Plain Truth 1986 (Prelim No 03) Mar
Plain Truth 1986 (Prelim No 03) Mar
Plain Truth 1986 (Prelim No 03) Mar
[P[ill~~ urnrnmrn
bership of the Worldwide Church of God and others.
Contributions, however, are welcomed and are tax-
deductible in the United States, Canada and New Zea-
land. Those who wish to voluntarily aid and support this
worldwide work of God are gladly welcomed as co- a magazine of understanding
workers in this major effort to publish the true original
gospel to all nations. Contributions may be sent to our
office nearest you (see addresses below). VOL. 51, NO.3 Circ, 8,080,000 MARCH 1986
Acceptance missing .
My book The Missing Dimension in Sex
provides this missing dimension of knowledge. It is
offered, gratis, upon request.
Beginning the middle of the twentieth century,
the catch phrase "the new morality" was
completely changing public attitudes . Today
sexuality is openly discussed in the public media,
especially in television, turning promiscuous sex
into public acceptance. Today it may be questioned
early in 1927, when I was whether as many as 2 percent of young brides go
in my first biblical studies, leading to my to the altar as virgins. Marriage for much of
conversion, my wife and I often visited society is on the way out. In some areas divorces
various churches. I was searching for the virtually equal marriages. Family life is being
truth. broken down though the family is a basic building
block of any stable civilization .
One Sunday morning we attended a church
More and more, children are not wanted .
service at a leading downtown Baptist church Abortion is fast gaining public acceptance.
in Portland, Oregon. They were announcing God created sex, not only to keep humanity
the conclusion of a contest at which a very alive, but to bring delectable, joyfully pleasurable
handsome new Bible was awarded to the happiness in pure and wholesome love between
winner. The contest question had been, "What husband and wife, and as a means of binding
is the most universal sin?" tightly together a happily married couple. But
The winning answer was "Ingratitude." under modern attitudes, the cord supposedly tying
Assuredly that is a very prevalent sin . Another a husband and wife tightly together is proving to
very prevalent sin, and one of the oldest, is the be the cord that cuts the marriage in two.
misuse of sexuality. Indeed, prostitution is often It's time you knew the truth about the missing
spoken of as " the world's oldest profession ." dimension in sex. It is set forth frankly , fearlessl y,
Satan has seized on this sin to make it far more rationally and spiritually, as well as physically, in
universal than is generally realized . Satan sways my book mentioned above.
humanity into making sexual sins one of the most We commit individual and national sins and give
universal and destructive. such sinning wide public acceptance.
During most of the so-called "church age" in .God condemns homosexuality . He destroyed the
Roman Catholic teaching, and in England and the whole populations of Sodom and Gomorrah for this
United States since the Victorian age, sex was a sin . It is condemned in the first chapter of
virtually forbidden topic of conversation, seldom Romans , saying no such person can enter the
mentioned. Satan made sure sex was considered as kingdom of God. Then we try to change the ugly,
"shameful" and so evil it was not talked about. reproachful name homosexual, and call those who
About the turn of the century, Sigmund Freud, practice it "gays." The public media and the public
founder of psychoanalysis, changed all of that. Up in general are coming to make this perversion
until World War I it was illegal in the U.S. to acceptable by calling it "sexual preference. " We
publish, sell, or even loan a book containing sex are becoming nations of drunkards, and thousands
knowledge. After World War I the legal barriers are being killed on our (Continued on page 26)
March 1986
Within and Without! by Gene H. Hogberg
OKat what is happening newsletter: "A growing section of time, the Irish government, sover-
to Britain - at home British youth-black and white- is eign over Irel and 's 26 southern
becoming disillusioned with au- counties, will be granted an advi-
[ and abroad. Something thority of all kinds. " sory role in the affairs of Ulster's
has definitely gone British authorities are most con- minority Roman Catholic popula-
wrong in the "sceptered isle." cerned that professional agitators tion.
Hardly anyone, however , and outright revolutionaries are be- In return for this concession, the
seems to know the reasons why! ginning to make headway in the Irish government agreed to explic-
But there are causes for the ob- urban areas. Some militant organi- itly rec.ognize British sovereignty
vious effects. zations openly profess as their goal over Northern Ireland and to put
The tre asured civility of the the overthrow of capitalism and off indefinitely its demands for
British way of life is under assault "imperialism." They preach that unification of both parts of Ireland
as never before. the police are the "enemies of the under the tricolor flag of the Re-
people" and tools of the state in public.
Urban Crisis enforcing an "oppressive and A primary aim of both London
racialist society. " and Dublin is to cut the ground out
The picture of the unarmed bobby from under extremists, especially
is giving way to platoons of police Ulster's Cauldron the outlawed Irish Republican
officers dressed out in riot-control Troublesome as trends are in Army. The IRA's political arm,
gear. Britain's inner cities, they pale into the Sinn Fein, has been growing at
Crime and a rising drug traffic insignificance compared with what the expense of a more ' moderate
plague large British cities. And too could happen in Northern Ireland. Catholic political party in the
often now violence erupts in The latest round in the search North .
Britain ' s increasingly racially for peace in a m illennium of trou- The threat of terrorism from
mixed urban centers. In one out- bles in Ireland- troubles which IRA extremists on both sides of
break in late 1985, rioters used alone since 1969 have claimed the Irish Sea is real. An IRA bomb
firearms on police for the first time nearly 2,500 lives-took a dra- blast in 1984 killed several British
in British history. matic turn last· November 15. But Conservative Party members, nar-
Liberal sociologists blame the will the latest attempt be any rowly missing Mrs. Thatcher. The
turmoil on unemployment and po- more successful than the dashed Irish government fears that with an
lice "insensitivity." Yet there was hopes of the past? IRA beachhead in the North, the
far greater economic hardship in Meeting unexpectedly , near extremists, some of them radical
the Depression days of the 1930s Belfast, Northern Ireland, Prime Marxists, could undermine society
without such violent consequences . Ministers Margaret Thatcher of in the South .
Government spokesmen at- the United Kingdom and Garret The IRA "will not like this
tribute the violent outbursts to FitzGerald of the Republic of Ire- agreement, " admitted Mr.
"plain, unadulterated lawlessness land signed a pact incorporating a Fi tzGerald shortly after signing
and criminality." Adds a British historic compromise. For the first the accord. The IRA showed its
displeasure by initiating new ter- high-ranking Irish diplomat. He The meeting, according to Plain
rorist activity. warned, not long ago, that the Ul- Truth regional correspondent Stan
ster Protestants would turn vio- Bass, had been hailed for months as
Charges of Treachery lently against the British govern- a confrontation with Britain over the
The pragmatic Mr. FitzGerald has ment should they perceive the issue of apartheid, South Africa's
been willing to gamble for peace. government was in the process of policy of racial separation.
Some members of his main politi- handing them over to their "hered- Before her arrival in the Ba-
cal opposition , the Fianna Fail itary Catholic enemies." hamas, Mrs. Thatcher had written
Party, accuse him of compromising The Ulster Protestants, wrote letters to several African states
the Republic 's constitutional Mr. O'Brien, "mean to stay in Ul- outlining the British government's
claims to unity. ster." And their refusal to be incor- opposition to the threat of Com-
But it is Mrs. Thatcher who has porated in a Catholic-majority monwealth trade sanctions against
had to bear the brunt of the most Irish state, Mr. O'Brien continued, South Africa, a Commonwealth
outspoken reaction . From the ma- " is as stubborn as the refusal of the member until May 31, 1961.
jority of Ulster's Protestants came Israelis to be incorporated in an Mrs. Thatcher has repeatedly
charges of betrayal and treason,
even treachery.
Militant Protestant politician
and minister Ian Paisley, leader of
the Democratic Unionist Party,
pledged to destroy the agreement,
which he labeled a conspiracy. Ad-
dressing the biggest gathering in
Ulster's hi story, the fiery leader
boomed that "Mrs. Thatcher says
the Republic must have some say
in the running of this province. We
say never, never, never!"
So what looked so reasonable
and logical on paper to Mr.
FitzGerald and Mrs. Thatcher is in
danger of being overwhelmed by
the forces of conflictng national-
Even moderate Protestants ex-
press doubts that the agreement Prime Ministers Garret FitzGerald of Republic of Ireland and Margaret Thatcher
can stick, despite Mrs. Thatcher's of the U.K. exchange documents after signing agreement on Northern Ireland.
resolve. Despite assurances from
London and Dublin that Ulster will Arab-majority Palestine." voiced her opinion that the princi-
remain a part of the United King- Ulster Protestants would never ple of sanctions is wrong. In the
dom as long as the majority wishes, turn toward a united Ireland, em- case of South Africa, she has said,
Protestant citizens, said one ob- phasized Mr. O'Brien. Instead sanctions would devastate the very
server, "feel a little less British "they would turn against Britain" peoples they supposedly are geared
today." Another drew analogy to and declare, if necessary, "an inde- to help, and only play into the
citizens of the United States being pendent Northern Ireland. " hands of extremists as well as make
asked to accept direct Canadian or Then, concluded this Irish the Pretoria government more re-
Mexican consultative input into statesman, the real trouble would sistant than ever to change.
how the United States is ruled. begin: "We shall have our Then too is the fact that Britain
Lebanon ." In other words, a civil is South Africa's largest foreign
A British "Lebanon"? war within the very confines of the investor and trade partner. Govern-
The Protestants in Northern Ire- United Kingdom! ment officials estimate a total boy-
land are not recent newcomers. cott would cost as many as 200,000
They trace their roots to Scottish Commonwealth Isolation British jobs . With arrow-sharp
Presbyterians who settled in Ulster But all this is not the end of the logic, Mrs. Thatcher told her Com-
in 1609--only two years after the story. For Britain, mounting trou- monwealth peers : "There is no
English established their first per- bles at home are matched by grow- earthly use. in creating unemploy-
manent American colony at ing challenges without.' ment at home in order to create
Jamestown. One month before the signing of unemployment there."
The Protestants express fierce the Anglo-Irish accord, Mrs. British officials also took excep-
loyalty to the British crown. But Thatcher endured virtual solitary tion to the irony of some African
this loyalty is conditional, wrote confinement at the Commonwealth governments calling for sanc-
noted British political commenta- Heads of Government Conference tions-while privately admitting
tor Conor Cruise O'Brien, aformer held in the Bahamas. they may have to circumvent the
March 1986 3
sanctions themselves, being so de- members, representing nearly a ward work and enterprise. He is
pendent on South African trade. quarter of the earth's population- disturbed over a deep-seated cul-
In the end, the Commonwealth a virtual "mini-United Nations." tural refusal to face the reality of
meeting ended with a patched- As the ranks of the new Com- the nation's relative economic de-
together-accord. It was arrived at monwealth members swelled, it cline.
by great political gymnastics. The was the new Third World nations Applicable is the prophet's warn-
accord announced agreement on that increasingly set the agenda of ing: " .. . gray hairs are here and
limited economic restrictions (gen- Commonwealth meetings. there on him, yet he does not know
erally already in effect) and added Today even the original domin- it" (Hos. 7:9, Revised Authorized
that "some of us would" consider ion states-Australia, New Version).
stronger steps in six months time. Zealand and Can ad a--often side Not that some of today's secular
Mrs. Thatcher told reporters that with the newer members, as they prophets can't see direct cause-
she very definitely was "not one of did at the Bahamas c<;mference. and-effect relationships.
the some." Mark this well! Do not be sur- "Britain's economic decline runs
Thus, Britain finds herself iso- prised if, at some future Common- roughly parallel with the creation
lated in her own house, the Com- wealth meeting, demands are made of the welfare state," wrote colum-
monwealth. That's because the to enact sanctions against Britain, nist Peregrine W orsthorne in the
shape of that house has changed rad- complete with threats to expel her June 16, 1985, Sunday Telegraph.
ically since the Second World War. from the very organization she And moral decline has kept pace.
The Commonwealth in its begin- founded. In an earlier column (February
nings was a club limited to a few 10, 1985), Mr. Worsthorne casti-
nations composed of people primar- A Shadow of Former Greatness gated British clergymen for not
ily of British stock. In 1867 the Britain in 1986 is but a shadow of speaking out against homosexuality
Parliament in London passed the her former greatness. With the em- and for not giving the moral dimen-
British North America Act, which pire gone and the Commonwealth sion to the AIDS epidemic. "Is it not
granted Canada dominion status. It often in opposition, Britain is in the time that the bishops brought God
was a concept that implied equality process of relinquishing two signif- into the act?" he demanded.
with Britain. Shortly after the turn icant pieces of overseas territory- Another journalist, Paul John-
of the century, dominion status was Hong Kong and Gibraltar. son, writing in the May 11, 1985,
conferred on Australia, New Hong Kong, Britain's prosperous Daily Telegraph, lashed out at
Zealand and South' Africa. Asian crown colony-the world's clerics who pontificate on political
At the Imperial Conference of third largest financial center-be- and economic matters, but not
1926, Britain and the Dominions comes a "special administrative re- moral ones, such as the epidemic of
were defined as "autonomous com- gion" of the People's Republic of children born out of wedlock-
munities, equal in status, united by China in 1997. "probably the biggest and most in-
a common allegiance to the Crown And Britain has at last agreed to tractable social evil we face today,"
and freely associated as members discuss with Spain the sticky issue he said, adding that the one-parent
of the British Commonwealth of of sovereignty in negotiations over family is a major cause of poverty.
Nations." the future status of Gibraltar----:-the "Yet oddly enough," said Mr.
But British worldwide obliga- impregnable western sea gate to Johnson, "it is a long time since I
tions covered a wide number of the Mediterranean, Britain's very have heard any clergyman, let
peoples and cultures, other than symbol of past imperial power and alone a bishop, preach a sermon on
just the commonly referred - to perseverance. the evils of fornication."
"white dominions." Scores of The British public, still enjoying Yes, there are definite, dis-
British possessions and protec- a fair amount of prosperity, seem cernible causes for the many prob-
torates in Africa, Asia and the not to be particularly perturbed by lems that Britain is confronted
New World were eventually to de- their nation's condition-by the with at home and abroad. The
mand independence-and their loss of power and prestige abroad, "Lord of our far-flung battleline,
own seats in the freely associated and the looming crises at home. beneath whose . .. Hand we hold
Commonwealth. The nation has been on, as jour- dominion over palm and pine," of
Beginning with an independent nalist Peter Jenkins described it, a whom Kipling wrote in his 1897
India in 1947, the British Com- slow but steady "dignified Recessional, is no longer blessing
monwealth became a multiethnic demise." This drift has been tem- the British people.
group of nations, sharing the com- porarily slowed by the firmness of You'll find even more answers to
monality not of _race but of the Prime Minister Thatcher-but the the reasons for Britain's current
English language and the various trend is still downward. In 1985 state of affairs in our book The
traditions received from its former Italy bypassed Britain in its stan- United States and Britain in
colonial ruler. dard of living. Prophecy . It's free for the asking.
The word British was dropped None other than Prince Charles It will open your eyes to the bibli-
from the Commonwealth in 1951. warns that Britain is doomed to the cal identity of the British and
The group came to be known as the status of, as he says, "a fourth-rate American peoples, and what is
Commonwealth or The Common- country" unless there is a dramatic prophesied to occur to them in the
wealth of Nations. It now totals 49 change in the public attitude to- tumultuous years ahead. 0
by Herbert W. Armstrong
E we now in the bibli- government is to appear. But do tence about correct, the first hu-
cally prophesied these prophecies imply that our man, Adam, was created nearly
present living generation is the one 6,000 years ago. The Bible shows
"time of the end"? to live into that time? that God's Master Plan for work-
President Reagan, Even the original first century ing out his purpose here below is a
of the United States, spoke of apostles expected this end of the 7,000-year plan-with some 6,000
world conditions seemingly indi- world as we know it to occur in years allotted to this world of Sa-
cating we may be nearing "Ar- their lifetime. Individuals in every tan, followed by 1,000 years of
mageddon." century since have believed the Christ's reign over all nations of
The atomic scientists some time world was at· "the. time of the the earth. Somewhere around
ago set the doomsday clock one end "-that "Armageddon" was 1,600 years from Adam's creation
more minute forward from four to near. came the earth wide Flood. How
only three minutes till "midnight." But how may we know? How civilization developed prior to the
An editorial in a major American may we be SURE? Or can we Flood we do not fully know. But
news magazine referred to this know? we may assume the materiai civi-
seemingly imminent time, saying it Jesus said in Luke 21:28: "And lization progressed no further than
would seem that the world's only when these things begin to come to in a similar span after the Flood.
hope now lies in the sudden ap- pass, then look up, and lift up your So far as we know, therefore, the
pearance of "a strong hand from heads; for your redemption development of human civilization
some place." draweth nigh." These things he continued on a comparatively even
Time was, when only a wild-eyed was talking about include many keel until about 150 years ago.
freak shouting a "doomsday" prophesied events now occurring There was little major advance-
warning was ridiculed as "off his for the first time in history. ment in human knowledge and ma-
rocker." But today serious world One cannot look at one or two terial progress until after the in-
leaders and scientists are saying superficial signs or events and vention of the printing press about
grave things about the current drift jump to any sure conclusion. We 1450. Printing made possible the
in world conditions. Some promi- must comprehend God's overall spread and diffusion of knowledge.
nent scientists have said the world's PURPOSE and how he is working out This diffusion expanded slightly
only hope now rests in a single that purpose. Many prophecies until the middle of the 19th cen-
world government, with only one must be considered. We must not tury. Most modern inventions and
military force, yet in . the same guess or surmise, or jump hastily to facilities have appeared since 1850.
breath they admit the utter impos- conclusions. Knowledge and invention of me-
sibility of mankind being able to chanical facilities have since multi-
form such a one-world super gov- The Modern World plied with constantly increasing
ernment. The modern world really began momentum. It is almost as if
Strikingly, biblical prophecy only about 150 years ago. If we mankind first appeared on earth
says just such a super one-world have the chronology of human exis- about 150 years ago and has been
March 1986 5
learning and progressing more and called the "Dixie Highway," from the days of these toes, now just
more rapidly since. the Gulf to Canada, to go through ahead of us, a stone supernaturally
their township. It was not a paved is to come from heaven, smite the
End-time Prophecies highway. It was gravel and dirt. ten-toe nations, replace them, and
Now consider some end-time bibli- Paved highways had not yet come. rule the whole earth forever after
cal prophecies. Today people are traveling to and (Dan. 2:34, 44). This stone repre-
The longest prophecy in the fro by automobile, railroad and air- sents Christ's Second Coming to
Bible is Daniel 11. The 10th chap- planes. Modern airports are set up the kingdom of God and
ter is the prelude and the 12th the jammed with people "going to and destroy all this world's govern-
completion. In Daniel 11 :40, the fro." ments-setting up the government
prophecy comes to the "time of the of God over all nations. That will
end" and continues in chapter 12. World-ruling Kingdoms be the end of this world-the end
The prophet Daniel did not under- In the second chapter of Daniel is of this man-made civilization as we
stand what he was being told to a prophecy reaching till the Second know it.
write. The angel said the words of Coming of Christ. King Neb- Full understanding must include
the prophecy were closed up and uchadnezzar had formed and ruled Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 and 17.
sealed until the time of the end, the first empire of nations in world These show the Roman Empire,
when knowledge would be in- history. He saw in a dream a most . falling in A.D. 476, replaced by
creased, and people would be trav- astonishing statue of a man, incred- three kingdoms that disappeared,
eling "to and fro." ibly high. God revealed the mean- the Vandals, the Ostrogoths, and
That time has come. ing to Daniel. The image's head the Heruli. They were the first
Knowledge has been increased at three horns of Daniel 7 that were
a breathtaking rate in the last 150 "plucked up by the roots" (verse
years. Indeed, it was claimed, for 8). In other words, these three peo-
example, that the world 's fund of
Scientists have said the ples disappeared from history and
knowledge had doubled during the world's only hope rests in we have no historic record of what
1960s-although this increase was a single world became of them. There were seven
largely in the areas of medicine, more of the ten horns on this beast
science and technology. Also, peo- government ... yet they yet to follow. The first of that
ple are traveling "to and fro" on admit the utter seven was the restoration of the
the earth. The mode of travel from Empire in the West. This hap-
the beginning of civilization until impossibility of mankind pened when, at the behest of the
150 years ago was indeed very forming such a super Pope at Rome, Emperor Justinian
slow. Few people traveled more at Constantinople reestablished
than 50 or 100 miles away from government. Imperial authority throughout
their homes. Travel for millennia Italy in A,D. 554. Historians record
was by foot, horseback, camelback, this as the restoration of the Ro-
ox cart, rowboat or sailboat. man Empire. There followed a se-
Construction on the steamboat ries of political valleys and peaks in
was not begun by Robert Fulton was of fine gold, breast and arms of Europe. It reached its next peak in .
until 1806. Then came the railroad. silver, belly and thighs of brass, A.D. 800 under Charlemagne, the
Travel by automobile has all come legs of iron, and feet and toes of Frankish head. It reached another
within my lifetime. I well remem- iron and clay mixed. The head rep- peak about the tenth century with
ber that when I was eleven years resen ted N e buchad nezzar's Otto the Great of Saxon Germany
old automobiles were called horse- Chaldean Empire. The silver repre- at the helm . At this time it was
less carriages. "Horseless car- sented the succeeding world king- known as the Holy Roman Empire.
riages" were quite a sight. I re- dom, which proved to be the Per- The Holy Roman Empire reached
member, at the time, when I was sian Empire. The brass represented another peak with the Habsburg
eleven, my father calling out, "Oh, a third world kingdom, which dynasty in Austria. This was
come to the front window quick, proved to be the Greco- Macedo- followed by another peak under
there goes a horseless carriage." nian or Grecian Empire; the Napoleon, who fled into exile in
We all rushed to the front window fourth, represented by the legs of 1814.
to see the sight. Sure enough it was iron, proved ~o be ,t he Roman Em- In 1929 Mussolini arranged a
a "horseless carriage." It was a car- pire with capitals in Constantinople Concordat with the Papacy. Then
riage being pulled by a mule! and Rome. about 1935 Mussolini, having
When I was twenty-three years The feet and toes represented united Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Ital-
old, as assistant secretary of the succeeding smaller empires to fol- ian Somali land to Italy, proclaimed
Chamber of Commerce of South low, leading to the toes represent- it to be the reestablishment of the
Bend, Indiana, I was given the ing ten kingdoms in Eastern and Roman Empire. I announced the
assignment of persuading the farm- Western Europe. The prophecy news of this ninth restoration my-
ers in a township south of the city dates the time in which we are self on radio at the time.
to sign a petition agreement allow- living now. We await. the appear- We are now looking for the
ing a new cross-country highway, ance of those ten-toe nations. In tenth and last resurrection of the
Roman Empire-the seventh head sus knew, of course, the end of the the 11 th chapter. To the church in
of this Beast of the 17th chapter of world would not occur for more the very first century, he wrote:
Revelation (Rev. 17:12), which is than another 1,950 years. So he "But I fear, lest by any means, as
also pictured by the ten toes of answered only their first question the serpent beguiled Eve through
Nebuchadnezzar's image of Daniel first, for the Temple was destroyed his subtilty, so your minds should
2:40-44. Since these toes were on in A.D. 70. be corrupted from the simplicity
the two feet that represented East- Jesus then said, "Take heed that that is in Christ. For if he that
ern and Western Europe, there is no man deceive you." He Was cometh preacheth another Jesus,
strong likelihood that this final res- speaking to his own disciples about whom we have not preached, or if
urrection of the Holy Roman Em- being deceived in their lifetime. He ye receive another spirit, which ye
pire will include Iron Curtain na- continued, "For many shall come have not received, or another
tions of Eastern Europe as well as in my name, saying, I [Jesus] am gospel, which ye have not accepted,
nations in Western Europe. (Write Christ; and shall deceive many." ye might well bear with him"
for our two booklets The Book of How could they be deceived by the (verses 3-4).
Revelation Unveiled ai Last and teaching that Jesus was the Christ? Of those false prophets claiming
Who or What Is the Prophetic Many did come in his name claim- . to speak in Jesus ' name, Paul
Beast?) They will form a third ing to represent him, saying that added: "For such are false apostles;
gigantic world power probably as Jesus was the Christ, and they de- deceitful workers, transforming
great or even greater than the ceived the many even in that very themselves . into the apostles of
U.S.S . R . or United States of first century. Let me explain a very Christ. And no marvel; for Satan
America. important fact here. Soon after himself is transformed into an an-
These ten toes of Daniel 2:40-44 gel of light. Therefore it is no great
will be destroyed by Christ at his thing if his [Satan's] ministers also
Second Coming and will be re- Individuals in every be transformed as the ministers of
placed by the world-ruling govern- righteousness; whose end shall be
ment of the kingdom of God, with century since according to their works" (verses
Christ at its head and all the resur- the first have believed the 13-15). These were actually the minis-
rected saints also ruling under
Christ. world was at "the time ters of Satan the devil, but came in
of the end." Jesus' name, saying that Jesus was
Jesus' Principal Prophecy the Christ. However, they misrep-
Now consider the principal But how may we know? resented Jesus, so that in fact they
prophecy of Jesus Christ himself. How may we be sure? were preaching about "another Je-
It is found in Matthew 24, Luke 21 sus"-a different Jesus (verse 4) .
and Mark 13.
But we quote from Matthew's Just What Was Jesus' Gospel?
account. Jesus with his disciples Jesus came as a messenger from
had just come out from the Temple God bearing a message about the
(verse 1). He and his disciples were coming kingdom of God to take
looking at the buildings of the Christ's ascension to heaven and over and rule all nations. That was
Temple. the founding of the church in A.D. Jesus' gospel. Notice the gospel
"See ye not all these things? ver- 31, a violent controversy arose, ac- that Jesus proclaimed.
ily I say unto you, There shall not cording to · church history, as to Mark 1: 1 begins to relate the
be left here one stone upon an- . whether the gospel to be pro- beginning of the gospel of Jesus
other, that shall not be thrown claimed was the gospel OF Christ, Christ. It mentions how John the
down." That event happened in or a gospel ABOUT Christ. The lat- Baptist prepared the way, and how
A.D. 70 in the lifetime of thos.e ter won out. False prophets did Jesus was baptized by John. Then
disciples. arise in the first century, saying in verse 14: "Now after that John
Then, a little later, as .Jesus sat Jesus was the Christ, but omitting was put in prison, Jesus came into
on the Mount of Olives with some altogether Jesus' gospel, which was Galilee, preaching the gospel of the
of his disciples, they asked him, the message of the coming world- kingdom of God"-what gospel
"When shall these things be?" ruling kingdom of God to rule all did Jesus preach?-"the gospel of
They referred to the destruction of nations after Christ's Second Com- the kingdom of God. " That is the
. the Temple, which, I repeat, actu- ing . gospel of Jesus Christ. That is the
ally did occur in their lifetime in gospel proclaimed by the apostle
A.D . 70. But then the disciples
Different Gospel Preached Paul to gentiles (Acts 20:25;
added another question : "And In . Galatians 1:6-7, we see they 28:23,31) .
what shall be the sign of thy com- were already preaching a different Mark this well. That gospel was
ing, and of the end of the world?" gospel than Jesus' gospel of the not proclaimed to the world for
The disciples expected the end of kingdom of God. 1,900 years. In the very first cen-
the world in their own lifetime, so The apostle Paul also spoke of tury, they turned to a different
they connected this question with these false prophets preaching a gospel-a gospel about Christ, but
the destruction of the Temple. Je- different gospel, in II Corinthians, (Continued on page 18)
March 1986 7
Careless words do tled-by such careless and harmful depression, mental illness or sui-
statements? cide. "Death and life are in the
enormous damage. But Or by these: power of the tongue," warns Scrip-
you can root them out of "If you're so smart. ... " "All ture (Prov. 18:21) .
you ever do is . .. !" "Why can't
your vocabulary! you be like ... ?" "You look like Parents to Children
a .. .. " "You'd forget your . . . if it Children too frequently bear the
by Donald D. Schroeder
wasn't ... !" brunt of put-down statements or
These and many similar put- demeaning words from parents or
HAT'S the matter downs seem automatically to pop others. Such words turn some
It was a bench- record happenings between 1493 called America (the name courtesy
and the Day of Judgment. of a German geographer in honor
This particular edition gloomily of Amerigo Vespucci, another ex-
forecast the end of the world soon! plorer and a contemporary of
Such was the state of Europe in the Columbus).
early 1490s. Financing the first voyage did
not come easily. Columbus and his
Four Voyages West brother Bartholomew spent eight
Things always are darkest just be- long years trying to sell his vision
fore a new light dawns. Enter to the royal courts of Europe. His
Christopher Columbus-a man im- persistence paid off. Queen Isabella
bued with a unique vision . A of Spain got a glimpse of Colum-
Spanish-speaking Catholic from bus' vision. She and joint ruler,
Christendom was in bad shape. Italy, having Hebrew ancestry, he King Ferdinand, agreed to under-
The Papacy hit bottom in 1492 didn't exactly find what he was write the enterprise.
when the notorious Rodrigo Borgia ' looking for. But it turned out all Armed with a letter of introduc-
became Pope Alexander VI. the better for the flagging Eu- tion to the Emperor of China,
The Nuremberg Chronicle ropean spirits. Hjs vision was to Columbus set sail in command of
talked about "the calamity of our find a shorter route to the Indies in The Nina. The Pinta and The
time .. . in which iniquity and evil Asia. What Columbus found was a
have increased to the highest large body of land that came to be
pitch." This respected newspaper
gave its readers six blank pages to
Santa Maria. The date was Au- World. There was the much-earlier mainly religious and economic. In
gust 3, 1492. Leif Ericsson of Norway, and the 13 colonies they built together
But do not think this voyage was many later adventurers. . what has come to be known as the
without its problems. In spite of The sailing hazards were many. American Dream. The losers of
good sailing weather almost all the There was no modern navigation Europe would make good in Amer-
way, a crisis occurred on October equipment. No steam power. No ica.
10. Only Columbus' powers of per- auxiliary engines. No easy-to-han- The Irish came in the wake of
suasion saved the day and his dIe crews. They possessed no mod- the potato famine. Many Germans ·
sailors agreed to travel west for ern yachts. came in the 1890s. My own pater-
three more days. Brave men were charting new nal grandparents emigrated from
Near midnight the very next day territories and new harbors-never Oldenburg, northern Germany, in
Columbus spotted a dim light before occupied by European ships. 1892. The U .S .A. came to be
ahead. Just what the light was (this Some paid with their lives. As one called a "melting pot."
was befor.e electricity) has never eminent historian expressed it:
been fully explained. Possibly it "North America became a grave- The Great Purpose
was a brushfire. Nonetheless, on yard for European ships and Four hundred years after Colum-
October 12, 1492, the island of San sailors." bus made his epochal voyage to
Salvador in what is now the Ba- Both those who discovered and America, Plain Truth editor in
hamas was discovered. those who' emigrated had to pay a chief Herbert W. Armstrong was
Columbus made three more voy- high price; and not to be forgotten born. In the late 1920s of our
ages to the shores of America. To is the high price the native Ameri- present century Herbert Arm-
sum up in his own words: "Over cans paid. But the discovery, de- strong came to understand the
there I have placed under their spite human tragedies, was worth true significance of this Euro-
highnesses' sovereignty more land it. All of Europe was to benefit- American story. We know those
than there is in Africa and Europe, immensely! who discovered America. But the
and more than 1700 islands .. . . In question remains: .What was the
seven years I, by the Divine Will, Many Make Good real reason a land of promise-
made that conquest." 1607. 1620. These are dates every now the U.S.A. and Canada-was
With nearly 500 years of retro- American schoolboy and pioneered and developed by
spect, who can· doubt that his mag- schoolgirl is asked to commit to courageous northwest Europeans?
nificent discovery was by the Di- memory. Other less-well- known ,Was there a great purpose behind
vine Will. More about that later. dates are equally significant in the whole episode?
American, Canadian and Latin Herbert W . Armstrong has writ-
Bought with a Price American history. ten it all down in a book entitled
Of course, Columbus was not Wave after wave of northwest The United States and Britain in
the only discoverer of the New European pioneers set sail for Prophecy . Your free copy is on
American shores. They left their reserve in our mailing room. All
homelands for various reasons- you have to do is pick up a pen .. . .
(See inside front cover for address
nearest you.) 0
that Jesus Lived life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church he
founded. The written accounts-or gospels-of
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (Jesus' disciples and
apostles) clearly show that Christ was born during
the closing days of the reign of Herod, king of Judea,
and that he lived during the time of the earlier
Roman Caesars and the Roman occupation of
2. Was Christ's birth in the town of Bethlehem of
Judea predicted hundreds of years earlier? Matthew
than 20 million
ORE Ience, immorality, injustice (even explained the causes that produce
March 1986 25
Virgin Is. (U.S.A.), WSVI, Christiansted, SI. Croix
- 8. 7:00 am, Sun
Trinidad and Tobago TV - 2 and 13, 9:00 am, Sun
Aruba, Telearuba, Oranjestad - 13, 7:00 pm, Sun
Italy, Retequattro (ltall - 8:00 am, Sun
Italy, Tele-Monte-Ca rlo (ltal) - 4:30 pm , Sun
Luxembourg, RTL-TV (Fr) - 10:45 pm , Thurs
Monaco, Tele-Monte-Carlo (Fr) -
II :30 pm,
Has No Subscription Price
Norway, Oslo, Janco-TV - 10:30 am, Sun For more than half a century The Plain Truth has given its readers
OTHER AREAS an understanding of how a world surcharged with incredible progress
Belize, Central America, TVTV - 7, 9:00 am, Sun can be so afflicted with appalling troubles .
Guam, KUAM, Agana - 8, 9:30 am , Sun Yet this magazine of understanding you are now holding in your
Japan, JCTV, Tokyo - 5:00 pm , Sun
Sri Lanka, !TNtt, Colombo - 7:30 pm, Sun hands is made available without a subscription or newsstand price.
Tonga, ASTL, Nuku'alofa - 7: 30 pm , Sun Why?
When Herbert W. Armstrong first conce ived of the idea, in 1927, of
RADIO LOG publishing a magazine called The Plain Truth, he believed it must be
Listed by state or province are the station 's a different kind of magazine. It would have no outside advertising , no
call letters, location, frequency and time
price. Mr. Armstrong learned that God says that we should " buy the
when the World Tomorrow program is aired.
truth, and sell it not" (Prov. 23:23). Indeed, he learned that God's way
UNITED STATES is simply the way of "give."
KSL, Salt Lake City, Utah ~ 1160, 5:3 0 am, Sun Today, The Plain Truth is a mass-circulation magazine spanning the
CANADA globe in seven languages with a circulation in English alone of more
ALBERTA than seven million copies monthly.
CFCW, Camrose - 790, 10:00 pm , Mon-Fri So many ask : "How can you publish such a high -quality magazine
QUEBEC without advertising revenue? "
CJMS, Montreal (Frl - 1280, 6: 15 am, Sun The answer is as simple as it is astonishing! It is a paradox. Jesus
CKVL, Montreal (Frl - 850, 6:00 am, Sun
CJRP, Quebec City (Frl - 1060, 6:4 5 am, Sun Christ's message of world pei:lce-his gospel-cannot be sold like
merchandise. Yet it does cost money to publish Christ's TRUTH and
CARIBBEAN mail it to all inhabited continents on earth . It does have to be paid for!
ZNS-3, Freeport (Eng), Ba hamas - 8 10, 9:00 am,
Sun This is Christ 's work . We solve this problem Christ's way!
FAME-FM, Christiana, Ja maica - 101.3, 5:30 am, Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached [or
Mon. Wed. Fri ; 6:00 am, Tues . Thurs; 6:3 0 am,
Sun published-Mark 13:10, Authorized Version] in all the world for a
SUPREME SOUND, Kingston, Jamaica - 720, witness unto all nations" (Matt. 24: 14) at this time, just before the end
4:00 am. Sun- Wed : 4:3 0 am , Thurs, Sat
FAME-FM, Kingsto n, Jamaica - 92 .7, 5:30 am, of this civijization, this age of human governments . A price must be
Ma n, Wed. Fri ; 6:00 am, Tues, Thurs; 6: 30 am, paid for printing the magazine, for postage, for the television and radio
FAME-FM, Kingston, Jamaica - 94.7, 4:30 am, broadcasts, for the Ambassador College Bible Correspondence
Thu rs, Sat Course and other literature. But HOW? Christ forbids us to sell it to
FAME-FM , Kingston, Jamaica - 95 .7. 5:30 am,
Mon. Wed, Fri ; 6:00 am. Tues. Thurs; 6:30 am.
those who receive it: "Freely ye have rece ived," said Jesus to his
Sun disciples whom he was sending to proclaim his message, " freely
FAME-FM, Kingston, Jamaica - 104.5, 4:30 am , give." "It is more blessed, " he said, "to give than to receive."
Thurs. Sat
SUPREME SOUND, Mandeville, Jamaica - 770. . God's way is the way of love-and that is the way of giving . The
4:30 am, Thurs, Sat; 4:00 am , Sun-Wed Plain Truth is provided free of charge through the tithes and offerings
FAME-FM, Montego Bay, Jamaica - 92 .9, 5:30
am, Man, Wed . Fri ; 6:00 am, Tues, Thurs; 6:30 of the membership of the Worldwide Church of God and others.
am, Sun As those of you who have been receiving the 48-page edition know ,
SUPREME SOUND, Port Maria, Ja maica - 580,
4:30 am, Thurs, Sat; 4:00 am , Sun-Wed The Plain Truth is temporarily reduced to 32 pages worldwide . We
FAME-FM, Spur Tree, Jamaica - 90.5, 4:30 am, thought you should know why. In several major nations the 1986
Thurs, Sat
MBC Radio (Fr), Port au Prince, Haiti - 1430, postage rates for magazines have risen drastically, by about 25
10:30 am, Sun percent. To keep your Plain Truth subscription coming to your home
VOB, Bridgetown, Barbados - 790, 7:30 pm , Sun-
Sat freely each month we have had to cut the weight of the magazine for
the present to keep within our postal budget until God provides for
NEW ZEALAND these new major costs .
t XP, Radio Pacific, Auckland - 1593, 6:00 pm.
Fiji, Radio FM96, Suva - 6:30 am , Sun
Honduras, San Pedro Sula, ~adio Norte (Sp) - 780,
We inflict on ourselves through
8:45 am, Sun
Hong Kong Radio, Kowloon - 1044, 6:30 am , 12:00
PERSONAL sin such diseases as alcoholism,
am , Sat (Continued from page 1) AIDS, herpes and other venereal
Radio Luxembourg (Fr) - 5: 15 am, Man; 5:00 am,
Tues, Thurs highways by drunken drivers. Yet diseases, and then try to prevent
C2AM, Radio Nauru - 1323, 9:00 am. Sun excessive drinking of alcohol is en- the penalty of those sins by initiat-
A3Z, Tonga Radio (Eng), Nuku'alofa - 1020, 6:30
pm. Sun couraged through millions of dol- ing medical and scientific studies
Radio SUD (Fr), Toulouse - 1161 , 5:45 am, Tues, lars of advertising on TV commer- to produce cures that will allow the
cials. sins to continue. D
March 1986 27
Manfredo: Canal ownership the number of U.S. citizens administrator of the canal.
could ruin his nation. in t.he canal work force Panama can do little to
dropped from 26.4 percent prepare itself for the
ownership may outweigh the to 18.6 percent Many of the financial liabilities of
benefits, according to remaining U.S. workers are ownership . Instead of solving
Fernando Manfredo , deputy expected to depart by 1990, the country's financial
canal administrator. when Mr. Manfredo takes problems , the canal could
The United States now over as the first Panamanian ruin Panama . _
defends the canal ; the canal
and U.S. military bases smuggling , the danger, the
employ some 12,000
Designer cops and robbers, when a
Prospects Panamanians and contribute Drugs: Cheap, sharp chemist with a good
more than US$470 million cookbook can do it all? "
for Panama's annually to the Panamanian Deadly- said Robert Roberton , chief
Mr. Manfredo worries that
and Legal of California 's Division of
Drug Programs .
without U.S. money, Panama Chemical designers can
t midnight on December may be unab.le to guarantee hemists are now mimic or even "improve "
A 31, 1999, Panama will its Panamanian employees C creating powerful , the effects of existing drugs.
assume full responsibility for the benefits to which they heroin-like drugs by slightly One heroin substitute , China
the operation, maintenance have become accustomed . altering the molecular White, is up to 5,000 times
and defense of the aging Thus the best may join the structure of legitimate more potent than morphine
Panama Canal. So said a exodus of U.S. workers from chemicals . It 's inexpensive , and 200 times more toxic .
1979 treaty with the United the canal. deadly-and legal.
States . But the liabilities of Since October 1, 1979, "The clandestine labs can
always stay beyond the
being discovered. reach of the law with a
Functional " Millions of employees slightly different compound
Illiteracy with varying degrees of that is not yet on the
illiteracy cost their schedule of controlled
man says he forgot his companies daily through low drugs ," said U.S. Senator
A glasses, so his wife fills productivity, work-place Lawton Chi les.
out the form for him. A accidents, absenteeism, Officials fear that
young woman bandages her poor product quality and lost underground kitchen
hands and lies about an management and laboratories in the United
injury. A father tells his supervisory time, " said States may soon replace the
children he is too busy to William Woodside , chief opium and coca fields of With greater potency
read them a story. " You get operating officer of the Asia and South America . comes greater risks . A
pretty good at faking when American Can Company. " Theoretically, a single contaminant found in one
your life depends on it," one Why so many illiterates in clandestine lab could heroin substitute left some
woman says. nations where education is produce enough synthetic users with irreversible brain
They are functionally stressed from early heroin to meet the damage. As use of these
illiterate . childhood? Reasons include worldwide demand for drugs spreads, fatalities and
In spite of what many poor parent-child and heroin-like drugs without a disorders snowball.
believe , illiteracy is not student-teacher relations, single opium' poppy being " I believe that anyone
limited to Third World dropping out of school, harvested ," commented who is taking a street drug
countries . The illiteracy rate learning disabilities, Charles Rangel, chairman of these days is playing
in such developed countries television 'dependency, the U.S. House narcotics Russian roulette ," said J.
as the United States and illiterate parents and committee . William Langston , chairman
Australia is probably emotional problems. Designer drugs give drug of the neurology department
between 10 and 20 percent, In the United States, pushers new incentive . at Santa Clara Valley
and the number of functional volunteer organizations have ' 'Why go through the Medical Center. _
illiterates is even higher. been established to combat
Functional illiterates have the problem. The Coalition is similar. Jill Gillespie , who Eye, published by Editorial
received some schooling, for Literacy, a group of such works with a literacy Experts, Inc ., many
but have not achieved a organizations, has launched program in Sydney, said companies are being forced
minimum standard of a nationwide advertising Adult Literacy Board to provide in-house training
literacy. In other words, their campaign with a national representatives were to establish an adequate
limited ability to read and literacy hot line. It is also unsuccessful in lobbying the work force . " AT&T alone
write makes it difficult and struggling to raise needed federal government for spends $6 million a year to
often painful to function in funds . funds . provide basic skills for
society. They live in fear of In Australia, the problem According to The Editorial 14,000 employees " _
hast not lied unto men, but apparent to myself or any of crisis, and actually have been
Television Program unto God." the people I have shared the in one ever since World War
I've been watching Mr. periodical's information II. And there are only few
Armstrong's program for the Arabic Translation with-they were equally that really believe in a strong,
last few weeks now, and I'm This is the first time I surprised. unified Europe. The national
very impressed. Some people have written to you and The I look forward to reading egotisms are simply too big,
told me not to watch him Plain Truth. I like your many fascinating facts and most people think. And, of
because what he says is not subject "Personal from" and I ideas found in your magazine course, having the largest
true. But I don't believe would like to congratulate the in the year to come. By economic power, West
everything I hear, so I editors, who write about child reading these articles, I hope Germans are not too fond of
decided to watch and find out rearing. They are great. From to gain a clearer image of the paying everybody else.
for myself. that point, I have started to world around me, as well as There's no quick solution at
Anthony E. Mark translate this subject and the importance God's hand, and there can't be. In
Pottsville, Pennsylvania other subjects into the Arabic presence is to mankind. the meantime, I'm watching
language and it will be Jason A. Craybeek carefully world's politics, and
Nature of God published in our church Omemee, Ontario prophecy.
In October issue of The (Coptic) magazine free to all Ronald Fleming
people-you have given us · Correspondence Course Hamburg,
Plain Truth on page 20, it is
pointed out that the Holy the example. I am a stroke victim West Germany
Spirit is not God . The Bible I would like you to write slightly housebound but not
as much as you can in the helpless, living in a country Superstition or Authority?
says the Holy Spirit IS God.
If you look at Acts 5:3, we field of social problems. district and enjoying nature at The article "The Bible:
find the Holy Spirit lied to! M.G. Ishag its best. I am a regular Superstition or Authority?"
In the next verse, Acts 5:4, Khartoum subscriber to The Plain caught my eye. I looked up
we read (KJV) "Thou hast Truth and have been since the scriptural references in
New Subscriber my service days in 1950. It my Bible. Having read The
not lied unto men, but UNTO
GOD"' ....
One month ago for the has been a great comfort to United States and Britain in
If you are honest you will first time I sat down and me all these long years . Prophecy I understand the
admit your error. listened to your message on I have just received my use of Leviticus 26:14-39 to
Reuben D. Lane television. In that short thirty first lesson on the Bible establish that Judah's
Phoenix, Arizona minutes you said more to me Correspondence Course you punishment would be for
than any speaker had said to offered. That will give me a 2,520 years. But the article
• It would appear that the me in thirty years . bit of spiritual thought in the goes on to say that the 2,520
reader did not clearly Many things, though not next few months as I have years began on the 24th day
understand what the editor all, that you believe in match plenty of time to myself. Do of the ninth month in 604
wrote. The Holy Spirit many of, though not all, of keep on with the good B.C. The scripture cited to
emanates from God and the things that I believe in . work-this crazy mixed-up support this was Haggai
Christ and is, therefore, The very next day I picked world we live in badly needs 2:20-22. I fail to see the
divine in nature. The point up your May issue of The it. connection.
being made is that the Holy Plain Truth . I found it to be David T.B. Small R. Lucia
Spirit is not a separate one of the most informative Rochford, Essex Pasadena, California
person in the Godhead as is magazines that I have ever
read. Minerals • One of the keys to
commonly taught .
You ask how it is possible Robert C. Robinson The article of particular understanding biblical
to lie to the Holy Spirit if Toronto, Ontario interest to me in the prophecy is duality. This day
the Holy Spirit is not a November-December issue is God singled out for the
person (Acts 5:3). Ananias I picked up a copy of The the article on minerals by rebuilding of the Second
and his wife had been Plain Truth two days ago at Gene Hogberg. I also have Temple (verse 18). He also
speaking to human beings. [aJ shop. The magazine was been stressing the importance singles it out for an event
Peter was emphasizing to sitting on a rack marked of strategic and critical yet future (verses 21-22).
Ananias that. although the "Free-Take One," so I did. rriaterials and why we must Similarly, because Bible
lie had been spoken to men, I greatly enjoyed the import so many of them from prophecy is often dual this
in reality it had been spoken . articles that were to be found South Africa. same day was chosen of God
to God because these men inside. This is the first time I Harold Carlson for the surrender of
represented the government of have ever seen the Bible Consulting Engineer Jerusalem in 1917, which,
God, which is directed by interpreted into the present Lakewood, New Jersey through the Balfour
God IN MEN through His time. The fact that much of Declaration, opened the doors
Holy Spirit. Therefore, in the Bible pertains to events Identity Crisis for the formal return of Jews
verse 4 Peter says, " . .. thou happening today was never Germans are in an identity to a homeland.
March 1986 29
How can you know we· are near "the end
. of the world',? Can we prove it?
Did you know that when Jews are first mentioned in
the Bible, they are at war with the nation of Israel?