Evidence-Based Concepts and Procedures For Bonded Inlays and Onlays. Part III. A Case Series With Long-Term Clinical Results and Follow-Up

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Evidence-based concepts and procedures for bonded inlays and onlays.

Part III. A case series with long-term clinical results and follow-up

Dietschi, Didier; Spreafico, Roberto Carlo

How to cite

DIETSCHI, Didier, SPREAFICO, Roberto Carlo. Evidence-based concepts and procedures for bonded
inlays and onlays. Part III. A case series with long-term clinical results and follow-up. In: The
International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 2019, vol. 14, n° 2, p. 118–133.

This publication URL: https://archive-ouverte.unige.ch//unige:121637

© This document is protected by copyright. Please refer to copyright holder(s) for terms of use.
Case Report

Evidence-based concepts and

procedures for bonded inlays and
onlays. Part III. A case series with long-­
term clinical results and follow-up

Didier Dietschi, DMD, PhD, PD

Senior Lecturer, Department of Cariology and Endodontics, School of Dentistry,
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Adjunct Professor, Department of Comprehensive Dentistry,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
Private Education Center, The Geneva Smile Center, Geneva, Switzerland

Roberto Spreafico, MD, DMD

Private Practice, Busto-Arsizio, Italy
Private Education Center, The Geneva Smile Center, Geneva, Switzerland

Correspondence to: Dr Didier Dietschi

School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, 19 Rue Barthélémy Menn, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland;
Tel: +41 22 379 4177; Email: [email protected] 

2 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

Abstract ation fracture, while the restoration quality was

judged on intraoral photographs. The restoration
This third article in this series (Part III) aims to pres- status with regard to margins, anatomy, and color
ent new clinical results and long-term follow-up of was assessed using three quality scores (A = ideal,
resin composite inlays and onlays using the mod- B = satisfactory, C = insufficient). Descriptive sta-
ern clinical concepts presented in the Part I and tistics were used to evaluate the possible impact of
Part  II articles. These revised protocols have con- composite structure (microhybrid or nanohybrid)
tributed to eliminating the most frequent difficul- or observation time on restoration quality. Over this
ties related to the preparation, isolation, impression medium- to long-term observation period, no clin-
taking, and cementation of tooth-colored inlays ical failure was reported. Only a few restorations
and onlays. This clinical report presents a series of (mainly those made of conventional inhomoge-
25 cases of indirect or semidirect inlays and onlays neous nanohybrid) presented discrete marginal
(intra- and extraoral techniques) made of microhy- discoloration (n = 4) or occlusal anatomy change
brid and nanohybrid composites with 6- to 21-year due to wear (n = 7). This first clinical survey with
follow-ups. The restoration performance was as- long-term follow-up supports the application of
sessed through clinical examination, intraoral ra- the aforementioned clinical concepts, which thus
diographs, and clinical photographs. The overall far have only been validated by in vitro studies.
clinical assessment aimed to confirm the absence
(success) or presence (failure) of decay or restor- (Int J Esthet Dent 2019;14:2–17)

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 3

Case Report

Introduction sion taking, and cementation of tooth-col-

ored inlays and onlays, while preventing
The first and second parts of this article se- complications such as discomfort during
ries1,2 described the indications, advantag- the interim phase and postoperative sensi-
es, and detailed clinical procedures for the tivity.
fabrication of tooth-colored inlays and on- There is very strong in vitro evidence to
lays, applying revised, optimized clinical confirm the restoration quality of inlays and
and biomechanical concepts. The most onlays placed following the aforementioned
relevant improvements brought to the over- concepts, in particular regarding marginal
all treatment approach were immediate, and internal adaption rates that are compa-
post-preparation dentin sealing (known as rable or superior to non-lined cavities.16,17
dual bonding [DB] or immediate dentin seal- The aforementioned in vitro tests replicating
ing [IDS]),3-5 filling of all undercuts by com- moisture, thermal, and functional stresses
posite (cavity design optimization [CDO]),4 are, to date, the best available predictors for
and a simultaneous coronal margin dis- the clinical performance of this new clinical
placement in cases of deep cervical prepar- approach, owing to the quality, quantity,
ations (cervical margin relocation [CMR] or and consistency of the results and evi-
deep margin elevation [DME]).4,6 Together, dence.18
these procedures limit unnecessary tooth This protocol has been widely used fol-
preparation and tissue removal to create the lowing the publication of several reports de-
required tapered geometry of indirect pos- scribing its detailed clinical application,4,6,19,20
terior restorations. Also, the immediately although no randomized prospective clinic-
formed adhesive liner base protects the pul- al study has yet been published to confirm
podentinal structures from any contamina- the true success or failure rates of restor-
tion or physicochemical disturbance during ations made using this specific technique.
the temporary phase7,8 as well as stabilizing Therefore, this Part III of the article series
and improving the adhesive interface quali- presents a retrospective case series with
ty.9-11 Furthermore, this overall updated clin- long-term clinical follow-up as a first at-
ical protocol allows for the safe use of non- tempt to provide evidence regarding the
cemented temporary restorations and clinical success of indirect composite res-
facilitates restoration fabrication, thanks to a torations placed with contemporary clinical
more even cavity design. Finally, the use of protocols.
a highly filled, light-curing restorative mater-
ial (instead of a dual-curing composite ce- Material and methods
ment) eases the luting procedures through
extended working time, while limiting in- Sixteen patients were included in this retro-
terfacial wear around the occlusal mar- spective clinical survey. The patients had
gins.12-15 The aforementioned concepts, between one and three teeth being treated
embracing the most recent material and with composite inlays and onlays; a total of
technology developments, have fundamen- 25 restorations were placed between 1994
tally changed the authors’ clinical approach and 2009 with follow-up periods ranging
and procedures for indirect partial posterior from 6 to 21 years (Table 1). The restorations
restorations (inlays and onlays). The sug- were placed by two experienced operators
gested procedures also help the practition- under rubber dam isolation and following
er to eliminate the most frequent difficulties the specific adhesive protocol described
related to the preparation, isolation, impres- below (Fig 1). The patients did not undergo

4 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

Fig 1  14- and

21-year follow-up of
two direct compos-
ite inlays (semidirect
extraoral technique)
with the CMR and
CDO concepts.

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 5

Case Report

Table 1  Case series

data and clinical Patient no. Restoration no. Restorations Product (composite type*)
findings (cases
presented according
1 1 Onlay SDIO 15 MOD Tetric (MH)1
to year of placement)
2 2 Inlay SDEO 26 MOD Tetric (MH)1
3 3 Inlay SDEO 14 OD Tetric (MH)1
3 4 Inlay SDEO 15 MO Tetric (MH)1
4 5 Inlay SDEO 16 MOD Miris (MH)2
4 6 Inlay SDEO 15 MOD Miris (MH)2
5 7 Inlay IND 24 OD Belleglass (MH)3
5 8 Inlay IND 25 MOD Belleglass (MH)3
6 9 Onlay SDEO 36 MODV Belleglass (MH)3
5 10 Inlay IND 26 MOD Tetric (MH)1
6 11 Overlay IND 36 Belleglass (MH)3
7 12 Inlay SDEO 25 MOD TPH (MH)4
7 13 Overlay SDIO Miris (MH)2
4 14 Onlay SDIO 36 MOV Miris (MH)2
9 15 Onlay SDEO 15MODV Miris (MH)2
10 16 Inlay SDIO 16 MOD Miris (MH)2
11 17 Overlay SDIO 46 ODV Miris 2 (INH)2
12 18 Overlay SDIO 25 Miris 2 (INH)2
13 19 Onlay SDIO 46 MODL Miris 2 (INH)2
14 20 Onlay IND 27 MODV Miris 2 (INH)2
14 21 Inlay IND MOD 26 MOD Miris 2 (INH)2
14 22 Inlay IND MOD 25 MOD Miris 2 (INH)2
15 23 Onlay SDIO 26 ODV Miris 2 (INH)2
16 24 Onlay IND 16 MODV Miris 2 (INH)2
16 25 Onlay IND 17 MODP Miris 2 (INH)2
 = Ivoclar Vivadent, 2 = Coltene Whaledent, 3 = Kerr, 4 = Dentsply
MH = microhybrid composite; INH = inhomogeneous microhybrid; SD = semidirect (chairside procedure);
IO = intraoral; EO = extraoral; IND = indirect; IDS = immediate dentin sealing; CDO = cavity design optimization;
CMR = cervical margin relocation
Scores: A = ideal, B = satisfactory, C = insufficient

any specific selection process other than The treatment rationale applied to all the
being part of a recall system, including year- restorations relied on distinctive basic pro-
ly or biyearly clinical and radiographic exam- cedures: the immediate, postpreparation
ination, and otherwise not presenting any placement of an adhesive base liner in the
severe, active carious and parafunctional form of a dentin coating using a thick layer
pathologies. of dentin bonding agent, preferably a filled

6 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

Adhesive preparation Restoration quality

Placement year Follow-­up in years
IDS CDO CMR Margins Anatomy Color
 - - 1994 15 A A A
  - 1995 19 A A A
   1996 21 A A A
   1996 21 A A A
 - - 1999 17 A A A
 - - 1999 17 A A A
   1999 17 B A A
  - 1999 17 B A A
   1999 18 A A A
  - 2000 16 B A A
  - 2000 16 A A A
  - 2001 13 A A A
  - 2001 13 A A A
  - 2003 13 A A A
  - 2003 14 A A A
  - 2003 13 A A A
2005 11 B B A
  - 2005 11 A B A
   2005 9 A B A
   2005 14 B B A
   2005 14 B B A
   2005 14 B B A
  - 2005 11 A B A
   2009 6 A A A
   2009 6 A A A

one, on its own for thin restorations (dual tion [CDO]),4 and, when necessary, the si-
bonding [DB]/immediate dentin sealing multaneous coronal relocation of deep
[IDS])3-5 or usually combined with a restora- cervical margins (cervical margin relocation
tive or flowable composite layer leveling all [CMR]).4,6 Overall, the resulting preparations
cavity irregularities and undercuts (alto- present an ideal geometry with slight diver-
gether known as cavity design optimiza- gence of all cavity walls and supragingival

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 7

Case Report

Fig 2 Clinical
workflow for
semidirect extraoral
technique (chairside
method). This case
appears as no. 4 in
Table 1, with a 19-year
follow-up. (a) Preoper-
ative view showing a
large amalgam to be
replaced. (b) Prepar-
a b
ation with CDO
performed with a
adhesive and flowable
composite. (c) Chair-
side model fabricated
using hard, dual-vis-
cosity silicone
materials (Mach-2 and
Blu-Mousse, Parkell); a
condensation silicone c d
or alginate is used for
the impression. (d) The
restoration is built up
in composite using a
dentin shade of
adequate chroma,
effect shade, and
enamel shade.
(e) Completed
restoration using a
microhybrid resin
composite. (f) Post-ad- e f
hesive cementation.

margins. After tooth preparation following and occlusally using a few more enamel
the aforementioned procedures, the com- increments, as needed.
posite inlays or onlays were produced using 2. The semidirect intraoral technique (Fig 3)
one of three methods: which allows for the build-up of the res-
1. The semidirect extraoral technique toration directly on the tooth following
(Fig 2), which makes use of a dual-viscos­ effective, physical cavity isolation from
ity, hard, A-silicone model (ie, Mach-2 the IDS layer and composite base, using,
and Blu-Mousse, Parkell) on which the for instance, a thin layer of liquid latex
restoration is fabricated. The impression (Rubber Sep; Kerr). After application, the
is preferably done with an alginate or a isolation material is gently dried until it
soft-consistency C-silicone (ie, Speedex becomes transparent. A full-contoured
Medium; Coltène Whaledent). The res- matrix (ie, Lucifix; Kerr) is then placed
toration fabrication starts with the dentin around the tooth to allow for the place-
core and is then completed proximally ment and polymerization of the com-

8 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

Fig 3  Restoration fab-

rication method for
semidirect intraoral
technique (chairside
method). This case
appears as no. 18 in
Table 1, with a 9-year
follow-up. (a) Preoper-
ative view showing
large amalgams to be
a b replaced on teeth 36
and 37. (b) Preparation
with CDO and CMR
performed with a
adhesive and flowable
composite. Tooth 37 is
restored with a direct
technique. (c) The
cavity is then isolated
with a latex varnish
c d (Rubber Sep; Kerr),
which allows work on
the tooth as a
laboratory die. (d) The
restoration is built up
directly on the tooth
using a normal
posterior matrix.
(e) Restoration
fabricated with dentin
and enamel compos-
ite shades, ready for
e f cementation.
(f) Post-adhesive

posite in just a few layers (usually one or to composite polymerization contrac-

two enamel increments for the proximal tion, this technique is contraindicated for
and buccolingual walls, one dentin in- deep mesiodistal cavities.
crement for the central volume, and a 3. The indirect technique (Fig 4) for which
final occlusal enamel layer). After com- restorations were produced in the la-
pletion of its overall anatomy, the restor- boratory, directly on isolated stone dies
ation can be taken out of the mouth for with the same combination and se-
the final adjustments of margins and quence of dentin and enamel incre-
proximal contacts. Due to the potential ments as described for the semidirect
difficulty of removing the restoration, extraoral technique, with either a re-
only onlays with a minimal cavity diver- storative or laboratory composite.
gence of 10 degrees were produced
with this technique. As the restoration The composites used with the aforemen-
might remain locked into the cavity due tioned fabrication procedures were either

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 9

Case Report

Fig 4 Clinical
workflow for indirect
technique. This case
appears as nos. 20 to
22 in Table 1, with a
14-year follow-up.
(a) Preoperative view
showing large
amalgams to be
replaced. (b) Prepar-
ations with CDO and
a b
CMR performed with
a mutlicomponent
adhesive and
flowable composite.
(c) Laboratory made
composite restor-
ations on the hard
stone model. (d) Trial
of the restorations
fabricated with a
nanohybrid (inho- d
mogenous type).
(e) Post-adhesive

c e

microhybrid – Tetric (Ivoclar Vivadent), Bel- being cured for a minimum of 20 s), fol-
leglass (Kerr), Miris (Coltène Whaledent), lowed by a heat (110°C) and light postcuring
and TPH (Dentsply) or nanohybrid (Miris 2; treatment in a specific oven (DI-500;
Coltène Whaledent) resin composites. The Coltène Whaledent). A highly filled, light-cur-
Belleglass system was the only laboratory ing restorative material was used as a luting
composite system that involved a special agent (usually the same enamel as the one
dual-polymerization method (light- and used to fabricate the surface of the restor-
heat-curing initiation) and nitrogen pressure ation for semidirect restorations); otherwise,
for complete resin conversion using a spe- a translucent shade of a microhybrid resin
cific curing oven. composite was used (ie, Tetric Transparent).
Apart from the Belleglass system, all oth- The viscosity of the luting material was re-
er composites were polymerized, first using duced by sonic/ultrasonic energy using a
a conventional halogen light-curing unit specific application tip (with plastic insert) –
(470 nm at > 750mW/cm2, each increment SONICflex cem (KaVo) or Sonocem Tip

10 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

(EMS), and/or material heating (55°C) (ie, two cases of > 20 years. Figure 5 presents
Calset; AdDent) to ease the complete res- the clinical overview of all the restorations,
toration insertion. with pre- and postoperative views (at treat-
The evaluation was performed on radio- ment completion and at the specific evalu-
graphs for the presence or absence of prox- ation period); a radiograph after the final
imal decays, clinical examination for the evaluation period completes this documen-
presence of occlusal decays or fractures, tation.
and intraoral photographs for the other None of the restorations observed
quality parameters. Three parameters (mar- showed recurrent decay or fractures; no re-
gin, anatomy, and color match) were used stored tooth surveyed underwent any pul-
to assess the restoration quality after any pal complication or required any endodon-
given observation period, with three possi- tic treatment. Among the 16 semidirect and
ble scores: A = ideal, B = satisfactory, and indirect restorations fabricated with micro-
C = insufficient. For instance, for the margin hybrid resin composites (Tetric, Belleglass,
parameter, a B score meant a discrete, par- Miris, and TPH), only three restorations pre-
tial discoloration and/or irregularity, while a sented a slight marginal discoloration and
C score meant noticeable, extended discol- degradation (B score); all the other restor-
oration or irregularity. In the case of recur- ations were considered optimal (A score) for
rent decay, restoration fracture or a C score, the three evaluated parameters (margin,
the restoration would be considered a fail- anatomy, and color match). Among the
ure, which would necessitate retreatment. nine semidirect or indirect restorations fab-
Otherwise, any restoration showing no de- ricated with an inhomogeneous nanohybrid
cay or fracture and with an A or B score was (Miris 2), four restorations presented a slight
deemed a success, with possible minor in- marginal discoloration and degradation,
terventions necessary (such as repolishing and seven presented discrete anatomical
or, in a worst case scenario, localized re- surface change. The analysis (shown in Ta-
pair). This clinical assessment method is bles 2 and 3; distribution of scores A and B)
similar to the modified United States Public did not suggest any impact of the follow-up
Health Service (USPHS) ranking method.20-22 time on the restoration quality, except for a
The quality assessment was crosschecked slightly better clinical behavior of classical
by both operators. Due to data heterogene- microhybrids (Tetric, Belleglass, TPH) com-
ity and the limited number of cases, no spe- pared with the nanohybrid (Miris 2). No oth-
cific statistical test/s other than clinical, er discriminative judgments could be made
technical, and qualitative descriptions could with the limited number of cases reviewed.
be carried out. The results are presented in
Table 1. Discussion and conclusions

Results The revised protocol presented in the Part I

and II articles in this series has been used
Table 1 details the technical and clinical widely due to its endorsement by numerous
characteristics and quality of the 25 restor- clinicians following published case reports
ations, surveyed according to the afore- detailing its clinical application.4,6,19,20 There
mentioned criteria, following periods of ser- is, however, as yet no published ­clinical data
vice from 6 to 21 years. Three cases had a evaluating the impact of this technique on
follow-up observation period of < 10 years, the success rate and longevity of bonded
19 cases of between 10 and 20 years, and inlays and onlays, apart from a 1-year study

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 11

Case Report

Fig 5 Clinical
overview of the case
series. The left
column shows
restorations at t = 0,
the middle and right
columns show the Case 1 15Y
radiographic and
clinical findings at the
indicated follow-up
periods (see Table 1
for detailed clinical
data and assess-
ments). Case nos. 7,
8, and 10 are Case 2 19Y
presented at 6 years
in the left column,
instead of t = 0.

Cases 3 and 4 21Y

Cases 5 and 6 17Y

Cases 7 and 8 17Y

Case 9 18Y

Case 10 16Y

12 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

Case 11 16Y

Case 12 13Y

Case 13 13Y

Case 14 13Y

Case 15 14Y

Case 16 13Y

Case 17 13Y

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 13

Case Report

Case 18 11Y

Case 19 9Y

Cases 20 to 22 14Y

Case 23 11Y

Cases 24 and 25 6Y

investigating the periodontal status of res- changes may thus not be justified). There-
torations placed with the CMR technique,23 fore, owing to the quality, quantity, and con-
which showed a slight increase in bleeding sistency of the results and evidence16-18 of
on probing (BoP) as the only adverse effect.. rigorous in vitro trials (and combinations of
This is partly due to the fact that well-struc- them), these trials are often the most ade-
tured, randomized, prospective studies are quate performance predictors for new re-
extremely demanding, and also because storative protocols while ultimate confirma-
the many confounding factors of in vivo tri- tion is awaited from clinical studies.
als impact their discriminative power (the This case series demonstrated the high
effort needed to evaluate only procedural success rate of composite inlays and onlays

14 | The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019

Dietschi et al

Table 2 Summary
Margin quality Anatomy Color
Composite of restoration quality
A B Total A B Total A B Total assessment per
Belleglass (MH) 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 product (the number
for each score
Miris (MH) 6 6 6 6 6 6 indicates the number
Miris 2 (INH) 5 4 9 2 7 9 9 9 of samples per
designated product)
TPH (MH) 1 1 1 1 1 1
Tetric (MH) 4 1 5 5 5 5 5
Total 18 7 25 18 7 25 25 0 25
NB: Note that no restoration exhibited a C score.

Table 3 Summary
Follow-up Margin quality Anatomy Color
of restoration quality
in years A B Total A B Total A B Total assessment
6 2 2 2   2 2   2 according to
follow-up time (the
9 1 1   1 1 1 1 number for each
11 3 1 4 1 3 4 4 4 score indicates the
number of samples
13 3 3 3 3 3 3
per follow-up period)
14 1 3 4 1 3 4 4 4
15 1 1 1 1 1 1
16 1 1 2 2 2 2 2
17 1 2 3 3 3 3 3
18 1 1 1 1 1 1
19 1 1 1 1 1 1
21 2 2 2   2 2 2
Total 17 7 24 17 7 24 24 0 24
NB: Note that no restoration exhibited a C score.

made with either semidirect or indirect ations made with the nanohybrid compos-
techniques following extended periods of ite (Miris 2). This observation is partly
clinical service (6 to 21 years). The absence ­substantiated by published in vitro physico­
of recurrent decay or pulpal complication chemical characteristics of various com-
has been another positive outcome of the posite types. Actually, some inhomogeneous
technique. In the absence of any restoration nanohybrids containing prepolymerized and/
failure, only minor restoration defects were or clusters of nanofillers (such as Miris 2)
observed such as slight anatomy change or have shown significantly inferior mechani-
partial marginal discoloration or irregularity. cal performance in either static (flexural or
These defects were mainly found in restor- compressive strength) or dynamic (fracture

The International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry | Volume 14 | Number 2 | Summer 2019 | 15

Case Report

toughness or flexural fatigue) tests. Flexural retrospective clinical evaluation and the low
strength is considered an influential value number of controlled restorations, the pres-
for material wear resistance, as fracture ent data – combined with the numerous
toughness could be for the incidence of positive in vitro findings regarding the clinic-
restoration fractures.24-26 Other studies using al protocols used here – support the contin-
staircase, dynamic mechanical loading (in uous use of resin composite and indirect
both a dry and moist environment) or test- techniques for restoring extensive decays.
ing for mechanical performance before and
after storage in saliva and water also sug- Acknowledgments
gested the inferior performance of inhomo-
geneous nanohybrid composites.27-29 How- We gratefully acknowledge the support of
ever, there is as yet no clinical data to Dr Enrico di Bella, statistician at the Depart-
confirm these in vitro findings. Interestingly, ment of Economics and Business Studies,
the present results suggest that material University of Genoa, Italy, for the analysis of
wear is not an issue for indirect, postcured results and data of this case series.
composite restorations in an ordinary pa-
tient population, and that the clinical appli- Disclaimer
cation of the CMR concept did not trigger
any recurrent proximal decay within the sur- The authors declare that they have no con-
veyed cases. Despite the known limits of a flict of interests.

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