Narrative Writing Organizer

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*Story map to
show students
how their stories
should flow.
*Examples of
hooks to get
students engaging
their readers in
their stories.
*Four types of
transitions with
examples of each.
*Dialogue rules
and examples.
styles of
each of the
TWO pages so
that you can
have your
students fill
in the
organizers if
One page
includes the
story map
and hooks.
The other
and dialogue.
Terms of Use
Copyright 2016 Brittney Briggs. All rights
reserved. By purchasing this product, you,
the purchaser, are granted the right to
reproduce pages for ONE classroom only.
Duplication for more than one classroom,
teacher, grade level, or school is strictly
forbidden without permission from that
author. Thank you for respecting this product.

a big
to these
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Story map:

great hooks to start your story:

Where When Action Character Dialogue
The beach It was early The thunder Tracy was “Stop that,
was in the morning rang out like known for Amanda!”
when I being a girl of
particularly a mighty curiosity. She
warm that received the lion. It Sasha.
was always
phone call.
day in startled looking for
This definitely
Charleston, Katie; she answers to her “Then let
wasn’t the questions,
South way I wanted was go of it!”
which is
Carolina. to start my terrified of probably how
morning. storms. she got herself Amanda.
into this
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Story map:

Rising Action

Exposition Falling Action


great hooks to start your story:

Where When Action Character Dialogue
The beach It was early The thunder Tracy was “Stop that,
was in the morning rang out like known for Amanda!”
when I being a girl of
particularly a mighty curiosity. She
warm that received the lion. It Sasha.
was always
phone call.
day in startled looking for
This definitely
Charleston, Katie; she answers to her “Then let
wasn’t the questions,
South way I wanted was go of it!”
which is
Carolina. to start my terrified of probably how
morning. storms. she got herself Amanda.
into this
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Rising Action: Climax:
Develop the Story map: Make your conflict
problem or conflict reach its peak.
Leave your reader
through a series on the edge of their
of events. seat!

Exposition: Falling Action:

Provide details
Start leading
about the
towards a
characters and

Write a
Hook: conclusion that
Hook your reader to keep reveals the
reading more! solution.

great hooks to start your story:

Where When Action Character Dialogue
The beach It was early The thunder Tracy was “Stop that,
was in the morning rang out like known for Amanda!”
when I being a girl of
particularly a mighty curiosity. She
warm that received the lion. It Sasha.
was always
phone call.
day in startled looking for
This definitely
Charleston, Katie; she answers to her “Then let
wasn’t the questions,
South way I wanted was go of it!”
which is
Carolina. to start my terrified of probably how
morning. storms. she got herself Amanda.
into this
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Story map:

great hooks to start your story:

Where When Action Character Dialogue
The beach It was early The thunder Tracy was “Stop that,
was in the morning rang out like known for Amanda!”
when I being a girl of
particularly a mighty curiosity. She
warm that received the lion. It Sasha.
was always
phone call.
day in startled looking for
This definitely
Charleston, Katie; she answers to her “Then let
wasn’t the questions,
South way I wanted was go of it!”
which is
Carolina. to start my terrified of probably how
morning. storms. she got herself Amanda.
into this
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Story map:

great hooks to start your story:

Where When Action Character Dialogue
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Story map:

great hooks to start your story:

Where When Action Character Dialogue
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Transition words:
Basic Showing Time Compare and Making a Point
Transitions Contrast
first of all after in contrast for example
besides later similarly for instance
in addition then yet as well as
one example first however an example of
next next still in other words
the final last nonetheless furthermore
to begin afterward instead with this in
one way previously likewise mind
finally immediately different this proves
after that sometimes from in fact
then meanwhile the same as
first as soon as unlike
second before on the other
third during hand
one important until

Rule #1 Rule #2 Rule #3 Rule #4

Use quotation Always begin Make sure the Use correct

marks to a new reader knows punctuation
indicate the paragraph who is talking. marks and
words that when the capitalization.
are spoken by speaker Use a mixture
the changes. of names and “May I buy a
characters. pronouns new pair of
“I am coming shoes?” Lauren
“Help me!” home,” Sue Pronoun asked her mom.
exclaimed the announced. Examples: “Yes,” her
little girl. “Okay, see he, she, they, it, mom replied.
you in a bit,” we
John said.
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Transition words:
Basic Showing Time Compare and Making a Point
Transitions Contrast
first of all after in contrast for example
besides later similarly for instance
in addition then yet as well as
one example first however an example of
next next still in other words
the final last nonetheless furthermore
to begin afterward instead with this in
one way previously likewise mind
finally immediately different this proves
after that sometimes from in fact
then meanwhile the same as
first as soon as unlike
second before on the other
third during hand
one important until

Rule #1 Rule #2 Rule #3 Rule #4

Use quotation Always begin Make sure the Use correct

marks to a new reader knows punctuation
indicate the paragraph who is talking. marks and
words that when the capitalization.
are spoken by speaker Use a mixture
the changes. of names and
characters. pronouns
Miss 5th

Narrative Writing
Transition words:
Basic Showing Time Compare and Making a Point
Transitions Contrast

Rule #1 Rule #2 Rule #3 Rule #4
Miss 5th

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