Medical Ethics
Medical Ethics
Medical Ethics
• A broad interpretation could mean the moral and not legal obligations that a medical practitioner is
supposed to abide by. However, there are a lot of times when some of the standards known as medical ethics
have legal effect as well.
• It is undisputed that everyone has certain prima facie moral obligations to others that may conflict with the
• However Medical professionals, however, have special moral obligations by virtue of their profession. These
obligations are tied to their roles as doctors, therapists, nurses, and others.
• These special obligations have been expressed through codes of professional ethics and obligations inherent
in the doctor-patient relationship.
• Medical law is made up of bits from a large number of different branches of law: Criminal Law, Human Rights
Law, Tort Law, Contract Law, Family Law, etc
Approaches adopted
• Principle Approach- The four principles are – Respect for autonomy, Non-maleficence, Beneficence and
• Respect patients as individuals (e.g., respecting their privacy by maintaining confidentiality and being truthful
about their medical care).
• Provide the information and opportunity for patients to make their own decisions regarding their care.
• An informed consent is required to be taken. However, if the patient is not in a condition to consent, then his
family members can do so on his behalf. And if it is an emergency case, then the doctor can go ahead with
what he thinks is right according to his experience and knowledge.
• Honor and respect patients’ decisions regarding their choice to accept or decline care.
• In addition to having the right to refuse a diagnostic or therapeutic intervention, patients also has the right to
refuse to receive information.
Act in the best interest of the patient and advocate for the patient. Misrepresentation of the facts or misleading the
patient by giving false information or prescription is considered highly unethical.
Non maleficence
Avoid causing injury or suffering to patients. The healthcare professional should not harm the patient. All treatment
involves some harm, even if minimal, but the harm should not be disproportionate to the benefits of treatment.
Treat patients fairly and equitably. Distributing benefits, risks and costs fairly; the notion that patients in similar
positions should be treated in a similar manner.
• The Medical Council Act, 1956 looks over the wrongdoings of medical practitioners in India. In 1933, the
Indian Legislative Assembly passed the Indian Medical Council Act, 1933.
• This Act was highly criticised resulting in repealing of the entire Act. A new Act called the Indian Medical
Council Act, 1956 was formed and passed which is the current law of the land.
A.S. Mittal and Another v. State of U.P. and others,
The court in this case opined that there is a possibilities of criminal conviction by a criminal code for offence including
moral turpitude as it was very closely observed by SC that medical profession is one of the most established calling of
the world and is most noble of all.
➢ General Medical Council (acting at State level) is the apex body to manage the misconduct of the medical
practitioners. Some additional powers to expel and suspend medical practitioners (if required) have been given
to the State Medical Council.
➢ They are also empowered to enlist the medical practitioners who have faced disciplinary actions.
Indian Medical Council (Professional Conduct, Etiquette and Ethics) Regulations, 2002 (amended upto 8th October,
2016) indicates the duties and responsibilities of the registered medical practitioners.
1. These regulations enforce certain standards which medical practitioners are required to follow.
2. If they fail to do so, legal action can be taken against them and they can be penalized as well.
3. Physician shall uphold the dignity and honor of his/her profession.
4. The prime object of the medical profession is to render service to humanity; reward or financial gain is a
subordinate consideration. A physician should be instructed in the art of healing.
5. No person other than doctor having qualification recognized by the Medical Council of India/State
Medical Council is allowed to practice modern system of medicine or surgery.
1. The principal objective of the medical profession is to render service to humanity with full respect for the
dignity of profession and man. Physicians should improve knowledge and skills and should make these
available to patients and colleagues.
2. Membership in medical society – physician should affiliate with associations and societies and involve in the
active functioning of these bodies.
3. A physician should participate in professional as part of continuing medical education programs for minimum
period in 5 years organized by reputed professional academic bodies
1. Every physician should maintain medical records of his/her patients for 3 years from the date of
commencement of the treatment in a standard pro forma.
2. If any request is made for medical records either by patients/authorized attendant or legal authorities
involved, the same may be duly acknowledged and documents shall be issued within 72 h.
3. A registered medical practitioner shall maintain a register of medical certificates giving full details of
certificates issued.
4. Efforts shall be made to computerize medical records for quick retrieval.
1. Every physician shall display the registration number accorded to him/her by the State Medical
Council/Medical Council of India in his/her clinic and all his/her prescriptions, certificates, money receipts
given to his/her patients.
2. Every physician should prescribe drugs with generic names and should ensure that there are rational
prescription and use of drugs.
Exposure of Unethical Conduct
A physician should expose without fear or favor, incompetent or corrupt, dishonest or unethical conduct on the part
of members of the profession.
Medicolegal Cases
Attending doctor can decide further investigations required by the law enforcing agencies in accordance with the
prevailing law of the land, but the treating doctor decides the admissibility of the case
The personal financial interests of a physician should not conflict with the medical interests of the patients. A
physician should announce his/her fees before rendering his/her service and not after the treatment is underway.
The physician shall observe the laws of the country in regulating the practice of medicine. He should cooperate with
observance and enforcement of sanitary laws and regulations in the interest of public health
Compulsory duties
Unethical Acts
1. Advertising: A physician alone or in conjunction with others cannot make advertisements. A medical
practitioner can make a formal announcement in press regarding starting of practice, change of type of
practice, changing address, temporary absence from duties, and resumption of practice
2. Printing of self-photograph in letterhead or sign board
3. Running an open medical shop
4. Rebates and commission
5. Practice of euthanasia
The following acts of commission or omission on the part of a physician constitute professional misconduct rendering
them liable for disciplinary action
• Not maintaining medical records for 3 years, Not displaying registration number in clinic and
prescriptions, Sex determination tests, Contravening drugs and cosmetics act, Contribute to lay press
articles which advertise themselves
• Using unusually large sign board, Disclosing secrets of patients learned by profession unless medically or
legally needed, Publishing photographs or reports without permission
• Claiming as a specialist when you do not have a special qualification
➢ In this case a complaint was filed against hospital namely 3 doctors the petitioner has alledege of medical
negligence on the part of the doctor resulting in the death of the patient
➢ The SC found the petitioners wife was suffering from drug allergies and doctors were negligent in prescribing the
medicine thus it was held that doctor involved are guilty and victim were award compensated of around 7 crore
for the loss of wife