Sow Muet

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Week Theme Objectives Listening/ Reading Writing skills Language/Grammar Resources/moral

Speaking skills values
Briefing on To revise on Revising on Reading to Write to Correcting students’ MUET CD Practices
1 MUET the listening and skim and hone their speech and their Newspapers
components, speaking skills scan skills at grammatical errors in Currents news on the
Recall/ revision format, individually and in information. writing and their writing. TV
on MUET questions groups. to see their
components. and the skills proficiency. MUET Reference
required to books
excel in the
subject. MUET Effective
Practice book

2 To listen, Revising formats Reading on The process Speaking correctly Texts from
SOCIAL ISSUES speak, read on Individual the process of writing in using minimum fillers Newsweek, The Star
and write on: Presentation and of learning, general with and other and MUET course
-Obesity Group Discussion. re-learning emphasis on grammatical errors. book.
-Bullying -Listening and task
- Green tea effectively. becoming fulfillment, -Writing using correct
-Anorexia -Listening for main educated. language and connective and MUET Effective
Nervosa ideas. -Practicing organization. conjunctions. Practice book
-Vandalism -Speaking rules. the reading -Understanding
- Observing social skills based information in non-
conventions. on various linear sources.
3 ENVIRONMENT To listen, -Listening for -Skimming Report -use of different MUET Effective
speak, read recognizing main and writing : types of sentence Practice book
and write on: ideas. identifying -interpreting structure
- Global -Listening for main ideas. and -simple sentences/
Warming supporting details. -Reading to analyzing compound
- Pollution -Making interpret charts, sentences/ complex
-Acid Rain suggestions and linear and graphs and sentences
- Rainforest recommendations non-linear diagrams.
-Waste in . texts.
Demand -Stating and Essay
justifying points of writing:
view. -
-Speaking with understandin
confidence and g the
fluency. question.
-Speaking using -writing an
correct essay.
stress and fluency.
-Speaking to ask
for and give

4 HEALTH To listen, -Listening -Scanning -Writing Observing social MUET Effective

speak, read effectively. -Reading to descriptive conventions. Practice book
and write on: -Taking notes. get the essays. -Turn taking
- Food -Distinguishing meaning of -Defining -Taking leave The Internet
pyramid fact from opinion. words and keywords. The Star
-Balanced -Presenting phrases. -Giving -Articles (a, an , the)
diet factual explanations.
-Asthma information.
- Cancer -Expressing
agreement and
-Making a
-Observing social

6 SCIENCE & To listen, -Listening for -Identifying -Writing Expressions to use to MUET Effective
TECHNOLOGY speak, read specific viewpoints, argumentativ show agreement and Practice book
and write on: information. rhetorical e essays. disagreement.
-Cloning -Listening critically and linking -Presenting The Internet
-Information and analyzing devices and an argument. -Using logical
Technology information. generalizatio connectors for listing
-Internet -Stating and ns in texts. arguments.
-Modern justifying points of
Technology view.

Cuti Pertengahan Penggal 1 (22 April - 30 April )

7 PEOPLE & To listen, -Recognize and - -Report -Tone of voice MUET Effective
LIFESTYLES speak, read interpret speaker’s Understandin writing -Pronunciation Practice book
and write views, attitudes or g -Rhythm
on: intentions. relationships -Attitude The Internet
-Famous -Infer ring a within -Stress
people. speaker’s sentences -Wh Questions
-Hobbies intention, tone and and across -Managing a
attitude. sentences. discussion from
-Manage a -Cohesive initiating to closing
discussion. devices.
-Initiating a -Rhetorical
discussion. devices.
-Maintaining a

8 To listen, -Deriving meaning -Synthesizing - Writing -Prepositions MUET Effective

TOURISM AND speak, read of words, phrases information reports -Prepositional Practice book
TRAVEL and write on: and sentences from texts. phrases
-Tourism from context.
- -Understanding
PulauTioman language forms and
-Bangkok functions.
- Historical - Asking for
sites information and

9 LIFESTYLES, To listen, -Distinguishing -Identifying - Writing -Subject Verb MUET Effective

CULTURE AND speak, read between facts and cause and expository Agreement Practice book
TRADITION and write on: opinions effect essays
-Famous -Interpreting -identifying
people factual information comparison
- Ancient - listening to and contrast
Indian opinions -inferring
culture / -managing a intention,
fashion discussion tone and
- Poverty -asking for opinions attitude.
- Traditional -giving opinions
Cuti Penggal 1
27 May - 4 Jun 2023


Percubaan MUET

WEEK 11-12
Ujian Lisan

15 Julai

Ujian Bertulis

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