(해커스토익 실전1000제 2 리스닝) 스크립트
(해커스토익 실전1000제 2 리스닝) 스크립트
(해커스토익 실전1000제 2 리스닝) 스크립트
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 01 5 영국식 발음
41 (A) 42 (B) 43 (C) 44 (D) 45 (C)
46 (D) 47 (B) 48 (C) 49 (B) 50 (C)
51 (C) 52 (A) 53 (A) 54 (B) 55 (B)
56 (D) 57 (A) 58 (B) 59 (D) 60 (B)
61 (C) 62 (B) 63 (A) 64 (C) 65 (B) 7 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
66 (D) 67 (D) 68 (C) 69 (C) 70 (B) Where is this shipment of printer paper going?
71 (A) 72 (C) 73 (D) 74 (A) 75 (D) (A) Ship it by today.
76 (A) 77 (A) 78 (D) 79 (B) 80 (C) (B) A local school.
81 (C) 82 (A) 83 (C) 84 (D) 85 (B) (C) To shop at a store.
86 (C) 87 (B) 88 (C) 89 (C) 90 (B)
8 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
91 (C) 92 (D) 93 (B) 94 (D) 95 (A)
When do you need the sales analysis?
96 (C) 97 (B) 98 (D) 99 (B) 100 (C)
(A) Yes, I did.
(B) Sales have gone up considerably.
(C) By the end of the workday.
PART 1 9 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(A) From 10 a.m. to noon.
1 미국식 발음
(B) As long as it works properly.
(A) She’s removing her glasses.
(C) Everyone in my department.
(B) She’s looking at a laptop.
(C) She’s writing on a piece of paper.
10 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(D) She’s clearing off a table.
Could you ask the staff to gather in the lobby in
2 캐나다식 발음
15 minutes?
(A) Sure, they’ll be able to lift it.
(A) The man is shoveling some snow.
(B) I’ll make an announcement.
(B) The man is closing a car hood.
(C) An hour after it started.
(C) A vehicle is being parked.
(D) A tire is being replaced.
11 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
3 영국식 발음
Why can’t gym members use the pool right now?
(A) It’s being cleaned.
(A) Some people have placed notepads on a table.
(B) Swimming is a great exercise.
(B) Some people are raising their hands.
(C) Because she’s a member.
(C) Some people are seated in a circle.
(D) Some people are rearranging furniture.
12 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
4 호주식 발음
Should we consult with a lawyer before signing the
(A) The man is playing a violin.
(A) Yes, I think so.
(B) The woman is showing the man an instrument.
(B) Did he sign the agreement?
(C) A lamp is shining light toward some people.
(C) I received his autograph too.
(D) Some wood is being carved.
13 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
(C) The product hasn’t been named yet. Didn’t you see the warehouse when you were shown
around our facility?
14 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (A) I was told we had to skip it.
How far does this beach extend? (B) Let’s store those goods too.
(A) About half a mile or so. (C) Both tour times work for me.
(B) No, I’ve never visited this beach.
(C) Let’s put on our sunglasses. 24 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) My seat is over there. 25 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
Why did you switch the brown sweater for another (B) When did you lend them to Paul?
one? (C) Sure. I’ll give it back soon.
(A) Then we’ll find another location.
(B) It was too small for me. 26 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(C) Brown is my favorite color. How many rehearsals are left before the first
17 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (A) The car performed well.
Should beverages be served at 5 p.m., or should we (B) We’re looking forward to the play.
wait until after the performance? (C) This is the second-to-last.
(A) Earlier would be better.
(B) Our waiter is very friendly. 27 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) We should make a donation. I’m wondering which hotel to book for the holidays.
(A) Reservations can be confirmed online.
18 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (B) Valley Inn has an indoor pool.
You already watched our training video, didn’t you? (C) Throughout the entire weekend.
(A) That train already departed.
(B) Yes, I’m enjoying the job. 28 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) About a month ago. We should conduct a focus group on our new laptop,
shouldn’t we?
19 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 (A) Since the company grew larger.
Where did you work before this? (B) I doubt we have the funds to do that.
(A) See you after the show. (C) Yes, most of the participants.
(B) I interned at a laboratory.
(C) From some corporate leaders. 29 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
process? favorite baseball team, but I rarely get a chance to go
W: You should read the guide posted on the company to their games. This is a lot of fun.
intranet by the accounting team. It includes detailed M: My pleasure. A coworker of mine has season tickets
instructions. for all of the home games. He’s out of town this
M: Thanks. I’ll do that right away. weekend, so he gave me his tickets.
W: That was very generous of him. Well, I’m going to
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation. grab some snacks. Do you need anything?
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: I’ve got a hot dog and soda.
M: Excuse me. I watched a play here on May 19, and
I believe I left my watch in the bathroom. I took it off Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
when I was washing my hands. Has anyone turned 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
one in? M: Bellport Florist, Gerald speaking. How can I help you
W: Actually, yes. But I need to confirm that you are the today?
owner. Um, could you tell me what your watch looks W: I’m interested in buying flowers for a coworker. She’s
like? been selected as the employee of the month and will
M: Sure. It has a steel case and a leather strap. And, uh, be presented with an award during a ceremony
if you look at the back, you will see that my name is tomorrow morning. So, I need to pick the flowers up
inscribed . . . um, James Higgs. this afternoon.
W: Well, Mr. Higgs, you are in luck! If I can just see your M: That shouldn’t be a problem. Is there a particular kind
driver’s license or another piece of photo ID, of flower you’d like to get?
I can give you your watch back. W: Yes. Orchids are her favorite flower, so a bouquet of
those, please.
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation. M: Oh . . . I’m very sorry, but we ran out of those this
morning. We don’t expect another shipment until
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
Saturday. However, our branch in Hereford might
M: Sarah, the projector in the conference room doesn’t
have some available. I suggest that you give them a
seem to be working. Could you call a technician?
W: I already did . . . Someone from the tech team will be
here at 3 or 3:30 p.m.
M: But I have to give a presentation to our department Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
head at 2. Is there any way a technician could come 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
earlier? M: I have a suggestion for decorating this lobby. Why
W: I don’t think so . . . That team is really busy today. don’t we choose furniture that complements the blue
M: I’m not sure what to do, then. All the other rooms are and green wallpaper we have used throughout the
booked. hotel?
W: Um, I think the one on the second floor might be W: Good idea. We’ll definitely need several couches.
available at that time. The workshop that was going And they should be made of leather as that material
to be held there was rescheduled. You should book it is very durable. Why don’t we look at some from
right away, though. West Loop?
M: West Loop mostly sells items that are suitable for
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation with private residences. But, um . . . Bently Furniture
three speakers. specializes in commercial furniture.
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음→ 영국식 발음
W: Yeah, I suppose so. In that case, I’ll call that store to
find out whether they have any leather sofas in stock.
M: Elena, Patricia! It’s so nice to see you both. You’re a
bit early, though. Dan’s birthday party doesn’t
officially begin until 4 p.m.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. any last-minute supplies? Are there enough drinks
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 for everyone?
W: Hello, sir. How can I help you this morning? W: Thanks, but that’s not necessary.
M: I need to travel to Berlin. I know a train on the Red
Line regularly heads there from Bonn. When does Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
the next one leave? shelving unit.
W: The next one won’t leave for about two hours. 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: I’d like a ticket for that one. I can call some of my M: Pardon me. I’d like to buy my nephew a laptop. He’s
clients while I wait. going to college soon, and he’ll need one to write
W: Certainly. It’ll be €75. By the way, I encourage you to papers.
make use of our lounge. It offers comfortable chairs, W: S ure thing. Are there any particular features you
free wireless Internet, and vending machines. It’s just have in mind?
down the hallway to your left. M: I know he likes to have many windows open at once,
so a wider screen would be best. I’m leaning toward
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. the C34, but I’m not certain.
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 W: While the C34 is a great model, it’s intended for video
W: I’m glad I’ve bumped into you. I’m wondering how the editing. I’m guessing it’s more powerful than
report you’re working on is coming along. The one
about the risk analysis of the South American M: Yeah, good point.
consumer markets that we’re considering entering. W: However, the device just below that one is the same
M: I finished it two hours ago. size. Although less powerful than the C34, it’s ideal
W: Could you e-mail it to me, then? Tomorrow, I’ll be for running word processing programs. It’s also much
meeting with Fred Diamond, a major investor in our cheaper.
clothing firm. He wants to discuss our plan.
M: Actually, I already sent it. I figured you already knew. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
W: Oh, I must have overlooked that e-mail. I’ll check for sign.
it again and contact you if I have questions about the 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
report. M: Charlotte, did you hear that our IT company will be
hosting a volunteer day? Management is hoping it’ll
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. attract some positive media attention, and all of the
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 technicians are encouraged to participate. I’m really
M: Mayor Lamar, thank you for joining me on this looking forward to it.
episode of Happening Today. We’ll spend most of W: Yeah, me too. I guess we’ll be tutoring students at
the hour talking about your work as a civil rights local schools.
lawyer before being elected earlier this year. M: It’s a great idea, but I’m a bit surprised by some of
However, I believe you have some news to share the goals. Uh, 20 people from our newest office are
expected to take part, but there are only 30
before we get into that.
W: Yes. I’m very pleased to announce that, after working employees.
W: I’m sure that office will meet its goal. And I’m going to
with the city council, I’ve been able to secure over $5
million in additional funding for the city’s schools next sign up now. I want to make sure that our branch has
year. It’s my first major accomplishment as the mayor enough volunteers.
of Chicago. M: Good point. I’ll join you.
M: And how will the funds be used?
W: C ity schools will be getting additional books, art
materials, and furniture.
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and
highway map. Questions 71-73 refer to the following announcement.
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 영국식 발음
W: Paul, it’s Wendy. I’m wondering how far away you May I have your attention, please? This is just a reminder
are from the office. The gathering to welcome our that, as Greenway customers, you do not have to pay for
new branch manager doesn’t start for another hour, parking in the grocery store’s parking lot, provided you
but I’d like to talk to you about the training workshop spend at least $20 in the store. When you leave our
we’re holding for the accounting staff next week. parking facility, simply show your sales receipts to the
M: Not too far. I just pulled off the highway, and I am attendant at the gate. In addition, please note that the
passing Sun Market now. I should be there in 15 parking spaces beside the elevators on all levels of the
minutes or so. facility are reserved for the physically disabled.
W: O K, great. That’ll give us a chance to chat Individuals wishing to park in these spaces must have a
beforehand. valid government permit clearly displayed in the window
M: Sounds good. By the way, do you need me to get of their vehicles.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 74-76 refer to the following speech. hours. If you’d like to use our facility for ice skating, we
미국식 발음 are open to the public daily between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. If
Good morning. Department head Louise Shah has asked you don’t have your own skates, you can pay $5 an hour
me to tell you a little about myself since this is my first to use a pair. Those under the age of 12 can enter at no
day here. Well . . . ah . . . before taking this job as an charge. To hear when the high school hockey matches
administrative assistant, I was an intern at the legal office will be held at our facility throughout the month, please
of Patel & Ashwin. This is actually my first experience press one now. Otherwise, have a pleasant day.
working at an import-export company, so it might take
some time to get used to everything here. Anyway, I’m Questions 89-91 refer to the following news report.
looking forward to this opportunity and to getting to know 영국식 발음
you all. People commuting on the Calgary subway system this
morning have been dealing with delays ever since a train
Questions 77-79 refer to the following introduction. broke down between Bowness Station and Edgemont
캐나다식 발음 Station. For over 30 minutes now, trains have not been
able to run on the Blue Line. According to the city
How’s everyone enjoying the music so far? Um, our next
performer is making his second appearance at the Salem transportation authority, an electrical failure is to blame
Blues Festival. He was here seven years ago—the very for the situation. Technicians have been sent to the
location, and we are hoping to get things back to normal
first time this event was held—and his performance was
one of the festival’s highlights. At that time, Philip soon. Now let’s turn to Laura Goodman for a morning
Waterfield was accompanied by five bandmates, but business news update.
today he’ll be appearing on stage all by himself to
promote his record, which came out in April. He doesn’t Questions 92-94 refer to the following talk.
play live much anymore, so this is certainly a special 캐나다식 발음
occasion. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together OK, everyone, please gather around. This room marks
for Mr. Waterfield. the final portion of your tour of author Leo Edmund’s
house. As you can see, this was his personal office, and
Questions 80-82 refer to the following telephone he completed a fair amount of his writing here. As with
message. the living room, bedrooms, and dining room, this is a very
호주식 발음 modest space considering Mr. Edmund’s wealth. The
only exception is the fine leather armchairs, which are
This message is for Blong Vang in response to his recent
actually quite famous. They were gifted to Mr. Edmund by
inquiry regarding his reservation with StarQuest Voyages.
King Ferdinand in 1877. Now, on the desk under some
Mr. Vang, our records indicate that there might be a
protective glass, you’ll notice a few pages from Mr.
problem with the cruise you booked for June 14 to 21.
Edmund’s journal. I suggest taking a look at them.
You asked for a Standard cabin, which includes a twin-
size bed. However, in the “special request” section, you
left a note saying that you require a queen-size mattress. Questions 95-97 refer to the following telephone
Well, Premier cabins include queen-size beds. Images of message and recipe.
these accommodations are included in the digital 미국식 발음
brochure e-mailed to you last week. If this cabin type is Samuel, it’s Clarisa. My grandfather asked me to drive
satisfactory, please let us know as soon as possible so him to a doctor’s appointment in the late afternoon. So
that your booking and billing statement can be updated. I’m not going to be at Andrea’s house early enough
tomorrow to help you prepare for her birthday party.
Questions 83-85 refer to the following announcement. Fortunately, hanging decorations in the living room
미국식 발음 shouldn’t take more than half an hour. As for the drink
Attention, please. Due to technical difficulties with our I was going to make, Andrea has a copy of the recipe.
sound system, there’s going to be a change to today’s Only, I use 30 milliliters of pineapple juice and also add
main event at the Recreational Fishing Expo. Shawn cubed watermelon. I suggest doing the same. It really
Murray, the host of the television show Catch and improves the flavor. Just call me if you have any
Release, will still appear at the scheduled time of questions. Otherwise, I’ll see you tomorrow.
2:30 p.m. However, his talk on the impact of technology
on amateur fishing will be taking place in the ballroom Questions 98-100 refer to the following excerpt from a
rather than the auditorium. If you want to get a seat, you meeting and list.
may want to head to the ballroom 10 or 15 minutes 호주식 발음
beforehand. Otherwise, there should be plenty of Next Sunday is our art gallery’s 20th anniversary, and
standing room. Thanks for your understanding. I want to celebrate this milestone by honoring artists who
have been crucial to our success along the way. That’s
Questions 86-88 refer to the following recorded why we’ll be hosting a temporary exhibit that day. It’ll
message. feature pieces from the first people who showed their
호주식 발음 work here. I’ve already coordinated with the artists, and
You’ve reached Enderby Ice Rink after regular business aside from Lola Hays’s piece, all of their work has been
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 02 5 영국식 발음
41 (D) 42 (C) 43 (C) 44 (B) 45 (B) (D) A building is being constructed by a work crew.
46 (C) 47 (C) 48 (B) 49 (D) 50 (D)
51 (C) 52 (D) 53 (B) 54 (C) 55 (B)
56 (D) 57 (D) 58 (C) 59 (D) 60 (B) PART 2
61 (C) 62 (A) 63 (B) 64 (C) 65 (D)
66 (B) 67 (B) 68 (D) 69 (D) 70 (C) 7
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
71 (B) 72 (D) 73 (C) 74 (B) 75 (B) How many people are we expecting for our
76 (D) 77 (A) 78 (C) 79 (B) 80 (A) performances on Sunday?
81 (D) 82 (C) 83 (B) 84 (A) 85 (D) (A) 100 for each show.
(B) They’ll be here at 8.
86 (C) 87 (B) 88 (D) 89 (C) 90 (D)
91 (B) 92 (D) 93 (C) 94 (B) 95 (C)
(C) We’ve performed it many times.
96 (B) 97 (A) 98 (B) 99 (B) 100 (C) 8 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(A) Yes, it was delicious.
(B) Not particularly.
PART 1 (C) Sure, in a bit.
9 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
1 미국식 발음
Who moved the boxes from the front door?
(A) He’s facing a closed window.
(A) I’m sure it’s in the back room.
(B) He’s painting a portion of the wall.
(B) I’ll do it right after the snow stops.
(C) He’s repositioning a stepladder.
(C) I saw Issac doing it this morning.
(D) He’s extending his arms upward.
10 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
2 캐나다식 발음
My medical checkup is at 4:40, but I won’t finish work
(A) One of the women is cleaning a counter.
until 5 today.
(B) One of the women is filling plates with cupcakes.
(A) At Queens Hospital.
(C) One of the women is lifting a cup.
(B) That’s a problem.
(D) One of the women is taking baked goods out of a
(C) You need to make sure you’re qualified.
11 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
3 영국식 발음
Would you prefer to rent a sedan or a larger vehicle?
(A) A woman has her hand on a computer.
(A) I’ve run out of gas.
(B) They’re studying X-ray images.
(B) The rental fee is negotiable.
(C) A man is turning on a screen.
(C) We require a van to fit everyone.
(D) Some people are filing a document.
12 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
4 호주식 발음
Why has our director been out of the office all
(A) She’s paying for some jewelry at a checkout.
(B) She’s trying on a necklace in a boutique.
(A) Around seven o’clock.
(C) She’s carrying a handbag on her shoulder.
(B) She’s attending a workshop.
(D) She’s assembling one of the store shelves.
(C) Yes, your directions were useful.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Does the cleaning service send us monthly bills? Where did you put our flight tickets to Vancouver?
(A) Yes, on the 1st. (A) I left them in my desk drawer.
(B) It’s fine to pay with a credit card. (B) We need to hurry to catch the flight.
(C) I spent $50 last month. (C) I made a reservation this morning.
When do you want me to restock the shelves? Didn’t the guests in Suite 234 request room service?
(A) No, I think it is on the bottom shelf. (A) The kitchen staff will know.
(B) Before taking your lunch break. (B) They have checked in.
(C) In the storage room. (C) It’s bigger than I had expected.
How often do you go to Tokyo on business trips? Which shirts are currently on sale?
(A) It’s an event occurring in Tokyo. (A) Yes, 75 percent off.
(B) An agent will plan the trip. (B) All of the ones on this rack.
(C) We no longer have a branch in that city. (C) Let’s go shopping at the Riverton Mall.
16 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 25 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
Who should I submit my employment application to? Why do you want to return this table?
(A) The woman behind the reception desk. (A) Thanks. I’ll exchange it later.
(B) You should include a résumé and cover letter. (B) My turn is coming up next.
(C) The position won’t be vacant for another two (C) It’s too big for my living room.
26 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
17 I’ve decided which apartment I’m going to lease
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
Why don’t we ask the baker to recommend a high when I move to Madrid.
quality bread flour? (A) I knew you were unhappy with your landlord.
(A) No, we’ve already arrived. (B) Great, that’s one major decision.
(B) I bought some cakes. (C) They’re trying to sell their house.
(C) Yes, that would be helpful.
27 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
18 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 When will we leave for the company picnic?
Would you organize the museum’s charity luncheon? (A) At 10:45 this morning.
(A) We received a generous donation. (B) I went to work yesterday.
(B) It would be my pleasure. (C) At the Central Park subway station.
(C) No, I don’t need a ride.
28 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
19 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 Should we stay at the beach or head back to the
You’ve reserved your seat for the concert already, hotel?
haven’t you? (A) Some extra beach towels.
(A) I should be ready by 6 p.m. (B) OK, if you’re done swimming.
(B) I’m going to do it now. (C) Let’s relax here a bit longer.
(C) No, it’ll be my first time playing there.
29 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
20 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 Hasn’t the technician fixed our network yet?
What is the company’s reason for recalling the (A) We met him at the networking event.
vehicle? (B) No, he’s still working on it.
(A) No, I didn’t receive a full refund. (C) I’m glad we solved it together.
(B) Consumers are reporting faulty brakes.
(C) They should be brought back to the store. 30 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
because I want to report an error in your newspaper.
M: What mistake did you discover, Ms. Johnson? Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.
W: Well . . . I’m the owner of the vitamin and supplement
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
store called Lancaster Health and Nutrition. Yesterday,
you published an article about our new branch that’s M: You want to see me, Ms. Collins?
W: Y es. Many customers have provided negative
going to open in Dalton Plaza next week. But the
article said it’s opening next month. feedback about the XLNC solar clocks. I’m a little
worried. They say their machines aren’t charging
M: Oh, I’m very sorry. I’ll be certain to notify our news
editor immediately. Once he verifies the misprint, I’m properly, which causes them to stop functioning after
sure he’ll arrange for a correction to be posted in just a few days.
tomorrow’s edition. M: Bill Johnson from our engineering team and I recently
tested 200 random units. They all worked perfectly.
So, my guess is that consumers aren’t using the
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation.
devices properly. I think we need to clarify our user
영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
W: It appears that we need more meals for tonight’s W: I see. We should also post information about it on our
year-end, corporate dinner party. Seven of our Web site. Can you please make a draft of that?
employees brought additional guests, but the cooks M: OK. When do you want this done by?
only prepared enough food for the confirmed number
W: Early enough so that I can skim through it before my
of guests. shift ends today.
M: Hmm, that’s odd. I was in charge of keeping track of
the guest list, and just one person contacted me Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
today to say that he was bringing an extra person
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
with him.
W: Maybe some of them changed their minds at the last M: Excuse me. I require some assistance. I’d like you to
minute. Anyway, could you ask the chef to make a print 100 wedding invitations for me, but I’m not sure
few more dishes? which type of paper to use. I want the invitations to
M: Sure. I’ll head to the kitchen and find out if he can do look nice but also be durable. Do you have any
that. recommendations?
W: I suggest trying our store’s glossy card stock. This
high-quality paper is very strong, so it doesn’t tear
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation.
easily. It’d be ideal if you intend to deliver the
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
invitations through the mail.
M: Shannon, I noticed that you ride your bike to work. M: That sounds perfect. How much will the order cost?
Did you know that some of the people in our W: Well, each sheet of card stock costs 50¢ to print, and
department have formed a bicycle group? you can fit two invitations per sheet . . . So, your
W: Really? I hadn’t heard that. Can you tell me more grand total will be $25.
about it?
M: Well, we meet every Saturday and go on long rides Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
together. Some of us just enjoy the workout, while
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
others are training for competitive events. Of course,
participating in these races isn’t a requirement for M: Hello. I read about the fitness courses your business
club members. offers in a flyer. I’m interested in the weight-training
W: That’s a relief. I’m not very experienced. But I do like class. When is it held?
the idea of getting some exercise. How do I join? W: T hat one is held once a week on Saturday, from
M: I’ll e-mail you the registration form this afternoon. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in our largest room. We used to offer a
second session at 7 p.m., but not many people signed
up, so we decided to cancel it.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
M: Oh, that’s OK. I wasn’t planning on coming in then, Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and
anyway. The earlier option should work for me. So, graphic design.
I’d like to know a bit more about the details of the 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
W: Mathew, it’s Claudia. Something unexpected came
W: W ould you like me to grab you an informational
up, so I won’t be able to meet to talk about the
pamphlet? It’ll explain everything you need to know.
billboard design today.
M: If you have a minute, we could just discuss it now.
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation W: Sure.
with three speakers. M: OK. So, how do you like the first draft that I sent you?
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 → 미국식 발음 W: T he font is great. My only concern is how the
M: Excuse me. I’ve come to your office because information is arranged. Personally, I think we should
I received a service request from Sarah Long. switch the positions of the address and the slogan. It
W1: Yes. Um . . . her desk is next to mine. Sarah, the would be better if the slogan appeared directly under
repairperson from Raymond is here to fix the water the company name. The date is fine where it is,
cooler. though.
W2: Oh, sorry. I was just finishing up a conference call. M: That’s a simple change. I can make it and e-mail you
Anyway, the cooler is right here behind my desk. the revised version sometime this afternoon.
M: Water is leaking from the device’s spout, right?
W2: Yeah. I noticed it dripping this morning. Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
M: Hmm . . . the spout isn’t working correctly and needs program.
to be replaced. 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
W2: OK. However, before you begin, I’ve got to notify
M: T h e r e s t a u r a n t ’ s o p e n i n g w e e k w a s r a t h e r
the building manager that a repair is going to be
successful, wouldn’t you say?
made. Janice, what is Mr. Renner’s extension?
W: A bsolutely. We exceeded our expected guest
W1: It’s 6849. I’ll call him and tell him for you.
numbers, and /the restaurant was fully booked last
W2: Great. I appreciate it.
M: Yeah. And many of the people who came said they
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. were going to post about our restaurant on their
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 social networking pages. That’s great publicity.
W: Hello. My name is Annabel Christiansen. I’m here to W: Also, our publicist, Harold Newman, will be appearing
check in for the 5:40 p.m. flight to London. I have my on Morning Buzz tomorrow. That will be sure to help
passport and ticket here. us gain even more positive public attention.
M: I’m sorry. You’ve arrived too late, Ms. Christiansen. M: That’s great. A lot of people in the area watch that
Check-in for that flight closed 20 minutes ago. There program. We should get a lot of new customers.
won’t be enough time for you to reach the gate before
takeoff. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
W: O h, no. I was worried this was going to happen, shopping list.
seeing as my taxi was stuck in traffic on the way 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
here. Are there any other flights today that I can take
M: Preparations for this evening are coming along well.
Tables and chairs have been set up for the 75 guests
M: Yes, we still have seats available on the one that
coming to celebrate their company’s founding. Plus,
leaves at 10:30 p.m. For a $100 fee, I can update
I’ve placed flowers on the tables and put up some
your reservation and issue you another ticket.
other decorations. How is everything in the kitchen
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. W: There was a mix-up with our food supplier. Only half
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 of the vegetables we requested were dropped off this
M: Hello, Ms. Law. My name is Lance Graner, and morning.
I am organizing a conference in April for young M: Oh, no. Do you want me to go buy the ingredients we
professionals who are just entering the field of need?
finance. As you are an investment consultant for a W: OK. Here’s a list of everything I require. Oh, hold on .
respected firm, I am calling to offer you a paid . . I need to make one change. You should get two
speaking opportunity at the conference. pounds of carrots. The amounts for the onions and
W: Well, I’ll be unavailable in early April as I’m planning to the others are correct though.
visit one of our offices abroad during that time.
However, as long as the event takes place after April
15, I can participate.
M: Hmm . . . It’ll be held on April 4. But I’ll contact you if
we have other speaking opportunities in the future.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
230 at 3 o’clock.
Questions 83-85 refer to the following talk.
Questions 71-73 refer to the following telephone 미국식 발음
message. Hello, and welcome to our annual two-day seminar on
영국식 발음 project management. This year’s event promises to be
Good afternoon, Mr. Jackson. This is Claudia Omar, from very special as we have a wide range of speakers. Now,
Proactive Insurance, responding to the voice mail you left I’d like to give you some information about our schedule.
me yesterday. You mentioned you’d like to learn more We are going to focus on planning and implementing
about motorcycle insurance. Well, our most popular plan projects for the first day and on evaluating results for the
is the Platinum Protection package, which provides you second. Both days will follow the same basic pattern. The
up to $250,000 in coverage, and I think it would be your mornings are going to begin with presentations by
best choice. The premium for the plan varies considerably experienced project managers and end with panel
depending on the motorbike you have, so I’ll need to discussions and question-and-answer sessions. In the
know the brand and model of your bike before I can give afternoons, we’ll break into small groups to develop
you an accurate quote. Please call me back today with action plans for specific projects. OK . . . my assistant will
those details if you can. Thanks. now hand out information packets that contain details
about what will be covered during the seminar.
Questions 74-76 refer to the following talk.
Questions 86-88 refer to the following broadcast.
미국식 발음
In business news, the multinational technology company
Fradston’s newly appointed chief executive officer, to Core Resources has announced that its CEO, Kerry
announce our intention to build a new research center in Rose, will be stepping down from her position at the end
downtown Atlanta. This center will serve as the hub for all of May. Under Ms. Rose’s leadership, the company grew
of our medical research and is scheduled to open in nine to be the world’s third-largest software developer. It had
months. The facility is expected to contribute to the under 8,000 workers when she started, while it currently
creation of over 200 new jobs. More details about these employs about 15,000 staff members. Although Core
will be posted on our Web site at a later date. We at Resources has yet to release her replacement’s name to
Fradston hope that this development will solidify the the public—and most likely won’t do so until closer to Ms.
company’s position as the nation’s top provider of Rose’s departure—some analysts are speculating about
pharmaceutical products. who the next leader of the company might be. One widely
discussed candidate is Dale Fenny, the company’s
Questions 77-79 refer to the following recorded current chief financial officer.
캐나다식 발음 Questions 89-91 refer to the following advertisement.
You have reached Cedar Kitchen, Houston’s number-one 캐나다식 발음
spot for contemporary dining. As our staff is participating If you’re tired of shoveling snow from your driveway or
in the Southwestern Food Festival June 8 and June 9, we sidewalk, then contact Harford Snow today. For a flat
will be closing at 1 p.m. each day. Our normal hours of monthly fee, you will never have to worry about doing this
operation of 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. will resume on Wednesday, again. At Harford, we pride ourselves on our efficiency
June 10. We greatly appreciate your patience in this and reliability, which is why we guarantee that the snow
matter. For details about menu offerings, please press will be removed from your property within four hours after
“one”. For reservations, press “two” and record your a snowfall ends. If our workers ever arrive late, you will
contact information and desired reservation time after the not be charged for that month. And for a small additional
tone. Specific details regarding the Southwestern Food fee, we will use salt to get rid of the ice on all your
Festival may be obtained by visiting our Web site. walkways. Visit us at www.harfordsnow.com for a list of
the areas that we operate in and over 100 testimonials
Questions 80-82 refer to the following announcement. from satisfied customers.
호주식 발음
Our company has developed a new application for Questions 92-94 refer to the following speech.
employees to access our Intranet system from their smart 미국식 발음
phones. I reviewed some sales and personnel records Let me begin by thanking the Silver Screen Academy for
with it yesterday, and I think everyone will be happy with granting me this Best Young Director Award. While
this change. It will allow our team members to view client I suspected that The Time Was Then was going to do
records while visiting customers outside of the office. The well, I never guessed it would break international box
application’s creator, Jay Kim, has volunteered to give office records. The incredible team that worked on the
everyone a tutorial this afternoon. Navigating it is pretty film deserves a huge amount of credit. What’s more,
straightforward, so you won’t need to set aside much I want to give a special thanks to Gabriela Hernandez,
time for this. Mr. Kim will be waiting for you all in Room who taught me everything I know about this art form.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
successful as the number of new subscribers to Currents
increased for two consecutive months after the site
became active. This success is attributed to Ms. Austen’s
development of a subscription model that provides
access to the print and digital versions for one low fee.
They’ll discuss this in depth when we return from a short
commercial break.
Questions 98-100 refer to the following telephone
message and schedule.
영국식 발음
Hello. My name is Alice Warren, and I’m registered for
the student employment workshop that will be held at the
Westwood Employment Center on Saturday. I’m very
excited about this because I plan to begin searching for a
summer internship in early May, once I’ve finished my
final exams at the end of April. But there’s one problem
. . . I have to meet with my professor to discuss an
assignment that day. Um, it slipped my mind when I
signed up for the workshop yesterday. Would it be a
problem if I skipped one of the sessions? I would leave at
noon and be back just after two. Please call me at 555-
4938 to let me know if this is allowed. Thanks.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 03 5 캐나다식 발음
41 (B) 42 (D) 43 (A) 44 (A) 45 (C)
46 (A) 47 (B) 48 (B) 49 (D) 50 (C)
51 (D) 52 (B) 53 (D) 54 (C) 55 (B)
56 (B) 57 (C) 58 (D) 59 (C) 60 (C)
61 (A) 62 (B) 63 (B) 64 (C) 65 (C) 7 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
66 (B) 67 (A) 68 (D) 69 (B) 70 (B) What food do you want to eat for dinner tonight?
71 (A) 72 (D) 73 (D) 74 (C) 75 (B) (A) Something spicy.
76 (D) 77 (C) 78 (A) 79 (D) 80 (C) (B) He usually eats pizza on Tuesdays.
81 (B) 82 (B) 83 (D) 84 (B) 85 (C) (C) Yes, I like that restaurant.
86 (D) 87 (B) 88 (A) 89 (B) 90 (C)
8 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
91 (C) 92 (A) 93 (B) 94 (D) 95 (B)
Could you please e-mail me the analysis?
96 (C) 97 (D) 98 (B) 99 (B) 100 (A)
(A) Can I send it in an hour?
(B) Because it’s not finished yet.
(C) Only twelve pages.
PART 1 9 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
1 캐나다식 발음
(A) Parking is free on weekends.
(A) She is glancing toward a coworker.
(B) From the motor show last month.
(B) She is removing eyeglasses from her face.
(C) That would be me.
(C) She is working near a sewing machine.
(D) She is putting a watch on a workstation.
10 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
2 영국식 발음
When is the press conference going to get
(A) One of the men is leaning over in his seat.
(A) Once the mayor arrives.
(B) There are pants folded on a stool.
(B) The deadline was yesterday.
(C) One of the men is adjusting his hat.
(C) In the building’s central lobby.
(D) T
here are some chairs stacked along a wall.
11 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
3 미국식 발음
Would you like to go to the international film festival
(A) Cars are heading in various directions.
with me?
(B) Some city structures are being built.
(A) The tickets are 30 dollars per day.
(C) Bikes are propped against a railing.
(B) I can’t, unless I finish my project early.
(D) A cyclist is riding on a street.
(C) The movie’s subtitles weren’t very accurate or
4 호주식 발음
(A) The bag is being filled with leaves. 12 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(B) Pumpkins have been set on a table.
Which television program will the CEO be appearing
(C) A rake is being used in a garden.
on this evening?
(D) Lawn furniture is situated by a home.
(A) I prefer listening to the radio to watching TV.
(B) It’s called Finance Today.
(C) I think the topic is very appealing.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
The C34 tablet is scheduled to launch in June. Where is the best place to buy a suit and tie for my
(A) Can their appointment be rescheduled? job interview next week?
(B) She will fix my computer today. (A) For a graduation ceremony tomorrow.
(C) I believe it will be very popular. (B) There’s a store on East Street.
(C) That one looks really great on you.
14 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
Did the technical assistant ever meet with you? 23 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(A) Some technical support. Why is Dr. Flanders late for my appointment?
(B) Sure, I’ll help you. (A) He is examining another patient.
(C) Not yet. (B) After I complete medical school.
(C) Sorry, I’ll be late for the meeting.
15 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(A) That’s what I’ve heard. How long have you had your cell phone?
(B) She knows his extension number. (A) I got a call from my manager.
(C) Yes, I’d appreciate that. (B) Yes, I’ve lived here for a long time.
(C) I purchased it earlier this year.
16 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
When is our connecting flight going to begin 25 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
boarding? Are you still searching for a gym, or have you found
(A) I’ll inform the board members. one you like?
(B) We left it at the gate. (A) Both options sound great.
(C) At 11:45 a.m. (B) I gained 10 kilograms since last year.
(C) Unfortunately, I’m still looking.
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
You finished writing your speech for the shareholders 26 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
meeting, didn’t you? When will the holiday party take place?
(A) I still need to revise it. (A) It’s going to be quite a celebration.
(B) I’m not sure everyone heard me. (B) The last week of December.
(C) He’s giving a speech this year. (C) At a hotel near our office.
18 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 27 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
Are Patrick and Dennis coming to the company Where are the blueprints for the shopping center
fundraiser? we’re designing?
(A) No, they haven’t gotten a receipt. (A) Actually, it’s from an online shopping mall.
(B) It’s unlikely, since they’re busy planning another (B) I agree with your plan.
event. (C) One of the other architects might know.
(C) I think they’re getting raises.
28 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
19 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 I just noticed that my passport will expire at the
Who is in charge of the hiring process for the new beginning of February.
sales manager? (A) Make sure you renew it before you go to Spain.
(A) Ms. Foster expected a much higher price. (B) It’s located just past the courthouse.
(B) It hasn’t been decided yet. (C) She arrived in Virginia in January.
(C) Your application has been approved.
29 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
20 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 Weren’t customers notified about the increase in
Will Jeff be going to the annual artists’ convention in subscription rates?
Seattle? (A) Sales decreased by over 10 percent.
(A) It’s at the Belleville Hall. (B) I’m curious about that as well.
(B) The presentation was very informative. (C) This is the latest edition.
(C) No, not this year.
30 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
21 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 What made you decide to become a veterinarian?
There seems to be something wrong with the printer. (A) I would like to be a doctor.
(A) No, it’s over there in the corner. (B) I love working with animals.
(B) I’ll take a look at it. (C) It took about eight years.
(C) I have the document.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
I help you? 9 a.m., nothing is mentioned about when they return.
M: My name is Brent Miller, and I placed an order late W2: They get back around 3 p.m.
last week to have a custom frame made for a picture W1: Perfect. Can you sign me up for tomorrow?
I took. I’m wondering if I can come pick it up this
Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.
W: U nfortunately not, Mr. Miller. I’m running behind
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
schedule, so I’ve had to postpone working on your
M: Now that I’m in charge of the company’s occupational
order until tomorrow afternoon. I apologize for the
inconvenience. safety department, I’ve got to give a safety seminar to
M: That’s OK. I don’t need it until next week, so some of our construction workers. Do we have any
tomorrow is fine. I can stop by on my way home from instructional videos that I can use?
work in the evening. W: Q uite a few. What type of video do you want to
M: One featuring precautionary measures at building
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation.
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
W: Oh, yeah. I bought a series of training videos last
M: I see that you’re looking at our store’s newest year. One of them deals with that topic.
collection of speakers. Do you have any questions M: It’d be great if you could send that one to me soon.
about the products? If so, I’d be happy to answer
W: They’re on my work computer, but the files are too
them. large to e-mail. So I’ll post them on our online board for
W: I’m interested in buying a speaker for my friend as a you to access.
gift. He wants a portable one to connect to his cell M: That works for me.
phone. Do you have something matching that
Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
M: I recommend the Tide EX. It’s designed specifically
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
for cell phones. It’s lightweight and even has wireless
capabilities. Plus, we are offering it at 10 percent off W: Cliff, it’s Rita calling from Shine Realty. Has Unit 219
the regular price this week. been cleaned and repainted yet in preparation for the
W: Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll go and take a look at it new renters?
now. M: I’m afraid it hasn’t. The property has been thoroughly
cleaned, but one of our painters accidentally bought
the wrong paint color. So, they aren’t able to paint the
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation.
apartment yet.
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
W: Well, the new tenants are moving in on April 1, which
W: Hello, Hans. This is Karen. As you already know, Jim is only five days away. It’s essential that everything
Bates is stepping down as head copywriter at the end be taken care of before then.
of this month. That means we’ll have to move M: I spoke to the head painter this morning, and he
someone into his position. Who do you think would be assured me the apartment would be fully ready within
a good candidate? the next three days. There shouldn’t be anything to
M: Personally, I’m in favor of Richard Hammel. He’s worry about.
been a dedicated employee for 10 years. He’s written
the text for a variety of advertisements for us and
Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
seems to understand all aspects of the job. What do
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
you think?
W: I have several candidates in mind. Hammel is one of M: Our company is releasing a new line of light bulbs
them. Can you meet me in the conference room in next month. We’ve been assigned to create an
two hours? I’d like to talk about this matter further. advertising campaign slogan for it. Right now, I’m
M: Sure thing. See you then. leaning towards the saying, “leading the way,” with
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
the letters l, e, and d in bold to refer to our W: Wonderful. Well, I’ll get you the certificate tomorrow.
light-emitting diode products pictured in the ads.
W: It’s short and clever, but I don’t think it highlights our Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and
product’s competitive attributes enough. Do you have chart.
any other ideas?
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: I also came up with the slogan “bright lights, small
impact” because our lights have less of a negative M: Hi, Sarah. Our team leader mentioned that you are
effect on the environment than regular light bulbs do. organizing the retirement planning seminar for our
W: I think we should go with that slogan. Let’s bring it up bank’s clients. How’s it going?
to our supervisor at the staff meeting later today and W: Good. Donald Sawyer just confirmed that he will give
see what his opinion is. a presentation.
M: That’s great. His book on investing was a best-seller.
Um, have you selected a venue?
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. W: I’ve decided on the Bridgeport Convention Hall. It has
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 two meeting rooms large enough to accommodate
M: Hi. The recreational baseball team that I play on the 180 people who I estimate will sign up. I just need
needs a banner for an upcoming tournament. Here is to choose between a theater or classroom layout.
what it should look like. M: The classroom layout would be best, in my opinion.
W: Let’s see . . . The Panthers? Wait, didn’t I make a Having tables would make it easier for attendees to
banner for your team a few months ago . . . one with take notes.
a blue and green stripe along the bottom?
M: Yes. But last week there was a storm, and the banner Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
was pulled off the fence by the wind. It has a big tear directory.
in it now.
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
W: Oh, what a shame. I can have a new one ready by
M: Marie, an error was discovered on the time sheet you
Friday. But, um, before you leave . . . Why don’t
I show you how to securely attach a banner to a submitted last Thursday.
W: Really? What seems to be the issue?
fence? That way you can avoid similar issues in the
future. M: Wendy from the accounting department says you
entered more than the maximum allowed hours per
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. W: How odd. I’m fairly sure I wrote 200 hours on the
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 sheet, but maybe I’m wrong.
M: Jennifer, I’ve reviewed the product brochure draft for M: Perhaps. Anyway, you’ll have to submit a revised
the trade show. It looks good on the whole, but timecard. Also, Wendy usually handles such
I think we should slightly increase the size of our information, but she and Robert are on a business
logo. It’s rather small compared to everything else, trip together this week. So you should call the human
and I wanna make sure that it really stands out. resources manager to find out whom to submit the
W: Certainly, Mr. Harris. That shouldn’t be difficult to fix. document to.
I can print out a copy of the updated brochure and W: All right. And sorry about the problem. I’ll be sure not
bring it back to your office in about an hour. Is there to let it happen again.
anything else you want changed?
M: No, I think that’s all. However, I have a doctor’s Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
appointment just before lunchtime, so leave the comment card.
brochure with my assistant.
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 71-73 refer to the following radio broadcast. Questions 83-85 refer to the following talk.
영국식 발음 영국식 발음
This is Katie Jackson on T T Radio 96.1 FM, and it’s time I want to express how much we at Green Renewal
for your morning traffic report. Drivers heading into the appreciate all of you donating your time and energy to help
downtown area should take note that there is heavy us remove waste from the grounds of Pine Park. Your task
traffic on the Bayport Bridge. There was a collision this morning is to walk around the park and pick up the
involving three cars approximately 20 minutes ago at the litter that accumulated throughout the winter. You’ll be
south entrance to the bridge, resulting in the closure of doing this in groups of four, each of which will be assigned
two of the northbound lanes. Elsewhere, workers are to a specific area. We’d better get started right away. As
conducting routine repair work on the Harborview you can see, the park is quite large. If you all follow me to
Expressway, which is the other main road into the city’s the van parked next to that row of flowers, I’ll give the
business district. Motorists should expect delays of up to necessary equipment to everyone.
40 minutes. Clearing these backups will take about two
hours. In the meantime, it would be best to commute by Questions 86-88 refer to the following talk.
subway this morning.
호주식 발음
Although this is our organization’s first festival, we hope
미국식 발음 to hold many more in the future. Over the course of the
Welcome, everyone, to this orientation session for our
next three days, 20 films from around the world will be
institute’s certification course for Web software screened, including ones that have received recognition
developers. I’m Holly Bender, your teacher for the next at other major festivals. Moreover, we are pleased to
few weeks. Before we begin, I’d like to share some news inform everyone that we will be joined by legendary
with you. When your course is completed, you’ll each director Luke Norris. Mr. Norris, whose documentary
have a chance to consult with a career consultant to seek White Lines will air this evening, has graciously offered to
professional advice at no additional cost. It’ll be a great respond to questions during a meet and greet at
benefit to you all, so I hope you make the most of it. Now, 8 p.m. And, as a final reminder, feel free to head to the
let’s go ahead and start our first session. You should log lobby at any point to buy drinks and snacks.
on to our training system by entering the username and
password indicated on your name tags. Questions 89-91 refer to the following excerpt from a
Questions 77-79 refer to the following telephone 호주식 발음
message. As you may have heard, our art center is planning to
캐나다식 발음 display some works by Oscar Juan. I expect the show will
Hello, Ms. Hollandale. This is Shawn Reardon, your tax attract many potential buyers as well as some media
adviser, calling about your annual tax return. I was just attention. This is because Mr. Juan will be featured in an
going through the documents you provided, and issue of a national art magazine that comes out on
I realized that some figures are missing. Specifically, September 27, which is roughly one week before the
I don’t have any information about the income you earned exhibit here will begin. Um . . . the exhibition will run from
as a freelance photographer. These earnings obviously October 3 to October 14. As this will be our center’s most
have to be included in your tax return. Could you please important exhibit yet, it is crucial that everything goes
e-mail me copies of the receipts that you issued to your smoothly. Our curator will now show us some slides of
clients last year? I won’t be able to file your state and the paintings we will be displaying and provide some
federal tax forms until you’ve done this. Thank you. background information on each. This will hopefully give
us some ideas about how to organize the exhibit.
Questions 80-82 refer to the following advertisement.
호주식 발음 Questions 92-94 refer to the following talk.
Do you want the latest sports equipment at unbeatable 미국식 발음
prices? If so, come to Flynn Recreation, where we carry Welcome to this advanced sewing community education
Edmonton’s widest selection of athletic merchandise! No course. First, let me apologize for not showing up on
matter what activity you’re interested in, we’re confident time. I realized I left my class notes at my house while
that we’ll have the proper gear in stock. Moreover, if driving here, so I had to go home and get them.
you’re unhappy with something you purchased, no I promise that won’t happen again. Now, this course will
problem. So long as the item is not damaged, our in-store be held over a three-week period. During that time, you
staff will be happy to assist you. We’re now also offering will all have a chance to make either a dress or a suit
equipment rentals. With this new service, customers can jacket. It should be a lot of fun! Oh . . . And we previously
use our brand-name kayaks, mountain bikes, and kept fabric in the small closet near the door. However,
snowboards for seven days by paying a small fee. It’s that storage space was too small to hold everything.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
room with a view of the ocean at no additional charge.
Please contact me at 555-4024 to let me know whether
that would be suitable.
Questions 98-100 refer to the following telephone
message and credit card statement.
캐나다식 발음
charges you made to your company credit card in London
last month. I believe you were participating in the product
launch at the Riverside Electronics Exhibition. I received
your e-mail with the scans of the statements for your
airfare, meals, and accommodations, but there’s an issue
with one of the transactions. It is company policy that
staff can only charge a maximum of £30 per meal. It
would probably be best if we talked about this in person
rather than over the phone. Why don’t you stop by my
office tomorrow morning? Say around eleven? Thanks.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 04 5 캐나다식 발음
41 (A) 42 (B) 43 (C) 44 (B) 45 (D)
46 (B) 47 (C) 48 (B) 49 (C) 50 (D)
51 (C) 52 (B) 53 (D) 54 (D) 55 (C)
56 (D) 57 (C) 58 (D) 59 (D) 60 (B)
61 (B) 62 (D) 63 (A) 64 (A) 65 (C) 7 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
66 (D) 67 (C) 68 (B) 69 (C) 70 (D) Who is the vice president going to be replaced by?
71 (B) 72 (C) 73 (A) 74 (D) 75 (B) (A) Someone from another branch.
76 (B) 77 (B) 78 (A) 79 (C) 80 (B) (B) Edwin Jones is on my team.
81 (A) 82 (C) 83 (A) 84 (A) 85 (D) (C) It’s time to replace this computer.
86 (D) 87 (C) 88 (D) 89 (D) 90 (D)
8 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
91 (B) 92 (D) 93 (C) 94 (A) 95 (B)
Where should I take this business suit to have it
96 (B) 97 (C) 98 (B) 99 (C) 100 (A)
(A) Our hotel has a laundry service.
(B) I’m not sure which jacket to buy.
(C) The room will be thoroughly cleaned.
9 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
When are you going to get your passport renewed?
1 캐나다식 발음
(A) By transferring at Boston International Airport.
(A) He is washing some clothing.
(B) Please write down the password.
(B) He is emptying some cabinets.
(C) Hopefully, sometime this week.
(C) He is bending toward some dishware.
(D) He is closing a machine door.
10 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
2 영국식 발음
Did Mr. Mason check the loading dock for the
(A) They are conversing in a gallery.
(A) He’s down there now.
(B) They are admiring some artwork.
(B) Yes, it was nice to meet you.
(C) They are painting on a canvas.
(C) For moving the heavy box.
(D) They are pointing at a picture.
11 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
3 미국식 발음
Are you ready to go for a cup of coffee?
(A) An aircraft is on a runway.
(A) No. I need a few more minutes.
(B) Some passengers are boarding an airplane.
(B) That comes to $3.99.
(C) An airport is being renovated.
(C) OK, I’ll prepare the report.
(D) Some people are standing in an auditorium.
12 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
4 호주식 발음
Where did you meet Professor Klein?
(A) One of the garage doors is partially open.
(A) A university instructor.
(B) Trash cans have been piled along a street.
(B) We became acquainted at a conference.
(C) A sign has been posted beside a walkway.
(C) Wherever you want to dine.
(D) Some loose bricks are lying on the ground.
13 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(A) It’s not on our route. When would you like me to schedule your next
(B) That’s what I like about her. appointment?
(C) At this point, it’s almost certain.
(A) How about one week from now?
(B) Make a point of stopping by soon.
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (C) No, at Dr. Blaise’s clinic.
Will a technician move our fax machine later today?
(A) Some of their equipment was sent back. 25
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(B) He should arrive soon. I seem to have misplaced my office security badge.
(C) Tomorrow is supposed to be quite nice. (A) Set it down any place you want.
(B) You might want to let our supervisor know.
17 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (C) The guard was hired in April, I believe.
Where can I get some advice about investment
strategies? 26 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(A) I’d recommend looking online. Would you hold the front door open for me?
(B) Yes, you should invest. (A) Once I get back from Spain.
(C) The bank manager took them. (B) I’ve got a strong grasp of the subject.
(C) Sure, let me give you a hand.
18 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
CEO arrives? I’m trying to find my way to Grosvenor Station.
(A) No, I didn’t hear the phone ring. (A) Let me point it out on this map.
(B) I printed handouts for everybody. (B) Just leave it on the train.
(C) OK. I’ll begin when she gets here. (C) Thanks for dropping me off.
19 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 28 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
I’d like to incorporate a slide show presentation into Should I order protective equipment for the new
my speech. workers?
(A) The keynote speaker was excellent. (A) I don’t think they were locked.
(B) A projector will have to be set up. (B) Yes, after finding out their sizes.
(C) For a major corporation. (C) The amounts were almost equal.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Fiona. Everyone at the health center appreciates all telling them to do this.
the effort you’ve put in over the past month. How are
things going from your perspective? Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation.
W: Thanks, Mr. Simmons. I’m quite happy, actually. The
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
environment here is much more relaxed than the law
M: So, Ms. Greenly, where would you like me to take
office I worked at previously.
M: Great. That brings me to my other question . . . you next?
W: 4 49 King Street. I have an 11 a . m . appointment
Would you be willing to do some overtime next
month? Jack has booked some vacation time, so we scheduled with a few SoundDrive executives to talk
need another receptionist to cover for him on about a series of television commercials they want to
Saturdays. create.
W: U m, that might be OK. I’ll let you know for sure M: I’ll head there right away. And would you like me to
tomorrow. wait in front of the building until you’re done?
W: No. You can take your lunch break as I expect to be
there for a few hours. I’ll call you as soon as I’m
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation.
finished, and you can return for me then.
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: Sally, are you busy at the moment? If not, I’d really Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
appreciate a hand. I need to cut the boards that will
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
be used to build the deck in the backyard.
W: Do you have to do it right away? I’ve still got a few W: G ood morning. My name is Janice Walker, and
pieces of siding to attach to the house. I just ordered a sweater through your store’s Web
M: No, I can wait. I’m going to get the power saw from site. But I noticed that my credit card was charged
my truck and move it to the backyard. Let me know twice for that item. My order number is 44632.
when you are ready to begin. M: I’m really sorry about that, Ms. Walker. We have
been having some issues with our online payment
system today. I received several calls this morning.
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation
W: I understand. Uh, when can I expect to receive the
with three speakers.
amount I overpaid?
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: It will take a day or two to process the refund. Once it
W1: Welcome to the Easton Electronics Service Center. is completed, the system will send an automatic text
M: Hi. The lens on my digital camera is cracked, and I’d message notification to you.
like to get it fixed. I bought it last June.
W1: OK. But as the one-year warranty has expired, you’ll Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
have to pay for the full cost of the repairs.
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: Really? Yesterday, I stopped by the store I bought it
from, and I was assured that it was still under M: Anita, a man told me he’s having trouble using one of
warranty. the gas pumps. Could you provide him with some
W2: Excuse me, but did you say you bought it last June? assistance? He’s wearing a brown coat. I need to
M: Yes. stay at the cash register.
W2: T hen it is still covered. We offered a two-year W: I was going to put some bags of chips on the shelves,
extended warranty for that model as a special offer but I can do that afterward. Did the man give you any
last year. more specific information about his issue?
W1: Oh, I didn’t realize that. In that case, sir, I’ll just need M: He’s having trouble paying with his credit card. My
you to complete this form. guess is that he’s putting it in backwards. Why don’t
you try swiping it one more time? If that doesn’t work,
then maybe the card’s magnetic strip is damaged.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation. problems discovered during this stage would be
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 found during performance testing anyway.
M: Mandy, do you have any plans for Saturday evening? W: T hat’s true. Let’s get rid of that step, then. I’ll
The Milford Cinema is showing Paul Dorn’s latest announce the change later this morning when I tell
movie. employees about the new warehouse that will be built
W: That sounds wonderful. What time do you want to next year.
meet? I’m supposed to go to a museum with a friend
from 3 to 5 p.m., but I’ll be free after that. Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
M: I was thinking of going at 8 p.m. I’m having dinner with seating chart.
some colleagues that night, but we should be finished 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
before then. M: There’s been a last-minute change to our seating
W: OK. I’ll meet you at the theater at that time. And don’t chart for tonight’s Writer’s House Award Ceremony.
worry about the tickets . . . I’ll order them online W: How come?
today. You paid when we went to the amusement M: Apparently, Gregory Grimes, the director of the
park last month, so it’s my treat. Writer’s House Foundation, recently sprained his
ankle. He has asked to be seated at a table that is
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. easy to access.
W: OK. I will move him from the one directly in front of
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
W: Jordan, you know you’re responsible for making a the stage to the one closest to the entrance.
chocolate cake, right? Some very important M: Yes, that’ll definitely be more convenient.
customers have made a reservation for tonight, and W: Right. Now, I need you to wait near the entrance.
they’ve requested a fresh cake be prepared. When Mr. Grimes arrives, please tell him about the
M: Yes, I know. I measured the sugar, butter, salt, and relocation once he has a chance to check his coat.
cocoa powder a few minutes ago. However, the flour
jar on the counter is empty, so I can’t finish preparing Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
the ingredients. schedule.
W: There’s a bag in the pantry. You’ll see it just to the 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
right of the door. W: Mr. Rolling just informed me that one of our training
M: Oh, OK. Since I’m new here, I wasn’t sure where to sessions tomorrow has to be moved to the afternoon
look. I’ll go get it now. so the new staff can take a tour of the factory.
M: I say we reschedule the session beginning at
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. 9 o’clock. The material is quite complicated, and we
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 would have more time to cover it if we held the
M: Welcome to Central Hardware. Can I help you find workshop later in the day.
anything? W: I was thinking we should postpone the one on
W: Yes. I have a wood fence around my property, and warehouse regulations, but we can go with your
suggestion. On a side note, did you make the
I would like to coat it with something to protect it from
the rain. Do you have any suggestions? instructional booklet for the quality-control session?
M: Yeah. It’s in my office.
M: Colman Wood Stain is a good brand. It’s easy to
apply and not very expensive. W: Excellent. Please go and get it now. I’ll wait for you in
W: Great. Um, I don’t know how much to buy, though. the conference room.
I wrote down the fence measurements in a notebook,
but I forgot it at home.
M: We’re open until 7, so you have time to go home and
get it. Once I know the size of the fence, I can tell you PART 4
how much of the product you’ll need.
Questions 71-73 refer to the following talk.
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and 호주식 발음
flowchart. Hello, everyone. Now that we’ve departed from
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 Vancouver, I’d like to quickly explain some things to you
W: Sorry I’m late. Todd Benson from Prime Appliances all. Our ferry ride to Sydney is going to last about an hour
phoned to ask when he can expect to receive his and a half. Passengers are asked to remain on the
next shipment of microwaves from us. Anyway, what second level of the ferry, where there is plenty of seating.
do you want to talk about? The tour bus will be parked on the lower parking level,
M: Our factory’s quality-control protocol. Numerous but won’t be accessible during the ferry trip. Now, keep
managers have complained that the process takes your eyes open for humpback whales while we travel.
too long. This flowchart breaks down the various Over 100 live in the area, so you’re likely to see at least
steps involved. one.
W: Hmm . . . How might we improve it?
M: I think random product sampling is unnecessary. Any
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 74-76 refer to the following excerpt from a inspection. Anyway, I want to let you know about a
meeting. change related to your pool. Last Wednesday, I told you I
미국식 발음 need to put off the project because the tiles for the pool’s
edge weren’t available until next month. Well, there was
Next on the agenda for this month’s meeting is the issue
a miscommunication with my supplier. The shipment is
of package deliveries. As you all know, our apartment
scheduled to arrive tomorrow. If you’re okay with it, my
building will soon be changing its security policy, and
crew members will head over to your property on
delivery people will no longer be allowed to go past the
Thursday morning. One of them will give you the initial
lobby. Consequently, a new system is needed to make
sure you all get your packages. Beginning next month,
our daytime receptionist will accept parcels on everyone’s
behalf and leave a slip in individuals’ mail slots notifying Questions 89-91 refer to the following report.
them about the delivery. Items can be retrieved at the 영국식 발음
front desk at residents’ convenience. In sports news, the Bridgeport Rockets will play the
Greenville Tigers at 4 p . m . on August 18 in the
Questions 77-79 refer to the following announcement. championship game of the New England Soccer League
캐나다식 발음 Finals. There’s a lot of interest in this match, and it has
already sold out. During an interview on Weekly Sports
Hey, everyone. Can I have your attention for a moment? I
Update last week, David Polanski, the coach of the
want to let you know that workers will be stopping by our
Rockets, said that his team has signed several highly
law firm to make some repairs. After Sandra Boyd
skilled players this season, which will give it an
cleared out her belongings in preparation for her move to
advantage. I will talk a bit about them after a brief
our Dallas branch, some water damage was discovered
message from our sponsor. Stay tuned.
in her old office. Anyway, the workers will locate the
source of the leak, and replace a section of a wall. The
work will likely be very noisy, so we have scheduled it for Questions 92-94 refer to the following telephone
Saturday afternoon. message.
호주식 발음
Questions 80-82 refer to the following excerpt from a Andrew Cummings, my name is Matthew Schmitt, and
meeting. I’m contacting you on behalf of Gladstone Bank. Two
영국식 발음 weeks ago, we mailed you a notice about your car loan,
but you missed your scheduled monthly payment of
Before we return to work, I have a couple more points to
$220. As a result, a surcharge of $20 will be added to the
mention quickly. First, do you all remember when
fee. Please pay the new total by this Friday. You can do
I said I was thinking about having business cards printed
so online or over the phone. Meeting this deadline will
for the entire staff at our advertising agency? I told you
prevent further penalties. If you have any questions about
about the idea last month. Well, the company I looked
the matter, you can reach me directly at 555-8342. Thank
into was disappointing. I received some sample cards,
but the paper quality was very poor, so I’ll contact other
companies. I also want to talk about the free cultural
awareness training session that is being held two weeks Questions 95-97 refer to the following excerpt from a
from now. It’s open to professionals in any field, and it will meeting and chart.
take place at the Lowland Convention Center. It’d be 영국식 발음
good for each of you to participate. The latest version of the MarbleBot is our best-selling
smartphone ever. Like our previous models in this line, it
Questions 83-85 refer to the following introduction. has a fast processor and an advanced camera. But
미국식 발음 customers have been really impressed by the new
That was a wonderful speech that Jason Ferguson just fingerprint sensor. They also appreciate the long battery
gave. Um . . . the next part of tonight’s program is the life. Even our device’s main competitor only has an active
presentation of the Career Achievement Award. Each battery life of about 15 hours, so we’re well ahead in that
year at this gathering, we honor a member of our industry respect. And for those who haven’t heard,
who has raised the standards of journalism through many GadgetAssessor.com recently released its latest series
years of hard work. This year, our association has of product ratings. Among a list of a dozen cell phones,
decided to recognize an individual who started out as a the MarbleBot was ranked No. 1. The technology blog is
reporter and went on to write articles for news magazines. highly respected, so this is great news. Let’s figure out
Please congratulate the winner, Emmanuel Walker. some creative ways to publicize this achievement.
Questions 86-88 refer to the following telephone Questions 98-100 refer to the following telephone
message. message and inspection report.
캐나다식 발음
캐나다식 발음
Good morning, Ms. Prescott. It’s Adam Morris from Ms. Witten, it’s Ryan Tumbler from Lyndale Automotive.
Oakridge Pools calling. Sorry for not returning your call Since your family plans to drive from Phoenix to
yesterday, but I was tied up preparing a site for a final Las Vegas tomorrow, we’re prioritizing repairs to your
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 05 5 캐나다식 발음
41 (D) 42 (B) 43 (A) 44 (C) 45 (B)
46 (B) 47 (A) 48 (B) 49 (D) 50 (C)
51 (D) 52 (C) 53 (D) 54 (B) 55 (A)
56 (B) 57 (C) 58 (D) 59 (C) 60 (D)
61 (C) 62 (B) 63 (A) 64 (C) 65 (B) 7 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
66 (D) 67 (B) 68 (D) 69 (C) 70 (A) When are you planning to revise the schedule?
71 (A) 72 (C) 73 (B) 74 (D) 75 (A) (A) If you can help me.
76 (B) 77 (B) 78 (C) 79 (B) 80 (B) (B) A daily work plan.
81 (C) 82 (D) 83 (D) 84 (C) 85 (B) (C) Later this afternoon.
86 (D) 87 (C) 88 (D) 89 (B) 90 (D)
8 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
91 (C) 92 (C) 93 (C) 94 (B) 95 (D)
Who posted the recent announcement?
96 (B) 97 (C) 98 (B) 99 (B) 100 (A)
(A) About a meeting.
(B) The secretary did.
(C) Yes, it’s on the bulletin board.
PART 1 9 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(A) Only about 30 minutes.
1 영국식 발음
(B) I take a taxi.
(A) A woman is putting on a hat.
(C) To return some shoes.
(B) A woman is relaxing beneath some trees.
(C) A woman is jogging along a trail.
10 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(D) A woman is skiing on the snow.
Excuse me. Is this seat taken?
2 호주식 발음
(A) It’s not very comfortable.
(B) I don’t think so.
(A) The women are sipping their drinks.
(C) Please take only one pamphlet.
(B) The women are posing for a picture.
(C) One of the women is setting up camera
11 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
A holiday promotion is being offered now, right?
(D) One of the women is unwrapping a gift.
(A) The correct confirmation code.
3 캐나다식 발음
(B) Yes, I was promoted.
(C) No, it starts this weekend.
(A) Some people are exiting a greenhouse.
(B) Bouquets are being sold at an outdoor market.
12 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(C) A customer is talking with a florist.
Where is the new art gallery going to be opened?
(D) Women are browsing plants.
(A) We close daily at 10 p.m.
4 영국식 발음
(B) In SoHo, most likely.
(C) Art school was a great experience.
(A) An apron is hanging from a hook.
(B) Shelves have been stocked with merchandise.
13 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(C) The man is buying items at a cash register.
How long are these batteries supposed to last?
(D) The man is removing jars from a basket.
(A) Up to four months.
(B) No, it was the first one I bought.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Have you been to the Thai restaurant next to the (A) You’ll have to ask the ticketing agent.
subway station? (B) That’s only an hour from now.
(A) Sure. I can recommend several.
(C) An announcement for passengers.
(B) A chef will be arriving shortly.
(C) Not yet, but I’d like to go.
26 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(A) I’m looking forward to it also.
Why aren’t employees getting bonuses this quarter? (B) It was well-organized.
(A) Yes, sometime in December. (C) We are concerned about it too.
(B) Because the company can’t afford it.
(C) A promotion as well. 27
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
When do you expect to begin staff evaluations? (B) A magazine writer interviewed us.
(A) Oh, probably not until next Monday. (C) I saw it on the news last night.
(B) I’ll be leaving at 7 o’clock.
(C) We don’t expect any problems. 28 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
Can I get you anything to eat or drink?
19 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (A) On the back of the menu.
Who was the keynote speaker at the agricultural (B) Actually, I’ll wait until my friend arrives.
conference? (C) No, the lounge was very neat.
(A) Mr. Lowe is talking to some clients.
(B) The owner of an organic farm. 29 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) At an agricultural association. Has the supply store’s delivery van been repaired?
(A) Yes, and it is already being used again.
20 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 (B) It has lots of storage space.
The flavors in the main dish are a bit too strong. (C) Well, delivery will cost extra.
(A) I agree. They’re not to my taste.
(B) These dishes must be rinsed off very well. 30 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(C) When will you graduate from culinary school? We need to hire professionals to clean the windows.
(A) They sent us a billing statement.
21 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (B) Hang the sign a bit higher.
When did you begin accepting applications for the (C) I’ll inquire about services.
analysis job?
(A) Through the newspaper review. 31 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(B) Not long ago. Can you speak with Ms. Tanner, or should I call her?
(C) An important research grant. (A) I can’t remember what it’s called.
(B) I think I’ll just send her an e-mail.
22 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (C) The contract information is in this file.
This business plan summary turned out extremely
(A) Yes, it’s very thorough.
(B) Why does it keep turning off?
(C) The planning committee is running late.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
M: Good morning. I don’t have a reservation, but I would Questions 44-46 refer to the following conversation
like to rent a car for a couple of days. Do you have with three speakers.
anything available? 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
W: We do. What size car are you looking for? W1: Hey, Randy. Doesn’t your shift start at 9 o’clock?
M: Something spacious enough for four people. Also, is M: Yeah, I came in early this morning to unpack the
it possible to get a vehicle with a large trunk? We Digi 5 game consoles. They just arrived, and we
have quite a bit of luggage. need to get them on the shelves.
W: O f course. The CX2 sedan seats five people W1: I see. Here . . . I’ll help.
comfortably and has plenty of storage space. If you’re W2: S orry to interrupt. I know we don’t open for five
interested in that vehicle, we can begin filling out the more minutes, but some customers have already
necessary paperwork. I’ll just need to see your credit started to form a line at the door. They’re here for
card and driver’s license in order to proceed. the Digi 5.
W1: I was going to keep stocking the shelves after we
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation. opened, but we’d better finish soon if people are
lined up.
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
M: Maybe one of us should ask Richard to give us a
W: Spectrum Color Services. This is Danielle, what can I
do for you today?
W2: I can do that.
M: Hello, I was wondering if you could tell me how much
M: Thanks. He should be in the storeroom.
you charge to paint a living room.
W: That would depend on the size of the room and the
type of paint you choose. If you can give me that Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
information, I could provide you with an estimate. 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
M: Well, I just want basic white paint, but I’m not certain W: Colson, the Winchester branch of our cinema will
about the size of the room. I’ll go measure it right now need more personnel for the summer. Maybe we
and call you back in about 10 minutes. should hire three additional employees for the
evening and weekend shifts.
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation. M: Yeah . . . This is the busiest time of the year. Could
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
you make a job posting? Just include a brief
description of the position and list our required
M: Tricia, these necklaces are very impressive. Do you
plan to sell them at your friend’s boutique like your
W: Sure. I’ll try to finish it before I break for lunch.
other pieces?
M: That’d be ideal. I’ll review it when you are finished,
W: Yes. However, I feel as though my designs aren’t
and then add it to our company Web site later this
getting enough attention. So, I’m considering sending
in an application to attend this year’s National
Jewelry Expo to better advertise my work.
M: That’s a great idea. You could attract a lot of Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
customers. 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
W: You think so? But, um . . . the booth rental fee is M: Hello, I’m calling to reserve three tickets for the Wild
$600. That seems quite expensive. Animals guided tour at Jungle Wonderland this
M: Numerous people have used exposure from that coming Saturday. How much will that cost?
event to help boost their businesses. I’m sure the W: It’s $40 per person. The tour begins at 9 a.m. and will
same would happen for you. last two and a half hours.
W: You’re right . . . I’m gonna download the application M: Hmm . . . That’s higher than I had expected. Have
form now and fill it out. your rates changed recently? My friend went on the
same tour last month, and she said it cost $32 per
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. person.
영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
W: She must have our Jungle Wonderland Annual Pass
Card. Cardholders automatically receive a
W: I’d like to discuss a recent assignment that you
20 percent discount on admission and tours in the
collaborated with the marketing team on.
wildlife preserve for a year.
M: No problem. Is there something specific you’d like to
W: Yes, there is. You included an incorrect location in Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.
this online advertisement. It states that there will be a 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
sale at our Seattle branch on July 22. However, the M: Erin, I met up with our realtor a few hours ago. He
sale is actually going to be at our Portland branch. showed me a vacant space that would be perfect for
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
our recording studio. M: Yeah, that’s fine. After you enter the park, go to
W: Was the unit in a building on Ferguson Avenue? If so, Rollercoaster Mountain. It’s right next to Water
I received an e-mail from him about the vacancy last World. And I’ll stop by the visitor center on my way to
night. find out what time the parade begins today.
M: Yes, that’s the one. The space has a very practical
layout. Plus, there is enough room for a reception area Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
and a private office. I was even introduced to the building directory.
owner of the building, Janet Davidson. She was quite
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
welcoming and professional.
W: That sounds promising. Would you arrange another W: E xcuse me. I’m scheduled to meet with Harvey
showing for tomorrow? I’d like to see the property Pinkerton. However, the office listed for him on the
too. directory here in the lobby is incorrect. I went up to
the second floor, but someone else was using that
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. M: Oh, I’m very sorry for the inconvenience. Mr. Pinkerton
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 was recently transferred from marketing to sales, so
M: Have you loaded the scuba gear into the boat yet? he moved to another floor.
We need enough equipment to take 10 people on a W: I see . . . Well, where is his new office?
diving trip. M: He’s in Mr. Olsen’s old office, which is down the hall
W: Yeah, but I discovered a crack in one of the masks. and to the right.
M: Really? That’s a problem since the other dive group W: OK, I’ll head there now. Thanks.
has taken all the spare ones with them.
W: H mm . . . Splash World, the dive supply shop, is Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
really close to here. If they have any in stock, I can floor plans.
go pick one up. Why don’t you give them a call and
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
see if they have what we need?
M: Good idea! I’ll get right on that. Only . . . do you know M: I’m very happy to have you join our engineering firm,
Ms. Doyle. You have a lot of experience designing
the store’s phone number?
W: No, but I bet Reggie does. Web sites, so I’m sure you will play an important role
in our upcoming projects.
W: Well, I very much look forward to working here too.
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation with M: Regarding your new office, we currently have four
three speakers. available spaces that you can choose from. Do you
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 → 영국식 발음 have any particular requirements for your
M: I think I’m ready for a new cell phone. Do either of workspace?
you have any recommendations? W: Well, I plan to hold regular meetings in my office with
W1: My phone has worked out great—the ShockPhone 20. my team, so the bigger the better . . . Plus, a window
It’s fast, and it has a modern design. would be nice.
M: I’ve heard that model’s great, but it’s out of my M: We have one that should meet your needs. You can
budget. move your things in after I show you around our
W2: Mine’s a PlusTouch 50. It’s pretty basic, but it’s only headquarters.
M: The less expensive one sounds better. I’ll purchase
one at Harbor Cellular this weekend.
W1: I heard that store is closed for renovations this PART 4
W2: Looks like you’ll have to go to Graystone Electronics
Questions 71-73 refer to the following advertisement.
instead. Fortunately, it’s having a sale.
미국식 발음
M: Thanks for the information. I wasn’t aware about
Harbor’s closing. Join us at the Suarez Performing Arts Center for a
one-evening performance by world-renowned violinist
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and Wan Cheol Shin. Mr. Shin will perform an evening of
classical pieces and modern works accompanied by the
amusement park map.
San Bernardo Symphony Orchestra. Recordings of
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
Mr. Shin’s music will be available for purchase after the
W: Hold on, Craig. I need to head back to the car before concert. Doors for the concert open at 7:20 p . m .
entering the park. tomorrow, April 9. For tickets and reservations, please
M: What for? call the box office at 555-7219. Don’t miss out on your
W: I just realized that I left my camera in my car. chance to see Wan Cheol Shin performing live. Make
I definitely want to have that on me today. your reservations today!
M: OK, but I’d rather not walk all the way to our parking
spot. It’s on the far end of the lot.
W: Well, we’ve already purchased our tickets, so why
don’t I just meet you inside?
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 74-76 refer to the following talk. know. You can check out details and photos of the space
영국식 발음 by visiting www.dallasrecreation.gov. Thanks, and have a
Good morning, and welcome to this seminar on European great day.
clothing trends. I will be your lecturer today. My name is
Caroline LeGrand, and I head the design department at Questions 86-88 refer to the following talk.
Tyler Sharp Apparel. I’m delighted to see such a large 호주식 발음
turnout here today, as I will be discussing a very My name is Samir Nasser, and I’m a consultant and
interesting topic that affects everyone within the fashion motivational speaker. I’ve been invited here by your
industry. All of you were handed a copy of today’s employer to speak about how developing strong
program, which outlines everything that will take place. communication skills can improve your work life. As
The lecture should last about two hours and take us right telemarketers for a software company, your ability to
into lunch at noon. Then, the afternoon session will get communicate with customers is obviously an essential part
underway at 1 o’clock. For that segment, another fashion of your job. It enables you to express your thoughts clearly
designer, Liv Holbein, will give a slide show presentation. and concisely, which will in turn improve clients’
OK, now let’s begin. confidence in you. But communication skills are not only
important when it comes to increasing sales. They’re also
Questions 77-79 refer to the following announcement. crucial for fostering healthy work relationships. In fact,
the number one cause of workplace conflict is poor
호주식 발음
Hello, everyone. This morning marks the first time the communication. To help prevent such issues, I’d like us all
Norfield Planetarium has been accessible to the public to participate in some activities together aimed at
following renovations and improvements. Upon entering strengthening interactions between colleagues.
the building, you’ll be pleased to see that the majority of
its sections have been completely redone. Our main Questions 89-91 refer to the following news report.
exhibit hall, for instance, now features a variety of 영국식 발음
educational displays that you can interact with through My name is Anita Busby, and you’re tuned in to Channel
touchscreen technology. To commemorate this special 9 News. Today’s top story is on Williamton’s Citizen of the
day, astronomer and local professor Shane Donner is Year Award. This year’s recipient is Maude Evans, owner
going to talk a bit about the findings from his recent study of Gately Automotive Dealership right here in Williamton.
on star formation. Although the talk was supposed to Ms. Evans has been selected for the award in recognition
begin five minutes ago, Mr. Donner is just finishing up of her charitable work in the Williamton community. Over
some preparations. So, you all are free to check out the the previous six months, she has devoted much of her
exhibit across the hall until further notice. personal time to collecting donations for Memorial
Hospital, a local health care facility. Moreover, Ms. Evans
Questions 80-82 refer to the following announcement. is also raising money in hopes of helping to establish the
미국식 발음 city’s first performing arts center. The award will be
I have a quick announcement. After receiving a few presented to Ms. Evans on September 22 at a dinner
hosted by the Williamton City Council. The event will be
complaints, I had a technician look at our old shredder
this morning. It appears that there is a serious problem attended by community leaders and city government
with its cutting blades, and it has effectively stopped
working. I know this is a major inconvenience for you all.
However, I’ve contacted Mellor Supplies, and a delivery Question 92-94 refer to the following telephone
will be made this week. If you need to shred anything in message.
the meantime, just use the one in the accounting 호주식 발음
department’s office on the third floor. Staff there have Sally, it’s Richard Holsten. We need to find a location for
been notified that some of you may make use of the our department’s Christmas party. This morning,
machine. All right, that’s all for now. I called Golden China—the restaurant we discussed
yesterday—but the manager said that 30 seats are not
Questions 83-85 refer to the following telephone available on that day. They could host us if we broke up
message. into smaller groups . . . but that’s not really a good option.
캐나다식 발음 It’d be great if you could call the new place that opened
Hello. This is Tyrone Dyson calling from the city of on Jefferson Street—Jacob’s Steak House.
Dallas’s Department of Parks and Recreation. I received I heard they have a private party room. I’d contact the
your message yesterday about possibly reserving the place myself, but I’m headed to the airport now. With the
main room at the Pointer Park Community Center for a event coming up in only three weeks, we need to make a
gathering on Saturday, September 2. Unfortunately, reservation as soon as possible.
another group has already booked the space for that
specific date you requested. However, I’ve contacted Questions 95-97 refer to the following talk and
Dallas’s other community center near Gleeson Park and illustration.
was informed that they do have a space available at that 영국식 발음
time. If you are interested in booking that room, let me I’d like to share the latest updates regarding our fast food
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Welcome to Entertainment News. The organizer of the
annual Calgary Music Festival has announced an
interesting addition to the lineup of daily headliners. The
press release from Lisa Gomez, who is in charge of
booking acts, stated that international superstar
DJ James Money will join his former partner Karl Slocum
for the first time in over a decade at the festival. This is
very exciting news for local music lovers. Viewers
interested in attending should purchase tickets soon, as
they are likely to sell out quickly. A pass for the entire
festival costs $49, while tickets for individual concerts
cost $30. And remember, half of the proceeds will be
donated to a local orphanage, so you will be supporting a
worthy cause while enjoying some great music.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 06 5 미국식 발음
41 (C) 42 (B) 43 (A) 44 (C) 45 (B) (D) Some baskets have been stacked in a truck.
46 (D) 47 (A) 48 (D) 49 (B) 50 (A)
51 (C) 52 (C) 53 (B) 54 (A) 55 (C)
56 (D) 57 (C) 58 (B) 59 (C) 60 (D) PART 2
61 (B) 62 (D) 63 (C) 64 (A) 65 (C)
66 (B) 67 (A) 68 (D) 69 (B) 70 (D) 7
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
71 (C) 72 (B) 73 (C) 74 (B) 75 (D) How far is the drive to Los Angeles?
76 (C) 77 (D) 78 (D) 79 (A) 80 (A) (A) I’ve lived there for a long time.
81 (C) 82 (B) 83 (C) 84 (D) 85 (B) (B) We decided to ride together.
(C) It’s about 50 kilometers from here.
86 (D) 87 (A) 88 (A) 89 (B) 90 (C)
91 (A) 92 (A) 93 (D) 94 (C) 95 (C)
8 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
96 (B) 97 (D) 98 (D) 99 (C) 100 (A)
What assignment were you given?
(A) Proofreading some articles.
(B) Sam was appointed to the position.
(C) There is still a lot to do.
9 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
The train to Milan has already left.
1 캐나다식 발음
(A) A round-trip ticket, please.
(A) The woman is folding a document.
(B) When is the next one?
(B) The woman is operating a machine.
(C) Arrival times are listed on the board.
(C) The woman is installing equipment.
(D) The woman is reading a newspaper.
10 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
2 미국식 발음
Where will the workshop be conducted?
(A) Right after lunch.
(A) The man is plugging in a cord.
(B) Yes, I thought it was interesting.
(B) The man is handling a power tool.
(C) In meeting room four.
(C) A hard hat is sitting on a shelf.
(D) Tiles are being laid on the floor.
11 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
3 호주식 발음
Is Ms. Landrey going to wait for us in the lobby or
come up to the office?
(A) A customer has approached a check-in counter.
(A) I think she’ll meet us in the lobby.
(B) A customer is unpacking a suitcase.
(B) The lady in the blue jacket.
(C) Ticketing agents are stationed across from each
(C) She can ask the waiter about the specials.
(D) Ticketing agents are inspecting some baggage.
12 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
4 영국식 발음
I was wondering if you have an available room for
two nights.
(A) Curtains are hanging from both walls.
(A) Yes, this is the hotel’s Web site.
(B) A stage is prepared for a concert.
(B) There are no more vacancies, sorry.
(C) Chairs are arranged in a classroom.
(C) To pay for the accommodations.
(D) A microphone is being set up at a podium.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
(B) We walked down the beach. Who’s conducting the quarterly team meeting?
(C) They should take the boat. (A) It hasn’t been working for several days.
(B) From 9 o’clock until noon.
14 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (C) Weren’t you asked to do it?
Who can I talk to about this faulty product?
(A) What’s the phone number? 24 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(B) I’ll call a manager over. Don’t you normally use a travel agent to arrange
(C) All our devices come with a warranty. business trips?
(A) No, it has been canceled.
15 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (B) I usually book tickets online.
Is Ms. Yoon going to make an announcement? (C) To inspect the new production plant.
(A) I already told her about them.
(B) No, someone else made the coffee. 25 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(C) Yes, within the next hour. Have you been to the company’s new offices yet?
(A) We have been to that cinema.
16 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (B) These records are old.
(C) I visited them yesterday.
I should talk with a financial advisor.
(A) I can recommend someone to you.
26 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(B) It was a profitable investment.
(C) Let’s talk about the party later. Would you like some help with your suitcase,
17 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (A) I’ll help Matt around noon.
Why did the organizer cancel the seminar? (B) Be sure to bring enough clothes.
(A) Not enough people signed up. (C) That won’t be necessary.
(B) He’ll need to get a refund.
(C) Two weeks after the event. 27 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
18 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 pass.
This is the final edition of the journal, isn’t it? (A) Why are there markings on the contract?
(A) Yes, we finally arrived. (B) Really? I always thought it did.
(B) A new addition to the team. (C) The valet is retrieving your vehicle.
(C) Yes, it’s the last one.
28 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
19 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 How did the new employees’ training go for
When does your new fitness class start? everyone?
(A) I witnessed an accident. (A) Because it’s raining outside.
(B) At Macy’s Gym. (B) To learn about our computer systems.
(C) I decided not to take it. (C) There haven’t been any problems yet.
How many of these files do you need to copy? Do you need someone to pick you up at the airport?
(A) Just fill out this information card. (A) I picked out a second necktie.
(B) All of them, actually. (B) No, the flight was very affordable.
(C) No, it’s the original copy. (C) Oh, I’ll just find a taxi there.
Wouldn’t it take less time if we sent the letters by Where can I sign up for the tour?
courier? (A) Do you mean the one of the factory?
(A) Yes, but have you considered the cost? (B) Sign at the bottom of the contract.
(B) I’m sending them the goods. (C) We should hire a guide.
(C) They only have carry-on luggage.
31 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
make up for the inconvenience, though, I can take 15 M: Yes, we are still trying to fill the position. We’re asking
percent off your final bill. all applicants to provide us with a cover letter and a
W: OK. I’ll make time on Thursday then. copy of their résumé before May 14, which is the
deadline for submissions. So, could you send those
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation. documents to me at [email protected]?
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
W: Oh, good. Yes, I’ll e-mail you those items later today.
I’d appreciate it if you could notify me when you
M: A group of investors will be stopping by the office in
receive them.
five days. While they’re here, I want someone to give
a presentation to them on our recent expansion into
the South American market. Would you be willing to Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
do that? 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
W: Normally, I would be. However, my team is working W: Hi. I recently bought a protective cover for my laptop
on another assignment, which is due in a few days. computer on your Web site. However, I’d like to
Unfortunately, I won’t have enough time to take on exchange it. The one I purchased is too small.
both tasks before the investors arrive. M: So long as the item isn’t damaged, we’re happy to
M: Oh, that’s right! I forgot you’re conducting research exchange it for you. However, you’ll be charged for
for a financial analysis. Well, the presentation is more the extra shipping and handling fees related to your
pressing than the analysis, so please prioritize that. request.
You should work on the other assignment later. W: That’s fine. I’m also hoping you can help me figure
out which case will fit my computer.
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation. M: If you provide the brand name and model of your
laptop, I can look up the proper item code. You can
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
then use the code to search for the product on our
W: Hello. I have a reservation at your resort. My name is
Web site.
Wanda Fleming.
M: Welcome to the Oasis Hotel. Let me check our
database for your booking . . . That’s odd. I don’t see Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation
your name, Ms. Fleming. with three speakers.
W: Really? I booked it on your Web site earlier in the day 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 → 호주식 발음
while I was in Boston. Here’s the receipt. W: I really appreciate you two coming so quickly. I just
M: Hmm . . . Yes, this looks accurate. called the roadside assistance hotline 5 minutes
W: Then, why isn’t it in your records? ago.
M: Did you receive any error messages when you made
M1: W e were already in the area helping a person
the booking?
W: No . . . nothing like that. I’m a little worried, since the whose truck wouldn’t start.
room has already been charged to my card. M2: Now, what seems to be the problem with your car?
M: I’ll get my manager. This is an unusual case, so she’ll W: Well . . . I’ve got a flat tire, so I guess you’ll have to
have to help you. tow my car to a garage.
M2: That won’t be necessary if you have a spare in the
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. trunk.
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 W: Um . . . Let me see. Yeah, everything’s good to go.
M: It’s Mitchell Joyce calling. Is the consumer research M1: In that case, we can help you change the tire. It
report for Vector Shoes ready yet? I’ll be consulting shouldn’t take us very long.
with the company’s director tomorrow, and I’d like to
show it to him.
W: The report is nearly finished. I’m just waiting for some
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
W: Well, neither of the two largest poles came in the
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. box. I have the other poles and pegs but am unable
to assemble the tent.
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
M: This is Liam Gates calling from Ondine Bank. We are M: I apologize for the inconvenience, ma’am. We’ll
hosting our annual awards ceremony next month, gladly provide you with the missing parts if you bring
and my associate strongly suggested using your your receipt to our shop within 30 days.
company. I was wondering if we could meet this W: All right. I’ll do that this afternoon since my office is
week to discuss the possibility of your business near the shopping center your store is in.
catering the event.
W: I would be happy to do that, Mr. Gates. Most of my Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
afternoons this week are free. map.
M: What about tomorrow? Could you meet me here at 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
our headquarters on Larson Avenue at two? M: Excuse me. I’ve got a package for one of the tenants
W: That’s fine. But, before we meet, I suggest you take a of this apartment complex, but I can’t find the
look at our Web site. There are examples of menus building. Here is the address.
we’ve prepared in the past as well as price lists. It W: L et me see . . . Oh, that’s the one between the
should give you a better idea of what types of food playground and the flower garden. Just follow the
we offer. path through the flower garden to get to it. Um,
wasn’t there a security guard at the entrance to give
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. you directions?
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 M: There was, but I didn’t think to ask. This complex is a
lot bigger than I expected.
M: I just had a meeting with our restaurant manager. He
said that all the staff working in the dining area will W: Yeah, it is quite large. And it is going to get even
bigger. A building with another 100 units will be going
have to wear uniforms starting next month. What do
you think about that? up in front of the parking lot next January.
W: Why not? Employees in other establishments wear
them to look more presentable and organized. And
think of the time it’ll save us every morning. We won’t
have to figure out what to wear to work anymore. PART 4
M: You’re probably right. It’ll also be easier for
customers to identify staff if we’re all wearing the Questions 71-73 refer to the following announcement.
same type of clothing. 영국식 발음
W: I just hope the uniforms aren’t uncomfortable to wear.
Welcome to the Stanbridge Museum of History. Drop by
our information counter in the lobby to pick up a facility
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and map and a brochure with details on our current exhibits.
schedule. Also, don’t forget to check out our newest display,
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 Art of the Ancient Egyptians, located on the second floor
M: Leanne, I heard that you will be showing up late in Hall D. This exhibit runs for this month only, with
tomorrow. How come? artifacts on loan from museums around the globe. And at
W: I’ll be getting an annual health check up in the the end of your visit at the museum, browse through our
morning. Our supervisor gave me permission to do gift shop. As guests, you will qualify for 10 percent off any
so. purchase if you present your admission ticket!
M: I see. Will you be here before 10 a.m.? Our convention
center is hosting the Bayport Architectural
Conference, so we have a lot of preparations to
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 74-76 refer to the following announcement. Questions 86-88 refer to the following excerpt from a
캐나다식 발음 meeting.
Before we leave for the day, I’d like to remind everyone 미국식 발음
that our second office will open next week. The new Good afternoon, everyone. I just met with the customer
furniture has been delivered and our moving date has service manager to discuss the response to our newest
been scheduled. Those of you transferring will need to e-book reader—the Universe Plus. The Universe Plus is
return your ID badges, pick up new security clearance our most advanced model ever, so it was expected to be
tags, and update your listings in the employee directory. well received. Yet, many customers complained about it.
Also, don’t forget to inform your clients. You’ll be getting They say the screen is too dark and the operating system
new telephone numbers soon. If you have any questions is overly complicated. Not much can be done about the
about things like the office layout or available facilities, screen until the next annual release, but I’m hoping our
contact George Jennings, who is overseeing operations team can address the software problem. I’m going to
at the new office. e-mail all of you copies of the complaints now. I’d like you
to look over them together and think of some ways to
Questions 77-79 refer to the following telephone address the problem.
미국식 발음 Questions 89-91 refer to the following advertisement.
This is Gwen Stevens from Horizon Landscaping calling 영국식 발음
for Paul Carranza. We’ve come up with several proposals Are you looking for a bargain on furniture? Look no further
for the design of your building’s courtyard. than Fair Value. Located in downtown Astoria, Fair Value
I would like to install a decorative fountain in the middle stocks quality pre-owned merchandise for the office and
of the space. I also suggest planting a variety of flowers home. Nowhere else will you find items like conference
along the courtyard’s main path. That will make the space tables and sofas at such affordable prices. Not only that,
feel very relaxing. If you don’t care for that idea, however, but all paying customers receive instant membership to our
I have sketches of other possible designs as well. Could online auction site at www.fairvalue.com. Come into Fair
you call me back and let me know what would be a good Value this holiday weekend, and we’ll also include free
time for us to meet and go through the proposals? Thank delivery for purchases of $600 or more.
you for this opportunity, and I look forward to getting
started. Questions 92-94 refer to the following talk.
캐나다식 발음
Questions 80-82 refer to the following introduction. As most of you are aware, the provincial government has
호주식 발음 hired our firm to develop a new tourism campaign for British
Welcome to the annual Olympia Health Association Columbia. It will target consumers in the US, Mexico, and
meeting. It’s surprising that so many of you made it Canada. We will emphasize how British Columbia can
despite the storm. I’m happy to say that we have a very offer travelers a fairly priced, enjoyable holiday. We plan
special guest with us tonight—Dr. Mildred Jenkins. Not to launch the campaign this spring, so we need to get
only was Dr. Jenkins the first female heart surgeon to set everything set up soon. Our team will be responsible for
up a practice in Olympia, but she was also our finding corporate sponsors. We plan to work in
association’s first female president and the founder of our partnership with airlines, hotel chains, and other tourism-
program to improve heart health among children in the based businesses to develop a special promotional
city. However, I’m sure most of you already knew that. As campaign. So, for our next meeting, you all need to come
for tonight, Dr. Jenkins will give us an update about her up with lists of potential companies that we should get in
ongoing initiative to remove unhealthy snacks from local touch with.
schools. Now, without further ado, let’s welcome Dr.
Jenkins to the stage. Questions 95-97 refer to the following talk and graph.
호주식 발음
Questions 83-85 refer to the following announcement. Thank you all for joining Synergy’s trial session. As you
캐나다식 발음 know, we produce bookkeeping programs for small
Could I have everyone’s attention for a few moments? companies such as yours. Well, in February, we’re
I just want to go over a couple of reminders before we replacing our best-selling program with a successor.
start our shift. First, our order of new protective goggles Ledger Pro—the new application—builds upon the
has arrived. So, please pick up a pair before heading to strengths of our top program and adds features that were
the factory floor. Also, we have an inspection on Friday, requested in the customer experience surveys we
so make sure to report any equipment problems to the conducted last quarter. For the test session, we’ll update
technical department as soon as possible. That way, they your systems to Ledger Pro, and you will simply continue
will have sufficient time to make repairs before the to perform your bookkeeping duties as you have in the
inspection takes place. Finally, please ensure that your past. If you come across any unfamiliar features, just let
work areas are tidy and in order before you go home someone from our firm know, and we’ll walk you through
today. them.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 07 5 호주식 발음
41 (B) 42 (D) 43 (A) 44 (D) 45 (C)
46 (B) 47 (A) 48 (B) 49 (C) 50 (A)
51 (D) 52 (C) 53 (D) 54 (B) 55 (C)
56 (B) 57 (D) 58 (B) 59 (B) 60 (D)
61 (A) 62 (A) 63 (C) 64 (A) 65 (C) 7 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
66 (D) 67 (C) 68 (A) 69 (D) 70 (C) It isn’t time for the training session yet, is it?
71 (D) 72 (B) 73 (B) 74 (B) 75 (A) (A) We have another half an hour.
76 (C) 77 (A) 78 (B) 79 (A) 80 (C) (B) Ms. Rodriguez is leading it.
81 (A) 82 (B) 83 (A) 84 (C) 85 (D) (C) I believe it’s in the meeting room.
86 (B) 87 (C) 88 (C) 89 (B) 90 (D)
8 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
91 (C) 92 (A) 93 (D) 94 (B) 95 (D)
Would you mind trading seats with me?
96 (D) 97 (A) 98 (B) 99 (C) 100 (A)
(A) Sure, no problem at all.
(B) Oh, up near the stage.
(C) For a trading firm.
PART 1 9 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
1 미국식 발음
(A) I enjoy working as a cook.
(A) She is giving a menu to a guest.
(B) Whatever you’re eating.
(B) She is setting a table for a meal.
(C) I brought it back yesterday.
(C) She is pouring water into a glass.
(D) She is flipping a light switch.
10 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
2 호주식 발음
Have you decided on a venue for the marketing
(A) Some people are removing their hats.
(A) The market is a major tourist attraction.
(B) Some people are filling up a basket.
(B) Yes, but not very much.
(C) One of the people is moving a food stall.
(C) I can’t find anything suitable.
(D) One of the people is kneeling on the sand.
11 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
3 캐나다식 발음
Do you know when our rehearsal is supposed to
(A) Some rope is hanging from a cliff.
(B) Some people are camping near a mountain.
(A) We’ll start at noon.
(C) Climbing gear is being purchased.
(B) The lead actress is Julie Stone.
(D) A man is resting his hand on a rock.
(C) It will be our rehearsal.
4 영국식 발음
12 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(A) Reading materials have been placed on a rack.
Haven’t you worked as a corporate lawyer?
(B) A man is holding a pair of scissors.
(A) Where is the law office?
(C) One of the women is trimming a client’s hair.
(B) Only for a few years.
(D) One of the women is sitting under a dryer.
(C) Let’s visit the headquarters.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
(C) I have confirmed your stay. I can drop you off at the airport this weekend.
(A) Only if it’s convenient for you.
14 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (B) Yes, from my travel agent.
Why is the videoconference equipment turned on? (C) The files are quite important.
(A) It was a very informative conference.
(B) For another couple of hours. 24 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) The IT team is conducting a test on it. We require receipts for all exchanges.
(A) To inquire about an event.
15 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (B) You’ll be pleased with this item.
Where should I go to photocopy these forms? (C) OK. I have mine with me.
(A) The print shop down the block.
(B) They need 10 pages. 25 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(C) No, sign on the dotted line.
(A) No, Pete took care of that yesterday.
(B) Mr. Mack will distribute the programs.
16 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
Which cities will Ms. Arden be visiting during her (C) They’re from the questionnaires.
upcoming trip?
(A) At a recent meeting. 26 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(B) Everyone had a lot of fun. Why did you decide to rename your company?
(C) I haven’t seen her itinerary. (A) Customers really like that product.
(B) The previous name seemed outdated.
17 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (C) It sells custom jewelry.
How did you learn to speak German so well?
(A) The speaker was very engaging. 27 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(B) By taking classes in college. Should I close the window, or do you want it open?
(C) We didn’t earn much. (A) Well, it is quite hot in here.
(B) I want to see it too.
18 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (C) It’s very close to my apartment.
Where do you want to store these boxes of paper?
(A) For the office printers. 28 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(B) I sent out for them. Could you put together a short presentation for the
(C) In the reception area for now. auto expo?
(A) The car is fully automatic.
19 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (B) Just put them in the showroom.
When should I print out the contract for you to (C) I think so, but not until Monday.
(A) He will sign the contract. 29 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(B) Anytime this afternoon. What did the realtor say about the condominium?
(C) No problem, just pick it up. (A) A property management firm.
(B) No serious offers have been made on it.
20 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (C) The one located in Woodrow Tower.
These tables will have to be set for the banquet.
(A) Yes, I’m planning to come. 30 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(B) Try adjusting the settings. When is the office dress code going to go into effect?
(C) How long will that task take? (A) Let’s discuss that at the morning meeting.
(B) Salespeople must wear black shirts.
21 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (C) Our business address has not changed.
Aren’t you conducting a safety inspection next week?
(A) Yes, we got a good evaluation. 31 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
returns. Thanks. W: I just found out that some of my relatives will be in
town then. I have to entertain them during their visit.
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation. M: Well, you’re welcome to bring them along. I’m sure
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
they would enjoy the experience, as the festival has a
lot of fun activities. Last year, I even harvested my
M: Hello. I purchased this set of plates here on Monday.
own pumpkin to carve!
When I got home and took them out of the box, I
noticed that one of them is broken.
W: I can assist you with that. If you can provide proof of Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
purchase, I would be happy to replace the set or give 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
you a refund. Which would you prefer? W: Mr. Warner, I’m wondering if I could have the day off
M: I’d like to get another set. However, before you on Thursday. I need to go to the dentist for a
complete the transaction, can I grab some wine checkup.
glasses that I want to purchase as well? M: That’s not a good day for you to be gone, as we’re
W: Certainly. Just come back to the customer service having a public relations workshop then. Everyone in
desk once you’re ready to check out. our department is required to attend. You’d better
possibly schedule your appointment for Friday or
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation. next Monday.
영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
W: That’s right! I completely forgot. In that case, I can
call the clinic and ask if they have an opening on
W: Dennis, how much longer will it be until the entrées
Friday instead. I’m sure they will be able to
for Table 5 are ready?
accommodate my request.
M: At least 15 minutes. I’m . . . ah . . . I’m struggling to
keep up with orders since we’re short-staffed today.
W: I know it’s not your fault, but the customers have Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
been waiting for almost an hour . . . One of them just 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
left. M: Ms. Bont, this is Maurice Martin from Red Publishing.
M: Sorry, but I don’t know what to tell you. I’m doing the W: Good morning, Mr. Martin. Are you calling about my
best I can. manuscript?
W: In that case, I think we’d better give them a discount M: Yes. I read over it last month, and it has a lot of
to make up for the delay. I’ll see if our manager is fine potential. We received hundreds of submissions, but
with that. have chosen your book for publication.
M: OK. I’ll inform you as soon as the food is ready. W: Oh, that’s great to hear! I’m so honored!
M: However, despite our interest, there are some
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation with problems that must be addressed. Nothing too
three speakers. major—mostly stylistic issues.
영국식 발음 → 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
W: O K. Would you like to meet and further discuss
W1: Wilma, I think our nonprofit organization needs a
M: Yes. Are you available next Tuesday at 1 p . m .?
more effective fund-raising method.
There’s a quiet café across the street from my office
W2: Did you have something in mind?
where we could meet. It’s called The Oxford Club.
W1: What about an online campaign?
W: Wonderful. See you then.
W2: I’m not sure. Marcus, what do you think about
changing to online fund-raising?
M: We could do that. Web-based campaigns cost very Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation
little, so it could save money. I’m sure it would be with three speakers.
better than hosting fund-raising dinners like we do 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
now. M1: Can you two help me with something? An order of
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
office furniture is currently in the warehouse on the W: I see . . . Which day do you want to meet with a
other side of the factory. But the items need to be tutor?
moved to the loading dock for shipment to the M: I’m usually busy from Monday to Thursday, so Friday
customer. evenings would be best.
W: I’ve got to go to Mr. Hanson’s office now. He wants W: OK. If you could give me your e-mail address, I’ll
to discuss the new delivery trucks we are planning send you some details about the available tutor and
to purchase. the cost of the lessons.
M1: OK. What about you, Josh?
M2: I’m free now. Let’s get started right away. Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
M1: Great. Could you get a couple of handcarts? We’ll graph.
need them to move the furniture.
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
M2: S ure. Let’s meet at the warehouse in about
20 minutes. M: I finally had a chance to meet with the president and
tell her about our new advertising idea for
smartphone applications.
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. W: And? How did it go?
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 M: Not as expected. She feels that the message of the
M: Hello, my name is Raj Shan. I’m calling because advertisement is too complex. She wants us to make
there’s an issue with my credit card. Its . . . magnetic it more straightforward and easy to understand.
strip is worn, and scanners can’t read it. So, I need a W: That seems reasonable. Well, maybe we can make it
replacement. more like the one from the campaign we launched
W: Certainly, Mr. Shan. To get one, you must fill out the earlier this year. You know—the previous
necessary form on our Web site. advertisement that was released in the month in
M: Can’t we take care of that over the phone? which we had more than 11,000 views for the first
W: I’m afraid not. We have a strict procedure for such time this year.
M: Oh, I see. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
W: Just go to our Web site and then click on the card calendar.
replacement link. You’ll find the necessary instructions
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
M: OK. By the way, can I adjust the card’s credit limit on M: Hello. I’m calling because I heard you’re holding
the Web site too? special events at your botanical garden in July. Is
W: Yep, you’ll be able to do that as well. that correct?
M: Great. Thanks for the information. W: Yes. The tour of the facility is especially popular. It’s
conducted by Myra Lawrence . . . um, an assistant
botany professor from a local university.
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.
M: Actually, I’d like to take one of the classes. However,
미국식 발음 → 영국식 발음 given my work hours, I’ll only be able to attend one
W1: Have you filled the vacant manager position at our on the weekend.
Chicago factory? I’m curious because the plant’s W: Certainly. But you’ll need to sign up ahead of time on
assistant manager, Mark Mason, e-mailed me about our Web site. Simply click on the day you’d like to
the job this morning. He’d like to apply for it. attend, and you’ll be directed to the registration page.
W2: I’ve received a few applications but haven’t selected
anyone for the position yet. Please tell Mr. Mason
that I’d be happy to consider his application. And
since he’s already an employee at our company, he PART 4
doesn’t need to provide any reference letters.
W1: OK, I’ll message him after lunch to let him know.
Questions 71-73 refer to the following talk.
He’ll most likely send you his résumé within a day or
영국식 발음
two. Good luck deciding on an applicant.
Welcome to the Masami Teahouse in Kyoto, Japan. The
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and teahouse was built in the late 1700s and originally served
schedule. as a private club for prestigious members of society. As
you can see on this map, the complex includes a large
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
dining area, kitchen, ceremonial rooms, garden, and even
W: You’ve reached the Wilson Language Academy. sleeping quarters for guests. Moreover, the teahouse was
M: Hello. I’m interested in taking Spanish lessons with a also used for numerous special occasions, including
private tutor once a week. weddings, political gatherings, and receptions for
W: Have you studied Spanish before? members of the royal family. It now functions as a popular
M: Yes, but I need to improve my business vocabulary. tourist site.
My company merged with a firm in Madrid, and I’ll be
inspecting its factory next month. I need to be able to
communicate with the people showing me around the
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 74-76 refer to the following advertisement. Questions 86-88 refer to the following excerpt from a
호주식 발음 talk.
Whether you are decorating a reception hall or looking for 영국식 발음
a simple gift, Green Solutions has the perfect floral I’d like to thank Littleton Books for inviting me here this
arrangement for you! That’s because we are one of evening. And I’m also grateful to everyone in the
Edinburgh’s largest floral shops. In fact, we have over audience for showing up. Today, I’ll be sharing several
3,000 square meters of showroom space full of beautiful excerpts from my latest book, Tiger in the Night. This
plants and vases. To view our huge selection of premade work is an autobiography based on my experiences in a
arrangements, come to our store at 341 Vincent Street. South African town, including my troubled teenage years
Customers who mention this advertisement to one of our and my struggles in becoming a published writer. If you
cashiers will qualify for a 5 percent discount on any like what you hear, the book is currently 10 percent off.
purchase. Copies have been placed in the back of the room.
Questions 77-79 refer to the following telephone Questions 89-91 refer to the following speech.
캐나다식 발음
캐나다식 발음 I am honored to be here on behalf of Lifan Industries at
Hello. This is Eric Krauss from Timberlake Flea Market. this year’s Consumer Electronics Show. Lifan Industries
I’m calling for Theresa McCartney, who I met with last was founded over 25 years ago as a supplier of plastic
Tuesday. We received over 50 applications for the parts to television manufacturers. Over time, however,
vendor stall that will soon be available, so it wasn’t easy we have produced increasingly high-tech products.
to decide who to pick. However, I really liked your Today, Lifan has exclusive contracts to produce LED
paintings, and I think having a painter around would screens and chipsets for major corporations such as
attract a new set of shoppers. Now, the booth that was Silverstar, Vivica, and PTF. What’s more, I’m pleased to
advertised is currently occupied, but it will be vacant in announce that Lifan Industries will begin producing
three weeks. In the meantime, we need to get your consumer electronics under its own brand next year. If
signature on the rental agreement. I’ll be in the office you’ll all turn your attention to the screen here, I’ll give
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. tomorrow, so stop by anytime. you a glimpse of some of the products that we plan to
launch in January.
Questions 80-82 refer to the following news report.
미국식 발음 Questions 92-94 refer to the following telephone
In other news, transportation officials in Austin have message.
temporarily halted construction of the SwiftRail commuter 미국식 발음
train system. The interruption comes amid criticism from Good morning, Mr. Parker. This is Akita Kang from
a group of local citizens. Residents from the Kingfield Goldman and Associates. I’m interested in having you
neighborhood are claiming that rail lines are being built audition for a movie that my agency has been hired to do
too close to their homes. Mary Stenos, the head of the the casting for. I was going to speak to your agent about
transportation department, held a press conference on this, but she is apparently on vacation until next month.
Wednesday regarding the matter. She stated that So, I decided to contact you directly. Anyway, it is a
residents’ complaints were being taken seriously and that supporting role in a romantic comedy. I know . . . Most of
work on the SwiftRail would be stopped until the issue is your parts have been in action movies. But it’s a great
resolved. She also said that updates will continue to be opportunity to expand your résumé and try something
posted at www.swiftrail.gov to keep the public informed new. You have several days to make a decision. I’ll send
on the progress of construction. you a preliminary copy of the screenplay to look over. Let
me know what you think.
Questions 83-85 refer to the following advertisement.
호주식 발음 Questions 95-97 refer to the following talk and floor
If you are looking to hire trained security personnel to plan.
protect your home or business, contact Ace Solutions 호주식 발음
today. We can provide access to over 10,000 trained Thank you all so much for joining our annual job fair.
guards throughout the country who are available for Your participation will be especially appreciated by our
employment on a permanent or short-term basis. All of students. Many of them have experienced problems
the individuals we represent undergo a rigorous screening finding companies interested in hiring recent college
process to confirm their work experience, educational graduates during this recession. We’re happy to welcome
history, and professional certification. This means that many new corporate partners this year, including our
you do not have to worry about searching for qualified sponsor, Global Education. Just one quick note. There
applicants. In addition, if you sign up for a membership has been a switch in the room assignments. We originally
before April 2, you will receive 50 percent off your first planned to have representatives from engineering
month of service. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! companies in Hall B, but more of these types of firms
Please feel free to call our customer service hotline for sent workers than expected, so we’ve decided to let them
more information. use the larger space next door. OK, feel free to set up
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
final expense report on Friday. Thank you.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 08 5 영국식 발음
41 (D) 42 (B) 43 (C) 44 (D) 45 (B) (D) Some bicycles have been left unattended.
46 (C) 47 (B) 48 (B) 49 (A) 50 (D)
51 (B) 52 (C) 53 (C) 54 (A) 55 (D)
56 (D) 57 (B) 58 (A) 59 (B) 60 (C) PART 2
61 (C) 62 (A) 63 (B) 64 (B) 65 (A)
66 (B) 67 (C) 68 (B) 69 (C) 70 (C) 7
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
71 (D) 72 (D) 73 (C) 74 (A) 75 (B) Who can register for the business Spanish class?
76 (C) 77 (D) 78 (B) 79 (C) 80 (A) (A) Anyone interested may sign up.
81 (B) 82 (D) 83 (B) 84 (B) 85 (A) (B) It’s right by the cash register.
(C) Kendra is our newest instructor.
86 (C) 87 (D) 88 (D) 89 (A) 90 (C)
91 (A) 92 (C) 93 (B) 94 (D) 95 (B)
8 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
96 (A) 97 (C) 98 (B) 99 (A) 100 (B)
Which of our clients will have to pay increased fees?
(A) They all will.
(B) I processed the payment.
(C) Because of rising costs.
9 미국식 발음 → 영국식 발음
Have you considered switching to a different bank?
1 캐나다식 발음
(A) Just a $50 cash withdrawal, please.
(A) They are traveling along a road.
(B) You’d better let the accountant know.
(B) They are removing their backpacks.
(C) I like my current one well enough.
(C) They are biking down a path.
(D) They are walking near some trees.
10 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
2 영국식 발음
Let’s take a walk through the park.
(A) I’ll go grab my jacket.
(A) A man is typing on a keyboard.
(B) It’s underneath that tree.
(B) A man is leaning on an armrest.
(C) About two miles.
(C) A woman is pushing a chair.
(D) A woman is pointing at a monitor.
11 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
3 미국식 발음
I don’t know how to fill out the new time sheet.
(A) I think I saw it on your desk.
(A) Some dirt is piled next to a shed.
(B) Ask Sue to give you a hand.
(B) A worker is spraying a stream of water at the
(C) My friend showed me around.
(C) A gardener has grasped a hose with both hands.
12 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(D) A gardener is rinsing a tool near a flower bed.
Where did you decide to hold the fundraising
4 호주식 발음
(A) A few options are being discussed.
(A) Some trucks are being loaded with goods.
(B) Most of the guests have arrived.
(B) A garage door is being closed.
(C) It will take place next Saturday.
(C) Some lights are attached to the ceiling.
(D) A vehicle window is damaged.
13 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
(A) That color suits you. (B) The airline has misplaced my luggage.
(B) All items of clothing are on sale. (C) The store is still open.
(C) There’s no charge for that.
23 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
14 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 Employees receive a commission on every appliance
Is North Road closed off for street repairs? that they sell.
(A) Yes, until next week. (A) That model is one of our top sellers.
(B) No, the shop is on Leland Drive. (B) That’s a great incentive for workers.
(C) That is the quickest route. (C) Actually, we visited a local dealership.
Wouldn’t you rather have a first class seat for the How long can I use this transit pass?
flight? (A) You can buy it at the ticket office.
(A) No, I wanted coffee instead. (B) It’s good for two more weeks.
(B) I’ve already arrived at the Gimpo airport. (C) Transfer at Stanford Station.
(C) Yes, but it’s too expensive.
25 호주식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
16 Has anyone confirmed tonight’s dinner reservations
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(B) Don’t you think the frames are too large? (B) The restaurant on Elm Street.
(C) Customers seem to be happy with the results. (C) Didn’t your secretary contact the restaurant?
17 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 26 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
Is the new line of sportswear going to be launched The CEO offered you a position as a sales manager,
on schedule? didn’t she?
(A) About two months ago. (A) I really appreciate your offer.
(B) It is very popular with consumers. (B) No, that’s just a rumor.
(C) The launch has been pushed back. (C) I plan to host the corporate executives.
18 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 27 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
Apparently, Abby from the human resources What time will the volunteers show up for the event?
department was promoted. (A) At the main entrance.
(A) I hadn’t heard about the outing. (B) I’ll have to check with Ann.
(B) Mr. Richard has named her regional director. (C) There are 30 expected guests.
(C) They’re promoting a new product.
28 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
19 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 Please set up two additional workspaces.
Where do you want to get together to plan our (A) I’ll take care of that now.
backpacking trip? (B) OK, but subtract the sum from the bill.
(A) I don’t have a preference. (C) Everyone had his or her own station.
(B) Our gear must be packed.
(C) Don’t you think we should camp for a few nights? 29 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
stipulated in the rental agreement? together for our bakery.
W: The car is undamaged, but I unfortunately wasn’t M: What do you think of it?
able to put gas in the tank before coming here. W: It looks good, but I’m worried because the sale we’re
M: Oh, then I’ll have to charge you an additional fee. having on cream-filled donuts isn’t mentioned in it.
Please wait a moment while I make the adjustment to M: Unfortunately, the advertisement only runs for
your bill. 30 seconds, so I couldn’t include everything.
W: In that case, could you take out the part at the end
that shows the interior of our shop?
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation.
M: Remove the final segment? You specifically asked
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
for that content to be included.
W: It seems like the book fair went well overall. W: I know. But providing information about the sale is
M: For the most part. However, fewer people showed up
more important at this point.
than expected. That was a bit of a letdown. M: OK. I understand now. I’ll make those changes this
W: Y eah, I was a little disappointed by that as well. afternoon.
Personally, I think we should have better advertised
the event in order to attract more participants.
Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
M: I suggested running an online marketing campaign a
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
few months ago. I’m not sure why our boss,
Ms. Gabbert, never followed up on my M: Hello. This is Danny Martinson calling from Westend
recommendation. Boutique. I’m sorry, but the evening gown you
W: I think she couldn’t allocate any more money for the ordered online was returned to our shipping facility as
fair because our advertising budget had already been the address you entered was inaccurate.
W: I apologize for that. Could you please resend it?
used for other projects.
I live at 3258 Pleasant Avenue, Denver, Colorado.
M: Certainly. It’ll take about five days to reach you.
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation.
W: O K, that’s acceptable. While I have you on the
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
phone, can you explain how to use discount coupons
M: Susan, I was very impressed with the article you on your Web site? I’ve had trouble with them in the
handed in last Thursday about popular Kentsville past.
dining spots. Also, a lot of people have posted on M: Before you complete your order, click the green
social media about one of the restaurants you “Promotions” button on the bottom of the page. Then,
mentioned. Uh, Lima Kitchen, the Peruvian type the coupon code into the box that appears to
restaurant that opened just recently . . . apply the discount, and click “Submit.”
W: T hanks, Chris. It’s nice to hear that the public is
pleased with what I wrote.
Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
M: Given the positive feedback, maybe you should do
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
something similar. You could write a piece about
another new dining establishment in the area. M: OK, Ms. Kelly, what seems to be the problem with
W: I’ve been asked to do just that, actually. I’m about to your wrist?
go to our head editor’s office to discuss that W: Well, it’s been bothering me a lot at my job lately.
assignment right now. I bend my right wrist repetitively at work, so I think
that might be the cause of the pain. I work in a shoe
manufacturing facility, and I’m often pulling levers on
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation with
massive equipment.
three speakers.
M: I see. In that case, I’ll prescribe you some
캐나다식 발음 → 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
pain-killing medication. However, I recommend you
M1: There isn’t enough space in our garage to do all the speak with your boss about ways to ensure that the
repair work that we have been getting. Allen, do you constant motions aren’t causing you any injuries in
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
our 10 a.m. staff meeting, I’ll ask which ones he feels to the theater. How long can I leave it there?
are most effective. M: Oh, you should move it. Parking is not permitted
W: If he offers specific suggestions, can you let me know there. I suggest using the garage across the street.
after lunch? That way I can upload the posting this
afternoon. Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
with three speakers. M: Hello, and welcome to Engel’s Department Store. Is
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 there anything I can help you with?
W1: Welcome to First United Bank. How can I help you? W: There is. I recently purchased some clothing here,
M: I’m here to apply for a loan to support my small and I noticed this pair of shoes was incorrectly
business. I read about your financial services in the scanned in as the more expensive deluxe version of
Folsom Herald. the Wriggly line.
W2: Sorry, but I can assist you at this window regarding M: Let me confirm the error quickly . . . Yes, you’re right.
that matter, sir. My name is Jessica, and I work in I apologize for the mistake. I can give you a slip
the loan department. indicating store credit for the difference.
M: Oh, sure. I own a self-service laundry facility, which W: That’ll do. Oh . . . by the way, I wanna return this
needs multiple new washing and drying machines. shirt, which I purchased at the same time.
The total amount of money I’ll need for them is M: Sorry, but sale items can’t be refunded.
W: Actually, this one wasn’t discounted.
W2: OK. However, the first step is completing a loan
application. That will allow us to determine how Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
much you qualify for. So, we should get started on instructions.
that right away.
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Corporation’s comprehensive, five-year warranty. Now, management previously said personnel should not ask
I’m sure many of you are wondering about cost, and I’ll for the day off. Yet, several people recently made leave
go over that in detail soon. But first, I’d like to give a brief requests. I’d like you to explain the situation to your team
demonstration of this amazing product in action. members. I trust that they’ll understand our limitations.
Questions 74-76 refer to the following telephone Questions 86-88 refer to the following talk.
영국식 발음
호주식 발음 As you know, the Star Resort chain is planning to develop
Hi, Ryan. It’s Martin Dickey from the International several sites throughout the country next year. And this
Business Institute. I just received a copy of the speech will open up management positions at the new hotels. I
you plan to give for our lecture series on infrastructure received an e-mail from the CEO this morning stating that
investment and overseas development. Overall, I’m very he would prefer to promote existing employees to fill
pleased with it. However, I do have a recommendation. these roles. He wants each hotel to implement a
You might want to use visual materials to illustrate the mentorship program for employees who demonstrate
data in your report—photographs or charts, for example. leadership skills. This will guarantee a large pool of
One other thing . . . I just found out that Carol Wilkins has suitable management candidates. To begin with, I would
to give her lecture on Friday given her travel plans. So, like each of you to provide a list of employees in your
regarding your talk, June 15 works best for us. I’m hoping departments that have management potential. Um,
that will be fine since you said you’ll be in New York City e-mail it to me by Wednesday.
through Sunday.
Questions 89-91 refer to the following radio broadcast.
Questions 77-79 refer to the following advertisement. 호주식 발음
미국식 발음 You’re listening to Melbourne Today on 103.9 FM. My
If you’re planning on building your own home, then now is guest this afternoon is Marsha Summers, a
the time to buy property! Silver Property Management is world-renowned explorer who has been featured on the
selling a large number of undeveloped, one-acre lots Adventure Channel and the Outdoor Channel, as well as
along Lake Brandon at reasonable prices. These lots in countless magazines and newspapers. For the past
have spectacular views and ample space for a range of year, she’s been making her way across the world in a
landscaping possibilities. Another advantage is that while privately owned sailboat with a crew of only three people.
these properties have never had homes erected on them, She landed in Australia two days ago and departs for
they are ready to be connected to Hartford County’s Thailand tomorrow. I plan to ask Ms. Summers about
water, electric, and sewer systems. There is a great deal Marine Protectors, a nonprofit organization she founded
of interest in these lots, and we expect them to sell out that is dedicated to protecting the wildlife in the world’s
quickly. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity! If you oceans. We urge all of our listeners to support this
would like someone to show you around our site on Lake group’s efforts. Information on how to make a contribution
Brandon, call our office at 555-9000 to make an is available at www.marineprotectors.com.
Questions 92-94 refer to the following talk.
Questions 80-82 refer to the following talk. 영국식 발음
호주식 발음 Everyone, please gather round. I have a few details to
As the volunteer coordinator, I’d like to welcome you to share about today’s plan before leading you on your
the Fairfield Senior Center. Our facility is on a tight Norwegian Heritage Tour. Please note that there’s been
budget, so your assistance is greatly appreciated. First, I a small change to our plan. Ottosen Castle was supposed
would like to briefly explain your duties. You will be to be our first stop, but the building was badly damaged
expected to organize activities, which means, you’ll be in a recent storm. However, we can begin our morning
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
10:10 a.m. All others will start at 10:25 a.m. Please also
note that West Air Flight 382, originally scheduled to
depart at 10:30 a.m. for Houston, will be delayed due to an
issue with one of its fuel lines. Technicians are inspecting
the aircraft now and will update us shortly. More
information regarding the status of this flight will be
provided to passengers at 11 a.m. Thank you.
Questions 98-100 refer to the following telephone
message and sign.
캐나다식 발음
Hi, Sandra. I got your message about the team-building
exercise you’re arranging for our department. I really like
your idea of playing a soccer game at a park. Actually,
there’s a great spot where we can play just a few miles
from our workplace—Berkley Park. Maybe you’ve heard
of it? It has a large field that can be reserved in advance.
The only downside is that there’s very limited parking.
People will have to use the nearby East Street Garage.
We’ll probably only play for an hour, but I imagine we’ll
want to hang out a bit afterward, so people will have to
pay for two hours. Hopefully, that won’t be an issue.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 09 5 캐나다식 발음
41 (C) 42 (C) 43 (A) 44 (B) 45 (B)
46 (D) 47 (C) 48 (C) 49 (A) 50 (D)
51 (B) 52 (D) 53 (D) 54 (C) 55 (D)
56 (C) 57 (B) 58 (D) 59 (C) 60 (A)
61 (D) 62 (D) 63 (A) 64 (D) 65 (A) 7 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
66 (C) 67 (D) 68 (A) 69 (D) 70 (C) Who proofread these documents?
71 (B) 72 (C) 73 (A) 74 (C) 75 (D) (A) The copy editor.
76 (B) 77 (B) 78 (C) 79 (C) 80 (A) (B) Some customer surveys.
81 (B) 82 (D) 83 (D) 84 (B) 85 (C) (C) Mr. Kinsley can come.
86 (C) 87 (A) 88 (B) 89 (D) 90 (D)
8 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
91 (A) 92 (D) 93 (C) 94 (B) 95 (B)
Why is the company hiring more employees?
96 (C) 97 (A) 98 (B) 99 (B) 100 (A)
(A) I’ll accompany you.
(B) The personnel department.
(C) There are many upcoming projects.
PART 1 9 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(A) It really suits you.
1 캐나다식 발음
(B) Just a short trim, please.
(A) He is lifting a vase off the floor.
(C) At the place on State Street.
(B) He is shaping a piece of pottery.
(C) He is setting bowls onto a shelf.
10 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(D) He is wiping off his hands.
Can’t the deadline be extended by a day?
2 영국식 발음
(A) Decreased enrollment.
(B) Unfortunately not.
(A) They are preparing a meal.
(C) Last Monday.
(B) They are rinsing some plates.
(C) They are serving food to some guests.
11 영국식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(D) They are facing each other.
My furniture was delivered this morning.
3 호주식 발음
(A) What did you order?
(B) For my redecorated bedroom.
(A) She is picking up a backpack.
(C) They will be shipped soon.
(B) She is looking into a mirror.
(C) She is packing items into a suitcase.
12 캐나다식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(D) She is grasping on to a handle.
Do you know how to use this new oven?
4 영국식 발음
(A) It didn’t cost much.
(B) When we return from dinner.
(A) People are working on a platform.
(C) Sure, let me show you how.
(B) Some windows are being shut.
(C) Workers are climbing a ladder.
13 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(D) Some machinery is being repaired.
Putting this bookcase together was fairly easy,
wasn’t it?
(A) It wasn’t there when I looked.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
16 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (A) They want to tour the location.
Are travel expenses covered by our firm? (B) His office is the door on your left.
(A) Only airfare and accommodations.
(C) I’ll have the contractor come as well.
(B) We’re a manufacturing company.
(C) That’s quite expensive.
26 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
business reports?
The demonstration of our new product went (A) John printed the company documents.
extremely well this morning. (B) They’re profiles on past clients.
(A) The expo continues throughout the week. (C) In the white cabinet.
(B) A limited number of products are still available.
(C) Yes, the director seemed impressed. 27 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
18 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (A) It was held in Mexico City.
The gym should replace these cycling machines, (B) Yes, we want to go.
shouldn’t it? (C) Advertising methods.
(A) Sam would rather walk there instead.
(B) They don’t seem very old to me. 28 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(C) Those are the membership rates. These pamphlets need to be put into envelopes.
(A) I’ll get some from the supply room.
19 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (B) I bought them at the stationery store.
When do I need to return this manual to you? (C) Thanks, but I don’t need any more.
(A) I expect to speak at a seminar.
(B) He’ll look at the instructions. 29 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(C) By noon at the latest. How can I make a payment for my cable service?
(A) She’s not able to pay it this afternoon.
20 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (B) You can do that on our Web site.
Do you want me to look over our budget figures? (C) Yes, more than 50 channels.
(A) Over 100 attendees.
(B) Thanks. That would help a lot. 30 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) To the accounting division. Would you like a hand contacting our donors?
(A) At the previous fundraiser.
21 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 (B) Patrick is helping me.
Who will be in charge of organizing the safety drill? (C) The contract was completed.
(A) Either Angela or Mathew.
(B) They won’t go. 31 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(C) Actually, it’s still too large. The color of that carpet sample seems far too bright.
(A) After we spread them around the room.
22 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 (B) Some rugs for our main reception area.
Have you met our new board chairman? (C) Would you like to see something a bit darker?
(A) No, it wasn’t posted on the bulletin board.
(B) We were introduced this morning.
(C) These chairs are very comfortable.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
the project, right?
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation M: Jenna Adams will be the team leader. I’ll only be
involved in the early stages.
with three speakers.
W: This is going to be her first time in a management
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음 → 호주식 발음
role, isn’t it?
W: Hey, Mike and Floyd. Did you guys see the memo M: Yes. But she has worked on similar projects in the
from human resources about the upcoming changes past, so I’m confident that she will do well.
to the travel expense policy?
M1: Yes. I’m glad the company has decided to increase
Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
the amount that employees can be reimbursed to
영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
$5,000 per trip.
W: Don’t you think it’s a bit high? On my last business W: Hey, Larry. How are things going here at the ticketing
trip, I didn’t spend more than $1,600 for all my travel office? I just want to check and see if the new
software we installed is working OK.
M1: Sure . . . but you and the other sales staff don’t have M: Oh, it’s been wonderful! It is easy to use and saves a
to travel internationally. lot of time. I’ve been able to serve twice as many
M2: Exactly. Members of the technology team, like Floyd customers as usual this morning.
and I, go abroad frequently to complete projects. W: That’s good news. I was hoping it would make your
W: Oh, right. I forgot that your department is putting in job easier. Do you think any other agents will need
the computer system for one of our international training on how to use it?
partners’ new headquarters. M: Yes. Two new employees are starting next week, so
I’ll have to provide them with some instructions.
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation.
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
M: Ms. Ellison, is it possible for us to get new computer
monitors for the office? The graphic designers say M: Welcome to Prim Hair. Do you have an appointment
the resolution quality of our current computer screens with one of our stylists today?
is rather poor. It seems to negatively impact their W: O h, I’ve stopped in to view your selection of
work. merchandise. I use Nature’s Touch shampoo and
W: I’ve been meaning to do that for quite a while. We was told that you carry the brand. If so, I’d like to buy
couldn’t afford to upgrade in the past, but we have some.
enough funds this month. I’ll ask the office manager to M: Yes, we do. Also, we’re having a promotion on that
order high-resolution monitors for all our designers. brand this week, so everything from that line is
M: They will certainly appreciate that. And if you’re available for 10 percent off its normal retail price.
unsure about which models to get, I can ask the staff W: That’s great. I’ll look over what you have in stock.
for their opinions on the matter.
Questions 53-55 refer to the following conversation.
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
W: I just went through the financial report prepared by
W: Hi, Adrian. I need to talk to you about our plans for the accounting team. I’m a little concerned because
tomorrow. I know I offered to drive us to the sales have declined at many of the cosmetics stores
amusement park in the morning, but I don’t think I’ll we operate.
be able to. For some reason, my car won’t start. I’m M: I know. Apparently, our main competitor now offers
going to have it towed to a repair center to be fixed. an online service. Customers can order products
M: That’s OK. Rachel should still have room in her van, through the company’s Web site and have them
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
delivered on the same day. In contrast, our Questions 65-67 refer to the following conversation and
customers have to visit our shops in person. list.
W: That’s not good. We need to figure out a way to be 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
more competitive.
M: Well, the solution seems obvious . . . We should M: Sorry, ma’am. I know you’ve been sitting here for a
develop a similar service. few minutes, but I had to finish up at another table
W: Yeah. I’m going to put together a presentation about before serving you. Have you had a chance to review
this for the CEO. the menu?
W: No need to apologize. As for food, I think I know what
I want—the olive and artichoke pasta, please.
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. M: An excellent choice. And for your side dish? The
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 lemon kale salad is particularly wonderful.
M: Hi, Brenda. Do you have any plans for this Saturday? W: That sounds a bit light to me. I think I’ll go with the
I was hoping to go to the opening of a photo exhibit at third choice. Also . . . do you have chamomile tea? I’d
Mendez Gallery with some other members from our really enjoy some.
department. Would you like to come with us? M: Let me ask our kitchen staff when I put in your order.
W: Thanks for the invitation. I was supposed to meet my I’ll let you know shortly.
friend Peter, but he called and said he couldn’t make
it due to a family obligation. So, I’d be happy to come Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
with you to the exhibit instead. chart.
M: Wonderful! I’m sure you’ll like the nature and
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
landscape pictures at the gallery. By the way, we’re
thinking of having lunch at a café in the area before M: Did you hear we’ll be taking a business trip to
going to the gallery. You are more than welcome to Baltimore soon?
join us. W: Yeah. I found out about an hour ago that we’ve been
selected to present our firm’s annual sales figures to
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation.
M: That’s right. We’ve got a lot of things to prepare. But
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 I’m looking forward to going to Baltimore. I’ve always
wanted to visit there. Plus, I was informed that all of
M: Hello, this is Joshua Curtis from Ridley Institute. We
were supposed to receive a piece of specialty our costs will be covered.
laboratory equipment from your store last Friday, but W: Oh, that reminds me . . . Ms. Owens asked me to
it wasn’t delivered. book our flight. What time do you want to leave on
W: Oh, I apologize for that. Your item was most likely June 6?
included in the recent shipment, which was delayed M: I have a big meeting that morning, so let’s take the
due to bad weather. Now that weather conditions earliest flight in the afternoon.
have improved, your order will be mailed out today.
M: I hope I get the machine soon because we’ll need it
for our next research project. Do you know when the
shipment will arrive here? PART 4
W: It should take about three to five business days.
Questions 71-73 refer to the following telephone
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and message.
map. 미국식 발음
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
Hello, this is Jamie Foster at Phoenix Merchandising.
W: I just heard that the CEO of Lorcam Industries will This message is for Ms. Helen Rohan. I need to inform
visit our office this afternoon. Apparently, she is you that the specific model of VelociClean vacuum
considering placing a large order with us. cleaner that you ordered is out of stock. However, we do
M: I know. Our director wants me to organize a dinner have something similar called the Weyden Platinum. It is
so that our management team can meet her. lightweight and removes more dirt from carpets than other
W: Have you found a suitable place yet? models. Because of its design, it’s easy to control and
M: Yes. The Belleview Bistro on the corner of Johnson move around any indoor space. And since we were
Street and Elm Avenue . . . I’m going to stop by there unable to fulfill your original request, we can offer you
this afternoon to pay the deposit for a private room. free delivery if you purchase the Weyden product. If
W: Sounds good. Oh, by the way . . . I made the changes you’re interested, you should visit our shop, and I’ll show
you requested to the employee manual yesterday. the vacuum to you.
M: Great. Just e-mail it to me, and I’ll have a look at it.
Questions 74-76 refer to the following advertisement.
호주식 발음
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Pure Athletics. Power Source is infused with various contemporary paintings you created and said she’d be
essential vitamins that will give you the extra energy you delighted to exhibit them there in October. I know you
require during your favorite physical activity. And now, use oversized canvasses for your work, and Electric
check out our special online promotion. If you fill out a Space has tall ceilings and a large back entrance. So,
short survey on our Web site, you will receive a coupon please let me know your thoughts on the opportunity as
for a free bottle of our newest Power Source flavor, Berry soon as you can.
Mix. But this offer is only good until supplies run out, so
act now. This won’t last for long! Questions 89-91 refer to the following announcement.
캐나다식 발음
Questions 77-79 refer to the following telephone
May I have your attention, please? An inspector from the
Federal Department of Safety will be visiting our plant
캐나다식 발음
next Friday, the 12th. I just want to remind you all of a
Good evening, Ms. Jameson. This is Richard Powell few things. First, because the inspector will examine
calling from Smithson & Howard. As you already know, each work area, you all must ensure that our safety
we are supposed to get together at your office this equipment is in good condition. Following this meeting, I
afternoon to review design plans that my firm has created will hand out lists of things to check. Please fill these out
for your new home. However, an emergency meeting has and hand them in to your supervisor by the end of the
come up, which I must go to at 1 p.m. Consequently, I day. Also, there will be a short meeting at
can’t visit you today but will be sending a colleague of 3 o’clock for all departmental managers. Since the
mine, Lori Fielding, to take my place. She’s familiar with conference room has been reserved already, we’ll gather
the plans for the house. I apologize for the inconvenience in my office. At that time, we will go over the entire
and appreciate your understanding. schedule of events for the day the inspector visits our
facility. OK, that’s all for now.
Questions 80-82 refer to the following broadcast.
캐나다식 발음 Questions 92-94 refer to the following speech.
영국식 발음
This is Patrick West reporting live for WRRE Eyewitness
News. I’m here at West Wellington Park, and we’ve got Today marks an important development for both
warmer than usual temperatures, a nice breeze, and Hanaway Industries and Glarris Technologies. Now that
clear skies again on the last day of the annual Cherry our two companies have combined to form Hanaway and
Festival, so come on down. There’s something for Glarris Incorporated, we are the largest information
everyone. Kids will enjoy the exciting rides and games, technology firm in Europe. By consolidating our resources,
parents will appreciate the musical and cultural shows, we have positioned ourselves to serve clients more
and both will love the delicious food being served by the successfully than ever. This will surely be a benefit to our
many booths set up here. The festival will end tonight customers and the industry as a whole. However, we
after the 8 p.m. Mississippi Mounds concert. I’ll be joined have a lot of work to do before we become fully
by the event organizer after a short commercial break, so operational. To that effect, employees from both of the
be sure to stay tuned. formerly separate companies must continue to establish
effective communication with each other in order to
Questions 83-85 refer to the following instructions. improve efficiency. That will be our primary focus over
the next two months.
미국식 발음
Hello, everyone. It’s a pleasure to have you all here at Questions 95-97 refer to the following telephone
The Culinary House. Today, you will be learning how to
message and invoice.
make homemade pizza. This will be the first of three
호주식 발음
dishes that you’re going to make. I’ve already set printed
booklets on the counters containing all of the recipes that Hello, Mr. Meade. This is Matthew from Bellville Interiors. I
you’ll need this morning. Please take them out and open want to let you know that we’ll be able to put up the
up to the recipe on the second page. Before you start wallpaper in your new office next week on March 29
cooking this meal, however, you all need to break up into rather than April 3, as one of our current projects will end
pairs. Since there aren’t enough utensils for each student, earlier than expected. You wanted us to start as soon as
everyone will have to find someone else to work with. possible, so I assume this plan is acceptable, but . . . um,
please call me back to let me know for sure. One more
Questions 86-88 refer to the following telephone thing. I double-checked the measurements of your office,
message. and it will actually take 11 rolls of wallpaper to cover the
walls. I’ll update the original invoice and send you a new
영국식 발음
copy this afternoon. The only change will be the
Hello, Zack. My name is Allison Peng, and I’m calling additional charge of $38 . . . plus tax, of course.
from Creative Prime Agency. I’ve contacted several
galleries in the Richmond area about your work and
heard back from Electric Space downtown. The curator
from that gallery expressed great interest in the
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
TEST 10 5 영국식 발음
41 (C) 42 (A) 43 (D) 44 (B) 45 (C)
46 (C) 47 (D) 48 (C) 49 (B) 50 (B)
51 (C) 52 (D) 53 (A) 54 (C) 55 (A)
56 (B) 57 (A) 58 (D) 59 (C) 60 (C)
61 (A) 62 (D) 63 (C) 64 (C) 65 (A) 7 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
66 (D) 67 (C) 68 (B) 69 (A) 70 (D) Who represented our firm at the recent expo?
71 (D) 72 (B) 73 (A) 74 (A) 75 (B) (A) It was held in Chicago.
76 (D) 77 (C) 78 (D) 79 (A) 80 (C) (B) Mr. Dawkins will be going.
81 (D) 82 (B) 83 (B) 84 (D) 85 (A) (C) The head of the marketing department.
86 (C) 87 (D) 88 (A) 89 (B) 90 (D)
8 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
91 (A) 92 (D) 93 (C) 94 (B) 95 (A)
You’re going to the welcoming party for the new
96 (B) 97 (D) 98 (B) 99 (D) 100 (A)
interns, right?
(A) Everyone from our team will be there.
(B) I’m glad it has been going well.
(C) I sent out invitations last week.
9 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
What problem are you having with the cash
1 캐나다식 발음
(A) The woman is closing a window.
(A) We accept checks too.
(B) The woman is setting down some bags.
(B) The maintenance person has one.
(C) The woman is adjusting her coat.
(C) My debit card was rejected.
(D) The woman is leaving a store.
10 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
2 영국식 발음
Hasn’t Ben decided on a vacation destination?
(A) They are installing flooring in a room.
(A) No, we stayed in Brisbane.
(B) Supplies are leaning against a wall.
(B) I don’t believe so.
(C) Some carpeting is being torn out.
(C) A vacation package.
(D) They are climbing a set of steps.
11 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
3 미국식 발음
Jamie, would you schedule me an appointment with
(A) Lamps have been set up on the floor.
the director?
(B) Necklaces are being tried on by some customers.
(A) Yes, let me draw you a map.
(C) Jewelry is being arranged in a window display.
(B) Your reservation was canceled.
(D) Cases in a store have been filled with
(C) I’ll get on it right away.
12 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
4 캐나다식 발음
You have this shirt also available in small, don’t you?
(A) A cabinet is being filled with items.
(A) Actually, that size is sold out.
(B) A piece of furniture is being dusted.
(B) I often visit this mall.
(C) The woman is hanging up a clock.
(C) The red dress is cheaper.
(D) The woman is folding a hand towel.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
When will the acquisition be announced? A customer accidentally left her purse at the register.
(A) Not for another week. (A) You can sign up online.
(B) The merger was very profitable. (B) Place it under the counter for now.
(C) I start the position tomorrow. (C) There are some on the display rack.
Is someone sitting here, or can I take this chair? How did everything go at the real estate convention
(A) I’ve been there before. in Shanghai?
(B) It will take about an hour. (A) Property values remain the same.
(C) My friend is using it, I’m afraid. (B) I made some business connections.
(C) Near the downtown convention center.
15 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
(A) Later this evening. Should we rearrange the layout of the shop?
(B) Mr. Kenichi, most likely. (A) This is her favorite boutique.
(C) Just forward them to me. (B) Yes, a few of them.
(C) I’d rather not.
16 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
Why don’t you buy an extra monitor for your 26 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(A) I already bought tickets for that. (A) Let’s have the sales team help.
(B) I’d like that, but my budget is too tight. (B) Some additional telemarketers.
(C) That sounds like a good bargain. (C) They are in the conference room.
17 27
호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음
Did we get the results from last week’s audit? Landscapers are going to plant rose bushes out front
(A) You’re right. It’s pretty odd. this morning.
(B) Yes, it’s occurring in the auditorium. (A) Why wasn’t I informed sooner?
(C) We’ll receive them later today. (B) Yesterday afternoon.
(C) The gardening course has a fee.
18 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
When did Amit originally establish his business? 28 미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
(A) The store opens at 8 a.m. Haven’t you already been accepted to a college?
(B) A little over two years ago. (A) Here are your course materials.
(C) Just around the corner. (B) Yes, it’s been filled out.
(C) Quite a few, actually.
19 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
Which of these briefcases should I buy? 29 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(A) They’re both very nice. Beginning next month, all personnel will be required
(B) Yes, to replace my old one. to use security badges.
(C) Thanks. I got them online. (A) We’d better notify the employees soon then.
(B) The president is obligated to attend.
20 영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 (C) State safety regulations.
Which applicant do you think we should hire?
(A) It depends on the interview results. 30 미국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
(B) Several people have applied for the position. Aren’t our subscription levels continuing to increase?
(C) The company is opening a new branch. (A) You have to refill your prescription.
(B) According to the head accountant.
21 호주식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (C) I’m continuing to review applications.
Everyone seemed to enjoy the gathering last night.
(A) At George’s house in the country. 31 호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음
(B) A reservation for three nights. What did the manufacturer do when you asked for a
(C) Yes, they had a good time. refund?
(A) One of the warehouses at the factory.
22 캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음 (B) They accommodated my request.
Why don’t we take a 10-minute coffee break? (C) We changed the return policy.
(A) Can you wait half an hour?
(B) He has been coughing all day.
(C) About two days ago.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
banquets last year, and everyone seemed to enjoy you just use public transportation? I’m sure it would
their music. You should get in touch with them. be a lot faster than driving.
W: W ell, the nearest subway or bus station from my
Questions 35-37 refer to the following conversation. apartment is 20 minutes on foot. With the cold weather
here, I prefer not to walk. So, I usually end up taking
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
my car.
M: This launch for our firm’s GPS navigation device is M: Actually, the Transport Authority just changed its city
going very well. It might be the most successful event bus routes. I think bus 402 now stops in your
that I’ve overseen since I started working as the neighborhood, so that would be really convenient for
manager of the product development team. you. I’ll forward you a link to the city Web site for you
W: Yes, a lot of technology bloggers and industry figures to review.
have shown up. They all seem very impressed with
the device. Hopefully, they’ll bring positive attention
Questions 47-49 refer to the following conversation.
to it as well as our firm.
캐나다식 발음 → 미국식 발음
M: I think they will. In fact, I just spoke with Emily Scott,
a staff writer from Everyday Science. She intends to M: Rochester Convention Center. How can I help you?
publish a favorable review about our product on her W: Good morning. I’m calling about the Westgate Auto
company’s Web site. Show on May 18. I know that tickets are $20 per
person, but I will be attending with the other members
Questions 38-40 refer to the following conversation of my auto club. Is it possible for us to get a group
with three speakers. rate?
M: Yes. But you’ll need to discuss it with Carol
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 → 캐나다식 발음
Humphrey who is in charge of group ticket sales. Her
M1: I’m glad you’re both here. I was just going through e-mail address is [email protected].
the sample we received from the printer. W: G reat. We’re really excited about the upcoming
W: Do you mean the Psychology 101 textbook that we exhibit of antique cars.
will publish on March 31? M: We have some promotional material from the
M1: Right. But we have a problem. The graph on page company that is organizing that event. Why don’t I
234 was printed upside down. We will have to send it to you?
postpone publication because there are 5,000 W: I picked up a brochure yesterday. But thanks.
copies that will need to be reprinted.
M2: You know, there was a similar situation last year,
Questions 50-52 refer to the following conversation.
and the printer just replaced the page that contained
영국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
the error. The entire process took only a few days.
M1: That’s a relief. I’ll call the printer now and explain the W: I heard that you just returned from your business trip
situation. to Cape Town. How did it go?
W: Actually, I have to discuss some shipping charges M: Everything related to work went well, but the rest of
with the manager of the print shop. I’ll go there now my time there was a bit disappointing. It rained
and deal with this as well. throughout my stay, so I didn’t get a chance to walk
around the city.
Questions 41-43 refer to the following conversation. W: That’s a shame. Cape Town has various public parks
and some really beautiful monuments. I suppose you
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음
weren’t able to see any of them.
W: Good morning. I’m planning to take golf lessons, and M: No, I had to spend most of my free time in my hotel
I’d like to rent a set of clubs from your shop. I’ll need room. On the day before my departure, I watched a
them for three months, starting from today. traditional dance at a nearby cultural center, though.
M: N ot a problem. Our rental prices are quite It was very interesting.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
they will be able to access them later on. need to participate.
W: No problem, Mr. Parker. And just to let you know, we
Questions 56-58 refer to the following conversation. recently updated our menu, and there are several
호주식 발음 → 영국식 발음 new entrées available.
M: I saw that on your Web site when I downloaded a
M: Felicity Gifford, who is one of the students coming to
coupon this morning.
the library for today’s job-search workshop, uses a
W: The one for a free entrée? Actually, you won’t be
wheelchair. We need to make sure she’s able to
able to use that with your reservation for Friday
comfortably pull her wheelchair up to a table.
evening. I’m sorry.
W: Nick and I can take care of that since we’re planning
M: Oh, I see the problem. I’ll use it some other time,
to shift some of the furniture around anyway. More
people than anticipated registered for the class, so
the tables and chairs must be rearranged to make
better use of the space. Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation and
M: All right. Also, if a lot of people are coming, we should map.
have one of our staff members welcome participants 캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음
at the front door and help them find their seats. M: Juliana, two new animals are being transferred to our
zoo tomorrow.
Questions 59-61 refer to the following conversation. W: The pandas—I heard. When will they get here?
미국식 발음 → 호주식 발음 M: About an hour before the zoo opens. Anyway, could
you put some bamboo shoots in these buckets? That
W: I’m looking for someone to help me create a poster to
way, they’ll have food when they arrive.
increase awareness of our community association.
W: No problem.
Another member told me that you are a graphic
M: And after that, please check whether the panda
designer. But I thought that you work at a law firm.
enclosure is clean. If not, we should wash it out this
M: Yes, I’m a legal assistant at Beale and Associates
here in town. However, I do freelance graphic design
W: Do you mean the enclosure near the back exit on
to make extra money on the side.
Lee Drive or the one near the sea life exhibit?
W: Great. Well, we want to place the poster in cafes and
M: I’m talking about the one on Parker Lane.
other businesses in the neighborhood. Hopefully, it
will draw in more people to our weekly meetings.
Would you be willing to make it?
M: Of course! I’d be happy to volunteer my time to the
association. I’ll begin working on it this evening.
Questions 62-64 refer to the following conversation and Questions 71-73 refer to the following announcement.
table. 호주식 발음
캐나다식 발음 → 영국식 발음 Welcome to the annual South Hill Library Book Fair.
M: Thank you for calling EZ Home Cleaning. What can I Each autumn, we host a variety of special activities to
assist you with today? encourage reading among local residents. In addition to
W: M y uncle referred me to your company, and I’m offering a vast variety of both new and used books for
interested in your services. I need my floors sale, we are pleased to present a special event this
vacuumed, my furniture dusted, and my bathrooms year—an exhibition of rare first-edition books by early
cleaned. American authors. These publications are on loan from
M: We can do that for $70. If you’d like your windows the University of Minneapolis and will be displayed in the
cleaned as well, we have another package that costs lobby for the duration of the fair. And I would like to thank
this year’s corporate sponsor, Camdale Enterprises, for
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
Questions 77-79 refer to the following announcement. Questions 89-91 refer to the following telephone
영국식 발음
캐나다식 발음
Before we explore the Chakra Wildlife Park, I want you to
listen closely to the following instructions and information. Hello, Ms. Cooper. This is Trevor from Fairfield
First, food is not permitted inside the park. Second, International Bookings returning your call about a
photographs are allowed, but please do not use a flash last-minute flight to Paris tomorrow. Scheduling a
because the light scares the animals. Third, do not exit morning flight is going to be hard, but there’s a departure
the shuttle at any time during the tour. As a reminder, at 1:00 p.m. You’d have a three-hour layover in Brussels
there will be an hour lunch break at the Jungle Café after and eventually reach your destination at 11:00 p.m. I’ll be
we’re done touring the African wildlife compound. Once available throughout the day, so call me back at your
convenience to let me know if that will work for you.
everyone has finished eating, we will resume the tour by
continuing on to our Asian wildlife compound. OK, if you’ll Thank you.
please follow me, we will begin our tour.
Questions 92-94 refer to the following television
Questions 80-82 refer to the following advertisement.
미국식 발음 미국식 발음
Are you looking for something fun to do this weekend? Good morning. I’m Sandra Choi with Channel 11 News.
Then stop by Plaza Mall to celebrate the grand opening On Saturday, August 3, an organization called Our
of our new food hall on Saturday, April 14! Located Natural Resources will be holding a five-kilometer run in
beside our indoor playground on the fifth floor, the food Chicago. The goal of the event is to raise funds for the
hall includes 17 restaurants serving a variety of dishes maintenance of public parks around the city. Organizers
from all over the world. Still not sure if you should stop expect thousands of people to participate in the race and
hope to generate nearly one million dollars. Online
by? Singer Jacob Keeve will be on site this Saturday. He
will be signing copies of his latest album on the ground registration for the run will remain open until August 1, so
floor. Visit our Web site for details about this event. there are still three weeks to sign up. Financial
contributions are also being accepted from those who
Questions 83-85 refer to the following telephone cannot attend the event but would like to offer support.
호주식 발음
Questions 95-97 refer to the following recorded
message and staff directory.
Hello, Kathryn. This is James Hartman from the editorial
영국식 발음
office. The human resources department just notified me
that they’ve approved your leave request. However, your Thank you for calling Fanli Technologies. To learn more
article on extreme sports activities must be finished about our home entertainment systems, please visit our
before you complete your shift on Friday. This is very Web site at www.fanlitech.com, where you will find product
important, as the piece is going to be included in next descriptions, manuals, and warranty information. If you
month’s magazine edition. Also, your team member, know the extension of the person to whom you wish to
Joanne Marr, is going to take over responsibility for your speak, you may dial it at any time. To speak to one of our
other work while you’re away. So, please share any product management team, please dial 1099. To speak
notes or unfinished versions of next month’s story that to a member of our corporate sales team, please dial
you have with her. Feel free to drop by my office if you 1220. To speak to someone in our accounting
have any questions. Otherwise, we’ll talk again when you department about billing or payments, please dial 1330.
return. For general inquiries, press 0 to be connected to the next
available operator. If you are calling after business hours,
please stay on the line to record a message. Thank you.
해커스 토익 실전 1000제 2 Listening
the reports are likely to be true.