2019 - Post-Annealing Induced Oxygen Vacancy Mediated Non-Polar ZnO Films With Excellent Opto-Electronic Performance

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Ceramics International 45 (2019) 8388–8394

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Post-annealing induced oxygen vacancy mediated non-polar ZnO films with T

excellent opto-electronic performance
Lin Qi, Yujie Qi, Zhaoyuan Chai, Yang Qi∗
Institute of Materials Physics and Chemistry, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Northeastern University, Shenyang 110819, PR China


Keywords: The considerably enhanced opto-electronic properties of ZnO films with non-polar orientations have been rea-
Non-polar ZnO film lized by introducing oxygen vacancies. Excitation of oxygen vacancies has been achieved by oxygen-deficient
Post-annealing treatment post-annealing treatment. The existence of oxygen vacancies is directly confirmed by cross-sectional XPS and
Oxygen-deficient atmosphere positron annihilation Doppler broadening measurements. An enhanced UV-emission, more simplex green-light
Oxygen vacancy mediation
emission and sharply decreased electrical resistivity of post-annealed non-polar oriented ZnO films have been
acquired in oxygen-deficient atmosphere. I-V measurement indicates that non-polar oriented ZnO/p-Si hetero-
junction with optimized post-annealing treatment owns an excellent forward electrical transportation and ex-
tremely low threshold voltage, have great competitiveness for the commonly used one-dimensional ZnO na-
nomaterials in photo-electronic field.

1. Introduction excellent performances, which have huge potential to be comparable or

even replaceable of those commonly used one-dimensional ZnO na-
Nowadays, researchers hold soaring passion and pay more attention norods/nanowires in the near future, especially in the application of
to the wide band gap semiconductor-based devices with excellent opto-electronic field. Till now, multitudinous non-polar ZnO nanos-
physical performance, ZnO is absolutely no exception. Some out- tructures have been successfully fabricated and applied in certain fields,
standing advantages such as a wide band gap of 3.37 eV, large exciton such as the intensively reported opto-electronic [4,5], sensor [6,7] and
bonding energy of 60 meV, high thermal and chemical stability photocatalysis or catalysis fields [8], in addition, reports concerning the
(melting point is 2248 K), non-toxicity and bio-compatibility etc., have non-polar surface acoustic wave devices (SAW) [9] and quantum wells
made it widely applied in many areas, such as light-emitting diodes have been gained attentions gradually [10]. Some of these non-polar
(LEDs) and high speed heat-resisting electronic devices, especially thin ZnO-based applications exhibit even better performance than one-di-
film transistor backplanes for flexible displays or the transparent active mensional ZnO nanostructures [11]. Wang et al. fabricated a non-polar
matrix light-emitting diode displays owing to its merits of low re- m-plane ZnO/Al2O3/GaN heterojunction LED, which can emit blue
sistivity and high transparency in visible region [1–3]. All of these make light with different brightness under opposite direction of electrical
ZnO become the most potential and competitive functional material in field [12]. Besides, Baik et al. and Nguyen et al. report a non-polar a-
masses of the 3rd generation semiconductors. However, in practical plane n-ZnO/p-GaN heterojunction LED, which possesses excellent
applications, the quantum confined Stark effect (QCSE) originated from visible light emissions ranged from 350 to 500 nm [13,14]. For sensors
the polarization of spontaneous and piezoelectric effects in one-di- applications, the non-polar ZnO (101̄0) and (112̄0) crystal planes exhibit
mensional ZnO nanostructures leads to the red-shift transition, resulting some novel peculiarities as well. For example, Kaneti et al. reported a
in a deteriorated IQE (internal quantum efficiency) of ZnO-based na- new type of golden decorated ZnO with exposed non-polar (101̄0)
nodevices. crystal planes which exhibited the highest sensitivity toward n-butyla-
Aimed at solving the drawbacks in the aforementioned practical mine gas, it was quite a novel finding [6]. Hence, research on the ap-
applications, tremendous attempts have been made in recent years. plications of non-polar ZnO nanostructures in various domains is at-
People not only dissatisfy with the achievement of high-quality ZnO tracting increasing interest, providing great scope for further
nanostructures with non-polar orientations, but also demonstrate exploration.
strong interest in exploring the non-polar ZnO-based devices with In previous work, non-polar oriented ZnO/Si heterojunction with

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Y. Qi).

Received 22 December 2018; Accepted 21 January 2019
Available online 26 January 2019
0272-8842/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
L. Qi et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 8388–8394

high opto-electrical performance was successfully fabricated and used 2#–4# in various annealing atmospheres exhibit diverse decrease. It is
in opto-electronic field preliminarily, which exhibited better perfor- reasonable deduced that some defects sensitive to oxygen might play an
mance than the most reported literature concerned of this issue [4]. important role in affecting the electrical properties of non-polar ZnO
However, performances of ZnO films with non-polar orientations still films and this deduction needs to be further confirmed, especially the
hardly surpass the commonly fabricated ZnO nanostructures even origin of the dramatically increased conductivity of vacuum/Ar-an-
though this topic has been systematically investigated for decades. nealed non-polar ZnO.
Hence, in this work, appropriate thermal activation was introduced to XRD spectra of 1#–4# are shown in Fig. 1(a). Observed that the non-
enhance the performance of the synthesized non-polar oriented ZnO polar preferred orientations of 2#–4# still maintain unchanged as 1#.
films, and the effect of oxygen vacancy on the enhancement of opto- The FESEM images of 1#–4# provided in Fig. 1(b)-(e) present quite
electronic performances of thermally annealed non-polar oriented ZnO unusual morphologies, which are much different form the one-dimen-
films has been confirmed. Although there are numerous reports present sional ZnO nanorods/nanowires. Fig. 1(f)-(g) provide the HAADF-STEM
better performance of ZnO nanostructures by means of various thermal images of 1# and 4# along [112̄0] direction. In Fig. 1(f), a linear re-
activation treatments [15,16], however till now, discussion concerning lationship of the projection centers in each column is observed. As a
the optimized performance of ZnO films with non-polar orientations comparison in Fig. 1(g), the projection centers are not strictly linear in
evoked by thermal-annealing has been seldom reported. And these post- each column, deviation and stretch of Zn cations are detected, which is
annealed non-polar ZnO heterojunction with optimized physical per- marked in Fig. 1(g). Enlarged intensity distribution of these projective
formance could be good competitor among numerous semiconductor centers is presented in Fig. 1(h), a relatively large displacement of Zn
materials. cations is found in 4#. This directly observed displacement of Zn cations
can reflect the excitation of oxygen vacancies induced by oxygen-defi-
2. Experimental cient annealing.
As is known that positrons exhibit the most sensitive recognition on
Details for the synthesis of ZnO films with non-polar orientations vacancy defects [18–22]. These thermally active oxygen vacancies
could be found elsewhere [4]. The pristine non-polar oriented ZnO served as positron trap centers can further influence the positron an-
films were experienced with various post-annealing treatments: va- nihilation process. The S parameter-as function of incident positron
cuum-annealing in 5 × 10−4 Pa, air-annealing at atmospheric pressure energy (S-E curves) of non-polar oriented ZnO films with various post-
and argon-annealing (99.99% purity) in tube furnace. The annealing annealing treatments is shown in Fig. 2(a). The larger S parameters of
conditions all keep identical (550 °C for 2 h). The morphologies and 3# and 4# indicate a larger number of oxygen vacancies in 3# and 4#.
microstructures of all the films were characterized by using X-ray dif- Fig. 2(b) shows the W-E curves of all the films. In Fig. 2(b), the effect of
fraction pattern (Rigaku) with Cu-Kα radiation (λ = 1.5405 Å), field positron annihilation on core electrons becomes weak when the amount
emission scanning electron-microscope (ZEISS) and atomic-resolution of oxygen vacancies is increased. The W parameters of all these four
scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging (JEOL JEM-ARM samples exhibit inversely proportional relationship to the values of S
200F) at 200 kV with a high-angle annular dark-field detector and a parameter at low incident positron energy. However, the W parameter
probe Cs-corrector. Photoluminescent spectroscopy was measured by tend to be consistent with the increment of incident positron energy,
Raman spectrometer (Horiba-JY LabRam HR Evolution) equipped with which means the S and W parameters of 3# and 4# are not strictly
He-Cd laser (λ = 325 nm). Positron annihilation Doppler broadening linear. This non-linear relationship indicates that there exists different
measurement were performed by slow positron beam facility in In- vacancy type with the increment of film depth. Here we consider that as
stitute High Energy Physics [17]. Slow positrons were generated by a the smaller ZnO grains at the initial growth stage, the effect of grain-
1.85 GBq 22Na radiation source. The Hall Effect measured by Van der boundary becomes significant, which provides more diffusion paths for
Pauw method was performed by physical property measurement system oxygen vacancies to aggregate to vacancy clusters near the grain-
(Quantum Design). Cross-sectional X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy boundaries, leading to the non-linear relationship of S and W para-
was performed on a photoelectron spectrometer (AXIS SUPRA, SHIM- meters. Fig. 2(c) proposes three positron annihilation forms at oxygen
ADZU, Japan) using monochromatic Al Kα radiation X-ray as excitation vacancies. According to charge conservation, the loss of oxygen atoms
source (1486.6 eV). Binding energies were calibrated by setting C1s at leaves one or two negative charges in the lattice, the left negative
284.6 eV. The squared-cut film samples (5 × 5 mm2) were measured charges could annihilate with positions. However, the residual negative
under 0.3 T permanent magnet with 1 mA at room temperature. I-V charges can also break the electrostatic binding energy to become free
measurements of these post-annealed non-polar oriented ZnO/p-Si electrons during post-annealing, in this case, positrons could not be
heterostructures were carried out (Keithley 238 current source& annihilate at these completely ionized oxygen vacancies.
Keithley 2182 voltmeter) by two-point method. The chemical state of O1s of 1#–4# were measured by XPS in cross-
sectional view, as provided in Fig. 3. All the spectra used the commonly
3. Results and discussion standard background deduction model- Shirley background. The typical
O1s peak of 1# and 2# can be fitted well by two Gaussian-Lorentzian
The electrical properties of 1#–4#, corresponding to the as-derived, convolutional peaks centered at 530.9 eV and 532.3 eV, respectively.
air-annealing, vacuum-annealing and Ar-annealing conditions, are ex- Meanwhile, it can be fitted well by three Gaussian-Lorentzian con-
hibited in Table 1. Measured in weak magnetic field intensity (3000 GS) volutional peaks centered at 530.9, 531.5 and 532.3 eV of 3# and 4#.
is favorable to detect the intrinsic electrical properties. The conduction The low bonding energy component located at 530.9 eV is corre-
type of 1#–4# are all n-type. Taking 1# as reference, the resistivities of sponded to the O2− ions in Zn2+ ions in wurtzite ZnO. The highest
binding energy centered at 532.3 eV is owning to the existence of
Table 1 loosely bound oxygen of ZnO film surface [23,24]. The O 1s spectra of
Hall Effect measurement of 1#–4#. 1# and 2# are composed of the O2− ions in lattice and chemisorbed
Sample Electrical properties
oxygen-containing functional groups such as -CO3, adsorbed H2O and
O2− [25]. The binding energy located at 531.5 eV is related with O2−
ρ(Ω·cm) CN(cm−3) μN (cm2/Vs) ions in the oxygen deficient regions, here referred as oxygen vacancy
1# 1.43 × 104 1.42 × 1013 18.36 [26,27]. It could be seen that oxygen vacancies were excited in va-
2# 2.71 × 103 1.30 × 1014 17.79
cuum/Ar (3#/4#) thermal activation atmosphere, leading to the peak
3# 0.186 4.91 × 1018 10.11
4# 5.68 × 10−2 1.09 × 1019 6.85 shifted toward higher binding energy. To some extent, the increment of
donor-type defects are beneficial to the enhancement of conductivity,

L. Qi et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 8388–8394

Fig. 1. (a) XRD spectra of 1#–4#, (b)–(e) FESEM images of 1#–4#, HAADF-STEM images for (f) 1# and (g) 4# along [112̄0] direction and (h) Signal intensity of Zn
atoms along [112̄0] direction.

and this XPS result is consistent with the Hall measurement. films (3#/4#) have stronger intensities than 1#. Oppositely, spectrum of
In order to investigate the effect of thermal activation on the pho- 2# owns the weakest intensity of UV emission. Dissimilar with UV
toluminescent performance of these four samples, room-temperature PL emissions, it shows an interesting phenomenon in visible regions that
spectra are exhibited in Fig. 4(a). UV emission located in 376 nm ori- the defect-related emissions of non-polar oriented ZnO films are
ginated from the NBE (near-band-edge) emissions or exciton combi- aroused by thermal activation in various atmosphere, and it also pre-
nations, as well as a series of visible-light emissions with various in- sents diverse intensity in variable thermal ambient. Spectrum of 2# in
tensities are observed. It could be seen that UV emission centers keep visible-light region exhibits the strongest intensities and widest range of
unchanged (376 nm), however, they present multifarious intensities the composite visible-light emission, which is corresponded to the
with variable thermal activation atmosphere. The vacuum/Ar-annealed weakest UV emission. 3# and 4# show relatively lower intensities of

Fig. 2. The spectra of (a) S parameter versus incident positron energy and (b) corresponding W parameter versus incident positron energy of as-deposited (1#) and
thermal-activated non-polar oriented ZnO films in annealing atmosphere of air, vacuum and Ar gas, and (c) positron annihilation patterns at oxygen vacancies.

L. Qi et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 8388–8394

are fitted well with the measured spectrum based on Gaussian fitting, as
shown in Fig. 4(b). And the intensities of these three fitted emission
peaks are enhanced with the increased visible-light wavelength. Com-
pared with the spectrum in Fig. 4(b), the visible-light emissions in
Fig. 4(c) and (d) exhibit close peak values. These two spectra in visible-
light range can be divided into dark-green emission (508/499 nm) and
light-green emission (547/560 nm).
Photoluminescent mechanism of thermal annealing non-polar or-
iented ZnO films: PL spectrum of ZnO usually composes of two sections,
one is the typical UV-light emission induced by the near-band-edge
emission or exciton combination, the other is visible-light emission
which is defect-related. Generally, besides UV-light excitation origi-
nated from the radiative transitions of photo-generated electrons, there
exists numbers of defect states within the band gap of ZnO, as depicted
in Fig. 5(a). Donor defects exactly as Zni0, Zni∗, Vo and Vo∗ are normally
located below the bottom of conduction band, these defects donate
their electrons and become ionized, and the generation of these donor-
type defects plays an essential role to the enhancement of film con-
ductivity, as presented in the following reactions [28,29]:

ZnZn ↔ Zni0 + VZn (1)

0 ∗ −
Zni ↔ Zni + e (2)
∗ ∗∗ −
Zni ↔ Zni +e (3)
Fig. 3. Cross-sectional XPS spectra of O1s of 1 and thermal activated non- 0 ↔ VZn + Vo (4)
polar oriented ZnO films in atmosphere of air (2#), vacuum (3#) and Ar gas
(4#), respectively. Vo ↔ Vo∗ + e− (5)

Vo∗ ↔ Vo∗∗ + e− (6)

visible-light emissions compared with 2#. These composite visible
emission peaks are divided into several components of blue-green These defects act as luminescent centers to emit visible lights, and
emissions, as provided in Fig. 4(b–d), corresponding to 2#–4#. Aimed at the process of electrons are transited from neutral or singly ionized
identifying the defect-related energy level distribution in ZnO bandgap. donor defects to valence band edge is widely accepted as the pre-
Three separated peaks with peak values of 461 nm, 500 nm and 563 nm dominated mechanism to the blue/green-light emission. Acceptor

Fig. 4. PL spectra of (a) 1#–4# at room-temperature in various annealing ambient, PL spectra of (b) 2#, (c) 3# and (d) 4# in visible ranges.

L. Qi et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 8388–8394

Fig. 5. Diagrams of (a) general UV and visible-light photoluminescent mechanism of ZnO film under UV irradiation and proposed defect distribution of (b) 2#, (c) 3#/
4# within ZnO bandgap.

defects including VZn and Oi which are usually located above the top of Generally, annealing temperature can induce variation of thermally-
valence band, these defects trap electrons from conduction band, which related defects to a large extent. Aimed at identifying the optimal
are served as electron trap centers. In addition, some deep level defects temperature, investigation of annealing temperature on the con-
are situated in the central position of ZnO band gap. These deep-level ductivity of non-polar oriented ZnO film in Ar-annealing atmosphere is
defects usually have a relatively high ionization energy, which act as performed. Fig. 6(a) exhibits the XRD spectra of non-polar oriented ZnO
electron-scattering centers and lead to the degradation of conductivity. films annealing at 300 °C, 400 °C, 500 °C and 550 °C for 2 h in Ar at-
Hence, we consider that excellent conductivity must be acquired by mosphere, respectively. These four samples are tailored into uniform
increasing the amount of donor-type defects which could release elec- size (5 × 5 mm2) from one piece of the as the-synthesized non-polar
trons, or reducing the amount of deep level defects which served as ZnO film (10 × 10 mm2). The predominant non-polar (112̄0) and (101̄0)
electron trap/scattering centers. Fig. 5(b) and (c) present the visible- diffraction peaks, accompanied with much weaker (101̄1) and (0002)
light emission mechanism of 2#–4#, respectively. The luminescent diffraction peaks indicate the polycrystalline property and preferential
centers could be ensured based on the separated emission peak posi- orientations along non-polar a-plane (112̄0) and m-plane (101̄0) of these
tions in visible-light region. Observed from Fig. 5(b) that the deep-level Ar-annealed ZnO films. In addition, (111) diffraction peak of Ag elec-
defects take a high proportion in these generated defects. Various kinds trode is observed at 38.12° which is induced by the measurement of
of defects are emerged in the air annealing atmosphere. Here we con- electrical resistivity. Similar with altering the annealing ambient, the
sider that air-annealing pattern attributes the formation of deep level non-polar preferred orientation still remains unchanged with increased
oxygen-related defects, and visible-light emission exhibits a pre- annealing temperature, which indicates an excellent thermal stability of
dominantly yellow-green light excitation. The photoluminescent dia- ZnO films with non-polar orientations. Corresponding electrical re-
gram of the vacuum/Ar-annealed films in visible-light region is pre- sistivities of non-polar oriented ZnO films at various post-annealing
sented in Fig. 5(c). Distinguished from the defect states of air-annealed temperature in Ar atmosphere are presented in Fig. 6(b). Increasing the
film, it shows a more centralized and simplex distribution of defect temperature from 300 °C to 400 °C lead to a dramatic reduction of
states centered at 2.44/2.48 eV with dark green and 2.27/2.21 eV with electrical resistivity from 0.62 Ω cm to 0.061 Ω cm. Continuously in-
light green emissions of vacuum/Ar-annealed ZnO films. Owning to the creasing the post-annealing temperature to 500 °C, the value of elec-
low formation energy of oxygen vacancies at a relatively low oxygen trical resistivity reaches the minimum value of 0.048 Ω cm. When an-
partial pressure [30,31], we consider that the photoluminescent me- nealing temperature continually increased to 550 °C, the value of
chanism of this simplex green light emission of vacuum&Ar-annealed resistivity becomes slightly larger (0.057 Ω cm), as shown in the inset of
non-polar oriented ZnO films is mainly ascribed to the electron tran- Fig. 6(b). This conversion of electrical resistivity with increased an-
sition from neutral or single ionized oxygen vacancies center to the nealing temperature is reasonable. On one hand, a relatively high an-
valence band edge [32,33]. These oxygen vacancies originated from nealing temperature could accelerate the diffusion of atoms, which
vacuum/Ar-annealing atmosphere donate their electrons as carriers, results in the zinc and oxygen atoms deviated from the lowest energy
which result in an effective enhancement of electrical conductivity sites. Beyond that, some thermally-related defects could be engendered,
(evidenced by the value of resistivity in Hall Effect measurement). A and act as electron trap centers or current scattering centers. These two
conclusion could be drawn from the above analysis that ZnO films with aspects have negative effect on the conductivity of Ar-annealed ZnO
non-polar orientations in oxygen-deficient thermal activation atmo- films. Hence, it can be seen from Fig. 6(b) that the lowest electrical
sphere could not only increase the conductivity to a large extent, but resistivity of non-polar oriented ZnO film in Ar annealing atmosphere
also make the luminescent center more concentrated which results in could be acquired at annealing temperature of 500 °C.
the emissive color more simplex. To achieve ohmic contact, point electrode made by silver was

L. Qi et al. Ceramics International 45 (2019) 8388–8394

Fig. 6. (a) XRD patterns of non-polar oriented ZnO films annealing in Ar gas at annealing temperature of A1 (300 °C), A2 (400 °C), A3 (500 °C) and A4 (550 °C), (b)
corresponding electrical resistivities at various annealing temperatures, (c) I-V characteristics at annealing temperature of 500 °C, the inset gives the schematic
diagram of ZnO/Si (100) heterostructure and (d) logarithmic current intensity with the voltage.

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