Lath-Bt3dc-Sample Itinerary Brochure

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Day 4 Day 5

Coron | Town Plaza Coron | Town Fish Market

Coron Plaza is in the center of the city of
Coron. It is a place of meetings, business, and
history. You can visit this important place in
On November 15 we spent the last day of our
trip at the Coron town fish market. We arrived
at the market at early 08:20 am. It takes 2
the daily life of the locals either on your own, minutes to ride a car, or motorcycle from PHILIPPINES
by tricycle or rental car, or by taking a guided Coron Town Plaza to Coron Town Fish Market,
tour. This tourist destination is included in while it takes 5 minutes to walk. At this hour
many Coron Town Tours. Check out the ones you can see a variety of fresh fish in the
available below and plan your visit online market that is perfect for breakfast and
today. launch.
You will find here the giant "Coron sign which Coron public market was not that big, it is
is a perfect background for photo ops. The around a tenth of the usual size of
place is clean and simple with a view of Coron marketplaces found in manila. The market is
Bay. And if you are looking for a spot that located on the right beside the breakwater. As
offers beautiful sunset, the Coron plaza is the a newcomer in the place, we settled for the
place to be. The sunset here was truly fish that looked familiar. One vendor offered
magnificent. us a good-sized tuna for only Php55.00, really
cheap, and we ended up buying 3. We search
Itinerary Highlights: for some red meat to pair up with the tuna
fish so we bought a quarter kilo of pork
• Relax and enjoy the tropical island life,
beautiful Lake, and the most popular liempo. Also, some tomatoes, bananas, rice,
a jar of water, and some coals for cooking and
Lagoon at Coron.
were good to go. The whole lot cost us
• Visit the town plaza, which offers a
Php530.00. And we can say for the 5 days trip
beautiful sunset.
we have here in Coron, Palawan, we enjoyed Angelica Catapang
• Explore the Town fish market in Coron. Tania Sayson
• View Mt. Tapyas, the most popular it, and will never regret of traveling here.
viewpoint in Coron town, Busuanga. Avid Niego Manalo Irish Ursulum
Palawan Discovery Day 2 Day 3
Coron | Mount Tapyas Coron | Twin Lagoon
5 Days/ 4 nights | Visit Coron, Palawan

Day 1
Coron | Kayangan Lake

On November 12, 09:00 am we arrived at There are plenty of must-see attractions in

Mt. Tapyas. We travel by riding car. The Coron, and Twin Lagoon is one of the most
distance between Kayanga Lake to Mt, popular. This great location is a lagoon made
Kapayas is 17 miles, so we arrived in almost up of two bodies of water separated by
27 minutes, but if you travel by bus, it cost stunning limestone cliffs on one of the several
We arrived at Kayangan Lake in Coron, 31 pesos. islets that make up the Calamian Archipelago
Palawan, on November 11 at 7:00 a.m. as our in Palawan. You'll feel the warm seawater on
Mt. Tapyas is the most popular viewpoint in
first stop. Kayangan Lake location is in Coron, your skin as you step off the boat, and as you
Coron town, Busuanga. It is the second
Palawan. To get there, take a flight to travel further into the lagoon when clean
tallest mountain and one of the most
Busuanga. From the airport, ride a shuttle to water runs, you'll feel it becoming cooler.
dominant land features around the town. It
Coron town. Take the Coron Island loop boat
is 210 meters, so it takes about 724 steps to ✓ How do you get to Twin Lagoon Palawan
tour, which includes Kayangan Lake.
get to the peak of the mountain. It’s
Kayangan Lake is a crystal-clear freshwater The only way to get to Twin Lagoons is by
definitely a sweat fest, though every step is
lake in Coron, featuring underwater rock boat, either as part of a group tour or by
worth it when you reach the summit. About
formations, caves, and islets. It is surrounded hiring your own private boat. We
three-quarters of the way, you’ll catch the
by towering limestone cliffs dotted with recommend hiring your own boat as you
first glimpse of Coron Bay which has an
greenery. The water is so clear that you can can pick the time you go and you have
extraordinary view. It’s best to take a couple
see through to the rock formations beneath the complete control.
of photos. Better photo spots can be found
surface. It's a popular spot for photographers,
around the backside of the mountain, ✓ Entrance fee
for fairly obvious reasons, and is said to be the
boasting views of rolling hills, grassy trails,
cleanest lake in all of the Philippines. Twin Lagoon has one of the more
and a front-on view facing west where the
sunsets. Continue around to where you’ll see expensive entrance fees in Coron at 200
Before reaching the famous tourist spot, you
the sun setting over the bay and find a nice pesos per person ($4 USD). You will pay
need to take a steep 10-15 minutes uphill
spot to perch up on the side of the hill. There the entrance fee to your boat crew if you
climb of approximately 300 steps towards the
is no entrance fee in Mt. Tapyas you can visit are on a private trip and it will be included
inland lake. The Kayangan Lake entrance fee is
it whenever you want. already if you are on a group tour.
P300 ($6) per person as of writing.

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