How To Write An Essay Note

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Essay Writing

Read the essay prompt carefully and understand the question

This is the most crucial stage in essay writing. Once you know the question asked you can be able to
identify the type of essay. Highlight the keywords; ‘compare,’ ‘contrast’ ‘discuss,’ ‘explain’ ‘evaluate’
and identify any limiting words, e.g., during the 21st century, within Europe, etc.

Pick a topic
After getting an overview of the essay, you will be in a better position to choose a more relevant topic. Begin by
brainstorming, sit down, be calm and start a free flow of thoughts and jot down ideas. Narrow your focus and choose
an interesting topic depending on the type of essay and purpose so you can create a top notch essay. If you find it
hard to come up with an essay topic, ask your teacher for assistance and you will get a topic which you will be
required to defend with relevant sources.

Create an outline
Before you begin your writing, create your essay outline. Jot your topic in the middle of your page, draw lines
branching from the topic and write main ideas at the end of each line. From the main ideas at the end of the lines
draw more lines and include your thoughts.
Another option is to use a simple outline. Write your topic at the top of your page, separate your essay into
introduction, body, and conclusion. For a five paragraph essay, have an introduction, at least three main ideas, and a
conclusion. Leave spaces under each idea to enable you to list smaller ideas supporting the main idea. The ‘skeleton’
will enable you to write a more organized essay.

Sample outline:
Introduction paragraph
 First sentence
 Thesis statement
Body paragraph
 Give statistics
 Information on the subject
 Research on the topic
 Relevant data if any
Conclusion paragraph
 Restate your thesis statement
 Support arguments
 write a call to action

Write your essay: Create a thesis statement

You already have a topic and the paper outline it is time to start the writing. Begin by creating a thesis statement
which must tell your reader the purpose of your essay. Read through your outline to help you create an appropriate
thesis. Your thesis statement must state the topic and the main argument of your essay. The single statement must
carry the overall response to the problem. Put your thesis statement in your first paragraph then make sure you refer
to it several times within the essay then restate it in your conclusion.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement:
 tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion.
 is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper.
 directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject
itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to
understand the war or the novel.

 makes a claim that others might dispute.

 is usually a single sentence near the beginning of your paper (most often, at the end of the first paragraph) that
presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes
evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation.

Write the introductory paragraph

After creating a thesis statement and the body of the essay write an introductory paragraph. Make your introduction
fascinating to capture the attention of your readers. Begin with a ‘hook’; you can use a story, dialogue, shocking
revelation, a quote or a topic summary. Make sure that your ‘hook’ ties with the thesis statement.

Write the body paragraphs

This is the part of the essay that you are supposed to explain, describe or argue the topic. The main ideas you wrote
down on your outline becomes separate paragraphs. Each paragraph carries the main idea. The paragraph begins
with an introductory sentence which carries the main idea. Supporting ideas follow suit in sentence format backed
with relevant information and examples. Don’t forget to cite every reference materials used. Direct quotes must also
be cited using the required format style.

Write the concluding paragraph

This part must be given much importance as the introduction part. The conclusion gives you a chance, to sum up,
your ideas and close up the topic. Make it short; write three to five sentences. Do not introduce any new ideas at the
conclusion; summarize your prior arguments. You have the chance to restate your thesis statement and once again
support your stance.

Edit your first draft

Before you consider your first draft a finished essay, do the editing and proofreading. Checks the general structure of
your essay and make sure the correct format is used. Ensure that the strongest points appear first and at the last
paragraph within the body of the essay, the others can be fixed in the middle of the body paragraph.
Read and reread your paper to ensure the sentences are sensible and paragraphs flow into each other smoothly.
Check the grammar, spelling, and punctuation make necessary corrections. Delete any irrelevant sections; improve
expressions by changing the vocabulary. Ensure you meet the word count. Now write up your final draft and submit
it before the deadline.
It is not easy to do the editing and the proofreading on your own. Give your essay to a friend to go through it before
writing your final draft or rather use professional proofreading services available online at affordable prices

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