Writing The Results

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Writing the Results

Article  in  Indian Pediatrics · May 2016

DOI: 10.1007/s13312-016-0863-7

3 1,674

2 authors:

Aparna Mukherjee Rakesh Lodha

Indian Council of Medical Research All India Institute of Medical Sciences


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Writing the Results

From Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India.
Correspondence to: Dr Rakesh Lodha, Department of Pediatrics, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi 110029, India. [email protected]

he culmination of all the efforts put in with other studies; however, in systematic reviews and
conducting a study is in obtaining the results of meta-analysis, various included studies’ pertinent results
the study; hence, while publishing the study are presented. Do not give any data which is not your own
one should be very attentive in writing the and for which a reference has to be cited.
Results section. In this series on reporting of research, the
A large amount of data may be generated in a study;
Journal has previously published articles on writing the
however, it is not wise to include all the data together.
‘Introduction’ and the ‘Methods’ sections [1,2]. We
One has to be careful as to how much of the data are
herein provide pointers to writing the Results section,
presented. Too much of information might obscure the
which is the cornerstone of a research paper where one
pertinent findings, whereas too little might render the
can highlight the achievements of the study – it is here
study incomprehensible and unreliable.
that one actually presents the painstakingly collected and
The skill of presenting the findings of one’s study The style of writing should be fluent and uncluttered,
clearly and logically, so that it is easily understandable by without unnecessary use of adjectives and adverbs. Use
the reader (who has never been as involved with the study past tense when describing the results as all events being
details as the researcher) improves with practice. Many reported while publishing the study has happened
good studies are marred by results that are described in a historically [3]. Write with clarity and brevity, as shown
haphazard, directionless and over-elaborative manner. in the following example:
In this section, in addition to the text, tables and (A) It is clearly seen that average weight of children in
figures are also used to communicate the content. When group A is markedly higher than that of group B.
well-written, this section can give a lucid picture of what
(B) The mean (SD) weight of children in group A [16.5
the study is trying to say. Data obtained from the study,
(2.1) kg] was higher as compared to that in group B
when presented coherently, inspires the readers’
[10.3 (1.2) kg], P=0.04.
confidence in the authenticity and robustness of the study.
It should be a step-by-step approach, taking the readers Sentence B is the more appropriate way of expressing
along the plan of analysis that was described in the the result.
methods section. At the end of this section, the readers
should be able to draw their own conclusions about the
study findings.
The pattern of describing the results may differ in its
minutiae according to the study type and the journal.
Results section is a platform to narrate the observations; However, the broad outlines are essentially the same.
no attempt should be made to explain the findings – Qualitative studies have a slightly different approach than
interpretations should be left for the discussion section. quantitative studies; we will concentrate on the latter in
Similarly, details of statistical tests, definitions, and plan this paper.
of study should be included in the methods section rather
Where to Start - Details of Study Subjects/Outline of
than the results section. The guidelines for authors as per
the targeted journal should be thoroughly read and
instructions followed. Results section is for reporting the One should start with data regarding number of patients/
findings of your own study and not for any comparison subjects enrolled. Numbers of potential subjects



screened, numbers excluded for not meeting study reference or gold standard test. Diagnostic accuracy
criteria, numbers randomized, and numbers finally being should be stated along with the 95% confidence interval.
analyzed along with numbers of trial deviates and lost to Any adverse events encountered while performing the
follow up should be clearly mentioned; use of a flow test being studied and the reference standard should be
diagram may be useful. Following is an example to reported.
highlight these aspects:
Presenting the Outcomes: The Sequence?
“A total of 300 [175 (58.3%) girls] children with
It is important to have a proper sequence for the
tuberculosis, aged 6 months to 15 years of age, were
presentation of the observations of the study. Often, the
enrolled after screening 800 children attending the
authors present the observations where the p value is the
pediatric outpatient department of our hospital.”
lowest/ significant. At times, the presentation includes all
Thereafter, a description of study subjects, the the data collected with the main outcomes coming
demographic and clinical characteristics can be presented somewhere in between. It becomes difficult for the reader
in the text or in a table. Most editors/reviewers do not to follow such a haphazard arrangement.
want the P value to be written when presenting the Addressing the objectives
baseline demographic characteristics of the intervention
and control arms of randomized controlled trials. Number The primary objective of the study should be dealt with in
of participants with missing data for each variable of the beginning. The data should be so stated that the
interest should be indicated. Data regarding exposures primary question asked is answered clearly, using the
and potential confounding factors should be mentioned statistical tests as described in the methodology section.
here. Refrain from presenting raw data. Thereafter, the
secondary outcomes, if any, should be presented.
Which Reporting Guideline to Follow?
Remaining data should follow the order as described
The various guidelines for reporting studies as well as the in the methodology section. It is advisable to go from the
instructions to the authors by the journals should be simpler to more complicated results. Subgroup analysis
closely followed. Details of these guidelines can be should come in the last. Do not describe any finding in the
obtained from the link: http://www.equator-network.org/ result section for which the methodology and statistical
The STROBE guidelines should be referred to in analysis plan has not been stated in the methods section.
cases of observational studies – both case control and On the other hand, present all relevant results as
cohort studies [4]. It is advisable to include a flow mentioned in the methodology section; do not exclude the
diagram indicating the study outline. In case of cohort observations from any test or investigation which has
studies and cross-sectional studies, number or the been mentioned in the methodology section. In case some
summary measure of outcome events should be post hoc analyses are performed, the same should be
mentioned. In case control studies, the numbers in each stated explicitly.
exposure category or summary measure thereof should be Results section can be divided into subheadings
reported. according to the objectives studied and analysis done, in
In case of a randomized control trial, CONSORT order to increase the clarity; however, the same should be
statement for reporting should be followed and a study done as per the journal’s format.
flow diagram is essential [5]. Dates defining the periods IMPORTANT ISSUES WHILE WRITING RESULTS SECTION
of study recruitment and follow-up should be mentioned.
If the trial is stopped prematurely, reasons for doing so Although you would like to write a comprehensive results
should be clearly specified. All adverse events, even if section and include all your study findings; frequently we
unrelated to the study intervention should be mentioned miss some essential attributes of this section. Some of
in each group. these are (Box 1):
1. Decimal points
While reporting diagnostic studies, the STARD
guidelines are to be followed [6]. A flow diagram can be Usually the computer programs that we use for statistical
included to depict the enrollment of participants. The analysis will return results with a lot of digits after the
distribution of severity of disease in participants with the decimal point like 3.4562789. Do not report as such;
target condition and alternate diagnosis in those without round off to the decimal point which reflects the
the target condition has to be mentioned. A 2×2 table sensitivity of your measuring instrument or assay. For
should be provided for the test result under study and the example, if the birth-weight is measured in grams, then



the mean value for the weight should have only one were adjusted for and why they were included; the
decimal place rather than 2 or more decimal places. process for the same should be described in the methods
Usually one or two places after decimal point are section.
sufficient. However, one should be consistent with the
5. Negative results
format which should be as per the journal’s requirement.
The researcher is usually biased towards the positive
2. Importance of P value
findings of his or her study. However, the negative results
The significance of the statistical tests applied is usually obtained from the studies are equally important; they may
presented as P values; the actual P value should be help to prove or disprove many proposed hypothesis.
written instead of just stating <0.05. Never state a P value Remember to always report the negative findings as well.
as 0.000 – this does not make sense even if the statistical Not reporting the negative results is unethical and reduces
program does return such values; such values should be the authenticity of the data.
stated as <0.0001. Many reviewers and journals
nowadays prefer the 95% confidence interval over the P 6. Text – table dichotomy
values [5]. Text and tables should be complimentary to each other,
3. Choose your words carefully not repetitive. Some salient features informing the reader
as to what is described in the tables can go in the text; rest
One should be cautious while using the word ‘significant’ can be depicted in the table, for example:
– in the results section, it denotes that the difference is
statistically significant and not by chance i.e. P<0.05. Do “A total of 300 [175 (58.3%) girls] children with
not use the word if you find any difference which is not tuberculosis, aged 6 months to 15 years of age, were
statistically significant. However, do present the enrolled. Mean (SD) age of the children was 110 (15.3)
statistically non-significant data as well. Defer from using months. Table … shows the baseline characteristics of
words like ‘about’ or ‘approximately’ while describing the enrolled children.”
the results. TABLES
4. Confounders Tables are a good way of presenting large amount of
In scenarios where confounders are expected to alter the complicated data in a structured fashion. A lot can be
results, first give the unadjusted estimates and then the communicated through tables, but care should be taken so
confounder-adjusted estimates and their precision (e.g., that the tables are simple and comprehensible. The tables
95% confidence interval). Make clear which confounders and text should not contain the same detailed
information, this is considered redundant. Only the key
message of the table can be concisely described in the
BOX 1. CHECK THESE BEFORE FINALIZING THE RESULTS text. The text should always be linked with the table by
SECTION referencing the table sequentially. Depending on the
Decimal points journal, tables may be presented sequentially at the end of
• Usually one or two places after decimal point the manuscript after the ‘References’, or located within
are sufficient. the text of your results section [7].
• Be consistent with the format. In a study with the objective to document the weight
Importance of P value gain at the end of 6 months of anti-tubercular therapy, the
• Write the actual P value. result can be written as:
• Never state a P value as 0.000.
“At 6 months, median (IQR) weight gain was 3.5 (3.1,
Choose your words carefully 4.7) kg and WAZ was 0.65 (0.59, 0.79). Change in WAZ
• Be cautious while using the word ‘significant’. was assessed at 2 and 6 months and are described in Table
Confounders XYZ.”
• Make clear which confounders were adjusted Number of tables
Negative results Number of tables to be included is primarily decided by
• Always report the negative findings as well. the requirement of the publishing journal. Usually a
maximum of 3-4 tables should be sent. Remaining data
Text – table dichotomy
may be submitted as supplementary material in case of
• Avoid repetition between text and tables.
online publications.



Requisites of a good table form of figure; it is usually the important information

Each table should be complete in itself; one should be which is presented in this format – something which you
able to read the table without taking help from the text. want the readers to easily understand and retain. Figures
The essential components of the table include a heading can be in color or grey tone. Almost all journals charge
or legend, row and column headers and footnotes. extra for colored figures. Again the number of figures to
Heading should be short, specific, descriptive, stating the be included is to be decided as per the requirement of the
key message to be enumerated in the table. Do not use publishing journal.
abbreviations in the heading. Each row and column Figures may range from simple line diagrams to
header should be able to explain what the row/column scatter plots to radiographs/images. Figure should also be
contains. The footnote should contain the abbreviations complete in itself with an informative heading with no
mentioned in the table and any other explanatory notes abbreviations. Legends, data labels, axis titles etc. should
required. Always mention what summary statistic is being all be complete [7].
presented like N (%), mean (SD) or median (IQR) and
also the unit of measurement. This can be mentioned in The text, table and figure should be complimentary to
the appropriate column/row header or in the footnote each other and not mere duplication of data. Figures
(Table I). Indicate number of participants with missing should be cited in the text and should be numbered in the
data for each variable of interest. Do not just give order of reference in the text.
percentages if the denominator is less than 100, rather All figures and pictures should be submitted as
give the actual observed values. separate files in the form of image file (.jpg, .ppt, .gif, .tif
When comparisons are being made, the data should or .bmp) with minimum resolution of 300 dpi to ensure
preferably be presented side by side. good print quality; the authors should refer to the target
Do not combine disparate variables in the same table. journal’s instructions to choose the correct file type and
If a table becomes too long, it is better to split into two for the resolution.
better understandability. Types of Figures/Illustrations
FIGURES 1. Photographic images: These images are used to
Figure give a visual key which is usually appealing to the document observations such as clinical photographs of
reader. Decide which data can be best presented in the patients; data of imaging investigations such as

Characteristics Treatment Poor P
success outcome value
header n=80 n=45
Age (mo), mean (SD) 99.1 (43.1) 113.7 (42.3) 0.2 header
Gender, n (%)
Male 43 (53.7) 20 (50 ) 0.9
TST positivity, n (%) 58 (79.4) 27 (75.0) 0.6
Contact with TB, n (%) 21 (38.6) 18 (28.2) 0.2
BCG vaccinated, n (%) 45 (58.9) 20 (44.2) 0.1
Diagnosis, n (%)
Pulmonary 51 (63.7) 29 (64.4) 0.5
Extra-pulmonary 29 (36.3) 16 (35.6)
Weight for age –1.7 –1.8 0.4
Z score at the (–2.3,–0.9) (–2.4, –1.2)
start of therapy,
median (IQR)
AFB: acid fast bacillus; TB: tuberculosis; TST: tuberculin skin test; BCG: Bacillus Calmette Guerin; ATT: Footnote
anti-tubercular therapy; IQR: interquartile range



radiographs, ultrasonography images, CT scan/ MRI scan same chart if values of one variable overshadows or
images, radionuclide studies; intra-operative findings; dwarfs the other. Also it is prudent to avoid clubbing too
surgical specimen; pathology images- cytopathology, many variables or categories in the same chart- this makes
histopathology, special stains, immunohistochemistry, the chart unreadable. If there are more than 5 groups to be
etc.; laboratory investigations such as PCR results, gel/ compared, better to use horizontal bar charts.
blot images; tracing of investigations such as ECG, EEG,
(c) Histogram: In a histogram, the entire range of a
EMG, etc.
continuous variable is divided consecutively into non-
Images should be of good quality, maintaining the overlapping groups known as class intervals. The height
original proportions (not unnaturally distorted), cropped of the vertical rectangles for each class interval represents
to delete unnecessary details and labeled properly. If you the frequency or density of the variable, depending upon
plan to include photographs of your patient, proper whether the class intervals are of equal or unequal width.
written consent should be obtained beforehand. Patient
confidentiality is of paramount importance and all
attempts should be made to protect the identity of the
person like covering the eyes. The pictures should
also have a legend describing what is being portrayed.
At times, it is useful to combine many images in a
single figure, e.g. CT scan/ MRI scan images; each of the
images should be identified separately. Use of arrows or
other markers may be helpful to highlight important
2. Graphs/data chart: Data charts can effectively
summarize numerical data for better presentation.
Choosing the right type of graph for your data is
critical. The right graph depends on a number of factors
like the type of data (continuous or categorical), the
number of groups or variables involved and the intent of
creating the graph. When one wants to demonstrate the PPD: progressive pulmonary disease; PPC: primary pulmo-
nary complex; PE: pleural effusion.
composition or break up of a data set or groups within the
data set, one can use pie charts or stacked bar charts. In FIG.1 Pie chart depicting the diagnosis of enrolled chilren with
order to show comparison between data, you can use bar tuberculosis.
charts or line plots. Line plots can be used to depict time
trends. Distribution of data can be demonstrated by
histograms, scatter plots. Overlapping of data can be
picturized by Venn diagrams. The relationship or
correlation between two variables can be demonstrated
by scatter plots. Commonly used data charts are:
(a) Pie chart: Pie chart shows classes or groups of data in
proportion to the whole data set. They are usually
beneficial to depict large data sets, e.g. epidemiological
surveys (Fig. 1). These are best used when the number of
classes/ groups are 3-10. One should avoid using the pie
chart where there are only 2 groups, e.g. gender.
(b) Bar charts: Bar charts may be horizontal or vertical.
The height or length of the bars represents the
measurement. By this method the same variable can be TST: Tuberculin skin test; QFT: Quanti FERON gold in tube
compared across groups or time points (Fig. 2). Stacked test.
bars can also be made to make intra-group comparisons FIG.2 Comparison of tuberculin skin test and QuantiFeron Gold
like in males and females or to show the composition of In-tube test in children with probable and culture confirmed
each group. It is better not to compare two variables in the intra-thoracic tuberculosis.



(d) Scatter plots: Scatter plots can be used to present

measurements on two or more variables that are related;
the values of the variables on the y-axis are dependent on
the values of the variable plotted along the x-axis (Fig. 3).
(e) Line plots: Line plots are similar in some ways to the
scatter plots, with the condition that the values of the x
variable have their own sequence (Fig. 4). Line plots can
be used to depict time trends.
(f) Box plots: Box plots are used to depict the numerical
data in the form of median and interquartile range (which
forms the box); sometimes whiskers are added which may
denote the maximum and minimum value. Outliers can
also be depicted in the box plot (Fig. 5).
IFN-gamma: interferon gamma; IL 12: interleukin-12
(g) Venn diagram: A Venn diagram is a type of chart that
shows how different data sets relate to or overlap each FIG. 3 Scatter plot showing the relation between serum inter-
other through intersecting portions of circles. feron-gamma and interlaukin-12 level in 150 neonates at
(h) ROC curves: Receiver Operating Characteristic curve
is a plot of the true positive rate (sensitivity) against the
false positive rate (1-specificity) for the different possible
cut-offs of a diagnostic test. The area under the curve is a
measure of accuracy of the test under question.


In text
• Presenting the data haphazardly, not following
the order mentioned in the methodology
• Trying to explain the results, giving one’s own
interpretation instead of stating the facts.
• Providing too little or too much information.
• Not reporting the negative findings.
FIG. 4 Comparison of plasma concentrations of isoniazid in
In tables children with tuberculosis, with or without severe malnutrition.
• Duplication of information in text and tables.
• Table not complete in itself.
• Disparate characteristics and comparisons
clubbed together in one table.
• Not linking the table with the text with proper
reference and in the right chronological order.
• Inaccurate arithmetic – numbers do not add up.
In figures
• Graph not plotted to scale.
• Data not properly labeled.
• Omission of proper legends.
• Data not consistent with text.
• Not linking the table with the text with proper
reference and in the right chronological order. FIG. 5 Summary of age of 402 enrolled children with pulmo-
nary tuberculosis.



(i) Forest plot: Forest plot is a graphical presentation of Properly labelled tables and figures, chosen according to
the results of meta-analysis, where the individual the data types, add to the value of this section. The
estimated effect of the included studies with the same sequence of the presentation of results should always
objective is portrayed along with the cumulative effect. follow the order mentioned in the methodology section.
The primary objective of the study should be addressed
VALUE OF REVISION up-front and with utmost clarity. Maintaining the
Finally, check and recheck your data. There should not be accuracy and authenticity of the data presented is
any discrepancy or inaccurate reporting. Discrepancies sacrosanct.
within the result section leave a bad impression on the REFERENCES
reviewer, and question the reliability of the data. 1. Dewan P, Gupta P. Writing the Title, Abstract and
Introduction: Looks matter! Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:
You may want to get your result (or the whole paper) 235-41.
reviewed by a colleague before submission to any journal 2. Arora SK, Shah D. Writing Methods: How to write what
– a neutral perspective often brings out many flaws which you did? Indian Pediatr. 2016;53:335-40.
are not visible to the author himself. 3. Kallestinova ED. How to write your first research paper.
Yale J Biol Med. 2011;84:181-190.
COMMON ERRORS 4. STROBE statement. Available from: http://www.strobe-
statement.org/. Accessed February 12, 2016.
Box 2 lists some of the commonly encountered errors in 5. The CONSORT Statement. Available from: http://
the Results section. Enough attention should be paid to www.consort-statement.org/. Accessed February 12, 2016.
avoid these errors. 6. STARD 2015: An Updated List of Essential Items for
Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy Studies. Available from:
SUMMARY http://www.equator-network.org/reporting-guidelines/
stard/. Accessed February 12, 2016.
The results section is the platform where the researchers 7. Aggarwal R, Sahni P. The Results Section. In: Aggarwal R,
present their data in an informative and lucid manner for Sahni P (eds). Reporting and Publishing Research in the
the understanding of the readers. No explanation or Biomedical Sciences. 1st ed. National Medical Journal of
interpretations are to be presented in this section. India, Delhi. 2015. p. 24-44.


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