Psycolinguistic Features of Teaching Foreign Languages To Prescool Children

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Journal of Positive School Psychology http://journalppw.

2022, Vol. 6, No. 2, 4509 – 4518



1Durdona Alisher kizi Eshboeva, 2Shakhnoza Khikmatullaevna Akbarova, 3Abror

Alisher ugli Hafizov, 4Ilgor Fayzi ugli Asrorov

International Islamic academy, The Faculty of Classical oriental Philology, The teacher of the department
Foreign Languages, [email protected]
International Islamic academy, The Faculty of Classical oriental Philology, The teacher of the department
Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogy (PhD), [email protected]
International Islamic academy, The Faculty of Classical oriental Philology, The teacher of the department
Foreign Languages, [email protected]
International Islamic academy, The Faculty of Classical oriental Philology, The teacher of the department
Foreign Languages, [email protected]

Nowadays, teaching foreign languages in early ages is very important all over the world. Human
receives and reacts to all impressions from the external environment by seeing, hearing, feeling,
smelling. In particular, 6-7-year-old children of preschool age have well-developed sensory organs. The
role of visual and auditory sensations, especially in the mental development of a child, is great. The
reason is that, young learners can acquire foreign languages at early ages. In Uzbekistan, there are a lot
of works are being done. English and Russian languages are being taught in preschool education system.
For that reason, many scientists are working on improving the quality of teaching foreign languages
and investigating different ways of teaching in kindergartens. In this article, psycholinguistic features
of teaching foreign languages to preschool children is discussed. The opinions and experiments of
several scholars are analyzed and necessary conclusions are given. Mainly, the psycholinguistic
features of preschoolers are paid attention to and based on that children’s ability to learn new words on
foreign language are seen as the subject of the discussion. It is said that in early ages children can
acquire foreign languages easily and productively. It is proved by several scientists and researchers.

Keywords: English language, preschooler, teaching, psycholinguistic features, children.

INTRODUCTION in foreign languages has opened the door to

more opportunities for our children.
The adoption of the Presidential Decree No.
1875 "On Measures to Further Improve the Preschool educational organizations are the
System of Learning Foreign Languages" and the primary link in all educational work in society,
introduction of foreign language teaching in the and the first skills of children are formed at this
primary grades led to significant reforms in the stage. Primary skills in children are primarily
field of education. According to the Resolution related to the development of the child's speech,
of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan through which children perceive the world
dated September 30, 2017, "On the organization around them, name objects and events, and learn
of the Ministry of Preschool Education of the to express themselves. At the same time, these
Republic of Uzbekistan" PK- 30305, the skills serve as a basis for the development of
establishment of the Ministry of Preschool children's consciousness, thinking, and the
Education as well as establishment of separate formation of different attitudes to the events
private and state-owned preschools specializing around them, the formation of interests. The
development of children's foreign language
Durdona Alisher kizi Eshboeva 4510

skills from an early age, along with their mother speech activity (Sossyur, 1999). No matter what
tongue, provides a solid foundation for them to language the adults around the child speak, the
become competitive professionals who are child's speech is in that language (Ahmedova,
fluent in several languages in the future. 2014). It should also be noted that the child
develops the same culture of speech as the
According to experts, 70-80% of the primary people around the child, the way they speak.
source of basic information a person receives
during his lifetime is between the ages of 5-7 The research of V.V. Rubtsov and A.G.
(Karimov, 2008). The most acceptable and easy Asmolov emphasizes that children learn a lot not
period of learning a foreign language is the pre- only from adults, but also from each other in the
school period, which is an innate ability of process of interaction. AP Usova, N.N.
young children to learn a language. At the same Poddyakov, A.N. Poddyakov expressed the
time, language acquisition is a powerful tool for opinion that children develop independently in
the development of children's thinking, because the process of practical possession of various
every word a child learns has a certain meaning. objects. However, due to the fact that children's
The opinion of Gumbol'dt (1984) “The interactions are conducted by adults, the role of
boundaries of my language represent the the educator in the organization of
boundaries of my worldview”, is intended to developmental education is very important
enrich the thinking by acquiring a certain (Kartashova, 2015).
concept behind each learned word in the process
of learning a language. This means that it is Theoretical research and analysis of practical
important for a child to be properly educated applications show that this period should be
from an early age in all aspects of a healthy, considered in terms of the child's intellectual
mature development. potential through the leading forms of activity,
as well as their psychological characteristics:
In accordance with the Decree of the President attitudes, interests, abilities. Indeed, the
of Uzbekistan "On radical improvement of the preschool period of a child's spiritual
system of preschool education", the development is a very difficult and very
establishment of the Ministry of Preschool responsible period.
Education this year, strengthening the material
and methodological base of preschool At the age of 3 to 7 years, the child's desire to act
education, increasing the number of private independently begins to grow. During this
preschools, and creating conditions for children period, every healthy child strives to imitate
show how urgent and important this issue is. adults in their narrow social life, but to act
This Decree pays special attention to the independently without their help. It is at this
development and implementation of alternative time that the individual characteristics of
methods of preschool education, the primary preschool children, which are formed
task of educating and educating preschool throughout their personal lives, begin to emerge.
children is the formation of children's speech in Therefore, the full development of a person in
their native language, their oral communication. all respects, and especially his mental
development, depends to a large extent on the
education he received during his pre-school and
primary school years.
The period of a child's kindergarten age is a very
In this article, literature analysis, comparing and multifaceted and active period, during which the
contrasting are used in order to explain the child rises to another high level of development,
importance of the topic. both physically and mentally. Most children at
this age are very active, curious, aspiring, and in
some cases even alert. Even when the child is
Results and discussions: hungry, he can be given food at home, and it is
very difficult to put him to sleep or to move him
A child's speech is developed under the
without moving.
influence of the language of the great people
around him. The natural proof that language is a The famous Russian educator K.D. Ushinsky's
social phenomenon can be seen in the (1959) opinion proves our point: “The basic law
emergence and development of children's of the child's nature can be expressed as follows:
4511 Journal of Positive School Psychology

a child requires continuous activity, but he is development of educational approaches to child

tired of the monotony and one-sidedness of the psychology and pedagogy.
activity. If you force a child to sit up, he will get
tired quickly; even if you force him to lie down, Psychologists have extensively studied the
the same thing will happen; he cannot walk development of the child’s psyche. In particular,
much; he cannot speak, shout or read for a long L.S. Vygotsky's (1996) hypothesis about the
time; but he jokes and moves all day. He often structure and meaningful structure of
changes his activities, mixes, puts one and does consciousness and its development in
the other, but does not get tired for a minute. It ontogenesis made a significant contribution to
is enough for a child to sleep soundly to gain the study of the impact of education on the
strength for the next day”. In his opinion, in such mental development of the child. From his point
cases, it is necessary not to limit the mobility, of view, the process of mental development
which is the main feature of the child's nature, consists of a change in the spiritual structure of
but to organize it in a purposeful way. He noted consciousness, that is, a reorganization of the
that imitation and mobility in preschool children systemic structure of consciousness,
are obvious features. conditioned by the degree of development of
generalizations. According to L.S. Vygotsky
Indeed, man is by nature an imitator at an early (1996), it is possible to enter the mind only
age. If children's play activities are closely through speech, and the transition from one
monitored, it can be seen that these activities structure of consciousness to another occurs due
consist of imitating the actions and behaviors of to the development of the importance of the
adults. It is through them that certain traits, word (or set of words).
behaviors, such as indifference, honesty or
lying, industriousness or laziness, are formed in Consciousness and speech, the effects of speech
children. Sh. Shodmonova (2008) also on the mind, are extremely controversial and
emphasizes: “From an early age, a person have been extensively studied by both linguists
through play activities develops the human and psychologists. Here it is necessary to pay
qualities and absorb qualities of the people attention to different aspects of the concepts of
around him, such as diligence, humanity, "language" and "speech". The interdependence
honesty, integrity, truthfulness, compassion and of language and speech in understanding the
which are the opposite of these qualities like essence of language ability, the formation of
greed, evil, theft, dishonesty, lying, etc.” Later, initial ideas about the phonetic, lexical,
such qualities become stronger in everyday life, grammatical systems of language, as well as the
are absorbed into the child and become personal development of skills in the communicative
qualities. At the same time, of course, the function of language. While developing this
influence of gender characteristics is great. For idea, we can say that the acquisition of the
example, from an early age, a girl imitates her communicative function of language develops
mother's behavior and engages in child-rearing during the dialogue. The emergence of speech
activities, such as puppetry. As for boys, they through verbal activity, and the fact that man
imitate the behavior of their fathers and brothers performs activity, is one of the modern
by playing with toy cars, airplanes, tanks, directions of linguistics, which led to the
playing with glue or grass-made swords, or emergence of the science of linguopsychology.
playing with firecrackers. Linguopsychology is a developing discipline in
The use of external observation in the study of the field of linguistics and psychology.
child psychology is very effective. One of the According to T. Sattarov (2003), the linguistic
best ways to do this is to keep a diary of every possibilities include the formation and
aspect of a child's development, and this is perception of speech units, the mental states of
widely used by educational theorists. The first expression and comprehension of thought in the
diary of the child's development was published speech process, the conditions, the situation, the
in the second half of the 19th century by Charles effectiveness, the mental state of the speaker and
Darwin. Later N.N. Ladygina-Kots (1998) the listener. Linguists A. Sodiqov and A.
published their own diaries on children's mental Kholmurodov (1981) emphasize that in
development. Such diaries have played an linguopsychology, the formation of internal
important role in the emergence and speech in human speech activity and the study
of aspects related to external, that is, other
Durdona Alisher kizi Eshboeva 4512

activities. The problem of linguopsychology is words. Relying on sensorimotor skills, the child
the transmission of knowledge and concepts of learns to express objects, things, their distance,
existence in the human mind, that is, the movements in words. The little analyst learns to
philosophical and psychological features of use new words in his speech on the basis of five
speech to other members of society through analyzers - sight, hearing, smell, taste,
speech, and how it is implemented. observation - to get acquainted with new words
and strengthen them. The ability of children to
It is well-known that speech is a part of the perceive words planned using age-appropriate
human brain. Speakers carry out commands sensorimotics with the help of objects is
from the brain, a process that takes place in imprinted in their memory after these things
conjunction with various sensory and motor have been imprinted as an image of movements.
reactions. Therefore, special exercises to
improve sensory channels and motor skills are The human brain is, in computer language, a
very important in speech training. It is important multiprocessor. As he receives information in a
to keep in mind the importance of sensory synthetic form, he analyzes its voice, shape,
information and emotions in the development of colors, movements, emotions, weight, volume,
the brain and its mental processes, especially in and many other aspects. It gathers, analyzes,
the formation of speech. In addition, since the breaks down "samples" of information, and
impulses from all the senses are combined in the derives meaning and content from a large
field of movement, it is necessary to pay number of synchronous incentives. The brain
attention to the training of muscle sensations. functions equally in many areas, levels,
I.M. Sechenov (2001) emphasized that muscle intellects and emotions. Therefore, the role of
sensations affect and intensify all emotions. That emotions in the process of data processing is
is why movement, movement with objects and very important (Sara Albaladejo, 2018).
activity in the child's game help to develop his
speech. Thus, the activity of speech is influenced by all
the mental processes in a person: intuition,
The word "sensor" is derived from the Latin perception, attention, imagination, creativity.
word "sensus", which means "feeling", Motivation is a strong impulse to study on the
"intuition", and "perception". This means that basis of conscious and unconscious mental
knowing existence begins with perception. processes that motivate a person to perform
Through sight, comprehension, and feeling, a certain actions in a certain direction and help
person acquires an understanding of the things him achieve his goals. Motivation is in many
around him and events. It is on the basis of these ways natural in a child who is learning a new
that processes such as memory, thinking, and world and a part of it, and the way he interacts
imagination are formed in man (Kulmatov, with it. This is the main reason why children
2018). learn to speak successfully.
The great thinker Abu Ali ibn Sina expressed Motivation - a tendency to speak, aptitude, inner
extremely rare ideas about human physiology motivation, aptitude for speech (Jalolov, 2012).
and psychology. In his famous "Laws of In other words, motivation is the desire to do
Medicine" he divided the senses into external something. Z. Dörnyei (2003) defines the
and internal types, noting that the brain is the motivation to learn a foreign language as
center of the nervous system, the human body follows: "A person's motivation to learn a
and soul, and the brain is the center that controls second language is the society of the second
man (Chukovskiy, 1990). language and its purpose is to maintain a two-
way relationship through the adoption of a
F.R. Kadyrova (2009), who was directly second language".
involved with preschool education
organizations, emphasizes that before teaching a Psychologists believe that the most important
child another language, the development of factor in the acquisition of knowledge is
speech in the mother tongue and the process of emotional perception. Active thinking in the
language learning take place directly through classroom should be activated to influence the
sensory perception. The child understands the child's emotions. The feelings of children of
meaning and uses it appropriately because he kindergarten age are related to the satisfaction or
"researches" the things that correspond to the non-satisfaction of their organic needs. Failure
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to satisfy one's needs can lead to feelings of The process of cognition in preschool helps to
unhappiness, dissatisfaction, and anxiety. As think, analyze, compare, generalize, and draw
children become more interested in everything, conclusions. Thinking, in turn, has a positive
they begin to develop intellectual feelings, such effect on the development and perception of
as surprise, suspicion, and confidence. Such cognition, its purposefulness and effectiveness
intellectual feelings are very important in the (Sodiqov, 2013).
development of children's thinking. This means
that the mind can be accessed not only through Each person's speech has its own characteristics
speech, but also through the development of based on its age, level of education, general
sensory perception, that is, seeing, hearing, spiritual and cultural level (Usmonov, 1972).
touching, smelling, and providing taste and Rogova (1988), who believes that the process of
gestures. Through various didactic games and formation of skills and knowledge is sufficiently
educational activities, which are related to understood only when under the influence of
cognitive activity and require a certain level of existing speech experience, has repeatedly
intelligence, the child's intellectual feelings are emphasized the need for a conscious approach to
developed. In children, they develop during play the study of foreign languages.
activities. According to the researcher U.A. Masharipova
The child perceives and communicates all the (2018), the structure of verbal activity or verbal
impressions coming from the external movements, in general, overlaps with the
environment through seeing, hearing, feeling, structure of voluntary movement, that is, the
smelling, that is, through the senses. By the age stages of planning (in the form of "internal
of 6-7, all sensory organs are well developed and programming"), implementation and control.
the child regularly begins to speak in the Speech can be an active, reactive (able to
presence of all analyzers (Abdullaeva, 1993). respond to external influences) speech, which is
constantly restructured and reflects the chain of
Speech comprehension begins with recognizing dynamic speech stereotypes.
words that are perceived differently. According
to Sh. Sodiqova (2013), on the basis of these In the formation of speech activity, it is
process mechanisms lie the nerve endings necessary to develop the skills of full, clear and
produced by the cerebral cortex, with the help of concise expression of ideas through language
which the perception of various speech (sound) tools, as well as skills that allow to clearly and
signals. As the human brain perceives correctly understand the words of the
information, it activates attention, stores interlocutor. The birth process of speech activity
information in the memory, engages the mind, is not always interpreted in the same way by
and activates the imagination. scientists. Its important aspects are highlighted
by A.A. Leon’tiev (2010) in the following
Perception is closely related to the mechanism sequence: 1) motivation - it is a mechanism of
of auditory memory; cognition is based speech; 2) the purpose of the speech; 3) shaping
primarily on remembering and storing the words the content of the speech - at this stage the
of a stranger. Here the ability to distinguish the speaker knows what he is talking about, but still
most important words of the perceived speech, does not know what to say; 4) the transformation
the logical emphasis, the order of the words, and of thought into words.
the character of the partial syntactic structure,
play a particularly important role. In addition, in Psychologist I.A. Zimnyaya (2003) divided
the process of perceiving oral speech, the speech activity into the following phases:
mechanisms of comparison of stored incoming 1) the arousal-motivational phase consists of a
signals stored in memory with standards, complex interaction of needs, motives and goals
standards are activated, and speech processes are of activity as a future result;
activated. Understanding occurs from the
moment an acquaintance occurs. It cannot 2) the estimated research phase, the study of the
happen without synthesis, grouping, and conditions for the implementation of this
generalization of logical operations (Leon'tev, activity and planning, the formation of the
2010). internal content, which is intended to determine
the implementation of the speech activity "With
whom", "Where", "When", "How long";
Durdona Alisher kizi Eshboeva 4514

3) the executive phase - this is a complex set of learning a second language. According to him,
speech movements, and most of them are babies can distinguish sounds in all languages,
operations related to the awakening and while adults can only distinguish sounds in their
perception of the sensorimotor level of speech mother tongue.
(Zimnyaya, 2001).
N.S. Sayidrahimova (2004) agrees with R.
In short, the most important, activating, Jacobson in her research: According to R.
grounding and, at the same time, the most Jacobson's theory, "the phonological
thought-provoking reason for the awakening of development of a child is manifested as a
speech activity is revealed, and with the help of reflection of the initial speech pathology": This
internal speech, the process of transition to initial phonetics is the basis for the construction
external speech takes place. This is an important of a basic phonological system that gradually
opportunity in the planning and organization of corresponds to the model of the adult language
communicative activities in general. that surrounds them.
In the pedagogical views of Tarasyuk (2003), In early childhood, the child needs
the issues of development of children's speech communication, and he does this through the
occupy a central place; she created a certain simplest means of speech. First, speech emerges
system of development of speech of young as a social phenomenon, as a means of
children in preschool education. Based on his communication, and later as a means of knowing
research, speech development is accompanied the world around us and planning one's actions.
by mental development; children acquire their As the child develops physiologically, he uses
mother tongue in the process of learning about more and more complex language units:
the world around them; speech develops in a expands the vocabulary, learns phrases,
social environment, in the process of meeting develops word formation, word changes and
adults and peers; children's speech develops in word combinations, as well as the ability to
activity, in the conditions of expansion of social apply syntactic constructions; (Kadirova, 2009).
relations; speech development management
should cover all stages of a child's life. The idea The process of speech acquisition in preschool
that speech development is to some extent children and their speech development is closely
related to the whole pedagogical process of related to the child's speech preparation for
kindergarten. Based on these ideas, it is learning activities.
concluded that oral speech is the basis of It seems that the mental development of children
children's readiness for school, so the early years is reflected in their speech, so it is necessary to
of a child's life should be focused on the pay special attention to the linguodidactic
practical mastery of oral speech. aspects. In preschool children, the nature of
This means that the process of developing imitation, in particular, has a great positive
children's speech before they go to school effect on the development of speech.
includes the following: Preschoolers begin to learn elementary oral
speech in the family environment, and then in
1) formation of the spirit of speech; kindergarten, imitating adults. The songs,
cuddles, and words told to the baby are the basis
2) development of speech listening; for the development of the child's speech. Any
3) work on the content, form and structure of melody a child hears will lift his spirits and
speech. improve his mood.

The focus of the speech is the focus of the Possessing and nurturing speech in the mother
thought. When a child sees and hears, he tongue is one of the most important aspects of a
perceives what he has heard and tries to think, child's pre-school education and is seen as the
and this is reflected in the fact that he can basis for raising and educating children. During
express it in words. this period, a significant increase in the richness
of vocabulary in the speech of preschool
Children understand twice as fast as speaking. children is observed. A number of psychologists
From the age of 3, a child's brain is twice as and linguists have noted that children learn to
active as an adult's. Kartashova (2015) points speak with difficulty between the ages of two
out that babies and young children are gifted at and five or six.
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From the age of three to seven, children learn the the foreign language is the second language after
structure of sentences. At the age of four, the the mother tongue, the child actively tries to use
first structures of complex sentences are the words in his native language, to determine
recorded. In preschool, a child's vocabulary is the names of the words he knows in the second
developed in the following ways: language, which means that his vocabulary is
1) not all children over the age of one are fluent,
such children are still considered infants, and Knowing the linguopsychological aspects of the
they are observed to have a poor pronunciation methodology will help the teacher to identify a
of words related to the need for food; specific lesson or unit of study for its stage, to
organize the development of students' speaking
2) the vocabulary of two-year-olds is enriched activities and to organize the lesson with the
with the names of their relatives and toys, but following objectives:
their pronunciation is not yet complete;
- a means of developing speech activity - as
3) the speech of some three-year-olds is directed a language teaching;
to them, they use all the familiar things around
them, numbers, color names in dictionaries; - style of speech development - as a speech
4) at the age of four, the children's dictionary is
filled with the names of movements and objects - as a complex development of students'
encountered in everyday life, counting from 10 speech activity in foreign language lessons
to 20, differentiating colors, sizes, food, (Sodiqov et al, 1981).
vegetables, fruits;
The method of speech activity is carried out in
5) at the age of five, the active use of everyday connection with the traditional forms of speech
objects, furniture, names of natural phenomena, activity. Forming a conversation in a child is
names of pets, various materials is observed; listening to and understanding the speech of
others, answering questions and asking
6) At the age of six, a child's speech expresses questions. When a child asks a question about
qualities and characteristics (sour, light blue, something unfamiliar, it should never be left
firm). Materials, knowledge about domestic and unanswered. Whenever possible, giving a clear
wild animals and their children will be and complete answer to the question, creating a
expanded. sense of satisfaction in the child, does not
7) At the age of seven, antonyms and synonyms extinguish his interests, leads to a broadening of
are found in word combinations, the ambiguity his worldview. Children who have unanswered
of words is mastered to a certain extent, artificial questions become indifferent people who do not
words are a process of independent formation of ask questions, are not interested in things and
words with complex structure, selection of events. In children, a dialogic version of a
similar and close words (Palkina, 2010). speech, usually consisting of a question and
answer, is often used. However, the
K.I. Chukovsky (1990) described these periods development of monologue speech is very
as follows: younger children (three or four years important in the development of children's
old) are characterized by a "strong sense of speech. A monologue requires the child to
language". Linguistic ability is particularly high express himself/herself clearly and coherently.
in children aged three to four years. Some Typically, a monologue begins at the age of 5-6.
studies suggest that such “tongue sharpness” in It is at this age that logical thinking begins to
a child weakens by the age of eight. After the develop, the child accumulates a large
age of nine, the flexibility of the language vocabulary, takes over the grammatical structure
mechanisms in the brain decreases and they of the language. The monologue form of speech
cannot easily adapt to new conditions. A child's allows children to tell in detail and consistently
brain has the ability to learn a language, but this what they see, to express their thoughts in a
ability decreases with age (Protasova et al, well-structured sentence. A monologue helps a
2010). child to develop the skills of listening to and
understanding the story of others, retelling a
The same is true for all children who learn a
short, familiar story, and expressing the words
foreign language at an early age. However, since
of the protagonists in a fairy tale. That is why
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fiction is so important in the development of interest, encourages active perception of speech

children's speech. In this case, the role of fairy and expression.
tales is unique, and the child pays attention to the
speech of the protagonists, the words they use Learning a foreign language not only develops
during the listening of fairy tales. In the process the communicative skills of a preschooler in a
of retelling, he tries to speak like the heroes of a foreign language, but also introduces him to
fairy tale, to use those words. In this way, the another culture, develops speech and
child develops a desire to be educated, to be a communication, personal development, self-
hero. In many cases, the desire of children to awareness, self-discovery, self-disclosure,
become a professional in the future is the result generalization, drawing conclusions also allows
of this desire and interest. the development of issues of intellectual
As a child, expressive speech also plays an
important role. An expressive speech is a type of Many foreign experts believe that second-year
speech that reinforces the inner essence of the language skills should be replaced by a fully
information with external emotional formed mother tongue after 6-8 years,
components, reflects the clear expression of otherwise, in their opinion, the development of
interpersonal relationships, and is based on the first language, that is, the mother tongue, will
vocal, linguistic means. It differs from other slow down or remain in place. In particular,
types of speech by its speed and situationality many aspects of the mother tongue are not yet
(Axmedova, 2014). fully developed in children under 5 years of age,
and there is reason to believe that in older
In order to form and develop expressive speech, children the mother tongue is more fully
it is necessary to regularly train all the members developed. When children of this age begin to
who produce speech. There are strong adopt a second language, they simultaneously
connections between spoken voice, articulatory develop their mother tongue and adopt a second
facial expressions, and gestures. These voice- language (Chapelton, 2016). It should be noted
mimic connections are important both in the that during the experiments with children of
production of speech and in the perception of it. different ages, the effectiveness of learning a
Therefore, direct (face-to-face) communication foreign language earlier, i.e. from 4 to 6 years,
is necessary for the formation of expressive was higher. It was proved by G.T. Mahkamova,
speech. In this case, if the meeting takes place in I.V. Vronskaya, A.V. Zhukovas.
a happy, emotional tone, the sound reactions will
be expressive and stable. It is expedient to teach Psychologists interpret the ability of children to
expressive speech, as well as to perceive the learn foreign languages relatively easily as a
speech itself, in a happy, effective way, along phenomenon of imprinting. In the early stages of
with a set of emotional-sensory- motor development, imprinting is the retention of
emotions. distinctive features under the influence of
external objects and some innate behavioral
According to I.V. Vronskaya (2015), a person is actions, which means the ability to quickly
able to perform receptive forms of speech remember and use in speech activities at the
activity, regardless of whether he actively or level of phrases and complete sentences
passively masters the language. On the other (Usmonov, 1972). Psychologists say that the
hand, receptive tours cannot be viewed time allowed for imprinting is up to eight years.
inactively, as it is necessary to activate active According to E. Bakhtalina (1998), if a child is
thinking in order to both listen and read. The taught a foreign language at the age of four or
difference from productive speech is that when five, in three or four years it will be possible to
listening to or perceiving a foreign speech in teach children to absorb a small amount of
writing, the activity is hidden from the external language material and use it fluently in oral
observer. speech.
We believe that preschool children need Apparently, learning foreign languages is one of
motivation to activate their quick thinking so the most effective means of influencing a child's
that they can understand and express a foreign overall spiritual development. According to
language. This is because motivation stimulates N.A. Tarasyuk (2003), "Through language
communication and verbal activity, the child
4517 Journal of Positive School Psychology

develops, is brought up, gets to know the world Reference

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