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Republic of the Philippines

Aklan State University

ASU-CTE LET Review Center
Banga, Aklan


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Geography is the study of -

a. the aerial differentiation of the earth’s surface
b. the natural relationships between people and their environment
c. the physical features of the earth’s surface and the various human activities that take place on it
d. all of the above
2. Living on earth is made possible because of the –
a. sun b. moon c. inner planets d. outer planets
3. The solar radiation that reaches the earth makes possible the process of –
a. erosion b. deposition c. photosynthesis d. weathering
4. The map that shows the boundaries, capitals and important landmarks in a particular region is the –
a. relief map b. product map c. political map d. cultural thematic map
5. What explains the different symbols or signs used on the map?
a. direction b. scale c. legend d. title
6. The earth is the ___________ planet from the sun.
a. second b. third c. fourth d. fifth
7. Maps and globes are considered the most valuable tools of the –
a. anthropologist b. sociologist c. geographer d. psychologist
8. The average distance of the earth from the sun is about –
a. 100 million kilometers b. 110 million kilometers c. 130 million kilometers d. 150 million kilometers
9. The water portion of the earth which covers about 71% of the earth is the –
a. atmosphere b. hydrosphere c. lithosphere d. biosphere
10. The gaseous envelope that surrounds the earth’s surface is the –
a. atmosphere b. hydrosphere c. lithosphere d. biosphere
11. The region situated east of the Zambales mountains range which is the largest level land in the country is the
a. Central Plain of Luzon b. Iloilo Plain c. Bicol Plain d. none of these
12. The highest among the peaks in the Bicol Region is –
a. Mt. Isarog b. Mt. Iriga c. Mt. Bulusan d. Mt. Mayon
13. The material thing of economic value which man did not bring into existence is a –
a. human resource b. natural resource c. material resource d. none of these
14. The following are natural resources except –
a. waters b. soils c. forests d. bridges
15. The Central Plain of Luzon is the leading __________ producing region of the Philippines.
a. corn b. sugarcane c. rice d. meat crop
16. Economics is the social science of how people and societies allocate __________ to satisfy ____________.
a. unlimited resources; unlimited human wants c. scarce resources; limited human wants
b. unlimited resources; limited human wants d. scarce resources; unlimited human wants
17. Why is Economics considered as a social science?
a. Economics speaks about the social problems faced by each person.
b. Economics applies the scientific method to the behavior and actions of people.
c. Economics is influenced by theories that relate to social systems.
d. Economics aims to explain the social bases of human behavior.
18. Economics goods are products or things that are __________.
a. satisfy wants b. wanted but limited in supply c. not wanted but scarce d. produced in large amount
19. Scarcity is a problem of ____________.
a. market economies only c. mixed economies only
b. command economies only d. both market, command and mixed economic systems
20. As a branch of economics, microeconomics deals with _____________.
a. the overall demand and supply of products in the whole country
b. the economic history of a country
c. the individual behavior of a country’s economic units – the firm, household and the government
d. the financial and banking system
21. When government chooses to use resources to build highways, those resources are no longer available to build schools. This
illustrates the concept of ___________.
a. microeconomics b. macroeconomics c. opportunity cost d. optimization
22. A normative statement in economics is one about ____________.
a. what is usually the case c. what ought to be
b. the assumptions of an economic model d. what is
23. The law of demand implies that other things being equal, ___________.
a. as the price of prawns rises, the quantity of prawns demanded will increase
b. as income increases, the quantity of prawns demanded will increase
c. as the price of prawns rises, the quantity of prawns demanded will decrease
d. as the demand for prawns increases, the price will rise
24. Which of the following is not one of the “other things” held constant along a demand curve?
a. income b. prices of other goods c. the price of the good itself d. taste
25. Which of the following would lead to a decrease in the demand for pizza?
a. an increase in population size c. a decrease in the price of hamburgers, a substitute
b. an increase in consumer income d. a bad news about the unsanitary food handling of pizza stores
26. The reality that a decline in the price of a product causes producers to lessen the quantity of the good they plan to produce
illustrates ____________.
a. the law of supply b. the law of demand c. a change in supply d. the nature of an inferior good
27. Which of the following is NOT a factor of production?
a. land b. labor c. capital d. profit
28. Which of the following is the payment received from capital?
a. rent b. wage c. interest d. profits
29. The measure of economic activity of all the people and businesses within a country is called _____.
a. Gross National Product b. Gross Domestic Product c. National Income d. Disposable Income
30. Barter happens with the idea of __________.
a. double coincidence of wants b. money exchange c. trade balance d. market economy
31. In what region in Asia do we find countries that are rich in oils?
a. East Asia b. South Asia c. Southeast Asia d. West Asia
32. What three of the four earliest civilizations of the world originated from Asia?
a. Byzantine, Aztec, Sumer b. Sumer, Indus, Maya c. Sumer, Indus, Nile d. Sumer, Indus, Shang
33. What was the first recorded epic in the world?
a. Gilgamesh b. Mahabharata c. Ramayana d. Vedas
34. What country has the oldest existing civilization in the world?
a. China b. Japan c. Korea d. Taiwan
35. The emperors of the ancient Chinese ruled by virtue of the mandate of heaven. What does the mandate of heaven explain?
a. China as the center of the world c. The rise and fall of dynasties
b. The Chinese emperor as the Son of Heaven d. The superiority of the Chinese
36. What are the three sacred emblems of the emperor of Japan?
a. crown, mirror and sword c. jewelry, mirror and sword
b. jewelry, scepter and sword d. jewelry, scepter and sword
37. Which of the following was made popular through the saying “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth’?
a. Code of Ethics b. Code of Hammurabi c. Code of Manu d. Code of Maragtas
38. What did King Nebuchadnezzar construct for his wife?
a. Angkor War b. Borubudor c. Hanging Garden d. Taj Mahal
39. What Muslim community was established by Muhammad that was governed by the teachings of Allah?
a. Ummah b. Jihad c. Hajji d. Caliph
40. What was the first foreign dynasty of China?
a. Ming b. Song c. Tang d. Yuan
41. What was the trade route in Central Asia that brought Chinese goods to Europe?
a. Central route b. Northern route c. Silk road d. Southern route
42. Who successfully found a new route to Asia after the three routes connecting to Asia were closed?
a. Vasco da Gama b. Alfonso de Albuquerque c. Francisco de Almeida d. Bartholomeu Dias
43. What triggered the outbreak of World War II in Asia?
a. The alliance of Japan and Germany c. The desire of Japan to rule the world
b. The bombing of the United States by Japan d. The surprise attack of Japan in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
44. What Asian country was dubbed “Land of the Free’?
a. China b. Japan c. Malaysia d. Thailand
45. Who was considered the “Father of Chinese Republic” because he campaigned to strengthened and unify China?
a. Chiang Kai Shek b. Deng Xiaoping c. Sun Yat Sen d. Mao Ze Dong
46. What do you call the trade in which people exchange goods without using money?
a. Barter b. Capitalism c. Marxism d. Mercantilism
47. What is belief in many gods?
a. Animism b. Dualism c. Monotheism d. Polytheism
48. What is a group of people who settle in a territory outside their homeland?
a. Alliance b. City - State c. Colony d. Polis
49. Who was the Greek philosopher who said that laws should serve the interests of everyone not just the strongest of the richest
a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. Thales
50. What is the Greek word for “love of wisdom”?
a. Democracy b. Philosophy c. Sociology d. Stoicism
51. Who brought to Rome peace and a large measure of prosperity during a period known as “Pax Romana”?
a. Augustus b. Caesar c. Crassus d. Pompey
52. What do you call the expulsion of an individual from the Roman Catholic Church?
a. Excommunication b. Exemption c. Expurgation d. Indulgence
53. What is the religious and political head of a Muslim state?
a. Caliph b. Datu c. Khanate Sultan d. Sultan
54. What is a series of rulers from the same family?
a. Dynasty b. Empire c. Samurai d. Shogunate
55. What was the last great Sudanic empire?
a. Ghana b. Mali c. Morocco d. Songhai
56. In what river valley did the Egyptian civilization develop?
a. Huang – Ho b. Indus c. Nile d. Tigris – Euphrates
57. What economic system is based on a free market and open competition?
a. Capitalism b. Communism c. Mercantilism d. Socialism
58. Who was the greatest sculptor of the Renaissance?
a. Jan Vermeer b. Leonardo da Vinci c. Michelangelo d. Raphael
59. What do you call a person descended from one of the Spanish or Portuguese colonists?
a. Creole b. Indio c. Insular d. Peninsular
60. What method ensures that no one branch of government will be dominant?
a. Parliamentarian b. Presidential form c. Separation of powers d. Totalitarianism
61. Who was the English political theorist who said that the purpose of government is to protect the natural rights of its citizens?
a. Thomas Hobbes b. John Howard c. John Locke d. Jacques Rousseau
62. In what system of government does the national government provide central authority while individual states retain control of local
a. Federal b. Presidential c. Parliamentary d. Totalitarian
63. What method was used by the Spaniards and Portuguese to fight Napoleon’s forces where small band of soldiers made sudden
surprise attacks?
a. Blitzkrieg b. Divide and Rule c. Guerilla warfare d. Propaganda warfare
64. Who was the leader of the British forces that defeated Napoleon at Waterloo?
a. Duke of Wellington b. Maximillien Robespierre c. Lord Nelson d. Gebhard von Blucher
65. What political philosophy emphasizes progress and reform and its supporters favor individual freedom, equality under the law and
freedom of thought and religion?
a. Conservatism b. Liberalism c. Realism d. Socialism
66. Which of the following is a country in which local leaders are directed by a foreign nation?
a. Caliphate b. Khanate c. Mandate d. Sultanate
67. What is the 19th century belief that expressed that the United States had the right and duty to expand westward to the Pacific
a. Manifest destiny b. Secession c. Mandate system d. Protectorate system
68. What term refers to the movement of people from the rural areas to the cities?
a. Globalization b. Industrialization c. Liberalization d. Urbanization
69. Who used the word proletariat for wage – earning laborers?
a. Thomas Malthus b. Karl Marx c. Adam Smith d. James Watt
70. What do you call a part of a country in which a foreign nation holds political and economic power?
a. Concession b. Entrepot c. Mandate d. Protectorate
71. Where did the Spaniards establish their first permanent settlement in the Philippines?
a. Bohol b. Cebu c. Leyte d. Manila
72. Who was the ruler of Bohol who entered a blood compact with Miguel Lopez de Legazpi?
a. Lapulapu b. Sikatuna c. Soliman d. Tupas
73. Who were referred to as the people who had the opportunity of acquiring a good education during the Spanish period?
a. Creoles b. Ilustrados c. Insulares d. Peninsulares
74. What was the first newspaper that was printed in the Philippines?
a. Del Superior Gobierno b. El Ilocano c. El Nuevo Dia d. La Esperanza
75. Which of the following exercised judicial power during the Spanish rule?
a. Ayuntamiento b. Corregimiento c. Residencia d. Royal Audencia
76. What movement was founded to ask for reforms from the Spanish government in the Philippines?
a. Asociacion Hispano – Filipino b. Katipunan c. La Liga Filipina d. Propaganda
77. Who founded La Liga Filipina, a civic organization suspected as a subversive one?
a. Marcelo del Pilar b. Graciano Lopez Jaena c. Antonio Luna d. Jose Rizal
78. Who prepared the draft of the Malolos Constitution?
a. Felipe Agoncillo b. Isabelo Artacho c. Felipe Calderon d. Felix Ferrer
79. Who was the president who launched Philippines 2000 to uplift the economy of the Philippines so as to attain the status of Newly
Industrialized Country (NIC)?
a. Diosdado Macapagal b. Ferdinand Marcos c. Elpidio Quirino d. Fidel Ramos
80. Who among the following Presidents of the Philippines established diplomatic relations with communist and socialist countries?
a. Corazon Aquino b. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo c. Diosdado Macapagal d. Ferdinand Marcos
81. What did President Macapagal sign into law in order to change the traditional share tenancy into the lease hold system?
a. Agricultural Land Reform Code c. Land Reform Program
b. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law d. Land Tenure Reform Act
82. What policy was launched by President Garcia giving first priority to Filipino businessmen?
a. Austerity b. Close Door c. Filipino first d. Open Door
83. Who was the Secretary of National Defense who neutralized the Huk problem through a policy of attraction under the Quirino
a. Carlos Garcia b. Diosdado Macapagal c. Ramon Magsaysay d. Ferdinand Marcos
84. Who was the first Asian delegate to be elected as UN president?
a. Salvador Lopez b. Carlos Romulo c. Manuel Roxas d. Juan Salcedo
85. Who founded the HUKBALAHAP to fight against the Japanese and was composed of farmers?
a. Bernabe Buscayno b. Jesus Lava c. Jose Sison d. Luis Taruc
86. What government was established to prepare the Filipinos for independence after a transition period of ten years?
a. Administrative b. Civil c. Commonwealth d. Military
87. Who was the last President of the Commonwealth and the first president of the Third Republic?
a. Ramon Magsaysay b. Sergio Osmeña Sr. c. Elpidio Quirino d. Manuel Roxas
88. Which was the first city of Japan bombed by the Americans to end the war?
a. Hiroshima b. Honshu c. Nagasaki d. Tokyo
89. Who declared Manila as an Open City to prevent it from Japanese bombardment?
a. Edward King b. Douglas MacArthur c. Wesley Merritt d. Jonathan Wainwright
90. What was the only magazine allowed to publish during the Japanese regime?
a. Bannawag b. Bulaklak c. Liwayway d. a and b
91. What was the secret police organization established by the Japanese to carry out its administration of the Philippines?
a. Bushido b. Harakiri c. Kempetai d. Sakuko
92. What was the only political party allowed to participate during the Japanese rule?
a. KALIBAPI b. Liberal c. Nacionalista d. Progressive
93. Who surrendered Corregidor including the whole Philippines to the Japanese?
a. Edward King b. Douglas MacArthur c. Elwell Otis d. Jonathan Wainwright
94. Who was the first Filipino woman to be elected as senator?
a. Pura Villanueva Kalaw b. Elisa Ochos c. Geronima Pecson d. Carmen Planas
95. Who was the famous sculptor who made the Oblation in the University of the Philippines and the Bonifacio monument in Caloocan?
a. Napoleon Abueva b. Edgar Doctor c. Elizalde Navarro d. Guillermo Tolentino
96. What educational system was introduced by the Americans in the Philippines?
a. Private education b. Public education c. Religious education d. Vocational education
97. What law provided for the granting of independence of the Philippines upon fulfillment of certain conditions?
a. Hare-hawes-Cutting Law b. Jones law c. Spooner Amendment d. Tydings-McDuffie Law
98. What was the official newspaper of the revolutionary government of Emilio Aguinaldo?
a. Diariong Tagalog b. El Heraldo de la Revolution c. La Independencia d. La Solidaridad
99. Who composed the Philippine National Anthem?
a. Felipe Agoncillo b. Felipe Calderon c. Julian Felipe d. Camilo Osias
100. Who led the American troops in the Battle of Manila bay against the Spaniards to victory?
a. Douglas MacArthur b. Wesley Merritt c. Elwell Otis d. William Howard Taft
101. What is the procedural and substantive right of citizens to a fair trial which requires in general, among others, jurisdiction, notice,
and hearing?
a. Bill of Attainder b. Double Jeopardy c. Due Process of Law d. Equal Protection of Law
102. From what ancient law did the Bill of Rights of the Malolos Constitution of 1899 partly originated?
a. Anglo-Saxon Law b. Code of Napoleon c. Jewish Law d. Roman Law
103. The power of the state to take private property provided that the said property will be utilized for public use and just compensation
paid to its owner is –
a. Emergency power b. Eminent domain c. Foreclosure d. Most-favored nation
104. The right of citizens to vote and be voted on as a candidate standing for public office is the –
a. Right of domicile b. Right to property c. Right of suffrage d. Right to travel
105. A freedom guaranteed by the Constitution allowing citizens to assemble and petition the government for redress of their
grievances is the –
a. Freedom of assembly b. Freedom of the press c. Freedom of religion d. freedom of speech
106. The power of the president as head of the armed forces to call out the troops in order to suppress lawless violence in cases of
invasion, insurrection, and rebellion is called –
a. appointing power b. commander-in-chief power c. power to certify bills as urgent d. power over local governments
107. What was the term of office of the president under the 1935 Constitution of the Philippines?
a. Four years without reelection c. Six years without reelection
b. Four years with one immediate reelect d. Six years with one immediate reelection
108. What is the highest official government in the precedence as well as in the succession to the presidency?
a. Chief justice of the Supreme Court c. Speaker of the House of Representative
b. Senate president d. Vice-president
109. An international agreement entered into the president that does not require the ratification by the senate is called
a. Bilateral agreement .b. Executive agreement c. Multilateral agreement d. Treaty
110. Who was the first president of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, the transition government before the grant of Philippine
independence in 1946?
a. Emilio Aguinaldo b. Sergio Osmeña c. Manuel Quezon d. Manuel Roxas
111. Who was the first speaker of the Philippine National Assembly convened in 1097?
a. Emilio Aguinaldo b. Sergio Osmeña c. Manuel Quezon d. Manuel Roxas
112. What form of immunity is enjoyed by legislators while the Congress is in session?
a. Diplomatic immunity b. Parliamentary immunity c. Presidential immunity d. all of these
113. What is the term of office of the members of the House of Representatives under the 1935 Constitution?
a. Three years b. Four years c. Five years d. Six years
114. A vital legislation that authorizes expenditures and allocates the budget of the Philippine bureaucracy is the-
a. Administration code b. Bill of local application c. General appropriation act d. Local government code
115. The extraordinary majority required by the Constitution in order for the Senate to convict an incumbent president and remove him
or her from office
a. ½ of all the members of the Senate . c. ¾ of all the members of the Senate
b. 2/3 of all the members of the Senate d. 3/5 of all the members of the Senate
116. The highest court in the Philippine judicial branch of government is the –
a. Court of Appeals b. Court Martial c. Regional Trial Court d. Supreme Court
117. Who was the first Filipino chief of the Supreme Court?
a. Jose Abad Santos b. Cayetano Arellano c. Victorino Mapa d. Florentino Torres
118. _____ is a principle of jurisprudence which requires a judge to conform to judicial precedent in regard to similar legal issue and
fact surrounding the case on hand.
a. Dura lex, sed lex b. Presumption of innocence c. Prescription d. Stare decisis
119. ____ is an opinion of a collegial court on a legal issue that is not directly connected to the main issue of a case before it.
a. Dissenting opinion b. Majority decision c. Obiter dictum d. Ponente
120. ____ is a motion requesting the court to review its decision after it has handed its verdict on a case before such decision becomes
a. Motion for dismissal of the case c. Motion for reconsideration
b. Motion for postponement d. Motion for temporary restraining order
121. Social Studies is a learning area in the curriculum in basic education that –
a. transmit basic aspect of our cultural heritage
b. is based on content and methods of study drawn from the social sciences and humanities
c. provides instruction on thinking and decision-making skills applied to social problems
d. all of the above
122. Social Studies is the integration of history, the social sciences and the humanities to promote _____ competences.
a. political b. civic c. economic d. social
123. Social Studies is social sciences simplified for _____ purposes
a. psychological b. educational c. pedagogical d. experimental
124. The Social Studies is an integration of experience and knowledge concerning human relationships for the purpose of __education
a. environmental b. citizenship c. peace d. law
125. Social Studies education is based on the substantive and process content drawn from various –
a. subjects b. disciplines c. experiments d. none of these
126. Social Education takes place in the –
a. school b. family c. church d. all of these
127. The overall instructional goals of the social studies are often related –
a. prepare students for a changing world
b. broaden students’ perspective and understanding of the community, nation and world
c. encourage students to participate in the affairs of society and to work toward establishing a “good” society
d. all of the above
128. The Social Studies is assigned the important task of –
a. equipping students with knowledge c. working with adult in the community
b. experimenting use of instructional materials d. socializing students for their responsibilities as citizens
129. The exemplary Social Studies teachers –
a. have clearly formulated goals, objectives and purposes c. Incorporate authentic ways to assess what students have learned
b. identify a variety of instructional resources d. all of these
130. The exemplary Social Studies teachers –
a. engage students in the analysis of important social issues, values and ethical concerns
b. emphasize relationship among ideas, people, places and events
c. relate new knowledge to students’ existing social knowledge structures
d. all of the above
131. The Social Studies draws content materials from the –
a. social sciences b. natural sciences c. humanities d. all of these
132. The Social Sciences share many commonalities like the –
a. use of scientific methods c. systematic collection and application of data
b. faces on understanding and explaining human behavior d. all of these
133. The Social Sciences that is heavily devoted to the scientific collection of original data that reflects the direct behavior of individuals
or small group refers to-
a. natural sciences b. physical sciences c. behavioral sciences d. none of these
134. _____ belong to the Social Sciences and the natural sciences because it provides information on the spatial variation of the
cultural and physical elements that make each place on earth unique.
a. economics b. geography c. history d. psychology
135. _____ is the field of study that enables us to find answers to questions about the world around us, about where things are and
how and why they get there.
a. geography b. economics c. history d. psychology
136. The central concept of geography is –
a. place b. continent c. climate d. weather
137. ____ is the study of the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of goals and services that people need or want.
a. economics b. history c. political sciences d. psychology
138.The _____ studies the production distribution and consumption of goals and services.
a. sociologist b. anthropologist c. economics d. geographer
139. The _____ study people to find about their culture, the total pattern of human behavior and its products particularly to a special
group (language, goals, beliefs, social focuses, art, law, customs, traditions, religions, superstitions)
a. anthropologists b. geographers c. historians d. economists
140. The central concept of anthropology is -
a. belief b. tradition c. culture d. norms

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