Expunging Criminal Records

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IN THE ___________COURT OF ______________ (County), _______________ (State)

____________________ PLAINTIFF
(Name of State/Respondent)

V. CAUSE NO. _______,_______

__JULISSA RUBIO_____________________
(Name of Defendant/Petitioner)

Affidavit in Support of Motion

STATE OF ____________________
COUNTY OF _______________________
PERSONALLY appeared before me, the undersigned authority in and for said county
and state, ____________________ (name of affiant), who, having been being first duty sworn
by the undersigned Notary Public, deposes and says:

1. I am the attorney for the Petitioner in this proceeding.

2. Petitioner seeks an order of this court which, among other things, will expunge his
arrest, declare it a nullity, and seal the records of the court. Petitioner has independently sought
relief pursuant to ________________________ (citation of statute), but that provision does
not allow for expungement or the declaration of nullity.

3. _______________________ (Citation of statute) contains a provision for nullification of

arrests, but only in first offense marijuana cases.

4. There is obviously a void in the law for situations like Petitioner's, where the failure to
nullify an arrest that was erroneous and therefore dismissed nevertheless results in substantial
harm to the arrested person's professional life. Apparently, this void has been filled on an ad
hoc basis by petitions such as this one, to which, I have been informed, the People and the
State do not object.

5. I respectfully request that the court permit me to serve the respondents by serving a
copy of the verified petition and accompanying papers (a) on the District Attorney for
_____________________ (name of county); (b) on the Attorney General of _______________
(name of state); and (c) on the Police Department of __________________ (name of city).

Respectfully submitted,

(Printed Name of Attorney)
(Signature of Attorney)

SWORN to and subscribed before me, this the _____ day of _____________, 20_____.


My Commission Expires:


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