IPA To Sentences Practice

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IPA to Sentences

/ ə ˈreɪ.ni deɪ /
/ɪt ˈɪz.ənt ə naɪs deɪ/. / ɪt ɪz ˈreɪ.ni ənd ˈwɪn.di /.

/ aɪ steɪ ɪn ðə haʊs/. / aɪ wɒtʃ tiːˈvi:/.

/ aɪ pleɪ ɒn ðə kəmˈpjuː .tə(r)/. / aɪ iːt ˈkæn.di/.

/ ɪt ɪz ə fʌn deɪ/.
/ɪt ɪz taɪm tə i:t 'dɪn.ə(r)/. / aɪ əm nɒt ˈhʌŋ.gri /.

/ maɪ mɒm ˈɪz. ənt 'hæp.i/. / ʃi ɪz æŋ . gri /.

/ 'meɪ.bi ˈreɪ. ni deɪz ɑːnt fʌn /.

A Rainy Day
It isn't a nice day. It is rainy and windy. I stay
in the house. I watch TV. I play on the
computer. I eat candy. It is a fun day. It is
time to eat dinner. I am not hungry. My mom
isn't happy. She is angry. Maybe rainy days
aren't fun.
/ kɪds ənd ðeə(r) ˈ tiː .tʃər /
/ hiː həz ə dʒɒb /. / hiː ɪz ə ˈ tiː . tʃər /.
/ hiː tiː tʃɪz kɪds/. / hiː tiːtʃɪz ðem haʊ tə riːd /.
hiː tiː tʃɪz ðem haʊ tə spel /.
/ ðə kɪds ɑː(r) fɑːst ˈlɜː.nərz /.
/ ðeɪ lɜː n haʊ tə riː d ˈkwɪk.li /. / ðeɪ lɜːn haʊ tə
spel ˈkwɪk.li /. / hiː laɪks hɪz dʒɒb /. / hiː laɪks
kɪds /. / hiː laɪks tə tiːtʃ kɪds njuː θɪŋz /.
Kids and Their Teacher
He has a job. He is a teacher. He teaches kids.
He teaches them how to read. He teaches
them how to spell. The kids are fast learners.
They learn how to read quickly. They learn
how to spell quickly. He likes his job. He likes
kids. He likes to teach kids new things.
/ ə ˈ baʊt mi /
/ ↘️aɪ ↗️æm ↗️minə./ /↘️aɪ ↗️æm ↘️ə ˈ stjuː . dənt/.
/↘️aɪ ↗️æm ↗️frɒm ˌsaʊɵ kə ˈ riː .ə/.
/↘️aɪ ↗️æm ↗️ˈ twen.ti ↗️jɪə(r)z ̴ əʊld/.
/↘️aɪ ↗️ˈ stʌd. i ↗️ˈ ɪŋ.glɪʃ/.
/↘️aɪ ↗️lɪv ↘️ɪn ̴ ən ↘️ə ˈ pɑːt . mənt /.
/↘️aɪ ↗️lɪv ↘️ɪn ↘️ðə ↗️ˈ sɪt. i /.
/↘️aɪ ↗️teɪk ↘️ðə ↗️bʌs ↘️tə ↗️skuːl/.
About me
I am Mina. I am a student. I am from South
Korea. I am twenty years old. I study
English. I live in an apartment. I live in the
city. I take the bus to school.
Reference Books

/ hɜː r bʊk ənd hɜː r kæts /

/ ʃiː pɪks ̴ ʌp ðə bʊk /. / ɪt ̴ ɪz hɜː r ˈfeɪ. vər.ɪt bʊk /.
/ ɪt həz ̴ ə red kʌv.ər/. / ɪt həz ˈfɪf.ti tuː peɪdʒɪz /.
/ ɪt həz ˈmen.i ˈpɪk. tʃərz /.
/ ɪt həz ˈpɪk.tʃərz ɒv ˈ men.i ˈæn.ɪ.məlz /.
/ ʃiː laɪks ˈæn.ɪ.məlz /. / ʃiː həz tuː kæts /.
/ ʃiː laɪks hɜː r kæts/. / ðeə(r) neɪmz ɑː (r) flʌfi ənd mʌfi /.
/ ʃiː ʃəʊz ðem ðə ˈpik.tʃərz ɪn ðə bʊk /.
Her book and Her cats
She picks up the book. It is her favourite
book. It has a red cover. It has 52 pages. It
has many pictures. It has pictures of many
pictures. It has pictures of many animals.
She likes animals. She has two cats. She likes
her cats. Their names are fluffy and Muffy.
She shows them the pictures in the book.
/ ʃiː baɪz ə nju: dres /
/ ʃi: laɪks ̴ ə dres ɪn ̴ ə ˈkləʊ.ðɪŋ stɔːr /.
/ ʃi: teɪks ̴ ɪt tə ðə ˈdres.ɪŋ ruː m /. / ʃi: traɪz ɪt
ɒn /. / ʃi: stænds ɪn frʌnt ̴ ɒv ðə mɪr.ərz /. / ʃiː
lʊks ət ðə frʌnt ̴ əv ðə dres /. / ʃiː tɜː nz ənd
lʊks ̴ ət ðə bæk /. / ðə dres fɪts hɜː(r) wel /.
/ ʃiː teɪks ɪt ɒf /. / ʃiː gəʊz tə ðə kæʃ ɪər /.
She buys a new dress
She likes a dress in a clothing store. She takes it to

the dressing room. She tries it on. She stands in

front of the mirrors. She looks at the front of the

dress. She turns and looks at the back. The dress

fits her well. She takes it off. She goes to the

/ kliːn hændz /
/ iˌliz.əˈbiːθ wɒʃɪz hɜː(r) hændz ev.ri.deɪ /.
/ ʃiː laɪks tə wɒʃ hɜː(r) hændz /.
/ ʃiː wɒʃɪz hɜː(r) hænds wɪð səʊp and ˈwɔː . tə(r) /.
/ ʃiː juːzɪz səʊp ənd ˈwɔː . tə(r) tə wɒʃ hɜː(r) hændz /.
/ ʃiː juːzɪz wɔːm ˈwɔː .tə(r) ənd səʊp /.
/ ʃiː wɒʃɪz hɜː(r) hændz fər ˈθɜː .ti ˈsek.ənd /.
/ ˈɑː f.tər ˈ θɜː.ti ˈsek.ənd ʃiː stɒps ˈwɒʃ.ɪŋ hɜː(r) hændz /.
/ ʃiː tɜːnz ɒf ðə ˈwɔː .tə(r) /. / ʃiː draɪz hɜ:(r) hænds ɒn ə kliːn taʊəl /.
/ ˈ ev.ri fjuː aʊərz ʃiː tɜːnz ɒn ˈ wɔː . tə(r) ənd wɒʃɪz hɜː(r) hændz /.
/ iˌlɪz.əˈbiːθ həz ˈver.i kliːn hænds /.
/ ʃiː dəz nɒt həv ˈmen.i dʒɜːmz ɒn hɜː(r) hændz /.
/ dʒɜːmz ˈ kæn.ɒt lɪv ɒn hɜː(r) kliːn hændz /.
Clean Hands
Elizabeth washes her hands every day. She likes to wash her hands. She
washes her hands with soap and water. She uses soap and water to wash
her hands. She uses warm water and soap. She washes her hands for 30
seconds. After 30 seconds, she stops washing her hands.She turns off the
water. She dries her hands on a clean towel. Every few hours she turns on
the water and washes her hands. Elizabeth has very clean hands. She does
not have many germs on her hands. Germs cannot live on her clean hands.
/ ə ˈbɜːɵ. deɪ ˈpɑː .ti /
/ təˈdeɪ ɪz maɪ ˈruː m.meɪts ˈbɜːɵ. deɪ /.
/ wi hæv ˈmen.i ɵɪŋz tə du bɪˈfɔː (r) ðə ˈpɑː .ti /.
/ wi hæv tə kliː n ðə ˈ lɪv. ɪŋ ˌ ruː m ənd ˈ kɪtʃ.ən /.
/ ðen wi hæv tə gəʊ ˈʃɒp . ɪŋ /.
/ aɪ ˈɔːl.səʊ hæv tə ræp hɪz ˈprez. ənt /.
/ ɪts ̴ ə njuː ˈbeɪs. bɔː l glʌv /.
/ hi laɪks tə pleɪ 'beɪs.bɔː l /.
/ aʊə(r) frendz ə'raɪv ət ˈ sev.ən ̴ ə klɒk /.
/ wi iː t keɪk ənd drɪŋk ˈsəʊ.də /. / wi 'lɪs.ən tə 'mju: . zɪk ənd
dɑː ns /. / ɪt ɪz ə fʌn ˈpɑː .ti /.
A Birthday Party
Today ismy roommate's birthday. We have many
things to do before the party. We have to clean the
living room and kitchen. Then we have to go
shopping. I also have to wrap his present. It's a new
baseball glove. He likes to play baseball. Our friends
arrive at 7 o'clock. We eat cake and drink soda. We
listen to music and dance. It is a fun party.
/ hiː gets drest, siːz hɪz frend /
/ ðə bɔɪ pʊts ɒn hɪz sɒks /. / hiː pʊts ɒn hɪz ʃuːz /.
/ hiː taɪz hɪz ˈʃuː . leɪsɪz /.
/ hiː wɔː ks tə ðə frʌnt dɔː(r) /. / hiː tɜːnz ðə ˈdɔː .nɒb /.
/ hiː pʊlz ðə dɔː(r) ˈəʊ.pən /. / hiː steps ˌaʊtˈsaɪd /.
/ hiː kləʊzɪz ðə dɔː(r) bɪˈhaɪnd hɪm /.
/ hiː wɔːks tə ðə ˈkɔː . nər /. / hiː siːz hɪz frend /.
/ hiː weɪvz hɪz frend /.
He gets dressed, sees his friend
The boy puts on his socks. He puts on his shoes. He
ties his shoelaces. He walks to the front door, He
turns the doorknob. He pulls the door open. He steps
outside. He closes the door behind him. He walk ls to
the corner. He sees his friend. He waves to his friend.
/ ˈ bɑː .kɪŋ dɒg /
/ bɒbi wəʊk ʌp bɪˈkəz hiː hɜːd ə dog /.
/ hiː hɜːd ə dɒg ˈbɑː .kɪŋ ˌaʊtˈsaɪd həz ˈwɪn.dəʊ /.
/ bɒbi wəʊk ʌp wen hiː hɜː d ðə dɒg ˈbɑː .kɪŋ /.
/ bɒbi gɒt aʊt ɒv bed ənd wɔːkt tə ðə ˈwɪn . dəʊ /.
/ hiː lʊkt aʊt ðə ˈwɪn.dəʊ /. / hi sɔː ə bɪg braʊn dɒg /.
/ ɪt wəz ˈbɑː .kɪŋ ˈver.i laʊd /.
/ bɒbi ˈəʊ.pənd həz ˈwɪn.dəʊ /.
/ hiː lʊkt ət ðə ˈbɑː . kɪŋ dɒg /.
/ waɪ ɑː(r) juː ˈbɑː .kɪŋ səʊ laʊd? /. / hiː ɑːskt ðə dɒg /.
/ ðə dɒg lʊkt ət bɒbi /. / ðen ɪt stɒpt ˈbɑː .kɪŋ /.
Barking Dog
Bobby woke up because he heard a dog. He heard a dog
barking outside his window. Bobby woke up when he
heard the dog barking.Bobby got out of bed. He got out
of bed and walked to the window. He looked out the
window. He saw a big brown dog. It was barking very
loud. Bobby opened his window. He looked at the
barking dog. " Why are you barking so loud?" he asked
the dog. The dog looked at Bobby. Then it stopped
Reference Books

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