Construction of An Open Innovation Network and Its
Construction of An Open Innovation Network and Its
Construction of An Open Innovation Network and Its
DOI 10.1186/s11782-017-0006-6
Frontiers of Business
Research in China
* Correspondence:
[email protected] Abstract
School of Management, Shenyang
University of Technology, Shenyang Innovation is the engine of development for enterprises, and there is an increasing
110870, China trend to adopt an open innovation strategy. However, how to manage external
Decision Sciences and Modelling resources in an open, collaborative and complementary manner, and in a shared
Program, Victoria University, Victoria
8001, Australia environment that will yield the greatest networking effects, it is a challenging task.
Because there is no such a satisfactory model for an open innovation strategy that
combine operational mechanisms with the management of, external resources. Thhis
article tries to fill the gap by adopting a resource-based perspective to construct an
overall open innovation (OOI) business model. In this model, external resources are
classified as industrial and non-industrial entities, to enable the identification of the
interaction methods between manufacturing enterprises and external resources. The
management of external resources involved in a Technology Open Innovation (TOI)
cycle is given particular attention that includes: 1) the classification of the external
resources of a TOI, 2) the general mechanisms extracted to promote qualified
resources in and unqualified resources out, and 3) a business model to conceptualize
the collaboration between enterprises and external resources. A case study of TOI is
also provided to empirically verify its feasibility. This paper contributes to the
literature by providing an original operational model and mechanism design for an
open innovation strategy that is capable of managing external resources effectively.
Keywords: Manufacturing enterprise, Open innovation, Resource dependence,
External resources, Mechanism
With the advent of the internet age, manufacturing enterprises face new challenges
and opportunities in the competitive globalized local and global market. Driven by the
rapid development of market globalization, manufacturing enterprises must make
greater efforts to fulfil individual demands from the market by utilizing global
resources and through open innovation. Since (Chesbrough 2003) first presented the
concept of open innovation, the study of open innovation has become increasingly
popular amongst academics and practitioners alike. Open innovation is defined as the
process of strengthening the interaction and collaboration of multiple partners
involved in a business ecosystem, to jointly deliver an innovative product or solution.
© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and
indicate if changes were made.
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 2 of 21
This means that successful open innovation partnerships will be useful for exploring
meaningful and innovative solutions to satisfy customers’ requirements. Moreover, the
sourcing, integration and development of products and business model innovations
through “win-win” external partnerships are of great interest to manufacturing enter-
prises, to capture the maximum commercial value of their investments (Muhdi 2011;
Nakagaki et al. 2012).
At present, a large number of manufacturing enterprises from different industries,
such as consumer goods, electronics, and equipment have benefited greatly from the
adoption of open innovation strategies to enrich their internal innovation processes
(Serrono and Fischer 2007). Many of these companies compete to win through the
implementation of an open innovation strategy, cooperating with various partners in a
value chain—including universities and institutes, and even other enterprises—by
flexibly opening up to external partnerships and placing increasingly reliance on their
collaborations with external resources (Etzkowita 2008; Leydesdorff 2003). A good
case in point is Procter & Gamble’s innovation practice (Huston and Sakkab 2006),
whose success is attributed largely to innovative collaborations with external
partners, whereby roughly 50% of Procter & Gamble’s new products now originate
from outside the parent company. Classifying innovative resources and integrating
them into an open innovation strategy has generally been considered too compli-
cated a problem for manufacturing enterprises, and hence, this issue has not been
adequately studied.
Therefore, the objective of this paper is to develop a new model for open innovation.
The research questions of this paper consist of (1) what types of external resources
could be identified to facilitate the development of open innovation? (2) what sort of
business model is needed to develop the collaboration between manufacturing
enterprises and external resources during an open innovation process? (3) how can a
manufacturing enterprise adopt a certain mechanism to manage those external
resources effectively?
This research makes several contributions to improve the modelling of an open
innovation strategy that can enhance the innovative capabilities of manufacturing
enterprises based on the existing research. First, a novel overall open innovation model
is constructed. Second, the technology open innovation cycle is discussed, including
the array of external resources and mechanisms to manage the external resources, and
a business model in conjunction with a case study is presented.
This paper is structured as follows: Critical literature review and motivation for the
study section discusses the research background and the motivation for the present
study; Theoretical foundation of an open innovation strategy section provides a
theoretical foundation for the proposed open innovation strategy. In Open innovation
business model section, a business model for the overall open innovation is presented;
while in Management of external resources in an open innovation system section,
external resources are firstly classified and the mechanisms used to manage these
external resources are then detailed. A business collaboration model of open innovation
technology is discussed in A business collaboration model of the TOI section. A case
study section presents a case study, focusing on the open innovation practice of a
typical Chinese manufacturing enterprise. The conclusions of the study are presented
in Conclusion section.
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 3 of 21
industry solutions to help companies expand and grow their integrated supply
chain capabilities. (Sakamoto et al. 2012) discusses the use of open innovation and
collaborative networks as a resource to create value and increase competitiveness
in the supply chain. (Nelli 2013) studies the adoption of open innovation practices
during different value chain activities, and measures their effects on the product
and innovation processes of small and medium-sized manufacturing companies,
which expand the scope of open innovation beyond the focus of research and
development. A supplier is regarded as an important source of external resources
to accelerate open innovation. In particular, Early Supplier Involvement (ESI) is
regarded as a form of vertical collaboration between the supply chain partners, in
which a manufacturing enterprise integrates a supplier, with a qualified proven
performance history (defined as the strategic supplier in this article), at an early
stage of the New Product Development (NPD) process (Mikkola and Skjøtt-Larsen
2006). Moreover, the supplier, by being involved at the early stage of the R&D
process, can bring useful knowledge about how to improve the new product’s qual-
ity, facilitate its manufacturability, or suggest ideas that strengthen the performance
of the NPD process (Sivadas and Dwyer 2000; Zhao and Lavin 2012).
As far as the management mechanism for external resources is concerned,
(Zhang and Chen 2008) presents a resource management framework and suggests
that resources with innovative capacities be maintained and updated dynamically to
help create an innovation resource pool. Scholars have suggested that a future
research agenda should delve into enterprises’ incentives to exchange knowledge
(Erden et al. 2012; West et al. 2006). In particular, Gambardella and Panico
(Gambardella and Panico 2014) shows that these incentives can be restored by
empowering the weaker party to make decisions during the research process, and a
stylized model has been presented to formalize open innovation. In addition, he
studies the governance of collaboration, particularly how the parties allocate
property rights, and the rights to make decisions during the research process.
Regarding the mechanism design for the management of suppliers, (Laffont and
Tirole 1988) presents the pioneering incentive contract theory, and suggests that it
is necessary for a manufacturer to check the capability of a supplier to break the
supplier’s deliberate self-protection and avoidance of responsibility. Moreover,
(Laffont and Tirole 1993) points out that a quality guarantee deposit or penalty
could be asked for, to reinforce the constraint function towards suppliers. In many
situations, suppliers are not able to satisfy manufacturers’ demands due to short-
ages of materials, key parts and so on. Hence, capacity allocation mechanisms are
proposed, to deal with the gap between suppliers’ capacities and customers’ de-
mands (Cachon and Lariviere 1999a, b).
Despite a growing interest in the study of open innovation, the existing studies
have some limitations, such as concentrating largely on either the R&D or the
supply chain stage. Moreover, there is a scarcity of effective evidence supporting
the management of external resources to fuel manufacturing enterprises’ innova-
tiveness. The objective of this paper is to explore open innovation in a broad scope
based on a new model, using empirical studies to explore the mechanism for
managing external resources. Therefore, this paper makes a good contribution to
the literature on open innovation strategy.
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 5 of 21
(1) Core role of the leading firm: The responsibilities of the leading firm in an
innovation network consist of harmonizing the innovation objective/vision for the
other members, steering the development of the innovation ecosystem and being
responsible for the operational mechanism (Williamson and Meyer 2012). In
addition, the leading firm also has an obligation to bridge the innovative outcomes
with customers’ requirements, and distribute any benefits to the members in the
innovation ecosystem, based on their inputs.
(2) The winner-take-all logic is challenged: The innovation ecosystem is characterized
by its openness to the public, which means that the differentiation of resources and
complementary innovations are pursued. In the innovation ecosystem, members
make use of their complementary advantages to push the innovation. Meanwhile,
they are able to share resources in the innovation ecosystem to reach a “win-win”
result based on efficient interactions and internal benign competition. The more
qualified the innovation participants are who join in the ecosystem, the more value
is generated that fits customers’ requirements.
(3) Self-organization and co-evolution of an innovation ecosystem: Being a network
composed of multiple stakeholders, the innovation ecosystem features self-
organization, and co-evolution could enable an innovation strategy to shift from
simple cooperation to collaborative innovation (Eisenhardt and Martin 2000).
Moreover, the independent development of individuals gradually transforms into
the co-evolution of the group. In this regard, there should be some mechanisms to
ensure healthy operation of the innovation ecosystem. For instance, qualified
resources may have access to the ecosystem while un-qualified ones have no
opportunity to join in the innovation activity.
resources optimization cycle. In this cycle, various external resources operate dynamically,
corresponding to their nature, to combine the relevant requirements of the manufacturing
enterprise’s business chains. In this regard, an open innovative ecosystem constituted by
different innovative participants and mechanisms can be created. In this ecosystem,
innovative participants collaborate with each other to create user value as the core.
Meanwhile, they share information dynamically through in-time interactions during the
process of innovation. In the internet age, networking tools constructing Clouds are
effective for in-time information communication between manufacturing enterprises,
external resources and end-users when carrying out open innovations.
(1) Industrial entity: Those external resources classified as an industrial entity are
dedicated to helping the core manufacturing enterprise promote the
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 8 of 21
More importantly, strategic suppliers with proven capacities are also indispensable
for their involvement in the early stages of a TOI. The benefit of this early connection
with strategic suppliers is that the enterprise gains access to and can utilize their
technological, production and inspection capacities to combine R&D innovations with
the supply chain. In our study, the commercialization of open innovation findings is
exceedingly difficult to realize substantially without the assistance of a supply chain.
The cooperation between the core manufacturing enterprise and its external
resources is diverse. For example, suppliers are not limited to the supply of materials or
components for the manufacturing enterprise, but they can also rely on their innovative
technology to get involved in the open innovation process; in this case, both sides are
expected to engage in strategic collaborations. As far as universities and research insti-
tutions are concerned, they can carry out fundamental research and joint development
of technology respectively, on terms specified by the core manufacturing enterprise.
Additionally, it is essential for any manufacturing enterprise and university to carry out
talent training projects together, while scholars or experts from academia/the university
can be hired by the manufacturing enterprise to strengthen cooperation with each
other (shown in Table 1).
Table 1 Interaction methods during open innovation between a manufacturing enterprise and
external resources
Center of open External resources Interaction methods
innovation during the open
Category Functionality Major resources
innovation process
Manufacturing Industrial To provide services for the Supplier Strategic collaboration
enterprise entity core manufacturing enterprise and Early Supplier
related to the industrialization Involvement (ESI) in
stage of the open innovation the R&D stage
process, such as engineering &
design ideas, material supply, Partner Set up joint-venture or
testing, etc. enterprise project and develop
innovative technology/
Small firm Allocated research
(capitalized and development
by the
Testing labs Allocated testing and
certification work for
testing labs, or set up
joint labs
Industrialization Venture Capital (VC) or
agent Direct Capital (DC) to
promote the
industrialization of the
OEM/ODM Allocated R&D or system
assembly project
Non- To provide services for the core Individuals Individuals have feedback
industrial manufacturing enterprise during or innovative inputs for
entity the open innovation process in the manufacturing
terms of basic knowledge enterprise
innovation, application
University University-firm
innovation, management
innovation, talent cultivation, collaboration in terms of
science & research
funding support, etc.
projects, talent cultivation,
Research Technology licensing or
institutes transfer, R&D
Innovation Commercial transactions
intermediaries in terms of the
distribution of requests
and collection of service
for the enterprise
Consulting firm Consultation services
mainly including
technology and
management innovation
Law firms/IP Provide lawsuit dispute/
management intellectual property
agency rights services as
requested by the core
manufacturing enterprise
Association Standards/regulations
Government Approve state key lab,
funding or tax
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 10 of 21
hand, they can also adopt third-party innovation intermediaries to introduce more
external resources and commercial cooperative options. Accordingly, a manufacturing
enterprise can leverage its innovation intermediaries as partners for their innovative
solutions/services. In some areas, liaison offices could be set up to absorb global talent,
with the aim of solving innovation issues effectively.
Moreover, it does make sense for a manufacturing enterprise to search for potential
partners for a new project from among the suppliers and universities it collaborated
with on previous projects. For example, suppliers that have revealed innovative techno-
logical capacities during the supply process of materials/components in the past, should
be considered for the introduction of open innovation. There are some joint scientific
and research-funding projects approved by governments or directly undertaken by an
enterprise itself, and universities from past partnerships may also be granted an oppor-
tunity to contribute to open innovation.
(i.) Phase-in principle: No barrier should exist when dealing with the introduction of
outstanding external resources. In addition, the quantity of qualified external
resources candidates must be ensured for the purpose of healthy competition.
(ii.) Phase-out principle: This means that unqualified resources have no space in an
open innovation network. In this regard, cost and time spent on these resources
are likely to be reduced, which helps innovation efficiency and aids the
manufacturing enterprise in reaching its cost-down target during the
innovation process.
Screening Round I: Set up the criteria regarding the requirements for the external
resources’ capacities, which are necessary for an innovation project so that the external
resources with interest in the innovation project can be organized for initial selection.
Hence, the qualified external resources (e.g. the ones with successful backgrounds) are
easily identified for further assessment.
Screening Round II: Whether or not an external resource can offer the right
services/solutions should be checked at this stage. A successful background does not
mean that a particular service/solution is consistent with the manufacturing
enterprise’s expectations. For example, Foxconn is a worldwide leading Original
Equipment Manufacturer (ODM), especially for assembling systems; however, it lacks
expertise in the design and manufacturing of certain electronic components. For
instance, Foxconn is the system assembler of Xiaomi’s smartphone Mi Note, featuring
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 11 of 21
a 5.7″ FHD display; however, the display panel, camera module, and application
processor are developed and supplied by Japan Display Inc. (JDI), Primax and
Qualcomm respectively, and Xiaomi contracts them for these resources rather than
Foxconn during the planning and design stage of the smartphone development.
Screening Round III: The next stage involves the performance evaluation procedure,
in which the external resources will have direct discussions with the manufacturing
enterprise about the detailed requirements. Only those external resources possessing
the correct and applicable solutions can proceed to this stage. At this stage, various
departments of the manufacturing enterprise, including marketing, R&D, procurement
and production will gather to carry out the comprehensive appraisal work.
Screening Round IV: This is the price and volume bidding stage. Generally, the price
an external resource charges will relate to the volume it must supply to the
manufacturing enterprise. For example, if the manufacturing enterprise only needs to
purchase a small batch of components from its strategic suppliers, the price would be
higher than if a larger volume of components is requested. Additionally, some
additional conditions that might include quality assurance and profit and risk sharing
would be discussed at this stage, to pave the way for the contract signing later on.
The selection of the external resources will be decided at this stage, after the above
procedures have been completed without incident. All the terms, including the scope,
obligations, deliverables, and payment terms should be listed in the contract to make
the collaboration legal.
According to the above principles, those external resources ruled out by the external
resource screening mechanism during the above competition and bidding stages will
still have opportunities for future access to the loop on the condition that they make
necessary modifications, while the selected external resources would face challenges
from other candidates. This indicates that the external resources rotate in a dynamic
process using this mechanism. Therefore, for the external resources, there exists
concurrent optimization work to establish a self-rotating cycle. This indicates that the
external resources with qualified capacities, including successful experience, desirable
solutions, competitive service performances and cost efficiency combined with produc-
tion volume warranties, could eventually be filtered out by this procedure.
(i.)Global talent
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 12 of 21
Consequently, a dynamic optimization mechanism could help rule out resources that
were previously qualified but are now un-qualified; on the other hand, external
resources with qualifications but that are outside the innovation loop due to the
comprehensive assessments will still have chances to qualify themselves, and replace
existing resources after making the necessary improvements. In this sense, the dynamic
operation of the external resources could be realized to boost sustainable open innova-
tions. When there is more than just one competitive solution in the market, or the
external resources in a collaboration do not make the necessary improvements within
the allocated time, the manufacturing enterprise should still have the right to choose
better external resources. Therefore, the external resources operate in a dynamic
optimization cycle, but only if the external resources continuously improve their in-
novative capabilities so that they can then be accepted by the manufacturing enterprise
for sustainable cooperation. Otherwise, other better candidates will replace un-qualified
or uncompetitive external resources in the innovation resource loop.
product development to fulfill the market requirements in the near future. Normally,
basic innovation is supervised by the corporate research & development center in
charge of the general technology R&D, standardization and intellectual property
management, which is regarded as a corporate and strategic level department. An
application innovation is closer to a marketable product and may work better under
the management of a product research & development institute. However, both aspects
of the TOI should be rationally coordinated and combined, and share the external
resources to pursue the maximum value for the TOI.
As per the above classification, a business collaboration model focusing on a new
product R&D phase is given (shown in Fig. 2), in which the basic research innovations
and application innovations are managed in the product R&D process. This model can
be a reference for an enterprise to coordinate the phasing-in and phasing-out of exter-
nal resources of the TOI. All inputs/outputs via external/internal collaborations in the
business model will be evaluated dynamically according to the nature of the innovation
project; the result of such evaluations will lead to “Go/No Go” decisions on how to
proceed with the next step. For example, “Go” indicates that the corresponding activity
will continue as it is, or will continue but with considerations, while “No Go” would in-
dicate that the input/output of the activity is not in line with the evaluation criteria,
and should be suspended or should cease to release resources. To cultivate knowledge
management during the open innovation process, such decisions and follow-up actions
should be recorded and reflected in the forthcoming strategy and plan.
A case study
Haier Group is well regarded as a representative for Chinese manufacturing enterprises
in actively implementing open innovation strategies, particularly in that Haier inte-
grates global resources to enhance its technology innovation. Beside, one of the authors
of this paper previously worked for Haier Group for many years, largely engaged with
the R&D and implementation portions of its open innovation strategy. Thus, Haier
Group can be considered as an ideal object for case study. In this paper, the TOI
practice implemented by Haier Group is utilized to further illustrate the feasibility of
the theory presented.
Established in 1984, the Haier Group is a global leader in consumer electronics and
was the leading home appliance brand, as ranked by Euromonitor International 2014.
With its assortment of products diversified towards the global markets, Haier has been
seeking more innovation potential to boost its manufacturing enterprise’s development.
Given limited internal resources, to say nothing of the severe competition in the mar-
ket, it is impossible for Haier alone to provide products/solutions for all its customers.
Consequently, Haier set a target to transform itself from a traditional manufacturer into
a comprehensive service provider, in which the manufacturing enterprise’s innovation
strategy is characterized by the saying, “the world is Haier’s R&D department.”
In our observation, we found that Haier is strengthening its R&D capacities not only
through its internal R&D investments, but also with its external collaborations. As per
the above situation, an Overall Open Innovation (OOI) strategy has been applied and
implemented by the Haier Group since the beginning of 2013, and the TOI of Haier
has since become the benchmark for China’s home appliance industries. As far as we
understand, Haier carried out the following TOI practices:
(1) Reconstruct its R&D system: Previously, there was no clear distinction between
technology R&D and the product R&D departments in Haier. In this case, Haier’s
corporate R&D center had some overlapping functions with its R&D institutes
regarding product lines, including refrigerators, washing machines, air-conditioner
units, etc., which led to several disputes and quarrels. With respect to its open
innovation, the corporate R&D center was put in charge of the generic technology
R&D, standardization and intellectual property management, etc., while concrete
products that entered the market were put within the scope of the product
development institutes. More importantly, an open innovation platform (discussed
hereunder) was created and operated by an open innovation operations team from
the corporate R&D center, and this team targeted the integration of global external
resources to satisfy the internal innovation requirements. Both of the above two
divisions utilized external resources via the open innovation operations team,
and the technology innovation transferring mechanism was used to link them.
During the process of entering the global market, Haier paid a great deal of
attention to its localization strategy, and further refined the R&D system built into
its global networks. Currently, Haier has its corporate R&D center located in
Qingdao, China, where it is in charge of the other 15 R&D institutes distributed
around the world (shown in Fig. 3). In recent years, Haier successively merged with
Sanyo (a Japanese brand) and Fisher & Paykel (from New Zealand) to strengthen its
brand influence in the home appliances industry. During its globalization process,
Haier is making great efforts to search for useful external resources. External
sources are both an indispensable part of Haier’s globalization, from its marketing
to manufacturing, down to its global R&D, and are vital pillars to improve Haier’s
global branding influence.
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 16 of 21
Fig. 3 Haier’s R&D system built into its global network (Source: interview with Haier Group)
more than 60% of the TOI ideas and solutions at Haier originated from the TOI
platform since its launch in 2010.
The working process of the TOI platform is as follows:
Step 1: Register one’s ID and wait for approval.
Step 2: Haier classifies and ranks the incoming external resources, then approves
relevant rights with different levels of access to its project database. For instance,
ordinary customers are only allowed access for posting ideas to the profiles of the
ongoing projects, while those with outstanding backgrounds and relevant
solutions could gain more access, allowing them to provide ideas/solutions and
greater content related to the ongoing projects.
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 18 of 21
Fig. 4 Haier’s technology open innovation platform webpages’ showcase. (Sources: a), b), c) and d) cited
from; e) Interview with Haier Group)
b) Universities: 230
c) Partner research institutes: 417
d) Suppliers: 5280
e) Industrialization agents: 1331
(iii) Total innovative proposals: 5800
(iv) Finished/ongoing projects: 319
(4) Refining the interface between the R&D system and the supply chain system.
Empirically, whether the outcome of a TOI is successfully executed or not depends
on the internal collaboration of the manufacturing enterprise. However, a
marketable new product can be produced only if the interface between the R&D
system and the supply chain system can be refined to some extent. Accordingly,
delegates from the supply chain system join in the open innovation’s organization
and prepare in advance for the forthcoming sourcing and procurement work.
Furthermore, there is another corresponding system called the “module supplier
network” (, which was developed to attract global suppliers to deliver
modules or components in conjunction with the outcomes of open innovations.
(5) The novelty of the proposed open innovation strategy. From the theoretical
characteristics and the empirical case study, it can be argued that the proposed
open innovation strategy combining mechanism is novel, because it is operational
and capable of managing external resources efficiently and effectively.
Open innovation plays an increasingly vital role in supporting a manufacturing enter-
prise’s continued development. In order to integrate external resources more efficiently,
it is essential to classify the resources categories and build a relevant mechanism, under
which the optimization of the external resources can be executed in a self-rotating
innovation cycle.
Moreover, an overall open innovation business model is presented, to identify the
logical relationship between the manufacturing enterprise, and its end-users and
external resources. Additionally, a TOI is specifically discussed in this paper, in which
the classification of the external resources, and an external resources screening
mechanism are analyzed, and shown to help in selecting qualified resources and
excluding unqualified resources from the business model. The outcome could be a
reference for manufacturing enterprises to coordinate the phasing-in and phasing-out
of external resources during the TOI process. In addition, our paper indicates the
feasibility of the model proposed in this paper with the Haier Group TOI case study.
Therefore, this paper has provided a new model for open innovation, enabling the man-
agement of external resources, which is missing in the current literature. The proposed
open innovation strategy model can be useful in other enterprises for efficient manage-
ment of external resources and enhanced performance.
There are some limitations to be further studied including: (1) the authors focus on the
development of a generic mechanism framework; and it would be worthwhile to consider
a particular mechanism suitable for the management of a specific external resource; (2)
there is a need to explore more case studies from a variety of industrial backgrounds. In
this regard, the proposed open innovation strategy combined with the generic mechanism
framework could be further verified and may be of reference for other enterprises.
Wang and Islam Frontiers of Business Research in China (2017) 11:3 Page 20 of 21
A strategic supplier is not only capable of supplying materials or components based
on demand, but participates in the open innovation activities depending on their
competitive technology. Generally, a strategic supplier’s important contribution to a
manufacturing enterprise’s innovation is in terms of its early supplier involvement with
the manufacturing enterprise’s product research and development process.
This study is supported by the China Social Science Foundation (15BGL007), and the authors herewith express their
appreciation for its support. The authors thank the valuable comments and suggestions from the annonimous
reviewers, and acknowledge the editorial assistance in revising this paper.
Authors’ contributions
Both authors read and approved the final manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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