK HERE for further information)

Other Eligibility Criteria

Health & Character

Candidates must be in good health, capable and competent of carrying out the work assigned
to them, and they must be of good character. Those under consideration for a position will be
required to complete a health and character declaration. References will be sought. Some
posts will require special security clearance and will require completion of a form for Garda
vetting purposes. In the event of conflicts of interest, candidates may not be considered for
certain posts.

Citizenship Requirements
Eligible candidates must be:
(a) A citizen of the European Economic Area (EEA). The EEA consists of the Member
States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway; or
(b) A citizen of the United Kingdom (UK); or
(c) A citizen of Switzerland pursuant to the agreement between the EU and Switzerland
on the free movement of persons; or
(d) A non-EEA citizen who is a spouse or child of an EEA or UK or Swiss citizen and has
a stamp 4 visa; or
(e) A person awarded international protection under the International Protection Act 2015
or any family member entitled to remain in the State as a result of family reunification
and has a stamp 4 visa or
(f) A non-EEA citizen who is a parent of a dependent child who is a citizen of, and resident
in, an EEA member state or the UK or Switzerland and has a stamp 4 visa.

To qualify candidates must be eligible by the date of any job offer.

It is important that candidates list their previous civil or public service employment, if they have
availed of a voluntary redundancy or retirement scheme and/or are in receipt of an ill-health
retirement pension. Failure to do so could lead to disciplinary action.

Collective Agreement: Redundancy Payments to Public Servants
The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform letter dated 28th June 2012 to Personnel
Officers introduced, with effect from 1st June 2012, a Collective Agreement which had been
reached between the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform and the Public Services
Committee of the ICTU in relation to ex-gratia Redundancy Payments to Public Servants. It
is a condition of the Collective Agreement that persons availing of the agreement will not be
eligible for re-employment in the Public Service by any Public Service body (as defined by
the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Acts 2009 – 2011) for a period of 2
years from termination of the employment. People who availed of this scheme and who may
be successful in this competition will have to prove their eligibility (expiry of period of non-

Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER):

It is a condition of the Incentivised Scheme for Early Retirement (ISER) as set out in
Department of Finance Circular 12/09 that retirees, under that Scheme, are not eligible to
apply for another position in the same employment or the same sector. Therefore, such
retirees may not apply for this position.

Department of Health and Children Circular (7/2010):

The Department of Health Circular 7/2010 dated 1 November 2010 introduced a Targeted
Voluntary Early Retirement (VER) Scheme and Voluntary Redundancy Schemes (VRS). It
is a condition of the VER scheme that persons availing of the scheme will not be eligible for
re-employment in the public health sector or in the wider Public Service or in a body wholly
or mainly funded from public moneys. The same prohibition on re-employment applies under
the VRS, except that the prohibition is for a period of 7 years. People who availed of the VER
scheme are not eligible to compete in this competition. People who availed of the VRS
scheme and who may be successful in this competition will have to prove their eligibility
(expiry of period of non-eligibility).

Department of Environment, Community & Local Government (Circular Letter LG(P)

The Department of Environment, Community & Local Government Circular Letter LG(P)
06/2013 introduced a Voluntary Redundancy Scheme for Local Authorities. In accordance
with the terms of the Collective Agreement: Redundancy Payments to Public Servants dated
28 June 2012 as detailed above, it is a specific condition of that VER Scheme that persons
will not be eligible for re-employment in any Public Service body [as defined by the Financial
Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Acts 2009 – 2011 and the Public Service
Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012] for a period of 2 years from their
date of departure under this Scheme. These conditions also apply in the case of
engagement/employment on a contract for service basis (either as a contractor or as an
employee of a contractor).

Applicants will be required to declare whether they have previously availed of a Public
Service scheme of incentivised early retirement. Applicants will also be required to declare
any entitlements to a Public Service pension benefit (in payment or preserved) from any
other Public Service employment and/or where they have received a payment-in-lieu in
respect of service in any Public Service employment.

Principal Conditions of Service

The appointment is subject to the Civil Service Regulations Acts 1956 to 2005, the Public
Service Management (Recruitment and Appointments) Act 2004 and any other Act for the time
being in force relating to the Civil Service.

The weekly salary for this position, rate effective from 1 February 2022 is:

Clerical Officer (PPC)

€485.60 €516.73 €524.63 €540.07 €562.83 €585.56 €608.28 €624.83
€643.56 €665.34 €680.68 €702.22 €723.65 €757.08 €783.36(LSI1)

The PPC pay rate applies when the individual is required to pay a Personal Pension
Contribution (otherwise known as a main scheme contribution) in accordance with the rules of
their main/personal superannuation scheme. This is different to a contribution in respect of
membership of a Spouses’ and Children’s scheme, or the Additional Superannuation
Contributions (ASC).

A different rate will apply where the appointee is not required to make a Personal Pension

Long service increments may be payable after 3(LSI1) and 6(LSI2) years satisfactory service
at the maximum of the scale.

A shift premium is payable, in addition to the basic pay of a Customs Clerical Officer, for
the duration of the assignment to shift rostered attendance. The value of the premium will
be dependent on the attendance pattern required. For example:
• the premium is 25% of salary in addition to basic pay, for attendance on the basis of
a 24/7 shift pattern (currently in operation in Dublin and Rosslare).
• the premium is 16% of salary in addition to basic pay, for attendance on the basis of
a 16/7 shift pattern, (currently in operation in Athlone (DPD) and Portarlington

Alternative attendance patterns may apply based on business need.

The shift premium is treated as an allowance in the nature of pay and may be reckonable
for purposes of pension and starting pay on promotion.

An additional pensionable payment applies for Sunday and Public Holiday working.

NB: As the shift premium is paid for attendance on a shift pattern, the shift premium
payment will cease in the event that an officer is unable to attend the workplace for a
prolonged period (including, for example, for health reasons or in cases of long-term
sick leave absences). Payment will cease 28 days after commencement of sick leave
or non-attendance at the workplace for any other reason and recommence only when
the officer is deemed fit to return to duty on the shift pattern.

Important Note
Entry will be at the minimum of the scale and the rate of remuneration will not be subject to
negotiation and may be adjusted from time to time in line with Government pay policy.

Different terms and conditions may apply if you are a currently serving civil or public servant.

Subject to satisfactory performance increments may be payable in line will current
Government Policy.

You will agree that any overpayment of salary, allowances, or expenses will be repaid by you
in accordance with Circular 07/2018: Recovery of Salary, Allowances, and Expenses
Overpayments made to Staff Members/Former Staff Members/Pensioners.

Tenure and Probation

The appointment is to a permanent position on a probationary contract in the Civil Service.

The probationary contract will be for a period of one year from the date specified on the
contract. Notwithstanding this paragraph and the paragraph immediately following below, this
will not preclude an extension of the probationary contract in appropriate circumstances.

During the period of your probationary contract, your performance will be subject to review by
your supervisor(s) to determine whether you:
(i) Have performed in a satisfactory manner,
(ii) Have been satisfactory in general conduct, and
(iii) Are suitable from the point of view of health with particular regard to sick leave.

Prior to the completion of the probationary contract a decision will be made as to whether or
not you will be retained pursuant to Section 5A(2) Civil Service Regulation Acts 1956 – 2005.
This decision will be based on your performance assessed against the criteria set out in (i) to
(iii) above. The detail of the probationary process will be explained to you by the Office of the
Revenue Commissioners and you will be given a copy of the Department of Public Expenditure
and Reform’s guidelines on probation.

Notwithstanding the preceding paragraphs in this section, the probationary contract may be
terminated at any time prior to the expiry of the term of the contract by either side in
accordance with the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973 to 2005.

In certain circumstances your contract may be extended and your probation period
suspended. The extension must be agreed by both parties.
• The probationary period stands suspended when an employee is absent due to
Maternity or Adoptive Leave
• In relation to an employee absent on Parental Leave or Carers Leave, the employee
may require probation to be suspended if the absence is not considered to be
consistent with the continuation of the probation
• Probation may be suspended in cases such as absence due to a non-recurring illness

The employee may, in these circumstances, make an application to the employer for an
extension to the contract period.

Annual Leave
The Annual Leave allowance is 22 days rising to 23 days after 5 years’ service and to 24
days after 10 years’ service, 25 days after 12 years’ service and 26 after 14 years’ service.
This allowance is subject to the usual conditions regarding the granting of annual leave in
the civil service, is based on a five-day week and is exclusive of the usual public holidays.

Hours of Attendance
Hours of Attendance are as fixed from time to time but will amount to not less than 43 hours
and 15 minutes per week in the case of a full time position.

You will be required to perform any duties which may be assigned to you from time to time as
appropriate to the position of Clerical Officer.

Outside Employment
The position will be whole time and you may not engage in private practice or be connected
with any outside business which would interfere with the performance of official duties.

Your headquarters will be such as may be designated from time to time by the Head of the
Office/Organisation. When absent from home or headquarters on official duty you will be paid
appropriate travelling expenses and subsistence allowances, subject to normal regulations.

Sick Leave
Pay during properly certified sick absence, provided there is no evidence of permanent
disability for service, will apply on a pro-rata basis, in accordance with the provisions of the
sick leave circulars.

The appointee will be required to sign a mandate authorising the Department of Social
Protection to pay any benefits due under the Social Welfare Acts direct to the employing
Department or Organisation and payment during illness will be subject to the officer making
the necessary claims for social insurance benefit to the Department of Social Protection within
the required time limits.

The successful candidate will be offered the appropriate superannuation terms and conditions
as prevailing in the Civil Service at the time of being offered an appointment. In general, an
appointee who has never worked in the Public Service will be offered appointment based on
membership of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme (“Single Scheme”). Full details of
the Scheme are at

Where the appointee has worked in a pensionable (non-Single Scheme terms) public service
job in the 26 weeks prior to appointment or is currently on a career break or special leave
with/without pay different terms may apply. The pension entitlement of such appointees will
be established in the context of their public service employment history.

Key provisions attaching to membership of the Single Scheme are as follows:

• Pensionable Age: The minimum age at which retirement benefits are payable is the
same as the age of eligibility for the State Pension, currently 66 years.
• Retirement Age: Scheme members must retire on reaching the age of 70 years.
• Career average earnings are used to calculate benefits (a pension and lump sum
amount accrue each year and are up-rated each year by reference to CPI).
• Post retirement pension increases are linked to CPI.

An appointee who is not eligible for membership of a civil or public service pension will be
facilitated should they wish to make voluntary deductions from their remuneration to a
Standard PRSA established by their employer.

Pension Abatement

• If the appointee has previously been employed in the Civil or Public Service and is in
receipt of a pension from the Civil or Public Service or where a Civil/Public Service
pension comes into payment during his/her re-employment that pension will be
subject to abatement in accordance with Section 52 of the Public Service Pensions
(Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012. Please note: In applying for this
position you are acknowledging that you understand that the abatement

provisions, where relevant, will apply. It is not envisaged that the employing
Department/Office will support an application for an abatement waiver in respect
of appointments to this position.

• However, if the appointee was previously employed in the Civil or Public Service and
awarded a pension under voluntary early retirement arrangements (other than the
Incentivised Scheme of Early Retirement (ISER), the Department of Health Circular
7/2010 VER/VRS or the Department of Environment, Community & Local Government
Circular letter LG(P) 06/2013, any of which renders a person ineligible for the
competition) the entitlement to that pension will cease with effect from the date of
reappointment. Special arrangements may, however be made for the reckoning of
previous service given by the appointee for the purpose of any future superannuation
award for which the appointee may be eligible.

• Department of Education and Skills Early Retirement Scheme for Teachers

Circular 102/2007
The Department of Education and Skills introduced an Early Retirement Scheme for
Teachers. It is a condition of the Early Retirement Scheme that with the exception of
the situations set out in paragraphs 10.2 and 10.3 of the relevant circular
documentation, and with those exceptions only, if a teacher accepts early retirement
under Strands 1, 2 or 3 of this scheme and is subsequently employed in any capacity
in any area of the public sector, payment of pension to that person under the scheme
will immediately cease. Pension payments will, however, be resumed on the ceasing
of such employment or on the person's 60th birthday, whichever is the later, but on
resumption, the pension will be based on the person's actual reckonable service as a
teacher (i.e. the added years previously granted will not be taken into account in the
calculation of the pension payment).

• Ill-Health Retirement
Please note any person who previously retired on ill health grounds under the terms of
a superannuation scheme are required to declare, at the initial application phase, that
they are in receipt of such a pension to the organisation administering the recruitment

Applicants will be required to attend the CMO’s office to assess their ability to provide
regular and effective service taking account of the condition which qualified them for

Appointment post Ill-health retirement from Civil Service

If successful in their application through the competition, the applicant should to be

aware of the following:

1. If deemed fit to provide regular and effective service and assigned to a post, their
civil service ill-health pension ceases.
2. If the applicant subsequently fails to complete probation or decides to leave their
assigned post, there can be no reversion to the civil service IHR status, nor
reinstatement of the civil service IHR pension, that existed prior to the application
nor is there an entitlement to same.
3. The applicant will become a member of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme
(SPSPS) upon appointment if they have had a break in pensionable public/civil
service of more than 26 weeks.

Appointment post Ill-health retirement from public service

1. Where an individual has retired from a public service body his/her ill-health pension
from that employment may be subject to review in accordance with the rules of ill-
health retirement under that scheme.
2. If an applicant is successful, on appointment the applicant will be required to
declare whether they are in receipt of a public service pension (ill-health or
otherwise) and their public service pension may be subject to abatement.
3. The applicant will become a member of the Single Public Service Pension Scheme
(SPSPS) upon appointment if they have had a break in pensionable public/civil
service of more than 26 weeks.

Please note more detailed information in relation to pension implications for those in receipt
of a civil or public service ill-health pension is available via this link or upon request to PAS.

Pension Accrual
A 40-year limit on total service that can be counted towards pension where a person has been
a member of more than one pre-existing public service pension scheme (i.e. non-Single
Scheme) as per the 2012 Act shall apply. This 40-year limit is provided for in the Public Service
Pensions (Single Scheme and Other Provisions) Act 2012. This may have implications for any
appointee who has acquired pension rights in a previous public service employment.

Additional Superannuation Contribution

This appointment is subject to the Additional Superannuation Contribution (ASC) in
accordance with the Public Service Pay and Pensions Act 2017. Note: ASC deductions are
in addition to any pension contributions (main scheme and spouses’ and children’s
contributions) required under the rules of your pension scheme.

For further information in relation to the Single Public Service Pension Scheme please see the
following website:

Secrecy, Confidentiality and Standards of Behaviour

Official Secrecy and Integrity
The officer will during the term of the appointment be subject to the provisions of the Official
Secrets Act, 1963 as amended by the Freedom of Information Acts 1997, 2003 and 2013. The
officer will agree not to disclose to unauthorised third parties any confidential information either
during or subsequent to the period of employment.

Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour

The officer will be subject to the Civil Service Code of Standards and Behaviour.

Ethics and Lobbying Acts

The Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 and 2001, as well as the Regulation of Lobbying Act
2015, will apply, where appropriate, to this employment.

Prior approval of publications

The officer will agree not to publish material related to their official duties without prior approval
by the Minister.

Political Activity
During the term of employment, the officer will be subject to the rules governing civil servants
and politics.

Please Note:
As an Employer of Choice the Civil Service has many flexible and family friendly working
policies including some opportunities for remote working. Please note, successful candidates
may request flexible working opportunities, however, this is at the discretion of the employer
and decided in line with the business needs of the organisation, and on a case by case basis.

Important Notice
The foregoing represents the principal conditions of service and is not intended to be the
comprehensive list of all terms and conditions of employment which will be set out in the
employment contract to be agreed with the successful candidate.

Application Process

Regional Recruitment

On the application form you may select a maximum of one location choice, listed below,
where you would be prepared to work if offered an appointment:

Athlone Dublin Portarlington Rosslare

You should only make a location choice where you would be prepared to work if offered an
appointment. Changes to your location choice will not be permitted after the closing
date. Vacancies for which you may be considered will extend only to a city/town in your chosen
location. Candidates should be aware that vacancies may not arise in all of the above locations
while this panel is active. Once a candidate has been assigned, they are removed from the

Practical Matters
• Applications should be made online through

• To apply, candidates must have a “User Account” on If you have

not already done so, you must click ‘Login’ on the publicjobs homepage and register
as a ‘New User’ to create your Profile (register a New Account).

• If you cannot remember your profile details, please do not create a second profile
as this could invalidate your application.
• Candidates should not confuse registering (Creating a Profile) with submitting an
application. Once you have created a Profile you must then access the application
form, complete and submit it.

Username / Password issues

Forgotten your username or password?

If so, click on the following link:

How to contact PAS?

If you continue to have ‘User Name’ or ‘Password’ difficulties please
email PAS at [email protected] outlining your issue and giving
your name and contact details, including a telephone number, where you
can be reached.

Candidates should note that support will only be available during office hours
until the closing date.

• Candidates must use their own valid email address. Email addresses from third
parties will not be accepted and may invalidate your application. PAS will only
communicate application information with the candidate and not with any third party.

• It is important that you keep note of your username and password as you will need
this information to access your Publicjobs Messageboard.

• It is strongly recommended that you do not change your email address or mobile
phone number in the course of this recruitment competition, as any email/text
message notification will be sent to the email address/telephone number originally
supplied by you.

• Interaction with candidates during the selection process will primarily be conducted
online. PAS will send most communication through your Publicjobs Messageboard.
Check your Messageboard on a regular basis as email notifications of updates/tests
issued to your Messageboard may sometimes be filtered into your Junk/Spam email
folders (or ‘Promotions’ in the case of gmail). You are also advised to check all these
folders regularly.

• PAS accepts no responsibility for communication not accessed or received by an

applicant. They must ensure that they regularly check their Messageboard and
access all communications from the PAS.

• If invited to tests and/or interview, the onus is on each applicant to make themselves
available on the date(s) specified by the PAS. If you do not attend on the specified
date/time you will be deemed withdrawn from the competition

• An Unreasonable Conduct Policy is in operation in PAS. Information on the policy

can be found on the PublicJobs website.

How to Apply
The onus is on the candidate to select the correct competition(s).

Click on the button ‘Apply now’ to access the application webform. This button is located at
the end of the job posting page for Clerical Officer in Customs Trade Facilitation on You must complete the application webform in full and click the submit

Once you have submitted your application form you should return to your publicjobs account
and confirm that it has been successfully submitted via ‘My Applications’. At this point you
should consider adding to your safe senders or contact list within your email
account to avoid not receiving email because a publicjobs email has been blocked.

Only fully completed applications submitted online will be accepted into the competition.
Applications will not be accepted after the closing date. Only one application per
person is permitted.

The admission of a person to the competition, or invitation to undertake any element of the
selection process is not to be taken as implying that the PAS or other body is satisfied that
such a person fulfils the requirements.

Candidates with Disabilities

The Public Appointments Service has a key role to play in attracting candidates from all
sectors of society, ensuring that routes to career opportunities are accessible to all who are
interested. We are committed to equality of opportunity for all candidates.

If you have a disability or need reasonable accommodations made during the selection
process, we strongly encourage you to share this with us so that we can ensure you get the
support you need.

Reasonable accommodation in our selection process refers to adjustments and practical

changes which would enable a disabled candidate to have an equal opportunity for this
competition. Examples of adjustments we provide include the use of assistive technology,
extra time, scribes and/or readers or a range of other accommodations.

Please be assured that having a disability or requiring adjustments will not impact on your
progress in the selection process; you will not be at a disadvantage if you disclose your
disability or requirements to us. Your disability and/or adjustments will be kept entirely
confidential. Should you be successful, the disclosure of a disability for this stage of the
process will not be passed onto the employing department unless you request that we do so.

If you have indicated on your application/profile that you require reasonable accommodations,
please submit a psychologist/medical report be to [email protected]

The purpose of the report is to provide PAS with information to act as a basis for determining
reasonable accommodations, where appropriate. The information within these reports that is
useful for us to see includes the outcome of any diagnostic tests conducted by your
psychologist/doctor, and their summary of recommendations in relation to your requirements.
You may redact (block out) parts of medical reports/psychologist’s reports that you feel are
sensitive or unnecessary for the decision to make reasonable adjustments.

These reports must be forwarded to the Assessment Services unit by close of business on
Thursday 10th March 2022. You should email a scanned copy of the report to
[email protected]

If you have previously applied for a competition with PAS and submitted a report,
please email [email protected] to confirm that your report is still on file.

If you would like to talk about your application or any accommodations that may be of benefit
during the recruitment process, please contact our Disability Champion, Amanda Kavanagh,
at [email protected] For further information on the accessibility of our service
please see our Accessibility page.

Closing Date

The closing date & time for receipt of completed applications is 3pm on Thursday, 10th of
March 2022

Selection Process
The selection methods for this competition will comprise a number of elements to select
successful candidates for positions that may arise. These may may include the following:
• Online Assessment Questionnaire;
• Online Video Interview (via Zoom) ;
• Any other assessment deemed appropriate

To be compliant with recent government guidelines for public safety, it is envisaged

that the methods of assessment may differ to previous competitions in response to
Covid-19. As such it is strongly advised that each candidate reviews any
communication or familiarisation sent to them prior to the commencement of each

Applicants must successfully compete and be placed highest, in order to be considered for
advancement to the next stage of the multi stage selection process. The number to be
invited forward at each stage will be determined from time to time by the Public
Appointments Service.

Next Steps
Should you come under consideration to proceed to subsequent stages of the selection
process, information will be forwarded to you at the appropriate time.

Indicative Dates (Subject to Change)

Stage Dates
Stage 1 - Online Assessment Questionnaire Live 6 April 2022

Stage 1 - Online Assessment Questionnaire Close 11 April 2022

Stage 2 – Interview May 2022

After Stage 1 – Assessment Questionnaire, successful candidates will be ranked in

accordance with their total score and given an Order of Merit (OOM) placing on the panel of
their chosen county choice, i.e. the candidate who achieves the highest score will be OOM 1.
The number to be called forward to Stage 2 – Interview, will be determined from time to time
by PAS. Candidates will be invited to interview in ‘batches’, for example Batch 1 may be from
OOM 1 – 100, Batch 2 may be from OOM 101 – 200 etc. Please note that the number of
candidates in each batch may differ.

Candidates must be prepared to make themselves available at short notice, to undertake and
attend test(s) and interview and provide any supporting documentation required.

Interaction with candidates during the selection process will primarily be conducted
online. PAS will communicate with you primarily through your Message
Board. However, some correspondence may be issued by email. The onus is on the
candidate to keep a regular check on your Message Board/Email Account as email
notifications of updates may sometimes be filtered into your Junk/Spam email folders (or
‘Promotions’ in the case of GMail). You are also advised to check all these folders regularly.
The PAS accepts no responsibility for communication not accessed or received by an

It is strongly recommended that you do not change your email address or mobile phone
number in the course of this recruitment campaign, as any email/text message will be sent to
the email address/telephone number originally supplied (see also paragraph below ‘Publicjobs
Messageboard’). Candidates must use their own valid email address. Email addresses from
third parties will not be accepted and may invalidate your application. PAS will only
communicate application information with the candidate and not with any third party.

General Information
Appointments from Panels
PAS will establish panels of suitably qualified individuals to fill vacancies, which may arise in
the various location choices across the Civil Service. If a candidate is offered and accepts a
position, they must be available to take up that position within a reasonable time frame. The
Public Appointments Service has no foresight as to how many vacancies may be filled over
the lifetime of the panel, and potentially candidates may not be reached on the order of merit.
Qualification and placement on a panel is not a guarantee of appointment to a position. Once
reached on the panel, a candidate will normally be considered for one position only. Once
assigned to a position, a candidate will be removed from the panel will no longer be considered
for any future positions. Please note that once an offer of appointment has been accepted a
candidate will be removed from the panel and no further offers of appointment will be made.
It is not envisaged that appointments will be made from this competition after 31st May 2024.
Please note that placement on a panel is not a guarantee of appointment to a position.

Specific candidate criteria

Candidates must:
• Have the knowledge and ability to discharge the duties of the post concerned
• Be suitable on the grounds of character
• Be suitable in all other relevant respects for appointment to the post concerned;

If successful, they will not be appointed to the post unless they:

• Agree to undertake the duties attached to the post and accept the conditions under
which the duties are, or may be required to be, performed
• Be fully competent and available to undertake, and fully capable of undertaking, the
duties attached to the position.

Deferrals from Panels

Candidates should be aware that all vacancies are for immediate positions. There is no option
for candidates to defer their place on the panel once their place is reached e.g. to complete
their studies, or to finish an existing project. Start dates are arranged at the discretion of the
employing department or organisation and candidates will be required to take up duty within
a reasonable timeframe once assigned to the position.

Declining an Offer of Appointment
Should the person recommended for appointment decline, or having accepted it, relinquish it,
PAS or the employing organisation may at its discretion, select and recommend another
person for appointment on the results of this selection process.

Deeming of candidature to be withdrawn

Candidates who do not complete and submit the Online Questionnaire before the specified
date; or do not attend/undertake any subsequent stage of the selection process as requested,
attend for interview or other test when and where required by the PAS or who do not, when
requested, furnish such evidence as the PAS require in regard to any matter relevant to their
candidature, will have no further claim to consideration.

Candidates are expected to provide all requested documentation to PAS, including all forms
issued by PAS for completion, within the time specified. Failure to do so will result in the
candidate being deemed to have withdrawn from the competition and their candidature will
receive no further consideration.

Reschedule Requests
Candidates are only permitted to reschedule once for Stage 2 Interview. Requests must be
emailed to [email protected] within the booking window as specified in the invitation
message and will only be considered under exceptional circumstances as deemed acceptable
by PAS (e.g. Bereavement/Illness). Please note that PAS may request supporting
documentation as evidence.

Candidates who attend a rescheduled interview and are deemed successful, will be panelled
with the batch they are interviewed in. Candidates will not be re-inserted into their original

Reasonable Accommodations in the Workplace

If a candidate would like to request reasonable accommodations to be put in place by the

potential employer, there will be an opportunity to confirm their interest at a later stage if they
are successful in advancing through the competition. Candidates will also have to complete a
‘Reasonable Accommodations Request Form’ at the pre-employment checks stage. There are
many advantages to disclosing a need for reasonable accommodations in the workplace as it
allows employers to aid an employee to perform to their full potential within the role. If you do
require reasonable accommodations to be put in place and choose not to disclose it, your
employer may not be in a position to provide the appropriate accommodations which may
assist you in carrying out your role to your full potential.

Candidates will be responsible for any expense incurred in connection with their candidature.

Quality Customer Service

PAS aims to provide an excellent quality service to all our customers. If, for whatever reason,
you are unhappy with any aspect of the service you receive from us, we urge you to bring this
to the attention of the unit or staff member concerned. This is important as it ensures that we
are aware of the problem and can take the appropriate steps to resolve it.

Candidate Rights and Obligations
Candidates can expect that all enquiries, applications and all aspects of the proceedings to
the extent that they are managed by PAS are treated as strictly confidential subject to the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014. However, candidates should note that all
application material may be made available to the employing authority/organisation. Certain
items of information, not specific to any individual, are extracted from computer records for
general statistical purposes.

Requests for Feedback/Test Rechecks

Feedback in relation to the selection process is available on written request. Feedback and
rechecks may be requested for up to six months after completion of each stage of the

However, please note that the Review Process as set out in the Code of Practice is a separate
process with specified timeframes that must be observed. Receipt of feedback/recheck is not
required to invoke a review. It is not necessary for a candidate to compile a detailed case
prior to invoking the review mechanism. The timeframe set out in the CPSA Code cannot be
extended for any reason including the provision of feedback and/or the outcome of rechecks.

Review and Complaint Procedures under the Code of Practice for Appointments to
Positions in the Civil and Public Service

If a candidate is unhappy following the outcome of any stage of a selection process, they can

1. Request a Review of a decision made during the process

2. Make a Complaint that the selection process followed was unfair

A candidate can follow either one of the two procedures in relation to the same aspect of a
selection process, but not both. Where a review of a selection process has taken place under
Section 7 (as detailed below), a complainant may not seek a further review of the same
process under Section 8, other than in the most exceptional circumstances that will be
determined by the Commission for Public Service Appointments (CPSA) at its sole discretion.

There is no obligation on PAS to suspend an appointment process while a Review or

Complaint is being considered. However, the CPSA expects that, where possible, PAS will
intervene in cases where it finds an error is likely to have occurred.

Requesting a Review under Section 7

A request for review may be taken by a candidate should they be dissatisfied with an action
or decision taken by the Public Appointments Service (PAS). PAS will consider requests for
review in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of the Code of Practice for Appointments
to Positions in the Civil and Public Service published by the CPSA.

When making a request for a review, the candidate must support their request by outlining the
facts they believe show that the action taken or decision reached was wrong. A request for
review may be refused if the candidate cannot support their request.

The Informal Review will consist of a desk-based examination of any available information in
relation to the recruitment process and the decision taken regarding the candidate’s
application. The outcome of the Informal Review Process will be communicated to the
requester in writing.

• A request for Informal Review must be made within 5 working days of notification of
the decision, and will normally take place between the candidate and a representative
of the PAS who had played a key role in the administration of the selection process.
• Where a candidate remains dissatisfied following any such informal correspondance,
he/she may adopt the formal procedures set out below.

A request for Formal Review must be made within 5 working days of either the notification of
the selection decision, or the notification of the outcome of the Informal Review process. Any
extension of these time limits will only be granted in the most exceptional of circumstances
and will be at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive.

• The candidate must address his/her concerns in relation to the process in writing to
the Chief Executive (via email to [email protected], or in writing to Chief
Executive Officer, Public Appointments Service, Chapter House, 26/30 Abbey Street
Upper, Dublin 1), outlining the facts that they believe show an action taken or decision
reached was wrong.
• The Formal Review will be conducted by a person who is completely independent of
the selection process
• The outcome of the Formal Review must generally be notified to the candidate within
25 working days of receipt of the request for review. If the investigation does not
produce a decision within this time, PAS must keep the candidate informed of the
status of the review and the reasons for the delay.

Making a Complaint under Section 8

A candidate may believe there was a breach of the Commission’s Code of Practice by PAS
that may have compromised the integrity of the decision reached in the appointment process.
The complaints process enables candidates to make a complaint under Section 8 to PAS in
the first instance, and to the Commission for Public Service Appointments subsequently on
appeal if they remain dissatisfied.

On foot of a Section 8 Complaint process, either PAS or the CPSA may find that the
recruitment and selection process in question has not adhered to the standard set out in the
Code of Practice. In such cases, PAS and the CPSA may make recommendations in order to
prevent such issues from reoccurring again in the future. The CPSA cannot instruct PAS to
reverse a decision taken in the course of an appointment process. Any candidate wishing for
an investigation into the decision taken regarding their application as part of a selection
process should request a Review under Section 7, as outlined above.

The complainant must outline the facts that they believe show that the process followed was
wrong. The complainant must also identify the aspect of the Code they believe has been
infringed and enclose any relevant documentation that may support the allegation. A complaint
may be dismissed if they the complainant cannot support their allegations by setting out how
the Public Appointments Service has fallen short of the principles of this Code.

The Informal Complaint will consist of a desk-based examination of any available information
in relation to the recruitment process. The outcome of the Informal Complaint will be
communicated to the requester in writing.

• An Informal Complaint must be made within 5 working days of notification of the

decision, and will normally take place between the candidate and a representative of
the PAS who had played a key role in the administration of the selection process.
• Where a candidate remains dissatisfied following any such informal discussion,
he/she may adopt the formal procedures set out below.

A Formal Complaint must be made within 5 working days of either the notification of the
selection decision, or the notification of the outcome of the Informal Complaint. Any extension
of these time limits will only be granted in the most exceptional of circumstances and will be
at the sole discretion of the Chief Executive.

• The candidate must address his/her concerns in relation to the process in writing to
the Chief Executive (via email to [email protected], or in writing to Chief
Executive Officer, Public Appointments Service, Chapter House, 26/30 Abbey Street
Upper, Dublin 1), outlining the facts that they believe show an action taken or decision
reached was wrong.
• The Formal Complaint will be investigated by a person who is completely independent
of the selection process
• The outcome of the Formal Complaint must generally be notified to the candidate
within 25 working days of receipt of the request for review. If the investigation does not
produce a decision within this time, PAS must keep the candidate informed of the
status of the review and the reasons for the delay.

For further information on the above Review and Complaint procedures please see the Code
of Practice for Appointments to Positions in the Civil and Public Service which is available on
the website of the Commission for Public Service Appointments,

There is no obligation on the PAS to suspend an appointment process while it considers a

request for a review. Please note that where a formal review of a recruitment and selection
process has taken place under Section 7 of this Code of Practice, a complainant may not seek
a further review of the same process under Section 8, other than in the most exceptional
circumstances that will be determined by the Commission at its sole discretion.

Candidates' Obligations:
Candidates must not:
• knowingly or recklessly provide false information
• canvass any person with or without inducements
• personate a candidate at any stage of the process
• interfere with or compromise the process in any way

Contravention of the Code of Practice

Any person who contravenes the above provisions or who assists another person in
contravening the above provisions is guilty of an offence. A person who is found guilty of an
offence is liable to a fine or imprisonment.

In addition, if a person found guilty of an offence was, or is a candidate at a recruitment

• they will be disqualified as a candidate and excluded from the process;
• has been appointed to a post following the recruitment process, they will be removed from
that post.

Confidentiality of Information and Materials

It is important to remember that this is a competitive process for a role where integrity is
paramount. Sharing information on the selection process e.g. through social media or any
other means, may result in you being disqualified from the competition.

Please note that all assessment and test materials are subject to copyright and all rights are
reserved. No part of the test material (including passages of information, questions or answer
options), associated materials and/or interview related information may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

photographing, recording, written or otherwise, at any stage. To do so is an offence and may
result in you being excluded from the selection process. Any person who contravenes this
provision, or who assists another person(s) in contravening this provision, is liable to
prosecution and/or civil suit for loss of copyright and intellectual property.

Use of Recording Equipment

PAS does not allow the unsanctioned use of any type of recording on its premises or any
location where assessments/tests/interviews, etc. take place, e.g. video interviews,
teleconference. This applies to any form of sound recording and any type of still picture or
video recording, whether including sound recording or not, and covers any type of device used
for these purposes. Any person wishing to use such equipment for any of these purposes must
seek written permission in advance. This policy is in place to protect the privacy of staff and
candidates/clients and the integrity of our assessment material and assessment
processes. Unsanctioned use of recording equipment by any person is a breach of this policy.
Any candidate involved in such a breach could be disqualified from the competition and could
be subject to prosecution under section 55 of the Public Service Management (Recruitment &
Appointments) Act, 2004.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on the 25th May 2018,
replacing the existing data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive.

When you register with or submit an application for a competition, we create a
computer record in your name. Information submitted with a job application is used in
processing your application. Where the services of a third party are used in processing your
application, it may be required to provide them with information, however all necessary
precautions will be taken to ensure the security of your data. If you are successful in the
recruitment and selection competition, your application may be made available to the Human
Resources section of the organisation to which you have been assigned.

To make a request to access your personal data please submit your request by email to:
[email protected] ensuring that you describe the records you seek in the greatest possible detail
to enable us to identify the relevant record(s).

Information in relation to a candidate’s personal data held by the PAS are set out on the Data
Protection page of
Candidates should note that canvassing will disqualify and will result in their exclusion from
the process.

Elements of the selection process may be undertaken by other parties. In such circumstances
it will be necessary for your information to be shared between PAS and these parties in order
for your application to be processed.

Candidates should note that test scores attained at any stage in this competition may carry
forward, should they apply for future competitions conducted by the Public Appointments
Service within a 12 month period. This will be determined by PAS on a case by case basis.

Appendix 1: Civil Service General Grade Structure

Appendix 2: Key Competencies for effective performance at Clerical Officer level

Clerical Officer Level Competencies

Team work Shows respect for colleagues and co-workers

Develops and maintains good working relationships with others, sharing information and
knowledge, as appropriate
Offers own ideas and perspectives
Understands own role in the team, making every effort to play his/her part
Information Approaches and delivers all work in a thorough and organised manner
Management /
Follows procedures and protocols, understanding their value and the rationale behind
Keeps high quality records that are easy for others to understand
Draws appropriate conclusions from information
Suggests new ways of doing things better and more efficiently
Is comfortable working with different types of information, e.g. written, numerical, charts,
and carries out calculations such as arithmetic, percentages etc
Delivery of Results Takes responsibility for work and sees it through to the appropriate next level
Completes work in a timely manner
Adapts quickly to new ways of doing things
Checks all work thoroughly to ensure it is completed to a high standard and learns from
Writes with correct grammar and spelling and draws reasonable conclusions from
written instructions
Identifies and appreciates the urgency and importance of different tasks
Demonstrates initiative and flexibility in ensuring work is delivered
Is self-reliant and uses judgment on when to ask manager or colleagues for guidance
Customer Service & Actively listens to others and tries to understand their perspectives/ requirements/ needs
Communication Skills
Understands the steps or processes that customers must go through and can clearly explain
Is respectful, courteous and professional, remaining composed, even in challenging
Can be firm when necessary and communicate with confidence and authority
Communicates clearly and fluently when speaking and in writing
Develops and maintains the skills and expertise required to perform in the role effectively,
Specialist Knowledge, e.g. relevant technologies, IT systems, spreadsheets, Microsoft Office, relevant policies etc.
Expertise and Self
Clearly understands the role, objectives and targets and how they fit into the work of the unit
Is committed to self-development and continuously seeks to improve personal performance

Drive & Commitment to Consistently strives to perform at a high level and deliver a quality service
Public Service Values
Serves the Government and people of Ireland
Is thorough and conscientious, even if work is routine
Is enthusiastic and resilient, persevering in the face of challenges and setbacks
Is personally honest and trustworthy
At all times, acts with integrity


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