2 Desember 2022

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Profil Profesional Mandiri :

1. Ahli Teknik Fisika

2. Insinyur
3. Cendekiawan


1. Problem Solving
2. Engineering Design
3. Communication
4. Ethic and Professionalism
5. Teamwork
6. Experimentation
7. Learning

1-3 untuk umum, 4-5 untuk dunia kerja industry, 6-7 untuk researcher atau pendidik. Tahapan
Pendidikan merupakan steping stone menuju hasil akhir yang diinginkan


Researcher merupakan pekerjaan yang memperlukan kreatifitas tinggi dan rasa ingin tahu.
Researcher sesimple mencari tahu sesuatu yang belum dikatahui. Kesuksesan oleh researcher di
tandai bukan hanya oleh selesai atau tercapainya hal yang ingin dikatahui, tetapi adanya hal baru
yang diketahui.

Good reason not to choose a career in research :

1. Research is to narrow
2. Outcomes of research are to long term, too much time is wasted in blind alleys
3. I want to become filthy Rich

Bad Reasons not to choose a career in research :

1. I’m not creative enough

2. I don’t want to have to publish or perish
3. It’s too hard to get a good job
4. I want to have a personal life


1. Professir in Research University : Focus on personal accompishment

2. Government Scientist : Focus on agency mission, typically working in teams
3. Industry Scientist : Focus on Company mission, limited publishing
4. Consulting : Work with diversity of client
5. Program Management and Administration

Industry scientist-Product Development

Ada 5 gate :

Gate 0 : Idea Development

Gate 1 : Discovery ( sesuai hukum kefisikaan atau tidak)

Gate 2 : Scoping (Penyesuaian ranah dari ide yang ada, dan penyeleksian ide layak atau tidak)

Gate 3 : Build Business case (Perencanaan agar ide yang di tetapkan agar mendapatkan

Gate 4 : Development

Gate 5 : Testing & Validation

Gate 1 and 2 : Concept Development

Gate 3, 4, 5 : Concept to Launch

Unit researcher biasanya dari gate 1-3, dan gate 4 dan 5 merupakan urusan business unit.

The Importance of Publishing as a graduate student

First Author Publication are important because :

1. Establish your ownership of ideas

2. Show that you will able to publish when on your own
3. Only through those will you get your Ph.D.

Co-autorship important for :

1. Show that you can work as part of a team

2. Show that your work is influencing others
3. Build your H-Index

It’s important for you to good at write to be a researcher

Other aspect of training for a research career :

1. Becoming a T shaped Individual

2. Advertising your work
3. Learning how to interact with scientist
4. Seeking Funding
5. Teaching and mentoring
6. Publication ( Branding Yourself)
Achieving Depth in your research topic

1. Own your research-it’s not your advisers anymore (Initiative)

2. Be aware of and understand others work on the topic (Know the literature and interact with
3. Be uncompromising with yourself about knowing the necessary fundamentals (Understand

All possible topics to Assigned Topic to Topic narrowed by initial exploration to Topic Narrowed to
research questions

Achieving breadth in your primary and departmental discipline

1. Stay Current
2. Interact with Community
3. Read Textbook, Community Report

Learn to give presentation

1. Excelent presentation will greatly increase impact of your work

a. Know your audience
b. Show pedagogical skills in fundamentaks
c. Show your mastery of big picture, exude technical competence
d. Use clear and attractive graphics
e. Use precise Language
f. Make audience Comfortable : be engaged, relaxed, funny
g. Answer Question with ease
2. Preparing a presentation is a lot of work but it’s time well spent
a. It’s critical to your visibility
b. It’s drills you in the fundamental in how to communicate
c. It makes you better understand your work

Learn to ask questions during presentation

1. Asking question shows that youre engaged, it increase you visibility

2. It’s alsp the polite thing to do
3. Thinking about question to ask is an excellent discipline to confront what has been


Researcher is good chances for building network with others. Engage with your group or another
group. Go to meetings. Develop external collaboration.

Applying for fellowships or research dunding is important, it identifies you as go getter and it teaches
you how to write proposals. Helping your adviser with proposal is al valuable learning exercise.
Writing proposals helps :

1. Formulate you work in terms of big questions/hypotheses


What you teach should contribute to your depth or breadth. Teachinng experience is important for
getting job at a primarily undergraduate institution, It fells good to give back knowledge and skills to

What does a lecturer/professor do ?

Dosen adalah pendidik professional dan ilmuwan dengan tugas utama mentransformasikan,
mengembangkan, menyeberluaskan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni melalui
Pendidikan,penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Tiga tridarma dosen ialah teaching,
research, and Social Service.

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