Tennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie

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Tennessee Williams’ The Glass Menagerie

The Glass Menagerie is a memory play, written by a popular American writer, Tennessee
Williams. The play was first staged in 1944 and became an instant hit, bringing fortune and
popularity, both for the playwright on account of the autobiographical elements he has inserted
in it. The story of the play revolves around a mother, her shy and introverted daughter, Laura,
and her artist son, Tom. Originally written as The Gentleman Caller, the play won New
York Drama Critic Award for the author in 1945 and became a masterpiece.

The play starts with Tom Wingfield, Amanda Wingfield’s son recalling his life. Amanda is a
single mother, whose husband had forsaken the family years back in the past before the play
begins. The cast shows Laura and Amanda, both daughter and mother, conversing with their
only male member in St. Louis in the year 1937.

The play shows Amanda Wingfield living in a middle-class apartment in St. Louis, taking care
of her small family. She recalls her glory days when the boys used to chase her due to her
beautiful looks and outgoing personality. This future worry and not-so-bright prospectus of her
son, who is working in a warehouse, has become another constant worry for her. Despite
seemingly being a budding poet, Tom Wingfield does not find enough time due to his constant
worry of everyday preoccupations and penchant for movies that he watches all night. Now her
main anxiety is her daughter, Laura, who is crippled and naturally shy, does not seem to win
any gentleman’s attention. Looking at her daughter’s youth, Amanda becomes obsessed with
the idea of finding a gentleman for her. At dinner Amanda tells her daughter, Laura, to stay
polite and pretty for her gentlemen callers even though she never had any callers and never
expected one.

Amanda then proceeds to tell Laura to practice her shorthand and typing. A few days later
when Amanda comes home from Laura’s school after getting to know that Laura had dropped
out several months earlier, she is shocked. Amanda wonders what they will do with their lives
since Laura never tried to help her and spends all her time playing with her glass menagerie
and her old phonograph records. Amanda decides that to have a gentleman caller for Laura,
and Laura reveals that she has liked only one boy in her whole life, a high school boy called

When Tom goes out to the movies that night, Amanda scolds him and asks him to do something
useful other than watching movies. The next morning after Tom apologizes to her, Amanda
asks him to find a nice gentleman caller for Laura. A few days later, Tom tells her that he has
invited his colleague, Jim O’Connor over dinner. When Amanda comes to know about the
arrival of Jim, she becomes jubilant, seeing the prospects of meeting with the future of her
daughter. When Jim comes, she starts recalling her own budding youthful period and her own
looks. However, Laura senses that she must have been attracted to Jim during her school years.
First, she excuses herself to join dinner with them due to her supposed illness but later when
she comes into the living room, she sees Jim alone waiting for the electricity.

As they start a conversation, Jim encourages her to think about their past and starts dancing
quietly when he accidentally knocks down her menagerie, having her glass animals in it,
breaking the unicorn. However, he immediately takes the situation in control by kissing her
and paying compliments for keeping such a beautiful menagerie. Following this, he explodes
the bombshell about his likely marriage soon. Laura, on the other hand, presents the broken
unicorn to him as a gift after which he departs. Amanda, upon learning this, lashes out at Tom,
who expresses his ignorance about such a thing. The play ends on a sad note of Tom leaving
the house, asking his sister to extinguish the candles.

Major Themes in The Glass Menagerie

1. Escape from Responsibilities: The play demonstrates the theme of escape from the
heavy responsibilities of life as Tom desires to avoid family responsibilities like a
magician, who shows the ability to escape the box without removing nails from it. The
burden of a shy sister and a pestering mother remains heavy on his mind. He wants to
remove this burden from his mind and escape to the world of magical fantasy. However,
the memory of the family stays with him, reminding him of having family relations
with Laura and his mother. On the other hand, both of them could not escape the
financial constraints and social pressure due to the well-knit domestic setup. In the end,
Tom realizes that this escape from responsibilities does not come without its cost which
is loneliness and mental depression.
2. Family: The major theme of family and its responsibility is shown through the
Wingfield family, Amanda, the mother, Laura, the daughter, and Tom, who’s
Amanda’s son. As the only male member, Tom has to assume the charge of the main
breadwinner, though, he shirks taking up the responsibility of the whole family. On the
other hand, Amanda constantly feels the stress of finding a suitable match for her
daughter, Laura, whose social shyness and isolation are costing the family heavily. In
this backdrop, the shadow of the disappearance of Mr. Wingfield is peeping through
their mental stress. Tom, therefore, follows suit, but the realization of his being the
patriarchal head does not recede.
3. Abandonment: The theme of abandonment looms large in the background due to the
disappearance of the head, Mr. Wingfield. Amanda has an acute realization of her
husband’s abandoned presence and on her daughter who suffers from social
abandonment. Her son, Tom, too, tries to take this abandonment on him by deciding to
leave the family. He tries to hook Jim, but this, too, proves a futile effort on his part.
Therefore, his own predicament shows his fear of being abandoned by his dreams and
desires in life.
4. Illusions and Reality: The play, The Glass Menagerie, shows the theme of illusion and
reality through the characters of Amanda and Tom. Her Southern legacy has caused the
illusion to Amanda in that she visualizes patriarchy taking up the household
responsibility but her son’s upbringing in the abandoned household is the stark reality
staring in her face. It is because he has a constant reminder of the disappearance of his
father, the reality which runs contrary to his presence as the responsible head of the
family. Similarly, Amanda feels that the illusion of her being an outgoing girl in her
past may be reflected through her daughter Laura, who is, in reality, a socially shy girl,
having little prospects of finding a gentleman.
5. Memory: The play, The Glass Menagerie, shows the theme of memory and
its undertones among all the family members of the Wingfield family. Amanda, the
mother of the family, is constantly stuck in her memories of her blissful and pretty
youth period, while the memory of her escaping husband makes these memories
muddied. Similarly, Tom also recalls his sister by the end, the memory of which haunts
him, while Jim is lost in his memories of boyhood, a thrilling period of his life.
6. Shattering of Dreams: Despite a broken family, every Wingfield individual dreams
about having a good life. Amanda, the mother, dreams of having her daughter married
to a gentleman and her son, Tom, taking up the family responsibility. On the other hand,
Tom dreams of having an independent life free from family preoccupations and
7. Marriage: The play also shows the theme of marriage as an institution whose existence
and preservation keep the family united and stable. Amanda wants her daughter to have
a good gentleman to marry, but she fails, shattering her dreams. It is because Amanda’s
husband married her but left her, leaving the family in the lurch.
8. Alcoholism: The play implicitly shows the theme of alcoholism in that if a person
drinks, he is irresponsible as Amanda experiences addiction as she recalls her fleeing
husband. Keeping this in mind, she also questions Jim whether he drinks or not, having
the point of family responsibility in her consciousness.
9. Love: The theme of love in the play is quite implicit through the motherly love of
Amanda for her daughter to marry a gentleman and for her son to take up the family

Major Characters in The Glass Menagerie

1. Tom Wingfield: Tom Wingfield is the representative of patriarchy in the play and
shows the memories presented objectively. His direct address to the audience shows his
capability of objective evaluation of his situation. At the same time, his duality confuses
the audience in understanding his role within the family. His artistic capabilities stand
in contrast to his actual achievement for the family in the real world. Although his
concerns about his sister, Laura, and mother, Amanda, shows that he takes care of his
family, his frequent demonstration of indifference leads to the impressions of the
audience about his cruel behavior. His breaking down of the glass menagerie, in the
end, shows this cruel behavior, leading to contradictory arguments about him, having
no role model in the family to follow.
2. Amanda Wingfield: A remnant of the faded Southern beauty, Amanda represents the
role of the fading matriarchy after having suffered an economic and social decline.
Following her husband’s escape from the family responsibilities, she has to take up
matters into her own hands despite having little experience of raising a family, the
reason that the family is undergoing stress and turbulence. As the extrovert character,
she tries to lead her son, Tom, to take up the role of the family head. Yet, she herself
stays away from Laura instead of guiding her to mix in the society. Some of the flaws
in her character lead to the comic and tragic issues arising in the family. Her failures
are apparent from her monologue delivered in response to her children’s behavior.
3. Laura Wingfield: A very innocent and mentally challenged character, Laura
demonstrates compassion when she comes to know the situation of her brother. This
behavior stands in stark contrast to the selfish attitude of Amanda, her mother, as well
as, her brother, Tom. Her position in the family makes her the center of the play in that
her mother and brother, both, are engaged in finding a suitable match for her. Although
she is a young girl, her mother’s thoughts of her own glamorous past belittle her
prospects when Tom brings Jim. Laura, though, seems an introvert and a shy character,
shows her will at several moments which defies her real personality built by her mother
and brother.
4. Jim O’Connor: The character of Jim within the play is interesting and
intriguing. He is a gentleman and Amanda encourages him to woo Laura. An
ordinary but nice young man, Jim is a hero in Tom’s sight since his school
days when he used to lead sports and theatrical productions. Having no
haunting memories and present stigmas, Jim is a true middle -class young man
who does not take fantasies at the face value. Sensing his fall in this abyss,
he extricates himself and returns to his world on the pretext of his being
already hooked.
5. Mr. Wingfield: The significance of the character of Mr. Wingfield lies in his portrait
hanging on the wall in the family apartment despite his shameful flight from the family
responsibilities. A symbol of the deceitful patriarchy, he becomes prominent in the play
on account of his absence. Amanda’s memories of his charm also belittle his patriarchal
role due to her wrong choice among the responsible and noble gentlemen of her time.

Writing Style of The Glass Menagerie

As poetic, symbolic, and spontaneous, The Glass Menagerie establishes Tennessee Williams
at his best. The characters speak in a lyrical style with spontaneity in their dialogues. The
conversation is down-to-earth direct and simple, showing the characters in their true colors. As
far as the sentence style and diction are concerned, they are informal and simple. Yet Williams
relies heavily on metaphors, similes, and symbols to convey the meanings of the frustration the
family members are in after the flight of their family head, Mr. Wingfield.

Analysis of the Literary Devices in The Glass Menagerie

1. Action: The main action of the play comprises the life of the Wingfield family, the
desires of Tom and Laura, and the wish of Amanda to marry her daughter to a
gentleman. The rising action occurs when Laura allows her mother to decide that she
should marry. The falling action occurs when Jim states that he has a fiancée waiting
for him and leaves the house.
2. Anaphora: The play shows the use of anaphora as given in the below examples,
i. In Spain there was a revolution. Here there was only shouting and confusion. In Spain
there was Guernica. Here there were disturbances of labor, sometimes pretty violent, in
otherwise peaceful cities such as Chicago, Cleveland, Saint Louis . . . This is the social
background of the play. (Scene-I)
ii. Honey, don’t push with your fingers. If you have to push with something, the thing
to push with is a crust of bread. (Scene-I)
Both of these examples show the repetitious use of some phrases such as “In Spain
there was…” and “have to push.”
3. Allusion: The play shows amazing use of different allusions as given in the examples
i. You simply couldn’t go out if you hadn’t read it. All everybody talked was Scarlett
O’Hara. Well, this is a book that critics already compare to Gone with the Wind. It’s
the Gone with the Wind of the post-World-War generation! (Scene-III)
ii. I’m going to opium dens! Yes, opium dens, dens of vice and criminals’ hangouts,
Mother. I’ve joined the Hogan Gang, I’m a hired assassin, I carry a tommy gun in a
violin case! (Act-III)
iii. They were waiting around the corner for all these kids. Suspended in the mist over
Berchtesgaden, caught in the folds of Chamberlain’s umbrella. In Spain there was
Guernica! (Scene-III)
The first example shows alluding to an author and her books, the second to a gang, and
the third to Spanish locations. There are some other lurking allusions such
as Pygmalion, a Greek mythical figure, Midas touch of King Midas, Biblical allusions
of the Annunciation, and allusion of the Clark Gable.
4. Antagonist: Amanda seems to be the antagonist of the play as she seems to have still
the charm of her husband and the glamor of her personality having encircled her mind
that she does not think about other family members.
5. Antimetabole: Antimetabole is the reuse of words in the first and second halves of a
sentence. The play shows the use of antimetabole as given in the below example,
i. Their eyes had failed them, or they had failed their eyes, and so they were having
their fingers pressed forcibly down on the fiery Braille alphabet of a dissolving
economy. (Act-I)
The play shows the use of antimetabole as the reversely used phrase “Their eyes” show.
6. Conflict: The play shows both external and internal conflicts. The external conflict is
going on between Tom and Amanda, while the internal conflict is going on in Tom’s
mind as he narrates the events of the play.
7. Characters: The play, The Glass Menagerie, shows both static as well as dynamic
characters. The young man, Tom, is a dynamic character as he shows a considerable
transformation in his behavior and conduct by the end of the play. However, all other
characters are static as they do not show or witness any transformation such as Laura
and Amanda.
8. Climax: The climax in the play occurs when Laura comes to know that Jim is the same,
her classmate, and faces freezing feelings that she has to get support to sit on the sofa.

Foreshadowing: The play shows many examples of foreshadows as given in below,

i. Tom’s departure from the scene foreshadows his escape from familial responsibilities
ii. Music foreshadows the dance of Jim and Laura
iii. Breaking of unicorn foreshadows breaking of Laura’s heart

1. Hyperbole: The play shows various examples of hyperboles as given below,

i. Like some archetype of the universal unconscious, the image of the gentleman caller
haunted our small apartment… (Scene-III)
ii. I’m starting to boil inside. I know I seem dreamy, but inside — well, I’m boiling!
Both these examples exaggerate things such as the first one says that the gentleman has
become a ghost and in the second Tom says that he is boiling inside which is not
2. Imagery: The Glass Menagerie shows excellent use of imagery as given in the below
i. He had tremendous Irish good nature and vitality with the scrubbed and polished look
of white chinaware. He seemed to move in a continual spotlight. He was a star in
basketball, captain of the debating club, president of the senior class and the glee club
and he sang the male lead in the annual light operas. (Scene-VI)
ii. I didn’t go to the moon, I went much further — for time is the
longest distance between two places. Not long after that I was fired for writing
a poem on the lid of a shoe-box. I left Saint Louis. I descended the steps of this fire
escape for a last time and followed, from then on, in my father’s footsteps, attempting
to find in motion what was lost in space. (Scene-VII)
These two examples show images of nature, color, and feelings.

3. Metaphor: The Glass Menagerie shows good use of various metaphors as given the
examples below,
i. The play is memory. (Scene-I)
ii. My devotion has made me a witch and so I make myself hateful to my children!.
These examples show that several things have been compared directly in the play such
as the play itself has been compared to things recalled from memory or the mother
compared to a witch.

4. Mood: The play, The Glass Menagerie, shows various moods; it starts with a
reflective mood but turns out highly ironic and melancholy at times.
5. Narrator: The play, The Glass Menagerie, has been narrated by the first person, Tom,
who happens to be one of its characters, too. In this sense, it seems a meta-fiction,
a narrative within the play but still, it has a dialogue form.
6. Personification: The play shows examples of personifications as given below,
i. A fragile, unearthly prettiness has come out in Laura: she is like a piece of translucent
glass touched by light, given a momentary radiance, not actual, not lasting. (Scene-VI)
ii. Wind blows the white curtains inward in a slow, graceful motion and with a faint,
sorrowful sighing. (Scene-VI)
These examples show as if the glass and the wind have life and emotions of their own.
7. Protagonist: Laura Wingfield is the protagonist of the play as it is her fate that Amanda
and Tom are going to decide or not decide.
8. Setting: The setting of the play, The Glass Menagerie, is the middle-class apartment of
the Wingfield family located in St. Louis in 1937.
9. Simile: The play shows good use of various similes as given in the examples below,
i. Mother, when you’re disappointed, you get that awful suffering look on your face,
like the picture of Jesus’ mother in the museum! (Scene-I)
ii. But here there was only hot swing music and liquor, dance halls, bars, and movies,
and sex that hung in the gloom like a chandelier and flooded the world with brief,
deceptive rainbows. (Scene-V)
iii. Amanda has worked like a Turk in preparation for the gentleman caller. (Scene-VI)
iv. A fragile, unearthly prettiness has come out in Laura: she is like a piece of
translucent glass touched by light. (Scene-VII)
The use of the word “like” shows the comparison between different things in the
examples. The first example shows this between the mother and Jesus, the second
shows between sex with a chandelier, the third between Amanda and a Turk, and the
fourth between Laura and glass menagerie.


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