Unit3 Complete
Unit3 Complete
Unit3 Complete
Binary N Zero Substitution (BNZS)
• The common bipolar code AMI has many desirable
properties of a line code. Its major limitation, however, is
that a long string of zeros can lead to loss of
synchronization and timing jitter because there are no pulses
in the waveform for relatively long periods of time.
• Two consecutive pulses of the same polarity violate the AMI pulse
convention, independent of the number of zeros between the two
consecutive pulses.
• These violations can be detected at the receiver, and the special code
replaced by N zeros. The special code contains pulses facilitating
synchronization even when the original data has long string of zeros.
• The special code is chosen such that the desirable properties of AMI coding
are retained despite the AMI pulse convention violations, i.e., dc balance and
error detection capability.
Aided Carrier and clock recovery – Acquisition - Training (Non Data dependent)
Data bits Signaling bits Frame Marker 1/0 clk bits All 1’s Carr Recov
Unaided Aided Carrier and clock recovery – Tracking phase - Showtime Data dependent
DEMUX Operations
(Synchronization operations are done in three stages - Carrier Recovery, Clock
recovery, Frame recovery)
• Perform Aided Carrier recovery, clock recovery during Training phase
• Perform Unaided Carrier and clock recovery during Tracking phase /
Showtime phase (Clock recovery needs PSD)
• Capture Frame alignment (header) bits to facilitate frame parsing and sample
bits extraction.
• Make allowance for any variation in bit rates at Rx due to nominal differences
in clocks between Tx and Rx stations.
• Managing clock differences leads to three types of Muxes
• Synchronous (includes dummy pulse stuffing)
• Asynchronous
• Quasi synchronous (P / D buffer – Elastic buffer)
Speech sampling rate = 8 Ksps.
Time between samples = 1/8 KHz = 125 msecs
Each sample has 8 bits. PCM Rate = 64 Kbps
Frame has 24 slots or channels
Each slot has one sample of voice with 8 bits
Frame size = 24chls x 8 bits/chl + 1 framing bit
Line Rate = 193bits/ 125 msecs = 1.544 Mbps
T1 Frame structure
388 194 1
FSM for frame Identification of T1 frames
Sliding Correlator
Window Open always
Set threshold=3
Value<Threshold Value<Threshold
Value =Threshold
Close Window
Open after 387 bits
Close Window
Open after 387 bits Count = 2
Value <Threshold
If Value = Threshold , Count =2
Close Window
Open after every 387 bits
Threshold-- , count=0
Close Window
Open after 387 bits
count=1 or 2
FSM for frame Identification of E1 frames
Sliding Correlator
Window Open always
Set threshold=8
Value<Threshold Value<Threshold
Value =Threshold
Close Window
Open after 256 bits
Close Window
Open after 256 bits Count = 2
Value <Threshold
If Value = Threshold , Count =2
Close Window
Open after every256 bits
Threshold-- , count=0
Close Window
Open after 256 bits
Count =1 or 2
Write Read
Address Address
Pointer Pointer
1Frame length
1Frame length
P/D Buffer
Buffer Length=2*Frame length
Read and Write cycles same – Pointers will remain at the same position
Read slow –RP increases
Read fast – RP decreases
Initialize Read pointer
FSM for P/D (RP) and write
pointers (WP)
Fill Buffer to 50% (one
frame) with data
Difference =
Repeat one frame RP -WP
RP address= RP address+ Difference < 3
one frame length bits
Signal Bandwidth in KHz Nyquist Rate (sps) Actual Rate (sps) Bits / sample
M1(t) 3.6 K 7.2 Ksps 7.2 Ksps 10
M2(t) 1.2 K 2.4 Ksps 2.4 Ksps 10
M3(t) 1.2 K 2.4 Ksps 2.4 Ksps 10
M4(t) 1.2 K 2.4 Ksps 2.4 Ksps 10
M1 - 1 M1 - 2 M1 - 3 M2 - 1 M3 - 1 M4 - 1
Total Rate (7.2 + 2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4) Ksamples/sec x 10 bits/sample = 144 K bits/sec
Frame time (FT) is (6 samples x 10 bits/sample) bits x (1 / Total Rate) = 0.4166666667 msecs/ Frame
To Demux add Mux OH. Frame time has to be kept same. Say add 8 bits Flag.
M1 - 1 M1 - 2 M1 - 3 M2 - 1 M3 - 1 M4 - 1 8 bits OH
So in the same ONE Frame time (FT) we have {(6 samples x 10 bits/ sample) + 8 bits} = 68 bits