Unit3 Complete

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Communication Systems-1



Baseband Pulse Transmission (Line Codes) (RZ and NRZ)

Unipolar, Polar, Bipolar, Manchester signaling, Discrete form
statement of Wiener – Khinchine Theorem – Applications to PSD
derivations for these pulses. Highlights of other baseband pulses

Digital Multiplexing and demultiplexing: Framing with overheads,

Types- Synchronous, Asynchronous, Quasi-Synchronous.
Demultiplexing FSM, Retiming FSM with Plesiochronous buffering.

The content of Unit-3 is from the following Reference Books:

1. Leon w. Couch, Digital and Analog Communication Systems, Eighth
edition, Pearson, 2013.

2. Digital Multiplexing/Demultiplexing will be covered in the class through

Expert Lectures. Material is enclosed.
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 

   
   
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 

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Binary N Zero Substitution (BNZS)
• The common bipolar code AMI has many desirable
properties of a line code. Its major limitation, however, is
that a long string of zeros can lead to loss of
synchronization and timing jitter because there are no pulses
in the waveform for relatively long periods of time.

• Binary N zero substitution (BNZS) attempts to improve

AMI by substituting a special code of length N for all
strings of N zeros.
• This special code contains pulses that look like binary 1s but purposely
produce violations of the AMI pulse convention.

• Two consecutive pulses of the same polarity violate the AMI pulse
convention, independent of the number of zeros between the two
consecutive pulses.

• These violations can be detected at the receiver, and the special code
replaced by N zeros. The special code contains pulses facilitating
synchronization even when the original data has long string of zeros.

• The special code is chosen such that the desirable properties of AMI coding
are retained despite the AMI pulse convention violations, i.e., dc balance and
error detection capability.

• The only disadvantage of BNZS compared to AMI is a slight increase in

crosstalk due to the increased number of pulses and, hence, an increase in
the average energy in the code.
B3ZS is used in the digital signal-3 (DS-3) signal interface in North America and
also in the long distance-4 (LD-4) coaxial transmission system in Canada.
• The last BNZS code considered here uses N = 8.
• A B8ZS code is used to provide transparent channels
for the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)
on T1 lines and is similar to the B6ZS code.
• Here a string of eight consecutive zeros is replaced
by one of two special codes according to the
following rule:
HDB3 (Europe, Japan – High Density
Bipolar 3 Zeros):
• Any string of 4 zeros is replaced by a string with one code
violation (violation of the rule of alternating positive and
negative levels).

• The last element of the filling sequence is a code violation,

with the 2 middle elements 0’s.

• The first element of the filling sequence is either a 0 or a 1

so that the polarity of the code violation is different from the
polarity of the last violation.
High-Density Bipolar N (HDBN)
• This coding algorithm is a CCITT(Consultative Committee
for International Telephony and Telegraphy) standard
recommended by the Conference of European Posts and
Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT), a European
standards body.

• It is quite similar to BNZS coding. It is thus a level code

with memory.

• Whenever there is a string of N+1 consecutive zeros, they

are replaced by a special code of length N+1 containing
AMI violations
• A specific high-density bipolar N(HDBN) code,
HDB3, is implemented as a CEPT primary digital

• It is very similar to the B3ZS code. In this code, a

string of four consecutive zeros is replaced by either
B00V or 000V.

• B00V or 000V is chosen such that the number of

bipolar (B) pulses between violations is odd.
Multiplexing – Demultiplexing –
Timing (P+D) Buffer
Functional Operations of a Mux / Demux
MUX Operations
• Establish a frame as the smallest time interval containing or one sample or at
least one bit from each input.
• Assign to each input a unique number of slots within the frame.
• Tx and Rx frame hold Buffer builds up one frame to be clocked at higher frame
bit clock.
• Add signaling and bits for call control
•Insert frame, Multiframe bits for frame identification and Housekeeping bits.
• Insert data bits for synchronization (Carrier recovery all 1’s, Clock recovery
alternate 1,0 and frame recovery) at receiver.

Aided Carrier and clock recovery – Acquisition - Training (Non Data dependent)
Data bits Signaling bits Frame Marker 1/0 clk bits All 1’s Carr Recov

Unaided Aided Carrier and clock recovery – Tracking phase - Showtime Data dependent

Data bits Signaling bits Frame Marker

Functional Operations of a Mux / Demux

DEMUX Operations
(Synchronization operations are done in three stages - Carrier Recovery, Clock
recovery, Frame recovery)
• Perform Aided Carrier recovery, clock recovery during Training phase
• Perform Unaided Carrier and clock recovery during Tracking phase /
Showtime phase (Clock recovery needs PSD)
• Capture Frame alignment (header) bits to facilitate frame parsing and sample
bits extraction.
• Make allowance for any variation in bit rates at Rx due to nominal differences
in clocks between Tx and Rx stations.
• Managing clock differences leads to three types of Muxes
• Synchronous (includes dummy pulse stuffing)
• Asynchronous
• Quasi synchronous (P / D buffer – Elastic buffer)
Speech sampling rate = 8 Ksps.
Time between samples = 1/8 KHz = 125 msecs
Each sample has 8 bits. PCM Rate = 64 Kbps
Frame has 24 slots or channels
Each slot has one sample of voice with 8 bits
Frame size = 24chls x 8 bits/chl + 1 framing bit
Line Rate = 193bits/ 125 msecs = 1.544 Mbps

1st Level 24 (T1) 1.544 Mbps Frame 30 (E1) 2.048 Mbps

2nd Level 4 T1 6.312 Mbps 4 E1 8.448 Mbps

(T2) Multiframe (E2)
3rd Level 7 T2 44.736 Mbps 4 E2 34.368 Mbps
(T3) Super frame (E3)
4th Level 6 T3 274.176 Mbps 4 E3 139.264 Mbps
(T4) Hyperframe (E4)
E1 Frame -Used in Europe, India
E1 Frame structure

125µsec , 256 bits

Ch 1
8 bit
times 0 1 15 31
Frame Signaling
alignment Information
Unique word Correlator - for Detection of Frame Alignment Signal
(Frame Recovery)

Intialize UW(k); k = 1,N

UW(k) = 2*UW(k) – 1; k=1,N
Load Rcv(k) ; k = 1,N
Pcv(k) = 2*Rcv(k) – 1; k=1,N
V = Sum (UW(k) * PCV(k); k= 1,N)
If(V=Threshold) Go to another FSM stage
Else (Shift Rcv(k) 1 bit right and return to Pcv
T1 Frame -Used in North America

T1 Frame structure

125µsec , 193 bits

Channel 1
Channel 24

8–bit One bit frame

alignment signal

For frame Identification

388 194 1

FSM for frame Identification of T1

X X 1
1 1

FSM for frame Identification of T1 frames
Sliding Correlator
Window Open always
Set threshold=3

Value<Threshold Value<Threshold
Value =Threshold

Close Window
Open after 387 bits

Value<Threshold If Value = Threshold , Count =1

Close Window
Open after 387 bits Count = 2
Value <Threshold
If Value = Threshold , Count =2

Close Window
Open after every 387 bits
Threshold-- , count=0


Close Window
Open after 387 bits
count=1 or 2
FSM for frame Identification of E1 frames
Sliding Correlator
Window Open always
Set threshold=8

Value<Threshold Value<Threshold
Value =Threshold

Close Window
Open after 256 bits

Value<Threshold If Value = Threshold , Count =1

Close Window
Open after 256 bits Count = 2
Value <Threshold
If Value = Threshold , Count =2

Close Window
Open after every256 bits
Threshold-- , count=0


Close Window
Open after 256 bits
Count =1 or 2

Write Clk Read Clk

Write Read
Address Address
Pointer Pointer

Buffer Length=2*Frame length

F F Read clock faster

H H Repeat Frame

1Frame length

Read clock slower

WP F F RP Skip Frame

1Frame length
P/D Buffer
Buffer Length=2*Frame length


Read Cycle Decrements Read pointer (RP),

Write Cycle increments Read pointer (RP)

Read and Write cycles same – Pointers will remain at the same position
Read slow –RP increases
Read fast – RP decreases
Initialize Read pointer
FSM for P/D (RP) and write
pointers (WP)
Fill Buffer to 50% (one
frame) with data

Read clock Write clock

Decrements RP Increments RP

Skip one frame

RP address= RP address- Difference > 2*FL-3 3 < Difference < 2*FL--3
one frame length bits

Difference =
Repeat one frame RP -WP
RP address= RP address+ Difference < 3
one frame length bits
Signal Bandwidth in KHz Nyquist Rate (sps) Actual Rate (sps) Bits / sample
M1(t) 3.6 K 7.2 Ksps 7.2 Ksps 10
M2(t) 1.2 K 2.4 Ksps 2.4 Ksps 10
M3(t) 1.2 K 2.4 Ksps 2.4 Ksps 10
M4(t) 1.2 K 2.4 Ksps 2.4 Ksps 10

M1 - 1 M1 - 2 M1 - 3 M2 - 1 M3 - 1 M4 - 1

Total Rate (7.2 + 2.4 + 2.4 + 2.4) Ksamples/sec x 10 bits/sample = 144 K bits/sec

Frame time (FT) is (6 samples x 10 bits/sample) bits x (1 / Total Rate) = 0.4166666667 msecs/ Frame

To Demux add Mux OH. Frame time has to be kept same. Say add 8 bits Flag.

M1 - 1 M1 - 2 M1 - 3 M2 - 1 M3 - 1 M4 - 1 8 bits OH

So in the same ONE Frame time (FT) we have {(6 samples x 10 bits/ sample) + 8 bits} = 68 bits

New Line Rate is 68 bits/ Frame x (1/FT) = 163.2 Kbits/sec.

P and D Buffer depth ?

If one signal is say 3 KHz. Two ways to over come.

1. Allow oversampling of signal

2. Choose LCM

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