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Guide to Elevator

Adjustment Manual


(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

Issue No. B-1303-50
00 Authorized Date 2013/03/20

Title (MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

Authorized by Matsui Approved by Sugita

Checked by Kang Weiqiang Made by Zhao Zhihua

Ver. Issue Date Contents

00 2013.03.20 Newly

EN MLGS-II B-1303-50 Ver.00 ( 1 / 28 )

(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual


Page No.

◆ Part 1 At the beginning ……………………………………………………………………… B-3

◆ Part 2 CP40 Function Explanation ………………………………………………………… B-4

◆ Part 3 Functions of Buttons and Switch on the IF139 Board …………………………… B-4

◆ Part 4 M-MIC LED Display and Operation ……………………………………………… B-5

◆ Part 5 M-MIC Event Code ………………………………………………………………… B-7

◆ Part 6 Prerequisite for Installation Running ……………………………………………… B-10

◆ Part 7 Installation Running ……………...……………………………………..…………… B-17

◆ Part 8 Inspection Running on the Car ……………...………………………..…………… B-17

◆ Part 9 Car Door Operator Motor Operation ………...…………………………..………… B-18

◆ Part 10 Adjustmeng of Remote Brake Release ……………………………..…………… B-20

◆ Part 11 FD Operation ……………...………………………..……………………………… B-21

◆ Part 12 Check the Leveling Accuracy ……………...………………………..…………… B-24

◆ Part 13 Commissioning of Weighing Device ……...………………………..…………… B-24

◆ Part 14 AJ Operation ……………...………………………..……………………………… B-26

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

Part 1 At the beginning

This book 【Adjustment Manual】 is designed to describe how to adjust our machine-room-less elevator
MLGS-II for their adjustment and inspection implemented by the professional engineer(s) (hereinafter
referred to as P.E).
The elevator-installing personnel as well as the P.E(s) are kindly requested to adequately adjust an
elevator with enough reading on this book.
In addition, for the purpose of correctly adjusting an elevator, please read the book 【Installation
Manual】 as well.
The items described in this book are limited to general methods of opertaion, function and inspection.
It is kindly requested to understand in advance that such methods of operation, function and inspection
may partially differ depending on an elevator specification.

Use of this book

◎ The content in this book is the important information on methods of the elevator adjustment and
inspection. After your careful reading, please implement elevator adjustment and inspection in an
appropriate manner.

◎ Please keep this book at hand so that it can always be available in an event of necessary reading.

◎ Be sure to hand over this book to the elevator-installing personnel and a P.E. in the event of the
reassignment of elevator-installing personnel and engineer(s).

◎ With reference to the description of this book, if you have some items that can’t be made clear and
taken into your action, please contact to our operating office near your location.

The content of this book is required not to disclose to a person other than the concerned.
The public users’ operation and utilization on the basis of this book may cause an
unexpected accident.

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

Part 2 CP40 Function Explanation

2-1 M-MIC refers to the CP40 board (especially its micro-computer function)
Two CP40 boards are installed in FLEX-N100’s control panel (hereinafter referred to as COP).
The upper one is used for group-controlled while the lower one is intended as the motherboard of
sub-machine. Here, it is referred to as M-MIC.
In the past, the power supply for the COP should be connected again after data change (so as to
restart the M-MIC). But, it is not necessary to do so (to restart the M-MIC).
Of course, there are exceptions. However, the exceptions have already marked.
As described above, it is not necessary to connect the power supply again for the software
restarting. However, it is still necessary to connect the power supply again for the restarting of the
entire CP40 board, including its hardware and software.

2-2 Way of switching ON/OFF the power on the COP

In case you switch OFF the breakers CB1 or CB3, wait for thirty of seconds until M-MIC powers
Switch ON the breakers again after the LED (RST) on M-MIC is put out.

Part 3 Functions of Buttons and Switch on the IF139 Board

3-1 Functions of Three Buttons and SEL Rotation Switch

Top Button (BTN1) -------------- UP, Increase(+), ON
Mid Button (BTN2) -------------- Establish, Assist,
Buttom Button (BTN3) --------- DN, Decrease(-), OFF
Rotation Switch (SEL) --------- Mode, Function setting

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

Part 4 M-MIC LED Display and Operation

4-1 Operation Method

Operation Item Start Operation Running Operation LED Display End Operation
Seismic control
Press and hold BTN3 for more than four seconds Loosen BTN3
reset Indication
Extend the door The door stays Corresponding
Turn the EQDO switch up
opening duration completely open To the
Press BTN3 Go up when pressing BTN1 SEL position
Slow running
and turn the EQDO switch up Go down when pressing BTN3
Go to the nearest upper floor
Put the EQDO
when pressing BTN1
switch down
Go to the nearest lower floor Show the floor
Press BTN2
Call-based login when pressing BTN3 logged in via a
and turn the EQDO switch up
Go to the top/bottom floor binary number
when pressing BTN1/BTN3
E/C: AE(INF)=255,
Turn SEL to 1
Torque limit Go to the nearest upper floor,
when pressing BTN2,
testing then to the nearest lower floor;
and then release BTN2
it is OK when E/C: AE(INF)=0
Turn SEL to 2 Press BTN1 or BTN3
when pressing BTN2, to close the door, Dedicated
FD running
and then release BTN2; and then release it mode for FD
press BTN2 again within 4s when the elevator is running
Turn SEL to 3
Press BTN1
No when pressing BTN2, Dedicated Press and hold
and the elevator will
load and then release BTN2; mode for AJ BTN2
automatically run
AJ press BTN2 again within 4s 1CD4(B) for more than 4s
running Turn SEL to 4 can be used or
Press BTN1
Full when pressing BTN2, to change AJ’s press and hold
and the elevator will
load and then release BTN2; running times. BTN1, BTN3
automatically run
press BTN2 again within 4s for more than 4s
Turn SEL to 6 Press BTN1 or BTN3
SD test when pressing BTN2, and the elevator will
and then release BTN2 automatically run
Turn SEL to 9 Press BTN1 or BTN 3
Electrical speed Corresponding
when pressing BTN2, and the elevator will
governor test to the
and then release BTN2 automatically run
SEL position
Turn SEL to A Press BTN1 or BTN 3
G parameter
when pressing BTN2, and the elevator will
and then release BTN2 automatically run

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual
4-2 Normal Display of M-MIC LED (SEL=0, Data No.=00)
SEL Normal Display (LED=0)
=0 Lit High-speed flicker Low-speed flicker Put out
Bit7 With event code -- -- Without event code
Fire or emergency power Parking
Bit6 Earthquake operation --
or flooded operation operation
Communication of Communication of
Bit5 -- --
MILLNET: Interrupted MILLNET: Normal
Communication with Communication with Communication with
Bit4 --
SV: Interrupted MAIN SV: Interrupted MILLNET SV: Normal
Communication with Communication with Communication with
Bit3 --
COB or Hall-MIC: Interrupted in part of Hall-MIC: Interrupted COB or Hall-MIC: Normal
Bit2 Start prohibited High-speed running prohibited -- High-speed running available
Bit1 Door close complete position Door middle point -- Door open complete position
Bit0 Inside the door open zone -- -- Outside the door open zone

4-3 LED Load Information Display

Bit Load Cell Voltage (SEL=8, Data No.=00) % Load (SEL=8, Data No.=01)
7 Light ON: negative(-) / Light OFF: positive(+)
6 Digit of 10%
Digit of 1V Indicated in binary number of 0-F
Indicated in binary number of 0-7
2 Digit of 0.1V Digit of 1%
1 Indicated in binary number of 0-9 Indicated in binary number of 0-9

4-4 Displayed Value and Corresponding Running Mode

Set:SEL=2, Data Number =00
Display Running Mode Display Running Mode Display Running Mode
Manual rescue operation Small sway avoided
00 Perfect shutdown 10 25
in earthquake operation
Floor selector
RUN switch OFF or Automatic rescue operation
01 11 27 conformation
Door opening shutdown in earthquake
Running shutdown or Inspection operation Fireman’s operation
02 12 28
door opening shutdown with earthquake removed (Primary)
Running shutdown or Secondary fireman’s
03 13 FD operation 29
door opening allowed operation
RUN switch OFF or
04 14 High-speed shutdown 2A AJ operation
Door opening allowed
Only door action when High-speed shutdown
07 15 2D Temporary operation
Car-top inspection operation or doors left open
Only door action when Car landing to the nearest floor
08 1D 2E Independent operation
In-car inspection operation under fault operation
Car landing to the nearest floor
09 Installation operation 1E 2F VIP operation
under earthquake operation
Car-top Car landing to the nearest floor
0A 1F 32 Parking operation
Inspection operation under emergency power operation
VIP operation
In-car Car being recalled to escape
0B 20 33 or car being recalled to
Inspection operation floor under fire operation
VIP floor
Car being recalled to escape floor
0C Inspection operation 21 37 Attendant operation
under emergency power operation
Car landing to the nearest floor Each Floor-Stop
0D Remote manual operation 23 3A
under Fire operation operation
0F LANDIC operation 24 Flooded operation 3C Full-Automatic operation

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

Part 5 M-MIC Event Code

M-MIC Event Code --- 20 event codes can be read out from the operation on the M-MIC board.
5-1 Turn SEL to F and press BTN1 to display the previous event code;
5-2 When pressing and holding BTN1, the additional information of the previous event code will be
5-3 The SEL's setting position can be displayed by pressing BTN3 button;
5-4 Release the BTN3 button and then the last event code will be displayed.
Press and hold the BTN3 button for 4 seconds and then the event code will be cleared.
5-5 How to check the following table event codes 00 ~ FF:
Horizontal 0 ~ F for the left bit; Vertical 0 ~ F for the right bit.
For example: 7A (It is detected that the door is unable to be opened for 3 times).
5-6 M-MIC Event Code Table:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
0 Concurrent High speed Excess of Overspeed Forced #D222L Rescue mode
Operation of Shutdown High Speed in the Deceleration / SF4 Operation
Multi-number dueTo Speed Running re-landing switch acts not ON due to Door
of 3IR, LS Control Trouble Time Opening Failure
1 Concurrent Overspeed Low speed Running Position #D222L Repose
Operation of (detected running timeout Timeout Selector / SF4 due to door
LS101/201 by software) during the In the corrected not OFF opening
or LS11/21 rescue in the re-landing failure
location other (7 seconds)
than a landing
2 Trouble of Overtravel Safety BKU / BKD DBD
Signal that by more circuit OFF not ON door control
Shows than 10mm in the device
Presence of in the running detected
Front / Reverse re-landing abnormal
Hall Door
3 2IR Inverter BD Excess of Re-landing Hall door BKU / BK CLS, CLG
Trouble signal OFF Deceleration for more CLS switch not OFF fail to
Time than 3 times OFF in the completely
running close the door
4 EEPROM Door Inverter Overtravel Car door #B4 action
Checksum Position BD signal by more CLG switch not ON
Error Switch unable to than 60mm OFF in the
Trouble become ON in the running
5 EEPROM No Function Acceleration Inverter Auto-landing Deceleration #B4 action
Data Of 3IR, LS Trouble, boost signal A3 3 signal too large in not 0FF
Trouble Unable to not ON ot ON the terminal
Reach 0.2 forced
within 4s deceleration
6 Hall - MIC Inverter Auto-landing Inverse Brake
Communi boost signal Battery Running Circuit
cation not OFF voltage low During Abnormal
Trouble landing / A36Z
(some not ON
Hall – MICs)

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
7 Hall - MIC Significant Inverter A36Z
Communi Position Overload not OFF
cation deviation (overheat)
Trouble detected
Hall – MICs)
8 Power The selector Significant It is forecasted Auto-landing Door switch Unable
Watching Corrects The speed that the upper Device not ON, to open
Signal same floor deviation limit for inverter overspeed unable the car door
Keeping for 3 times current will to start completely
OFF be reached
9 Safety The upper Inverter Control LANDIC Door closing Unable
Circuit And Lower Alarm Cabinet Landing Unable to close
Keeping SD-SW Slow information overheat action not to confirm; the car door
ON speed act completed start completely
simultaneously interrupted
A Storing Adjacent Torque #73 ON NG LANDIC 36 It is detected
Data SD-SW Command Running not ON that the door
Trigger fail to act Calculation timeout is unable
Occurs simultaneously abnormal to be opened
for 3 times
B 2IR action Torque in the inverter speed LANDIC Sudden #36 Several
Movement Command detection circuit Start / reverse not OFF times of door
abnormal too large signal (Y3) bnormal In closing failure
not 0FF pre-energization detected
C The action Acceleration In the current LANDIC Overspeed #6 Door
position of torque in the position of Running / overtravel not ON Peripheral
deceleration command magnetic pole, History (inverse Optoelectronic
switch for too large the tuning record running) Device
the top floor signal NG by more action NG
abnormal Y4 (14B3) than 70mm
D The action Almost DC section LANDIC Inverse #6
position of overspeed Voltage device BD Running not OFF
deceleration Detected by signal not ON detected Detected
switch for the software confirmed by 2IR
bottom floor
E CARBUS Inverse DC section Overspeed Overspeed
Communi Running Voltage in the door in the
cation detected by signal not OFF opening terminal
Trouble encoder confirmed during running floor
F The repetition Overtravel Running Repose Door opened
of speed control by 60 Mode with relay / closed
abnormity in the door abnormal action more than
causes the opening NG 30 times
repose with during
start disabled running

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

8 9 A B C D E F
0 MILLNET SV→M, M→M Data write Significant Idling S baud
Abnormal Communications failure at the Deviation Of detected low/P-wave
information interruption very beginning Car position restricted
of FD/AJ data running
1 MILLNET SV→M, M→M Data write Landing NG Car door Unable to
Communic Communications Failure Locking reset the
ations Abnormal During FD/AJ failure UP/DN
interruption (overtravel) running Button
in the car
2 MILLNET SV→M, M→M Significant Possible Stop
Communic Communications data error Selector Because
ations Abnormal in different deviation it fails to lock
abnormal (frame) floors for the car door
FD1 running
3 SV→M, M→M Selector’s Car door lock Car button
Communications Running not unlocked stuck
Abnormal check fails
4 SV→M, M→M 21R action Lighting It fails to Contradiction M-MIC
Inbox Abnormal Power unlock the car Between Internal
Memory During cutoff door lock; enter sensor signal Data
overflow FD1 running rescue mode and Exchange
load signal abnormal
5 SV→M, M→M Insufficient CLG / CLS Repose LS11 / LS21
Communications number of Auxiliary because it fails action
Error floors for circuit NG to unlock the
detected FD1 running car door lock
6 SV→M, M→M FD running #HS The car door
Communications interrupted Not ON lock cutoff
bus error switch fails to
carry out the
cutoff action
7 Communic SV→M, M→M #HS Door Force a
ations Outbox Not OFF Optoelectronic Deceleration
Between Memory Device when the
Inverter overflow action failure restriction of
and IF deceleration
abnormal isin process
8 INV–MIC Computer LS201/101 #BT Unable to Intercom /
Communic Backup Action not ON confirm the Emergency
ations started Failure in stop when alarm bell
NG FD running LANDIC power voltage
running ends decreases
9 LANIC SV→M, M→M #BT Alarm Fail to Set
Communic Communications not OFF to the The alarm
ations Abnormal remote board
NG (FIFO) monitor
A F88 Measured #F11 Self-
Communications value in AJ not ON generation
Protocol running operation
abnormal abnormal Judgment
(Protocoi) contradiction
B Forget to #F11 Detection
restore the not OFF Of the
inspection position
switch/ relationship
inspection between the
day settings car and the
abnormal counterweight

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

8 9 A B C D E F
C UCMP Communications G auto #6Z Fail to
abnormal Data Adjustment not ON reset the
Restraint From TLM failure hall door
detected abnormal call button
D UCMP Communications #6Z not OFF Brake Power Remote
abnormal with TLM (signal controlled Clamping Outage Rescue
Stop interruptted by the Force detection Operation
detected relay board abnormal Command
micro-computer) history
E Auto-switch The information Conduct Current #6Z not OFF M-MIC
or running Displays Torque not ON (signal ROM
switch That AUVIS limit test detected Controlled abnormal
OFF Communications by the relay
is abnormal board micro
F System Weighing Current Brake Long M-MIC
Backup Device not OFF Circuit Period Restart
Operation Voltage detected Abnormal Cabinet
begins abnormal detected abnormal

Part 6 Prerequisite for Installation Running

6-1 Inspection Content

A. Inspection of relevant aspects
(1) Conduct all safety inspection before dismantling the scaffolding, to eliminate the presence of the
safety risks in a timely manner.
(2) Verify that the installed elevator components are installed and adjusted properly.
(3) Set the hoistway lighting properly, dismantle the scaffolding inside the elevator hoistway and
clean the entire elevator hoistway.
(4) Clean and lubricate the mechanical rotating parts.
(5) Make sure the car and the counterweight are substantially in equilibrium.
B. Inspection of power supply
(1) If no regular power supply is available yet, set up a temporary one.
(2) The diameter of each temporary power cable shall comply with our requirement.
(3) The capacity of control switch or fuse for the temporary power must be greater than that of the
main power switch for COP.
(4) The fluctuation in the main power voltage shall be within 380V ± 7%.
C. Adjustment of main rope tension
Adjust the tension of each main rope and make sure the difference of their tension values is ≤5%.

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual
6-2 Commissioning of Brake Mechanism
A. Description of Brake Mechanism

1 Armature assembly
2 Brake gap adjustment screw (4 pcs)
3 Brake gap fixing bolt (4 pcs)
Action position adjustment bolt of
micro-switch (1 pc)
The position of Micro-switch outlet
The position of Electromagnetic coil
outlet line
7 Brake lining
Brake gap (gap between brake lining
and brake wheel rim)

Sketch map of brake structure

Brake: When the elevator is leveling, de-energized or inspection of failure, the magnet is under
de-energized state, and the magnet armature operates downwards with the function of the braking
spring to drive the brake lining to brake the wheel rim tightly. The friction between the brake lining and
the brake wheel rim brakes the traction sheave.
Normal release: When the traction sheave prepares to rotate or is rotating, the magnet coil is
energized and the magnetic armature with the function of electromagnetic force overcomes the
pressure force of the braking spring and operates upwards to make the brake lining release the brake
wheel rim.
Hand release (Remote brake): Pull the handspike to turn the two hand release level, the
electromagnet armature assembly overcomes the pressure force of the braking spring and operates
upwards to make the brake lining release the brake wheel rim.

 The function of the Micro-switch is to determinate that if the brake is under releasing state or
braking state. The terminal switch should be connected to the control circuit of the motor.
When the user needs, the brake mechanism can be functioned as one part of the up travel
car overspeed protection components.

 Brake mechanism consists of two groups of separate operation mechanisms and each
group of operation mechanism consists of one magnet core assembly, one magnet
armature, one brake block and one brake wheel rim. If one group of operation mechanism is
damaged, the other group is still in effect to ensure the safety of the elevator operation.

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual
 Normal release is suitable for the normal power supply and stand-by power supply.
 Hand releasing is only suitable for the traction machine with hand releasing device. If user
needs hand release, please check with the manufacturer when order.
 The braking torque of the single magnet brake is set to about 1times of rated torque before
the traction machine is delivered. Generally users have no need to make any adjustment.

B. Adjustment of brake gap between brake shoe and brake wheel rim

 The braking torque of the brake is set to rated torque before the traction machine is
delivered. Generally users do not need to make any adjustment. If necessary, it is possible
to make adjustment according to the following steps.

 The rated braking torque is the torque when all of the torques of the brakes of the traction
machines is 2 times of the traction machine rated torque. As to the Diana series, since using
two groups of brake, so that its rated brake torque is the torque when the torque of the one
group of electromagnet is 1 times of the rated torque of the traction machine.

(1) Adjustment of brake gap between brake shoe and brake wheel rim

Step 1 : Completely Step 2 : Completely Step 3 : Anticlockwise Step 4 : Completely

loosen the four tighten the four “brake loosen the four “brake tighten the four
“brake gap fixing bolt”. gap adjustment screw” gap adjustment screw” “brake gap fixing bolt”,
to make the brake as the following angles: then the brake gap
lining fully pressed on between brake lining
the brake wheel rim. DianaⅠ: reverse 15°±2° and brake wheel rim is
DianaⅡ: reverse 15°±2° not more than 0.12mm.
Step 5 : Release the brake when the speed is not greater than inspection speed, to enable the car to
travel slowly. By listening check whether there is friction sound between braking block and
brake wheel (There should be no friction sound or slight friction sounds sometimes at some
points). Meanwhile by listening check whether the sounds generated during the brake
releasing and braking is too loud.
Dispose as follows until no friction sound and the sound of braking and releasing brake is
within acceptable degree.

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual
Phenomenon Reason Disposal method
As per Step 3 anticlockwise loosen for one small angle
Friction sound too small gap
again, then do as per step 4.
No friction sound, but Anticlockwise loosen the four “brake gap adjustment
too loud when brake too big gap screw” for one small angle, then completely tighten the
and release the brake four “brake gap fixing screw”.

 The size of brake gap has direct effect on the brake noises and the reliability, when it is
greater than 0.2mm or the noise level is increased substantially, it is necessary to do
 If the brake can not open fully, which will make the brake block of the brake shoe
overheating to reduce braking torque or even lead to carbonization and peeling off during
the operation. Besides, overheating of the friction block will also possibly cause overload
of the motor, and thus the motor will overheat, which will drive the protection circuit to
function or will lead to malfunctioning or even damages.

(2) Adjustment of braking torque

 Regarding the rated brake torque of brake before the traction machine is delivered, please
see the following table. Users do not need to re-adjust.
Traction machine Electromagnet Rated brake
Traction machine specification
rated torque (N.m) mode torque (N.m)
Diana-xx-410-2x 255 DB335-S 2×255
Diana-xx-630-2x 355 DB335-S 2×355
Diana-xx-800-2x 450 DB335-M 2×450
Diana-xx-1000-2x 560 DB335-M 2×560
Diana-xx-1050-2x 588 DB335-M 2×588
DianaⅡ-xx-1275-2x 940 DB415-M 2×940
DianaⅡ-xx-1600-2x 1116 DB415-M 2×1116

 The max allowable brake torque of electromagnet is the torque when gap between brake
lining of brake a.
Series of traction machine Diana (Ⅰ) DianaⅡ
Type of electromagnet DB335-S DB335-M DB415-M
Max permissible brake torque of electromagnet (N.m) 355 588 1116

(3) Brake releasing nut adjustment

 After adjust the braking torque, it need to adjust brake releasing nut.
 Under the de-energized state, firstly lock the brake releasing adjustment nut (but not
compress the braking gap), then turn around 100 degrees reversally, leaving the gap with
05mm, and then tightening the brake releasing lock nut.

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual

brake releasing lock nut

brake releasing adjustment nut

brake releasing nut

6-3 Wiring Required

A. Minimum wiring for installation running
Without installing JB on the car and wiring, carry out minimun wiring in the machinery space.
(Machinery space equipment include: TM---Brake & Motor & Pulse Encoder, COP, INP, GV etc.)
Check there is no short-circuit, and then power ON the COP first to check the motor rotates
completely. The following is the procedure.
Note: The safety devices are all disabled. Take care in working for safety.
【Wiring in the Machinery Space】
See the book 【Installation Manual: EN MLGS-II A-1303-50】 on Page40-44 (3. Parts for fix cable ass’y
installation) to wire the COP, INP and equipment in the figure below.


Power LS12, LS22; GV
LS11, LS21, LS101~102, LS201~202



Pulse Encoder

Brake micro-switch, Brake Coil

【Short-circuit in the COP】

Short-circuit the following wire numbers to be disable the safety devices.
(For particulars, refer to the Safety Circuit Straight Diagram---E-002.)
L60[C33-A3] and P0[C33-B3] ----------- car door lock circuit (CLG, CLGA)
P15[H34-B2] and CHSF[H34-A2] ------ hall door lock circuit (CLS-1~CLS-T)
CHSF[H31-A1] and P4A[H31-B3] ------ hoistway circuit
P4A[C33-A4] and P24[C33-A7] --------- car circuit

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* A * B * C * D * 6 can be checked by LED on the IF139 board.

To cancel the 5m/min speed limit, short-circuit the following locations:
CA-[H31-B6] and P78A[H31-B5] and P17[H31-A6] --------- LS101,LS11
CA-[H32-B6] and P79A[H32-B5] and P18[H32-A6] --------- LS201,LS21
H31 (J) H32 (J)
CA- P17 6 CA- P18 6
P78A P78B 5 P79A P79B 5
P78D 4 P79D 4
P4A 3 3
2 P46 2
P2 CHSF 1 P45 P2 1

Note: Short-circuit the LS-AU and LS-AD switches (if any) in the hoistway.
CA-[H31-B6] and P78D[H31-A4] --------- LS-AU
CA-[H32-B6] and P79D[H32-A4] --------- LS-AD

6-4 Insulation Testing and Adjustment/Inspection of Input Voltage

A. The high voltage insulation test refers to the insulation testing of peripheral lines.
Because the COP and parts with electronic elements have been tested during their manufacturing,
do not test them if unnecessary.
Before testing, disengage the ground wire for the transformer in the COP temporarily.
(1) 500V insulation resistance multimeter to test three-phase power line: the relative ground of
three-phase power line is more than 0.5MΩ and the insulation resistance between phases of
three-phase power line more than 0.5MΩ.
(2) Test 200V (or below) lines with a 250V insulation resistance multimeter. The insulation
resistance value should be more than 0.25MΩ.
B. Adjustment of input and output terminals for three-phase transformer
---- you can adjust the voltage value.
In view of the deviation in the supply voltage at construction sites or different regions, in order to
prevent overvoltage or undervoltage from damaging electronic boards or electrical components,

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(MLGS-II) Adjustment Manual
we set up adjustable terminals in power transformers so as to adjust the voltage within the 360 ~
420V AC range. The factory standard is 380V AC terminals.
(1) Inverter operating voltage range: 380 ~ 460V AC
(2) Safety circuit operating voltage: 200 ± 7% V AC
(3) Circuit board operating voltage 24 ± 7% VDC
(test the voltage between wire gauges CXO+ and CXO-)
(4) CPU operating voltage 5V DC

Transformer Terminals
How to adjust the field voltage (For example):
Assume that three-phase power supply voltage is 400V. Its adjustment method is as follows:
Move the 0V terminal to the 20V terminal and the 380V terminal to the 420V terminal (to ensure
that the voltage difference at the input end is 400V AC) and then check whether the voltage of
safety circuit is ≤214V AC.
Test whether the voltage between CXO+ and CXO- is ≤ 25.7V DC. If it is too large, move the 19V
terminal (the transformer output) to the 18V terminal (to reduce about 1.5V DC).

6-5 Low Voltage Insulation Resistance Test

After the completion of steps in 5.2 and 5.3, carry out the low voltage insulation resistance test.
(the multimeter operating voltage is at less than 5V.)
A. Preparation
(1) Turn off circuit breakers and circuit protectors for power supply, lighting power, switch boxes as
well as the COP.
(2) Make ensure that all power ground wires are connected with the ground wires in the COP.
(3) Remove the ground wires connected by the control power transformer (2sq yellow-green).
B. Low Voltage Insulation Resistance Test
Measure the resistance between all wiring (terminals and connectors) connected with the outside
of the COP and three-phase five-wire ground wires with a low voltage insulation resistance
multimeter (multimeter’s operating voltage <5V) and confirm that the insulation resistance is above
Note: For this test, the treatment other than A. (unplug connectors, etc.) is not required.

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C. Restoration
Once the insulation resistance test ends, connect the ground wires as mentioned in (3) of A.
(2sq yellow-green)

Part 7 Installation Running

7-1 If the insulation resistance test is successfully completed, energize the control board
Or rather: turn on the switch of three-phase power supply box, circuit breakers CB2 and CB3 as
well as circuit protectors.
7-2 Preparation for installation and running
Hold the BTN3 button on the IF139 board, turn the EQDO switch up, and then release the button
to enter the installation and running mode.
Keep the EQDO switch on until the manual running on the car top is enabled.
7-3 Installation and running operation
Hold the BTN1 button to go up at a low speed;
Hold the BTN3 button to go down at a low speed;
Car running speed at 15m/min.

Part 8 Inspection Running on the Car

From now on it is required to install and wire JB on the car.

8-1 Wiring Required
Among all wires in the hoistway, the hall and the car, which are necessary for manual running and
which are unnecessary? They are listed as follows.
【Necessary Wiring】
A. Connect the wiring for safety devices
B. Car top service switch wiring (JB box)
C. Car operation board wiring (COB)
D. Car lighting power ---- wire gauge: (for example) ROX, SOX
E. LS12/22 (terminal limit switch), LS11/21 (limit switch)

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F. Communications connection for elevator door board DR13
【Temporarily unnecessary wiring】(It does not matter even if connected)
A. 2IR device ------ it is necessary before the running of door motor
B. LS101~102/LS201~202 (their quantity depends on rated speed) ---- it is necessary before the
running of FD
C. Weighing device, 4WC ------ it is necessary before the running of AJ
D. Monitor in the hall, external call buttons
E. Other devices related to the display (also includes voice devices)

8-2 Manual Running Operation on Car Top

【Preparation for running (switch to manual running on the car top)】
Turn the "AUTO-INSPECT" switch on the car to "INSPECT".
A. Hold both the "RUN" button and the "UP" button down so that the car goes up at 15m/min.
B. Hold both the "RUN" button and the "DOWN" button down so that the car goes down at 15m/min.

Part 9 Car Door Operator Motor Operation

9-1 The installation and wiring of the following equipment must be completed
A. Complete the adjustment of mechanical parts and CLG of the car door.
B. Complete the adjustment and wiring of OTL and CTL photoelectric switches.
C. Install and adjust the safety edge and the light curtain, and short-circuit the action signal line.
D. Complete the installation, adjustment and wiring of hoistway IR components.
E. Complete the adjustment of the hall door CLS switch.
F. Remove the short circuit wire for the CLG and CLS switches.
G. Check the electrical wiring for door motor.
【Door running operation】
(1) Close the car door and the hall door, and drive the car to the landing area.Hold down the
"DOOR" button on the car top and then the closed door will open.
When the door is open, hold down the RUN, DOOR and UP or DOWN buttons to close the door
before running (Note: If the elevator is in the landing area and the car door is half-opened, the
action of door motor is to open and then close the door).
(2) Outside the landing area, holding down the RUN, DOOR and UP or DOWN buttons can only
close the door before running no matter what state the car door is in. It is unable to open the

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9-2 How to check electrical faults in the installation and adjustment of door motor
A. Can open the door but can not close it; check the action contacts of safety edge, light curtain and
OTL switch.
B. Can close the door but can not open it; check the action contacts of 2IR sensor and CTL switch.
C. The door motor runs in the opposite direction; interchange the motor phases as well as the A and
B phases of the encoder.
D. The door motor runs once and then stops; check whether the OTL and CTL wiring is inversely
E. The door motor fails to run after start; interchange the motor phases or the A and B phases of the
encoder and check the installation of the encoder.
F. No running action occurs to the door motor; check the communications of the LED indicator CHK
(D17) on the DR13 electronic board (normal flashing), E/C:72 fault; check the 100V input voltage
and electronic board data.
G. The door motor opens the door at some floor and then stops; check whether the CLS switch in the
floor is short circuited.
H. Repeatedly close the door in the AUTO mode; check whether the safety edge, light curtain, CTL,
CLG and CLS switches act abnormally.
I. The running peed is not normal; the DR13 board data deviates or the DR13 board fails.

9-3 Check the door motor fault action via the LED signal on the DR13 board

⊙ RST(D16) Power (ON=normal)

⊙ CHK(D17) Communications (flash=normal)
⊙ 5 Too large torque (normally ON)
⊙ 4 DBD (Light ON= normal)
⊙ 3 Opening command (Light ON=running)
⊙ 2 Closing command (Light ON=running)
⊙ 1 OTL (Light ON=fully open the door)
⊙ 0 CTL (Light ON=fully close the door)

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Part 10 Adjustment of Remote Brake Release

Note: The hand release line must be set strictly in accordance with the requirement of the installation

A. First, adjust the double nuts for the bolt at B in the figure above so that the brake release wrench is
in about 1/2 position of the screw rod.
B. Loosen the two adjusting bolts at A in on the figure above, and tighten the brake release wire rope
and the two adjusting bolts.
C. Slightly adjust the double nuts at B so that the brake release wrench has about 3 ~ 4mm sway
stroke available and then lock the double nuts.
The brake release device testing can be carried out after the completion of the above steps: Remove
the positioning bolts for brake release wrench (at C in the figure above), and then turn the wrench
with an appropriate force to release the tractor brake. Check whether the car is moving via the
observing hole.
If the car is moving, it indicates that the adjustment of remote brake release device is completed.
If the car is not moving, slightly tighten the double nuts at B (must ensure that the brake release lever
can slightly sway) check the setting of brake release rope and then carry out the brake release
testing until the remote brake release device acts normally.

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Part 11 FD Operation

Before FD operation, it is necessary to set the high-speed data in the software; otherwise, it is
impossible to run.
FD operation should be executed before high speed running.
*FD is short for floor detection. It means to detect each floor position.

11-1 Preparation
A. Cleaning the guide rails.
B. Based on the installation drawings, adjust the clearance related to the guide shoes and the safety
blocks. (Counterweight, Car.)
C. Adjust the dimensions of mechanical parts for hall door and car door based on related
D. Adjust the balancing between the counterweight and the car: balancing factor 40%~50%.
E. Adjust and fixing the traveling cables.
Drive the car from the bottom floor to the top floor and check the operating status of traveling
cables from the pit.
F. Before strating FD operation, check the limit switches and 2IR for proper operation.
(1) Install LS101~102 and LS201~202 at the positions specified on the drawing and check for proper
operation. Installation error shall be within 50mm.
(2) Install car’s 2IR and plates for each floor level at the position as shown in the drawing and check
for proper operation. The installation error shall be within 3mm.
(3) The procedure to check on LEDs whether signals from limit switches and 2IR are transmitted
properly to M-MIC.
G. Input of high-speed running program

【How to check 2IR on LED】(SEL=3, Data No.=00 displayed)

Set SEL to "3". If already set to "3", turn to any other than "3" once and next set to "3".

【How to check limit switch on LED】(SEL=3, Data No.=01 displayed)

① Set SEL to "3". If already set to "3", turn to any other than "3" once and next set to "3".
② Press top button, release the button once, and repress top button within a second.
Chick that LED bit0 alone is lit and release the button.
*All the LED are lit in an instant 2 seconds after releasing the button, and then the limit switch
display appears.

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【LED display】
2IR Display Limit Switch Display
SEL=3(00) SEL=3(01)
bit7 □ Light OFF LS101
bit6 □ Light OFF LS102
bit5 □ Light OFF LS103 ※Lit ON/OFF when limit switch does not act/do act.
bit4 □ Light OFF SD104
bit3 □ Light OFF SD204 ※Lit ON when 2IR catches the plate.
bit2 □ 2IR-1D LS203
bit1 □ 2IR-3A LS202
bit0 □ 2IR-1U LS201

11-2 Operation Procedure

Under FD operation, test weight are not required to be loaded in the car (No load operation).
A. Turn the service switch [AUTO-INSPECT] on the car to [AUTO].
B. Turn the [AUTO-DRIVER] switch in the car COB to [AUTO].
C. Hold the BTN2 button down and set the SEL to "2". Release the BTN2 button temporarily, and
press the middle button again within 4 seconds.
You can enter the FD mode by the operation and the LED's bit0~bit3 will flash.
bit7 □
bit6 □ OFF
bit5 □
bit4 □
bit3 ★
bit2 ★ Flash
bit1 ★
bit0 ★
D. Hold the BTN1 or BTN3 button down until the elevator starts.
E. After FD runs, the elevator will continue to run in the following manner.
(1) For going up, the elevator stops when the car arrives at 10mm above the top floor landing and
then go down automatically.
(2) When the car arrives at 10mm above the top landing, the elevator begins to go down here.
(3) Next, the elevator runs automatically back and forth by two round trips between the top floor and
the bottom floor. The first trip is called "FD1 operation” and the second one "FD2 operation”.
(4) After the two round trips, the elevator will stop at the top landing. Open the car door and the FD
operation is complete.

11-3 Confirmation
A. When the elevator will stop at the top landing after FD operation, the LED's bit0~7 will flash.
B. If all the bits of LED flash, hold the middle button for more than four seconds and check whether

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FD operation ends normally based on the change of LED.
(1) If the LED’s bit0~bit7 turn off, the FD operation ends normally.
(2) If any of the LED’s bit0~bit7 stays on, the FD operation fails. Check what is not normal and then
conduct the FD operation again.
C. After checking the LED display, turn SEL to a position other than "2". The display will become
FD operation flowchart:

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Part 12 Check the Leveling Accuracy

12-1 Drive the elevator upwards and downwards to each floor and measure the height difference
between the car sill surface and the hall sill surface when the elevator stops. Make sure the
deviation at each floor is within 5mm.
12-2 When the deviation exceeds 5mm, take the following measures:
A. When it only occurs to one floor, move the IR board of the floor to adjust the difference in the
following manner.
(1) If the car sill is lower than the hall sill after the elevator landing, move the IR board up.
(2) If the car sill is higher than the hall sill after the elevator landing, move the IR board down.
B. If the height difference for each floor is the same, it is necessary to check whether the dimensions
between the 2IR-1U center and the 2IR-1D center (220mm), the length of the IR board (240mm)
match the design drawings.
12-3 After the above adjustment, carry out the FD running again and check the content in (1) again.

Part 13 Commissioning of Weighing Device

The microcomputer judges the load in the car based on weighing. It adjusts the starting torque by
monitoring the load in the car, and improves the comfort of the elevator. In order to activate this
control function, the AJ running must be carried out after the adjustment of weighing device.
13-1 Prerequisite
A. The weighing device to be adjusted is an electromagnetic load cell (LOADING SENSOR).
B. The car load is within 0% to 110% of the nominal. The clearance between the weighing device and
the LD beam is about 8mm ~ 2.5mm.
C. Before adjusting the weighing device, adjust the balancing factor between the car and the
13-2 Installation of weighing device
Please install it according to the Load Cell Installation Drawing.
Make the car under no load state and place an 8mm thick spacer between the weighing device
and the LD bearing beam. Fix the weighing device and remove the spacer.
Note: When fixing the weighing device, grasp the fixing bolts of the weighing device by hand.
Otherwise, the weighing device may be damaged.

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(See the figure below)

13-3 Checking voltage

A. Turn the SEL of M-MIC to "8" with pressing the BTN3 button.
B. Press the BTN1 button to check that all the LEDs are put out.
If any one LED is lit, keep pressing the BTN1 button for 4 seconds or more.
Then, all the LEDs are put out.
C. Release the BTN1 button, and all the LEDs are lit in an instant after 2 seconds. Then, "Load cell
voltage " is displayed on LEDs as shown in the figure below.
bit7 □ --- is ON when voltage value is negative and OFF when positive.
bit6 □
bit5 □ Digit of 1V (indicated in binary number of 0-7.)
bit4 □
bit3 □
bit2 □
Digit of 0.1V (indicated in binary number of 0-9.)
bit1 □
bit0 □
In case of +1.3V for example, the LED indication will be as shown below:
bit7 □ OFF
bit6 □ OFF
bit5 □ OFF
bit4 ■ ON
bit3 □ OFF
bit2 □ OFF
bit1 ■ ON
bit0 ■ ON
D. However, the voltage value read out through the above method is not an actual voltage value,
which should refer to the following table:
with Loading on the Car Value of LED Actual Voltage Value
Interval of the load cell and LC plate becomes narrow -1.0 ~ -1.3 3.45V ~ 3.75V

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Part 14 AJ Operation

※ AJ is short for Adjustment.

【Purpose of AJ Operation】
A. To measure and store the torque required for start compensation.
Start compensation is to give the motor the torque required to dring to a standstill before opening the
brake to prevent start shock. Each lift requires each torque due to variations in characteristics of
motor, gear, guide shoe, etc. and difference in installation. AJ Operation is necessary to find the
optimum torque for each lift.
B. To measure and store the load cell output voltage and its corresponding car load.
Each lift has each voltage and its corresponding % loads due to variations in characteristics of load
cell and vivo-isolating rubber and difference in specifications such as rated load. AJ Operation is
necessary to find the relation.

14-1 Operation Procedure

It is recommended for the AJ operation to use the following process:
※ Completion of No-load AJ → completion of Full-load AJ → Completion of (the Entire) AJ operation.
The following pages explain operation procedure at each load.
In the event you get confused on the way whether AJ operation at each load has completed or not,
you may check with LEDs with M-MIC.
A. No-load AJ
(1) Preparation
Place the car at a floor level.
Switch to automatic operation, and check the car no-load.
(2) Changeover no-load AJ operation mode
Changeover "no-load AJ (SEL = 3)" state by "Setting running mode".
● With the BTN2 button held pressed, turn SEL to "3".
Release the BTN2 button and press it again within 4 seconds.
● The above operation sets the car in no-load AJ operation mode, making LED bits 4-7 blink.
bit7 ■ Flash
bit6 ■ Flash
bit5 ■ Flash
bit4 ■ Flash
bit3 □ OFF
bit2 □ OFF
bit1 □ OFF
bit0 □ OFF

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● You can end the no-load AJ mode by restarting the micro-computer or by discharging the
operation with a switch.
(3) Round trip operation under no-load state
Keep pressing the BTN1 button or the BTN3 button until the elevator starts.
The call will be automatically recorded and the car runs at high speed in the following manner:
Start Floor operation content
Top Floor →Bottom Floor →Top Floor
Bottom Floor →Top Floor →Bottom Floor
Intermediate Floor →Top Floor →Bottom Floor →Start Floor
(4) End
When the AJ operation ends, pressing the BTN2 button for 4 seconds or more, or pressing both
the BTN1 button and the BTN3 button for 4 seconds or more; if the EQDO switch is ON, turn it to
OFF. By this way, it will display whether the AJ operation correctly ends by LED.
B. Full-load AJ
(1) Preparation
Switch to automatic operation and place the car at a floor where test weights are available.
Put the weights in the car to get full-load.
Keep the car door open with the following two ways to facilitate the loading:
● Turn the EQDO switch on M-MIC to ON.
When the EQDO switch is ON, the car door will remain open. Before starting the next
operation, turn the switch to OFF so that the door can be closed.
● You can also switch the operation switch in the COB.
Turn the AUTO - DEDICATED switch to DEDICATED.
(2) Changeover full-load AJ operation mode
Changeover "full-load AJ (SEL = 4)" state by "Setting running mode".
● With the BTN2 button held pressed, turn SEL to "4".
Release the BTN2 button and press it again within 4 seconds.
● The above operation sets the car in full-load AJ operation mode, making LED bits 3-6 blink.
bit7 □ OFF
bit6 ■ Flash
bit5 ■ Flash
bit4 ■ Flash
bit3 ■ Flash
bit2 □ OFF
bit1 □ OFF
bit0 □ OFF
● You can end the no-load AJ mode by restarting the micro-computer or by discharging the
operation with a switch.

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(3) Round trip operation under full-load state
Press the BTN1 button or the BTN3 button. (If the car is in the DEDICATED RUNNING mode,
keep pressing the BTN1 button or the BTN3 button until the elevator starts).
The call will be automatically recorded and the car runs at high speed in the following manner:
Start Floor operation content
Top Floor →Bottom Floor →Top Floor
Bottom Floor →Top Floor →Bottom Floor
Intermediate Floor →Top Floor →Bottom Floor →Start Floor
(4) End
When the AJ operation ends, pressing the BTN2 button for 4 seconds or more, or pressing both
the BTN1 button and the BTN3 button for 4 seconds or more; if the EQDO switch is ON, turn it to
OFF. By this way, it will display whether the AJ operation correctly ends by LED.
C. Display of AJ operation result
(1) If the AJ operation ended normally
● All the bit0~bit7 will put out.
(2) If the AJ operation failed
● Any of bit0~bit7 is lit (two or more may be).
● Check for abnormalities, and repair if necessary. Upon completion of resetting the power
supply, perform AJ operation under a load which has just been complete.

14-2 AJ operation confirmation

Upon completion of performing AJ operations under no-load and full-load, it is preferable to check if
AJ operation ends normally as follows.
A. Check the event codes appear after AJ operation, and check the AJ operation result.
B. Run the lift under no-loaded and full-loaded to check if start shock has been reduced.
C. Run the lift with full-loaded long enough to gain full rated speed. Check if it can really reach the
rated speed and if the acceleration is not slow (or if full speed up is gained).
D. After AJ operation is completed, acceleration limit function (as below) is able.

Car Load Speed Acceleration

0%~105% Rated speed Rated acceleration
106%~115% Rated speed 75% of rated acceleration
116% or more 95% of rated speed 50% of rated acceleration

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