Finals Module8 Korean

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Quirino State University

Cabarroguis Campus



Second Semester
A.Y. 2020-2021

Prepared by:


Course Facilitator
Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
MODULE 8: What did you do yesterday?

Module Focus:

• Talking About Past Events

o Verbs and Adjectives: Past Tense Endings
+(았/었)어, +(았/었)어요, +{으}셨어요
o 못 ‘cannot’ or ‘did not’ because of inability – unintentionally
o +거든(요) ‘It's because ..., (you know)’
o 그리고 and +고 ‘and’; ‘and then’
o Three ‘ands’: +하고, +고 and 그리고

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the module, you should be able to:
 Use verbs and adjectives in its past tense endings.
 Practice conversations using different sentence endings learned.

Situation Dialogue 1

Hyeonu introduces his friend, Kim Minjun, to Paul.

폴: 어, 왔어?
현우: 오래 기다렸어?
폴: 아니, 나도 방금 왔어.
현우: 인사해. 내 친구야.
이름은 김민준.
여기 교환 학생으로 왔어.
폴: 안녕하세요, 폴 스미스입니다.
민준: 안녕하세요?
현우한테서 얘기 많이 들었어요.

Romanisation and Translation

Paul: Eo, wasseo? Oh, you’re here.
Hyeonu: Orae gidaryeosseo? Been waiting long?

Paul: Ani, nado banggeum wasseo.

Nope, I just got here, too.

Hyeonu: Insahae.
Nae chinguya.
Ireumeun kim⋅ minjun.
Yeogi gyohwan
haksaengeuro wasseo.

You don’t know each other, do

you? (Lit. Let’s do introductions.)
This is my friend, Kim Minjun
(Lit. Name is Kim Minjun).
He’s here on exchange.

Annyeonghaseyo, Hello, I’m Paul Smith.
Paul smith imnida.

Minjun: Annyeonghaseyo? Hello?

Hyeonu hanteseo yaegi mani deureosseoyo.
I’ve heard a lot about you from Hyeonu

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

어 oh; yeah

왔어 [오 come +았어(casual past tense ending)] came; got here

오래 a long time

기다렸어 [기다리 wait +었어(casual past tense ending)] waited

아니 nah; nop,e

나도 [나 I; me +도 too; also; as well] me too; I also

방금 just now; a moment ago

인사해 [인사하 introduce; greet; say hello 인사해(casual present tense)] say hello

내 친구 my friend

+야 +야/이야 is the casual form of +예요/이에요(am/are/is).

이름 name

여기 here

교환 학생으로 [교환 학생 exchange student +으로 as] as an exchange student

+입니다 +입니다 is the formal form of +예요/이에요(am/are/is).

+한테서 from (a person)

얘기 story; conversation; chat (shortened form of ‘이야기’)

많이 a lot

들었어요 [듣 hear; listen to +었어요(polite past tense ending)] heard; listened to

Note: In English we say ‘come from ...’ using the present tense (와요). But in

Korean we use the past tense (왔어요) since the act of coming occurred in the

오스트레일리아에서 왔어요 I come from Australia.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Verbs and Adjectives: Past Tense Endings

Verbs or Adjective Stem +(았/었)어 (Casual)

Verb or Adjective Stem +(았/었)어요 (Polite)
Verb or Adjective Stem +{으}셨어요 (Honorific)

1) Casual form
The past tense endings consist of the present tense ending +(아/어) and +ㅆ어. So to create a past tense verb or
adjective, simply add +ㅆ어 to the present tense form:
(Present) (Past)
+ 아 + ㅆ어  + 았어

+ 어 + ㅆ어  + 었어

+ 해 + ㅆ어  + 했어

• If the last vowel of the stem is ㅏ or ㅗ: +았어

살 + 았어  살았어 lived

맑 + 았어  맑았어 was/were fine (weather)

When the stem ends with the vowel ㅏ, only +ㅆ어 is added:

가 + ㅆ어  갔어 went

싸 + ㅆ어  쌌어 was/were inexpensive

When the stem ends with the vowel ㅗ, it is combined with 았:

오 + 았어  왔어 came

When the stem ends in the vowel ‘ㅡ’, it is dropped.

나쁘 + 았어  나빴어 was/were bad (The dropping of ‘ㅡ’ makes 아 in 나ㅃ the last

• If the last vowel is not ㅏ or ㅗ: +었어

먹 + 었어  먹었어

재미있 + 었어  재미있었어 was/were interesting/fun

When the stem ends in a vowel, the vowel is usually combined with +었:

주 + 었어 줬어 gave

흐리 + 었어 흐렸어 was/were cloudy

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

When the stem ends in the vowel ‘ㅡ’, it is dropped.

크 + 었어 컸어 was/were big

• If the stem ends in 하: 하  했어

공부하  공부했어 studied

행복하  행복했어 was/were happy

• If the stem ends in the consonant ㅂ and the last vowel is not ㅗ: delete ㅂ +웠어

쉽  delete ㅂ + 웠어  쉬웠어 was/were easy

• If the stem ends in the consonant ㅂ and the last vowel is ㅗ: delete ㅂ +왔어

곱  delete ㅂ + 왔어  고왔어 was/were fair/pretty

2) Polite form
Polite form is constructed in the same way as casual from except that you add 요 at the end.

살 + 았어  살았어 + 요  살았어요

맑 + 았어  맑았어 + 요  맑았어요

먹 + 었어  먹었어 + 요  먹었어요

재미있 + 었어  재미있었어 + 요  재미있었어요

공부하  공부했어 + 요  공부했어요

행복하  행복했어 + 요  행복했어요

쉽  쉬웠어 + 요  쉬웠어요

곱  고왔어 + 요  고왔어요

3) Honorific form
To create the honorific past tense form, instead of the present tense form +{으}세요, you add +{으}셨어요 to
the verb stem.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

• If the stem ends in a vowel: +셨어요

공부하 + 셨어요  공부하셨어요 studied

만나 + 셨어요  만나셨어요 met

가 + 셨어요  가셨어요 went

오 + 셨어요  오셨어요 came

바쁘 + 셨어요  바쁘셨어요 was busy

똑똑하 + 셨어요  똑똑하셨어요 was smart

• If the stem ends in a consonant except ㅂ: +으셨어요

입 + 으셨어요  입으셨어요 put on; wore

읽 + 으셨어요  읽으셨어요 read

재미있 + 으셨어요  재미있으셨어요 was funy

좋 + 으셨어요  좋으셨어요 was good

• If the stem ends in the consonant ㅂ: delete ㅂ +우셨어요

아름답  delete ㅂ  아름다우셨어요 was/were

+ 우셨어요 beautiful

귀엽  delete ㅂ  귀여우셨어요 was/were

+ 우셨어요 cute

You also need to remember a special set of honorific verbs and adjectives:
드세요  드셨어요 took; ate; drank

잡수세요  잡수셨어요 ate

계세요  계셨어요 was (there)

말씀하세요  말씀하셨어요 spoke; said

주무세요  주무셨어요 slept

돌아가세요  돌아가셨어요 passed away

편찮으세요  편찮으셨어요 was/were ill

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

Task 1: Role Play

Form a group of three and practice introducing somebody to the rest of your group members.
[대화 보기]

A: 어, 왔어?

B: 오래 기다렸어?

A: 아니, 나도 방금 왔어.

B: 인사해. 내 친구야. 이름은 ___________________.


A: 안녕하세요, ____________________ 입니다.


C: 안녕하세요? __________________한테(서) 얘기 많이 들었어요.


Task 2: Listening

어디/어느 나라에서 왔어요? Where/Which country do you come from?

A (region)에서 왔어요. I'm from A.

A 어디에서 왔어요? Which area in A are you from?


어느 which 나라 country 어디 where +에서 from

왔어요 came 중국 China 호주 Australia 영국 U.K.

독일 Germany 프랑스 France 일본 Japan

☞ You are going to hear an immigration officer asking people what country they come from. Choose the
picture that shows the nationality that you hear and write the number of the dialogue in the top row of the table.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

☞ You will hear an extension of each dialogue. The immigration officer is asking people which city in their
countries they come from. Choose the city that you hear and put a mark ' ' in the box next to it. Ready? Listen!

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Task 3: Role Play
Choose one of the activities shown below. This is what you did yesterday. Have a conversation with your
classmates about what you all did. Try to expand the conversation by asking further questions.

[대화 보기 1] [대화 보기 2]

A: 어제 뭐 했어? A: 어제 뭐 했어?

B: 그냥 집에 있었어. B: 시내에서 친구 만났어.

A: 집에서 뭐 했는데? A: 누구 만났는데?

B: 텔레비전 봤어. B: 로버트.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Task 4: Listening

뭐 했어요? What did (you) do?

언제 했어요? When did (you) do (it)?

Verb stem +(았/었)어요 Verb+ed

Noun +했어요 did Noun

A 시(o'clock)부터 B 시(o'clock)까지 from A o'clock to B o'clock


어제 yesterday

언제 when

뭐 what

저녁에 in the evening

+하고 with(people)

그리고 and

+에서 in

저녁(을) 먹었어요 ate dinner

잠(을) 잤어요 slept

했어요 did

친구 friend

전화(를) 했어요 rang

극장 cinema house

산책(을) 했어요 had a walk

책(을) 읽었어요 read a book

음악(을) 들었어요 listened to music

피아노(를) 쳤어요 played piano

텔레비전(을) 봤어요 watched television

영화(를) 봤어요 saw a movie

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
☞ There was a murder last night. A detective questions each member of the victim's household about his or
her activities on the night of the murder. Listen carefully and note down each person's activities in the
appropriate spaces on the time grid. You can either use the letter which corresponds to each activity or the
underlined words as shown in the notes from the first dialogue. Ready? Listen!
List of the Activities
a. 잠(을) 잤어요.

b. 저녁(을) 먹었어요.

c. 피아노(를) 쳤어요.

d. 텔레비전(을) 봤어요.

e. 음악(을) 들었어요.

f. 산책(을) 했어요.

g. 영화(를) 봤어요.

h. 책(을) 읽었어요.

i. 전화했어요.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

Situation Dialogue 2

Hyeonu and Paul talk about why they haven’t finished their assignments.
현우: 리포트 다 했어?
폴: 아니, 아직 다 못 했어. 넌?
현우: 나도. 어제 늦게까지 친구 생일 파티에 있었거든.
근데 넌 왜 못 끝냈어?
폴: 감기 때문에.
며칠 계속 아팠어.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
현우: 그래? 이제 괜찮냐?
폴: 응. 다 나았어.

Romanisation and Translation

Hyeonu: Ripoteu da haesseo? Finished your assignment?

Paul: Ani, ajik da mot haesseo. Neon? Nah, not yet. You?
Hyeonu: Nado. Eoje neutgekkaji Me, neither (Lit. Me, too). I
chingu saengnil patie was at a friend’s birthday party
isseotgeodeun. until late last night. But why
Geunde neon wae mot haven’t you finished?
kkeunnaesseo? (Lit. But why couldn’t you finish it?)
Paul: Gamgi ttaemune. It’s ’cause of my cold.
Myeochil gyesok apasseo. I’ve been sick for several days.
Hyeonu: Geurae? Yeah?
Ije gwaenchannya? You okay now?
Paul: Eung. Da naasseo. Yeah. I’m fine now.
(Lit. I’ve gotten all better.)

리포트 assignment; essay; report (often pronounced as 레포트)

다 all; in total

아니 nah; nope

아직 yet; still

못 했어 [못 unable 했어(past tense form of 하‘do’)] couldn’t do

넌 [너 you +ㄴ(topic particle)] you

나도 [나 I; me +도 too] me too; I also

어제 yesterday

늦게까지 [늦게 late +까지 till] until late

친구 friend

생일 파티 birthday party

있었거든 [있 have/there is+었 past tense infix +거든 It’s because…]

‘cause I was…
근데 by the way; but

왜 Why

끝냈어 [끝내 finish +었어(casual past tense ending)] finished

감기 a cold

때문에 because of

며칠 [몇 several +일 day(s)] several days

계속 continuously

아팠어. [아프 sick +았어(casual past tense ending)]was sick

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
그래? Really? Oh, yeah? (Lit. Is that so?)

이제 now

괜찮냐? [괜찮 okay +냐?(masculine casual question ending)]

Is it/Are you okay?

응 yeah; yep

나았어 [낫 recover +았어(casual past tense ending)] got better

못 ‘cannot’ or ‘did not’ because of inability – unintentionally

You have already seen how you create a negative sentence by using the negative word 안, e.g. 저는 안 갔어
요 (I didn’t go). If you change 안 to 못, the sentence becomes 저는 못 갔어요 (I couldn’t go).
(1) 옆집에서 파티를 했어요. There was a party next door.

그래서 어제 밤에 So I couldn’t sleep well

잠을 잘 못 잤어요. last night.

(2) 나 내일 수업에 못 와. I can’t come to class tomorrow.

내일 면접 시험 있어. I have a job interview.

(3) 나 감기 걸렸어. I’ve got a cold.

그래서 내일 못 만나.1 So I can’t meet you tomorrow.

(4) 시험을 잘 못 봤어요. 2 I didn’t do well in the exam.

그래서 기분이 별로 안 좋아요. So I don’t feel too good.

(5) A: 어제 공부했어? Did you study yesterday?

B: 저녁에 친구가 놀러 왔어. A friend came over to my place

그래서, 못 했어. 3 in the evening. So I couldn’t.

Note 1: 못 만나 is pronounced mon-man-na.

Note 2: In English we use the word ‘didn’t’ rather than the word ‘couldn’t’. But in Korean, if there is some
external reason that is preventing you from doing something, you always use the negative word 못. When you
use 안, it implies that you intentionally choose not to do something. Thus, 못 is used far more often than
“cannot” is used in English.)
Note3: 못 했어 is pronounced mo-t’aessoe.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Task 5: Grammar Check
Fill in the blank with negative particles 안 or 못. The first one has been done for you.

1. 오늘은 일요일이에요. 그래서 (therefore) 학교에 안 . 가요.

2. 포도 안 좋아해요. 그래서 ________ 먹어요.

3. 땅콩 알레르기 있어요 (have a peanut allergy).

그래서 땅콩 버터 ________ 먹어요.

4. 컴퓨터 사고 싶어요 (want to buy).

그런데 (but) 돈 (money) 없어요. 그래서 ________ 사요.

5. 지금 배 아파요 (I have a stomach ache). 그래서 저녁 ______ 먹어요.

6. 아이스크림 좋아해요. 하지만 (but) 초콜릿은 ______ 좋아해요.

7. 핸드폰(mobile phone)이 없어요.

그래서 지금 문자 ______ 보내요 (send a text message/SMS).

8. A: 야, 너 오늘 숙제 ______ 해?

B: 어. 숙제 없어.

9. A: 수미한테 전화했어?

B: 어, 했어. 근데 전화 ______ 받아 (not answering the telephone).

10. 선생님: 숙제 했어요?

학생: 아니요, ________ 했어요.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
+거든(요) ‘It's because ..., (you know)’
You use ‘+거든(요)’ to provide a reason for an action or situation. This is a sentence ending which is often
used in everyday conversation. It can be translated in English as “It's because..., (you know)”, however, this
would be often omitted because the meaning will usually be quite clear from context.
Present Past Future
Verb or Adjective +거든 +(았/었)거든 +{을/ㄹ} 거거든

Noun +{이}거든 +{이었/였}거든 +{일/ㄹ} 거거든

(1) A: 리포트 끝냈어? Have you finished your essay?

B: 아직 못 했어. 바빴거든. Not yet. I’ve been busy, you know.

(2) A: 과제 끝냈어? Have you finished your assignment?

B: 아니. 컴퓨터가 고장 났거든. Nope. My computer’s crashed.

(3) A: 어디 가? Where’re you goin’?

B: 도서관에. 내일 시험 있거든. To the library. I've got an exam tomorrow.

(4) A: 시드니에는 What brings you to Sydney?

어떻게 오셨어요? (Lit. How did you come to Sydney?) (honorific)

B: 회사에서 출장 나왔습니다. I’m here on a business trip.

저희 지사가 여기 있거든요. My (Lit. our) company has a branch office here.

Task 6: Role Play

Practise this role play with a partner. Take turns asking each other ‘리포트 끝냈어?’ and coming up with
reasons why you couldn’t do it. Write your and your partner’s reasons in the table below.
[대화 보기]

A: 리포트 끝냈어?

B: 아직 다 못 했어. 감기 걸렸거든. .

Reason (+거든) English translation

1. I had part-time work

2. I slept
3. I was sick
4. Ive been too busy
5. It was too hard
6. I had too much to drink

7. 차 사고 났거든 I had a car accident

8. My computer crashed

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

Situation Dialogue 3

Minseo’s mum asks whether she has already eaten when she comes home.

엄마: 아까 오후에 전화했었는데.

민서: 그래?
그때 도서관에서 공부하고 있었어.
엄마: 저녁 먹었어?
민서: 응.
엄마: 혼자 먹었어?
민서: 아니, 친구하고.
엄마: 친구 누구? 남자친구?
민서: 엄마! 아니야. 영미하고 먹었어.

Romanisation and Translation

Mum: Akka ohue I called you this afternoon.
Minseo: Geurae? Geuttae doseogwaneseo Yeah? I was studying in the
gongbuhago isseosseo. library (at that time).

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

Mum: Jeonyeok meogeosseo? Had dinner?

Minseo: Eung. Yeah.
Mum: Honja meogeosseo? Did you eat alone?
Minseo: Ani, chinguhago. Nah, with a friend.
Mum: Chingu nugu? Namjachingu? What friend? A boyfriend?
Minseo: Eomma! Aniya. Mum! It’s not!
Yeongmihago meogeosseo. I ate with Yeongmi.

아까 a little while ago

오후에 [오후 afternoon +에(time particle)] in the afternoon

전화했었는데 [전화하 make a phone call 전화했 +었 (past tense infix) +는데] called...
(When Minseo’s mother tells Minseo that she called this afternoon, she uses the verb
ending 전화했었는데. This places an emphasis on her action. If she had just said
전화했는데, it would describe what she did, but with a nuance indicating that it was
no big deal.)
그래? Oh, yeah? Really? (Lit. Is that so?)

그때 (at) that time

도서관에서 [도서관 library +에서(activity location particle)] in the library

공부하고 있었어 [공부하 study +고 있었어(past progressive tense)] was studying

저녁 dinner

먹었어 [먹 eat +었어(casual past tense ending)] ate

응 yeah; yup

혼자 alone; by oneself

아니 nah; nope

친구하고 [친구 friend +하고 with] with a friend

누구 who

남자친구 boyfriend

엄마 mum

아니야 It’s not

+하고 and; with

(When the phrase +하고 (같이) is attached to a person, it means

‘(together) with’. You can omit 같이, with not much difference
in meaning.)
A: 어디 살아요? Where do you live?

B: 신사동에 살아요. I live in Shinsa-dong.

A: 혼자 살아요? Do you live on your own?

B: 아니요, 한국 친구하고 같이 살아요. No, I live with a Korean friend.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?

그리고 and +고 ‘and’; ‘and then’

그리고 can be used to connect two sentences. It is placed at the beginning of the second sentence and operates
like the English ‘And’ or ‘And then’:

(1) 수미는 음악 들어요. Sumi is listening to music.

그리고 철민이는 책 읽어요.* And Cheolmin is reading a book.

(*In colloquial speech, it is common to add 이 when a person’s first name ends in a consonant: 철민+이.
This should not be done with seniors or in formal situations. )

(2) 수미는 저녁 먹었어요. 그리고 다시 나갔어요.

Sumi ate her dinner. And then she went out again.

The sentences can describe two independent actions as in the first example, or alternatively, two actions in a
time sequence as in the second example. Note that when the subjects of the two sentences are different, you use
the topic particle +{은/는} since you are contrasting them as in (1).

As in English, you can also combine these sentences and make them into one. To do this, instead of using 그리
고, you add the ending +고 to the stem of the first verb:

(3) 수미는 음악 듣고* Sumi is listening to music and

철민이는 책 읽어요. Cheolmin is reading a book.

(*The verb 들어요 in (1) is irregular, with the stem 듣.)

(4) 수미는 저녁 먹고 Sumi ate her dinner and then

다시 나갔어요. went out again.

Even though the two sentences in (4) are in past tense, when we join them with +고, we do not use the past
tense form in the first clause, but only in the final clause. That is, we do not say, 먹었고 (wrong).

(5) 저 식당은 싸고 That restaurant is cheap and

음식이 맛있어요. the food is delicious.

As you can see from example (5), you can also use +고 to link clauses that end in an adjective, and the rule is
exactly the same as for verbs.
More examples:
(6) 나는 피아노 치고 I played the piano and

우리 오빠는 노래 불렀어. my older brother sang.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
(7) 주말에 집에서 텔레비전 보고 On the weekend, I watched TV at

한국어 공부했어. home and then studied Korean.

(8) 어제 친구 만나고 I met a friend and then came

여섯 시쯤 집에 왔어요. home around six o’clock yesterday.

(9) 저녁 먹고 I came back home

집에 왔어요.* after eating dinner.

(*This structure can also be used to emphasise that you did not just do the second action, but did something
first. For example, a mum might ask her son, “Have you had dinner?” upon his arrival at home in the evening,
to which he may reply, “먹고 왔어요.” to emphasise that he ate before coming home.)

Three ‘ands’: +하고, +고 and 그리고

1) +하고 is a particle used to join nouns together:

사과하고 오렌지

민서하고 지훈

2) +고 is an ending used to join verbs or adjectives:

텔레비전 보고 공부해요.

아담하고 예뻐요. (petite and pretty)

3) 그리고 is a transitional word used to connect two sentences:

저녁을 먹었어요. 그리고 다시 나갔어요.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Task 7: Role Play
Choose two of the activities shown below. These are what you did yesterday. Talk to your classmate by asking
each other and talking about what you did yesterday.
[대화 보기]

A: 어제 뭐 했어?

B: (집에서) 책 읽고 텔레비전 봤어. 넌?

A: 난 청소하고 (공원에서) 자전거 탔어.

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Task 8: Reading
Read and translate this letter that Michael has written to his teacher after arriving in Korea.

김민준 교수님께


저는 지난 주 토요일에 서울에 도착했어요.

오늘부터 한국어 공부 시작했어요.

9 시부터 1 시까지 학교에서 공부했어요.

아주 힘들었어요. 네 시간 동안 한국말 했거든요!

오후에 스티븐을 만났어요.

그런데 스티븐 한국어 엄청 잘해요! 부러워요.

하지만 스티븐하고 영어로 이야기했어요.

제가 너무 피곤했거든요.

스티븐하고 같이 저녁 먹고 10 시쯤에 기숙사에 왔어요.

내일도 9 시부터 1 시까지 수업 있어요.

그럼 안녕히 계세요.

2008 년 9 월 10 일

마이클 올림

교수님께 [교수 professor 님 sir (honorific) +께 to (honorific)]

Dear Professor (The casual version of +께 is +에게.)

저는 [저 I (humble)+는 (topic particle)] I

지난 주 [지난 past 주 week] last week

토요일에 [토요일 Saturday +에(time particle)] on Saturday

도착했어요 [도착하 arrive도착했어요(past tense form)] arrived

오늘부터 [오늘 today +부터 from] from today on

시작했어요 [시작하 started 시작했어요(past tense form)] began

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
+부터 +까지 from… till…

공부했어요 [공부하 study공부했어요(past tense form)]

아주 very

힘들었어요 [힘들 difficult +었어요(past tense ending)] was difficult

네 시간 동안 [네 four 시간 hours 동안 for; during] for four hours

한국말 [한국 Korea 말 spoken language] Korean

했거든요 [하 do했(past tense form) +거든요 it’s because]

오후에 [오후 afternoon +에(time particle)] in the afternoon

+을 +{을/를}: object particle

만났어요 [만나 meet +았어요(past tense ending)] met

엄청 잘해요 [엄청 tremendously 잘해요 be good at] awesome at …

부러워요 [부럽 envious부러 +워요(present tense ending)] envious

영어로 [영어 English +로 in] in English

이야기했어요 [이야기하 speak이야기했어요(past tense form)] spoke

제가 [제 I (humble)+가 (subject particle)] I

너무 too (much)

피곤했거든요 [피곤하 tired피곤했(past tense form) +거든요 it’s

because] it was because … was tired
먹고 [먹 eat +고 and]

10 시 쯤에 [10 시 ten o’clock 쯤 around +에 at] at around 10

기숙사 dormitory; halls of residence

올림 Yours Sincerely (honorific)

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
Task 9: Reading & Writing
Read the following text and answer the questions below, in English. Also, write about your own holidays.

나의 방학

방학에 친구하고 극장에서 영화 봤어요. 재미있었어요.

그리고 한국 친구들하고 같이 도서관에서 공부했어요.

매일 집에서 한국 드라마 봤어요. 나는 Rain 아주 좋아해요.

그래서 “풀 하우스”하고 “이 죽일 놈의 사랑” 봤어요.

나는 남자 친구 없어요. 그래서 발렌타인 데이(Valentine’s Day)에

초콜릿 안 샀어요. 친구랑 시내에 가서 “Rainy day” 샀어요.

그리고 매일 잠 많이 잤어요. 새벽 두 시쯤부터 오전 열한 시까지

잠잤어요. 아주 행복했어요!

1. With whom, and where did she watch a movie?

2. What did she do in the library?
3. Why did she not buy chocolate on Valentine’s Day?
4. Around how many hours of sleep did she normally get every day?

나의 [나 I +의(possessive particle)] my

방학 school/uni holiday

극장에서 [극장 cinema; theatre +에서(activity location particle)] in a cinema

친구들 [친구 friend 들(plural marker)] friends

봤어요 [보 see +았어요(past tense ending)] saw

재미있었어요 [재미있 good +었어요(past tense ending)] was good

매일 every day

+하고 and; with

없어요 [없 not have/there is not +어요(present tense ending)] do not have

샀어요 [사 buy +았어요(past tense ending)] bought

친구랑 [친구 friend +랑 with] with a friend

가서 [가 go +서 and then] went and

잠잤어요 [(잠)자 sleep +았어요(past tense ending)] slept

Module 8- What did you do yesterday?
많이 a lot

새벽 very early in the morning (usually between 1am till 6 am)

행복했어요 [행복하 happy행복했어요(past tense form)] was happy

Task 10: Word Check

Write down the Korean words next to their English equivalents. The first one is done for you.

a. 어제 √ j. 잠잤어요

b. 언제 k. 산책했어요

c. 아침에/오전에 l. 텔레비전 봤어요

d. 낮에/오후에 m. 공부했어요

e. 저녁에 n. 책 읽었어요

f. 밤에 o. 음악 들었어요

g. 저녁 먹었어요 p. 전화했어요

h. 차 마셨어요. q. 영화 봤어요

i. 재미있었어요 r. 피아노 쳤어요

1. yesterday  어제 10. when 

2. in the morning  11. in the afternoon 
3. in the evening  12. at night 
4. ate dinner  13. studied 
5. drank tea  14. went for a walk 
6. listened to music  15. played piano 
7. rang  16. read a book 
8. saw a movie  17. slept 
9. was interesting  18. watched television


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