Differentiated L New

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The Concept of Learning Farrant (1980) defines learning as a process by which one

acquires knowledge, skills, and attitudes that cannot be attributed to inherited behaviour
patterns or physical growth. Learning is considered as an activity of acquiring ideas,
values, skills, and competencies.
Three features can be identified with learning;

 The capability of doing something distinct and different from what people used to do
 An enduring element that is durable for a time.
 It has the element of practice and feedback (Shunck, 2000 as cited in Ntim, 2010)

Other Definitions of Learning

 Learning is being active and purposeful.
 Learning is intelligent and creative.
 Learning affects the conduct of learners.
 Learning is the product of the environment.

Learning is adjustment-the individual must adjust to his environment; he/she must learn
to adjust to the changes that take place around him.
Learning is growth-the child must grow through learning. An immature child is
developed into a mature person through the process of learning.
Learning is organising experience-learning is not like adding one experience to the
other; it is, rather, organizing the new experience with the old.
Differentiated Learning or instruction refers to teaching the same material to all
students using a variety of instructional strategies, or it may require the teacher to deliver
lessons at varying levels of difficulty based on the ability of each student.
Factor to consider when practice differentiation in the classroom may include;

• Design lessons based on students’ learning styles.

• Group students by shared interest, topic, or ability for assignments.

• Assess students’ learning using formative assessment.
• Manage the classroom to create a safe and supportive environment.
• Continually assess and adjust lesson content to meet students’ needs.
Ways to differentiate instruction
Content. Fundamentally, lesson content should cover the standards of learning set by the
school or state educational standards.
Examples of differentiating activities:

• Match vocabulary words to definitions.
• Read a passage of text and answer related questions.
• Think of a situation that happened to a character in the story and a different outcome.
• Differentiate fact from opinion in the story.
• Identify an author’s position and provide evidence to support this viewpoint.
• Create a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the lesson.
Process. Each student has a preferred learning style, and successful differentiation
includes delivering the material to each style: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, and
through words.
Examples of differentiating the process:

• Provide textbooks for visual and word learners.

• Allow auditory learners to listen to audiobooks.
• Allow kinesthetic learners to complete an interactive assignment online.
Product. The product is what the student creates at the end of the lesson to demonstrate
the mastery of the content. This can be in the form of tests, projects, reports, or other
Examples of differentiating the end product:

• Read and write learners write a book report.

• Visual learners create a graphic organizer of the story.
• Auditory learners give an oral report.
• Kinesthetic learners build a diorama illustrating the story.
Learning environment. The conditions for optimal learning include both physical and
psychological elements. A flexible classroom layout is key to incorporating various types
of furniture and arrangements to support both individual and group work.
Examples of differentiating the environment:

• Break some students into reading groups to discuss the assignment.

• Allow students to read individually if preferred.
• Create quiet spaces where there are no distractions.

Advantages of differentiated instruction

• Research shows differentiated instruction is effective for high-ability students as well as

students with mild to severe disabilities.

• When students are given more options on how they can learn the material, they take on
more responsibility for their learning.

• Students appear to be more engaged in learning, and there are reportedly fewer discipline
problems in classrooms where teachers provide differentiated lessons.

Disadvantages of differentiated instruction

• Differentiated instruction requires more work during lesson planning, and many teachers
struggle to find the extra time in their schedule.

• The learning curve can be steep and some schools lack professional development

• Critics argue there isn’t enough research to support the benefits of differentiated
instruction outweighing the added prep time.

Learning Styles. Refer to the difference in learners’ ability to accumulate as well as assimilate
information. They are learners’ preferred ways of perceiving and processing information (Kolb,

Types of Learning Styles

Visual learners: The concept of “visual learners” refers to people who learn through what they
can see. Visual learners learn well through observing and watching.

Auditory learners: This describes learners who learn best through listening or hearing. Auditory
learners absorb information more efficiently through sounds, music, and discussions, and they
are good listeners.

Kinesthetic or Tactile learners. These are learners who learn better through doing, touching,
moving, and working. Tactile has to do with the sense of touch and kinesthetic concerns the
sense of movement.

Learning Strategies. Broadly speaking, learning styles can be defined as general

approaches to language learning, while learning strategies are specific ways learners
choose to cope with language tasks in particular contexts.
The role of teachers here is to:

• Recognize their students’ learning strategies,

• Encourage students to use them in the classroom

• Make them more effective to the learning process,
• Base teaching process and techniques on these strategies.
1. Cognitive Strategies. When they manipulate the language material using indirect ways, e.g.
through reasoning, analysis, note-taking, and synthesizing.
2. Metacognitive Strategies. When they identify preferences and the need for planning,
monitoring mistakes, and evaluating task success.
3. Memory-Related Strategies. When they link one item or concept with another but do not
necessarily involve deep understanding, e.g. using acronyms, sound similarities, images,
4. Compensatory Strategies. When they make up for missing knowledge using gestures,
miming, or guessing the meaning from the context.
5. Affective Strategies. When they manage their emotions by identifying their mood and anxiety
level, talking about feelings, rewarding themselves, and using deep breathing or positive self-
6. Social Strategies. When they learn via interaction with others and understand the target
culture, e.g. asking questions, asking for clarification, asking for conversation help, talking
with a native-speaking partner, and exploring cultural and social norms.

The word ‘curriculum’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘currere’, which means a
racecourse (Elam, 2020).

The concept of curriculum is as dynamic as the changes that occur in society. In its narrow sense,
the curriculum is viewed merely as a listing of subjects to be taught in school. Broadly speaking,
curriculum is defined as the total learning experiences of the individual.

Syllabus. The syllabus is defined as the documents that consist of topics or portions covered in a
particular subject. It is determined by the examination board and created by the professors.

Differences between Curriculum and Syllabus

 The syllabus is described as the summary of the topics covered or units to be taught in a
particular subject. Curriculum refers to the overall content, taught in an educational system or
a course.
 Syllabus varies from teacher to teacher while the curriculum is the same for all teachers.
 The term syllabus is a Greek origin, whereas the term curriculum is a Latin origin.
 The curriculum has a wider scope than the syllabus.
 The duration of a syllabus is for a year only, but the curriculum lasts till the completion of the

Basic components of the curriculum

A framework of assumptions about the learner and the society such as learners’ capacity and
ability, aptitudes, and potential for learning, motivation, needs, interests, and values as well as
society’s orientation to nurturing or using the individual gainfully.

Aims and objectives (i.e., why education should be provided and towards what direction).

Content or subject-matter with a selection of what is to be taught and learned, the scope of the
subject matter, and its sequence.

Delivery methodologies—teaching strategies and learning activities that will be used to deliver
the content, including problems to solve, case studies, scenarios, hands-on labs, two-way
exchanges of information such as question and answer with an instructor, small group activities,
discussions, and real-life experience

Evaluation methods: A strategy for continually revising and updating the curriculum based on
how well it is meeting the instructional purposes and needs of the target audience.

Basic components of the syllabus. Learning Goals, Content, Language of instruction, Grading
Policy, Expected Study outside Class, References

Taxonomies of educational objectives;

Taxonomies are hierarchical schemes for classifying learning objectives into various levels of
complexity. There are three main domains of educational objectives. These are (1) cognitive, (2)
affective, (3) psychomotor


3.1 Roleplay
Role-playing is a way of working through a situation, a scenario, or a problem by assuming roles
and practicing what to say and do in a safe setting.

Steps in organizing role-play

Let’s first look at the acronym of four steps in organizing a structured role-play; S. E. R. A. S for
structured, E for experience, R for reflection, and A for application.

Benefits of Role-Playing.

Helps Learners Develop Emotional Connections, Assessment and Application of

Learning, provides a Safe Place to Practice and Learn, Helps Learners Develop Empathy

Empathy is the act of trying to compassionately understand the feelings and positions of others.

Disadvantages or Weaknesses of role-play

 People sometimes emphasize performance over the intended purpose

 It can be time-consuming
 It may be harmful to those students who lack the necessary skills. Eg. Those who are
shy or have speech problems
 It May benefit only the actual participants unless the objectives of the lesson have
been clearly stated
 Students with talent often monopolize the situation.

Game is a teaching method that allows learners to explore different parts of games as a form of

Kupisiewicz, (2009) identifies three types of games as;

Simulation games – the task is to present a specific fragment of reality in a simplified manner,
which makes it easier to observe or manipulate it;

Situational games – the idea is to challenge children and the youth to solve fictional tasks,

Staging games –require the reproduction of past events or create new plans for those events.

Benefits of games

 Acquisition or development of key competencies connected with various interactions,

such as the development of teamwork skills, persistence, critical thinking, and
analytical thinking.
 Games allow for the acquisition or strengthening of readiness to act, take risks, and
assume responsibility.
 The more effective educational impact of the teacher during the game – games allow
shifting the centre of gravity from the teacher and their teachings to the student and
their independent action.
 Games make competencies connected with a creative approach to problems and
orientation to risk more dynamic.


Storytelling is a means for sharing and interpreting experiences.

Principles of storytelling

There are four fundamental principles in storytelling; character, context, conflict, and creation.

Character adds a face to the story. They give the events of the story perspective.

Context. Stories do not exist in a vacuum. They happen in a specific time and place—
better known as a setting.

Conflict. The not-so-secret ingredient to a good story is conflict. What’s the point of a
story without conflict? A story without conflict is like a sporting event without an
opponent. Conflict drives the action of the story. It supplies the tension that motivates the

Creation. If the first three principles define the story, this one defines the telling.
Creation pulls together characters, context, and conflict into one comprehensive

Benefits of storytelling

 Storytelling allowed children to formulate ideas based on their own experiences and
 Storytelling is one of many main practices that teaches children the important
principles to live a good life
 Stories are a way to pass knowledge on from generation to generation.
 Storytelling is one of the many effective ways to educate both the young and old
about their cultures, identities, and history.

Modeling is an instructional strategy in which the teacher demonstrates a new concept or

approach to learning and students learn by observing. Using this type of instruction, teachers
engage students in imitation of particular behaviors that encourage learning.

Components of modeling

There are four key components in modeling as follows;

Goal Statement: What are you modeling, and why? State this clearly, briefly, and in terms that
resonate with the learner(s).

Demonstration: Someone who is highly skilled in the behavior or skill (either an adult or
student) should demonstrate, giving a strong, simple, and positive example.

Reflection: Learners should reflect on the modeling. What did they see? What worked?

Practice: Learners should immediately get to try the skill or task being learned while receiving

Benefit of modeling

 Modeling can help teachers and learners’ question, organize, and visualize their
 Modeling can support learning goals related to the content, making content more
versatile and transferable for students.
 Students can also use models to make and test predictions and explain a phenomenon.
 Modeling can be a component of formative and summative assessment.
Play? It is usually felt to be a universal activity and children are often portrayed as having an
inherent desire and capacity to play.

Types of play

Free play

Free play is child-initiated and child-directed. Children choose their activities and focus,
enabling unconstrained freedom of expression and open-ended interactions with their

Guided play. Guided play invites children’s active engagement, free exploration, and
direction of play, but also has clear learning goals so that players’ behaviours are limited
in useful ways and distraction is reduced.

Teacher-directed play involves teacher-determined activities, outcomes, and modes of


Benefits of play

Benefits for well-being, including higher self-efficacy, higher expectations for one’s success,
intrinsic motivation, and positive attitudes towards the early childhood setting or school.

Academic/cognitive benefits: play supports exploratory skills and discovery, the use of abstract
thought and symbols, communication and oral language skills, verbal intelligence, imagination
and creativity, and reading, writing, and mathematics.

Social and emotional benefits including social skills such as making friends, empathy,
expressing emotion, and conflict resolution. Play can also build resilience.

Physical benefits in terms of the development of large and small body muscles and motor skills,
while the physicality of play is associated with improved cognitive function, behavioral and
cognitive control, and academic achievement.


The concept of collaborative learning

The concept of collaborative learning, the grouping, and pairing of learners to achieve a learning
goal has been widely researched and advocated.

The term "collaborative learning" refers to an instructional method in which learners at various
performance levels work together in small groups toward a common goal. The learners are
responsible for one another's learning as well as their own. Thus, the success of one learner helps
other students to be successful.

Collaborative learning is also defined as an educational approach to teaching and learning that
involves groups of learners working together to solve a problem, complete a task, or create a
product. Collaborative learning is based on the idea that learning is a naturally social act in which
the participants talk among themselves. It is through the talk that learning occurs.

Collaborative learning (CL) is an instruction that involves students working in teams to

accomplish a common goal, under conditions that include the following elements (Johnson,
Johnson, and Smith, 1991):

1. Positive interdependence. Team members are obliged to rely on one another to achieve
the goal. If any team members fail to do their part, everyone suffers consequences.

2. Individual accountability. All students in a group are held accountable for doing their
share of the work and for mastery of all of the material to be learned.

3. Face-to-face promotes interaction. Although some of the group work may be parceled
out and done individually, some must be done interactively, with group members providing one
another with feedback, challenging one another's conclusions and reasoning, and perhaps most
importantly, teaching and encouraging one another.

4. Appropriate use of collaborative skills. Students are encouraged and helped to develop
and practice trust-building, leadership, decision-making, communication, and conflict
management skills.

5. Group processing. Team members set group goals, periodically assess what they are
doing well as a team, and identify changes they will make to function more effectively in the

Some Collaborative Learning Strategies

Think-Pair-Share: (1) The instructor poses a question, preferable one demanding analysis,
evaluation, or synthesis, and gives students about a minute to think through an appropriate
response. This "think-time" can be spent writing, also. (2) Students then turn to a partner and

share their responses. (3) During the third step, student responses can be shared within a four-
person learning team, within a larger group, or with an entire class during a follow-up discussion.
The caliber of discussion is enhanced by this technique, and all students have an opportunity to
learn by reflection and by verbalization.

Three-Step Interview: Common as an ice-breaker or a team-building exercise, this structure can

also be used to share information such as hypotheses or reactions to a film or article. (1) Students
form dyads; one student interviews the other. (2) Students switch roles. (3) The dyad links with a
second dyad. This four-member learning team then discusses the information or insights gleaned
from the initial paired interviews.

Simple Jigsaw: The faculty member divides an assignment or topic into four parts with all
students from each Learning Team volunteering to become "experts" on one of the parts.
Expert Teams then work together to master their fourth of the material and also to discover the
best way to help others learn it. All experts then reassemble in their home LEARNING TEAMS
where they teach the other group members.

Numbered Heads Together: Members of learning teams usually composed of four individuals,
count off: 1, 2, 3, or 4. the instructor poses a question, usually factual, but requiring some higher-
order thinking skills. Students discuss the question, making certain that every group member
knows the agreed-upon answer. The instructor calls a specific number and the team members
originally designated that number during the count-off respond as group spokespersons. Because
no one knows which number the teacher will call, all team members have a vested interest in
understanding the appropriate response.

Again, students benefit from the verbalization, and peer coaching helps both the high and the low
achievers. Class time is usually better spent because less time is wasted on inappropriate
responses and because all students become actively involved with the material.

What is Cooperative Learning?

Cooperative Learning involves structuring classes around small groups that work together in
such a way that each group member's success is dependent on the group's success. There are
different kinds of groups for different situations, but they all balance some key elements that
distinguish cooperative learning from competitive or individualistic learning.

Cooperative learning can also be contrasted with what it is not. Cooperation is not having
students sit side-by-side at the same table to talk with each other as they do their assignments.
Cooperation is not assigning a report to a group of students where one student does all the work
and the others put their names on the product as well. Cooperation involves much more than
being physically near other students, discussing material, helping, or sharing material with other
students. There is a crucial difference between simply putting students into groups to learn and
structuring cooperative interdependence among students

Cooperative Learning Techniques

Barkley, Cross, and Major (2005) opined that Cooperative learning techniques can be loosely
categorized by the skill that each enhances as follows;

A good give-and-take discussion can produce unmatched learning experiences as students
articulate their ideas, respond to their classmates' points, and develop skills in evaluating the
evidence of their own and others' positions.

Think-pair-share: As probably the best known cooperative learning exercise, the think-pair-
share structure provides students with the opportunity to reflect on the question posed and then
practice sharing and receiving potential solutions. Its simplicity provides instructors with an easy
entry into cooperative learning and it is readily adaptable to a wide range of course constructs.
(Example: Where Do I Begin? Using Think-Pair-Share to Initiate the Problem Solving Process)

Three-step interview: This structure can be used both as an ice-breaker that introduces students
to one another and to provide students with a venue for soliciting opinions, positions, or ideas
from their peers. Students are first paired and take turns interviewing each other using a series of
questions provided by the instructor. Pairs then match up and students introduce their original
partner. At the end of the exercise, all four students have had their position or viewpoints on an
issue heard, digested, and described by their peers.

Reciprocal teaching: explaining, providing feedback, understanding alternative perspectives.

Slavin (1996), maintained that "students who give each other elaborated explanations (and less
consistently, those who receive such explanations) are the students who learn most in cooperative
learning." (p. 53)

Note-taking pairs: Poor note-taking leads to poor performance. Designing an exercise that
requires students to summarize their understanding of a concept based on notes taken (with
directed questions such as what is the definition of a concept, how is it used, what are the three
most important characteristics of a topic) and receiving reflective feedback from their partner
provides students the opportunity to find critical gaps in their written records.

Jigsaw: For more complex problems, this structure provides students the opportunity to develop
expertise in one of many components of a problem by first participating in a group solely focused
on a single component. In the second stage of the exercise, groups are reformed with a
representative from each expert group who together now have sufficient expertise to tackle the
whole problem.

Graphic organizers: discovering patterns and relationships

"Graphic organizers are powerful tools for converting complex information into meaningful
displays...They can provide a framework for gathering and sorting ideas for discussion, writing,
and research." (Barkley, Cross, and Major, 2005, p.205) See also, concept mapping.

Group grid: Students practice organizing and classifying information in a table. A more complex
version of this structure requires students to first identify the classification scheme that will be

Sequence chains: The goal of this exercise is to provide a visual representation of a series of
events, actions, roles, or decisions. Students can be provided with the items to be organized or
asked to first generate these based on a predetermined end goal. This structure can be made more
complex by having students also identify and describe the links between each of the sequenced

Dyadic essays: Students prepare for the in-class portion of this exercise by developing an essay
question and model answer based on the assigned reading. Students typically need to be guided
to develop questions that integrate material across classes as opposed to ones that simply recite
facts presented in the reading. In class, students exchange essay questions and write a
spontaneous answer essay. Students then pair up, compare and contrast the model answer and the
spontaneously generated answer. Subsequently, questions and answers can be shared with the
larger class.

Peer editing: As opposed to the editing process that often appears only at the final stage of a
paper, peer editing pairs up students at the idea generation stage, and peers provide feedback
throughout the process. For example, the relationship begins as each student in the pair describes
their topic ideas and outlines the structure of their work while their partner asks questions, and
develops an outline based on what is described. See also, peer review.

Problem-solving: developing strategies and analysis

Research by mathematics educators Vidakovic (1997) and Vidakovic and Martin (2004) shows
that groups can solve problems more accurately than individuals working alone.

Send-a-problem: Students participate in a series of problem-solving rounds, contributing their

independently generated solution to those that have been developed by other groups. After
several rounds, students are asked to review the solutions developed by their peers, evaluate the
answers and develop a final solution. (Example: Understanding the Impact of (Fiscal and
Monetary) Policy)

Three-stay, one-stray: Even students working in groups can benefit from the feedback of
additional peers. In this structure, students periodically take a break from their work (often at key
decision-making points) and send one group member to another group to describe their progress.
The role of the group is to gain information and alternative perspectives by listening and sharing.

The number of times the group sends a representative to another group depends on the level of
complexity of the problem. This method can also be used to report out final solutions.

Differences between collaborative learning cooperative learning

Collaborative Learning Cooperative Learning
Collaborative learning requires the mutual Cooperative learning requires individuals to
engagement of all participants and a take responsibility for a specific section and
coordinated effort to solve the problem then coordinate their respective parts together.
Collaborative learning applies to college and Cooperative learning is typically used for
university students because it is used to teach children because it is used to understand the
non-foundations of learning. foundations of knowledge
Collaborative learning is a philosophy of Cooperative learning is a
interaction structure of interaction.

Group work
Group work is a student-centered way of teaching that emphasizes collaboration, cooperation,
and teamwork. Rance-Roney (2010) describes group work as a classroom practice where
“students work in teams to construct knowledge and accomplish tasks through collaborative
interaction.” Sometimes teachers use groups to work on short activities in an informal way.
However, a more formal structure to group work can provide many benefits for the students as

Benefits of group work

Working in groups allows students to be in an interactive environment. This interaction

helps them to develop language and social skills.
During group work, students are engaging with the task, increasing their confidence, and
becoming responsible for their learning (Sajedi, 2014).
Working together is effective because students interact meaningfully in the target
language and get helpful feedback from peers.
Students develop “positive interdependence.” This means that they encourage and help
each other by sharing ideas and knowledge to reach a common goal.
Group work can help you manage your classroom successfully regardless of class size or
Group work creates an atmosphere that encourages successful behaviors.
Working in groups engages students with others who may have different sets of language
and social skills.
Using smaller groups to meet classroom goals allows students to develop skills that are
valuable in life and work, such as:
• talking about ideas

• justifying opinions
• collaborating with others
• building consensus

• handling conflict
• disagreeing politely
Limitations of group work

• the group can go off in the wrong direction

• the group can be hijacked by some determined individuals
• some members may become passengers making others take the lead
• individual creativity may be stifled
• supervision by teachers can be difficult

Types of Groups and Their Formations

1. Buzz groups
These groups involve students engaging in short, informal discussions, often in response to a
particular sentence starter or question. At a transitional moment in the class, have students turn to
1-3 neighbors to discuss any difficulties in understanding, answer a prepared question, define or
give examples of key concepts, or speculate on what will happen next in the class. The best
discussions are those in which students make judgments regarding the relative merits, relevance,
or usefulness of an aspect of the lecture (Brookfield & Preskill, 1999). Sample questions include,
“What’s the most contentious statement you’ve heard so far in the lecture today?” or “What’s the
most unsupported assertion you’ve heard in the lecture today?” Reconvene as a class and have a
general discussion in which students share ideas or questions that arose within their subgroups.
Class size: any

Time frame: 3-10 minutes

Setting: no limitations

Purpose: generate ideas/answers, re-stimulate student interest, gauge student understanding

2. Think-pair-share
This strategy has three steps. First, students think individually about a particular question or
scenario. Then they pair up to discuss and compare their ideas. Finally, they are given the chance
to share their ideas in a large class discussion. Class size: any

Time frame: 5-10 minutes

Setting: no limitations

Purpose: generate ideas, increase students’ confidence in their answers, encourage broad
participation in plenary session

3. Circle of Voices

This method involves students taking turns to speak. Students form circles of four or five. Give
students a topic, and allow them a few minutes to organize their thoughts about it. Then the
discussion begins, with each student having up to three minutes (or choose a different length) of
uninterrupted time to speak. During this time, no one else is allowed to say anything. After
everyone has spoken once, open the floor within the subgroup for general discussion. Specify
that students should only build on what someone else has said, not on their ideas; also, at this
point, they should not introduce new ideas (Brookfield & Preskill, 1999).

Class size: any

Time frame: 10-20 minutes

Setting: moveable chairs preferable

Purpose: generate ideas, develop listening skills, have all students participate, equalize learning

4. Rotating trios
This strategy involves students discussing issues with many of their classmates in turn.
Beforehand, prepare discussion questions. In class, students form trios, with the groups arranged
in a large circle or square formation. Give the students a question and suggest that each person
take a turn answering. After a suitable period, ask the trios to assign a 0, 1, or 2 to each of its
members. Then direct the #1s to rotate one trio clockwise, the #2s to rotate two trios clockwise,
and the #0s to remain in the same place; the result will be completely new trios. Now introduce a
new, slightly more difficult question. Rotate trios and introduce new questions as many times as
you would like (Silberman, 1996).

Class size: 15-30

Time frame: 10 or more minutes

Setting: a fair bit of space, moveable seating helpful (they could stand) Purpose: introduce
students to many of their peers, generate ideas

5. Snowball groups/pyramids
This method involves progressive doubling: students first work alone, then in pairs, then
in fours, and so on. In most cases, after working in fours, students come together for a
plenary session in which their conclusions or solutions are pooled. Provide a sequence of
increasingly complex tasks so that students do not become bored with a repeated
discussion at multiple stages. For example, have students record a few questions that

relate to the class topic. In pairs, students try to answer one another’s questions. Pairs join
together to make fours and identify, depending on the topic, either unanswered questions
or areas of controversy, or relevant principles based on their previous discussions. Back
in the large class group, one representative from each group reports the group’s
conclusions (Habeshaw et al, 1984; Jaques, 2000).
Class size: 12-50

Time frame: 15-20 minutes, depending on how many times the groups “snowball”

Setting: moveable seating required

Purpose: generate well-vetted ideas, narrow a topic, and develop decision-making skills.

6. Jigsaw
This strategy involves students becoming “experts” on one aspect of a topic and then
sharing their expertise with others. Divide a topic into a few constitutive parts (“puzzle
pieces”). Form subgroups of 3-5 and assign each subgroup a different “piece” of the topic
(or, if the class is large, assign two or more subgroups to each subtopic). Each group’s
task is to develop expertise on its particular subtopic by brainstorming, developing ideas,
and if time permits, researching. Once students have become experts on a particular
subtopic, shuffle the groups so that the members of each new group have a different area
of expertise. Students then take turns sharing their expertise with the other group
members, thereby creating a completed “puzzle” of knowledge about the main topic
(Silberman, 1996). A convenient way to assign different areas of expertise is to distribute
handouts of different colours. For the first stage of the group work, groups are composed
of students with the same colour of handout; for the second stage, each member of the
newly formed groups must have a different colour of the handout.
Class size: 10-50

Time frame: 20 or more minutes

Setting: moveable seating required, a lot of space preferable

Purpose: learn concepts in-depth, develop teamwork, have students teaching students

7. Fishbowl
This method involves one group observing another group. The first group forms a circle and
either discusses an issue or topic, does a role play, or performs a brief drama. The second group
forms a circle around the inner group. Depending on the inner group’s task and the context of
your course, the outer group can look for themes, patterns, soundness of argument, etc., in the
inner group’s discussion, analyze the inner group’s functioning as a group, or simply watch and
comment on the role play. Debrief with both groups at the end in a plenary to capture their
experiences. See Jaques (2000) for several variations on this technique.

Class size: 10-50

Time frame: 15 or more minutes

Setting: moveable seating and a lot of space preferable; if necessary, have inner group stand/sit in
front of a lecture hall and the outer group sit in regular lecture hall seats

Purpose: observe group interaction, provide real illustrations for concepts, provide an opportunity
for analysis

8. Learning teams
For this type of group, students are divided into groups at the beginning of the term. When you
want to incorporate small group discussion or teamwork into your class, you direct the students
to get into these term-long learning groups. Groups of four work well because each foursome can
be subdivided into pairs, depending on the activity.

Class size: any

Time frame: any

Setting: no limitations

Purpose: foster relationships among students, increase confidence in participating

Effective Classroom Management Strategies for Small Group

The following are ways of managing group work in the classroom;

Frequently Cited Problem Behaviors

• Not following along
• Blurting out responses
• Disturbing others (including making noises & deliberately annoying others)
• Delays in starting a task
• Out of seat
• Not prepared with materials
• Non-Compliance
• Arguing

Physical Structure
• The goal is to design a structure that allows the teacher to interact quickly and
easily with all students.
• Respond consistently to minor misbehavior
• Respond to misbehavior before it escalates
• Engage frequently in positive interactions

Consider risk factors when determining arrangement.

• Grade level
• number of students
• reputation of class
• teacher experience
• Optimize for most common types of instructional tasks.
• If necessary, train students in procedures for physically restructuring the room.
• Getting Started with Expectations for Behavior
Define expectations for group, independent & transition times.
• Teach Expectations
• Monitor Expectations
• Encourage Compliance
• Use Correction Procedures.
• Teaching Expectations
• Describe the expectations.
• Provide examples and non-examples.
• Rehearse the expectations
• Provide frequent opportunities to follow expectations  Reinforce compliance.
• Use corrective procedures that teach expectations.
• Review expectations frequently.

Small Group and Independent Seatwork

• Provide instructions for independent seatwork before small group work begins
• Begin small group instruction only after independent seatwork is going smoothly
• Build natural stopping points within the small group lesson
• Praise on-task independent workers while teaching the small group lesson 
Encourage rather than punish

• Prepare all materials in advance and place them where they will be used
• Provide a signal to notify students of time remaining until transition
• Gain student attention before the transition occurs
• Give instructions on how to make the transition and the expectations for behavior
• Use positive reinforcement
• Use corrective procedures

Quiet-Time Strategy
Step 1. Require students to stop what they are doing immediately.
Step 2. Require students to remain quiet.
Step 3. Maintain quiet time for 1 or 2 minutes.
Step 4. Remind students of rules and expectations for the current task.
Step 5. Have the students resume the previous task.

Step 6. Use reinforcement to maintain appropriate behavior.

Time-Out from Positive Reinforcement

Step 1. Define the behaviors that will result in time-out being implemented.
Step 2. Decide the location of the time-out area.
Step 3. Implement the time-out procedure calmly.
Step 4. Determine the length of the time-out period.
Step 5. Require the student to make up any work missed during the time-out.
Step 6. When the student is out of the time-out area, reinforce appropriate behavior.
Project Work Method

The project method is an educational enterprise in which children solve a practical problem for
several days or weeks. It may involve building a rocket, designing a playground, or publishing a
class newspaper. The projects may be suggested by the teacher, but they are planned and
executed as far as possible by the students themselves, individually or in groups. Project work
focuses on applying, not imparting, specific knowledge or skills, and on improving student
involvement and motivation to foster independent thinking, self-confidence, and social

Principles of project method

Five major principles can be identified from the foregoing discussion on the nature of the project
method. They are as follows:

1. Freedom – The desire that a student may have for embarking on a project must not be
forced on him. It must be the willingness of the learner so that the students can express
themselves freely. The student should not be subjected to any restrictions, obstructions, and
impositions in thought and expression.

2. Reality – Education must be a process that deals with real-life situations. The learning
process becomes very meaningful if it is linked with the life situations which interest the learner.

3. Experience – Experience is gained when the students undertake a variety of activities

that are closely related to his interest. Students come face to face with real-life situations and get
first-hand information through the experience that is offered in project work.

4. Activity Involvement- Students, more especially the young ones, find it difficult by
nature to stay still without indulging in any activity. In the planning of any teaching and learning
process, one must be guided by this natural ability, so that they become active participants. In the
project, the student is involved actively both mentally and physically to ensure effective learning.

5. Purpose- An awareness of the purpose or objective of embarking upon a learning

experience not only serves as a great stimulus but also enhances the students’ chances of
achieving their potentials. It is common knowledge that interest cannot arouse aimless and

meaningless activities. This project method ensures that purposeful and worthwhile activities are
undertaken by students.

Steps in the project process

1. Creating a congenial atmosphere: It is not educationally sound to force a project on students

who are not prepared for it. It is best to allow this student the chance to state, define, and select
what they intend to do within the prescribed content.

2. Selecting and Purposing: Purposing is very essential because the project agreed upon must
be such that it is capable of satisfying a definite need or purpose. The purpose as far as
possible must be that which is widely accepted by the students.

3. Planning: Planning is the next thing which the students have to grapple with after a consensus
has been reached on the choice of the project. The teacher has to draw the attention of students
to the need to plan before they embark upon any activity.

4. Carrying out the Plan: Students have to work on the materials needed for the project.

5. Self-Evaluation: The work must be reviewed when it is completed. In the evaluation of their
work, the students should be guided to state the benefits that they have derived from the

6. Documentation: There is the need to record all the activities which have been undertaken in
the project. The details of the various steps or strategies adopted should be properly

Advantages of the project method

1. Since the emphasis is on doing by the student, an opportunity is provided to develop his
initiative as well as a greater understanding of how to learn.

2. Motivation to work is high it is based on the natural interests of students. It thus offers an
opportunity for creative ability, particularly for especially talented students.

3. It gives students specific areas to work on sometimes with the acquisition of some new skills
and attitudes.

4. Group projects afford opportunities for developing leadership and organizing abilities.

5. A source of redeemer (catharsis) for the low achiever: Usually students who are low
achievers find it difficult to work in situations where abstract thinking dominates. They are
most at home with concrete and practical situations which keep them busy. The project
method, therefore, provides a great opportunity for the student who is a low achiever, to
participate in practical learning situations which gives the much needed intrinsic motivation.
6. Enhances problem-solving: The project method provides the students the opportunity of
learning, how to solve problems. The problem techniques are critical thinking, planning,
looking for information, formulating intelligent guesses, and arriving at generalization.


1. Projects are very time-consuming and what is ultimately learned may not justify the expense,
efforts, and time put in to complete the project. Many a time projects do not take into
consideration the tenets of examinations and the scope of the curriculum. Frequent use of
this method will compromise the covering of the curriculum for a stipulated time and this
may adversely affect students’ performance if the regulations of the examination are tied
with the scope of the curriculum.

2. Student often gets sidetracked particularly if they lack a good grasp of facts necessary in
carrying out the projects.

3. It is difficult to choose a project that will interest all the students in the class at one time.

4. Some students may not participate in the project work at all.

5. Lack of competent teachers: The nature of the project demands the service of efficient
resourceful and very knowledgeable teachers in the use of the method. The method demands
a great deal of preparation on the part of the teacher and the responsibility which he bears is
so great that many teachers shy away from the use of the method. Very few teachers have the
confidence and competence in using the method.

6. Lack of Requisite Textbooks: The project method makes considerable use of materials
from many sources such as magazines, newspapers, periodicals, etc.

Textbooks are usually written in one subject area hence they are woefully inadequate in the
information for conducting an effective project which usually relies on information from varied
sources and various areas and disciplines.

Field Work/ Fieldtrip.

This method involves taking learners on an excursion outside the classroom to make the relevant
observation to obtain technological and vocational information.

These are also visits to educational sites or places to complement learning which is done in the
classroom. There are variations in the duration of fieldwork. Fieldwork may last only half an
hour, another two hours and another had a day and another the whole day. Others may be of a
week or two weeks duration. The duration of fieldwork depends on the objectives and the
amount of work entailed.

Various types of phenomena can be studied through the fieldwork method. The phenomena
selected for study can be of economic, historical, geographical, and cultural importance.

The phenomena of economic importance may be market places, shops, supermarkets, factories,
and workshops.

Places of historical importance may be monuments, tombs, castles, forts, museums. Phenomena
of geographical interests may be a valley, a mountain, a volcano, etc

Places of cultural importance could be mosques, cathedrals, churches, and shrines.

Types of Fieldtrips

There are two types of fieldwork trips. They are Structured and Unstructured field trips or
experiences. In the structured field trip, students are aware of what definite tasks they have to
perform in the field and this follows a laid down procedure.

In the Unstructured field trip, the teacher prompts the student to indicate any phenomenon which
is of interest to them and they would like to study. By consensus, the students end up, choosing
one phenomenon. The teacher then asks them to choose any materials and equipment which they
think will facilitate the study they intend to undertake. This may not necessarily follow a laid
down procedure.

Preparation before the Trip

First and foremost, the teacher must take a visit or two to the phenomenon to be studied when
certain issues or facts are omitted.

The teacher has to inform the head of the institution well ahead of time when the fieldwork will
take place. The teacher then informs his students of the impending fieldwork.

The teacher will have visited more than one phenomenon preferably three then students will have
the opportunity to choose the one in which they are most interested. The teacher also has to
inform colleagues of the impending fieldwork, more especially those whose time may be taken

It is also necessary that the teacher acquaint himself with official regulations, which govern
taking students out for fieldwork. He should as a necessity, try to go by the regulations strictly.
He must also have to arrange for transport, boarding, and possible accommodation.


Steps in Organizing a Structured Fieldtrip

1. The teacher introduces the phenomenon in the fieldwork through a lead lesson e.g. Video
show. The lead lesson is meant to expose the students to the nature of the fieldwork, the task
involved to arouse pupils’ interest.

2. Inform the headteacher of your impending visit with the pupils and discuss the objective and
the modalities for the trip. Upon approval by the head

3. Call for PTA meeting and discuss matters with them

4. Write officially to the education office. Because you are traveling with people’s children and
anything can happen.

5. Write to the visiting site and confirm the date with the headteacher.

6. Finally inform the office of the date and the arrangement put in place to ensure the safety of
the pupils.

7. To board the bus have a count and know the number of pupils embarking on the journey.

As soon as students assemble in the school for the fieldwork, there should be a headcount. The
teacher in consultation with the group should make sure that they have not left behind any
material, which they should use in the field.

When the teacher and the students get to the field, the teacher selects a place where all the
students will have to report after their study. The teacher should let the students know the
duration of the time within which they are expected to complete the work. He must also send a
note of warning to the students about how they are expected to behave towards people if it is a
place of work.

The activities which students perform in the field may vary.

Fieldwork Activities

1. Pupils are expected to ask questions

2. Pupils are expected to take note

Post Fieldwork Activities

From the field, pupils may get back into the groups to plan how the data collected in the field
should be organized and presented.

1. Group discussion of the lessons learned

2. Report writing and documentation.

Advantages of the Fieldwork Method

1. It allows the students to engage fully in the activities of the study.

2. It sharpens the students’ observational abilities.

3. It helps to add reality to and verify how the areas of coverage operate in practice.

4. Fieldtrip is useful in developing all senses of the students.

5. It provides an opportunity for students to identify ways of spending leisure time profitably.

6. Things that cannot be brought to the classroom can be observed and studied e.g. oceans

7. Through direct contact with different occupations provided by field trips students learn and
develop an appreciation of the “world” of work outside of the school about schoolwork.

8. Experience gained during a field trip can motivate students to read about what they have
observed, to harmonize actual field experiences with information gathered from a textbook.

9. It exposes the student to real-world situations, which are unmatched to other classrooms
behind learning situations.

10. Through observation, the students discover new ideas.

11. It eliminates abstract thinking and encourages practical activity.

12 Through the method, students can think critically.

13 The students through this method learn to acquire the skills of locating and gathering
information through interviews and observations.

Advantages of the fieldwork method

1. It allows the students to engage fully in the activities of the study.

2. It sharpens the students’ observational abilities.

3. It helps to add reality to and verify how the area of coverage operates in practice.

4. Fieldtrip is useful in developing all senses of the students.

5. It provides an opportunity for students to identify ways of spending leisure time profitably.

6. Things that cannot be brought to the classroom can be observed and studied e.g. oceans

7. Through direct contact with different occupations provided by field trips students learn and
develop an appreciation of the “world” of work outside of the school about schoolwork.

8. Experience gained during a fieldtrip can motivate students to read about what they have
observed, to harmonize actual field experiences with information gathered from textbooks.

9. It exposes the student to real-world situations, which are unmatched to other classrooms
behind learning situations.

10. Through observation, the students discover new ideas.

11. It eliminates abstract thinking and encourages practical activity.

12 Through the method, students can think critically.

13 The students through this method learn to acquire the skills of locating and gathering
information through interviews and observations.


1. Arranging a good fieldtrip necessitates careful planning. Not only does it consume a
considerable amount of time, but transportation arrangements.

2. Many teachers lack the skills to organize fieldwork

3. It is usually costly to be undertaken more especially when the phenomenon for the study is far
away from the school.

4. The method can sometimes throw the programme out of gear.

5. Many people, more especially, parents think it exposes students to many hazards


The word demonstration means to give demos or to perform the activity or concept. In the
demonstration method, the teaching-learning process is carried systematically. Demonstration
often occurs when students have a hard time connecting theories to actual practice or when
students are unable to understand applications of theories. To make the success of the
demonstration method, three things are necessary.

The object being displayed during the demonstration should not be so small.

During the demonstration, clear language should be used so that pupils may understand the
concept easily.

The pupils should be able to question teachers to remove their difficulties.

Characteristic of Demonstration Method

1 The demonstration should be done simply.

2 In this strategy, attention is paid to all students.

3 The goals and objections of the demonstration are very clear.

4 It is a well-planned strategy.

5 Time is given for rehearsal before the demonstration.


There are six steps in the demonstration process.

1 Planning and preparation

Proper planning is required for a good demonstration. The following points should be kept in

• Through the Preparation of Subject Matter.

• Lesson Planning
• Collection of Material Related to the Demonstration  Rehearsal of
To ensure the success of the demonstration, the teacher should prepare lessons minutely and very

2 Introducing the lesson

The teacher should motivate students and prepare them mentally for the demonstration. The
teacher should introduce the lesson to students keeping in mind the following things.

• Individual Differences
• Environment
• Experiences
• The Lesson Can Also Be Started with Some Simple and Interesting Experiments.
Very Common Event or Some Internal Story.
• The experiment should be able to hold the attention of students.
(3) Presentation of subject matter

• In the demonstration, the presentation of the subject matter is very important.

• The principle of reflecting thinking should be kept in mind.
• The teacher should teach the student in such a way that their previous knowledge
can be attached to their new knowledge.
4 Demonstrations

The performance in the demonstration table should be ideal for the student.

The demonstration should be neat and clean.
5 Teaching Aids

The teacher can use various teaching aids like models, blackboards, graphs, etc. During
the demonstration.
6 Evaluations

In this last step, the evaluation of the whole demonstration should be done, so that it can be made
more effective.

Merits of Demonstration Method

1 It helps a student in having a deeper understanding of the topic.

2 It helps students remain active in the teaching-learning process.

3 It leads to permanent learning.

4 It accounts for the principles of reflective thinking.

5 It helps to create interest for topics among students.

6 It helps in arousing the spirit of discovery among students.

7 It imparts maximum learning to students.


1. Students cannot benefit from direct and personal experiences as teachers carry out the

2. It can be costly as it requires costly materials.

3. It can be a time-consuming method. 4. It is not based on learning by doing.

5. This method does not provide training for the scientific method.

6. There is a lack of experienced teachers to carry out the

Dramatization. The Word ‘Drama’ means ‘to act or to do’. In dramatizing, an individual
attempts to act or do, as somebody else has acted or is expected to act, at a certain time,
in a certain place and situation.

Types of Dramatizations

There are of two types demonstration:

Extempore Dramatization: Instruction without prior preparations is imparted to the

children in the class through this method.
Prepared Dramatization: In this type of dramatization preparations are made
beforehand. Students memorize dialogues and act according to instructions.
Kinds of Dramatization

A. Full-length play: A full-length play is vivid and realistic. It gives a full representation of a
whole scheme to be presented in the classroom.

B. Class Dramatization: A good history teacher can undertake certain informal

dramatizations inside the classroom to make his teaching effective and natural. He may
dramatize only a part of a lesson.

Advantages of Dramatization

• It has to develop the power of self-creativeness and activity.

• It also helps them to develop the power of sympathy and imagination.
• The power of observation also develops through this method.
• It provides education along with precaution.
• It also develops in the students the power of appreciation and aesthetic sense.
• In the lower classes, it is easy to teach history to students through this method in
an effective manner.
Disadvantages of Dramatization

• Lack of Knowledge in the art of Dramatizations: Dramatization requiressome

technical knowledge. Every teacher does not process it.
• The apprehension of indiscipline: While dramatization is going on, the teacher
can't maintain rigid discipline in the classroom.
• Difficult Enacting: Certain events of history are difficult to enact. it is difficult to
enact successfully the scene of war.
• The problem of Dialogue: In employing this technique, it is necessary to have
good dialogues.
Problem Solving

Meaning and Definition of Problem-solving method

Problem–solving may be a purely mental difficulty or it may be physical and involve
manipulation of data. Problem-solving is the ability to identify and solve problems by applying
appropriate skills systematically.

Problem-solving is a process—an ongoing activity in which we take what we know to discover

what we don’t know. It involves overcoming obstacles by generating hypotheses, testing those
predictions, and arriving at satisfactory solutions.

Aggarwal (1982) opined that it is a method in which a person uses his ability to solve problems
that confront him. A problem is a state of affairs viewed with dissatisfaction. A solution is called
for the reverse of the situation or to provide an understanding or insight into the problem. The
ability to combine previously learned principles, procedures, knowledge, and cognitive strategies
uniquely within a domain of content to solve encountered problems.

Objectives of Problem-Solving: The specific objectives of problem-solving in science are:

• Willingness to try problems and improve their perseverance when solving

• Improve pupils’ self-concepts concerning the abilities to solve problems.
• Make pupils aware of the problem-solving strategies.
• Make pupils aware of the value of approaching problems systematically.
• Make pupils aware that many problems can be solved in more than one way.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to select appropriate solution strategies.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to implement solution strategies accurately.
• Improve pupils’ abilities to get more correct answers to problems
• The appreciation of the existence of a problem and a desire to solve it  The
accumulation of the facts and data which are pertinent to the problem.
• Logical interpretation of the data supported by adequate valid experience.
Procedural steps of Problem solving method

The procedural steps can be divided into three phases

Pre-active /planning phase

Active / Execution phase Post-
active/Evaluation phase The Pre-active /
planning phase include:

Defining the problem:

The system. Have students identify the system under study by interpreting the
information provided in the problem statement. Drawing a diagram is a great way to do
Known(s) and concepts. List what is known about the problem, and identify the
knowledge needed to understand (and eventually) solve it.

Unknown(s). Identifying the unknown(s) becomes simpler. One unknown is generally
the answer to the problem, but there may be other unknowns. Be sure that students
understand what they are expected to find.
Units and symbols. Select, interpret, and use units and symbols. Emphasize the use of
units whenever applicable. Develop a habit of using appropriate units and symbols
yourself at all times.

Constraints. Teach students to look for the words only, must, neglect, or assume to help
identify the constraints. Active / Execution phase

The following are the general procedural steps in the Execution phase:

Step one

Selection of the Problem and Presentation of the Problem: Several problems are confronted by
the students in the class or outside. They are made to select a problem as per their capacity and

Each student is made to feel responsible for presenting the problem in front of the teacher and
class as per his insight. The students are free to give their suggestions on the problem. Diagnose
the situation so that your focus is on the problem.

Step two

Generation of alternative solutions: All the facts related to the problem are collected either by a
student or a group. As many facts will be collected, it will help the students to keep the most
pertinent facts and discard the rest.

Step three

Generate alternative solutions: Postpone the selection of one solution until several alternatives
have been proposed. Having a standard with which to compare the characteristics of the final
solution is not the same as defining the desired outcome. Considering multiple alternatives can
significantly enhance the value of the final solution. Many alternative solutions should be
generated before evaluating any of them. A common mistake in problem-solving is that
alternatives are evaluated as they are proposed, so the first desired solution is chosen, even if it’s
not the best fit.

Step four

Evaluate and select an alternative: Skilled problem solvers use a series of considerations when
selecting the best alternative. They consider the extent to which:

A particular alternative will solve the problem without causing other unanticipated problems.

All the individuals involved will accept the alternative.

Implementation of the alternative is likely.

The alternative fits within the organizational constraints.

Step five

Implement and follow up on the solution: This is the most important phase as a proper outline at
this stage will lead to purposeful activity. The teacher will guide students to draw an exact plan
and follow it properly so that the solution to the problem is reached. It is more or less like the
planning stage, wherein a clear indication of outline leads to better results. Feedback channels
must be built into the implementation of the solution, to produce continuous monitoring and
testing of actual events against expectations. Problem-solving and the techniques used to derive
elucidation can only be effective in an organization if the solution remains in place and is
updated to respond to future changes.

Post-active/Evaluation phase.

The following steps come under this phase;

Reaching the inferences and conclusions: The tentative solutions which are offered by students
are properly noted down. A good number of arrangements, discussions, brainstorming results in
reaching a satisfactory conclusion. The teacher has to be very careful at this stage as it may lead
to wrong conclusions. The discussions must be healthy and a conducive atmosphere must be
provided in the classroom for it.

The students review the entire process and find out each stage wherein they have made any
mistakes. Self-criticism and Self-realization will give training of self-confidence. The teacher
must see that objective has been achieved.

Writing the Report:

A complete report should be written by the students. This will include, how they planned, what
discussions were held, how duties were assigned, how satisfactory conclusion was reached etc.
It’s vitally important that students have multiple opportunities to assess their problem-solving
skills and the solutions they generate from using those skills. Frequently, students are overly
dependent upon teachers to evaluate their performance in the classroom. The process of self-
assessment is not easy, however. It involves risk-taking, self-assurance, and a certain level of
independence. But it can be effectively promoted by asking students questions such as “How do
you feel about your progress so far?” “Are you satisfied with the results you obtained?” and
“Why do you believe this is an appropriate response to the problem?

Merits of Problem solving method

• Knowledge Retention: Problem-based learning is practical and it requires

participants to use their reasoning and problem-solving skills to resolve the

scenarios they are presented with. As a result, the learning process is more
effective because participants are not trying to memorize large volumes of

• Develops Competencies: This method follows the principle of learning by doing.

Problem-based learning is a collaborative method that fosters teamwork, diversity,
and mutual respect, which are invaluable competencies in the workplace.
• Context-Specific: In schools, problem-based learning may be limited in its
effectiveness because it is highly context-specific. During the learning process,
participants are given a specific problem that is based on a foreseeable work
scenario. They learn to use old facts in new references.
• The method is scientific: Develops good study habits and reasoning power, helps
to improve and apply knowledge and experiences, and stimulates the thinking of
the child.
• Develops desirable study habits in the students.
• Develops qualities of initiative and self-dependence in the students: Students
learn virtues such as patience, cooperation, and self-confidence. Learning
becomes more interesting and purposeful.
• Develops qualities of initiative and self-dependence in the students, as they have
to face similar problematic situations in real life too. Shared responsibility makes
individuals more willing to take risks. The discussion of different points of view
also helps the group to be more realistic in assessing the risks associated with
particular courses of action.
• Reduced bias: The shared responsibility of a group in arriving at decisions can.
Encourage individuals to explore seemingly unrealistic ideas and to challenge
accepted ways of doing things. Individual biases and prejudices can be challenged
by the group, forcing the individual to recognize them. Group pressure can also
encourage individuals to accept that change is needed.
• Better solutions: Groups of individuals can bring a broad range of ideas,
knowledge, and skills to bear on a problem. This creates a stimulating interaction
of diverse ideas which results in a wider range and better quality of solutions. .
They become capable to generalize. Students learn to find a solution to their
problems. When people who are affected by a problem or who will be involved in
implementation are involved in finding a solution, they will know how and why
that particular solution was chosen. Also, people with knowledge relevant to the
problem can communicate that knowledge directly if they participate in solving
the problem (Ormrod, 2008).
Limitations of the problem-solving method.

• Difficult to teach all topics of curriculum- Difficult to organize e- contents of

syllabus according to this method. All topics and areas cannot be covered by this
method. There is a lack of suitable books and references for the students. This is

not suitable for all level students. The method does not suit students of lower
classes. Mental activity dominates this method. Hence there is the neglect of
physical and practical experiences.
• Can encourage dirty competition- Most people working in a group unconsciously
perceive the situation as competitive. This generates behaviour that is destructive
and drains the creative energy of the group. The natural reaction is to regain self-
esteem, often by trying to sabotage the ideas of those who disagreed with us.
Instead of looking for ways to improve on their ideas we choose to destroy them.
These types of behaviour create an atmosphere that is incompatible with effective
• Possible lack of effective direction- Sometimes there is no effective teacher to
give direction to the discussion, with the result that it wanders. There is a shortage
of talented teachers to practice this method. There is always a doubt of drawing
wrong conclusions.
• Time and resource constraints- Problem-solving is a relatively slow process. It is
not economical from a time and money point of view. Time-consuming method.
Discovery Learning Method

Discovery learning is a kind of teaching that is based on the student finding things out for
themselves, looking into problems, and asking questions. Essentially, it's all about students
coming to their conclusions and asking about things in their course that might not make
particular sense. As soon as enquiries are made, they can learn new things and hence will have
become part of an innovative, thought-provoking, and interesting educational journey.

The Discovery method is a teaching strategy that enables students to find the answers
themselves. It is a learner-centered approach hence it is called a heuristic method. It is of two
types notably, the guided and unguided discovery. In the guided discovery, the teacher guides the
student to discover for themselves solutions to be given problems by providing them with general
principles, but not the solutions to the scientific problem. The unguided discovery type involves
the students discovering for themselves both the general principles and solution to a scientific
problem. It is sometimes called pure discovery

Discovery learning can also be defined as the learning that takes place when students are not
given or presented with the subject matter in its final form but are required to organize it

Characteristics of Discovery Learning

1. Pure discovery – Here, students are given a topic or problem to work on and are free to
explore the topic with a minimum of guidelines or suggestions by the teacher.

2. Guided Discovery – Here, students are not only given a topic but are also provided with
materials to work with and suggestions on procedures to follow, but they arrive at any conclusion
3. Guided learning – The teacher leads the students through a carefully planned sequence
of activities to arrive at the learning object, using either statement or questions.

Discovery Learning Process

• Define the problem to be investigated

• Clarify the objectives to be achieved by the learners.
• Relate the problems of study to what is known or to some real-life problems to
heighten interest.
• Consider any related factors
• Propose initial guesses/hypotheses or suggested lines of attachment.
• Collect information to test the guesses
• Evaluate and organize the data/information they have assembled.
• Interpret their findings.
Advantages of Discovery Method

1. Since the method poses a challenge for the student to discover the information or knowledge
for himself, retention of any information or knowledge so discovered will be increased.

2. The learning acquired in finding out things for oneself independently can be applied to new
learning and problem-solving.

3. The joy in discovering something provides the students with intrinsic motivation.

4. Discovery method brings home to pupils their notions of the nature of scientific evidence
students learned that answers to questions can often be obtained from investigations they can
carry out for themselves.

5. Discovery method helps students develop manipulative skills and attitudes which constitute
one of the fundamental obje4ctives of science teaching.

6. It promotes a better understanding of the learning situation.

7. The students are actively engaged in the processes of acquiring knowledge instead of being
passive listeners.

8. Students are taught concept or principles which are more easily remembered than isolated

9. Students are more interested in and remember better things they have found out for
themselves. It does promote the transfer of knowledge.

10. It increases learner’s self-confidence and reliance on their intelligence and capacity to learn.

Disadvantages of Discovery Method

1. Discovery method is time-consuming and progress is comparatively slow. Apparatus have to

be set up and the results of the investigation waited.

2. The method leaves open the possibility of not discovering anything. Students may end up
discovering things other than what was intended to be discovered. This could be highly
demoralizing to them particularly if a great effort has been expended.

3. The method is expensive considering the equipment and materials needed.

4. Discovery method is only good for a small class where effective teacher suppertime is



What is the questioning technique?

The interaction between teacher and learners is the most important feature of the classroom.
Whether helping learners to acquire basic skills or a better understanding to solve problems, or to
engage in higher-order thinking such as evaluation, questions are crucial. Of course, questions
may be asked by students as well as teachers: they are essential tools for both teaching and

Questioning in teaching is that verbal communication or interaction that goes on during the
teaching and learning process between the teacher/learner, learner/teacher, and learner/learner.

Types of Questioning

Closed Questions (Aka the ‘Polar’ Question)

Closed or ‘polar’ questions generally invite a one-word answer, such as ‘yes’ or ‘no’. For
example, ‘do you drive?’ or, ‘did you take my pen?’ They could also include answers to factual
or multiple-choice questions, such as ‘what’s your name’, or ‘would you like tea, coffee, or

They’re popular as icebreaker questions in group situations because they’re easy to answer. Of
course, most questions can be opened up for further discussion, including closed questions — but
more on that later.

Open Questions

Open-ended questions require a little more thought and generally encourage wider discussion
and elaboration. They can’t be answered with a simple yes or no response. For example: ‘what
do you think of your boss?’ Or ‘why did you choose that car?’

Probing Questions

These questions are useful for gaining clarification and encouraging others to tell you more
information about a subject. Probing questions are usually a series of questions that dig deeper
and provide a fuller picture. For example: ‘when do you need the finished project, and is it ok if I
email it to you?’

Leading Questions

These questions are designed to lead the respondent towards a certain desired positive or
negative route.

In the workplace, you might encounter leading questions such as: ‘do you have any issues with
the project?’, or ‘did you enjoy working on that project?’ The former subtly prompts the
respondent towards a negative response; the latter towards a positive. Asking ‘how did you get
on with that project’ will get you a more balanced answer.

Leading questions could also involve an appeal at the end that’s designed to coerce the
respondent into agreeing with the speaker. For example, ‘this project is going well, isn’t it?’
encourages the respondent to say ‘yes’. This works particularly well because psychologically, we
prefer saying yes over no. So when we’re put on the spot, we’ll usually opt for the former.

Loaded Questions

Loaded questions are seemingly straightforward, closed questions — with a twist: they contain
an assumption about the respondent. They’re famously used by lawyers and journalists to trick
their interviewee into admitting a fundamental truth they would otherwise be unwilling to

For example, the question: ‘have you stopped stealing pens?’ assumes the respondent stole a pen
more than once. Whether she answers yes or no, she will admit to having stolen pens at some
point. Of course, the preferred response would be: ‘I have never stolen a pen in my life’ but it’s
not always easy to spot the trap. These questions are quite rightly seen as manipulative.

Funnel Questions

As with a funnel, these questions begin broadly before narrowing to a specific point — or vice
versa. When meeting someone new, we usually begin with specific, closed questions, such as
‘what’s your name?’ and ‘what do you do?’ – before broadening out into more open-ended
questions, such as ‘why did you choose to be a firefighter?’ as you become more comfortable
talking to each other.

The reverse — beginning with a broad question before honing in on something specific — is
often used when questioning witnesses to gain the maximum amount of information about a
person or situation. For example, ‘what do you do for a living? Do you work nights? Did you see
a break-in? Was there more than one person?’ And so on.

Funnel questions can also be used to diffuse tension: asking someone to go into detail about their
issue distracts them from their anger and gives you the information you need to offer them a

solution, which in turn calms them down and makes them think something positive is being done
to help them.

Recall and process questions

Recall questions require the recipient to remember a fact. For example, ‘what are seven times
seven?’ and ‘where did you put the keys?’ or ‘What’s your login password?’ Process questions,
on the other hand, require the respondent to add their own opinion to their answer. These types of
questions can be used to test the respondent’s depth of knowledge about a particular topic. For
example: ‘what are the advantages of asking a closed question?’ or ‘why are you the right person
to lead this project?’

Rhetorical questions

These are a different beast altogether because they don’t require an answer. They’re simply
statements phrased as questions to make the conversation more engaging for the listener, who is
drawn into agreeing with you.

For example, ‘isn’t it nice working with such a friendly team?’ is more engaging than ‘this team
is friendly’, which doesn’t require any mental participation from the respondent.

Rhetorical questions are often used by coaches or public speakers for effect to get the audience
thinking and agreeing. In this way, they’re a not-too-distant cousin of the leading question.

Principles of questioning

There are five principles for effective questioning

1. Plan to use questions that encourage thinking and reasoning effective questions are
planned. It is helpful to plan sequences of questions that build on and extend students’ thinking.
A good questioner, of course, remains flexible and allows time to follow up responses.
Beginning an inquiry What do you already know that might be useful

What sort of diagram might be helpful?

Can you invent a simple notation for this?

How can you simplify this problem?

What is known and what is unknown?

What assumptions might we make?

Progressing with an inquiry Where have you seen something like this

What is fixed here, and what can we change?

What is the same and what is different here?

What would happen if I changed this... to


Is this approach going anywhere?

What will you do when you get that answer?

This is just a special case of ... what?

Can you form any hypotheses?

Can you think of any counterexamples?

What mistakes have we made?

Can you suggest a different way of doing this?

What conclusions can you make from this data?

How can we check this calculation without

doing it all again?

What is a sensible way to record this?

Interpreting and evaluating the results of an How can you best display your data?
Is it better to use this type of chart or that one?

What patterns can you see in this data?

What reasons might there be for these patterns?

Can you give me a convincing argument for

that statement?

Do you think that answer is reasonable? Why?

How can you be 100% sure that is true?
Convince me!

What do you think of Anne’s argument? Why?

Which method might be best to use here? Why?

Communicating conclusions and reflecting What method did you use?

What other methods have you considered?

Which of your methods was the best? Why?

Which method was the quickest?

Where have you seen a problem like this


What methods did you use last time? Would

they have worked here?

What helpful strategies have you learned for

next time?
2. Ask questions in ways that include everyone. Everyone must be included in thinking
about the questions asked. Here are three ways that teachers have tried to achieve this:

• Use a ‘no hands up’ rule. After a few hands have gone up some students stop thinking
because they know that the teacher will not ask them. When students have their hands up
they too stop thinking as they already have the answer they want. ‘No hands up’
encourages everyone to keep thinking as anyone may be called upon to respond.
• Ask questions that encourage a range of responses. Rather than asking for specific
right answers, ask for ideas and suggestions: “How can we get started on this?”, “What
do you notice about this? ”Everyone will then be able to offer a response.
• Avoid teacher-student -teacher-student ‘ping pong’. Encourage students to listen to
and to reply to each other’s responses. Aim for a pattern more like teacher-student A -
student B -student C –teacher.
• Arrange the room to encourage participation. Think about where students are sitting –
are there some who cannot hear? Can students see and hear one another so that they can
respond to the points another student makes? It is often better to sit students in a U-shape,
if possible.

3. Give students time to think. The time interval between a teacher asking a question and
supplying the answer herself, or following up with an additional question or comment, is
commonly called ‘waits time’. For many teachers, the mean wait time is less than one second

(Rowe (1974)1). When teachers increase this wait time to between three and five seconds the
research shows that students begin to:

• respond at greater length and with greater confidence;

• offer more unsolicited, but appropriate, responses;
• offer more diverse, alternative explanations;  Relate responses to those from other

4. Avoid judging students’ responses Interestingly, Rowe (1974) found that if a teacher
made judgmental comments, even positive ones such as “Well done!”, then this negatively
affected students ‘verbal performance even with the lengthened wait times. Task persistence was
greatest where verbal rewards were fewer. When a teacher judges every response with ‘yes’,
‘good’, ‘nearly ‘and so on, students are likely to reason to themselves: “The teacher said that was
good. That is not what I was going to say. So what I was going to say cannot be good. So I won't
say anything. ”Ask open questions that permit a greater variety of responses and reply to students
with comments that do not close off alternative ideas. “Thank you for that, that is interesting.
What other ideas do people have?”

5. Follow up students’ responses in ways that encourage deeper thinking. The following
approaches encourage further thinking and dialogue:
Ask students to repeat their explanation Can you just say that again?
Invite students to elaborate Can you just say a little more about that
Challenge students to offer a reason Can you explain why that works?
Cue alternative responses Can you suggest another way of doing this?
Support with non-verbal interest Nod head, rotate the hand to indicate that you
want more …..
Encourage students to speculate. What would happen if …..?
Make challenging statements Someone in this group said ... were they
Allow rehearsal of responses Try out the answer to your partner first.
Encourage students to ask questions Would anyone like to ask Pat a question about
Ask students to think aloud Can you go through that step by step?
Encourage students to make connections Can you remember something else we did
like this...?
Thinking aloud with students Let’s think this through together ...
Uses of Questioning

• Questions are used to initiate discussions, solve problems, give information, explain
concepts, and analyze issues among many others.

• Questions help students or learners to develop listening skills and keep them focused
during lesson presentations.
• Questions serve as a good introduction to the lesson and keep learners alert
• Questions help to motivate learners. The learners get to know that, they are part of the
learning process, and their contributions are worthwhile.
• Questioning gives the teacher the ability to know the learners' previous knowledge on a
given subject and helps the teacher to have a good judgment of the class he/she teaches
• Questioning is a way of brainstorming and makes way for learners to make research and
keep them busy Talk for Learning Approaches

What is talk for learning?

Talk for learning means encouraging student teachers to engage in their learning through talking.
The talk should be meaningful and enable student teachers to progress from recall and
memorization to thinking and understanding, analysis, and creativity.

Why Use Talk for Learning in your Teaching?

Education research has shown that talking purposely is an effective tool for learning. For
example, in the Education Endowment Foundation’s teaching and learning toolkit, ‘oral language
interventions’ has one of the highest impacts for low cost, based on extensive research evidence.
Some of the reasons for this are that talk for learning can help you to:

• Develop an understanding. It is even argued that the mind is actually structured as

language and so talking for learning activities supports your mind in making sense and
developing understanding. Verbalizing your thinking means you have to organize your
thoughts and you have to become actively involved.
• Learn through social interaction because it requires you to interact and talk about what
you are thinking with one another in a specific learning context. Questions can be posed,
ideas can be challenged and misunderstandings can be heard and corrected. In this way, it
fits with the learning theories of constructivism and social constructivism.
• Better recall of something you have been actively involved in (remembering). Talk for
Learning activities require you to do so by thinking about ideas and communicating them.
• Rehearse and express yourself in English. Talk for Learning activities allow English
Language Learning student teachers to rehearse and practice expressing themselves in
English language learning. This might involve identifying words and expressions, using
them in different contexts and phrases, and giving meaning to the words and expressions.
To learn a language effectively you need to regularly hear it, see it, read it, write it, and
practice speaking it repeatedly read it, write it, and practice speaking it repeatedly.
Teaching Strategy

Teaching Strategy Main points

T3-1 Initiating Talk for Learning To use talk as an effective tool for
learning you need something to talk
about. This teaching strategy explores
developing activities that will encourage
good quality discussion. For example:
Talking tokens; Activity ball or magic
microphone; Think-Pair-Share;
changing partners.

T3-2 Building on What Others Say This teaching strategy explores how to
involve all student teachers in learning
from each other and to build on what is
said. For example brainstorming,
concept cartoons.

T3-3 Managing Talk for Learning This teaching strategy looks at how to
develop ways of working together and
regulating talk to help you manage to
talk for learning in your classroom. For
example think-pair-share, talking

T3-4 Structuring Talk for Learning This teaching strategy introduces

strategies to structure the many ideas
that are being shared by your student
teachers when using talk for learning.
For example concept mapping, diamond

T3-5 Expressing Yourself With New This teaching strategy discusses

Words strategies to deal with language learning
aspects of new vocabulary in talk for
learning. This is relevant to any student-
teacher but particularly for those who
are English Language Learners (ELL).
For example talk like an expert, word


Inclusion is ensuring access and learning for all learners especially those disadvantaged

The main features of inclusive education

• Inclusive education acknowledges that all children can learn and that all need
some form of support for learning;
• Inclusion is about recognizing and respecting the differences among all learners
and building on the similarities.
• Inclusion is about supporting all learners, educators, and the system as a whole so
that the full range of learning needs can be met.
• The focus is on the teaching and learning actors, with the emphasis on the
development of good teaching strategies that will be of benefit to all learners.
Who is excluded in certain circumstances from mainstream education/society?

Persons with Hearing Impairment, Persons with Visual Impairment, Persons with Intellectual
Disability, Persons with a physical disability, Persons with Deaf-blindness, Persons with Multiple
Disabilities, Persons with Speech and Communication disorders, Persons with Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder,
Gifted and Talented persons, Persons with Specific Learning Disability, Persons

with Autism, Persons with Emotional and other health impairment (asthma, etc), Children
displaced by natural catastrophes and social conflicts, Nomadic children (shepherd boys, fisher-
folks’ children, and domestic child workers, Children living in extreme social and economic
deprivation, Children exploited for financial purpose, Orphans and children who are not living
with their biological parents, Children living with HIV\AIDS, Behaviour Disorder and Street
Characteristics of Effective Inclusive Classroom

• Promote the values of diversity, acceptance, and belonging

• Ensure the availability of formal and natural supports within the general education
• Provide services and supports in age-appropriate classrooms in neighborhood schools
• Ensure access to the general curriculum while meeting the individualized needs of each
• Provide a school-wide support system to meet the needs of all students

• Principles of inclusive education

• All children belong

• All children learn in different ways

• It is every child’s right to be included

Challenges for teaching inclusive classroom

1. Lacking Experience in an Inclusion Setting

2. Not Having Enough Teacher Aides

3. Lacking Experience with Severe and Profound Disabilities

4. Addressing Individualized Lesson Plans

Multi-grade teaching refers to teaching more than one grade in the same classroom. This form
of teaching differs from mono-grade instruction as aspects such as lesson preparation and
assessment have to accommodate learners from different grades in the same classroom.

multi-grade teaching (Advantages)

• Provides an efficient means of providing basic education in thinly populated areas, utilizing
scarce educational inputs, such as trained teachers, classrooms, and materials.

• Helps in maintaining a rural school as an important centre in building village identity and
cultural life

• Promotes students to ‘learn to learn’ and ‘learn to teach’ through independent inquiry and peer

• Promotes the social learning of students

Why do your schools need to adopt multi-grade teaching?

1) Schools in areas of low population density where schools are widely scattered and
inaccessible and enrolment is low;

2) Schools that comprise a cluster of classrooms in different locations, in which some

classes are multi-grade and some, are mono-grade;

3) Schools in areas of declining population, where previously there was mono-grade

teaching, and where now, only a small number of teachers is employed;

4) Schools in areas of population growth and school expansion, where enrolment in the
expanding upper grades remains small;

Characteristics of Effective Multi Grade Teaching

 Well-organized
 Creative and flexible
 Willing to work hard

 Resourceful
 Self-directed
Challenges in a Multi Grade Classroom

* Professional and Social Isolation

* Parents’ Attitude towards Multi-grade Teaching
* Instructional Materials
* Classroom Management
The Concept Classroom Management

Classroom Management refers to the wide variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to
keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during
a class.

Whole class teaching. This is the simplest approach for the teacher. There is only one
lesson to prepare and the lesson is aimed at the average ability in the class.

Individualized teaching.The teacher works on a one-to-one basis with a student. The

student may be working on the same task as others or may have special work to suit the
level of the student’s ability.

Small group teaching

This is the most effective way of allowing for student-centered learning at a level to meet the
needs of the student.

Core competencies to be acquired

1. Critical thinking and Problem-solving

2. Communication and Collaboration

3. Creativity and Innovation

4. Cultural Identity and Global Citizenship

5. Digital Literacy

6. Leadership and Personal Development

Differentiation. is a process by which differences (learning styles, interests, and
readiness to learn) between learners are accommodated so that all learners in a group
have the best possible chance of learning.

Scheme of learning. is a document that summarizes the content of a course of

instruction, and which divides the course content into manageable portions for logical
and organized teaching and assessment.

A suggested format for writing Weekly Scheme of Learning (SOL)



1 Oral Songs B3.1.1.1 B3. Letter cards

Language Phonics B3.2.2.1 B3. Word cards,
Reading Penmanship B3.4.2.1 B3. sentence
Writing Using Capital B3.5.1.1 B3. cards,
Using Build the love B3.6.1.1 B3. handwriting
Writing and culture of on a manila
Conventions/ reading card, and
Grammar class library

Components of a Learning Plan

Whether you teach several subjects or teach in a specific content area, lesson plans matter. The
quality of your lesson plans will in great part determine how efficiently class time is used and
how much content your students learn each period.

Lesson plans don’t have to be lengthy. The main thing is to make sure they contain the main
elements of the lesson. They are meant to guide your instruction so you can maximize classroom

The new learner plan contains the following components:

• Strands are the broad areas/sections of the subject content to be studied.

• Sub-strands are the topics within each strand under which the content is organized.

• Content standard refers to the pre-determined level of knowledge, skill, and/or attitude
that a learner attains by a set stage of education.

• Indicator is a clear outcome or milestone that learners have to exhibit each year to meet
the content standard expectation. The indicators represent the minimum expected
standard in a year.

• Exemplar: Support and guidance, which clearly explains the expected outcomes of an
indicator and suggests what teaching and learning activities could take, to support the
facilitators/teachers in the delivery of the curriculum.
• Phase1. Starter (Preparing the brain) example, song
• Phase 2. Main (new learning including assessment)
• Phase 3. Plenary/ reflections ( teacher and students

Factors to Consider In Planning Learning for Diverse Learners in Inclusive and

Multi Grade Settings

More and more teachers are including students with disabilities in general education settings and
endeavoring to meet the curriculum demands posed by the Standards of Learning. This is not an
easy task! Some lessons go well and others do not. A planning strategy called PASS may help
make your teaching more effective.

The PASS strategy represents a way of thinking that maximizes teaching in diverse classrooms.
The strategy consists of the four following elements:

1. Prioritize objectives. Examine all the lesson objectives, determine which objectives are
appropriate for students with learning differences, and eliminate those that are not

2. Adapt instruction, materials, or the environment. Base the instruction, materials, and
environment on the prioritized instructional objectives. Create adaptations based on
students' needs.

3. Systematic instruction variables during instruction:

 Structure: Lessons are well organized and systematic. Students are aware of the
organization and structure of the lesson.
 Clarity: Teacher presentations are easy to understand. The teacher speaks clearly and
directly to the point of the objective, uses clear and direct language, enunciates carefully,
and provides concrete, specific examples of the information presented.
 Redundancy: Main points are repeated for emphasis and reinforcement.

 Enthusiasm: Teachers create exciting lessons that are fun and worthwhile.
 Appropriate Rate: The rate of the presentation fits the needs of the students. Generally, a
brisk rate maintains interest and motivation.
 Maximized Engagement: Students are actively engaged in the process of learning. They
listen, ask questions, take notes, solve problems, work in groups, complete class projects,
and are held accountable for their learning.
4. Systematic evaluation. Frequently measure students' progress toward meeting
instructional and IEP objectives. You may have noticed that when you take the first letter
from each of the variables of systematic instruction, you spell the word SCREAM. That is
precisely what the strategy may help you avoid! You can also call the T/TAC for a variety
of supports to make your teaching more successful.
Individual Learning Plan (ILP)

An Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is a document that establishes a set of learning goals and
objectives for an individual student. Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) are aligned to the Victorian
F-10 curriculum and support the learning process by highlighting specific goals in individual
areas of need.

An Individual Learning Plan helps to identify a particular student’s strengths, challenges, and
interests to form a learning profile. It then matches that profile to strategies and resources that
can maximize student achievement.


The curriculum is designed to suit the specific learning needs of each student. The use of an
Individual Learning Plan (ILP) is one-way specific learning goals can be recorded to best support
student learning outcomes.

Students who will receive an ILP:

• students who are 12 or more months behind the expected level of achievement against the
Curriculum (receiving a D or E on their semester report)
• students who are greater than 12 months above the expected level of achievement against
Curriculum (receiving an A on their semester report)
• students in court-ordered Out of Home Care
• students on the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD)
• students of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background

• students who have been identified as requiring an Individual Learning Plan by their
Stages of developing Individual Learning Plans
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Identifying the Determining Writing and Motoring and Reviewing ILP

student’s needs adjustments that implementing an evaluation and updating or
need to be made individual learning signing off and
to the curriculum plan discontinuing

Stage 1: Identifying the Student’s needs

Teachers bring to an Individual Learning Plan their expertise in designing and delivering a
teaching and learning program. Teachers are also able to identify and meaningfully consult with
others (eg. parent/guardian/carer, consultants) when profiling a student’s strengths, skills,
learning preferences and abilities, and identifying the most appropriate learning style.

Stage 2: Determining adjustments that need to be made to the curriculum

An Individual Learning Plan can be used for short-term educational goals for students with
academic challenges. When setting goals for a student, a teacher will, in consultation with the
parents, consider these principles:

• goals allow the student to participate in their classroom programs

• goals are based on curriculum content and experiences similar to those for their cohort
• goals align with the classroom program, where possible
• goals are a priority for the student
• goals build upon the strengths and skills of the student
Stage 3: Completing and implementing an Individual Learning Plan

An Individual Learning Plan typically defines what needs to be taught, priorities of the content to
be taught, and implementation strategies to assist the student to work towards achieving the
goals. It is assumed in an Individual Learning Plan that the learning may occur in the classroom
and at home.

Stage 4: Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation for students enable progress to be measured, the effectiveness of the
program to be assessed and new goals to be developed. Where a student’s progress does not seem
to be occurring within the anticipated time frame, goals, targets, activities, and methods will be
reassessed. Other professionals may be consulted, if this has not already occurred, including
school-based student support services or recommendations for external assessments.

Stage 5: Reviewing ILP and updating or signing off and discontinuing

After the monitoring and evaluation stage, if it is determined that an Individual Learning Plan is
still required, the current Individual Learning Plan will be updated to reflect the student’s current
learning needs, goals and implementation strategies.

When developing an ILP, staff will:

• use student assessment data to determine student areas of support or extension

• set realistic, short-term goals in specific areas relevant to the students learning needs
• consider and record the implementation strategies and reasonable adjustments to support
the student to achieve their goals
• any recommendations from paraprofessionals will be considered
• copies of Individual Learning Plans will be saved to the staff server and a hard copy
placed in the students’ class file

• students requiring an Individual Learning Plan will be determined during Term 1 of the
new school year
• The first Individual Learning Plan for the new school year will be developed by the class
teacher towards the end of Term 1 and an opportunity will be provided to parents to meet
with the class teacher to discuss the Individual Learning Plan. During this meeting,
parents will be provided with a copy of the Individual Learning Plan
• Individual Learning Plans will be reviewed at the end of each term and new goals created
• Teachers will determine if a student requires an Individual Learning Plan on a termly
• An opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s progress and Individual Learning Plan
will be provided towards the end of each school term.

Selection of Teaching Learning Material (TLMs)

TLM is a commonly used acronym that stands for Teaching Learning Material, Broadly the term
refers to a spectrum of educational materials that a teacher uses in the classroom to support
specific learning objectives as said out in lesson plans. Teaching Learning Materials are tools for
significant teaching and learning.

They are useful to enhance the quality of the teaching-learning process. A teacher must explore a
variety of materials as suitable aids for instruction to supplement the textbook to provide
additional information, to broaden the concepts, and to arouse students’ interest.

The following factor should be considered in selecting teaching and learning

• Instructional materials should support the educational philosophy, goals, and objectives
of the District and the objectives of the curricular offering in which the materials will be
• Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social
development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
• Instructional materials should be diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal,
and should present a variety of points of view.

• Instructional materials should meet high standards of quality in factual content and
• Instructional materials should have aesthetic, cultural, literary, or social value. The value
and impact of any literary work will be judged as a whole, taking into account the
author’s intent rather than individual words, phrases, or incidents.
• Instructional materials should foster respect for men, women, the disabled, and minority
groups and should portray a variety of roles and lifestyles open to people in today’s
world. Instructional materials should foster respect for cultural diversity.
• Instructional materials should be designed to motivate students to examine their attitudes
and behaviors and to comprehend their duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as
participating citizens in a pluralistic society
• Instructional materials should encourage students to utilize higher-order thinking skills
and to become informed decision-makers, to exercise freedom of thought, and to make
independent judgments through examination and evaluation of relevant information,
evidence, and differing viewpoints.
• Instructional materials should be selected taking into account instructional materials
already available in the District to meet the above criteria and to replace materials worn,
obsolete, or no longer appropriate.


When examining the role of instructional media in learning, we focus on the physical system or
vehicle used to deliver information to students or teachers—such as a textbook, instructional
video, or computer program. When examining the role of the instructional method in learning,
we focus on techniques that are embedded in different technologies to promote learning—such as
advance organizers, scaffolding, or self-explanation methods. Media and methods can be
combined in many ways. Some instructional technologies include identical methods (e.g.,

graphic organizers) but differ in that they are delivered with different media (graphic organizers
in a PowerPoint program or graphic organizers in a textbook)

Multimedia, as its name implies, integrates different media—such as text, graphics, animation,
sounds, videos, and photos—in one presentation. Although many people hope that printed books
will be around for a long time, there are strong pressures by the government, libraries,
universities, schools, and book publishers to make print materials available in electronic format,
with an increasing number of electronic texts being presented in the form of hypertext,
interactive text where certain words or terms contain a hyperlink that can be selected to find
more information. When multimedia and hypertext are combined, the resulting product is called
hypermedia, a system in which students can learn by exploring multiple representations of
knowledge that are interconnected by a network of links. Most of the recent educational software
and educational applications on the Internet consist of hypermedia systems. Electronic
instructional materials are also called e-materials, and learning from electronic materials is called
e-learning. Unlike learning from older media such as text and lectures, e-learning can be quite
challenging because there are too many different paths for constructing knowledge and too many
representations that need to be integrated.

Researchers developed a set of instructional design principles that teachers can use to evaluate
the learning potential of new technologies before integrating them into their classrooms. These
principles are summarized in the next two sections. First, principles that are aimed at preventing
students’ cognitive overload by minimizing extraneous processing: the processing of information
that is not necessary to make a lesson intelligible. Second, principles that are aimed at promoting
generative processing: the combination of hands-on and minds-on activity that leads to the
generation of meaningful encoding of new information

When Multimedia Learning Environments Minimize Extraneous Processing

Cognitive Principle Visual Example

Multimedia principle: Students learn better when presented with verbal explanations and
corresponding pictures rather than with words alone or pictures alone.

Modality principle: Students learn better when dynamic visual displays (e.g., animations,
videos, simulations) are accompanied by narrated explanations rather than written explanations.

Temporal contiguity principle: Students learn better when corresponding words and pictures
are presented simultaneously rather than sequentially.

Spatial contiguity principle: Students learn better hen representations that mutually refer to
each other are presented physically close rather than separated

Redundancy principle: Students learn better when redundant on-screen text is removed from
narrated dynamic displays (e.g., animations, videos).

Signalling principle: Students learn better when instructional programs signal relevant
information, such as by highlighting, outlining, and pointing to words or visual elements on the

Segmentation principle: Students learn better when complex knowledge and skills and long
presentations are broken into learner-controlled segments

Coherence principle: Students learn better when instructional programs exclude information
that is not necessary to make the lesson intelligible.

Pre-training principle: Students learn better when learning environments provide pre-training
on the names, locations, and behaviour of key components before presenting a lesson that is
complex, fast-paced, or unfamiliar.

Consequently, a second question that you should ask when making technology integration
decisions is whether the technology is designed to foster the meaningful processing of learning
materials. There are at least four more principles that, when applied to computer-based
instruction, can accomplish this goal (Moreno & Mayer, 2007).

Personalization principle: Students encode information more deeply when explanations are
presented using a conversational style and they are addressed as participants rather than
observers of the learning environment. Learning environments that activate students’ schemas are
more likely to result in the meaningful integration of new information with students’ prior

Guided-activity principle: Students learn better when they interact with a pedagogical agent
who guides their cognitive processing as they manipulate and experiment with learning
materials. Compared to receiving direct instruction, students who are allowed to become actively
engaged in the selection, organization, and integration of multimedia materials construct a

Feedback principle: Students learn better with principle-based feedback rather than corrective
feedback alone (feedback that only informs students about the correctness of their response).
According to this principle, the effectiveness of instructional technology is also dependent on the
relationship between the quality of feedback given by the system and students’ prior knowledge.

Reflection principle: Students encode information deeper when they are prompted to become
more mentally active during the lesson. Another strength of new instructional technologies is that
they are highly interactive, a quality that can result in more



When you pose a question to your class and the pupils give a wrong response, you may give
them another chance. As a teacher, you are applying the principle of multiple responses when
you give your pupils the chance to try and get a correct answer to a question or a problem. The
principle states that man or animal may try many responses before getting the right response
through the process of trial and error. Trial and error learning was discovered by E.KL.


Worthman, Loftus, and Marshall (1988) mental set is a tendency to transfer previously learned
knowledge to new situations. The ability to apply or transfer previous ideas to solving new
problems. Thus the transfer of learning For learning to occur, a positive mindset in pupils is an
essential condition because an inappropriate mental set leads to counter-productive behaviour.
The pupils’ minds must be in the classroom and focused on what is being taught before learning
can take place.


This means engaging pupils to perform activities one after the other. In trying to manage to
capture the attention of the pupils to focus only on the lesson, you are using the principle of
partial activity.


This principle states that when an individual encounters a new situation or problem for which he
or she has no natural or learned response, the response he or she makes will resemble an earlier
response to a similar situation. For instance, a child who only knows the concept dog would also
call a goat, a dog, since they look similar. Assimilation involves adding new information to the
old way of thinking or behaving.



The constructivist view of learning is the idea that students actively construct their knowledge
from their personal experiences with others and with the environment. There are two types of
constructivism, individual and social constructivism. Individual constructivism is largely inspired
by the work of Piaget (1954). According to this constructivist perspective, the role of technology

is to provide instructional materials and environments where students can make intelligent
choices for themselves as they construct knowledge in their minds. Recall that Piaget argued that
cognitive development is the process of encountering a contradiction about one’s beliefs and
becoming motivated to resolve the cognitive conflict by finding new information that can restore
equilibrium. Social constructivism is largely based on the work of Vygotsky (1978). According to
this learning perspective, it is by sharing individual perspectives with others that learners can
construct understandings together that would not be possible to construct individually (Gauvain,
2001). Vygotsky (1978) clearly states the essential role of social collaboration in learning:
“Learning awakens a variety of internal developmental processes that can operate only when the
child is interacting with people in his environment and cooperation with his peers”.

Inquiry-based learning includes technologies that support individual constructivism by

presenting students with opportunities to carry out experiments, process data collected by
sensors, and interpret the results of different graphical representations.

Cognitive tutors and collaborative computer-based environments are technologies that can
help students construct meaningful understandings by interacting with others. Let’s take a look at
some examples of these constructivist technologies.

Inquiry-Based Technologies. With the support of computer software, students can engage in the
inquiry process by conducting virtual experiments, engaging in online investigations, and
pursuing scientific activities that are similar to those performed by actual scientists. Inquiry-
based instructional programs typically use a guided-discovery method, which consists of
providing hints and directions when students are at an impasse in solving a problem or answering
a question.

BGuILE is an inquiry-based computer environment for learning biology (Reiser et al., 2001).
This software provides access to data and tools that students can use to test hypotheses and
record and communicate their findings. The program is designed to scaffold students’ inquiry
activities as they complete relevant tasks using prompts, hints, or reminders.

Web Quest is a technology that engages students in collaborative inquiry. Teachers can use Web
Quests to promote inquiry-based learning and collaborative learning simultaneously. Web Quests
are teacher-designed environments that provide useful information, resources, and guidance to
accomplish a variety of academic activities. They are a good way to introduce students to
Internet searching and to collaborate on projects. Many Web Quests are designed so that different
members of a collaborative group work on different roles.

Another characteristic of many inquiry-based programs is that they include microcomputer-

based laboratories (MBLs) and micro-worlds. MBLs allow students to build on their knowledge
and correct misconceptions by presenting sensors and probes for a variety of scientific variables
(Nakhleh, 1994; Trumper & Gelbman, 2002). MBLs are typically attached to a computer to
display the results of their measures. Micro-worlds are simulations that visually demonstrate how
things work in the real world. Simulations are most useful when they demonstrate invisible

processes (e.g., the seasons of the earth) or difficult to perceive accurately because in real life the
process would be too quick (e.g., the movements of a dancer) or too slow (e.g., the long-term
changes in an ecosystem). Simulations also present a training advantage when safety during
practice is at stake, such as the case of a flight simulator or a surgery simulator to train a pilot
and medical students, respectively. Micro-worlds can be powerful tools to foster cognitive
development because students can test their misconceptions in vivo (Grabe & Grabe, 2001;
Nickerson, 1995.

Cognitive tutors are intelligent tutoring systems that develop cognitive models of students’
knowledge and thinking as they interact with the computer program. In these technology-based
environments, students receive the benefits of individualized instruction, including practice with
immediate feedback, online help, and coaching. Tutors monitor students’ problem solving to
determine what they know and don’t know, allowing instruction to be directed at what still needs
to be mastered and ensuring that students’ learning time is spent efficiently. The instructional
method underlying cognitive tutors is an apprenticeship, in which a learner first observes how the
tutor performs a task (e.g., problem-solving, essay writing), then performs the task with the help
of the tutor’s prompts and hints, which are gradually faded as the learner shows mastery of the
skills (Bonk & Cunningham, 1998). The most widely used cognitive tutor program is probably
Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Tutor, which combines individualized computer lessons with
collaborative, real-world problem-solving

Problem-Based Learning Tools. The Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt University
(CTGV, 2000) developed a problem-based learning tool that is a videodisc learning environment
for fifth- and sixth-grade mathematics learning. The series, called The Adventures of Jasper
Woodbury, presents learners with real-world situations that require applying knowledge in
various domains (e.g., math, science, history) to solve the problem. Over three to five class
periods, students are typically arranged in small groups to view a Jasper adventure, re-explore the
video to find the data needed to solve the problem and present their solutions to their classmates.
After discussing the pros and cons of different solutions to a Jasper adventure, students work on
extension problems that engage them in “what if” thinking by revisiting the original adventures
from new points of view. For example, after proposing the use of an ultralight airplane to rescue
a wounded eagle in one of Jasper’s adventures, students may be asked to rethink how the
presence of headwinds or tailwinds would affect their original solution. A distinctive
characteristic of the Jasper series is that it consists of anchored instruction, which is problem-
based learning including an anchor—the rich, interesting problem situation around which
students focus their thinking. These adventures are aimed at helping students solve problems in
authentic contexts and develop transferable knowledge and skills. Jasper-trained classrooms
performed significantly better than control classrooms on a test where students were required to
plan a solution to a word problem and to break the problem into sub-goals (CTGV, 1996, 2000).
The videodisc series is an example of technology as a vehicle to promote active problem-solving
in realistic contexts. However, more research is needed to better understand how the series helps
problem-solving. Because the Jasper series includes several methods for problem-solving
(inquiry methods, cooperative learning)
Knowledge-Building Communities. This technology consists of a computer-based system in
which students collaborate with other students to build knowledge about any topic that is being
studied. The system creates an on-going shared database that can be accessed by students and
teachers at any time. A well-known knowledge-building community system is Knowledge
Forum®, which provides students and teachers with a collaborative space in which to share ideas
and data (Scardamalia, 2004). Students start with an empty knowledge base that develops from a
question or issue that is the centre of their meaning negotiation. Then students submit ideas,
reorganize the knowledge, and ultimately construct new collective understandings. Knowledge
Forum displays the individual contributions of each student with a knowledge map and provides
scaffolds for reflection and theory building. A study that used an earlier version of Knowledge
Forum called CSILE showed significant advances in textual, graphical, and computer literacy, as
well as in-depth inquiry and collaboration processes (Scardamalia, Bereiter, & Lamon, 1994).


Some of the most important advances offered by technology have been made on behalf of
students with disabilities, who are now better able to successfully perform in the inclusive
classroom. Technology that is developed to give individuals with disabilities the ability to have
access to academic materials and activities and communicate more easily with teachers and peers
is called assistive technology (AT). AT ranges from more traditional technologies such as
eyeglasses, which enable people with imperfect sight to better experience the world visually, to
augmentative communication devices, which assist students who are unable to vocally express
their ideas by translating typed words into speech. Classroom Tips: Using Assistive Technology
to Support Students’ Special Needs lists examples of AT for students with learning disabilities.
Keep in mind, however, that just as a disability label is not sufficient to provide direction for the
type of instruction that a particular student may need, it also may not determine the type of AT
that can support a particular student. Students with the same disability may need more or less
support from AT to succeed, depending on their unique intellectual, emotional, and physical
characteristics. Teachers should work with special educators and specialists to determine which
technology tools will be best for each student.

Using Assistive Technology to Support Students’ Special Needs

Special Education Category: Assistive Technology Examples
1. Communication disorders  KidAccess: A system of stickers and
magnets with pictures that children
can use to make choices, understand
and express emotions, and organize
their day.
 Communication boards: A flat
surface with buttons and pictures that
children can use to indicate their
answer to a question or to make a
request. Electronic communicators:

Systems whereby children can select
pre-programmed words and phrases
that are played with a synthesized

 Co: Writer and Write:OutLoud:

Computer programs that help
students produce written documents
by providing word-prediction and
text-to-speech interaction.

 Augmentative and alternative

communication tools: Aids that
supplement, replace, or enhance
speech or writing.
 Software to aid speech assessment
and instruction (e.g., Video Voice,
Tiger’s Tale).
2. Emotional and behavioural disorders Individualized computer programs that teach
students’ own pace. Spread-sheets to help
students monitor their behaviour. Working It
Out Together: A video-based CD designed to
teach peer mediation by showing actual
conflicts played out by real students.
Internet mentoring and online therapy.
3. Hearing impairments Hearing aids and radio transmitters that amplify
the teacher’s speech.
Text telephones: Teletypewriter or
telecommunication devices for the deaf, similar to
current text-messaging systems.
E-mail, fax, and chatting systems for
communicating with text and video phones and
videoconferencing systems for communicating
with sign language.
Automatic speech recognition software to convert
speech to text and vice versa.
4. Visual impairments Recorded books: Readings on tape, CD, and other auditory media.
Braille technologies: A system of raised dots that
represent letters and punctuation.
Tele-Braille machines to type and send text over
phone lines and Braille note-takers. Screen
readers: Software that reads aloud what appears
on a screen.
Optical character recognition devices: A system
that uses a scanner and software to improve the
contrast in printed documents and enlarge their

Audio calculators: Computers that allow students
to voice numbers and calculations.
5. Physical impairments Alternative keypads such as graphic pads and
fist/foot keyboards, touch-screen monitors,
mouth- or foot-controlled switches.
6. Autism Picture exchange Pictorial representations to help children express
communication systems ideas and develop communication skills.
DynaMyte Keyboards: Systems that translate
students’ picture selections into speech.
Speech-language software to support children’s
development of speech skills(e.g., Earobics,
Baldi, Fast For Word).
7. Learning disabilities External memory aids such as talking calculators,
which provide auditory feedback for basic
Software that focuses on basic phoneme
identification (e.g., Earobics, Away We Go!).
Software that assists with basic writing skills(e.g.,
spellcheck and grammar check).
8. Mental retardation Drill-and-practice software (e.g., Access to Math,
Fast For Word, Kid Pix).
Toys and switches to teach basic computer and
assistive technology skills. Games that teach goal
setting, attention, and cause–effect relationships
(e.g., Lemonade Stand, NASCAR 2002).
Software that supports the development of life
skills (e.g., Personal Success).
Kid Access, communication boards, and
electronic communicators.
Software that teaches reading skills (e.g., Fast For
Word, Simon Sounds It Out).
Start-to-Finish Books series: A system including
a book, CD, and audiocassette tape to teach basic
reading skills.
Software that teaches math skills (e.g., Access to
Math, Match Time, Basic Coins).


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