Assessment-Task-1 SITXINVOO2 Completed

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Student Must Fill this Section

Student Name:

Student ID: Term: Year:

Privacy Release “I give my permission for my assessment material to be used in the auditing,
Clause: assessment validation & moderation Process”.
“I declare that:
Authenticity  The material I have submitted is my own work;
Declaration:  I have given references for all sources of information that are not my own,
including the words, ideas and images of others”.

Student Signature: Date:

Assessment Outcome

Assessor Name:

Not Yet
Attempt Satisfactory Date Assessor Signature

Initial attempt  

2nd attempt/Re-
assessment  

Information for Student:

 All work is to be entirely of the student.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
General Information for this assessment:

 Read the instructions for each question very carefully.

 Be sure to PRINT your FIRST name & LAST name in every place that is provided.
 Short questions must be answered in the spaces provided.
 For those activities requesting extra evidence such as: research reports, essay reports, etc. The
student must attach its own work formatted in double space, Arial 12 pts.
 All activities must be addressed correctly in order to obtain a competence for the unit of competency.
 If the student doesn’t understand the assessment, they can request help from the assessor to
interpret the assessment.
 Re-submission of assessment after the term will incur additional fees.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Re-assessment of Result & Academic Appeal procedures:

If a student is not happy with his/ her results, that student may appeal against their grade via a written letter,
clearly stating the grounds of appeal to the Chief Executive Officer. This should be submitted after
completion of the subject and within fourteen days of commencement of the new term.

Re-assessment Process:
 An appeal in writing is made to the Academic Manager providing reasons for re-assessment
 Academic Manager will delegate another faculty member to review the assessment.
 The student will be advised of the review result done by another assessor.
 If the student is still not satisfied and further challenges the decision, then a review panel is formed
comprising the lecturer/trainer in charge and the Academic Manager OR if need be an external
 The Institute will advise the student within 14 days from the submission date of the appeal. The
decision of the panel will be deemed to be final.
 If the student is still not satisfied with the result, the he / she has the right to seek independent advice
or follow external mediation option with nominated mediation agency.
 Any student who fails a compulsory subject or appeals unsuccessfully will be required to re-enrol in
that subject.
The cost of reassessment will be borne by the Institute. The external assessor will base his/her judgement
based on principles of assessment. These principles require assessment to be reliable, fair, practical and
Academic Appeals:
 If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the re-evaluation process, you have a right to appeal
through academic appeals handling protocol.
 To appeal a decision, the person is required to complete the WSC- Request for Appeal of a Decision
form with all other supporting documents, if any. This form is available via our website. The
completed Request for Appeal form is to be submitted to the Student Support Officer either in hard
copy or electronically via the following contact details:
Student Support Officer, Western Sydney College (WSC), 55 High St, Parramatta NSW 2150, Email:
[email protected]
 The notice of appeal should be in writing addressed to the Chief Executive Officer and submitted
within seven days of notification of the outcome of the re-evaluation process.
 If the appeal is not lodged in the specified time, the result will stand and you must re-enrol in the unit.
 In emergency circumstances, such as in cases of serious illness or injury, you must forward a
medical certificate in support of a deferred appeal. The notice of appeal must be made within three
working days of the concluding date shown on the medical certificate.
 The decision of Chief Executive Officer will be final.
 Student would then have the right to pursue the claim through an independent external body as
detailed in the students’ complaint / grievance policy.

Comments/Feedback to Students

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Assessment Task 1: Written Questions

You must answer all questions below correctly.

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 Access to textbooks and other learning materials
 Access to a computer, printer, Internet and email software (if required)
 Access to Microsoft Word (or a similar program).


 This task may be done in your own time as homework or you may be given time to do this task in class
(where applicable).
 Your assessor will provide you with the due date for this assessment.


If your assessor marks any of your answers as incorrect, they will make arrangements with you about
resubmission. Your assessor may ask you some questions verbally to check your understanding, or you may
need to provide new written responses to the questions that were answered incorrectly. Your assessor will give
you a due date by which this must be provided.


 This is an open book test – you can use your learning materials as reference.
 You must answer all questions in this task correctly.
 You must answer the questions by typing your answers in Microsoft Word or a similar program – your
assessor will advise as to whether you must email them your completed assessment, submit the file on a
USB drive or hand in a hard copy. If there are tables included in your task that you need to fill out, you may
choose to recreate them in a word processing application. If you have been provided with an electronic
version of this booklet, you may prefer to type your answers directly into the document. The following
written questions may use a range of ‘instructional words’, such as ‘identify’ or ‘discuss’. These words will
guide you as to how you should answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many answers
you need to give – for example, ‘Describe three strategies…’.
 Describe – when a question asks you to ‘describe’, you will need to state the most noticeable qualities or
features. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
 Explain – when a question asks you to ‘explain’, you will need to make clear how or why something
happened or the way it is. Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in
 Identify – when a question asks you to ‘identify’, you will need to briefly describe the required information.
Generally, you are expected to write a response of two or three sentences in length.
 List – when a question asks you to ‘list’, this means you will need to briefly state information in a list format,
often with a specific number of items indicated.

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
a) A perishable food item is a food that has a reasonably short shelf life. Complete the table below by filling in
the six different categories of perishable food items along with at least three examples for each category.

Category Examples

Prepared fruits and Salads and cut fruits


Raw and cooked Steak tartare and chicken


Fruits and vegetables Apple, potatoes, carrots and cabbages

Dairy products Milk and cheese

Seafood Shellfish and fish

Cooked food Pasta and noodles

b) List three semi-perishable food items.

1. Potato
2. Ginger
3. Arbi

c) Explain why it is important for any food business to protect perishable food items from contamination.
Provide at least six reasons.
1. Avoid wastage of food
2. Illness should be avoided
3. For maximizing the profit.
4. By reducing the wastage of food, protect the environment
5. It is good for planet
6. It is good for economy as well.

You have been asked to conduct temperature checks on a delivery of perishable food supplies. You must
complete the table below, assuming that all food supplies have been received at the adequate temperature for

Food type Temperature

Cooked meat 75 °C

Uncooked fish -20°C

Frozen food -18°C

Milk and cream 2°C to 4°C

Leafy green vegetables 2° to 4°C

Eggs 7°C

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
a) Describe the meaning of ‘wastage’ of food in a commercial catering organisation.
- The term "wastage" of food in a commercial catering organization refers to the loss of edible food
during the preparation, cooking, and serving of meals. This can occur at any stage of the food
preparation process, from the initial purchasing of raw ingredients to the disposal of excess food

b) Explain why all measures should be taken to avoid wastage.

- Financial Cost: Wastage can be expensive, and it can result in financial losses. When resources such
as food, water, or electricity are wasted, it means that the money spent on acquiring those resources is
also wasted.
- Resource Depletion: Wastage leads to the depletion of natural resources. For example, when food is
wasted, it means that the resources used to grow and produce that food, such as water and land, are
also wasted.
- Environmental Impact: Wastage can have a negative impact on the environment. For example, when
plastic is wasted, it can end up in landfills or oceans, where it can harm wildlife and pollute the
- Ethical Concerns: Wastage can also be viewed as ethically problematic, especially when it comes to
issues of hunger and poverty. When food is wasted, it means that people who are in need of food are
not getting it.

What are the three generic types of contamination that food must be protected from?
1. When the food is contaminated by the other living organism then it is known as biological
contamination and it is one of the common causes of food poisoning
2. When a physical object is entered in the food at any stage of production then it can lead to physical
3. When the food comes in contact with the toxic chemical, it can cause chemical contamination. 

Describe the potential deficiencies of perishable food items on delivery.
1) Temperature control: Perishable food items require specific temperature ranges for storage and
transportation to prevent spoilage and contamination. If the food is not kept at the right temperature during
delivery, it can lead to bacterial growth, spoilage, and potential health risks for consumers.
2) Time in transit: The longer perishable food items are in transit, the higher the risk of spoilage. If the
food is not delivered within a certain timeframe, it may become unfit for consumption.
3) Packaging: Proper packaging is crucial to prevent damage and contamination during transportation. If
the packaging is inadequate, it can result in leaks, breakages, or exposure to air, which can accelerate
4) Handling: The way the food is handled during delivery can also impact its quality. Rough handling or
exposure to excessive heat can damage the food and increase the risk of spoilage.
5) Delivery delays: Delays in delivery can occur for various reasons, such as traffic or weather conditions.
If the food is not delivered on time, it may spend longer than necessary outside of proper storage conditions,
increasing the risk of spoilage.

c) What are the parameters of the ‘temperature danger zone’?
- The temperature range that is dangerous for the food that is to be held at, is referred to as danger
zone. The range should be between 40°F and 140°F.

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International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
d) You are unloading a pallet of food that has just been delivered to your restaurant. You notice that the frozen
fish appears to be thawing out and the fresh beef has a slightly strange odour. You immediately check the
temperature of the food supplies and notice that all of the frozen and chilled foods are within the temperate
danger zone. What action would you take to reject the potentially contaminated food?
1. Reject the products whose packaging is damaged.
2. Foods that don’t have the name or address of the supplier or any ingredient list on the label then
reject the pre-packed food
3. If the product information is not provided by the suppliers, then reject packaged food.

Describe four situations that may cause food to become contaminated.
1) Poor food handling practices: Food can become contaminated when it is handled by people who have
poor personal hygiene, such as not washing their hands properly or failing to wear gloves or hairnets. Cross-
contamination can also occur when a contaminated surface or utensil is used to prepare or serve food.
2) Improper storage conditions: Food can become contaminated if it is stored at incorrect temperatures,
such as in a warm environment, which can promote bacterial growth. If food is not properly covered or sealed, it
can also become contaminated by airborne bacteria or pests.
3) Contaminated water or soil: Food can become contaminated if it is grown or harvested in contaminated
soil or irrigated with contaminated water. This can happen due to pollution or poor sanitation practices.
4) Improper food processing or packaging: Contamination can also occur during food processing or
packaging. For example, if equipment is not cleaned properly or if packaging materials are not sanitized,
bacteria can be introduced into the food. Additionally, improper cooking or reheating of food can also cause

e) For each of the following food items, suggest the most practical food storage area.

Bulk delivery of fresh beef Cold room

10kg bag of rice Dry Store

Frozen fish Freezer

2 dozen eggs Fridge

f) At what temperature should frozen food be stored at?

- -18° C
g) At what temperature should food cool rooms / refrigerators operate at?
- It should operate at 4° C

Provide five examples of food safety procedures and standards for storage of perishable supplies.
1. Doing proper packaging
2. Separately store the raw meat and poultry
3. High risk foods should be taken special care
4. Items that have short shelf- life should be used first.
5. Correctly store the food in coolers.

For each of the following food items, provide two examples of what to look for to check for spoilage or
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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
h) Apples - bruising or spots that are soft, Skin is wrinkled
i) Bag of flour - texture in changed, Checking of expiry date
j) Cheese - Darkening or fading of the colour of the cheese, Texture of cheese is changed.

Describe how you can you check the quality of a perishable food item.
The quality of perishable food items can be checked through the following methods:
- Sight: Examine the food item for any discoloration, mold growth, or any other signs of spoilage.
- Smell: Sniff the food item to check for any off-odors or foul smells.
- Touch: Feel the food item to check for any soft spots, slimy texture, or any other signs of spoilage.
- Taste: If appropriate and safe to do so, taste the food item to check for any off-flavors or sour taste.

k) Describe three factors that need to be taken into account to ensure food waste from kitchens is disposed of
- Environmental Impact: One important factor to consider when disposing of food waste from kitchens is
its environmental impact. Improper disposal of food waste can result in the release of harmful
greenhouse gases such as methane, which contribute to climate change. Therefore, it is important to
dispose of food waste in a way that minimizes its impact on the environment, such as composting or
using anaerobic digestion to produce biogas.
- Public Health: Another important factor to consider is public health. Improperly disposed of food waste
can attract pests such as rodents and insects, which can spread diseases and contaminate other foods
in the kitchen. To prevent this, food waste should be stored in sealed containers and disposed of
regularly to prevent the build-up of pests and bacteria.
- Regulatory Compliance: Finally, it is important to consider regulatory compliance when disposing of
food waste. Many jurisdictions have specific regulations around the disposal of food waste, and failure
to comply with these regulations can result in fines or legal penalties. It is important to be aware of
these regulations and ensure that food waste is disposed of in compliance with local laws and

l) Describe the correct procedure for disposing of identified hazardous substances.

- Identify the hazardous substance: Determine the type of hazardous substance you have and its
properties. This information can be found on the material safety data sheet (MSDS) or product label.
- Follow local regulations: Check your local regulations to determine how the hazardous substance
should be disposed of. This may include federal, state, or local laws.
- Package the substance: Once you have determined how the hazardous substance should be disposed
of, package it according to the regulations. Use appropriate containers and labels to ensure that it is
clearly marked as hazardous.
- Transport the substance: Transport the hazardous substance to a disposal site that is authorized to
handle the type of hazardous substance you have. This may be a hazardous waste facility or a special
recycling center.
- Dispose of the substance: Follow the regulations for disposing of the hazardous substance at the
disposal site. This may involve incineration, chemical treatment, or other methods.
- Document the disposal: Keep records of the hazardous substance disposal. This may include
manifests, certificates of disposal, and other documentation required by local regulations.


 Your answers to each question.

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RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M
Assessment Record Checklist


s No
Did the student answer all questions correctly? (Please note which questions were answered
incorrectly, if applicable.)
If ‘no’ to the above, did you identify gaps in the student’s understanding and knowledge?
If ‘yes’ to the above, have arrangements have been made for reassessment?
Please note any reasonable adjustments for this task below.

¨ I have reviewed the mapping to this task.

¨ I have analysed the evidence gathered against the requirements of this task and am satisfied that the
student has satisfactorily demonstrated the knowledge required of this unit.
Where any items above are marked ‘No’, please provide comments and outline the gaps below. Ensure
feedback is provided to the student on their Assessment Task Cover Sheet. Note actions that will be taken
to correct the gaps.

Assessment Task 1 outcome: Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Date: _______________________________

Student name: ____________________________________________________________________

Assessor name: ___________________________________________________________________

Assessor signature: ________________________________________________________________

International College of Australia Pty Ltd T/A Western Sydney College
RTO: 45360 | CRICOS: 03690M

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