Project Presentationon Automaticbrakingsystem

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Presentation on

Arduino Based Automated Braking Control

System to Enhance Road Safety
Presented by:
Vimal Tiwari
Vedant Mishra Supervised By:
Utsav Yadav
Mr. Amit Kumar Shukla
Mohammad Shakeel
(HOD of Mechanical Engineering)
Dharmendra Kumar
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Government Polytechnic Bargarh, Chitrakoot
• Automatic Braking System
• Motivation
• Objectives
• Components
• Working Function
• Methodology
• Coding
• Specifications
• Calculation
• Visualization
• Applications
• Limitations
• Future Scopes
Automatic Braking System
An automatic Braking system is an intelligent mechatronic system includes an
Ultrasonic wave emitter provided on the front portion of a car producing and
emitting Ultrasonic waves. An Ultrasonic receiver is also placed on the front
portion of the car operatively receiving a reflective Ultrasonic wave signal.
The reflected wave (detected pulse) gives the distance between the obstacle
and the vehicle. Then a microcontroller is used to control the speed of the
vehicle based on the detection pulse information to push the brake pedal and
apply brake to the car stupendously for safety purpose.

Figure 1 Number of Road accidents in India (2017-


From the statistics of year 2017-2020 (up to July) more

than 17 Lakhs road accidents occurred in India and more
than 5.82 Lakh people lost their lives from these road
accidents which is shown in Figure 1
The main objectives of this project are:
I. To develop an Intelligent Braking System
for Automobiles
II. To find the braking distance at various
vehicle speeds as well as minimum
distance before collision
Followings are the components in this intelligent
braking system

I. HC- SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

II. Arduino UNO R3
III. 4 Wheels
IV. 3 Lithium Ion Battery with case
V. L298N Motor Driver
VI. 5 push switch button
VII. 2 Diode
VIII. Jumper Wire
IX. Base
Working Function
Vehicle Start


No Obstacle Detected YES

Normal O Reflect Wave
Drive O

Sensor Receiver

Braking Circuit

Vehicle Brake

Figure 2 Flow Diagram of Automatic Braking System

i. Take a plywood as a frame. Cut it along as calculated. Take measurement by
calculations according to the wheels. Just keep front wheel space more as we
will design steering so calculate by moving wheels.
ii. Fix the wheel and Rubber stoppers to the chassis. Fix the motor with gear hub.
Fix the holes with screw.
iii. Attach two gear motors at the backside of the plywood.
iv. Place two wheels at the rear of the vehicle. Two Smart Robot Car Tyres
Wheels For Arduino TT Gear Motor Chassis has used here. One non-tire
wheel attach at the front side of the car.
v. Now Arduino UNO has mounted at the middle of the base and screw has been
used to tighten them up. Wires has connected with the Arduino.
vi. Sensor holder placed at the top front side of the vehicle and Ultrasonic sensor
device is placed upon this. Sensor wire is connected with microcontroller.
vii. Wire ends are connected with Arduino in the following manner:
Positive to +5v
Trig to 10
Echo to 11.
viii.Two 2000 Mah battery mounted at the backside of the car and the wire that
are attached with the battery are made connection with microcontroller.
ix. Program code to run the car inputted in the micro controller device and now
the car can run through with or without help of the auxiliary device and work
as a plug and play device.
HC-SR04 Ping distance sensor]

#define trigPin 6
#define echoPin 7
#define led 13
#define led2 10

void setup() {
Serial.begin (9600);
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
long duration, distance;
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Added this line
delayMicroseconds(2); // Added this line
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
delayMicroseconds(10); // Added this line
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1;
Serial.println(" cm");
if (distance < 100 ) { // This is where the LED On/Off happens
digitalWrite(led,HIGH); // When the Red condition is met, the
Green LED should turn off
//if (distance > 160 ) {
// digitalWrite(led,LOW); // When the Red condition is met, the
Green LED should turn off
// delay(1);
// delayMicroseconds(2);
else {
// }
The overall specifications of the system is showing in the following Table 1
Table 1 Overall specifications of the system

Microcontroller A Tmega 328P

Range 100-160 cm
Resolution 12 inches
Signal output 0-5V
Excitation voltage 12V
Braking Distance = V / 2μg (meter)
V= Velocity of the vehicle (m/s)
μ = Coefficient of friction of road = 0.8
g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81(m/s2)
Now, for velocity 10 km/hr.
Braking Distance = (10*1000/3600)/ (2*0.8*9.81)
= 0.18 m
For velocity 20 km/hr.
Braking Distance = (20*1000/3600)/ (2*0.8*9.81)
= 0.35 m
For velocity 30 km/hr.
Braking Distance = (30*1000/3600)/ (2*0.8*9.81)
= 0.53 m
For velocity 40 km/hr.
Braking Distance = (40*1000/3600)/ (2*0.8*9.81)
= 0.71 m
For velocity 50 km/hr.
Braking Distance = (50*1000/3600)/ (2*0.8*9.81)
= 0.88 m

Figure 3 Top View Figure 4 Front View

Figure 5 Rear View

Controlling Automobiles
Automated Guided Vehicles in Industries
Production Line
Military Spy Service
Results and Discussion

 94% success from continuous

Trial tests.
 Costs about 2000 rupees.
 Best fitted distance is about 10
cm to 150 cm.

Obstacle and vehicles

braking distance is too small.
Initial High Cost
Future Scopes

Obstacle detection while turning

Capable of driving at all
environmental conditions
Minimized backward collisions.

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