Analysis of Archaic Fireproof Floor Systems

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Structural Analysis of Historic Construction – D’Ayala & Fodde (eds)

© 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-46872-5

Analysis of archaic fireproof floor systems

D. Friedman
Old Structures Engineering, New York, US

ABSTRACT: As engineers and builders developed modern steel framing in the late nineteenth century, the
existing options for floors to span between steel beams were forms of masonry vaults. Many possible alternate
floors were developed in the United States, but few had rational bases for design. Testing programs put in place by
building officials in NewYork City promoted the use of certain systems in NewYork and, by providing a rationale
for those systems, nationwide. Ten systems are described and analyzed.

Conservation and analysis of early modern structure by thousands of years; it is far more interesting from
often begins with the main structural material: we the modern perspective that catenary systems were
have one set of techniques for steel-framed build- popular before beam systems.
ings, another for reinforced concrete, and another for There was no mechanism for the creation of national
those buildings which are architecturally modern but standards in the United States during 1880s and 90s
are constructed using traditional wood and masonry. because there were no national building codes or
This focus is inevitable but tends to obscure secondary authorities. Various floor systems were promoted by
structural materials and systems, which include the manufacturers and contractors, and reviewed by local
framing for facade ornament, structural adaptations building officials who often had no technical train-
for mechanical systems, and floor systems. This paper ing. Empirical load and fire-resistance analysis was
will address the original design and current-day analy- used by some insurance companies, local building
sis of floor systems used in the United States between departments, and engineering schools. After 1896, the
1890 and 1930 to fill in between iron and steel beams. NewYork City Department of Buildings and Columbia
Since iron-framed floors were first used in the University’s School of Mines together conducted hun-
late eighteenth century, floor systems have devel- dreds of tests on samples representing dozens of floor
oped in parallel with the iron-framing development. systems, beginning with systems already in use and
A wood-joist floor is most often associated with wood inviting floor-system manufacturers to submit their
plank flooring, and masonry vault structures provide products. Given the lack of national standards and
masonry floors, but iron or steel plates were not the rigorous testing regime, the results of these tests
used spanning between iron and steel beams. Instead, were influential far beyond New York and long after
combinations of other materials have been employed the tests ended. For example, standard E119 of the
between the beams. Because the designers and builders American Society for Testing and Materials, currently
who used metal-framed floors were usually interested used in the United States to determine fire-rating of
in increasing their buildings’ resistance to fire, floor floor assemblies, is closely related to the New York
systems have typically been made of masonry and testing standard and can be used to corroborate some
concrete. of the older results.
Floor systems can be divided into three broad This paper will review the floor systems that dom-
groups: arches, catenaries, and beams. These cate- inated “fireproof” construction in the Untied States
gories are, of course, the three basic methods of between 1890 and 1930 as well as selected less-
supporting vertical load across a horizontal span, but common systems. For each system, analysis using
unlike complex structures such as bridges where two current methods will be compared with available anal-
(or, rarely, all three) basic methods may be combined, yses from the era of construction and historic test
floor systems tend to show only one method. That data. Discussion will include implications for contin-
the earliest floor systems were arches is unsurpris- ued use and alteration in terms of design load capacity,
ing since masonry vaults predate structural iron beams detailing, and fire resistance.

1 HISTORICAL CONTEXT having a depth of not less than one and one-quarter
inches to each foot of span, a variable distance being
Structural steel technology and skeleton framing of allowed of not over six inches in the span between the
buildings matured in the United States between 1890 beams.” Some version of this was in the New York
and 1910. At the beginning of this period, reinforced code from 1891 to 1916. (Birkmire 1898, no author
concrete was just beginning to be used and was still, to 1899, no author 1901)
American engineers and builders, partly experimental. The first clause allows for traditional brick and
There was not a general consensus on reinforced con- stone vaulting, which was rarely used because of the
crete until the late 1910s. Given the late development weight of the materials and the intensive labor required
of concrete relative to steel, designers and builders had for construction. The second clause allows some
already addressed the need for fireproof floors before segmental terra-cotta tile arches. The third clause,
concrete became common. The use of bar-reinforced centered on the vague phrase “some equally good
concrete slabs never became the dominant solution for fire-proof material,” and led to a proliferation of pro-
floors; after the invention of composite metal deck in prietary systems from manufacturers looking for a
the 1950s, designers and builders rarely used any other portion of the lucrative New York construction mar-
system. As a result, from 1890 to 1960, floor systems ket. After several years of politicized review of various
were used which are now unfamiliar to most engineers systems, the city Superintendent of Buildings, Steven-
and builders. son Constable, arranged for a series of tests, beginning
As large steel-framed buildings were constructed in 1896 and performed by the Bureau of Buildings in
in the 1890s, designers and builders became aware concert with Columbia University. (Freitag 1899)
of an acute need for inexpensive, lightweight and
“fireproof ” structural floors. This need was not new:
1.1 Testing
the Chicago fire of 1871 and the Boston fire of
1872 – large-scale conflagrations that had between The building code enacted in 1898 in New York
them destroyed 18,000 buildings including much of allowed for brick and segmental tile vaulted floors.
both commercial downtown areas – had emphasized Other floors were addressed: “. . . or between the said
the need for buildings better able to resist fire. By the beams may be placed solid or hollow burnt-clay, stone,
1880s, various proprietary forms of terra-cotta tile arch brick, or concrete slabs in flat and curved shapes, con-
floors had been patented and were in use, although all crete or other fireproof composition, and any of said
were functionally similar. materials may be used in combination with wire cloth,
The word “fireproof,” as used at that time, meant expanded metal, wire strands, or wrought-iron or steel
what is now called “fire resisting:” a building or a bars; but in any such construction and as a prece-
structural element that could withstand some degree dent condition to the same being used, test shall be
of exposure to fire without failure. In this paper, “fire- made . . .” (no author 1899)The test defined in the code
proof ” will be used in that sense, not in its literal consisted of three stages of loading on a completed
meaning of withstanding any exposure to fire. panel of the floor in question: first, with the 7.2 kPa
As new ideas for fireproof floors were devel- load in place, the floor was heated so that an average
oped, building officials and insurance companies were temperature of 927 C was kept for four hours; second,
forced to consider how floors built with new, often pro- with the load in place, the floor was cooled by pres-
prietary and patented technology, could be reviewed surized streams of water meant to imitate fire-fighters’
for approval. In the end, the various parties, includ- hoses; and third, the floor was reloaded to 29 kPa. The
ing engineers, companies selling proprietary systems, physical integrity of the floor was observed at all times
and insurance companies, cooperated with officials to and deflection measurements taken during the third
create standardized tests. (Hill 1895) Many of these loading stage. (no author, 1897)
tests were performed in the late 1890s and early 1900s Because the New York code was interpreted lit-
by various agents under the supervision of the New erally, each variation on a system had to be tested
York City Bureau of Buildings, in accordance with the separately. A floor system had to be tested for each
requirements of the New York City Building Code at possible load and span combination for which it was
that time. (no author 1905) sold, leading to over 190 tests between 1895 and 1915.
The portion of the code that defined floor systems (Perrine & Strehan 1915)
read: “All brick or stone arches, placed between iron Similar tests were used in other cities, by insurance
floor beams, shall be at least four inches thick and companies in setting fire rates for buildings using new
have a rise of at least one and a quarter inches to each floor systems, and by builders and inventors attempt-
foot of span between the beams. Arches over five feet ing to prove the reliability of their systems to owners
span shall be properly increased in thickness . . . or the and local building officials. The fireproofing aspect
space may be filled in with sectional hollow brick of of the tests is obvious, but in many cases there was no
burnt clay or some equally good fire-proof material, structural design for the floors beyond the empirical

Figure 2. End-construction Flat Tile Arch (Birkmire 1898).

Figure 1. Side-construction Flat Tile Arch. The “weak

point” refers more to fireproofing than structural load.
(Birkmire 1898).

proof of supporting a high level of live load while

exposed to fire. (Freitag 1899)


The floor systems described here are only a few of

the many tested between 1890 and 1910. They include
the most common floors and a few oddities that often
confuse modern engineers.
The floors are grouped by type (arches, catenaries,
and beams) and in the order that the types became pop-
ular. The earliest floor systems used with iron beams
in the Untied States were arches. During the 1880s
and 90s, various tile arch forms were the most popular
floors in use, and were still used into the 1920s. The
draped-mesh (catenary) floors developed in the 1890s
became the most popular form in the late 1910s and
1920s, and were only permanently replaced by a beam-
type floor when composite metal deck was developed
in the 1950s.
Figure 3. Uastavino section, elevation, and plan (Guas-
2.1 Arch floors tavino 1892).
Neither brick vault floors nor plain segmental terra-
cotta tile arches were tested in New York, as both were Guastavino company achieved fame in the construc-
allowed without limitation. They were typically not tion of domes and long-span floors, roofs, and ceilings.
tested elsewhere, as they were considered ordinary and Two or three layers of thin tiles were arranged with
familiar floors. staggered joints. (no author 1889, no author 1897,
Both generic and proprietary flat terra-cotta tile Freitag 1921, Collins 1982)
arches were tested in New York because neither met The Roebling Arch Floor is one of a class of early
the geometric requirements for exemption. These sys- concrete floors produced by several manufacturers.
tems consisted of precast terra-cotta blocks with thin (Fig. 4) Wire-mesh arches spanned between the beam
webs, arranged as flat-arch voissoirs. There were two bottom flanges and served as forms for stone concrete
major types: side construction, with terra-cotta voids vaults. More wire mesh was hung from the beams to
perpendicular to the vault span, and the newer end con- create a plaster ceiling for fireproofing. (no author
struction, with voids parallel to the span. (Figs 1, 2) 1897, Birkmire 1898, Hool 1913).
The tiles were typically set low, to cover the bottom
of the steel beams, and fill was placed over the top to
2.2 Catenary floors
protect the tops of the beams and provide a base for
wood flooring. (no author 1897) The Metropolitan System was an early draped-wire
The Guastavino Timbrel Vault was an interesting floor, approved in 1899. (Fig. 5) The reinforcing con-
variant on the standard terra-cotta tile-arch floor, using sisted of twisted pairs of wires individually strung
Catalan hard-burned tiles and thin-shell construction across the building, anchored at slab edges, and drap-
to meet the American testing standards. (Fig. 3) It ing over the floor beams and under a hold-down bar at
was not popular for ordinary floors, although the mid-span. Since the wires carried all loads, the slabs

Figure 7. Rapp Floor: wood sleepers to attach finish floor-
ing, fill (“concrete”), brick, and inverted Ts. (Birkmire
Figure 4. Roebling Arch: wood sleepers for finish flooring, 1898).
concrete fill, wire-mesh arch, hung ceiling. (Birkmire 1898).

Figure 8. Expanded Metal Floor (Freitag 1899).

Figure 5. Metropolitan Floor (Freitag 1899).

Figure 9. Columbian Floor, with wood flooring on sleepers,

and rebar supported by light-gage straps over the beam tops.
Figure 6. Cinder-concrete, draped-mesh slab, (Buel & Hill The bottom transverse section shows the double-cross bars.
1906). (Freitag 1899).

2.3 Beam floors

were structurally unstressed and were composed of
gypsum plaster mixed with wood chips. (no author The Rapp Floor consisted of common brick, support-
1897, Freitag 1898, Birkmire 1899, no author 1895) ing a layer of fill and supported by light-gage steel
Draped-mesh floors were first developed under inverted Ts, which span between the bottom flanges of
proprietary names, but the presence of the existing the floor beams. (Fig .7)(Birkmire 1899)
catenary patents meant that the basically similar mesh The Expanded Metal Company Floor is a thin con-
floors quickly became generic commodities. (Fig. 6) crete slab reinforced with a sheet of “expanded metal,”
Various proprietary forms of mesh were used early on, created by slitting a light-gage steel sheet and pulling
but since the floor only required a specified standard the sheet to open the slits. (Fig. 8) The reinforcing sheet
size of wire at a specified spacing, the generic floors sat directly on the tops of the floor beams. The system
were ultimately more common than the named ones. had an overall slab thickness of only 5 inches, in part
As with the Metropolitan floor, the mesh passed over because the beams were at a close spacing. (no author
the top of the floor beams, near the top of the slab, 1897, Freitag 1899)
and at midspan draped down to the bottom of the slab. The Columbian Floor system was an early bar-
Because the mesh wires take all of load in tension, the reinforced concrete slab. Bars with a cross or double-
slab serves only to provide a walking surface and fire- cross section were hung from the beam tops using
proofing. Because the concrete is not stressed, material light-gage steel straps to serve as flexural reinforc-
of poor quality and low strength, such as cinder con- ing in a cinder-concrete slab. (Fig. 9) The typical
crete, was frequently used. (Perrine & Strehan 1915, beam encasement provided the only shear transfer. (no
Waite 1914) author 1897, Birkmire 1898, Hool 1913)

anchored at support.” (no author 2004, no author
The load analysis for the different floor types that
follows is based on current codes except as noted.
Modern code analysis is somewhat simpler with
regard to the fireproofing capacity of the old floors.
Under currentAmerican practice, fire ratings for struc-
tural assemblies are determined using tests defined
in the standard specification ASTM E119. The stan-
dard has been published and periodically revised by
Figure 10. Roebling Flat Slab Floor, showing strap rein- the ASTM since 1917 and carries no authority of its
forcing twisted at the beam top. (Freitag 1899).
own, but is regularly adopted into building codes and
other statutes. (no author 2007b)
The Roebling Flat Slab Floor was basically similar The provisions of E119 are similar in many respects
to the Columbian floor, except that the reinforcing was to that of the New York City tests. The floors
rectangular bars set vertically and twisted horizontally are to be loaded “to simulate a maximum load
to rest on the floor beams. (Fig. 10) (Freitag 1899, Hool condition . . . under nationally recognized structural
1913) design criteria,” the heating is to follow an upward
curve from 538 C at five minutes to 1093 C at 4 hours
3 RE-USE AND ANALYSIS (and up to 1260 C at eight hours if a rating past four
hours is sought), the floor is to be cooled by a pres-
Since the original use of these floors depended only surized hose stream, and the test report is to include
on empirical testing, analysis came after the fact. For information on damage and deflection. Since (a)
the arch floors, there was rarely analysis at all until the the maximum design load on most floors is less than
floors fell out of use, while justifications for the beam the 7.2 kPa used in the New York tests and (b) there
and catenary floors have changed over time. are no standard uniform loads of 29 kPa as was used in
the New York reloading test, the current loading crite-
3.1 Current codes
rion is less stringent than the New York tests. The total
During the course of the twentieth century, numerical amount of heat to be absorbed in the early stages (as
analysis replaced the empirical tests remaining in the measured by the area of the time/temperature curve)
structural design. Steel beam design had been ratio- is less in the ASTM tests than in the New York tests,
nalized in the nineteenth century, and concrete beam the New York tests are more conservative for systems
design after 1900. At the time of the floor testing, all with low fire-ratings. At four hours, the total energy
American building codes were local, created by either is nearly identical between the two tests, so that a sys-
municipalities or states. Regional and national codes tem that passed the New York test would be assigned
were only established later, and have only allowed a four-hour rating using the ASTM test. Only when
analysis-based structural design. In the case of New the tests are continued past four hours does the total
York, the 1916 building code removed the testing energy in the ASTM test exceed that of the New York
requirement in favor of analytic design. This code was test. As few floor systems are now required to have rat-
revised but kept in use until 1968, when an entirely ings greater than three hours, it can be generally stated
rewritten code was put into effect. All references to that any floor that passed the New York test has effec-
tile arches or other masonry floors were removed, but tively passed the ASTM test and can be considered to
draped-mesh slabs remained as “Short-span concrete have a four-hour fire rating if it has been maintained
floor and roof construction supported on steel beams.” in its original state.
The formulas for minimum allowable slab thickness The most significant difference between the New
and wire stress were the same as the old code, and York tests and the ASTM test is one of perception: the
values were given for stone concrete and unspecified- older tests were used as proof of both fire-resistance
material “lightweight aggregate concrete.” This code and structural load capacity, while the current tests
remained in effect, with revisions, until July of 2007, are used only to determine fire ratings for assemblies
when it was superseded by a local version of the 2003 assumes to have been already numerically designed
International Building Code, with a one-year overlap for structural loads. This gap is less of a problem for
until the summer of 2008.The new code retains one last existing buildings than it might appear, since the cur-
vestige of the old floors: a statement that wire mesh rent building codes allow existing structure to be load
reinforcing “is permitted to be curved from a point tested to prove capacity, in a manner reminiscent of
near the top of the slab over the support to a point the historic tests.
near the bottom of the slab at midspan, provided such The use of historic test data, common among engi-
reinforcement is either continuous over, or securely neers, has been given a government imprimatur in the

form of a guide to fire ratings on historic structures A modern simplified formula for arch thrust used by
compiled by the US National Institute of Building the Brick Industry Association is H = 3 WS/8d, where
Sciences and published by the federal Department of H is the thrust, W is the total uniform load, S is the span,
Housing and Urban Development. (no author 2000) and d is the arch depth. (no author 1986) Again, the
This guide is a compilation of historic and modern analysis is for a unit width of arch. In this case, the main
tests on various types of building elements, including simplifying assumption, represented by the “3” in the
floor systems. Gypsum slabs, terra-cotta tile arches, formula, is that the thrust line is within the middle
and tile and concrete rib systems are all included and third of the arch height. This is more conservative than
assigned fire ratings of up to four hours. While the the older formula in that it increases the thrust force
guide does not comprehensively address all of the by confining its path. Using the previous example, the
floor systems of interest, it does provide an official thrust is 34 N/mm and the net compression on the webs
opinion on some and it does show that the reuse of his- is 0.93 MPa, which is still within the capacity of clay
toric test data can be an officially-accepted method of masonry.
research. The formulas for segmental arches do not require
the complicated assumptions regarding the location of
the thrust curve: it is taken within the curve of the vault.
3.2 Arch analysis Since the floor vaults based on segmental curves typi-
cally support fill above, a thrust line that extends past
Arch analysis is one of the oldest problems in structural
the vault material on the top side and passes through
design. In ordinary masonry practice, symmetrical and
the fill may still be viable.
uniformly loaded arches are rarely dependent on the
Using the Guastavino vault as an example of a
compressive strength of the material, but the terra cotta
segmental-arch floor, with a span of 1830 mm and
tile used in the floors was often weaker than stone or
a rise of 150 mm, the average total load is 7.9 kPa,
ordinary brick, and was used in thin webs vulnerable
with the extra dead load resulting the deeper fill over
to local concentrations in stress.
the arch ends. The basic thrust formula, H = WS/8d,
Among the various formulas developed for masonry
gives a thrust of 22 N/mm. Unlike terra cotta vaults, the
arches exists a class of simplified formulas for minor
stress in a Guastavino vault is evenly distributed along
arches – those with short spans and low rises. In such
the solid masonry section, so with a vault thickness of
cases, the formulas also include the assumptions for
75 mm, the compressive stress is 0.29 MPa.
a flat arch of uniform loading and a specific location
Finally, the Roebling arch is the simplest of the type.
for the thrust line.
The minimum arch depth is the distance from the floor
A simplified formula suggested while terra-cotta
to the top of the arch center, and the material is stone
floors were still in use is H = WS / 8D, where H is
concrete, with a compressive strength in the range of
the thrust, W is the total uniform load, S is the span,
14 MPa, so an analysis similar to the Guastavino floor
and D is the effective rise of the arch. This formula
shows a gross over-capacity.
assumes that the thrust line curve was 61 mm less than
the height of the terra cotta blocks, as D is the total
arch depth minus 61 mm. (no author 1919) Note that
the load and analysis are for a unit width of arch. In this 3.3 Catenary analysis
case, the main simplifying assumption, represented by Analyses for catenaries with fixed supports were avail-
the use of D rather than the arch depth is that the thrust able in the late nineteenth century, both as general
line curve is proportional to the block depth excluding formulas based on statics and simplified formulas that
the lower portion of the blocks which extend below the became part of building codes and manufacturers’ rec-
steel beams. For example, a typical application span- ommendations during the first half of the twentieth
ning 1830 mm between beams and consisting of wood century.
flooring, 125 mm inches of cinder fill, 254 mm deep One of the simplified catenary formulas that was
terra cotta blocks making up the flat arch, 12 mm of publicized by the wire-products division of United
plaster on the block soffits as a ceiling, and an office States Steel was also incorporated in the New York
live load of 2.9 kPa, had a total weight, including steel City Building Code in 1916 (no author 1944) This for-
framing, of 6.8 kPa. This translates to an arch thrust of mula is W = 3CAs / L2 where W is the total allowable
15 N/mm to be carried by tie rods from beam to beam. floor load, L is the beam-to-beam centerline spac-
A typical terra cotta block had 19 mm thick webs ing , As is the unit wire cross-sectional area, and
at 100 mm spacing. Since the horizontal webs are ori- C is a constant representing the maximum allowable
ented incorrectly to carry the arch thrust, the thrust wire stress and equal to 138 MPa. The referenced ver-
must lie entirely within the vertical webs. With an sions of this formula refer to stone or cinder-concrete
effective web area of 254–61 or 193 mm by 19 mm, the slabs; however, the results also agree closely with the
compression in the terra cotta is .41 MPa, well within stated capacities of the Metropolitan Floor’s gypsum
the allowable range for clay masonry. slab. It should be noted that the maximum allowable

tension in the wire of 138 MPa is very low for steel moment (the distance from the centroid of the tri-
wire produced after 1900. The minimum yield stress angular elastic compression block to the centroid of
expected in historic wire systems has been conserva- the reinforcing) is jd, where j = 1 − k/3. The resisting
tively established as 345 MPa. (no author 1981) Given moment is the lesser of the two calculated moments
that current reinforced-concrete codes have combined Ms = As fs jd and Mc = fc kjbd2 /2, where Ms is the max-
safety factors in the range of 1.5 to 1.8, it is evident imum resisting moment if the slab is under-reinforced
that there is excess capacity in the wire in the original and steel yield controls, As is the reinforcing area in
designs. square inches per foot, fs is the allowable tensile stress
For example, in a 100 mm-thick draped-mesh slab in the steel, Mc is the maximum resisting moment if
with a 1830 mm span, the total load based on wood the slab is over-reinforced and concrete crushing con-
flooring, the cinder-concrete slab, 12 mm of plaster on trols, and fc is the allowable compressive stress in the
the soffit as a finish ceiling, and an office live load concrete.
of 2.9 kPa was 5.1 kPa. With mesh reinforcing of 8- For example, the code-enforced maximum stress
gage (4.2 mm diameter) wire at 75 mm spacing, the values would show a 100 mm stone-concrete slab
maximum allowable load is 41 KPa. with 6 mm diameter bars at 150 mm on center, and
A more basic formula derived from statics by spanning 2440 mm, to have a maximum allowable
approximating the catenary curve as a parabola (a rea- moment of 4.9 kN-m/m, or a maximum total load of
sonable assumption since the actual wire curve is not 6.5 kPa, compared to the 7.2 kPa allowed from testing
particularly accurate) is T = (wsL2 / 8 h) + wsh where the same floor. This is not a hypothetical compari-
T is the tension in a wire, w is the combined dead and son: the Monier Floor System, which was essentially
live load, s is the wire spacing, L is the span, and h is a numerically-designed, modern reinforced concrete
the wire sag. By setting T equal to the allowable ten- slab as used in the in Europe, was tested for use in
sile stress (Ta ) multiplied by the wire cross-sectional New York by 1900. If the current American Concrete
area (As ), the maximum floor load can be deter- Institute code and ultimate-stress theory is used on the
mined as W = 8 hTaAs / (sL2 + 8 sh2 ). In the previous same slab, assuming the 14 Mpa concrete often used
example, using the 138 MPa maximum stress in the in that era and a steel yield stress of 138 MPa based on
wire and assuming a wire sag of 75 mm for the 100 mm the weakest available reinforcing steel bars, the maxi-
slab thickness, the allowable load per square foot mum allowable moment is 8.5 kN-m/m, and, assuming
is 25 kPa. that the dead load to live load ratio is approximately 1,
In a Metropolitan floor example using the simpli- a maximum unfactored total load of 8.0 kPa.
fied formula, with pairs of 12-gage (2.8 mm diameter) The Columbia and Roebling Flat Slab floors can
wire at 25 mm spacing and a 1830 mm span, the total be analyzed like any other reinforced slab as long as
load capacity is 36 kPa. Using the basic formula, the certain restrictions are observed: the bars must be con-
total load capacity is 22 kPa. verted to a cross-sectional area per unit width of slab,
In short, the catenary floors show the excess capac- the slab strength must be adjusted to match the mate-
ity required to pass the load test. rial, and the lack of deformations must be accounted
for by a check on the development length of the bars.
The Expanded Metal Floor can be analyzed using
3.4 Beam analysis ordinary reinforced-concrete formulas and converting
the cross-sectional area of the expanded-metal sheet
Beam theory is generally more complex than arch or
into the bar equivalent.
catenary theory as long as fixed supports are assumed.
The analysis of the Rapp Floor, a beam-type floor
In addition, the design of reinforced concrete in the
that did not rely on reinforced concrete, is simpler. The
United States at the time of the testing was ham-
bricks spanning 200 mm and the light-gage Ts span-
pered by over-conservative allowable stresses. When
ning the beam-to-beam spacing can be checked for
the New York code was amended in 1911 to allow use
maximum stress using a simple beam formula.
of reinforced-concrete floors proved by analysis rather
than by testing, the maximum compression in the con-
crete was limited to 4,5 MPa, the maximum tension 4 CONCLUSIONS
in the reinforcing was limited to 110 MPa, and n, the
ratio of the elastic moduli, was fixed at 15. (Waite The simplest result of the analysis is the conclusion
1914) Only elastic concrete theory was in common that these floors can be demonstrated to pass mod-
use at the time, and using the notation common for ern requirements for fire resistance and load capacity.
that theory, the location of the neutral axis from the In the course of renovation projects, many engineers
compression face of the slab is kd, where d is the depth and contractors prefer the removal of unfamiliar and
from the compression face of the slab to the centroid of archaic structural elements rather than their reuse, even
the reinforcing and the ratio k = (2 pn + p2 n2 )0.5 − pn, if no damage is visible. The explanation for this behav-
where p is the reinforcing ratio.The arm of the resisting ior is often “better to be safe than sorry,” as if the reuse

of existing structure that has functioned properly for no author. 1919. Pocket Companion for Engineers, Architects
decades is somehow unsafe. It must be emphasized and Builders Containing Useful Information and Tables
that unknown structural capacity and fireproofing are Appertaining to the Use of Steel. Pittsburgh: Carnegie
not excuses for the wholesale demolition of historic Steel Company.
no author. 1944. American Welded Wire Fabric for Concrete
fabric that often takes place, leaving a historic facade Reinforcement. Pittsburgh: United States Steel Corpora-
covering an essentially new building. It is incumbent tion.
upon the engineers involved to investigate unfamil- no author. 1981. Evaluation of Reinforcing Steel Systems in
iar structures and find methods by which they can be Old Reinforced Concrete Structures. Chicago: Concrete
analyzed. Reinforcing Steel Institute.
This is not to say that there are no difficulties in no author. 1986. “Technical Note 31a – Structural Design of
reuse once an archaic floor is analyzed. There may be Brick Masonry Arches.” Reston, Virginia: Brick Industry
damage to the floors, particularly with the more frag- Association.
ile systems such as tile arches, that reduce their load no author. 2000. Fire Ratings of Archaic Materials and
Assemblies: Guideline on Fire Ratings of Archaic Mate-
capacity or fire protective abilities. Modern seismic rials and Assemblies. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department
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