12 Physics Electricchargesfield Tp04

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Class 12 - Physics

Electric Charges and Fields Test 04

Question No. 1 to 5 are based on the given text. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

Surface charge density is defined as charge per unit surface area of surface charge distribution. i.e., σ = dS
. Two large, thin
metal plates are parallel and close to each other. On their inner faces, the plates have surface charge densities of opposite signs
having magnitude of 17.0 × 10-22 Cm-2 as shown. The intensity of electric field at a point is E = σ

, where ε  = permittivity of

free space.

1. E in the outer region of the first plate is

a. 1.5 ×  10-25 N/C
b. 1.9 ×  10-10 N/C
c. 17 ×  10-22 N/C
d. zero
2. E in the outer region of the second plate is
a. zero
b. 1.9 ×  10-10 N/C
c. 17 ×  10-22 N/C
d. 1.5 ×  10-15 N/C
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3. E between the plates is
a. 1.9 ×  10-10 N/C
b. 1.5 ×  10-15 N/C
c. zero
d. 17 ×  10-22 N/C
4. The ratio of  E from right side of B at distances 2 cm and 4 cm, respectively is
a. 1 : 2

b. 1 : √2
c. 2 : 1
d. 1 : 1
5. In order to estimate the electric field due to a thin finite plane metal plate, the Gaussian surface considered is
a. cylindrical
b. none of these
c. spherical
d. straight line

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6. A ring of charge with radius 0.5 m having a 0.02 m gap, carries a charge of +1 C. The field at the centre is:

a. 2.31 ×  104 N/C

b. 1.6 ×  104 N/C
c. 2.31 ×  108 N/C
d. 1.6 ×  108 N/C
7. A stationary charge produces:
a. electric field and magnetic field both
b. none of these
c. a magnetic field only
d. an electric field only
8. Assertion (A): If there exists a coulomb attraction between two bodies, both of them may not be charged.

Reason (R): In coulomb attraction, two bodies are oppositely charged.

a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
9. Assertion (A): A point charge is lying at the center of a cube of each side l. The electric flux emanating from each
surface of the cube is ( )th of total flux.

Reason (R): According to Gauss’ theorem, total electric flux through a closed surface enclosing a charge is equal to (
) times the magnitude of the charge enclosed.

a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
c. A is true but R is false.
d. A is false but R is true.
10. State True or False:
i. Electric lines of force form closed loops.
a. True
b. False
ii. For a point charge, the electrostatic field varies as .


a. True
b. False
11. Fill in the blanks:
a. The ratio of the permittivity of the given medium to that of free space is known as ________.


b. Electric lines of force are always ________ to the surface of a conductor.

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12. Match the following:
(a) absolute permittivity of the medium (i) no units

(b) relative permittivity of the medium (ii) C2N-1m-2

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(c) electric dipole moment (iii) C/m

(d) linear charge density (iv) Cm
13. A box encloses an electrical dipole consisting of charge 5μ C and - 5μ C and of length 10 cm. What is the total electric
flux through the box?
14. Dielectric constant of a medium is unity. What will be its permittivity?
15. Eight identical point charges of q coulomb each are placed at the corners of a cube of each side 0.1 m. Calculate the
electric field at the centre G of the cube. Calculate the field at the centre when one of the corner charges is removed.
16. The figure shows three different patterns of electric field lines. In each pattern, a proton is released from rest at point P
and then accelerated towards the point Q by the electric field. Rank the patterns according to the linear momentum of the
proton when it reaches Q greatest first.

17. An electric dipole consists of two opposite charges each of magnitude 1 μ C separated by 2 cm. The dipole is placed in
an external electric field of 105NC-1. Find
i. the maximum torque exerted by the field on the dipole
ii. the work which the external agent will have to do in turning the dipole through 180° starting from the position 0 = 0°
18. a. Show that in a uniform electric field, a dipole experiences only a torque but no net force. Derive expression for the
b. An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges placed 2cm apart. When the dipole is placed in a
uniform electric field of strength 105 NC-1, it experiences a maximum torque of 0.2× 10-3 Nm. Find the magnitude
of each charge.

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Class 12 - Physics

Electric Charges and Fields Test 04


1. (d) zero

Explanation: There are two plates A and B having surface charge densities, σ = 17.0 × 10  C/m2 on B, A

respectively. According to Gauss' theorem, if the plates have same surface charge density but having opposite signs, then
the electric field in region I is zero.

EI = EA + EB =   = 0
σ σ
+ (− )
2ε0 2ε0

2. (a) zero

Explanation: The electric field in region III is also zero.

EIII = EA + EB =  2ε0
+ (−
)  = 0

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3. (a) 1.9 ×  10-10 N/C

Explanation: In region II or between the plates, the electric field.

EII = EA - EB =  +
σ σ


σ(σA  or  σB ) −22

=  ε0



E = 1.9 ×  10-10 NC-1

4. (d) 1 : 1

Explanation: Since, electric field due to an infinite-plane sheet of charge does not depend on the distance of observation
point from the plane sheet of charge. So, for the given distances, the ratio of E will be 1 : 1.
5. (a) cylindrical

Explanation: In order to estimate the electric field due to a thin finite plane metal plate, we take a cylindrical cross-
sectional area A and length 2r as the gaussian surface.
6. (c) 2.31 ×  108 N/C

Explanation: A ring of charge = 0.5m has 0.02m

q = +1e
The electric field at the centre = Let us suppose the ring is complete, then, the complete ring has a large. 1c along with a
negative charge of 

 = 2.31 × 108 N/C

Kq q ×  10  × 1
So,  2

7. (d) an electric field only

Explanation: an electric field only

8. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: Coulomb attraction exists even when one body is charged and the other is uncharged.
9. (b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

Explanation: The electric flux through the cube,



A cube has six face equal area, therefore electric flux through each face = = 1

⋅ϕ =


=   ×  total flux.

10. State True or False:

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i. (b) False

Explanation: False
ii. (a) True

Explanation: True
11. Fill in the blanks:
a. Relative permittivity
b. Normal
12. (a) - (ii), (b) - (i), (c) - (iv), (d) - (iii)
13. Since net charge enclosed by the box is zero, electric flux through the box is also zero.
14. We know that dielectric constant of a medium is

k = ∈ = r

∴∈= k ∈0 = 1 × 8.854 × 10

−12 2 −1 −2
= 8.854 × 10 C N m

15. Length of each side, l = 0.1 m

Distance of each corner from the centre of the cube is

 10-2 m

√3l √3×0.1 –
r =  2
= 5√3×

When all the eight-point charges are placed at the corners, electric fields of the diagonally opposite charges cancel out in

∴  Net field at the centre = 0

When a charge is removed from one corner, the electric fields due to three pairs of charges cancel out. However, the
charge at the remaining corner creates field,

 = 1.2 ×  1012 q NC-1

q×1 9×10 ×q
E =  4πε0

(5√3×10 )

The field points towards the corner having no charge.

16. The lines of force near point P are closest to each other in a pattern (c) and farthest apart in a pattern (a). Consequently,
the electric field near point P is strongest in case (c) and weakest in case (a).

∴  The momentum of the proton at point Q in a pattern (c) > Momentum of a proton at point Q in a pattern (b) >

Momentum of the proton at point Q in a pattern (a).

17. p = q × 2a = 10-6 × 0.02 = 2 × 10-8 cm
i. tmax = pE sin 90° = 2 × 10-8 × 105 × 1

= 2 ×  10-3 Nm.
ii. W = pE(cos θ  - cos θ )
1 2

10-8 × 105 (cos 0  - cos 180 )

∘ ∘

= 2 × 10-3( 1 + 1) = 4 × 10-3 J.
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18. a. Consider an electric dipole consisting of charges - q and +q and of length 2a placed in a uniform electric field

E  making an angle θ  with the direction of the field as shown in Fig.

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→ →
Force on charge -q at A = -q E  (opposite to E  )

→ →
and force on charge +q at B = q E  (along E )

Thus, electric dipole is under the action of two equal and unlike parallel forces, which give rise to a torque on the
dipole. The magnitude of the torque is given by

τ  = either force ×  perpendicular distance between the two forces

= q E (AN) = q E (2a sin θ ) = q (2a) E sin θ

or τ  = p E sin θ   ....(i)

Here, p = q (2a) is electric dipole moment of the electric dipole.

The torque on the dipole tends to align it along the direction of the electric field.

Since electric dipole moment vector  p is a vector from the charge - q to + q, the equation (i) may be expressed as

τ ⃗ = p ⃗ × E

b. Here, 2a = 2 cm = 0⋅ 02 m, τ max = 0⋅ 2 ×  10-3 Nm and E = 105 NC-1

Now, maximum torque on the dipole,

τ max = pE = q (2a) ×  E

τmax 0.2×10 −7
∴ q = = = 10 C
(2a)E 0.02×10

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