REASON FOR To emphasize the value of the use of correct materials and practices
BULLETIN: relevant to magneto distributor gears.
AFFECTED: All Bendix and TCM S-20, S-200, S-1200, D-2000, and D-3000 Series
COMPLIANCE: Any time maintenance is performed on the distributor gear, any time the
magneto is installed on the engine, and any time any condition described
below is experienced.
Although Bendix and TCM have previously published detailed service instructions and introduced
technological advances for distributor gears, field reports indicate that breakage of distributor gear
teeth continues to occur. Gear service life cannot be maximized unless operators perform required
maintenance using proper procedures and correct materials. The following instructions consolidate
new and previous data to focus attention on this issue.
2. Anytime maintenance affords access to the distributor gear, inspect the gear according to the
latest applicable service manual and the requirements of this bulletin. Anytime cleaning is
required, clean only in accordance with published cleaning procedures as described in the
latest applicable magneto service manual. Use only the correct make-up of parts associated
with the distributor gear as detailed in the latest Illustrated Parts List chapter of the
applicable Magneto Service Manual. When installing magneto pressurization fittings or
similar items, ensure that such fittings will not interfere with the gear under any operating
Insert a copy of this Service Bulletin into the appropriate section of all affected magneto Service
Support Manuals.