User Story Document

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Prepared By- Diwakar Singh

Date: 12-Jan-2021
Version – 0.2

Version Document Modified Reviewer Approver Reviewer/Approver

Number Description Date Comments
0.1 Initial draft 12-Jan- NA NA NA
of User 2021
story after
0.2 Included 14-Jan- NA NA Add few more user
few more 2021 stories.
Table of Contents
1.User Story…………………………………………………………………………………………….4
2. Glossary……………………………………………………………………………………………….25

User Story ID US_000

User Story Title The main website page
Story Size 21
Story Description As an Investor I want to visit the website so that I can
explore different functionalities of the website.
Acceptance Criteria 1.On the Main website page there should be company
logo on the top left side.
2.There should be other horizontal navigation bar like
Home, about us, Farm Projects, FAQ, Blog, Contact Us,
Sign In and search button.
3.Home – The home page will be the first page that
user can see when visiting the website or mobile
application. On the Home Page, there should be
option to create an account, choose a farm, get
updates, get returns. On clicking any of these options,
user should be directed to the log in page which is
documented as a separate user story. Also, other
details like any updates, client reviews, team
information can be displayed on the home page.
4.The about us option will have 4 dropdowns for user
to select: About us, strategy, how it works and Team
5.On clicking on the about us options, it should be
redirected to the respective pages.
6. Farm Projects – This page will have information
about all the farm investment products.
7.FAQ – On the FAQ page, there will be questions and
answers related to three phases: Pre-Cycle, During
Cycle and Post Cycle.
8.Blog – This will have all the new updates on the
9. Contact Us – This will have company contact
number, email address and Office Address for users to
10.Sign In – This will redirect user to Log in Page.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to view all the option as mentioned in
the acceptance criteria.
8.User is redirected to the respective pages on

User Story ID US_001

User Story Title New user Registration
Story Size 13
Story Description As an Investor I want to create a new account so that I
can do investment on Website and Mobile App.
Acceptance Criteria 1.User need to provide Name which should be not
more than 256 letters.
2.User need to provide Email Address. Email Address
should be validated based on below factors:
a) Recipient Name
b) @ symbol
c) Domain Name (just after @)
d) Top-level domain
3.User need to provide phone number which should
be in the format +XXX XX XXX XXXX
4.User needs to enter password. Password cannot be
smaller than 8 characters and should be maximum of
25 characters satisfying below conditions:
a) Minimum One capital letter should be used
b) Minimum One small letter should be used
c) Minimum One number should be used
d) At least one special character should be used
e) No consecutive digits should be used
5. User has to confirm the password entered
6.User has to agree to the Terms and Conditions by
checkbox before being able to submit the input, if not
user will not be able to submit the data.
7.User is only able to submit and to open the page
through secure encrypted URL by default.
8.After submitting user received an email and text
message with a unique confirmation link and OTP

Assumptions Website and Mobile Application is assumed to be used

by Nigerian Citizen only.
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4.An email is sent to the user with an OTP to confirm
the ownership of the email provided.
5.An OTP is sent to the mobile number to verify the
mobile number.
6. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
7.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
8.Developer deploys the feature into production

User Story ID US_002

User Story Title New user Log In
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to Log in to the website/mobile
application so that I can access my newly created
Acceptance Criteria 1.User need to provide Email Address which was
entered at the time of registration.
2.User need to provide Password which was created at
the time of registration.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is directed to the Landing Page.

User Story ID US_003

User Story Title Forgot Password Functionality
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to reset my password so that I
can access my newly created account.
Acceptance Criteria 1.User need to provide Email Address which was
entered at the time of registration.
2.User need to click on the send password reset link
3.User need to click the password reset link sent on
the email.
4.User need to enter new password on the password
reset page. Password cannot be smaller than 8
characters and should be maximum of 25 characters
satisfying below conditions:
a) Minimum One capital letter should be used
b) Minimum One small letter should be used
c) Minimum One number should be used
d) At least one special character should be used
e) No consecutive digits should be used
5. User has to confirm the password entered.

Assumptions Not Applicable

Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.Password reset link is sent on the registered email
8.On clicking the link user is directed to the password
reset page.

User Story ID US_004

User Story Title Landing page Functionality
Story Size 8
Story Description As an Investor I want to access the landing page so
that I can complete my registration formality.
Acceptance Criteria 1.On the landing page user will be able to see menu
items and Active Investments done. Initially the Active
Investment value will be 0.00
2.Under the menu user should see below items:
a) Dashboard
b) Farmlist
c) Emerald Bank. Under Emarald Bank user can see
transactions, wallet and News Updates
2. User cannot access any menu items unless the
registration is completed.
3.At the top right side there needs to be a dropdown
option with values as Profile, Bank Details and a Log
Out button.
4.When clicked on Profile option it should be
redirected to the profile details page.
5.When clicked on Bank details it should be redirected
to the bank details page.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is directed to the main landing page.
8.All the menu items are visible to user but is not
accessible as registration is not completed.

User Story ID US_005

User Story Title Registration process on Landing Page
Story Size 13
Story Description As an Investor I want to complete my registration
process so that I can access menu items.
Acceptance Criteria 1.Once user is on landing page; user should see a
message saying “Please complete your registration to
access the system”.
2.There will be 2 sections that user needs to complete.
a) Profile: i) This section will have fields like name,
email and phone number. The data will be pre
populated from sign up page.
ii) There will be other fields like Address, City, Date of
Birth, State, Country, Zip Code, BVN and Documents to
upload (passport, Nigerian National ID card)
The entered details should get populated beside as
Personal details.
b) Bank details – This section will have Add Bank
details as a Button. Once user clicks on the button a
new page should open (Add Bank page). This page will
ask user to enter below details like Bank Name(text),
Account Name (text), Bank Account Number (Integer),
Account Information.
3. Once user fills all the information on the Add Bank
Page then the entered details should be displayed to
users with a delete and edit option.
4.Once User completes both the section then only
items under menu should be accessible.

Assumptions Not Applicable

Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User completes both the profile and Add bank
details section.

User Story ID US_006

User Story Title Menu- Dashboard Description
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to view my dashboard so that I
can check various details about my investment.
Acceptance Criteria 1.User can see options like Total investment, wallet,
Emerald Bank and Active Investments.
2.These options should be provided in the form of
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to see all the 4 options as a button.

User Story ID US_007

User Story Title Dashboard – Total Investment
Story Size 2
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on total investment
button so that I can see my transactions.
Acceptance Criteria 1.On clicking total investment option user can see the
transaction details.
2.It should be displayed in a tabular form with
columns like Amount, type, date and status.
3.Search box should also be there so that user can
search for any particular transaction.
4.User Should also see get an option to download
5.When clicked on download statement, a pdf report
should be generated.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to click on total investment button.
8.User is able to access the transaction detail page.
9.User is able to download statement.

User Story ID US_008

User Story Title Dashboard – Wallet
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on wallet button so that I
can see my deposits.
Acceptance Criteria 1.On clicking wallet button, user should be redirected
to Deposits page.
2.It should be displayed in a tabular form with
columns like Amount, type, date, Method and status.
3.Search box should also be there so that user can
search for any particular transaction.
4.User Should also see get an option to download
5.When clicked on download statement, a pdf report
should be generated.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to click on wallet button.
8.User is able to access the transaction detail page.
9.User is able to download statement.

User Story ID US_009

User Story Title Dashboard – Emerald Bank
Story Size 13
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on Emerald Bank button
so that I can see my wallet details and perform
Acceptance Criteria 1.On clicking Emerald Bank button, user should be
redirected to Wallet page.
2.On this page there should be 3 sections: My wallet,
My Emerald Bank and Inter account transfer.
3.My wallet section will have 3 buttons: Fund to save,
Fund to Invest and Request Payout.
4.Fund to Invest option can be used by users to buy
and reserve units automatically whereas Fund to Save
option can be used to keep money in the wallet to
purchase units manually later.
5.When user clicks on Fund to Save button a new page
should pop out which will show the bank details, user
has to input the amount that he/she wishes to deposit
and has to select the payment method.
6.All fields will be mandatory for user to fill.
7.On clicking Fund to Invest button user will get an
option to select the type of farm on which he/she
wishes to invest.
8.On clicking Request Payout, user should be able to
withdraw the money to the registered bank account.
9.My Emerald Bank – This is the place where rollover
funds or automatic funds are stored.
10. System should automatically withdraw users fund
from Emerald Bank and invest once the farm is open.
11. Inter Account Transfer – If user does not wish to
invest in farm then he/she can make transfer from
Emerald Bank to the wallet and withdraw funds from
12.In this section there should be a Make Transfer
Button which when clicked will ask user to enter the
amount which he/she wishes to transfer, select from
dropdown (wallet/emerald bank) and select to
dropdown (wallet/Emerald Bank).
13.Wallet to wallet and Emerald Bank to Emerald bank
transfer is not valid.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to view all the 3 mentioned sections and
can act as mentioned in the acceptance criteria.

User Story ID US_010

User Story Title Dashboard – Emerald Bank
Story Size 13
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on Emerald Bank button
so that I can see my wallet details and perform
Acceptance Criteria 1.On clicking Emerald Bank button, user should be
redirected to Wallet page.
2.On this page there should be 3 sections: My wallet,
My Emerald Bank and Inter account transfer.
3.My wallet section will have 3 buttons: Fund to save,
Fund to Invest and Request Payout.
4.Fund to Invest option can be used by users to buy
and reserve units automatically whereas Fund to Save
option can be used to keep money in the wallet to
purchase units manually later.
5.When user clicks on Fund to Save button a new page
should pop out which will show the bank details, user
has to input the amount that he/she wishes to deposit
and has to select the payment method.
6.All fields will be mandatory for user to fill.
7.On clicking Fund to Invest button user will get an
option to select the type of farm on which he/she
wishes to invest.
8.On clicking Request Payout, user should be able to
withdraw the money to the registered bank account.
9.My Emerald Bank – This is the place where rollover
funds or automatic funds are stored.
10. System should automatically withdraw users fund
from Emerald Bank and invest once the farm is open.
11. Inter Account Transfer – If user does not wish to
invest in farm then he/she can make transfer from
Emerald Bank to the wallet and withdraw funds from
12.In this section there should be a Make Transfer
Button which when clicked will ask user to enter the
amount which he/she wishes to transfer, select from
dropdown (wallet/emerald bank) and select to
dropdown (wallet/Emerald Bank).
13.Wallet to wallet and Emerald Bank to Emerald bank
transfer is not valid.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to view all the 3 mentioned sections and
can act as mentioned in the acceptance criteria.

User Story ID US_011

User Story Title Dashboard – Active Investments
Story Size 2
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on active investment
button so that I can see my payout details.
Acceptance Criteria 1.On clicking active investment option user can see
the payout details.
2.It should be displayed in a tabular form with
columns like Amount, type, date, status and
3.Search box should also be there so that user can
search for any particular payouts.
4.User Should also see get an option to download
5.When clicked on download statement, a pdf report
should be generated.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to click on active investment button.
8.User is able to access the payout detail page.
9.User is able to download statement.
User Story ID US_012
User Story Title Menu – Farmlist
Story Size 8
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on Farmlist menu option
so that I can see the list of farms and its details.
Acceptance Criteria 1.The Farmlist page should display information like:
Total number of farms, Number of Farms coming
soon, Number of farms closed and Number of Farms
2.All the above information that has to be displayed
will be in the form of button and when clicked by user
it will display result in tabular format.
3.The table will have columns like Farm title, Price per
unit, status (closed/open), Interest rate, Maturity date,
available units and action.
4.Under action, investor can view the details of farm
or make an investment.
5.When clicked on view farm option, system should
redirect user to farm details page which should have
all the necessary details of farm.

Assumptions Not Applicable

Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to view the list of farms and its details.
User Story ID US_013
User Story Title Menu – News Updates
Story Size 2
Story Description As an Investor I want to click on news updates button
so that I can see any new updates on the farm.
Acceptance Criteria 1.On clicking News Updates, user will be redirected to
news updates detail page which will have data
displayed in tabular form.
2.The table will have columns like Farmlists, News,
Updated date and action (which user can perform).
3.Under action column for each farm record there will
be a view button.
4.User can click on the view button to check for any
updates on that particular farm.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to click on News Updates button.
8.User is able to view the latest news on Farmlists.

User Story ID US_014

User Story Title Landing Page – Chat Functionality
Story Size 5
Story Description As an Investor I want to send a message to customer
support(bot), so I can ask a question about the Farm
Acceptance Criteria 1.A chat window should be designed and should be
displayed to users on right hand bottom side, on all
the pages (starting from landing page).
2.On clicking the chat box, there should be a message
displayed to customer like “Welcome to the site, if you
need any help then reply to this message and we are
ready to help you”.
3.User can rate the conversation so there should be a
thumbs up and thumbs down icon to support it.
4.User can attach any supporting documents so there
should be an option to upload the documents.
5.User can insert emoji so there should be an option
to insert.
6. The other options that should be given to users are:
a) Change Name – User can change the name, so that
bot recognises the user when he/she comes for the
chat second time.
b) Email transcript – On clicking this, user should be
asked to enter the email address on which they want
the chat details to be sent.
c) Sound on- User can click this to open the sound for
the chat window.
d) Pop out widget – On clicking this user should be
directed to new page to chat with customer support
e) Close chat – By clicking this user should be able to
close the chat session.
7. Once user confirms to close the chat then a
message should be displayed saying “Thank you for
chatting. Hope your queries were resolved. You can
start a new chat session or enter your email and
receive a transcript of the conversation to your inbox.”
8. There should be an email address text box with two
buttons: Start New Chat and Email Transcript.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to open a chat window and see the
8.User receives response from the bot.
9. User is able to perform all the functionality
mentioned in the Acceptance criteria.

User Story ID US_015

User Story Title Menu – Invite Others
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to invite my friends so that they
can also invest on the farm products.
Acceptance Criteria 1.There should be an Invite option under menu on the
landing page.
2.User should be able to invite other people only when
the registration is completed.
3. On clicking Invite a page should open asking users to
enter the email address or mobile number to whom
they wish to send invite.
4.After clicking the submit button the person (who is
invited) should get information about the company,
with the link of company website.
5.On clicking that link, person should be redirected to
the main web page of the company where they can
view all the details.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to see the invite option under menu.
8.User is able to click on the invite option and see the
email address or mobile number text box.
9.Once added, after clicking on the submit button the
link should go the person email id or mobile number.

User Story ID US_016

User Story Title User Writing review
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to write reviews so that I can
share my investment experience with others.
Acceptance Criteria 1.When an investment cycle is over user should see a
menu option as write review.
2.User can write reviews about their investment
3.These reviews once validated will be posted to the
home page of the website or mobile application.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to view write review option under
menu, once the investment cycle is over.
8.The review is posted on the home page of website
and mobile application.
User Story ID US_017
User Story Title Investment Growth
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to view my investment growth so
that I am updated about the consequences of my
investment done.
Acceptance Criteria 1.User should be able to see the growth of their
investment on the farm products that they have
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to see the growth of their investment

User Story ID US_018

User Story Title Rollover Functionality
Story Size 8
Story Description As an Investor I want to rollover my investment so that
it is stored in Emerald bank for me to automatically
invest once farm is open.
Acceptance Criteria 1.Investor can rollover their funds which will be stored
in the Emerald Bank.
2.The system will automatically withdraw funds from
emerald bank and invest once farm is open.
3.There will be 3 types of rollover: Full Rollover,
Interest Rollover, and Partial Rollover.
a) Full Rollover – User can rollover all the money in the
b) Interest Rollover – User can only rollover the
interest earned in the wallet.
c) Partial Rollover – User will be allowed to rollover
some part of the money in their wallet.
3.There will be 3 rollover cycle: 90 days, 60 days and
365 days.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to rollover the money in their wallet.

User Story ID US_019

User Story Title Notification on new farm product addition
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to receive notification so that I
am updated about the new farm products which are
Acceptance Criteria 1.Whenever new farm product is added or whenever
new farm product are up for sale, user should be
notified on email and mobile about the new farm
2.Users WhatsApp number should be integrated with
system, so that notification is sent on WhatsApp.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User is able to receive notification about new farm
products on email, text message and WhatsApp.

User Story ID US_020

User Story Title Receipt of the Investment
Story Size 3
Story Description As an Investor I want to receive a receipt of my
investment done so that I can maintain it for future
discussion purpose
Acceptance Criteria 1.Once user has made investment or added money in
the wallet, user should get the receipt of the same on
email and WhatsApp.
2.Receipt will be a pdf document stating the amount
user has added, product on which user has invested,
date on which investment has been done and
company signature.
Assumptions Not Applicable
Priority High
Status Not Started
Definition of Done 1.UAT tests are approved and tested.
2.GUI is designed following responsive design
principles and a mobile test environment.
3.Source code is uploaded into the Git repository.
4. QA manager provide Sign off that all the test results
are positive.
5.Product Manager provide Sign off that all the
features are properly implemented and tested.
6.Developer deploys the feature into production
7.User receives a receipt on email and WhatsApp
whenever an investment or deposit is being done.
8.It should be in the form of PDF and should have all
necessary data as mentioned in the acceptance

1. UAT – User Acceptance Testing
2. GUI – Graphical User Interface
3. QA – Quality Analyst
4. BVN – Bank Verification Number
5. OTP – One Time Password
6. FAQ – Frequently Asked Question

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