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The Great Salt

Lake Is Drying Up
Here's How We Can Save It

The Great Salt Lake is home to immense

biodiversity and a hub for human
economic activity. Being the largest Saline
lake in North America, it is essential for our
health and the health of our ecosystems,
but it is estimated that the lake has shrunk
2,300 square miles since the 1980s
(Flavelle 1). This has left many Salt Lake
residents asking the question: how we are
going to save it?

Image: (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) ABC4 News

Water Conservation Is Key

In a recent study from BYU about the state
of the lake, one of the highlighted solutions
is water conservation. Not pipelines or
cloud seeding, but simply using less water.
This is the most cost effective and resilient
Image: Grey Jensen method for ensuring enough water gets to
What Does Water Conservation the lake (Abbott 2).
Look Like?
Water conservation ranges from individual
to state levels. At the individual level,
localscaping, turf removal, and sprinkler
maintenance are all ways to save water. At
the state level, "improvements include
designating instream flow and sovereign
lands as beneficial uses, more funding for
agricultural efficiency, and enhanced Image: (Abbott 11) 2022 legislation concerned with
monitoring of water use . These updates water conservation and rights
allow farmers and other water users to
leave water in the streams and rivers
without losing water rights (Abbott 11, 21).
Where Is Our Water Going?
According to the Utah Division of Water
Rights, "tens of thousands of farmers,
agricultural operations, municipalities, and
industrial operations divert as many as 2
million acre-feet of water upstream from
Bear River, Weber River, and Utah Lake
and Jordan River drainages" (Alsever).
Between water diversion and evaporation
lake levels will likely continue to decrease.

What Else Do We Need To Do?

While this has been a record year for
snowpack, scientists state that this year
alone will not save the lake. Candice
Hasenyager from the Utah Division of
Water Resources says that "we have a lot
of deficit to make up from this long-term
drought we've been in" (Williams). There
are multiple more steps we should
consider to save the lake.
Image: Christopher Cherrington | The Salt Lake Tribune

This graph shows that even after relatively

big snow years for Utah, the lake's levels
have still been trending downward.

Scott Paxman, general manager of Weber

Basin Water Conservancy District,
explained that “Even in wet years,
conservation is crucially important, We’re
still in a drought, we still have issues with
the Great Salt Lake, we still have declining
groundwater levels" (Larsen).
Members of a research team from 1. "Set a lake elevation range goal
agriculture, environmental quality and between 4,198 feet and 4,205 feet
natural resources, at USU and the elevation (Williams).
University of Utah highlight five main 2. Invest in water conservation to
points for saving the lake. increase inflows or decrease
withdrawals from the lake (Williams).
3. Invest in water intelligence monitoring
and modeling, so the state can be
"more responsive and effective to
4. Develop a long-term water resource
plan for the Great Salt Lake watershed
basin to "ensure a resilient water
supply for all water users in the basin,
including Great Salt Lake." The Utah
Image: Christopher Cherrington | The Salt Lake Tribune
Department of Natural Resources is
The lake is still well below where it needs currently developing this.
to be. Even if the snow pack is good this 5. Request in-depth analyses on policy
year, it is not enough to get the lake to options, so that the Utah governor and
optimal levels. Legislature can direct the Great Salt
Lake Strike Team to study the most
water-efficient, cost-effective and high-
Why Can't We Build a Pipeline? return options" (Williams).

Ideas such as pumping water from the

Pacific Ocean to fill the Great Salt Lake
have been floated around, but there are
many issues with this. Not only is it very
expensive and would take a long time to
build, Lynn de Freitas, Executive Director
of Friends of Great Salt Lake says, "A
pipeline brings in basically different
organisms that can have an impact on the
ecosystem as we now have it, and that
could be extremely problematic. This is
something I don’t see as a good way to Image: Utah Business
spend time, money, or resources” (Beers).
Most Of All

Most of all we need individuals andf

communities to get involved. People from
all walks of life; artists, scientists, writers
and many more are encouraged to share
information about the lake in formal and
informal settings. Ben Abbott and many
other professionals explain in a report
stated that, “Perhaps the biggest deficit
we have in facing this crisis is trust.
Conservation measures have been taken
throughout the watershed, but many water Image: Grey Jensen
users and providers do not yet trust each
other to shepherd conserved water to the
lake. We desperately need transparency
and shared sacrifice to reinforce trust and
solidarity” (Abbott 24).

Image: Grey Jensen

Works Cited
Flavelle, Christopher. “As the Great Salt Lake Dries up, Utah Faces an 'Environmental Nuclear Bomb'.” The New York
Times, The New York Times, 7 June 2022,

Abbot, Benjamin, et al. “Emergency Measures Needed to Rescue Great Salt Lake from Ongoing Collapse.” Plant &
Wildlife Sciences,

Williams, Carter. “What Can Save the Great Salt Lake? New Report Outlines Possibilities.”,

Alsever, Jennifer. “The Great Salt Lake Is Drying up-and We Know Who to Blame.” Utah Business, 15 Sept. 2022,

Beers, Heather. “Not All of the Ideas to Save the Great Salt Lake Are Created Equal.” Utah Business, 11 Nov. 2022,

Leia, Larson. “3 Charts That Show Why Great Salt Lake Is Still in Trouble.” The Salt Lake Tribune, 15 Mar. 2023,

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