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B00901573 International Business Research Skill

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Module Title: International Business Research Skill. 2022-23.

Module Code: BMG871 (35523)
Department of Global Business and Enterprise
Ulster University Business School

Name: Vipul Ganesh Nimbolkar

Student ID: 10229479
Student No: B00901573

Technical Debt on International Organisation and


Table of Content
1. Rationale, aim and objectives of pure research topic___________________3

1.1 Introduction____________________________________________3

1.2 Rationale for study_______________________________________3

1.3 Justification of study______________________________________3

1.4 Research aim and objectives_______________________________3

2. Acknowledgement of parent and core literatures______________________4

2.1 Review of key literature___________________________________4

2.2 Identification of the need for empirical research_______________5

3. Detailed description of empirical research methodology ________________6

3.1 Justification of research philosophy__________________________6

3.2 Justification of research methods____________________________6

3.3 Research analysis_________________________________________7

3.4 Limitations______________________________________________7

4. Reference ______________________________________________________8

1.Rationale, aims and objectives of a pure research topic.

1.1 Introduction.
Software development is rife with the phenomena known as "technical debt," which is the
accumulation of hasty or inadequate fixes that have long-term repercussions. The need for managing
Technical Debt to reduce its negative effects, such as increased development and maintenance costs,
decreased software quality, decreased productivity, and increased technical risk, which can cause
business disruption or even failure, has given rise to the Technical Debt research study area. As
software systems become more complicated and deployed across international borders, the
significance of technical debt management in the context of international business has increased.

Technical debt may have detrimental effects on a company's ability to compete globally, thus it calls
for an all-encompassing strategy that takes both technical and commercial considerations into
account. Recent studies in the field of technical debt have emphasised the need of prioritising it
based on commercial considerations rather than merely technical ones and of comprehending the
wider organisational and business ramifications of technical debt. (Bhatia, 2023; Chen et al., 2021;
Kazman et al., 2015; Kruchten et al., 2013; Li et al., 2019; Suryanarayana et al., 2015). 

1.2 Rationale for study.

The expense of maintaining and updating software systems that were not thoughtfully planned is
known as technical debt. The idea has gained more significance in software development, especially
in the context of global commerce, where organisations depend on sophisticated software systems
to run their operations. Research has developed from a metaphor to a formal notion throughout
time, with an emphasis on comprehending the causes of Technical Debt and creating management
measures. Current discussions in the area are focused on the best approaches to quantify and
manage technical debt, including the creation of automated tools and strategies for reducing debt in
the order of priority. (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2018; Haq et al., 2021; Martini et al., 2019; Ruiz et al.,
2019; Shang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021). 

1.3 Justification of study.

The adoption of complicated software systems by businesses to run their operations has made
technical debt a critical concern in the software industry and information technology services. As a
result, it is a topic that merits inquiry, especially in the context of global commerce. The current
literature identifies a number of crucial areas that need more research, such as the creation of
efficient methods for quantifying and managing technical debt, the discovery of elements that
contribute to its accumulation, and the examination of the effects of technical debt on business
performance. (Chatzigeorgiou et al., 2018; Haq et al., 2021; Martini et al., 2019; Ruiz et al., 2019;
Shang et al., 2020; Wang et al., 2021).

In addition, it has been demonstrated that technical debt affects the quality of software, the capacity
to maintain systems, and organisational effectiveness. (Besker et al., 2019; Kruchten et al., 2013;
Tufano et al., 2020). Because of this, research in this field is essential for comprehending the dangers
of technical debt and creating sensible management plans.

1.4 Research aim and objectives.

 To recognise and assess the many forms of technical debt and how they affect software
development initiatives.

A thorough knowledge of technical debt requires the identification and analysis of the many forms of
technical debt and their effects on software development initiatives. Technical debt is a complicated

 To look at the connection between software quality and technical debt.

Software quality is a crucial component of software development projects, and knowing how
technical debt and software quality are related may help businesses make better choices about the
elimination of technical debt.

 To provide a management structure for technical debt in software development initiatives.

A methodology for managing technical debt can assist organisations in reducing its detrimental
effects on software development projects. Technical debt can be difficult to manage.

2. Acknowledgement of parent and core literatures, towards the

understanding and conceptualisation of the research topic, showing
progression in relation to the research problem.
2.1 Review of the key Literature.
The term "technical debt," which has its roots in the software industry, refers to the "eventual effects
of poor or hurried software development and design." (Cunningham, 1992). Since then, technical
debt has grown to include a number of information technology services, such as infrastructure and
operations. (Balaji et al., 2018). The idea has been compared to other theories and notions, such
"code smells." (Fowler et al., 1999) design patterns (Gamma et al., 1994), together with the software
development life cycle (Royce, 1970). Technical debt research has been influenced by a number of
disciplines, including software engineering, project management, economics, and finance. Technical
debt has been studied by researchers using a variety of theoretical frameworks, including agency
theory. (Aalders et al., 2020), principal-agent theory (Chen et al., 2019), and signaling theory (Shu et
al., 2018). The literature emphasises the significance of organisational culture as well. (Stark et al.,
2021) and governance mechanisms (Olbrich et al., 2020) in managing technical debt. 

It has been investigated from a variety of angles in the domains of software engineering, project
management, and information technology services. Technical debt is a complicated and diverse
topic. Design debt, which refers to the expense of changing a system's design after it has been put
into place, is one of the main ideas surrounding technical debt. (Kruchten et al., 2012) The concept of
financial debt, which depicts the costs of skipping steps or postponing work during the development
process and must ultimately be repaid with interest, is another crucial principle. (Cunningham, 1992)
The idea of technical debt has also been studied in relation to agile approaches, which seek to
resolve the problem through ongoing refactoring and testing. (Abrahamsson et al., 2019).
Researchers have also investigated how technical debt affects project success and how it interacts
with other elements like code quality and teamwork. (Li et al., 2015; Martini et al., 2018) However,
more study is still required on how to manage and measure technical debt in various contexts and
how to come up with efficient methods for doing so. (Fontana et al., 2021; Kumar et al., 2019). 

A metaphor known as "technical debt" is used to represent the results of putting short-term gains
ahead of long-term objectives in software development. (Cunningham, 1992). The discipline of
software engineering, which is concerned with the creation, improvement, and maintenance of
software systems, is where the idea of technical debt first appeared. (Boehm, 1988) The steps of the
conventional software development process include requirements gathering, design,

implementation, testing, and maintenance. (Pressman, 2005). But because of various things like time
restraints and shifting requirements, developers might make compromises that lead to poor code
quality. (Kruchten, 2013). Technical debt, often known as poor code quality, can eventually raise
expenses and lower productivity. (Lientz & Swanson, 1980). The effects of technical debt on software
development and the software industry have made it a crucial study topic. The Technical Debt Index
(TDI) is one of the approaches that researchers have suggested for measuring and managing
technical debt. (Fontana et al., 2016) the Technical Debt Dashboard (TDD) (Suryanarayana et al.,
2015), and the Technical Debt Management Framework (TDMF) (Nugroho et al., 2011). These models
quantify the effect of technical debt on software development and maintenance in order to assist
developers and project managers in making educated choices about it. Additionally, the idea of
technical debt has been used in other fields of information technology, like cloud computing. (Li et
al., 2015). and mobile application development (Li et al., 2016). Additionally, since software
development is frequently outsourced to teams in other countries, the study of technical debt has
implications for international business. (Vlaanderen et al., 2013).

Research on technical debt is very relevant to both the global business community and the IT
services sector. High levels of competition, quickly evolving technology, and an emphasis on
innovation and cost effectiveness are all characteristics of the IT services sector. The capacity of IT
service providers to provide high-quality services, satisfy client needs, and maintain competitiveness
can be impacted by technical debt. Technical debt may also impair the calibre and dependability of
software goods and services, which can damage client happiness and confidence, which can have
repercussions for global company. Therefore, for IT service providers operating in the context of
global business, effective management of technical debt is essential.  (Kalinowski et al., 2021; Laanti
et al., 2018; Wang et al., 2014). 

2.2 Identification of the need for empirical research.

Martin Fowler's theoretical model of the "Technical Debt Quadrant" is one potential conceptual
framework for understanding technical debt. (Fowler, 2009). The four quadrants are:
reckless/prudent, deliberate/inadvertent, strategic/tactical, and prudent/reckless. The Capability
Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) framework, which is often used in software engineering
research, is another model that may be used to examine technical debt. Researchers have developed
ways for controlling Technical Debt using the CMMI model to assess the effects of Technical Debt on
software development initiatives. (Laanti et al., 2018). Furthermore, it has been proposed by some
researchers that Technical Debt can be strategically used to gain an advantage in the software sector.
This theory is predicated on the notion that technical debt may help businesses develop goods more
quickly and maintain an advantage over rivals. (Zazworka et al., 2013) The Technical Debt Quadrant
Model (TDQM), a conceptual framework that might be used to examine this notion, The TDQM offers
a structured method for classifying various forms of technical debt according to their severity and
effect on software quality as suggested by (Fontana et al., 2021). The Software Development Process
Model (SDPM), put out by Kruchten et al. (2012), is another framework that may be utilized. With
stages like requirements, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance, the SDPM offers a
comprehensive view of the software development process. Technical debt has a considerable impact
on software quality features including dependability, efficiency, and maintainability, according to
research by Martini et al. (2019). Similar to this, (Izurieta et al., 2019) study discovered that technical
debt is a significant contributor to software errors. The Technical Debt Management Framework,
which was suggested by Kruchten et al. (2012), which consists of four phases: identification,
measurement, prioritization, and mitigation. 

3. Detailed description of empirical research methodology.

3.1 Justification of research philosophy.
Pragmatism is one potential research philosophy for a study on technical debt. This strategy places a
strong emphasis on pragmatism and research that is problem-focused and action-oriented. The goal
of the study might be to determine the best methods for managing technical debt in software
development projects, with the specific aims of

(1) examining the various types of technical debt and their effects on project outcomes.

(2) assessing the efficacy of different technical debt management strategies.

(3) identifying the critical factors that affect the success of technical debt management initiatives.

 The researcher may choose a mixed-methods strategy, integrating qualitative and quantitative
research techniques, to meet these goals. To acquire qualitative information on software
development professionals' experiences with technical debt and the methods they have employed to
manage it, the researcher might interview software development professionals. In order to acquire
quantitative information on the incidence of Technical Debt in software development projects and
the efficacy of various management measures, they might also conduct a survey. The Technical Debt
Quadrant given by Kruchten et al. (2012) and the Technical Debt Management Model proposed by
Fontana et al. (2021) are two examples of conceptual frameworks that might be used as a starting
point for the investigation. These frameworks offer a methodical manner to comprehend the many
categories of technical debt and the management techniques that may be applied to them.

3.2 Justification of research methods.

The pragmatic research philosophy, according to Morgan (2014), might be applicable for the
Technical Debt research study since it emphasises utility and practicality and uses a variety of
research methodologies to collect data and evaluate hypotheses. For a study on technical debt, it is
appropriate to combine qualitative and quantitative research approaches to achieve the research
objectives (Creswell, 2014). In this sense, data on Technical Debt might be gathered survey research
and in-depth interviews (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2010). In-depth interviews may be used to collect
more thorough qualitative data from a smaller sample of people whereas surveys can be used to get
quantitative data from a large number of respondents (Denzin & Lincoln, 2017). By identifying the
origins, impacts, and management techniques of technical debt, the proposed study attempts to
analyse how these factors affect software development initiatives. In-depth interviews and survey
research are the suggested approaches for achieving these goals since they enable the gathering of
information on the origins, consequences, and management tactics of technical debt. The suggested
procedures for carrying out the study include formulating survey questions, locating possible
respondents, conducting the survey, analysing the results, and finally conducting in-depth interviews
with a subset of survey respondents. To paint a fuller picture of Technical Debt in software
development projects, the data from the in-depth interviews will be analysed and compared with the
survey data. Overall, a good method for examining Technical Debt in software development projects
may be found by combining survey research, in-depth interviews, and the pragmatic research
methodology (Morgan, 2014). This methodology makes it possible to gather both quantitative and
qualitative information on technical debt and can provide light on its sources, impacts, and
management tactics.

3.3 Research Analysis.

The proper processes, which are based on the research aims and methodologies employed, should
be followed in order to analyze the data acquired for the Technical Debt research study. To guarantee

that the results are legitimate and dependable, the data should be analyzed in a methodical way.
When collecting data through survey research and in-depth interviews, a mix of qualitative and
quantitative data analysis techniques should be used. Statistical software like SPSS may be used to
analyze the quantitative data obtained from the survey to provide both descriptive statistics and
inferential statistics like correlations and regression analyses. A qualitative data analysis program like
NVivo, which enables the discovery of themes and patterns in the data, might be used to analyze the
qualitative data obtained from the in-depth interviews.

The following procedures might be taken to analyze the data:

 Data cleaning is the process of preparing the data for analysis by deleting any incorrect
replies and locating any missing information.
 Descriptive statistics: This includes computing descriptive statistics for the survey data, such
as mean, standard deviation, and frequency distributions.
 Inferential statistics are used to test hypotheses and identify associations between variables.
Examples of inferential statistics include correlation and regression analysis.
 Analysis of qualitative data entails finding themes and patterns in the information obtained
via in-depth interviews.
 Integration of results: To offer a more thorough knowledge of the phenomena of technical
debt, the quantitative and qualitative findings must be integrated.

These processes are based on the literature and theories around data analysis and research
methodology. For instance, Tashakkori and Teddlie (2010) and Creswell (2014) both highlight the use
of qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques in mixed methods research. Furthermore,
Morgan (2014) talks about the use of pragmatism as a research philosophy that emphasizes
usefulness and practicality, which is appropriate for a study on technical debt.

3.4 Limitations.
The suggested Technical Debt research study plan has several restrictions. The inability to gather a
representative sample of software development projects for the study is one drawback (Creswell,
2014). This may be because it's difficult to find businesses or organisations that are prepared to take
part in the study, or because participants are reluctant to share details regarding their technical debt
(Bryman, 2016). Additionally, the sample size might be too small, which might make the results less
generalizable (Creswell, 2014). The researcher's experience performing the study might be another
drawback. A researcher with little background in software development may find it difficult to
comprehend and analyse the data since technical debt is a complicated and diverse notion (Peffers et
al., 2007). Collaboration with subject-matter authorities or consulting with more seasoned
researchers might help overcome this constraint. Furthermore, the study may be biassed and have
limitations if self-reported data from surveys and interviews is used. The reliability and validity of the
results might be impacted if respondents did not adequately recollect or report on their experiences
with technical debt (Bryman, 2016). Additionally, the limitations and biases of using specific
analytical tools, such as SPSS or NVivo, to analyse questionnaire data must be taken into account
when interpreting the findings.

In order to assure the validity and reliability of the results, it is crucial to recognise and address these
constraints in the Technical Debt research study strategy.

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