Logic in Programming (PROLOG)

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Logic in Programming

• Prolog is a logic programming language.
• It has important role in artificial intelligence.
Unlike many other programming languages,
Prolog is intended primarily as a declarative
programming language.
• In prolog, logic is expressed as relations (called as
Facts and Rules).
• Core heart of prolog lies at the logic being
• Formulation or Computation is carried out by
running a query over these relations.
Syntax and Basic Fields

• In prolog, We declare some facts. These facts constitute the

Knowledge Base of the system.
• We can query against the Knowledge Base.
• We get output as affirmative if our query is already in the knowledge
Base or it is implied by Knowledge Base, otherwise we get output as
• So, Knowledge Base can be considered similar to database, against
which we can query.
• Prolog facts are expressed in definite pattern. Facts contain entities
and their relation. Entities are written within the parenthesis
separated by comma (, ).
• Their relation is expressed at the start and outside the parenthesis.
Every fact/rule ends with a dot (.). So, a typical prolog fact goes as
follows :
Format : relation(entity1, entity2, ....k'th entity).
• Example : friends(raju, mahesh).
Explanation : These facts can be interpreted as :
• raju and mahesh are friends.
• sonu is a singer. 5 is an odd number.
• Running queries :
A typical prolog query can be asked as :
 Query 1 : ?- singer(sonu).
Output : Yes.
Explanation : As our knowledge base contains the above
fact, so output was 'Yes', otherwise
it would have been 'No'.
 Query 2 : ?- odd_number(7).
Output : No.
Explanation : As our knowledge base does not contain the
above fact, so output was 'No'.
1. Easy to build database. Doesn’t need a lot of
programming effort.
2. Pattern matching is easy. Search is recursion
3. It has built in list handling. Makes it easier
to play with any algorithm involving lists
1. LISP (another logic programming language)
dominates over prolog with respect to I/O
2. Sometimes input and output is not easy.
Applications :
Prolog is highly used in artificial intelligence(AI).
Prolog is also used for pattern matching over
natural language parse trees.
Lists in Prolog

• A list is a collection of items, not necessarily homogeneous. In Prolog, lists

are inbuilt data structures. Lists can be used to represent sets, stacks,
queues, linked lists, and several complex data structures such as trees,
graphs, etc.
• A list in Prolog is an ordered collection of items denoted as [i1, i2, …, in].
• Unlike arrays in other programming languages where we can directly
access any element of the array, prolog lists allow direct access of the first
element only which is denoted as Head. Therefore we can write a prolog
list as : [Head | Rest], where Rest is the rest of the list excluding the first
element Head
• Prolog lists allow non homogeneous data types of list items.
• Nested lists of arbitrary depths are also allowed in prolog.
Some example lists are shown below :

• [] % empty list
• [a] % singleton list
• [hello, world] % 2 element list
• [[1,2,3,4], p, this] % 3 element list
• [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[a, b], [x, y]]]. % nested list
(3 level nesting)
Membership checking
• ?- list_member(b,[a,b,c]).

• ?- list_member(v,[a,b,c]).
• The append works on the list in prolog, which
means that append working on combining
two lists or joining two lists together, for
example, if we have two lists and we have to
combine that into one list then append has that
syntax to join two that lists together, we can
also say that append is a relation between lists.
• ?- append([a,b], [c], X).
X = [a,b,c].
• ?- append(X, [Last], [a,b,c]).
X = [a,b], Last = c.
?- append([a,b], More, List).
List = [a,b|More].

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