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Udemy's digital transformation at the product level has had a significant

impact on the organization as a whole. To assess this impact, we can

consider key aspects of the organization using the Business Model Canvas

1. Value Proposition: Udemy's digital transformation has allowed them

to offer a unique value proposition to both instructors and learners.
Instructors can create and monetize their courses, reaching a global
audience without the need for traditional educational institutions.
Learners, on the other hand, have access to a vast library of courses
covering various subjects, enabling them to acquire new skills and
knowledge conveniently.
2. Customer Segments: Udemy's digital platform has expanded their
customer segments significantly. Instructors who were previously
limited to physical classrooms can now cater to a global audience.
Learners also benefit from a diverse range of courses, making it
attractive to individuals, professionals, and businesses seeking
continuous learning opportunities.
3. Channels: Digital technologies have allowed Udemy to establish an
online marketplace where instructors can publish and sell their
courses. The platform acts as an intermediary, connecting instructors
and learners. Udemy's digital channels enable scalable distribution of
courses globally, reducing the need for physical infrastructure and
expanding their market reach.
4. Customer Relationships: Udemy's digital transformation has
facilitated direct interactions between instructors and learners
through their platform. Instructors can engage with learners through
discussion boards, Q&A sessions, and messaging, fostering a sense of
community and facilitating knowledge sharing. Additionally, data
analytics enable personalized recommendations and targeted
communications, enhancing customer relationships.
5. Revenue Streams: Udemy's digital transformation has impacted their
revenue streams by adopting a revenue-sharing model with
instructors. Instructors earn revenue from the courses they sell, while
Udemy receives a percentage of the sales as a platform fee. This
model incentivizes instructors to create and promote high-quality
courses and provides a sustainable revenue stream for Udemy.
6. Key Activities: Udemy's key activities have shifted with their digital
transformation. They now focus on developing and maintaining the
online platform, curating course content, ensuring quality standards,
and attracting instructors and learners. Additionally, data analysis and
technology infrastructure management have become crucial activities
for personalized recommendations and platform scalability.

Key Resources: Digital technologies have influenced Udemy's key resources.

They require a robust online platform, technological In this code, we first separate
the features (predictors) from the target label. The features are stored in the variable X, and the
target label is stored in the variable y.

Next, we split the data into training and testing sets using the train_test_split() function from scikit-
learn. We allocate 80% of the data for training and 20% for testing. Adjust the test_size parameter
as needed.

Then, we create an instance of the DecisionTreeClassifier and fit it to the training data using the
fit() method. This trains the Decision Tree classifier on the provided data.

Afterward, we use the trained classifier to make predictions on the test set using the predict()

Finally, we evaluate the performance of the classifier by generating a classification report using
the classification_report() function from scikit-learn. The classification report provides metrics such
as precision, recall, F1-score, and support for each class in the target label.

By examining the classification report, you can draw conclusions about the performance of the
Decision Tree classifier in predicting the 'Outcome' feature based on the other features. The
precision, recall, F1-score, and support metrics can provide insights into the model's accuracy,
ability to identify positive and negative cases, and overall performance.

Cell In[118], line 4 2 evaluator = BinaryClassificationEvaluator(labelCol=target_label) 3 auc =

evaluator.evaluate(predictions) ----> 4 evaluator =
MulticlassClassificationEvaluator(labelCol=target_label, metricName='accuracy') 5 accuracy =
evaluator.evaluate(predictions) NameError: name 'MulticlassClassificationEvaluator' is not defined


The error message indicates that the name 'MulticlassClassificationEvaluator' is not defined. This
error occurs when the required library or module is not imported. In this case, it seems that you
have not imported the necessary class from the module.

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