Calculation Report of Fall Protection Bracket

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Title Fall Protection Bracket
Drawing No. JJ230.01.06.00
Q355D(GB/T 1591)
20#(GB/T 699)
Safe Working Load 25kN
Peference standard AISC 360-2016
Designed By Fu tian yun
Checked By Liu bin
Approved By Lu guo liang
Date 28/12/2022

Fabricator's Serial
Protection Bracket

Reference Number

Prepared by:Fu tian yun

Checked by:Liu bin
Audited by: Lu guo liang


                目 录 contents

1 设计准则 Design Principle...................................1

2.结构和基本参数 Structure and Basic Parameters...............1
3. 计算结果 Caculation result.................................2
3.1 支架的计算 Bracket calculation.........................2
3.2 耳板的计算 Pad eye calculation.........................5
3.3 耳板焊缝的计算 Pad eye welding line calculation........8
4. 结论 Conclusion...........................................11
1 设计准则 Design Principle

AISC 360-2016 《Specification for Structural Steel Buildings 》

2.结构和基本参数 Structure and Basic Parameters

Q355D(GB/T 1591)
20#(GB/T 699)
Safe Working Load 25kN

3. 计算结果 Caculation result

3.1 支架的计算 Bracket calculation

3.1.1 计算方案 Calculation scheme
三维有限元软件 SAFI 进行整体分析计算。Use Three-Dimensional Finite Element Software

to Do Overall Analysis and Calculation

我们使用建筑钢结构有限元分析软件 SAFI 对结构进行计算。软件可以做普通有限元软

件所作的钢结构有限元分析,同时提供了的综合检验标准——单元 ULS 值,当钢结构单元

的 ULS 值都小于等于 1 时,我们认为结构就是安全的。

We use construction steel structure finite element analysis software SAFI to do calculation

for the structure. This software can do steel structure finite element analysis which can be done by

common finite element software, and it also provide general standard of inspection and test which

is called as Unit Value of ULS and is convenient to users. When the Unit Value of ULS of steel

structure is less than 1, we regard the steel structure as safety.

3.1.2 计算参数 Calculation Parameters

SWL: 25kN

3.1.3 模型示意图 Model sketch map

3.1.4 结构件的综合 ULS 值 Structure components General ULS ratings

由计算可知,各单元综合 ULS 值最大 0.78,小于 1,因此,结构是安全可

靠的,符合 API Spec 4F 规范的要求。
As per calculation, General ULS ratings of units is maxium 0.78, less than 1.
Therefore, the structure under such condition is safe and reliable which in
accordance with Spec 4F regulation requirements.
3.2 耳板的计算 Pad eye calculation
3.2.1 计算方案 Calculation scheme
及承压极限强度中的最小值。The allowable bearing capacity of the Pad eye
shall take the minimum in the yield strength, tensile rupture limit strength,
shear tear limit strength and pressure bearing limit strength.
AISC 360-2016 第 D2 章节)The allowable tensile capacity of the Pad eye on
the wool section is determined according to formula (1).(Refer to AISC 360-
2016 Section D2)



Pn 许 用 ——耳板在毛截面上抗拉屈服时的许用抗拉承载力 The allowable

tensile capacity of the Pad eye on the hair section(N);
Pn——承载力标准值Standard value of carrying capacity(N);
Fy——耳板材料的屈服强度Yield strength of Pad eye material(MPa);
Ag—— 构 件 的 毛 截 面 面 积 Gross cross-sectional area of
D——耳板外圆直径External circle diameter of Pad eye(mm);
t——耳板厚度Pad eye thickness(mm);
Ωt——安全系数,Safety factor,1.67。
(参考 AISC 360-2016 第 D2 章节)The allowable tensile capacity of the Pad
eye on the effective net section is determined by formula (2).(Refer to AISC
360-2016 Section D2)


, ,取最小值Take the minimum value;

Pn许用 ——耳板在有效净截面上受拉破裂时的许用抗拉承载力 Permissible

tensile capacity of the Pad eye rupture on the effective net section(N);
Pn——承载力标准值Standard value of carrying capacity(N);
Fu—— 耳 板 材 料 的 抗 拉 强 度 Tensile strength of Pad eye
be——耳板的受拉撕裂承载力的有效边距 Effective margin of the pulled
and torn bearing capacity of the Pad eye(mm);
D——耳板外圆直径External circle diameter of Pad eye(mm);
d——耳板孔直径Pad eye hole diameter(mm);
t——耳板厚度Pad eye thickness(mm);
Ωt——安全系数,Safety factor, 2.00。
考 AISC 360-201 第 D5 章节)The allowable tensile capacity of the Pad eye
during shear and tearing on the effective section is determined according to
formula (3).(Refer to AISC 360-201 Section D5)



Pn许用——耳板在有效截面上剪切撕裂时的许用抗拉承载力allowable tensile
capacity of Pad eye during shear tear on effective section(N);
Pn——承载力标准值Standard value of carrying capacity(N);
Fu—— 耳 板 材 料 的 抗 拉 强 度 Tensile strength of Pad eye
Asf—— 沿 剪 切 失 效 路 径 上 的 面 积 Area located along the shear failure
a——耳板的孔边缘到耳板外径的最小距离 Minimum distance of the hole
edge of the Pad eye to the outer diameter of the Pad eye(mm);
D——耳板外圆直径External circle diameter of Pad eye(mm);
d——耳板孔直径Pad eye hole diameter(mm);
t——耳板厚度Pad eye thickness(mm);
Ωt——安全系数,Safety factor, 2.00。
(4)耳板在销轴投影面上的许用承压承载力按公式(4)确定。(参考 AISC
360-2016 第 J7 章节)The allowable pressure bearing capacity of the Pad eye
on the projection surface of the pin shaft is determined according to formula
(4).(Refer to AISC 360-2016 Section J7)



Pn—— 承 载 力 标 准 值 Pressure bearing capacity of the Pad eye on the
projection surface of the pin shaft(N);
Fy——耳板材料的屈服强度Yield strength of Pad eye material(MPa);
Apb——挤压投影面积Squeeze projection area(mm²);
d——耳板孔直径Pad eye hole diameter(mm);
t——耳板厚度Pad eye thickness(mm);
Ωt——安全系数,Safety factor,2.00。

3.1.2 计算结果 Calculation results

耳板材料的屈服强度 Yield strength of Pad eye
345 MPa
耳板材料的抗拉强度 Tensile strength of Pad eye
470 MPa
(kN)。Perlow tensile bearing capacity (kN) of the 361 kN
ear plate on the wool cross section.
力(kN)。Permissible tensile capacity (kN) when the 517 kN
ear plate breaks on the effective net section.
(kN)。Permissive tensile capacity (kN) of ear plate 254 kN
on effective section.
(kN)。Permissible pressure bearing capacity (kN) of 211 kN
the ear plate on the projection surface of the pin shaft.
因此,耳板的 的额定承载能力(25kN)小于耳板的 许用承载能力( 211kN),耳板
的设计是安全的。Therefore, the rated bearing capacity (25kN) of the ear plate is less

than the allowable carrying capacity of the ear plate (211 kN), and the ear plate

design is safe.

3.3 耳板焊缝的计算 Pad eye welding line calculation

3.3.1 计算方案 Calculation scheme
焊缝填充金属的抗拉强度 Tensile strength of weld filler metal:

母材金属的屈服强度 Yield strength of the base material metal:

母材金属的抗拉强度 Tensile strength of base metal: ;
按照 AISC 360-2016 表 J2.5 要求,对部分熔透焊缝(PJP)承载力标准值的规
定 如 下 The standard values of partial fused weld (PJP) are as specified in
Table J2.5, AISC 360-2016:
受 拉 垂 直 焊 缝 轴 线 时 的 焊 缝 Welds when drawing the vertical weld axis :

折算为受拉允许应力值后,允许受拉断裂应力为 Allow tensile fracture stress

after conversion to tensile allowable stress value::

受拉垂直焊缝轴线时的母材 Primary material when drawing the vertical weld


其受拉断裂允许值 Allow value of pull fracture

折算为受拉允许应力值后,允许受拉断裂应力为 Allow tensile fracture stress
after conversion to tensile allowable stress value:

受剪焊缝的焊材 Welding material subject to shear welds:

受剪焊缝的母材 Primary material subject to the shear weld:

取受剪屈服允许值 Take the allowable value J4-3
和 受 剪 断 裂 允 许 值 And the allowable value subject to shear fracture
J4-4 Minimum values
──受剪屈服安全系数 Shear-subject-yield safety factor,1.5

──受剪断裂安全系数 Safety factor of shear fracture,2.0

──受拉断裂安全系数 Safety factor of tensile fracture,2.0

──焊缝的有效面积 Effective area of the weld joint

──受剪毛截面积 Section area of shear hair

──受剪净截面积 Cut net section area

After the above shear allowable bearing capacity is converted here according
to the allowable stress value, the allowable shear yield stress is:

允许受剪断裂应力为 The allowable shear fracture stress is:

针对本耳板的受载情况,分别核算水平方向(Fx 力方向)和竖直方向(Fy 力
方 向 ) 的 承 载 能 力 For the load situation of the local Pad eye, the carrying
capacity of the horizontal direction (Fx force direction) and the vertical
direction (Fy force direction) was calculated, respectively。
焊缝和耳板根部有效面积及 z 轴惯性矩由 MDT 分别计算如下 The effective
area of the weld and Pad eye root and the z-axis moment of inertia are
calculated from MDT as follows respectively:
焊 缝 有 效 面 积 及 z 轴 惯 性 矩 Effective area of the weld joint and the z-axis
moment of inertia.
耳 板 根 部 有 效 面 积 及 z 轴 惯 性 矩 Effective area of Pad eye root and z-axis
moment of inertia.

焊缝有效面积 Effective area of weld .

耳板根部有效面积 Effective area of root of pad eye .

焊缝有效面积对 z 轴的惯性矩 Moment of inertia of the weld effective area on

the z axis .

耳板根部有效面积对 z 轴的惯性矩 Moments of inertia of the effective area

of the earplate root on the z axis.

力 产生的弯矩为 The bending moment of the force production is
力 产生的弯矩为 The bending moment of the force production is
在焊缝中产生的最大拉、压应力 Maximum tensile and pressure stress of

in the weld .

在耳板根部产生的最大拉、压应力 Maximum tensile and pressure stress

generated by at the root of the Pad eye .

在焊缝中产生的最大拉、压应力 Maximum tensile and pressure stress of

in the weld ,
在耳板根部产生的最大拉、压应力 Maximum tensile and pressure stress

generated by at the root of the Pad eye

力 在焊缝中产生的最大拉应力 Maximum tensile stress generated by the

force in the weld

力 在耳板根部产生的最大拉应力 Maximum tensile stress generated by the

force at the root of the Pad eye ,

所以,垂直焊缝有效面积的拉应力 Therefore, the tensile stress of the effective

area of the vertical weld <156.38MPa,

平行焊缝轴线的剪力应力 Shear stress of the parallel weld axis, <138MPa.

耳板母材上的拉应力 Pull stress on the Pad eye base material,

= + + <235MPa.

3.2.2 计算结果 Calculation results

焊缝有效长度 Valid length of weld(mm) 90

焊缝有效高度 Valid height of weld(mm) 14

焊缝有效面积对 z 轴的惯性矩 Moment of inertia of the
weld effective area on the z axis
耳板根部有效面积对 z 轴的惯性矩 Moments of inertia
of the effective area of the earplate root on the z axis
垂直焊缝有效面积的拉应力 the tensile stress of the
46.3 MPa<156.38MPa
effective area of the vertical weld(MPa)。
平行焊缝轴线的剪力应力 Shear stress of the parallel
19.84 MPa<138MPa
weld axis(MPa)。
耳板母材上的拉应力 Pull stress on the Pad eye base
133.93 MPa<235MPa
因此,耳板焊缝的最大应力值小于容许应力值,耳板焊缝的设计是安全的 。
Therefore, the maximum stress value of the ear plate weld is less than the allowable

stress value, and the ear plate weld design is safe.

4. 结论 Conclusion

The design and calculation of Fall protection bracket meet the standard

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