Catalyst 26 3 The Brain and Crime

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The brain and crime

Key words
Are criminals ‘born or made’? Does brain Brain anatomy and function
damage result in criminal behaviour or do some The brain controls all thoughts and actions. The two
brain cerebral hemispheres are divided into four lobes.
individuals have a genetic predisposition to crime?
Or is criminality more likely to be influenced by The frontal lobes, comprising around one third of
brain damage
social factors? Recent research suggests that the the brain’s hemispheres, are involved in mental and
genetics social world influences the activity of our genes, in behaviour functions such as thinking, personality
and control of emotional expression.
turn affecting brain function. Neuroscientists are
• The temporal lobes are involved in memory,
now beginning to explore how the brain might be together with hearing, smell, and recognising
linked to certain criminal behaviours. objects and faces.
• The parietal lobes integrate sensory information.
• The occipital lobe is responsible for vision.
Beneath the surface of the brain, complex
brain regions exist such as the limbic system.
This includes the two amygdalae; one in each
parietal lobe
hemisphere and involved in emotion, memory,
frontal lobe aggression and fear. The hippocampus curves
back from the amygdala in each hemisphere and
is involved in emotion and memory.
temporal lobe occipital
The damaged brain and altered
Brain damage could potentially influence behaviour
in many ways, for example, by impairing learning or
judgement. There is a growing amount of evidence
brain stem
cerebellum linking brain injury to criminality. Compared with
the general population, there is a higher rate of
brain damage amongst offenders in custody.
The major regions of the human brain Brain damage in childhood and early adulthood
may increase the likelihood of criminal behaviour.

6 Catalyst February 2016

Phineas Gage Donta Page
In 1848, Phineas Gage, a US construction In Denver, USA, Donta Page was convicted of
foreman, was involved in a work-related the brutal murder of Peyton Tuthill in 1999.
accident. A three and a half foot long, Subsequent brain scans found decreased
thirteen pound iron rod was blown into brain activity in Page’s ventral prefrontal
his head, travelling behind his eye and out cortex. It was argued that a catalogue
through the top of his skull, resulting in of childhood problems, including poor
the loss of much left frontal lobe tissue. nutrition, parental neglect, physical and
Gage survived the accident and his doctor sexual abuse and head injuries, together with
documented his subsequent personality, a family history of mental illness, had left him
cognitive and emotional changes. He was unable to control his behaviour. On the basis
recorded as losing his inhibitions, behaving of his brain pathology, Page’s death sentence
inappropriately and violently, even reportedly was reduced to life imprisonment.
molesting his children.
Phineas Gage, seen holding the tamping iron
From the collection of Jack and Beverly Wilgus

which passed through his skull.

Donta Page

Scans of Donta Page’s brain (left) and a normal

The skull of brain. The images show decreased activity in
Phineas Gage Page’s pre-frontal cortex.

The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is involved in

the regulation of social behaviour and, in one
Frontal lobe damage infamous case, displacement of this structure in
This damage typically lowers inhibitions or the right hemisphere by a brain tumour was linked
emotional control, affecting the way we respond with an individual’s ‘acquired paedophilia’. After
to triggers in the environmental. the tumour was surgically removed, behaviour
However the frontal lobe is a complex structure returned to normal. A change in behaviour
and can be divided into sub-regions. The indicated the tumour had regrown. When it was
prefrontal cortex (PFC), for example, is important removed for a second time, behaviour once again
in judgement, decision-making and impulse returned to normal.
control (sometimes described as the ‘crowning
achievement’ of the human brain, it is one of Limbic region damage
the slowest brain regions to mature). If damage Damage to the amygdala and alterations to its
occurs in childhood, problems developing an function have been linked to aggressive behaviour.
understanding of moral behaviour can arise; in For example, epilepsy, localised to the amygdala,
adulthood, this damage may be associated with an may be associated with episodes of aggression
inability to control inappropriate behaviour. in some patients. Brain tumours affecting limbic
Reduced activity of the PFC has been implicated system function have also been linked to aggressive
in aggression and violence, as exemplified by the behaviour, and even to murder such as in the case
case of Donta Page. of Charles Whitman.

Catalyst February 2016 7

when we say that a given behaviour is genetically
Charles Whitman influenced, this is not to say that it is inevitable or
Charles Whitman was an engineering student ‘determined’. Predisposition is not predestination.
at the University of Texas. In 1966 he killed 16 Second, when we say that genes influence criminal
people, including his wife and mother. During behaviours, this does not mean that genetics can
the post-mortem examination of his brain a explain why certain individuals commit crime.
tumour was found near to the right amygdala,
which some scientists think might have led to
Whitman’s inability to control his emotions
and actions.

A doctor examines a CAT scan of a patient’s brain.

Epigenetics is an exciting new development in our

understanding of how the environment is involved
in the expression of genes and linked to antisocial
behaviours. The term is used to describe how
environmental factors such as stress, diet and drugs
can ‘switch on’ (express) and ‘switch off’ (silence)
genes. Scientists are trying to understand how early
life experiences can alter gene expression patterns
in the developing brain, altering development and
function of areas such as the hippocampus and
Charles Whitman frontal lobes. It is possible that there will come a
time when, as part of an offender’s defence, their
legal team argues absence of parental interaction
In studies of otherwise untreatable aggression, the
and moral teaching has altered gene expression
surgical removal of the amygdala on both sides of
leading to frontal lobe impairment and an inability
the brain is reported to have resulted in moderate to
to control behaviour?
excellent improvement of aggressive in about 75%
of patients. There is even evidence to suggest that
amygdala dysfunction may also lead to poor fear
What can we conclude?
conditioning which may predispose an individual Criminal behaviours and their causes are diverse,
to crime. One study reported that a failure to form leading some philosophers and scientists to
an association between a loud noise and fear at comment that it is unlikely we will ever find a brain
the age of three years appeared to precede criminal ‘signature’. However, certain types of traumatic
activity in adulthood. brain injury seem to increase the risk of offending
behaviour and there is increasing evidence that
Genes and behaviour: nature, brain tumours, epilepsy, levels of chemical
nurture or both? neurotransmitters in the brain and many other
biological factors can increase antisocial behaviour
Many researchers over the years have reasoned that
and criminality.
criminality may be genetically determined, that
Human behaviours are complex in their origins,
there might be a gene or set of genes running in
arising from an interaction of genes, environment,
families and predisposing to deviant behaviour.
developmental history, and the evolutionary
Behaviours such as impulsivity, which is
processes which have shaped brain structure and
correlated with antisocial behaviour, appear to be
function. In the years to come, we will inevitably
heritable. However, the contribution of any single
learn more about how these factors interact,
gene to antisocial and aggressive behaviour is most
influencing criminal behaviours, but at present
likely to be very small, with several genetic variants
we must be careful not to misinterpret our limited
incrementally increasing the risk of antisocial
findings and make generalisations about criminal
behaviour. Genes interact with clusters of genes,
behaviour without supporting evidence.
which interact with networks of genes that in
turn interact with the environment. Further, when Dr Guy Sutton is Director of Medical Biology Interactive and
considering the relationship between genes and Honorary (Consultant) Assistant Professor at University of
crime, two important points must be noted. First, Nottingham Medical School.

8 Catalyst February 2016

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