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ECE 352 Spring 2022 - Homework 1.

LTI system/ Fourier representations

(Due: 11:59pm PST 4/8/2022, Friday)

Problem 1. (Properties of FT) Let X(jω) and Y (jω) denote the Fourier transform
(FT) of x(t) and y(t) respectively. Using the FT and inverse FT formulas, prove the following
properties of FT.

1. Linearity property: for any complex numbers a and b, the FT of ax(t)+by(t) is equivalent
to aX(jω) + bY (jω).

2. Convolution property: the FT of x(t) ∗ y(t) is equivalent to X(jω) · Y (jω) (∗ denotes the
convolution operator.)

3. Frequency shift property: the FT of x(t) · ejγt is equivalent to X(j(ω − γ)).

4. Multiplication property: the FT of x(t) · y(t) is equivalent to X(jω) ∗ Y (jω).

Problem 2. Suppose x[n] and y[n] are discrete time periodic signals with period N . Let
X[k] and Y [k] denote the discrete time Fourier series (DTFS) of x[n] and y[n] respectively.

1. Prove the linearity property of DTFS: for any real numbers a and b, the DTFS of a ·
x[n] + b · y[n] is equivalent to a · X[k] + b · Y [k].

2. Prove the time shift property of DTFS: for any integer n0 , the DTFS of the delayed signal

x[n − n0 ] is equivalent to e−jk N n0 X[k].

Problem 3. Consider a continuous time system H with input-output relation:

Z t
y(t) = H{x(t)} = x(τ )dτ. (1)

1. Verify that this system is a linear and time-invariant system.

2. Compute the impulse response and the frequency response of the system.

Problem 4. (Properties of the impulse signal) Suppose that a signal x(t) is

 1 if t ∈ [−4, 0)

x(t) = −1 if t ∈ [0, 4) (2)

0 otherwise

Evaluate the following quantities using the properties of the impulse signal δ(t):

1. Let y(t) , x(t)δ(t − 1). Evaluate y(0).

2. Let y(t) , x(t) ∗ δ(t − 1). Evaluate y(0).

3. −∞ x(t)δ(t − 3)dt
4. −∞ x(t)δ(2t − 3)dt

Problem 5. (Properties of Fourier transform) Consider a continuous time signal x(t)

with the following Fourier transform:

 1− |ω|

20π if ω ∈ [−20π, 20π]
X(jω) = (3)
 0 if |ω| > 20π

Let y(t) = x(2t) cos2 (50πt). Sketch Y (jω), i.e., the Fourier transform of y(t). (Note that
1 + cos(2θ)
cos2 (θ) = .)

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