Casio Chemical Equilibrium

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2−¿ 2−¿
8. Cr 2 O7(aq) + H 2 O(l) → 2CrO ¿ +2 H (aq) ¿ ¿. What happens to the reactive
1. Consider the reaction A + 2B (g) ⇌ C + D(g) ΔH = tve. What will be the effect above when the hydrogen ion concentration is increased? (a) The
of decrease in temperature on the reaction? (a) Rate of backward reaction equilibrium position will shift to the left (b) more of the products will be
will increase (b) The equilibrium constant will shift (c) Rate of forward and formed (c) the reaction will not proceed (d) the equilibrium position will
backward reaction are not affected (d) Rate of forward reaction will increase shift to the right

2. Pcl5(g) → Pcl3(g) + Cl2(g). In the reaction above, an increase in pressure will (a) −1
9. 2 SO 2 (g) +O2(g ) → 2 SO 3 (g) ∆ H=−395 KJmol . In the reaction above, the
decelerate the reaction (b) increase the yield of Pcl 3 (c) increase the yield of
Pcl5 (d) accelerate the reaction concentration SO 3(g) can be increased by (a) increasing the temperature (b)
the addition of catalysts (c) decreasing the pressure (d) decreasing the
3. 2SO2 + O2 → 2SO2 ΔH = xkj. A decrease in temperature will (a) shift the temperature
equilibrium position backward (b) favour the forward reaction (c) decrease
the formation of SO2 (d) increase in concentration of O2 10. 3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) ⇌ Fe3O4(s) + 4H2(g). The equilibrium constant k of the
[ H ¿¿ 2]
reaction above is represented as (a) ¿ (b)
4. 2H2(g) + O2(g) ⇌ 2H2O(g) ΔH = − ve. When the temperature of the system [ H ¿¿ 2O] ¿

above is increased, the position of the equilibrium will shift to the (a) right 4
[ Fe ¿ ¿ 3 O4 ][ H 2 ]
2 [ H ¿¿ 2O] [ H ¿¿ 2O] 4
and the value of the equilibrium constant decreased (b) rights and the value [Fe ] 4
¿ (c) ¿ (d) ¿
of the equilibrium constant remains unchanged (c) left and the value of the
[Fe ¿ ¿ 3 O4 ][H ¿¿ 2] ¿¿ [Fe ][ H 2 O] [H ¿¿ 2]4 ¿
equilibrium constant decreased (d) left and the value of the equilibrium
constant remains unchanged 11. CuO(s) + H2(g) ⇌ Cu(s) + H2O(l) What is the effect of increasing the pressure
on the equilibrium reaction above? (a) the equilibrium is shifted to the left
5. In which of the following reactions will an increase in pressure shift the (b) The equilibrium is shifted to the right (c) there is no effect (d) more H 2(g)
equilibrium position to the left? (a) 2HI(g) → H2(g) + I2(g) (b) 2SO(g) + O2(g) → is produced
2SO2(g) (c) N2O4(g) → 2NO2(g) (d) 3H2(g) + N2(g) → 2NH3(g)
12. N2O4(g) → 2NO2(g). In the reaction above, the equilibrium constant is (a)
6. X(g) + 3Y(g) → 2Z(g) ΔH = +ve. If the reaction above takes places at room [NO 2] [ 2 NO 2 ] [ N2O4] [ NO¿¿ 2]
(b) (c) (d) ¿
temperature, the AG will be (a) negative (b) zero (c) positive (d) [ N2O4] [N 2 O4 ] 2
[ NO¿¿ 2] ¿ [N 2 O 4 ]
13. Dynamic equilibrium describes a situation where (a) reaction gives back the
7. 2SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2SO3(g) ΔH = − ve. In the reaction above, the equilibrium reactants (b) reactants are converted to products (c) the concentration of
position is shifted to the right when (a) the pressure increases (b) the reactants and products is equal (d) both forward and reverse reactions
concentration of the product increases (c) the temperature increases (d) a proceed at the same rate
catalyst is added to the system
14. NH4Cl(s) ⟶ NH3(g) + HCl(g). The reaction above can only attain equilibrium
if (a) gaseous reactants are added (b) one of the products is removed (c) its
is in a closed system (d) it is in an open system

15. In the reaction M + N ⟶ P ΔH = t QkJ which of the following would

increase the concentration of the product? (a) adding a suitable catalyst (b)
increasing the concentration of P (c) increasing the temperature (d)
decreasing the temperature

16. To increase the rate of a chemical reaction, a catalyst (a) decrease the
activation energy (b) increase the activation energy (c) decreases the
collision frequency (d) increase the collision frequency

17. The decomposition of hydrogen peroxide is faster in the presence of

(a) manganese (iv) oxide (b) manganese (vi) oxide (c) iron (d) nickel

18. In a chemical reaction, the change in concentration of a reactant with time is

(a) order of reaction (b) entropy of reaction (c) enthalpy of reaction (d) rate
of reaction

19. The higher the rate of production of carbon (iv) oxide can be achieved using
(a) 0.05moldm-3 HCl and 5g powdered CaCo3 (b) 0.05moldm-3 HCl and 5g
lump CaCo3 (c) 0.10moldm-3 HCl and 5g powdered CaCo3 (d) 0.025moldm-3
HCl and 5g powdered CaCo3

20. Mineral acids are usually added to commercial hydrogen peroxide to (a)
oxidize it (b) decompose it (c) minimize its decomposition (d) reduce it to
water and oxygen

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