Electrical Machines Installation

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Electrical Machines Installation


Proper motor installation and mounting position is essential in obtaining top-quality

operation, efficient performance, and maximum reliability. The purpose of an engine
mount is to support the engine on the chassis and dampen vibration and noise from

The design of motors is such that they can usually be operated in many mounting
positions, unless indicated otherwise. Some positions may require additional
construction modifications to obtain optimal performance.

Machine Mounting Procedure

The followings are the various stages in the mounting or installation of motors

a. Acceptance and proper storage at site

b. Foundation and civil work

c. Drawing of supply and control cables

d. Preparing motor for installation

e. Preparing driven machine and shafts alignment ready

f. Checking the insulation, starter, supply and control cables

g. Drying out

h. Checks and tests on the machine and related accessories

i. Trial run on load under observations

j. Setting of protective relays
k. Final commissioning and handling over to operating staff

1. Acceptance and Proper Storage at Site


Check carefully for any damage that may have occurred in transit. If any damage or
shortage is discovered, do not accept until an appropriate notation on the freight bill is
made. Any damage discovered after receipt of equipment should be immediately
reported to the carrier.

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 Keep motors clean

 Keep motors dry
 Keep bearing lubricated
2. Foundation and Civil Work


In selecting a location for the motor, consideration should be given to environment and
ventilation. A motor with proper enclosure for the expected operating condition should
be selected.

Floor mounting

Motors should be provided with a firm, rigid foundation, with the plane of four mounting
pads flat within 0.25mm (0.010 inch) for 56 to 210 frames; 0.38mm (0.015 inch) from
250 through 500 frames.

V – Belt Drive

 Select proper type and number of belts and sheaves

 Excessive belt load will damage bearings

 Align sheaves carefully to avoid axial thrust on motor bearing.

 Adjust belt tension to belt manufacturers recommendations. Excessive bearing life.


 Only qualified personnel who are familiar with the appropriate national code, local
codes and sound practices should install or repair electrical motors and their
 Installation should conform to the appropriate national codes as well as local codes
and sound practices
 Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious personal injury, death
and/or property damage
4. Preparing Driven Machine and Shaft Alignment Ready

Shaft Rotation: it is recommended that the motor shaft be rotated 5 to 10 rotations

every three months to distribute the grease in the bearings.This will reduce the
chance for corrosion to form on the bearing rolling elements and raceways

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5. Checking Insulation, Starter, Supply and Control Cables:

Electrical live circuit hazard: Do not touch electrically live parts. Disconnect, lockout
and tag input power supply before installing or servicing motor (includes accessory
A.C power supply limits: motors are designed to operate within the following limits at
the motor terminals. AC power is within +/-10% of rated voltage with rated frequency
applied. (Verify with nameplate ratings)
Terminal box – conduit opening: For ease of connections, motors are typically provided
with large terminal boxes.

Lead connections: Electrical connections to be made per nameplate connection diagram

or separate connection plate.
Insulation: Use a “Megger” periodically to ensure that the integrity of the winding
insulation has been maintained. Record the Megger readings.
If the resistance is lower than one megaohm the windings should be dried in one of the
following two ways:

Bake in oven at temperatures until insulation resistance becomes constant.

With rotor locked, apply low voltage and gradually increase the current through
windings until temperature measured with a thermometer reaches 194 0F. Do not
exceed this temperature.

Usually, concrete foundation is preferred.
a. Space required.

b. Overhead travelling cranes.

c. Size of the motor.

d. Foundation should be strong

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To transmit the static and dynamic load of the running motor to the ground.

Essential features needed for installation

Foundation bolts

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b) Foundation

c) Concrete bed

d) Foundation made of cement concrete

e) Bed plate

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Shimming work during installation:
 Shims are thin strips of steel sheet or size 0.2mm to 2mm.
 These are used to insert under the foot of a motor to raise or align the shaft with
the driven equipment
 After alignment the exact height of driven and driving axes is achieved by
removing or adding the shims
 Based on the size of the motor appropriate mounting is chosen
 For small and medium machines anti vibrating mounts called as vibramounts
are used to absorb the vibrations developed in the machine effectively and to
transmit the same to the ground.
Shaft alignment:
 The misalignment will affect the machine operation
 The radial and axial clearances between the couplings of two shafts are measured
after alignment
 Rotor is turned through approximately 0 0, 900, 1800, 2700 and 3600 should not
differ by the following values.
i) 0.03mm for 300mm diameter coupling

ii) 0.5mm for 500mm diameter coupling

Three steps to align the flexible coupling

 Axial positioning of the shafts
 Paralleling the shaft axis
 Centering the shaft axis
 The shafts driving and driven machines aligned on bed-plates in their final
positions by using shims under the feet of the machines.
 A feeler gauge is used to know the difference by turning till rotor through 90 0,
1800, 2700 and 3600

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Drying of winding
 The insulation of rotating machines will absorb moisture from the atmosphere
 The moisture reduces the insulation resistance
 Drying out of induction motor by applying the heat to the windings
 In the first phase the insulation resistance starts decreasing due to
distribution of moisture in entire insulation.
 In the second phase is a steady temperature phase over certain time and
insulation resistance remains almost constant.
 In the third phase the insulation resistance increases there by indicating the
moisture is removed.
 Polarizing index to be found by using resistance at 10 minutes to resistance at 1
 PI gives the quantitative information regarding the presence of moisture, dust and
 For class A insulation PI is 1.5 or more, for class B insulation 2.0 or more. PI
value less than 1 indicates the immediate need of reconditioning.

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Log sheet of drying out of an induction motor:

i) Technical particulars of machine

 Rated voltage, rated frequency

 Rated kW, Full load current
 Connection diagram, number of windings

ii) Technical particulars of about connections for drying out

iii) Check prior to starting the drying

iv) Ambient temperature

v) Initial values of insulation resistance.

vi) Time of start, date, hours

vii) Operators name

viii) Additional remarks

Permissible hot – spot temperature of windings during drying out are:

Drying of Motor by drying chamber & resistance methods

 The machine to be dried is housed in a drying chamber
 The volume of drying chamber should be nearly four times the volume of the
 The heated air by using resistor heaters is circulated by means of fans and air
circulation system

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 The air temperature is measured using thermometers
 The moisture is expelled from the machine is let out of the drying chamber
through air outlet.
 The ratings of heaters used for drying is given by the equation
= 0.025( 2 − 1) /

Where; P = kW rating of heater

T1 = Ambient temperature

T1 = Temperature of hot air

Vol = Volume of air inlet m2/min
 The temperature is gradually raised not faster than 100C per hour
 It is required to preferably maintain steady temperature throughout the heating

7. Checks and Tests on the Machine and Related Accessories

a) Type test: These tests are conducted on motor of new type to confirm the design.
b) Routine test: These tests are conducted on each motor to confirm proper
manufacture and to ensure smooth performance at site.
c) Commissioning tests: These tests are conducted at site, after installation,
before final commissioning to ensure desired performance under practical
d) Special tests: these tests are conducted for special investigation as per the
contract made between the manufacturer and purchaser, preferably in presence
of representative of purchaser at the floor before dispatch.

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e) Development test: These tests are conducted to analyze for design parameters
and stresses will be helpful in development/improvement of the earlier machine or
new machine
f) Reliability tests: These tests are conducted to ascertain reliability of the motor
under operating conditions.
g) Periodic maintenance checks and tests: These tests are included in the
preventive maintenance schedule which depends on the service conditions.
Before commissioning test, the following tests are to be carried out to get trouble free
i) Measurement of resistance

ii) Open circuit voltage test

iii) No-load test

iv) Short circuit test

v) Load test

vi) Temperature rise test

vii) Measurement of slip

viii) Insulation test

ix) Test on cooling system

x) Test on lubricating system

xi) Special tests i.e vibration tests, oscillographic tests to record starting
currents, switching voltages e.t.c

Commissioning tests:
These are conducted on site, after installation.

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The following test are carried out to trouble free performance

i) Measurement of resistance of winding

ii) Measurement of insulation resistance of winding insulation

iii) Power frequency high voltage test

iv) Vibration test

v) On load test

vi) Testing on cooling system

vii) Testing on setting and protection

Mechanical alignment:
 When the rotor is supplied without shaft is assembled, is to be fitted on to
the shaft before installation

 While fitting the rotor on to the shaft the difference between the rotor
and shaft temperature are taken into account

 The rotor hub bore and the shaft diameter are to be matched properly

 Place the rotor in position such as that the air gap between the rotor and
rotor stocks in approximately uniform

 Once the stator and the rotor are mounted in position, check for
clearances between shaft journal necks and the end of the bearing shells

Mechanical Tests
Reasons for vibration

i) Misalignment between motor and driven equipment

ii) Highly pulsating load

iii) Loose foundation bolts

iv) Badly worn bearing

v) Bent or cracked shaft
vi) Magnetic effects of high frequency
vii) Mechanically unbalanced rotor

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Mechanical testing devices;

a) Vibration/ displacement indicator

b) Vibrometer

Prevention of vibration:

a) Checking of bolts, coupling, foundation and bearing

b) Checking the balance if the vibration is present even when the driven machine
is decoupled and motor is

c) run alone.

d) If the vibration is present when the driven machine is coupled then vibration
may be in the driven

e) equipment or shaft misalignment.

a) Balancing is required for smooth and vibration free running of motor

b) While balancing motor, rotor including slip rings and couplings are considered

c) Balancing is obtained by adding or shifting weights fixed on the rotor for

counter balancing.

d) It is also done by etching or drilling.

Methods of balancing:

a) Static balancing for low-speed machines

b) Dynamic balancing for high-speed machines

Static balancing: Rotor to balanced is fixed between two knife edges which are in
horizontal plane and balanced rotor will remain standing in any positions when turned
about axis any direction position and will not oscillate.
But when rotor is unbalanced rotor will not remain in position and will try to come
Dynamic balancing: Special balancing machines are used and rotor of the
machine to be balanced is mounted on the axis of balancing machine and
driven at high-speed unbalanced motors will vibrate at high-speed unbalanced
motors will vibrate at high speeds.
B Wiring of Electrical Machine
Most of the practically used motors are three-phase squirrel-cage motors. The wiring
of the motors takes place under consideration of the designed connections, like
a. star connection,
b. delta connection,
c. star-delta connection to the terminals of the motor terminal board.

(a) star connection. (b) delta connection. (c) clockwise rotation. (d) anti-
Figure: Position of bridges in a three-phase squirrel-cage motor
 In case of star connection, the bridges are placed via the winding ends z, x, y at
the terminal board.
 In case of delta connection, the bridges are placed via the beginnings and ends of
the windings u-z, v-x, w-y at the terminal board.
 A reversion of rotation will be achieved by changing of two-phase conductors.
 If motors are connected via flexible connecting lines the conductors will have to be
prepared for connection accordingly. The conductor ends are provided with tinned
lugs or cable terminals will be applied in case of larger conductor cross sections.
Procedure for making terminal lugs at flexible conductors

Fig. 7.6. Fitting terminal lugs to flexible conductors

a) twisting of the cleaned and prepared conductor end,

b) making the lug by means of an arbor,
c) making the lug by separating the conductor
If terminal lugs are being bent at solid conductors the following quality requirements will
have to be observed:
 The conductor must not be damaged during treatment by round nose pliers.

 The terminal lug must be closed.

 The terminal lug must be placed on the connecting stud so that the end of the lug
is positioned in tightening direction.
The firm fit of the cable clamping arrangement (pull relief) in front of the motor terminal
box is important too. It will prevent the connecting cable from being torn of the
connection stud in case of tensile stress.
Motors which vibrate during operation or the position of which will be frequently
changed are to be connected via flexible cable.
This flexible cable is to be kept as short as possible. Therefore, the fixed connection
line will be terminated in a motor transition box, and a flexible cable will then be run
from there to the motor.

Fig. 7.10. Connecting a motor via a motor transition box

1 motor supply line, 2 damp room spacing clips, 3 motor transition box, 4 flexible
connection cable, 5 pull relief clamps, 6 terminal box of motor, 7 motor
Installation of motor protection switches
Three-phase motors with a power of up to approx. 2.2 kW are generally started directly.
However, protective arrangements are needed for protecting the motor against overload
and short-circuits.
This is accomplished by motor protection switches installed in the supply line to the
motor. These have got thermal over current releases against overload and a tripping
magnet for possibly occurring short-circuits. Series fuses provide protection against
short-circuits on motors being not equipped with magnetic instantaneous tripping. So
called “sluggish” fuses serve that purpose being able to conduct the expected motor
starting current without responding.
Motor protection switches are jack switches and are manufactured in three-pole
version. They have got trip-free release, i.e., after release they cannot be kept in turn-
on position by retaining the switch knob or button.

This is achieved by mechanical uncoupling in the motor protection switch.

Fig. 7.11. View of a motor protection switch
1 casing, 2 switching device, 3 signal lamp, 4 cable entries

On the switch insert there are the dials for setting the overcurrent and short-circuit
The overcurrent release will be adjusted to the rated motor current.
The tripping magnet for short-circuit protection will be set according to the data of
the project plans
The rated motor current may be read on the motor’s rating plate
When switching on a motor a current will flow through the stator’s winding being
many times stronger than the rated motor current. This current is called starting
current. It will highly stress the electrical network. On increasing rotational speed,
the starting current will decrease until the rated current is reached at the rated
rotational speed.
By star-delta starting a reduction of the starting current will be achieved. This
starting connection is the most frequently applied starting method for
asynchronous squirrel-cage motors of greater power.
The star-delta starting operation is practically executed via
automatic star-delta switches,

star-delta contactor combinations.

The star delta hand switch (cam switch) is hardly to be met any more in actual
operation. Functioning of the star-delta starting necessitates that the motor is
suitable for this method of starting, i.e., with a three-phase four-wire system of
415/240 V every winding of the motor must be designed for 415 V.

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